About smart men. Quotes about real men. Wise and meaningful

There are only three diets for men: eat less, move more and, for the most strong-willed, eat less and move more 10

Of two evils, a man chooses prettier 10

All men are boring except the ones we want. Some lady 9

Men are like soap bubbles: the first is always unsuccessful, the second is already better, but only the third is truly beautiful and rosy 10

The way to the heart of a woman, men are looking, as a rule, is not at all in the right place. And they do find it! A. Markov 10

Ideal Man: Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't race, never argues... and doesn't exist 9

It is a great honor for a man to be called a rude animal. Dovlatov 10

A man looks like April when he is courting, and December when he is married. Shakespeare 15

Since it was mainly men who knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women. 12

Only after thoroughly studying everything else, a man looks for a mind in a woman. 9

Only men can put on two socks on one foot, because one has a hole in the heel, and the other is torn on the toe 11

Young men behave towards women like timid rich men, and old men behave like impudent beggars. A. Rivarol 10

A man deals with a woman, like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes that he does not understand, which he himself produces. V. Klyuchevsky 10

An abandoned woman is an unhappy woman. An abandoned man is a free man. Sasha Guitry 7

The most attractive thing about a man is that he finds you attractive. 10

Men are surprisingly illogical: they say that all women are the same, and constantly change one for another 12

A man looks for a reflection of himself in a woman 11

A man is a creature that can wait three hours for a bite and is unable to wait 15 minutes while his wife gets dressed. 9

A man has no right to combine the words "I" and "tired." He can say once in his life: “There are no more forces!” - and die.
Karachentsov 8

There are times in a man's life when he must be a fool 9

A man, even if he could understand what a woman thinks, he still would not believe 7

A real gentleman is one who always calls a cat a cat, even if he stumbled over it in the dark. 10

Men in Russia don't get sick. They die right away 9

He who thinks about the consequences will never become a man. Georgian 8

All men are monsters. The only thing left for women is to feed them better. O. Wild 8

A man needs a wife because not everything in life can be blamed on the government 12

Men don't know that women don't know anything about them either. Maria Poroshina, actress 7

A man realizes he's in love when he loses interest in his car for a couple of days 10

A man, in order to drag a woman into bed, is capable of the most incredible things. Only a woman who has firmly decided to get married can surpass him. 5

A man tells a woman that she is not like the others, wanting to get from her the same as from others. 11

Some men read women like an open book, and they only like to read in bed. 10

Smart men are like beloved dogs: when you look into their eyes, you forget about appearance. Evgenia Fedorovskaya, journalist 9

You start smoking to prove that you are a man. And then you try to quit smoking - to prove that you are a man.
Georges Simenon 10

A man who thinks about the impression he makes on women often does not make any impression.
Marina Zudina 8

A pessimist cries in a vest, an optimist in a neckline 10

The number of clean pans in a bachelor's kitchen is always zero and does not depend on the number of pans. 9

A man's heart is not interested in what is easy to get 10

A real man can always get from a woman what she wants from him. 10

A bachelor is a person who has a table and a sofa, and the history of the sofa is much richer. Henryk Jagodzinsky 9

Some men are like fine wine: they only get better with age. 9

The main advantage of an ideal man is that he understands everything. The main disadvantage is the same 9

Decent men notice wedding rings interlocutors, but the real ones do not! 8

Men feel great until one day they suddenly drop dead. One sexologist 9

Most men prefer looks over intelligence because they are much better at seeing than they are at thinking. Alan Pease 10

Every man knows where a woman is waiting, so not everyone manages to avoid this meeting. 10

After forty, a man should only wear sports shoes. And then they might think that he is already forty. F. Begbeder 10

Men love games and danger the most. That's why they like women so much - the most dangerous toys in the world. Nietzsche 11

The ideal man is the one who creates events, and is not their miserable consumer. Alena Akhmadullina, designer 12

This article has collected best sayings, quotes, statuses and sayings about men.

Men! How much has been said about you, good and bad, good and evil. Yes, and evil. Well, yes, this is nothing ... However, it’s enough that the beautiful half of humanity dreams of its very, very man.

The world, no doubt, is ruled not only by love, but also by the most primitive stereotypes. Where do stereotypes come from? People think they know and talk, talk, talk.
This is how folk wisdom appears, which is also called aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

About men: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

Every man, in the end, chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

The visiting card of a real Man is a happy Woman next to him.

