Tarot Waite: interpretation and meaning of cards, layouts. Waite's universal tarot: the meaning of the cards and the Rider Waite Tarot gallery divination online

For many centuries, esotericists and enlightened people have used Tarot cards as a tool to unravel the mysteries of the future and correct the fate of Tarot cards. Many masters made decks on their own, trying to recreate the most correct and working elements that can help in mystical work. Many different decks have survived to this day. And one of the most popular can be safely called the Rider Waite Tarot cards.

History of creation

The creator of the famous Tarot deck lived in America in the nineteenth century. At one time he collected a whole library of occult and esoteric books. His attitude to the occult was similar to scientific research: he not only wrote down all the information he personally collected, but also systematized them. As for the Tarot, he put all the information about these cards in a book called "The Illustrated Key to the Tarot." The artist Polema Colman Smith helped him create this work. It was she who developed the design of the famous Rider Waite Tarot deck.

It is worth noting that Waite was not only a writer, but also a scientist in the field of mysticism. He is familiar with Freemasonry and Kabbalah. It was thanks to his developments that he managed to significantly improve his knowledge of fortune-telling on cards. All interpretations under his supervision were changed, became more detailed and clear. On the this moment and the original drawings also changed, but still retained the symbols of freemasons and other details that were not present in the classical Tarot before the appearance of these cards.

Difference decks

According to lovers of mysticism, Rider Waite's Tarot cards are fundamentally different from classic decks. Firstly, until Ryder's book was published, there were simply no illustrations for the minor arcana. Only after the release of the book did the drawings on these cards, their serial numbers and location in the deck change. Many fans of mysticism are sure that after the creation of this deck, all subsequent ones only copy it.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana Fool

The symbolism of the first card in the deck, also called the Jester, is intuition and beginning. The card symbolizes a free and independent person who can start any business from scratch. If the Tarot Waite layout is done on a situation, then the card means freedom of choice. A person must cast aside all doubts and listen to his intuition: the Fool advises to do as the heart tells, without doubts and worries. The Jester also speaks of impending unexpected circumstances that can change the situation. The fortuneteller can make any decision and do whatever he wants, his fate is in his hands.

If the Fool falls out in an inverted position, then the interpretation of Tarot Waite speaks of the hesitation of the person on whom the alignment is being made. He doubts himself and actively does not want change. Very often, the Jester warns about the distortion of the perception of the situation, as well as about the cowardice and stupidity of the fortuneteller. If next to the Fool in the layout there is another inverted lasso, then it should be interpreted as making the wrong decision in the future, which can lead to serious consequences.

Interpretation of the Tarot card Wizard

The main meaning of the card is strength, control of the situation and achievement of a high level. It is also interpreted as an indicator of wisdom, a symbol of making the right decisions, having power over people. When dropped together with unfavorable cards, the Magician is interpreted as a call to action. The situation that interferes with the fortuneteller can now be resolved. The wizard speaks of the ability to conduct business, to feel well the intentions and actions of others. Any business started by fortunetellers will bring profit. Having fallen out in a scenario, this lasso portends progress, success in business and good luck.

In an inverted position, this card indicates that the person on whom the deal is made is not self-confident, is in stressful condition and depressed, he is afraid to lose, to take any step and let go of the remnants of the past. The meaning of Waite's Tarot cards - the Wizard in an inverted position and the High Priestess - in the scenario for a man is as follows: the fortuneteller is dependent on a strong and powerful woman.

High Priestess

In the layouts, this card means common sense and self-confidence. If you need to make some decision, then this lasso informs that a person is wise and smart enough, which means that he can safely make a choice. In the scenario for a woman, he speaks of her authority and excellent mental abilities. For a man - that next to him is a good companion, perhaps a girlfriend or lover who supports him. This is how Tarot Waite explains the interpretation and meaning of the cards.

In the reversed position, the Priestess drops out if there is unreasonable arrogance and wrong decisions are made. The card warns that it is worth controlling your emotions and actions. She indicates a person with high self-esteem, and can also mean passion.


The Empress who fell out in the scenario is interpreted as harmony and well-being in all areas of the fortuneteller's life. In some situations, she prophesies marriage or the birth of a child in the family. This lasso can also be regarded as a symbol of a self-confident woman striving to obtain a high position in society. In rare cases, the card indicates the mother. For a man, it means marriage, for a woman - a confident position, independence.

If the inverted Empress fell out, it means that the fortuneteller is not stubbornly moving towards the goal, does not listen to his intuition. In some layouts, the card is interpreted as a depressed state, loss of one's own "I", fatigue.


When this Tarot card falls out in a scenario for a fortuneteller, there is a fairly strong male influence from the outside, or the influence of the person himself on society. Arkan indicates the presence of stability, organization, discipline. In the layouts for a career, he speaks of a promotion.

In the inverted position of the Rider Waite Tarot, the meaning of the cards speaks of uncertainty: the fortuneteller relies too much on the opinions of other people. If the card fell to a man, this means that he has a low status in society, as well as a not very pleasant character.

