How to live knowing that the husband loves another. If a man is married but loves another woman. What are the options for developing a relationship with a cheating husband

Men cheat on their wives for various reasons: the desire to feel "young", diversity, adrenaline. If this is not a fleeting connection, but a long relationship with a mistress, it is difficult to hide them. The traitor does not always leave the family for the sake of another woman, and then the wife has to think what to do if the husband loves another, but does not leave.

Is it worth keeping a family?

Fear and fear - we often use these words interchangeably, not paying attention to the fact that although their meanings are close, they are not the same. We are afraid of a big, crying dog at us or a terrible, big hairy spider. Domestic violence is a legal, moral, psychological and social problem. Domestic violence interventions include: Domestic Violence Prevention and Amendment Act.

Husband loves another: what to do?

A crisis can affect any marriage, whether five, ten or twenty years of life has passed. A marriage crisis begins when a woman and a man lose contact. Waking up at night significantly reduces the quality of sleep. In the morning a person gets up as if he is not sleeping at all. Some people wake up several times or even dozens of times during the night.

As a rule, the traitor is in full confidence that he keeps the situation under control. He tries to hide his mistress from his wife, and tells the lady on the side that there are no problems at home even now. the best time for a divorce.

When an unfaithful husband does not want to go to his mistress, the woman herself can decide the fate of the family.

Try to keep a man

It is difficult to be with a spouse when he was able to love another, but sometimes feelings are higher than betrayal. In this case, efforts must be made to convince the husband to stay in the family. No need to show your cards this very evening, first prepare the ground.

Fear of darkness is one of the main fears of young children. This is a developmental anxiety that develops over time and learns to fall asleep without having to keep the lights on in the room all night. Disconnection anxiety occurs in children around the eighth month of life. Babies react with anxiety to the situation of separation from their mother, which for them is a "continuation".

Drug addiction is called leukemia. For the “closest friend”, tablets, capsules and all kinds of medicines become available. Alcoholism continues to be the biggest addiction in Poland. Poles drank as a result of prevailing customs. Alcohol is accompanied by most social events and family celebrations - baptism, wedding, communion.

Think about your relationship and try to understand the reasons behind his cheating. Just like that, a man will not go for treason, which means that he does not like something or is missing in the family. Reasons that you can influence: unkempt appearance, bad temper, problems in intimate life, poor housekeeping, etc.

In treason, as a rule, both spouses are to blame. But it is up to you to work on your mistakes.

Try to do everything to make him comfortable at home. Create an environment at home so that that woman fades into the background. After a week of good attitude, you can move on to talking about the future.

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Many people wonder how to argue constructively so as not to aggravate the conflict, but to resolve it and not hurt the feelings of the other side.

The fact that a woman is significantly different from a man is visible to the naked eye. What about characteristics that we cannot determine by appearance? Is the brain of a woman different from the brain of a man, are they the same?

Discuss the current situation. Do not use blackmail, threats, do not turn to shouting and sheer accusations. Let him know that you know about his mistress, and understand that she appeared due to problems in the family. Offer to work together on relationships and keep the family together. Discuss the situation so that at the end it is clear - either you or your mistress, but do not directly issue an ultimatum.

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Relationship conflicts can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as misunderstandings, ignorance of the needs of the other party, communication breakdown, or ambiguity about roles. Currently, people can enter into their preferences. Until recently, marriage was concluded with the consent of the family. With that kind of freedom of choice, sometimes it's done in ways that aren't carefully thought out.

Who has never experienced jealousy for a partner? Healthy jealousy, that is, one that doesn't happen in the company of adventure and reproach, can raise the temperature in a relationship. Here are some ways to deal with male envy that has come with your relationship. You get jealous when your partner is interested in other men. They look behind her on the street or catch her in clubs.


But if you do not want to live with a traitor, you must part with him. This must be done without unnecessary scandals and showdowns. But only if you are sure of his betrayal and your decision.

Take a break so you don't get emotionally stupid. Think about the situation and make a final decision, because after his departure your life will change.