From time immemorial, men let women go ahead to appreciate their priests, and kiss their hands to calmly look at their breasts.

A man next to him should be such that he wants to listen and obey.

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet… I don’t take what they offer, I’m embarrassed to ask what I want… I have to pretend that I’m not hungry…

Men are afraid of girls they need to grow up to ... It's easier to use those that you can sink to.

You can’t understand a man with your mind, you just need to believe in a man! He must prove by deed that he can be trusted with his life!

Men are like taxis. When they are free, they light a green light. One fine day, a man decides that it's time to start a family, children and all that, and lights a fire. And the first woman he meets, he immediately proposes. It's not destiny. This is an accident.

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. That is why enterprising men usually have such success, although they are by no means the most attractive.

A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in your hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not letting you fall asleep.

A woman, in order to calm down, needs to take herself into strong male hands.

A woman loves a man because he loves her.
A man loves women in general...

Since it was mainly men who knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.

Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

The deepest delusion of a woman:
“He will change!”
The deepest delusion of a man:
"She's not going anywhere!"

Sometimes you look at men whom you used to feel sympathy for, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy ...

While men, being boys, play war games and cars, women, being girls, immediately prepare to manipulate people and play with dolls.

A man will never look stupid if he makes the first move.
It is a pity, but many do not know that taking the first step is a man's duty.

To be happy with a man, you need to understand him well and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, one must love her very much and not even try to understand her.

One day a man asked God: “Why are all girls cute, affectionate, gentle, and women are all bitches and bitches?”
And he received in response: “I create girls, and you make women out of them!”

The ideal man can only give birth to herself.

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves, he either allows her to do this, or sets an example with his behavior.

At least they talk about female logic!
About the male - nothing is known at all!

A real man has the right to hurt his beloved only twice: depriving her of her virginity, and when she will give birth to their child.

The most precious thing that can give loving man to your beloved woman - this is your time. Collected carefully, bit by bit, throughout the day. No other gifts, cars, furs and diamonds will ever replace the one who loves him - his time dedicated to her alone.
If your man, despite his hard and stressful day, still always finds his time for you, it means that he wants it that way. It means he loves.

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent!

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already considered everything else.

A real man is recognized by a woman.

Men are illogical: they say that all women are the same, but constantly change one for another.

Weak men make mistresses, and strong men make strong families.

A man who claims that a woman's place is in the kitchen just doesn't know what to do with her in the bedroom!

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor a man and deprives a woman of honor.

A real man opens the door with his foot ... because his hands are full of flowers and sweets!

Men often miss the decent, picking up the available.

Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

It's great when your man combines such qualities as: husband, lover, breadwinner, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel!

The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman even for a minute...

A man should be like an expensive car - so that everyone wants it, but few can afford it.

The best smell in the world is the smell of the man you love.

Long live the man! If desired, he can achieve everything in the world.
Long live the woman! If desired, she can achieve any man.

I will be a man while real women still walk the earth, those women who do not smell of cigarettes and beer, who have natural charm and kindness, in whom the instinct of motherhood has not yet died.

For girls, childhood ends with pregnancy.
Men never grow up.

They say that men only want sex. Don't believe! They also ask to eat!

A veil is the white flag of a man!

Cats and men are alike... If they suddenly become affectionate, it means that they either need something from you, or have already spoiled somewhere...

The last word should always be for a man, and it should be like this: “Of course, my love !!!”

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and just happy ...

It shouldn't be fun or boring with a Man... With a MAN it should be HEAT, RELIABLE, and CALM!

A man is the same child ... only you can’t leave him with a nanny ...

All men are hunters, no matter what kind of game is in front of them - an animal or a woman.

It is a woman who helps a man to understand himself, she makes him better.

To keep a man in your hands, you must first of all keep yourself in your hands.

To accept a man as he is, only the draft board can!

A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would have already been married.

The weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriage brings disappointment.

"A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with."

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life.

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him.

A man's house is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside it is most often a children's room.

For a long time I remain under the impression that I made on a woman.

Men usually do not listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they are going to say themselves.

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man, the more sexy he is.

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Most men love flattery because of their humble opinion of themselves, most women love flattery for the opposite reason.

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.

A man deals with a woman, like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes that he does not understand, which he himself produces.