Hierophant or High Priest

This tarot card has a dual meaning. In the first case, the fortuneteller seeks advice or can give it himself. The card symbolizes a mentor, a teacher. In the second case, the lasso advises to follow the principles, keep promises and behave thoughtfully, avoid hasty decisions - then all things will go smoothly.

In an inverted position, the card may mean the need to change the path, since now all methods of resolving issues have already exhausted themselves completely. In some cases, the lasso prophesies the appearance of a strong enemy.


The card symbolizes an intimate connection. It is interpreted as a harbinger of the appearance of a very spiritually close person. Advise to follow the chosen path. If the schedule also contains good cards, the lasso can mean an early marriage or a happy union. If the Lovers fall out in an inverted position, this is primarily a warning that the fortuneteller was about to make the wrong decision. In a love scenario, the card means separation, disappointment in a partner. Also, its meaning comes down to a warning: a person is inconsistent and rushes between two extremes.


The main symbol and interpretation of Waite's Tarot cards is high stakes, the appearance in life of unexpected and rapid events. The fortuneteller will find the long-awaited success, and in business there will finally be success. In some cases, the Chariot also promises a successful journey. Falling out in an inverted position, the card warns of losses, failures. Perhaps someone from the environment of the fortuneteller has a negative influence on him. Also, the lasso speaks of unnecessary fuss, thoughtless decisions and possible problems with the law. If the person for whom the layout is being made pays a lot of attention to traditions, perhaps he should loosen his grip, because they take up extra time and interfere with a sober look at things.


What to prepare for if this lasso fell out in the layout? Tarot Waite has the following meaning: the fortuneteller's position is currently quite profitable, and luck is on his side. The card speaks of an imminent victory. If a Priest or Emperor fell nearby, it can be interpreted as a sign of help from an influential person in the future. In health layouts, the card promises a positive improvement in the patient's condition, a successful resolution of all problems. If the card fell out in an inverted position, then its interpretation is a manifestation of base feelings, a person follows his desires, directing energy in the wrong direction. Perhaps the fortuneteller behaves unrestrainedly, is not confident in himself and is in a nervous state. This is exactly what is in this case Tarot Waite has the interpretation and meaning of the cards.


This lasso, falling out in layouts, is a warning sign: the fortuneteller should retire, perhaps even leave to look at the situation from the outside. The card speaks of the need to understand what goals should be set, what a person needs. This requires serious reflection, distraction from everyday life, perhaps even loneliness. If the card is turned upside down, then its interpretation is to refuse help, the arrogance of the fortuneteller. Perhaps he is too strict towards close people, and his suspiciousness is greater than the situation requires.

Wheel of Fortune

What is Waita talking about? The interpretation and meaning of the card is as follows: the fortuneteller will be lucky, but you should not hesitate, but use the opportunities that have appeared, because they will soon disappear. Arkan can mean the onset of a bright streak, a new positive cycle of the life path. At the same time, in an inverted meaning, it warns of the beginning of a recession, a negative period, imminent failures and defeats. Moreover, a person will not be able to influence this: fate decreed that, and any attempts to improve the situation will be futile or will only lead to worse consequences. If the Wheel is turned upside down in the layout, it is worth canceling trips and other risky activities in the near future.


Waite's Tarot cards are very bright, filled with symbols that are not always unambiguous. So, with regard to Justice, there are several meanings of this lasso. Firstly, he indicates that the fortuneteller makes deliberate decisions, perhaps he will be promoted, his financial situation will improve soon. If there are cases ahead in court, then they will certainly be resolved in favor of the person on whom the alignment is being carried out. Secondly, the card may speak of the need to remember about open-mindedness and balance before making a serious decision. In the inverted position, the lasso promises quarrels, divorce, litigation and other problems that will be extremely difficult to solve. If there are cards nearby upright position, which means that the problem can be solved, but only by accurately thinking through all the ways and options. This is how the senior lasso is interpreted in Tarot Waite. The interpretation and meaning of the cards may differ from the classic version.


In the layouts, this card is interpreted as a sign of the uncertainty of the fortuneteller, many decisions made were thoughtless, and now it is worth accepting new ones to solve the situation. If Death fell nearby in the layout, then higher power warn of the need for urgent action. In fortune-telling about relationships, the card means the need for self-sacrifice, only in this way the fortuneteller can achieve the goal. In an inverted position, the lasso speaks of the denial of reality, removal from problems, unwillingness to solve them.


Change is the main interpretation of the Death Arcana in the Waite Tarot deck. The interpretation and meaning of the cards lies in the need to let go of the past and begin new life from scratch. But what exactly is coming ahead will be told by the lasso that goes right behind this card. In any case, renouncing the past, you will have to let go of something from your life, otherwise there will be no place for the new. If it fell out in an inverted position, then this means that the person is afraid of change. At the moment he is in a state of stagnation. You can get out of it only by accepting the new rules of the game and letting go of the old.


The meaning of the fourteenth Tarot Waite card is to renew strength, both mental and physical. The appearance of this lasso in the alignment speaks of the need to achieve harmony, learn humility and patience. In divination on the situation, it means the need for solitude. If Moderation is turned upside down, it means that the fortuneteller makes rash decisions, does not follow the words, behaves too nervously and unrestrainedly.