After calming down, you can think about how you will tell him about the breakup. Every action must be calculated. Most likely, the husband will deny his betrayals, start blaming you, so it is better to have evidence or an iron position.

You may have noticed that some people find it difficult to say these two short words, despite the fact that they often use them in other situations during everyday conversations such as “I love cheesecake”, “I love sports”. Unpredictable and sensitive, emotional and timid. How to ensure good communication between a woman and a man in a relationship? How to respond to female quirks and foves? How to intelligently resolve conflict?

This is how the conversation begins when a woman asks for support to understand what is happening to her, why she betrays and in most cases wants to do whatever it takes to save her relationship or what is left of her. There are many reasons why women cheat on their partners.

After the conversation, say that you do not want to live with the traitor. If the apartment is yours, you can pre-collect his things and put them near the door. But it will not be so easy to drive him out of the common apartment, although you can offer him to leave to spend the night with his mistress.

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Men are mistaken for sex, and women for emotional connection, or at least they think so. However, things are changing, and sex has become an equally important reason for adventure among women. Compared to 30 years ago, when women wanted an emotional affair, now they can separate sex from feelings and run just for pleasure.

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Weigh everything properly

Because they spend so much time away from home, women are more likely to have an affair than in the past. When they go to work, they dress and match elegantly, making them more attractive and interesting in the eyes of others while boosting their self-confidence.

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When you are a woman, your ego gets boosted when someone finds you attractive and flirts with you. At a certain age, women will seek the adventure to feel young again and return to the adrenaline and desire from the very beginning of the relationship.

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When a marriage no longer works, a woman will strive to ensure that things do not go only in the process of separation. The new partner will become a replacement for her husband and will be used as an excuse to break up so she can say, "I'm in love with someone else."

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If the temptation to deal makes you look good, this is good idea go for couples counseling and try to solve the hidden problems of marriage before cheating on your partner! Virtual "innocent" adventure. On the one hand, in this age of technology, it's easy to get carried away, where the phone and messages make it easy for you to communicate. Communication sites will help you rediscover passions from the past and more, and meetings promise even one-day adventures without obligations.

On the other hand, let's not forget that it's just as easy for a partner to find their extramarital affairs. Fun can seem innocent if you haven't been caught. But if the truth comes out, you and your family will certainly suffer. They start off with trivial conversations, swap songs, and talk about their married life and how unhappy they are with their relationship. They are convinced that a person will certainly understand them, confirm them and receive recognition and respect.

Dolgopolova M.

I am 38 years old, my husband is 40. We have been together for 20 years, we have four desired children.

The family has always had a trusting relationship. As for love, I probably loved more, but he allowed it. Over time, feelings dulled, domestic and financial questions they just started to overwhelm us. And the bed turned into a place to sleep. I recently noticed that he has changed. I realized that there was another. She asked the question directly, and received an answer: “Yes, I fell in love. She is so wonderful, understanding, she woke up a man in me! It’s your own fault: I haven’t felt your love and affection for a long time.” Well, everything like that.

At first I wanted to kick me out, but he asked not to let me go, said that he wanted to save the family, that he needed us, and continued to shift the blame on me coldly. I repented, yes, I’m guilty, I’m ready to start everything from scratch, I will try to hear my man. Then he left (he works in another city, she lives there). Calls every day, sometimes we exchange a few phrases ...

I know that he calls her up too, communicates with me somehow distantly, kind of affectionately, but I feel her presence in our lives. He is not going to leave us, he even plans to move us to the city where he works, so that we are always there. BUT! Having shifted all the blame on my shoulders, he does not even worry about losing me! He acts like I pushed him into bed with someone else. Speaking of her, he is absolutely not worried about the suffering that he causes me. He does not try to make amends, even in a banal sense: there are gifts, flowers ...

In this regard, I have a question: is it necessary to save the marriage, does he need me, based on his behavior? What is this behavior anyway? And, banally, what should I do?

It's hard to go through treason, I sympathize with you.

What is this behavior anyway? And, banally, what should I do?

Do you think your husband's actions are aimed at you yourself filing for divorce, that is, being the initiator of the divorce?
How old are your children? How is your life arranged, will you be able to provide for yourself in case of a divorce?