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he wants to possess, at forty he thinks.
Author: Vasily Klyuchevsky

The collection includes real men's quotes about men and courage:

  • Adversity gives rise to courage. Seneca
  • I don't think men are more liberated than women. Indira Gandhi
  • A man of courage - true to his word. Pierre Corneille
  • Being courageous and being right are not the same thing. Janusz Wasilkowski
  • Real men play hockey! Fake play couturier.
  • The success of one brave man always inspires a whole generation to zeal and courage. Honore de Balzac
  • A coward is much more likely to be drawn into quarrels than a courageous person. Thomas Jefferson
  • Fighting all men is much easier than loving one woman.
  • Consider freedom as happiness, and courage as freedom. Thucydides, "History"
  • All life rules should be drawn only in courage. Luc Vauvenargue
  • Weak men overcome life, courageous men master ... Sergey Dovlatov
  • Anger makes more courageous only those who, without anger, did not know at all what courage is. Seneca, "On Anger"
  • Modesty will not bare its head in front of a man.
  • Dare to glorify the motherland with courage! Mikhail Lomonosov
  • The most courageous state is the one in which valor is best rewarded and cowardice is most punished. Claude Helvetius
  • Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength. Maria Ebner Eschenbach
  • A man's reputation is not determined by his manhood, but by women's perceptions of his manhood. Karol Teplitz
  • Worthy is the one who knows how to courageously ... seek. William Shakespeare
  • You can wait all your life for a prince, but you need a man every day!
  • If you are trying to be and look sexy, then do not be surprised that men only seek sexual pleasures from you. Darius
  • Before you run into danger, you must foresee it, be afraid of it. But when it comprehends, then one weapon is to overcome it courageously. François Fénelon
  • A misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women hate each other.
  • Idleness weakens courage more than all vices. Charles Montesquieu
  • A woman who tries to be like a man is as ugly as an effeminate man. L. Tolstoy
  • A feat upon a feat awaits you at every step, and you do not see it! Wake up! Night blindness in front of your eyes! Do not get you love in your soul. You will not love people until you serve them. What servant can become attached to his master, who is far from him and for whom he personally has not yet worked? Therefore, the mother loves the child so much that she carried him in herself for a long time, used everything on him and suffered all because of him. Wake up! Your monastery is Russia! Nikolai Gogol, "Selected passages from correspondence with friends"
  • Women tend to underestimate their age, weight, and number of sexual partners — exactly what men tend to exaggerate.
  • Where to get courage? The brave will not give it up. Stanislav Jerzy Lec, Uncombed Thoughts
  • The mirror that women trust the most is the eyes of a man. Sigmund Graff.
  • One courage is peculiar to the chief, another - to the servant. Aristotle, "Politics"
  • Intuition is given to a woman in order to guess the man's intentions, which he does not guess. Jean Delacour
  • He had such a strong masculine principle that there was no strength left for the end. Vladimir Meerov
  • True courage is ready to face any danger and remains steadfast, no matter what calamity threatens. John Locke
  • It takes a lot of courage to say what everyone thinks. Georges Duhamel
  • True courage is taciturn: it costs him so little to show himself that he considers heroism itself to be a duty, not a feat. Alexander Bestuzhev
  • Not death, but life is a test of courage. Vittorio Alfieri
  • Cacti are courageous and patient: they die standing. Luther Burbank, "The Harvest of Life"
  • Not years determine the age of a woman, but men.
  • The best support in misfortune is not reason, but courage. Luc Vauvenargue
  • A real man consists of a husband and a rank. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Love is a violent attraction to that which runs away from us. M. Montaigne.
  • Real courage is manifested where a person is most vulnerable and defenseless. The rest is not courage, but saber-rattling. Evgeny Bagashov
  • A loving woman is one who understands a strong man in a moment of his weakness. Ilya Shevelev
  • The courage of warriors is based on the foresight of the leader. Publilius Cyrus, "Sentences"
  • Courage does not exist, there is only pride. Bernard Show
  • Men die hard - it's not easy for them to give up.
  • Courageous perform deeds in the name of beauty. Otherwise, even hungry donkeys, perhaps, will turn out to be courageous, because they do not stop grazing even under blows. Aristotle
  • Men are taller than women, physically stronger and prove that they have more intelligence. Georgy Alexandrov
  • Courage is not in the strength of the hand and not in the art of wielding a sword, courage is in controlling oneself and being just. Saadi
  • A man who has overcome a woman's long resistance does not value her virtue most of all, but his own perseverance. Guy de Maupassant
  • Courage is the guardian and support of all other virtues, and one who is deprived of courage can hardly be firm in the performance of duty and show all the qualities of a truly worthy person. John Locke