The meaning of the card is interpreted as debauchery, a person has a priority on the material side of life, he does not control desires, he is dependent on something. In some layouts, the Devil indicates that another person has a negative impact on the fortuneteller. This lasso denotes a lack of strength to solve a problem, a trap from which it is impossible to get out on your own. How to solve the problem, the Tarot Waite value located nearby will tell you. If an inverted card fell out, then the person on whom the alignment is being made is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She also talks about addiction or a habit that causes the most negative aspects of a person's personality.

Tower of Destruction

This card indicates obstacles, unfulfilled hopes and shattered plans. In any layout, the lasso speaks of a sharp change in circumstances in a negative direction. In an inverted position, the card speaks of a test that awaits the fortuneteller. It will not work to change circumstances for the better, the main thing here is to learn an important lesson for spiritual development.


A positive card, meaning the justification of hopes. Everything will come true, and even more than a person expects. There will be forces for the implementation of creative projects, new ideas and plans. There will be an improvement in the state of health, the outlook on the world will become more positive. In an inverted position, the lasso speaks of an unwillingness to see the world as it is. Also, the fortuneteller will be disappointed: his hopes will not come true. Also, the card may indicate a pessimistic view of things.


The card means distrust of the environment. When this card falls out in the layout, the fortuneteller should take into account that now it is better to push sanity into the background and trust your intuition. There are many unforeseen obstacles and betrayal ahead. loved one. So rationality in resolving issues may not help. In an inverted position, the Moon says that someone is hiding the truth from the fortuneteller. He was betrayed or dragged into some kind of scam. If the deal is done for a woman, there is a chance that soon she will have health problems in the gynecological part.

The sun

Talks about material prosperity, personal success and satisfaction with life. A person has a goal, and he strives to achieve it, and as soon as he achieves this, he will receive recognition. The Sun is a card that accompanies new beginnings and building a family. If it falls out in an inverted position, this means that the fortuneteller is prone to creating problems out of nothing. It is difficult for him to communicate with people, there are problems with his personal environment, he sees the world distortedly, which is why all his actions do not bring proper results.


This card speaks of improvements in health. If it fell out in the layout, it means that the fortuneteller has a period of rebirth, when you can take measures to change life for the better. Sometimes it is interpreted as a symbol of the fulfillment of a long-standing desire. This lasso speaks of the long-awaited achievement of the goal. In an inverted position, it promises delays, procrastination, regrets about the past, about imperfect actions. In the layout of the relationship, he talks about separation.


This is the last major arcana card contained in the Waite Tarot. The deck also has minor arcana. This is a card of change, signifying the end of a period of life and the successful start of a new one. The card portends growth, both material and intellectual. Most likely, the limiting factors will no longer prevent the person. Arkan says that a period of freedom and tranquility has come. In some cases, it is interpreted as an upcoming trip abroad. If this card fell out in an inverted position, it is worth waiting for a change for the worse. Disorder will begin in all spheres of life. The card advises to rethink your plans and intentions. Perhaps the fortuneteller is waiting for a quarrel with a friend, or he will be disappointed in his soulmate.


Almost all classic layouts are suitable for Tarot Waite. The interpretation and meaning of the cards, the layouts are special - they are all collected in the author's book. In order to get acquainted in detail with the meaning of the minor arcana, learn more about the major cards and understand exactly how to use them, you should get acquainted with the works of this author. Despite the fact that the information is quite old, and since then many mystics have been working on improving divination, the Waite Tarot still remains the most popular and in demand. The book contains the interpretation and meaning of the cards in full, and it will take a lot of time and attention to study them all.

There are many different tarot decks. Each deck has its own individual design, its own history, origins. Behind each deck is its creator, who put his experience, feelings, knowledge and faith into the image of each card.

Ryder-Waite deck of cards- This is the work of several people at once. As the name of the deck suggests, it owes its origin to Arthur Edward Waite and William Ryder.

Actually this is not true. There was also a third person who took part in the creation of a deck of cards, moreover, an important and significant one.

Deck Description

The Rider-Waite deck of cards is still very popular among both professionals and novice tarot readers. The deck owes its origin to Order of the Golden Dawn that existed in Great Britain throughout the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Arthur Edward Waite held a high position in the order, he was an explorer and mystical scientist, had extensive knowledge in the field of Freemasonry. In 1910, he had the idea to create his own deck of Tarot cards, each card of which would be a kind of key to knowledge.

Under his leadership, the artist Pamela Colman-Smith took up the design of the deck, and William Ryder became the first publisher of new Tarot cards. The author himself called his deck “The Illustrated Key to the Tarot”.

Despite the fact that the deck was relatively close to the classic Tarot deck, it has its own important features. For example, Cards numbered eleven and eight are swapped. Waite considered it more correct to assign Strength number eight, and Judgment takes its place in the deck at number eleven.

The creator did not comment on such a peculiar rearrangement, he only clarified that he made such a decision, relying on important and reliable sources. The changes also affected the Major Arcana “Lovers”. Traditionally, it was customary to depict this card as a choice that a young man must make, being between two girls. One girl personified the mind, the other - feelings.