Dolgopolova M.

We sleep, and passions go off scale, as once before. In bed, every time he says that he loves, repents, asks for forgiveness. Our children are different, but I will not be able to support them myself, only myself. He loves children, although I always told him that if anything happens, the children will stay with him, that is, even now I will not take them away from him. But he keeps me, why, I don't understand?! Well-established life, but even there (according to him, a super-hostess, there is an apartment, etc.). Maybe he still loves (he was always not verbose), just confused (he says so himself)!

Maybe he still loves (he was always not verbose), just confused (he says so himself)!

Do you feel his love? From what he tells you, he really doesn't know what he wants. In moments of passion, he repents, but does not leave his mistress.

Dolgopolova M.

Children vary in age from 2 to 17 years. There is only one marriage, and we are married. The love affair brought passion into our relationship, but I think that he is trying to compare us, to make sure that at home he can get everything he wants. Or maybe he sleeps with me, but thinks about her. Now he is far away. Every day he says that he is confused, that he wants to run away from everything, that he himself does not know what to do. I feel that he wants to leave me, but probably waiting for my decisive action. And I'm going crazy! Now I don’t even ask if he communicates with her: I don’t want to. But judging by his anguish, no. Yes, I love him, but I absolutely don’t understand: to help him overcome this (as he asks) and suffer on his own, or let go (as he apparently wants) and suffer again? In general, I understand that the decision should be made only by me.

Nightmare of a married woman - the husband loves another woman, but continues to live in the family. He comes home from her and goes to her, hurries to her from work, buys flowers for her and spends time with her. With her, he is probably happy, cheerful, satisfied, and brings all the negativity and discontent home. All these sad thoughts are spinning in the head of a wife who knows that her husband has fallen in love with another. She is not interested in anything else - neither her own life, nor children, nor work, nor hobbies. The center of her collapsed universe becomes a husband who loves not her, but another.

Further more. Children without attention learn worse, dare, associate with bad company, leave home. At work, error after error, productivity drops, bonuses are not paid, the boss is dissatisfied, reprimands, threatens with dismissal. A woman does not sleep well and sobs into her pillow at night, does not eat and painfully loses weight or eats without measure and quickly grows fat, does not take care of herself and walks in such a disheveled way with an extinct look. For a very a short time she is overgrown with such problems that make her life hopeless. At this stage, many fall into depression, into a real, clinical, requiring psychotherapy.

All this can be avoided if you do the right thing in such a sad situation. Perhaps the situation is not so bad and the man is just infatuated, and does not have a real feeling. Then you can find the strength to forgive him and restore the family. Or you should understand that the marriage relationship with this man has become obsolete and just give him a divorce. But we must remember that divorce is not the collapse of a lifetime, not a tragedy. This is one of the life stages that you need to go through. There are many men in the world, among them there is definitely one with whom it will be possible to create strong warm relationships.

No matter how the relationship with her husband eventually develops, in any case, a woman needs to continue to live, find pleasure in every day and enjoy them, and benefit from any situation and life lessons.

Portrait of a traitor husband

How to understand that a husband loves another woman? An attentive wife will note the following changes in her husband:

  • He began to take better care of himself, keeps fit, buys new clothes more often than usual, changed his hairstyle, began to use a different perfume;
  • The husband stopped persuading his wife to have sex if she is one of the women who always has something hurting;
  • The husband does not part with the phone, answers the calls, secluded; most likely set a password to access the list of calls and messages;
  • His work schedule changed, there were meetings, rush jobs, night shifts, and on the way home, dense traffic jams began to appear;
  • The husband began to return home with a slight aroma of drunk alcohol;
  • His things smell different;
  • He behaves differently with his wife. Some men begin to give gifts and bring flowers to their wives; others openly clash with their wives and criticize them; still others stop noticing their wife, giving her no more attention than last year's news release.

If the wife did not notice any changes in her husband, then it is not surprising that the man was looking for a woman on the side: such inattention pushes him to search love adventures on the side. No matter how many years have passed since the wedding, we must not forget to pay attention to her husband. Indifference destroys even the strongest marriages. Relationships without proper reinforcement “dilapidate”.