  • A man becomes an adult when a toast is not pulled out of him at a feast. Alexey Kalinin
  • Courage is already a religion; without religion we are all cowards. Bernard Show
  • A man is looking for a woman in order to solve one of his problems, and when he finds it, he acquires three new ones.
  • Courage is a great property of the soul; the people marked by him should be proud of themselves. Nikolai Karamzin
  • A man enters a woman's life and arranges his own in her.
  • Courage usually goes along with gentleness of character, and a courageous person is more capable of generosity than others. Nikolai Shelgunov
  • Balzac man. Nikita Bogoslovsky
  • Courage is necessary not only for courageous actions, but also for productive studies and thinking. Adolf Friedrich Diesterweg
  • Men are attracted to us by what they themselves do not have - breasts, long hair and a round butt. This is what the stronger sex wants to see in a woman.
  • Courage is essential to life. the courage to dream brings to light what is in our soul. Merlin Olsen
  • A peasant reads an ad in the newspaper: “I take out bedbugs and cockroaches ...” - Wow, but I don’t take my own anywhere!
  • The courage required to muster up courage at a critical moment and make a bold decision is completely different from the courage that allows a person to brilliantly command a division under fire. Friedrich Engels
  • Courage combined with intelligence helps more than intelligence alone without courage. Luc Vauvenargue
  • The peasant said - the peasant does not feel sorry for words. Yuri Tatarkin
  • Courage does not consist in facing danger boldly, but in facing it with open eyes. Jean Paul
  • Men's business is to rule the world, and women's business is to rule men.
  • Courage grows with danger: the harder it is, the more strength. Friedrich Schiller
  • A man is an objective reality given to us for purification. Olga Muravieva
  • Courage does not need the help of anger: it is itself accustomed, ready, armed for any rebuff. Otherwise, it can be said that drunkenness, and even madness, is also useful for courage, since both drunk and insane people also differ in strength. Cicero, The Tusculan Discourses
  • A man in middle age already loses half of the women.
  • Courage and fortitude are necessary for people not only against the weapons of enemies, but also against any blows. Plutarch
  • A man must maintain his dignity in any position.
  • Courage happens without rage, and anger, on the contrary, is a trait of frivolity. For there is no courage without intelligence. Cicero, The Tusculan Discourses
  • A man grows cold towards a woman who loves him too much, and vice versa. Apparently, the situation with heartfelt feelings is the same as with good deeds: whoever is not able to repay them becomes ungrateful. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • Courage is when a person does not let the fear of death rule his life. Stanislav Govorukhin
  • A man who does not give gifts is like a car without an engine. It's there, but you can't ride it.
  • Courage is strength for resistance; courage - to attack evil. Pierre Buast
  • A man is interested in women with a past: he hopes that history will repeat itself. Mae West
  • Courageous perform deeds in the name of beauty. Otherwise, even hungry donkeys, perhaps, will turn out to be courageous, because they do not stop grazing even under blows. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
  • Men are so much stronger than women that they do not allow them to be without men. A.V. Ivanov
  • Courageous are courageous, but not all courageous are courageous. Plato, "Protagoras"
  • Men! Choose one thing: either love women, or understand them! Ninnon de Lanclos
  • People are able to endure almost anything if they have no choice. Courage is when you have a choice. Terry Anderson
  • Real intimacy usually starts from afar. V. Zhemchuzhnikov
  • Love is noble - in the souls of exacting, low - in the souls of vicious and average - in the souls of mediocre people. Alkina.
  • Real men do not lie on the road - they always try to crawl to the house. Yana Dzhangirova
  • To love means to stop comparing. B. Grasse.
  • Real men and real women have nothing to share but pleasure! Stas Yankovsky
  • Whoever intelligently rushes into danger for the sake of good and is not afraid of it, he is courageous, and this is courage. Aristotle
  • Don't blame the woman. For the goal of a man is truth, and the goal of a woman is self-satisfaction.
  • True courage is revealed in times of adversity. Voltaire
  • Unfair: a woman at 45 is again a berry, and a man from this age begins to approach the state of a dried fruit. Yuri Tatarkin
  • True courage is not only balloon rise, but also a parachute fall. Bruno Bauer
  • Oh, how many healthy men from "For Health!" died. Georgy Alexandrov
  • True courage is expressed in calm self-control and in the imperturbable performance of one's duty, in spite of any disasters and dangers. John Locke
  • The cucumber mask put on by a woman in front of a strange man makes his expression really stupid. Mikhail Mamchich

No one will feel good next to you while you feel bad alone with yourself ...