Waite changed not only the image on the map, but also its entire meaning. From now on, the card had nothing to do with choice and looked like an illustration of a biblical story. The card depicts naked Adam and Eve in Paradise. The card was interpreted as feelings, love, passion and nothing more.

To this day, even those who preferred the Rider-Waite deck to the rest can interpret the Lovers in the old fashioned way as a fateful choice that needs to be made.

Important changes have also been made to the minor arcana. Now, on each card of all four suits, simple plots were also depicted, based on which it was easy to interpret the meaning of the card. Accompanying your deck Waite has published a book. It contained Full description decks, the interpretation of each card, layouts and other information related to the deck.

Characteristics of Tarot-Waite

The deck starts with the Major Arcana. Consider all the major arcana:

Interpretation and description of the minor arcana

Interpretation of the minor arcana not as diverse as in the case of the major arcana. Most often, the minor lasso gives only one meaning or is corrected by neighboring cards and is understood quite simply.

In order to interpret the minor arcana from the Rider-Waite deck, you will have to learn how to understand the image on the card.

For example, ace of swords It is depicted as a sword raised up, on the tip of which a golden crown hovers. The card predicts victory, achievement, success. The ten swords depict a man with ten swords stuck into him. The card may indicate betrayal, great losses, a heavy blow.

The deuce of cups depicts a woman and a man. They stand opposite each other with cups in their hands, ready to drink for good luck, love and prosperity. This is the interpretation the map should have.


The fastest layout is daily schedule, month, year. It is enough to draw only one card from the deck to understand what awaits you in the future indicated at the beginning of the layout. The same alignment can be used for divination YES / NO. For more experienced tarot readers, a good option from quick layouts would be three card divination.

This alignment is also universal. It can be used both in fortune-telling for a situation, and for fortune-telling for the future, and for fortune-telling for love. The first card means the past or how it all began, the second card means the present and what you need to pay attention to now, and the third card allows you to look into the future.

A more complex, but universal layout is Celtic cross. This alignment is very popular and has a lot of different options. A more complete spread consists of ten cards laid out in a certain order (depending on which version of the Celtic cross you have chosen). The alignment gives a complete and understandable answer to any question asked.

In addition to universal layouts, there are those that are designed for divination solely for one thing, for example, love relationships or health.

© Zhuravlev S., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

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Divination is a ritual aimed at establishing contact with otherworldly forces in order to gain knowledge about the past, present and future, understand situations in general, and also clarify life path a person at certain stages of ups and downs. Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a kind of magic that includes occult techniques that exist in the cultures of many peoples.

In this book, we will consider the divinatory aspects of Rider Waite's TARO cards, as well as analyze the main schemes of layouts for all occasions.

Before picking up Tarot cards and making the first alignment, you must understand that a person does not have a strictly defined future that cannot be changed or corrected. Actually, fortune-telling exists for this, so that you can find out about some future events not as an inevitable fact, but to see everything possible options and choose the path that will lead to the desired present.

Based on what is happening to a person at the moment, it is possible to predict the most probable future, which the cards tell about. It looks like an answer to the question: “What will happen if I continue to live as I live?” And your task is to learn to guess in such a way as to receive a detailed, detailed answer to the question: “What should I do to make the future the way I want?”

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is the key to the development of your abilities, because the ability to see in advance not only the consequences of some actions or events, but also their true causes, opens up truly limitless possibilities for a person to influence the future, its correction and control.

A person comes to understand the mechanisms of working with the present, past and future in all areas of life: health, relationships, work, family. It is enough to choose the right fortune-telling and learn how to correctly use the information that the cards will tell.

The fact is that when you guess, an understanding comes: how the situation develops, what energies and how they influence it, and what it leads to.

Therefore, having decided that they do not need fortune-telling at all, and they will engage in other magical practices, people inevitably fall into a trap: they miss simple ways influencing the situation, obtaining the desired results or developing events in the right direction. In such cases, it turns out either an overexpenditure of energy, or a person cannot understand in any way why the situation “broke down” and some problems began. And all this happens only because a person has not understood the principle of how the situation develops, has not been able to see the options and calculate the consequences. This understanding is developed directly through divination.

With it, you must understand how one or another action will affect the result.

Fortune-telling is necessary to understand the situation before doing anything, because often the understanding of what the impact can lead to comes too late, when nothing can be changed.

Tarot cards are one of the tools that help to figure everything out.

Working with them opens up the possibility for a person to control his consciousness, so that his own fantasy does not turn a small problem into a mixture of global problems. Thanks to the deck, it will be easier for you to stabilize and explain the situation.

With the help of maps, it is easier to understand what the situation is developing from and where it can lead. The fact is that during normal viewing or when influencing the situation, you do not always understand where something came from - the vector of development remains unclear.

Thanks to the cards, there is a phased approach, the ability to put everything in order, find the source of the problem and correct it.

It is very useful to write down all your layouts and fortune-telling, so that all this can then be double-checked, re-arranged. So you accustom yourself to control, to understanding all the nuances of the energy that affects the situation.

When divining, different decks are used depending on the aesthetic needs of the fortuneteller and the type of fortune-telling that can be tied to the idea of ​​​​a particular deck.