If a wife knows her husband's beloved, she will also notice such phenomena:

  • In her presence, the husband becomes nervous, behaves unnaturally, becomes tongue-tied;
  • In the presence of a woman or mutual acquaintances, a man likes to brag, talk about some kind of “heroic” feat, or simply demonstrate his official position and material well-being;
  • If the husband, in principle, is serious and restrained, then in communicating with the woman he loves, he can become more liberated, and vice versa, the joker, for no reason at all, may begin to be ashamed of his openness;
  • The husband reacts painfully to criticism of the woman he loves and to messages about her partners - former and current;
  • The husband willingly participates in the life of a friend, helps her with everyday problems, takes her to some events, to the store, to the market;
  • He sends her non-verbal signs of attention - in a conversation, strive to look into her eyes, turns to her with his whole body, stands between her and other men.

Why did the husband fall in love with another woman?

Despite allegations about the polygamy of all men without exception, you need to know that they are, in principle, lazy. If a man is satisfied with everything in the family, he will be too lazy to look for new woman, build relationships with her, spend time and money on courtship. If a man started a relationship with a woman, then a crack appeared in the family. Well, when a husband loves another woman, and not just spends time with her for his own pleasure, the reasons must be more than good.

Among these reasons, men most often name:

  • dissatisfaction with the appearance of his wife. For many men, the appearance of a wife is regarded as their own calling card. Accordingly, he ceases to like an unpresentable appearance, and over time he begins to look for a more suitable option for his criteria.
  • Dissatisfaction with housekeeping. For a woman's sake thin waist can eat buckwheat, kefir and wheat germ for months. A man, if he does not eat hearty and tasty, feels uncomfortable. Many of them are annoyed by a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink, a pile of unironed things on an armchair propping up the ceiling, animal hair on clothes and dishes. Most men are picky about smells, although in general men's sense of smell is weaker than women's. From the annoying smells of burnt food, uncleaned cat's tray, dampness, the smell of dog hair. Therefore, a woman should maintain at least elementary cleanliness in the house. Eating from clean utensils and sleeping on clean linens are the first requirements of personal hygiene, like taking a daily shower and brushing your teeth. The same applies to the cleanliness of floors, furniture, bathrooms.
  • Dissatisfaction with material and living conditions. An elementary lack of money for family needs, disorder, living with parents or other relatives together destroyed more than one family. Usually in a divorce in such circumstances in question not about love for another woman, but about the impossibility of living normally with his wife. The couple should mutually strive to provide their family with material benefits, try to live separately, with their own family. At the same time, it is important not to go to the other extreme, putting material values ​​at the forefront and sacrificing rest, vacation and spiritual development to them.
  • Dissatisfaction with sex life. If something hurts the wife every evening, she is tired, not in the mood, offended, and so on, then the man will quickly improve his intimate life with another woman. Sexual satisfaction is one of the basic needs of a man, so the task of the wife is to satisfy her, especially since for the mental and physical women's health intimacy very important. Quality sexual relations no less important than the quantity, so the wife needs to get rid of complexes in this area and forget the arguments about what “decent women” do and what is prohibited. Between two adults, everything that both like is normal.

All these circumstances will later irritate another man with whom a woman will begin to build relationships, so it’s worth eliminating them and starting new life in new conditions.

Why does a husband live in a family, although he loves another woman

If a man continues to live in a family, loving another woman, then most likely he

  • Does not want to leave children or separate them from their mother, taking them with them when parting;
  • Does not want to leave the familiar environment, especially if everything suits him in everyday terms;
  • Has no place to live with the woman he loves;
  • Loves a married woman who does not want to destroy her own marriage;
  • He does not love another woman so much, since he does not want to remove all obstacles in the way of their life together.

The reasons may be different, very diverse, deeply individual.

Whatever the reason, a woman needs to decide if she wants to live with her husband under such circumstances. Definitely, the dual situation will mentally exhaust each of them and exhaust nervous system. Constant stress will also affect children extremely negatively.