In partnerships, we often want to achieve what we failed in loving our parents.
But this will not happen if the flow of love for parents does not flow first.
Bert Hellinger

Being a woman means learning to be a "follower", not a "helmsman".

The best thing a woman can do for a man is to accept him for who he is, regardless of his achievements. It is important for him to feel that he is still loved. The energy of unconditional love of mother and wife gives inner support. This is how a leader grows out of a boy, a man out of an insecure husband. It is a woman who gives energy to gain strength.

A man finds the right purpose in life, and a woman finds a man with the right purpose.

Parable about the ideal woman and man.
There was a man who avoided the bonds of marriage all his life, and when he was dying at the age of ninety, someone asked him:
You never married, but you never said why. Now, standing on the threshold of death, satisfy our curiosity. If there is any secret, reveal it even now - after all, you are dying, leaving this world. Even if your secret is known, it won't hurt you.
The old man replied:
- Yes, I keep one secret. It's not that I'm against marriage, but I've always been looking for the perfect woman. I spent all my time searching, and that's how my life flew by.
- But is it possible that on the whole huge planet inhabited by millions of people, half of whom are women, you could not find the one and only ideal woman?
A tear rolled down the cheek of the dying old man. He replied:
No, I did find one.
The questioner was completely bewildered.
- Then what happened, why didn't you get married?
And the old man replied:
- That woman was looking for the perfect man...

One day, a young woman in her 30s came to see a psychotherapist and said, “I want to get married, but only to a millionaire. He will help me put myself in order - do plastic surgery, learn to be a designer and raise my children ... ". It was an ambitious statement, the psychotherapist immediately clarified: “How will you attract him in order to at least get to know each other?” She looked with surprise: “Let him get acquainted with me ... (and then added after a pause) ... Well ... I don’t know ... I will cook for him, because he is tired of restaurant food ...”. “Why, because he has a cook?” The client thought about it. She thought about herself, about solving her problems, like the old man from the parable, but not about the interests of her soulmate. And, nevertheless, relations are a whole science, these are the interests of both parties.

A video about destiny, about conflicts in the family, about the stages of love, about why a woman cannot get married, why a man at the age of 38 cannot get married in any way, about money and about what kind of business flourishes, about female and male responsibility. And a lot more wise about life.

And again quotes:
Loyalty is the strength that holds relationships. A man, if he does not see loyalty in the eyes of a woman, he cannot build a relationship with her. He cannot bring her a salary, because for him a salary is life. He gives his life energy to the woman who is faithful to him. Loyalty means: this is my only person with whom I have connected my life, I do not need others.
Oleg Torsunov.

The attraction of souls turns into friendship, the attraction of the mind turns into respect, the attraction of bodies turns into passion. And only all together can turn into love.

A man brings prosperity, activity, protection to the family, and a woman brings mood and a warm atmosphere.

Love Men - the best recipe youth and beauty Women ...
And the Love of a Woman is the best recipe for the strength and success of a Man.

Real intimacy occurs only when you become completely open. We all hide a thousand and one things, not only from others, but also from ourselves.
And if you are ready for intimacy, the other person, thanks to your courage, will also decide on reciprocal intimacy. Your simplicity and trust will allow him to enjoy his simplicity, innocence, trust and love.
If you begin to realize that you are afraid of intimacy, this can become a moment of truth for you, become a revolution. Then you begin to discard everything that you used to be ashamed of and accept your nature as it is.
Speak only what you think. This life is so short and you shouldn't waste it thinking about all sorts of consequences.
Millions of people lived on this earth, but who remembers their names? You are only here for a few days, and they are not given to you to spend them living in hypocrisy and fear.
You can live your whole life believing only what they say about you, depending on the opinions of others. We are always afraid of what others will think of us. When people think badly of you, when they start judging you, you also start judging yourself.
Don't teach others, don't try to change them.
To be true means to be true to yourself. It is very, very dangerous, and people achieve it very rarely, but when you achieve it, you achieve everything - you achieve such beauty, such nobility that you could not even dream of.