A little history of tarot cards

Tarot cards are a symbol system, a deck of 78 cards, which appeared presumably in the Middle Ages in the 14th-16th centuries, today it is used mainly for various prediction methods. The images on the Tarot cards have a complex interpretation from the point of view of astrology, occultism and alchemy, therefore, traditionally, the Tarot is associated with "secret knowledge" and is considered mysterious.

According to esoteric notions, there is a Hermetic, Gnostic or Kabbalistic symbolism in the Tarot cards, since the early Italian Renaissance, which gave rise to the Tarot, was a time of great intellectual activity. Therefore, Hermeticism, astrology, Neoplatonism, Pythagorean philosophy and unorthodox Christian thought, which flourished then, could leave their mark on the symbolism of the Tarot.

Similar symbolic "traces" in the Tarot prompted later researchers to the idea that the Tarot comes from some ancient cultures (Egyptian or Babylonian), that this system is a secret body of wisdom of the past. The first known explorer in this area was Cours de Geblen. In 1781, his book The Primitive World was published, in the last chapter of which it is stated that the Tarot goes back to the Egyptian tradition.

He suggested that the name "taro" is translated from ancient Egyptian as "The Way of the King", and that the gypsies, who were among the first in Europe to use cards, are descendants of the ancient Egyptians. His version formed the basis for subsequent studies of Tarot cards.

The esoteric attributes of the Tarot cards were dealt with by Arthur Edward Waite (White), who in 1910 publishes the book The Illustrated Key to the Tarot. Under his guidance, Miss Pomella Coleman-Smith, a young American who was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, drew a new Tarot deck, the so-called Ryder deck.

Tarot Waite is a universal deck that will help you look into the past, the future, and learn everything about the present. The most powerful mystics and clairvoyants use this tarot to get answers to their questions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced magician, the Rider Waite tarot will be a great addition to your collection.

In the article:

Tarot Waite - Major Arcana

Today, there are various decks of tarot cards. This is the tarot of Baphomet. This deck was made by American artist Pamela Colman Smith. The Rider Waite tarot saw the light of day at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, it has managed to become an integral attribute in the work of every esotericist.

Until today, the doctrine itself remains mysterious, the subject of controversy and reasoning. If you want to know everything you can about this deck, you can use the book Waite's Tarot as a System: Theory and Practice. The compiler of this book is Andrey Kostenko.

The book will help you answer many common questions about tarot cards in general and reveal some of the deck's secrets. In order to get started with Waite's universal tarot, you need to familiarize yourself with the major arcana.

Fool- Significant changes are coming in your life, which are likely to be unplanned and will require a lot of vitality from you. Inverted (hereinafter - P.) - instability, malfunctions, carelessness, helplessness, making mistakes.

Mag- progress, achievement of goals, great opportunities, comprehension of something new, self-confidence. P. - fame, selfishness, loss of ties with family or friends, psychological illness, unfulfilled dreams.

high priestess- intuition, the power of emotions and feelings, extrasensory abilities, a large number of secrets that will be kept from you. P. - weakness, indecision, seething of various emotions, lack of spirituality, intuition.

empress- love, understanding, mutual assistance, wedding, birth of children, harmony. P. - lack of balance and harmony, irritability, problems with money, troubles in the house.

Emperor- an imperious, strong person, purposeful, who will become a reliable support, help in the work sphere and in love. P. - pressure, impotence, the presence of enemies, failures, moral violence.

Priest- sexual attraction, the search for truth, marriage, the presence of a wise mentor, powerful and strong. You should listen to this person, as he will lead to success. P. - cruelty, increased interest, violation of the canons, weakness, inability to defend one's thoughts.

lovers- the embodiment of the first people on earth, a strong union that will be crowned with success, right choice harmony with oneself and others. P. - disappointments, breakdown of relationships, discussion of plans that are almost impossible to implement, illness.

Chariot- travel, victory, the pursuit of light and triumph, confidence, overcoming all obstacles. P. - defeats, negative emotions, uncontrolled rage, lack of organization, failure.

Force- platonic love, recovery, replenishment of the body's vital reserves, fearlessness, harmony, willingness to take responsibility and act. P. - despotism, tyranny, detachment, defeat, an unbalanced person next to you, which will negatively affect your life.

Hermit- knowledge, detachment, caution, removal of unnecessary acquaintances from the field, the ability to achieve success in solving the most difficult tasks, awareness of secrets, truth. P. - loneliness, forced isolation, fear of others, fraud, neglect of reason.

Wheel of Fortune- movement, striving for success, inconstancy, frequent mood swings, changes for the better, luck. P. - gambling, loss, problems with money, failures, inability to fulfill oneself.

Justice- making the right decision, winning the competition, respect from colleagues, professionalism, balance. P. - fanaticism, aggression, despotism, problems with money, abuse of power.

Hanged- a martyr who made a conscious sacrifice, the search for personal freedom, change, you are moving to a new level, the rejection of material wealth. P. - illnesses, passivity, creative stagnation, vain sacrifice, depression.

Death- does not imply physical death, it is the completion of one life stage and the beginning of a new one. Life change, change. P. - depression, loss, betrayal of ideals, collapse of plans.

Moderation- economy, the ability to compromise, diplomatic relations, the emergence of new employees, humility. P. - trials, struggle in the working sphere, losses, stinginess, incontinence, break in relations.

