Rice cakes. Mochi rice cakes. Vegetarian rice paper pancake filling

Rice dishes are popular all over the world for a reason. Cereals have a mild taste, allowing fish, vegetables and other ingredients to emerge against a neutral background. At the same time, the grains contain a real vitamin complex. With regular consumption of rice dishes, health significantly improves. Flatbreads, which Asians even use to replace bread, will help diversify the menu and make it healthier.

Classic recipe


  • flour (only rice or half and half wheat) – 300 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • salt – 4 g;
  • sunflower oil – 20 g;
  • butter – 50 g.


  1. Regardless of the type of flour, you should not neglect the sifting procedure. Add salt and sugar.
    Beat the egg evenly, but not too quickly, adding water.
  2. Combine both mixtures with a spoon, after which you will need to set it aside - then you will have to work manually. To prevent the dough from sticking and make it easier to knead, it is enough to grease your palms with a drop of sunflower oil from time to time.
  3. When the texture becomes pliable, but does not lose its shape, the dough is made into a ball and covered with a damp towel. The base for the cakes is ready, but before frying you need to let it rest for at least 20-30 minutes.
  4. Divide into “sausages” and cut them into equal parts, roll out. The quality of the dish depends on the thickness of the layer: the smaller it is, the more airy the cake will be. This quantity of ingredients yields approximately 5-6 servings.
  5. Rice cakes are cooked in a dry, hot frying pan. Fry briefly, stack and coat with butter.

Cooked rice cakes

If there is no rice flour, this is not a reason to refuse tortillas. Every housewife has rice; it is easy to buy in any store. The round variety should be used for rice cakes; it has increased stickiness.


  • rice – 300 g;
  • flour (wheat) – 200 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt.

Advice. You can add salt at any stage - when cooking rice or already while kneading the dough.


Flatbread with filling


  • flour (strictly rice) – 300 g;
  • water (preferably mineral) – 200 ml;
  • sesame oil – 40 (30/10) g;
  • salt;
  • sesame;
  • spices;
  • mushrooms (suitable) – 5 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • any greens.

Attention! In Asian dishes, salt can be replaced with soy sauce.


For cooking you will need a double boiler. Ingredients:

  • flour (rice only) – 600 g;
  • makgeolli (rice wine) – 70 ml;
  • water – about 300 ml;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 200 g.


  1. Pour all the salt and sugar into the sifted (preferably several times) flour. Slowly introduce makgeolli and water.
  2. Next, the dough will have to proof for a long time. In 6 hours the mass will increase in volume, so you should take care of a spacious container. Do not open the lid for the first 4 hours, and then stir the mixture every hour.
  3. Prepare the molds: grease with oil and fill up to a third with dough. If you need to decorate the scones, it's best to do it now. Nuts or dried fruits will do.
  4. Steam for about 30 minutes.

Advice. You shouldn’t take the cakes out of the molds right away, they will fall apart. It is necessary to cool them; you can speed up the process using an ice bath.

Chimpeni is mainly served at festive tables. It is quite difficult to prepare them in large quantities and do it correctly, so often even the Koreans themselves order the delicacy from professional chefs.

Eggless flatbreads

  • flour – 225 g;
  • water (boiling water) – 150 ml;
  • oil (sunflower or sesame) 10 g;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • salt.


  1. Prepare the flour, sift it several times and immediately mix with salt. Distribute oil over the entire area. You can use any, but sesame will add a special flavor.
  2. Pour boiling water and knead the dough until it comes together into small lumps. You need to work quickly so that the liquid spreads evenly. It is more convenient to use a wooden spatula; it does not heat up.
  3. Once the dough has cooled, knead it with your hands and leave to rest.
  4. Chop the onion very finely.
  5. Sprinkle the work surface with flour. Roll out the entire ball at once to a layer no thicker than 3 mm. Grease with oil and arrange the onions. If you want it spicier, you can add spices.
  6. Roll up the roll and cut, crush the resulting “snails” and form flat cakes.
  7. Fry in a very hot frying pan, be sure to grease with oil first.

Rice is appropriate for any meal. Unleavened dough is combined with different sauces and fillings. The economical composition of ingredients allows you to experiment with flavors. Suitable for allergy sufferers as it does not contain gluten. Frequent use significantly improves the health of the body and gives a feeling of lightness.

Step-by-step recipes for making rice cakes: classic, quick, boiled rice with breadcrumbs, dry yeast with rice, sweet rice cakes with yeast, with milk

2018-05-30 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

9 gr.


42 gr.

274 kcal.

Option 1: Rice cakes - classic recipe

The very idea of ​​rice cakes came to us from Japan, Korea and other eastern countries. Rice cakes can be used instead of bread, as a snack, various fillings are wrapped in them, and desserts are made. There are a lot of ideas for implementation in cooking. For the base, you can only use rice flour, rice and wheat in equal proportions, boiled or dry rice. We will prepare several varieties of rice cakes so that you can choose the one that suits you best.


  • 330 grams of rice flour;
  • 200 ml water;
  • egg;
  • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  • 1/2 teaspoon table salt;
  • 2 teaspoons sunflower oil;
  • 50 grams of butter, drained.

Step by step rice cake recipe

Take a large bowl and sift the rice flour into it. Add granulated sugar and salt - mix well.

Break the egg, pour water into it and whisk vigorously with a whisk. Then the resulting mixture is poured into the flour mixture and stirred.