Cosmetics, beautiful clothes, jewelry, dancing, compliments, massages, flowers and sweet foods improve the condition of a woman's hormonal system. She can't stop it. This is her health.

A man is the one who acts, and a woman is the one who gives strength or takes strength to act. A woman is an environment that either catalyzes activity or, on the contrary, burns it.

Men feel uplifted and energized when they feel needed.
Women feel uplifted and energized when they feel that they are taken care of.

According to Vedic knowledge, a person should reduce his expectations from loved ones and increase the performance of his duties.
As far as he will be able to do this, he will be so happy in family life.

Men do not dare to build relationships, do not take responsibility for a woman, because they are afraid that they have an insufficient material level. But in fact, a woman does not need material assistance. Her negative fate does not come through something that deprives her of money or recognition in society, but through a deep sense of isolation. The most terrible manifestation, as the Vedas say, of a woman's plight is her feeling: "Despite the fact that there are thousands of people around me, I feel terribly lonely, isolated." The biggest help she can give a man is just to be there to soften this feeling.

The family is where the husband is revered, the wife is loved, the children are carefree and happy...

Civil marriage - it seems to be given the opportunity to very great rights to people - the opportunity to live without signing, very convenient, right? But who suffers from such a marriage? Nobody thinks about it. The woman suffers because civil marriage the man does not oblige anything, if he leaves, the woman remains with the child. She begins to suffer because she needs to support herself and her child, and the female body is not designed to work very hard and earn money. It is intended for completely different purposes. As a result, a woman experiences great difficulties. Thus, civil marriage is not an achievement of humanity!

Take care of each other, now is such a time that it is very difficult to find something really worthwhile, real! And we, because of our stupid pride, at the slightest mistake, immediately give up our happiness ...

A man's respect for a woman is taking responsibility for her and taking care of her. It is necessary to recognize that the wife is the most fragile, tender and important being in the Universe - and in the current mood to communicate with her. This is very difficult for a man, because most of all he wants from a woman from e to c a.

The fidelity of a woman is beautiful when she is directed to a man who appreciates it at least a little. And not the one who shows with all his appearance: "Well, if you want to be faithful, come on, be faithful."
Therefore, in a woman, faith is associated with the quality of fidelity. If she trusts a man too much, she can become a naive fool. If she does not trust men at all, she will become smart and lonely. Here are two options: naive and heartbroken, or smart and lonely.
Therefore, it is important for a woman to choose a worthy man so as not to fall into these two extremes. And never carry "early fidelity" to a man who is still at the stage of uncertainty, while the woman has already thought in her head that he is her husband.

Girls need to know that serious young people who behave more restrained are real husbands.

A man has written on his forehead how to treat him. And this is written by his wife.
What does a woman need to do to make a man achieve everything?
- Respect your man.

To respect a man for a woman is to recognize his opinion. If a woman agrees with the opinion of a man, recognizes him, he is ready to do whatever she wants for her. And if she wants to show that she is better, more important and smarter, then there will be no peace in the family.

It is very useful for a woman to write down the positive qualities of her husband on a piece of paper - and constantly replenish the list. Better even in a large common notebook :)

Why at the beginning of a relationship a person is perceived one by one, and after a few years, completely differently? You need to perceive a person the way you treated him at the beginning of the relationship and understand that everything else is just trials that need to be overcome.

The quarrels would not last so long if only one side was to blame.

According to Vedic knowledge, the most basic problem in family relationships is ignorance of one's duties. Oddly enough, many people believe that responsibilities in the family are created by the people who live in the family, i.e. I myself decide what a woman should do, what a man should do, and as a result of this, big problems occur.

The Vedas say that the mind and intelligence flee from where there is violence. When it is said simply, one accepts. When said with pressure, one cannot accept.

A man is responsible for the external life of the family, for its prosperity, for its attitude in society, for how children will live in the family, how they will be brought up, for how the family progresses in spiritual life - the husband is responsible for this. The wife is responsible for the inner life of the family. And, if a woman does not understand this, then she has no chance of having a happy family life. Because in the female body there is one advantage - the mind of a woman, the feelings of a woman are six times stronger than men's. Therefore, a woman creates an atmosphere in the family that operates in all directions.