What are the options for developing a relationship with a cheating husband

There aren't really that many options.

  • A man can remain in a dual position for quite a long time, living with his wife and visiting his mistress. If his feelings for another woman are strong, then he may demand a divorce. If the feelings seem like a simple attraction, then the man will not leave their family. An arc question is whether such a relationship is necessary for a woman. She will have to answer this question on her own.
  • A man will go to his mistress, especially in the absence of children together with his wife. Returning it is probably useless. You should also not forgive and build a new life with him if he returns. Between spouses there will now always be a memory of treason and representation.
  • The husband will break off relations with another woman and return to the family. Whether to take it back is up to the wife. It must be clearly understood that the shadow of the past will now always fall on further relations with her husband. A woman will implicitly look for signs of her husband's new mistress.

What to do for a wife: rules of crisis behavior

In any incomprehensible situation, the most important thing to do is to analyze the causes. In any case, this will be useful - whether with this man or with another, but there is no need to repeat the mistakes made. Therefore, everything should be well thought out and find out what was the impetus for the destruction of relations between the spouses.

You can't do this:

  • To torment yourself, husband, children with tears, tantrums, reproaches and accusations of a ruined life. Firstly, this is counterproductive behavior, and secondly, life is not destroyed, an unpleasant situation has simply arisen in it.
  • Lock yourself at home alone with your feelings and inflame spiritual wounds by self-flagellation.
  • Seek meetings with a rival for any purpose - to persuade her to leave someone else's husband, blackmail, threaten.
  • Chase her husband with calls, messages, watch for him after work and try to explain himself, threaten, intimidate, bring children as a last argument.

All this only repels a man and makes a woman funny and vulnerable.

Rare relationships between a man and a woman can be called easy, uncomplicated. No wonder they say: where feelings begin, logic ends there. It seems that everything is fine, family, children, a joint well-established life, joint rest and so on. What else do you want? And what else do you need?

And then, like a bolt from the blue, treason breaks in, and not just treason for the sake of sex, but for great and pure love. The relationship in the love triangle is very complex, there are three main characters on the stage - she, he and she. So what's the right thing to do? How to deal with this difficult situation? Many women ask these, and not only questions, but what is there to hide, the most main question: how to return a beloved man, how to return love? That love that was at the first time of dating!?

I think he's cheating on me...

Sooner or later, such thoughts visit every woman, in some cases they may not be justified, but sometimes they turn out to be true. Unfortunately, the presence of a stamp in the passport, an oath, is not a guarantee that a man will always love his wife, and most importantly, will be forever faithful and faithful. This happens only in fairy tales, and with very rare exceptions.

AT real life everything is different, over the years of marriage, many women are faced with a husband's love for another woman, and, accordingly, infidelity. But it’s not worth throwing yourself into the pool with your head, first of all, you need to make sure that fears and suspicions are justified. And not simple conjectures - after all, we young ladies can be very impressionable. So what are the signs of falling in love?

Each situation and family is unique, each man has his own character and his own attitude to life, values ​​and so on. But still, in most cases, male love manifests itself in the same way, only some nuances appear. As psychologists say, falling in love can be with a woman in open and closed relationships.

Open relationships imply the knowledge of the wife about the presence of any young lady with whom her husband is connected by work, interests, childhood friendship, and so on. They are forced to spend time together, and from time to time the husband and wife discuss their joint affairs and achievements.

Closed relationships are hidden from the wife; she cannot assume the passion of her husband. The husband himself is silent and does not betray the presence of a girlfriend in a single word. In each case, the signs of falling in love are slightly different.

Signs of open love

In this case, the husband’s girlfriend “does not get off his tongue”. In a discussion of general achievements at work, or a hobby, only the contribution of the passion is discussed. In a conversation, only one can hear: “Irochka then ...”, “Irochka behold ...”. As a result of the conversation, more is known not about the successes in the affairs of the husband or the common company, but about the personal successes of Irochka.