Devil- various trials await you on the way, but you have enough strength and desire to overcome them. Obsession with power and money. P. - ambition, cruelty, the collapse of plans, an uncontrollable situation.

Tower- difficulties, devastation in the soul, the collapse of plans, losses, oppression. P. - financial loss, rupture of attachments, disaster, deceit by a loved one.

Star- your life will completely change for the better, new perspectives, recovery, renewal of the spirit, happiness and peace. P. - isolation, dissatisfaction with oneself, disbelief, impotence, disappointment.

Moon- deception, you don’t know something and it significantly spoils your life, the presence of an enemy, a disease is likely in the near future. P. - instability, illness, fears, dangers.

The sun- health, conception, childbirth, happiness, marriage, material wealth, harmony with oneself. P. - recovery, impatience, success, but excessive self-confidence.

Last Judgment- change, rebirth, new job, wedding, birth of children, good news, victory over oneself. P. - fear, illness, resistance to natural changes in life, repentance.

World- success, harmony, travel, pleasant meeting. P. - calmness, willingness to help others.

Swords - interpretation and meaning of cards

Ace of swords- victory, impact on people, birth of children, wedding, financial stability. P. - deceit, rupture of communication, despotism, tyranny.

deuce- strength, readiness to defeat the enemy, you have already passed a difficult period and there will be improvements ahead. P. - deceit, betrayal, showdown, promiscuity.

Troika- a broken heart, a love triangle, a break in relationships, confrontation with others, a large number of negative emotions, betrayal. P. - resentment, a situation that cannot be changed; you feel sorry for yourself too often, nothing can be changed.

Four- loneliness, escape from life, an attempt to relax, health promotion. P. - hypocrisy, lack of funds, loss of close friends.

Five- tension, lack of faith, conflicts, someone encroaches on what belongs to you. P. - deceit, fraud, bad deal, self-doubt.

Six- you managed to overcome difficulties, ahead will be changes only for the better, travel, success. P. - you are too slow, you need to be more decisive, problems are on the way.

Seven- next to you is a liar who pretends to be someone else, he encroaches on what belongs to you, spreads gossip, because of him there are a lot of problems. P. - be on the lookout, they will give you good advice, they will offer patronage, you should not refuse the help of an influential person.

Eight- the situation is out of control, the collapse of plans, health problems, conflicts. P. - you can’t hesitate, it’s time to act, as your indecision can significantly worsen the situation.

Nine- disappointment, mental illness, suffering, betrayal, betrayal. P. - hope, faith, the need to pull yourself together.

Ten- grief, betrayal by a loved one, the need to give up everything and start living anew. P. - trouble, next to you is a very strange person who plots.

Page- a young man who is ready to help you, laziness, lack of strength. P. - enemies, bad news, variables for the worse.

Knight- the appearance of a strong person who is ready to protect you, movement, victory. P. - accident, aggression, illness, the appearance of enemies.

King- an adult domineering, cruel and strong man involved in politics or military affairs. P. - submission, struggle, conflict situation, competition.

Waite tarot deck - cups

Ace of Cups- generosity, love wedding, children, abundance, creative energy. P. - selfishness, unhappiness in love, breakup.

deuce- love, carnal pleasures, unity with a partner, passion. P. - disagreements, cooling of feelings, unrequited love, indiscriminate sexual relations.

Troika- success, material well-being, positive emotions, recovery. P. - betrayal, failure, lack of harmony.

Four- melancholy, depression, melancholy, unwillingness to do something in your life. P. - good changes, love, new acquaintances.

Five- loss, depression, breakup, emotional wounds. P. - the emergence of new friends, rethinking the situation, calmness.

Six - financial well-being, the appearance of an old lover, family happiness. P. - vanity, gaining new skills, approaching a joyful event.

Seven- a flight of fancy, too strong emotions, confusion, inability to adequately assess the situation. P. - making the right decision, overcoming difficulties, moving towards success.

Eight- parting, overturning the value system, fatigue, there is a chance to start everything from scratch. P. - new acquaintances, strong feelings, happiness.

Nine- success, financial stability, health, control over the situation. P. - abuse of power and wealth.

Ten- happiness, marriage with a loved one, the desire for success. P. - instability, quarrels with loved ones, problems at work.

Page- a strong emotional connection, the emergence of interesting acquaintances, creative energy, travel is possible. P. - not using all resources, treason, intrigue and gossip.

Knight- happiness, love, success. P. - mistakes, negative news, love triangle, fraud.

Queen- love, the opportunity to realize oneself, happiness in family life, wisdom. P. - gossip, promiscuity, the desire to escape from reality.

King- a strong marriage, patronage of an adult man. P. - deceit, fraud, cruelty, excessive ambition.

Meaning of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles- success, harmony, the emergence of prospects. P. - anxiety, ruin, obsession with money.

deuce- luck, pleasure, positive changes, good news. P. - anxiety, problems with money, delusion, loss of control over the situation.

Troika- material wealth, the emergence of new partners, professionalism. P. - criticism, inexperience, stagnation.

Four- confidence, material stability, inheritance. P. - obsession with power and money, indecision, failure.