The strength of a woman is in her weakness. In a man, at the level of instinct, it is inherent to protect the weak. When a woman begins to fight with a man (for example, with accusations, claims), then the man stops feeling that she needs to be protected and taken care of.

Hindus say that for every man his wife is the most beautiful. But if a man does not care, the subtle nature of a woman is not revealed. A woman lives like a closed flower.

People who do not have the knowledge of how to do the right thing most often do exactly the opposite thing. They are trying to change their relatives and, according to Vedic knowledge, this idea itself and such actions further exacerbate problems in family relationships, which leads to the complete degradation of these relationships.

Coquetry with not her husband is a kind of betrayal.

If a person really studies spiritual knowledge, he knows that there is no friendship between a man and a woman, which means that this friendship is not just friendship, and then everything will go according to a well-known pattern. Those who do not understand all this are under the influence of the first enemy of man - lust.

The mind of a woman is a feather, he often changes his mind. A man's mind is a locomotive. It is difficult to move it, but if you move it, it is difficult to stop it. And it can only be moved by Love.

The wife is the purity of the husband, the husband is the determination of the wife.

Only outwardly a woman is weak, but all the forces in the family go through a woman.

If a woman is too stingy, then the man does not want to work, and then she herself begins to work hard.

When a man begins to care for a woman, take care of her, take care of her, fulfill duties - this is also a duty - the entire hormonal system of a woman, by the power of her calm mind, begins to act in such a way that she suddenly becomes stunningly beautiful just for this man.

If you take a look at the scandal through the eyes of a Saint: Two people swear, call each other names, start to fight... He sees that one person is suffering and the other is suffering, and they are trying to explain to each other that they are in pain...

About women's asceticism.
Women's asceticism is aimed at the formation of character, men's is associated with deprivation. A woman should not starve, get up too early, pour cold water over her. But women mostly do it because it's easier for them. But such austerities, male, coarsen the female heart.
Women's austerities are washing with love, not just washing, but with love; not just to cook, but with love, disinterestedly, not to be greedy. Learn to bless: the husband went to work - bless him: so that everything is fine with you ... The child went for a walk - the same thing. Women's austerities are connected with women's life: love, care, feed the hungry ... Donate, give something from home.
Women's austerities purify the family. Then the woman becomes happy in life.

A faithful wife becomes the husband's best friend, if this is not the case, then there is no prosperity in the house, poverty.
If you treat your beloved as the best, he will treat you well and prosperity will come to the house.

Once the teacher asked his students:
Why do people scream when they fight? “Because they lose their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. Can't you talk to him quietly? Why scream if you're angry?
The students offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher. Finally he explained:
- When people are dissatisfied with each other and quarrel, their hearts move away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to shout. The more angry they are, the louder they scream.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak softly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small.
And when they fall in love even more, what happens? continued the Teacher. - They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love. In the end, even whispering becomes unnecessary for them. They just look at each other and understand everything without words. This happens when there are two loving people nearby.
So, when you argue, don't let your hearts drift apart, don't utter words that further increase the distance between you. Because the day may come when the distance becomes so great that you will not find your way back.

The absolute condition of love is openness; ideally - mutual, but sometimes - openness on the part of one loving person such that it is enough for two. But openness can be scary for us. To open up is to become vulnerable; to open means to depend in your joy and in your pain on another person. And this can be done only if we have enough faith in another person. ...

One day, one very good man told me about love… He compared the heart to scotch tape, regular duct tape… He said a very wise thing, explaining it very simply…
“Our heart is like duct tape. So they tore off a piece and glued it to the wall ... They peeled it off the wall and glued it to the cabinet, but it doesn’t stick well ... They peeled it off the cabinet and glued it to the windowsill and that’s it ... the adhesiveness was gone ... the adhesive tape barely sticks to the windowsill and its adhesiveness is not enough to stick a really necessary thing... So is the heart... You give it to one, another, a third, and when you meet that one, the only and the best, there is no stickiness, no fire, no that former tenderness... and then it’s too late to think about it.”


One day, two sailors set out on a journey around the world to find their
fate. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two
daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.

One of the sailors said to his friend:

That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the leader's daughter.

Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is beautiful, smart. You did right choice- get married.

You misunderstood me, friend! I am marrying the chief's youngest daughter.

Are you crazy? She's like... not so much.

This is my decision and I will do it.