There is also the other side of the coin, they can speak negatively about "Irochka". Sometimes a husband can tell how bad she is, but at the same time remember her every half hour. We can say that this is a sincere attempt to protect oneself from feelings for "Irochka", well, or a deliberate deception - so that no suspicions arise.

Every woman should be alerted by the fact when her husband meets, brings, takes and meets outside of working hours with "Irochka". Fears can be in vain only if the husband is a personal driver and this is his job. Although even in this situation there may be suspicions.

Of course, you can justify your husband with his kindness and gallantry, but if the husband does not find time to go to the grocery store and do his household chores, then everything is clear. This is already a clear concern for another woman to the detriment of his own wife and family.

It is worth paying attention to constant SMS, solitary calls and correspondence on the Internet. Especially if the correspondence in social networks is under provocative pictures with subtle hints, or there are gentle emoticons in the correspondence. In this case, you need to be careful.

It is especially disturbing when meetings with "Irochka" take place to the detriment of relations with his wife. For a better understanding: for example, a cultural holiday was planned, but suddenly, the husband needed to urgently leave for work, urgently meet and discuss any business.

It would seem that everything is elementary - it is possible! Determining the love of a man in an open relationship can be simple. But there is a more complex option - a closed relationship.

Signs of closed love

In order to understand and guess about hidden love, it is necessary to show espionage qualities and wake up Sherlock Homes in yourself. The husband will not say a word about any woman, will not show his feelings.

The most important sign is a change in husband, starting from mood and ending with appearance. Falling in love changes not only a woman, giving her wings, but also men. The saddest thing is that the husband begins to gradually move away, interest in communication, sex, and solving family difficulties disappears.

In the presence of hidden relationships, all men try to hide their means of communication, the phone is constantly with them, social media"password-protected", and even going to the toilet, the correspondence is hidden. The husband's mood is upbeat, even in spite of overtime work, frequent business trips, for which the missus is going on a date.

Sooner or later, if a man has another love, there will be a lull in his sexual life. At first, excuses: I was tired at work, something hurts, and so on, it would seem, the little things in life, it happens to everyone. But gradually, sex generally fades into the background and the husband can speak and openly express his unwillingness.

Against this background, reproaches are added, and seemingly harmless ones, for washing dishes not clockwise, undersalted or oversalted soup, with the obligatory “prefix” like this always, for toilet paper pink and other "charms".

These points indicate not only that the husband is in love, but also that the previous relationship, and the very concept of the family, is going to hell. So what to do? And what is the plan of action?

Husband loves another: what to do?

The most practical advice is, is it necessary to return love? Will a woman be able to survive betrayal, and never reproach her? Or is the purpose of forgiveness of betrayal of love for another lies in the possibility of constant reproaches? If so, then don't!

In order to understand whether a man is needed, you need to think about how life will change without him? You need to be honest with yourself and put aside the financial side of the issue, and analyze only from the position of feelings, think carefully about betrayal, and is complete forgiveness acceptable?

If parting is acceptable, and those relationships, oppression, and just indifference turned out to be the last, decisive straw, then you can safely cut the ropes. And go free swimming. But if it is not possible to breathe without a beloved husband, then you will have to work hard and fight to the bitter end.

In the struggle for the return of her husband's love, one must begin not with calls to a rival and a showdown, but with oneself, and initially it is necessary to work on wounded pride and self-esteem.

What is the main thing in the addition of self-esteem and self-esteem? No, not knowledge of all the poems of A.S. Pushkin, and quoting Goethe, and, first of all, appearance. Approaching the mirror, you need to evaluate yourself, not extra centimeters at the waist, but find in yourself those virtues and pluses that have faded for various reasons. By gathering all your virtues together, you get a “weapon” that will help return a man’s love. The most important advantage of a woman is that it was her man who took her to the registry office and legalized the relationship.

It’s great to increase self-esteem by changing your wardrobe, hairstyle, cardinal hair dyeing, buying stylish accessories. Moreover, in changing the image, there is a double benefit, as they say - we combine business with pleasure. The wife's self-esteem and self-awareness increase, the husband sees in front of him that beautiful woman whom he once led down the aisle.