Five- illness, failure, collapse. P. - opposition to failures, the emergence of like-minded people.

Six- generosity, success at work, prosperity. P. - deceit, fraud, loss of a large amount of money.

Seven- financial growth, movement towards the intended goal. P. - loss, bankruptcy.

Eight- success, creative realization, enjoyment of life. P. - routine, lack of plans, longing.

Nine- rest, wealth, stability. P. - loss of money, betrayal, loneliness.

Ten- profit, inheritance, rapprochement with relatives. P. - collapse, bankruptcy, difficult situation.

Page- obtaining new knowledge, new acquaintances, changes for the better. P. - disorganization, thoughtless spending.

Knight- profit, travel, professionalism, good news. P. - instability, disorganization, loss.

Queen- patronage, generosity. P. - deceit, greed, stinginess.

King- a practical person, success, will and purposefulness. P. - dangerous fraud with money.

Wands - interpretation

Ace of Wands- luck, money, activity, career growth. P. - apathy, melancholy, failure at work.

deuce- faith in success, gaining new knowledge, stability. P. - uncertainty, doubt, melancholy.

Troika- stability, success, reliable cooperation. P. - illness, loss, self-doubt.

Four- financial well-being, fulfillment of desires, success. P. - good news, material well-being, to get what you have planned, you need to make every effort.

Five- the emergence of competitors, quarrels, defending interests, the emergence of a source of income. P. - conflicts, fraud.

Six- victory, ambition, leadership. P. - self-doubt, money problems, bad news.

Seven- competitors, conflicts, it is necessary to show determination. P. - stinginess, depression, confusion.

Eight- travel, fulfillment of desires, haste. P. - unpleasant travel, pressure.

Nine- physical health, delay, struggle. P. - stubbornness, danger, obstacles on the way.

Ten- fame, luck, shouldering other people's problems. P. - cruelty, it will be difficult to achieve success.

Page- cordiality, good news, realization of the plan, ambitions. P. - rivalry, deceit, trick.

Knight- trip, friendliness, self-centeredness. P. - problems at work, envy, competition.

Queen- professionalism, independence, experience, money. P. - selfishness, deceit, envy.

King- success, happy union, wealth and power. P. - despotism, conflict, cruelty.

In the gallery you can see Waite's tarot. You can use this deck for various layouts. It is perfect for a beginner who is just starting his journey in the world of divination and the occult, or an experienced magician who wants to hone his skills.

In contact with

The classic Rider Waite Tarot is one of the most famous decks, which was designed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite - was a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings. The drawings of the cards were made by an American-born artist named Pamela Colman-Smith. The first publisher of this deck was William Ryder. So the deck of cards got its double name.

Features of this deck

A distinctive feature of the Rider White Tarot deck is that the 11th and 8th Arcana are reversed, that is, the card "Justice" is numbered 11, and the Arcana "Strength" has serial number 8. The reasons for this change were not properly explained by Waite.

The German tarot specialist Hajo Banzhaf suggested that such a change in numbering lies in the fact that Waite was guided by the teachings of the Albigensians, Waldensians and Cathars. Despite all this, many specialists in the occult and tarot did not accept this renumbering. And when using the Rider White Tarot deck, the Arcana of Justice and Strength were used with the same numbers.

In the decks that were created later, the Arcana Justice and Strength returned to their previous numbers.

In the Waite Tarot deck 6, the Major Arcana has a different image from the others. If you look at other old decks, then this Arcana is called "Choice or" Decision ". These cards depicted a young man between two women, whose face expressed uncertainty and confusion.

The sixth Arcana in the Rider White Tarot deck is given the name "Lovers". The card depicts naked Adam and Eve in Paradise. Image 6 Arcana speaks of love, attraction, sex, original sin. And the topic of choice or some kind of uncertainty is omitted here.

Card interpretation

I. Mage

Divinatory meanings: skill, subtlety; illness, pain, loss, a trap woven by enemies; confidence, will power.
The card says that divine impulses have awakened in a person, that he himself is in the role of God. It also means that a person's thinking is concentrated on the limit.
The possible meaning of the Mage card is the beginning of change, a new life, a new project, the birth of a child.

Reversed Tarot Waite card: shame, anxiety, psychological problems, uncertainty, indecision, lack of will.

II. high priestess

If we talk about the qualities of a person, then this card tells about his wit and cunning. good qualities this person is that he easily adapts to different situations, he can be trusted with any secret and be calm, because he will never give it out to anyone.
In love affairs, the card advises to be careful, there is a chance of being deceived by a loved one, you should take a good look at him.

Reversed: Self-conceit, superficial knowledge, passion.

III. empress

The meaning of the Empress in the layouts promises family ladies happiness and large offspring, pregnant women - easy childbirth. But for lonely people it promises non-reciprocal love, which is full of anxieties and disappointments.

The meaning of the reversed card in the Waite Tarot deck: truth, finding solutions to problems, various kinds of festivities.

IV. Emperor

The emperor is the image of a father or a person for whom such a status is very important.
The card means that there is a strong person near the questioner who can help him in his problems. If you look at it the other way, then this person may be the one who brazenly uses the questioner for his own purposes, for personal gain.