He drove ten cows and approached the leader.

Chief, I want to marry your daughter and I give ten cows for her!

This is a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.

No, chief, you don't understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.

Are you joking? Can't you see, she's just so... not so good.

I want to marry her.

Okay, but as an honest person, I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.

No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.

They merried.

Several years have passed, and the wandering friend, already on his
ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how he
a life. Sailed, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. Comes and sees:
his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.

How are you?

I'm happy.

This is where the beautiful woman comes in.

Here, meet me. This is my wife.

How? Are you married again?

No, it's still the same woman.

But how did it happen that she changed so much?

And you ask her yourself.

A friend approached the woman and asked:

Sorry for the faux pas, but I remember how you were... not really. What happened to make you so beautiful?

It's just that one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise, he would already be married.
Henry Louis Mencken

The weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Both marriage brings disappointment.
O. Wilde

"A man can be happy with any woman except the one he is in love with."
O. Wilde

A real man will always get what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend eternity with. But not life
Kathleen Norris

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else thinks only of him.
Louise Leblanc

A man's house is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside it is most often a children's room.
Claire Luce

I remain under the impression that I made on a woman for a long time.
Karl Kraus

Men usually do not listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they are going to say themselves.
Wanda Blonskaya

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man, the more sexy he is.
Angie Dickinson

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid
Anton Chekhov

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.
Most men love flattery because of their humble opinion of themselves, most women love it for the opposite reason.
Jonathan Swift

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.
Robert de Fleur

A man deals with a woman like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes in her processes incomprehensible to him, which he himself produces
Vasily Klyuchevsky

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he wants to possess, at forty he thinks.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

That's what men are! They are more ashamed of their tears than of their sins! Why not show a clenched fist? But crying eyes - no!

For a man, unhappy love is a pretext for enjoyment without any love.
Carmen Silva

A man is a creature opposite in sex to a woman.
explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov

A man of great virtue and intelligence is never ugly.
Jean La Bruyère

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

Men are like soap bubbles: the first is always unsuccessful, the second is already better, but only the third is truly beautiful and rosy.

A real man is a man who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. A man who never remembers a woman's birthday but knows exactly how old she is is her husband. Faina Ranevskaya

Only those men who are not afraid of women are truly cowardly.

Tell a man passionately in love that his beloved is deceiving him, present him with twenty witnesses to his beloved's infidelity, and you can bet ten to one that a few kind words from her will refute all the evidence of the accusers.
John Locke

The general notion that men have remorse is based on the bold assumption that men have a conscience at all.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski

It is not customary for gentlemen to ask many questions in a conversation.

A clever facial expression in men is the same as the correctness of features in women; this is the kind of beauty that even the most vain people would like to have

At married man there is only one way to keep the last word: Tell your wife "You're right."
Vittorio De Sica

A man needs a wife, because not everything in the world can be blamed on the government.
Leonard Louis Levinson

Men who speak badly of women usually have only one in mind. Remy de Gourmont

All men are the same, only their salary is different.
M. Arshevsky

At fifty a man is more dangerous than at any other age, for he possesses costly experience and often a fortune.
Honore de Balzac

A real man hides a child who wants to play.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A man can be stupid and not know it - but only if he is not married.
G. Menken

Most men demand from their own
and virtues that they themselves are not worth.
L.N. Tolstoy

The first symptom of love young man- timidity, and the girl has courage.
V. Hugo

Only the last love of a woman can equal the first love of a man.
O. Balzac

Men say what they please about a woman, and women do what they please with men.
S. Segur

The smartest man becomes a fool when he loves; the most empty girl, having fallen in love, becomes smart.
M. Safir

Women without a male society fade, and men without a female society become stupid.
A. P. Chekhov

They try gold with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman.

Before a decisive matter, a man thinks how to speak, a woman - how to dress.
M. Pussier

Men pay attention to what people think about them, but for women it is more important what people say about them.
T. Gippel

The test of good manners for a man or woman is their behavior during a quarrel.
B. Show

When people love each other, they do not quarrel, but calmly sort things out.
A. P. Chekhov

The most stupid woman can deal with a smart man, but only the smartest can deal with a fool.
D. Kipling

On one issue, men and women certainly agree among themselves: both do not trust women.
G. Mencken

A man, even if he could understand what a woman thinks, he still would not believe.
Dorothy Parker