A change in mood and behavior is also a weapon that must be used. How to hide sleepless nights with tears in the pillow? Good makeup and a permanent smile. Of course, it's hard to smile when you've been betrayed. But who said it would be easy?

Return of departed love: instructions for use.

Quite often, men mistake falling in love and all the charm of the candy-bouquet period for love. And the real feeling, with his wife, which has been tested over the years, has crashed on the rocks of joint life. In the arms of another woman with whom there was simply no time to start arguing, or to face some problems - good. How else? All beginning relationships are wonderful, and it seems that they are eternal.

But in fact it is a mirage. And psychologists advise letting go for a while, you should not hold on. Let the husband plunge into this relationship. Let him appreciate the housekeeping of another woman. It is difficult for many men to get used to other orders, if for many years socks have been lying on the third shelf from the left, and at the new “love” they lie at the very bottom, in a chest of drawers. That this, sooner or later, will become the subject, if not of scandal, but of conversation for sure.

And once again, when the unfaithful husband comes home, sees the already familiar order, the smell of his favorite dishes, this will make him think. Even if he immediately left, it is not worth the tears and screams in pursuit. On the contrary, this is a great sign - the ice has broken. The next time the husband returns home for something, he will remember the smell of his home, its structure and the way that was built together over the years. He will remember his wife, whom, by the way, he did not hide from prying eyes, whom he was proud of and boasted to his friends. Memories of past comfort, stability, old pleasant memories will make you think about whether this is love?

The main task of a woman is not to throw tantrums, but to let go for a while. Lack of drive, adrenaline, fear of being exposed, greatly affect the sharpness of feelings. And they give a man the opportunity to understand, but is it love? All romance and imaginary love, maybe slowly but surely disappear.

And one day the door will open, and the faithful will stand on the threshold, asking to be taken back to the family. But do not think that this is a victory. It's only the beginning. You can’t bring down your anger on your husband, shouting: “Well, what did you walk up? "Irochka" turned out to be bad ... Did you not salt enough borscht? From such scandals, mutual reproaches, a man may doubt the correctness of his choice.

The husband has already made his choice, he returned, he realized that the family is better, and his arrival is nothing more than a request to let him back in and, if possible, start all over again.

Basic Mistakes

The most common mistake many women make when dealing with infidelity is tantrums. It happens on a whim, as a matter of course. Scandals, showdown, tears, threats, sometimes even fights - these are situations that are typical in 90% of cases.

This situation "remained at the gene level", since the days of socialism. When a walking man was dishonored at a general meeting at work. And under the fear of being fired and surrendering my party card, I had to return to my family. The main thing is done - the husband in the family, but by what methods and with what consequences?

Today the situation is the same, only friends are used instead of the boss, to whom all the dirty linen is turned out, all family secrets are told. Many women go to blackmail, and any - with children, with their own lives. No wonder they say - you can lead a horse to a watering place, but you can’t force him to get drunk. Worth considering!

Therefore, in order for a man to fully return home, not only with his body, under the yoke of circumstances, but also with his soul, it is necessary to use female tricks. Women's affection should be turned on at full capacity, because it was her, in most cases, that the man was looking for on the side. And don't be afraid to look stupid.

Perhaps the man on the side was looking for sharing his own interests, therefore, you can start to delve into his hobby, perhaps even engage in it together. All topics that are discussed with the husband should be carefully chosen. Ideally, in this area, the man should be the most powerful and better versed than the wife. Men love to feel smarter and more important. He is the protector and head of the family.

Before you try to return your beloved husband to the family, you need to realize that the old relationship is in the past. They are over. It is necessary to build new relationships, in any case, even if the husband is the same.

In building a new relationship with an old husband, you need to close all your grievances in a dark closet and hang a barn lock. New relationships should start with a light heart. A woman should always remain a woman, and this is not necessary for someone, but for a woman.

You need to be gentle, purposeful, to be such a woman that not one man will miss. And even after getting married, you should not give in and relax - this is necessary, first of all, for the woman herself. Once this simple truth is in your head, no man will allow relationships on the side.