Reversed: Compassion, trust, immaturity.

V. Hierophant

In the case of divination for a particular person in order to learn more about him, the meaning of the Hierophant is as follows: a person has good oratory skills, knows how to convince, attracts many people to his idea, usually becomes a big shot and has high authority.
The loss of the Hierophant may mean that the questioner was under the influence of a strong person.

Reversed: understanding, agreement, weakness, impotence.

VI. lovers

When fortune-telling, the Lovers Card means choosing or solving problems. If they are guessing at a person and his character, then the card indicates that the person has an indecisive and weak character, has a fear of responsibility.

Reversed: Failure, divorce or marital breakdown, relationship conflicts.

VII. Chariot

The chariot is a symbol of supreme power. If this card falls out during fortune-telling, then this says that the person has broken out of the circle of former interests and is ready to go a new way. He has both confidence and courage, but also inexperience. Therefore, the card advises not to overestimate your capabilities and courage in solving new problems.
Reversed: Rebellion, arguments, verbal clashes, lawsuits, loss.

VIII. Force

The card represents soft, feminine power. It is the woman who makes the lion feel her strength.

Courage and perseverance helps a person cope with many problems. If this particular card falls out, then the questioner has coped with his fears and fears in the past, and he is ready to move on.

Reversed: Even if a person has achieved success in the material sphere of life, he cannot find understanding with other people. Lost the spiritual component of life.

IX. Hermit

The Hermit card symbolizes the withdrawal of a person into himself, into his experiences and problems, alienation, loneliness, the search for his own self.

The fall of the Hermit card indicates that the questioner will soon meet a person who will show the path to spiritual enlightenment.

In personal relationships, the Hermit portends stagnation or respite. Do not look at this as a break, perhaps this respite will make it clear to both that they simply cannot live without each other.

Reversed: The questioner does not listen to advice and rejects any help coming from management or close circle.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The questioner is sure of his luck. The cards that have fallen out next to you will complement the meaning and tell you exactly what will be lucky.
The laws of fate are favorable during this period, everything will flourish in the family and in business. In personal relationships portends stagnation.

Reversed: means stagnation and bad luck in business, both in professional and in love.

XI. Justice (justice)

The meaning of this card is connected not only with court cases, but also with any area where there are any disputes. If the matter concerns the court, then the Tarot promises that it will end in favor of the questioner.

From a psychological point of view, the Tarot card Justice talks about the ability to talk with other people in serious matters, about a mature character and life experience.

Reversed: In business, it means long legal proceedings that will get bored. If the question is about love relationships, then the card portends a break or divorce.

XII. Hanged

In the tarot layout, the Hanged Man means that the questioner is moving on to the path of spiritual life, renouncing everything material and physical. That is, a person parted with his old "I" and goes to spiritual enlightenment. Also, the card can mean that the questioner is open to new ideas.

Reversed: Worldly affairs come first, which closes the heart and mind to spiritual growth. There may be situations when others want to deceive or hide something from a person.

XIII. Death

The death of the Tarot in the alignment symbolizes change, rebirth or rebirth. Big changes are expected, and it is better to say goodbye to the past. We need to move forward with confidence and firmness.

In love affairs, she talks about a possible break and the end of any relationship.
In work, it means leaving the old place and opening up new opportunities.

Reversed: Symbolizes stagnation in work and new ideas. The death of a prominent person or some kind of disaster is possible.

XIV. Moderation

Tarot meaning Temperance - balance, harmony with yourself and other people, calmness. All these qualities are inherent in the questioner.

In personal affairs and the business sphere, everything promises to be stable and measured. No change or change.

Reversed: Personal relationships interfere with work, and work interferes with love affairs. Here you need to clarify the situation and eliminate interfering factors, put everything in order. Allocate time for each side of life.

XV. Devil

This card interprets that at the moment the questioner is interested in worldly affairs. In business matters, the Devil means trials and temptations. Perhaps it will be related to drugs, weapons or bribes.

In personal relationships, it threatens with parting and quarrels. The card warns that flirting, meaningful promises, passion are possible, which in general will lead to nothing, but will have time to spoil the relationship between two loving hearts.

Reversed: Emotional fears and problems are resolved, you can move on and start a new life.

XVI. Tower

If the Tarot Tower card fell out, then this means that all plans and ideas fly to hell, nothing will work out in the near future.
In personal relationships, it promises overdue changes. This may be a release from a relationship with a partner that has long outlived its usefulness. Or it may be that the relationship was on the verge of breaking up, and after a serious conversation with a loved one and a discussion of all urgent issues, the relationship will become better.

XVII. Star

The Star card symbolizes good health, happiness and inspiration. The one to whom this card has been revealed will be happy and his intuitive powers will increase.

Reversed: The star promises a lack of sanity. Parting with loved ones is possible, as well as other losses.


This card is associated with intuition, dreams and magical manifestations. Don't be fooled by outward appearances. You have to accept that you have an animal nature. You need to try to deal with internal demons.

XIX. The sun

If the Sun falls, then everything will be on top for the questioner. And good health, success at work and in business, positive achievements. Efforts and efforts in the past will bear fruit.