Lubricate your hands with refined sunflower oil and knead the dough with your hands, until it reaches a soft texture. Then cover with a damp, clean cloth and leave for about twenty minutes.

Cut the dough into six pieces. Dust your work surface with a little flour and roll out the first piece of dough into a thin, thin cake. Prepare the remaining portions.

Place a frying pan of suitable size on the fire. Do not add oil; fry the rice cakes on a dry surface.

Since the products turned out to be very thin, we fry them literally until lightly browned on both sides.

When you place the rice cakes on a common plate, do not forget to grease them with butter.

Option 2: Quick Rice Cakes Recipe

This recipe is not only quick to prepare, but also because these rice cakes do not contain gluten and can be prepared for small children.


  • 5 table of water;
  • 1 table spoons of oils;
  • 2 table spoons of starch;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 8 table spoons without a hill of rice flour;
  • a handful of sesame seeds.

How to make rice cakes quickly

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and prepare a smooth, slightly sticky dough.

You can first combine the liquid ingredients, then the dry ones and stir everything with a spoon, then bring it together with your hands until smooth.

Cut the dough into equal parts and roll each into a ball with your hands. Using a rolling pin, we turn each of them into a thin cake.

Heat a dry frying pan. Sprinkle each flatbread with sesame seeds on each side and fry until lightly golden on both sides.

The heat should be high, use a frying pan with a thick bottom.

Lay out the prepared golden brown rice cakes and grease them with butter.

Note: You can use milk instead of water. Additionally, you can mix different seeds into the dough itself to suit your taste. You can use any starch: potato or corn at your discretion.

Option 3: Rice cakes made from boiled rice with breadcrumbs

Initially, we take dry rice and wheat flour as the base. Boil the rice until tender, and then knead the dough. Roll the flatbreads in breadcrumbs and fry them in a frying pan - a hearty and simple option.


  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • a handful of breadcrumbs;
  • 300 grams of rice;
  • egg;
  • salt to taste.

Step by step recipe

It is better to use round rice - we are preparing flatbreads, we do not need crumbling.

Rinse it in several waters until transparent, add water and boil until tender. You can salt the water immediately or salt the already boiled rice - as you like.

When the rice has cooled a little, beat in a chicken egg. You can add a little of your favorite seasoning for taste or do without it. Sift the flour and pour into the same container.

Stir with a spoon until smooth.

Use your hands to form thin flat cakes and roll them in breadcrumbs.

Heat a frying pan, add a little oil and fry the rice cakes until golden brown on each side.

To get rid of excess oil, place first on paper towels and then on a serving plate. It is appropriate to serve a salad of fresh vegetables with rice cakes prepared in this way.

Option 4: Dry yeast rice cakes with rice

If you've been cooking a meal or side dish with rice and you have some left over, make some delicious rice cakes. Add some dry yeast, wheat flour and water - the dough is ready! All that remains is to fry it in a frying pan and treat it to your family. By the way, you can fry them in a slow cooker - it will turn out even healthier.


  • 130 grams of millet flour;
  • 1/2 tbsp boiled rice;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon table salt;
  • 1/2 teaspoon dry yeast.

How to cook

Rice can be anything: round or long grain. Since it's already boiled, just transfer it to a large bowl.

Pour in wheat flour; you don’t have to sift it.

Pour in olive oil. If this is not the case, take sunflower oil, but it must be refined and odorless.

Add yeast. If you have seasonings, you can add some. For example, Provencal herbs or paprika.

Stir everything until smooth and start pouring water in a thin stream, while kneading the dough.

Gather the dough into a bun, cover with a damp, clean towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour.

So, the dough has rested and risen. Divide it into six servings.

Grease your work surface and roll out thin rice cakes with a rolling pin.

Now you can fry until lightly browned on each side in a dry frying pan without oil or in a multicooker bowl in the “Frying” mode.

The main thing is to turn over with a wide spatula, silicone or wooden, not iron.

Place the finished rice cakes in a stack, brushing them with butter. If you sprinkle each flatbread with a small amount of fresh chopped herbs, the taste will be simply amazing, and what an aroma!

Option 5: Sweet rice cakes with yeast

This is an adapted Indian sweet rice cakes recipe. The base is dry rice, which is soaked for a long time and then used to make flatbreads. We will also need a blender or food processor, or a powerful electric meat grinder.


  • 400 grams of rice;
  • 75 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 25 ml warm water;
  • water for dough - how much will be needed.

Step by step recipe

Wash the rice until transparent and fill with clean water. We will soak for about four hours. Then the water is drained - just drain the rice in a colander.

Mix the rice with granulated sugar and salt, then grind in a food processor, blender or electric meat grinder. At the same time, water is added to the mass in such an amount that the consistency of cream is obtained.

Note: If you made the mixture too thin, add rice or wheat flour to thicken the base a little.

Dissolve the yeast in 25 ml of warm water and pour into the rice mixture. Stir and leave warm for half an hour.

Now you can make beautiful rice cakes in molds. Place the dough to the middle of a wide, beautiful mold.

Cook in a double boiler for about ten minutes. Carefully remove the rice cakes from the mold and cool slightly. That's it, you can serve it to the table. These flatbreads can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Although, most likely, they will all be eaten at once.

Option 6: Rice cakes with milk

Rice flour is sometimes difficult to find in the store, so we use wheat flour, dry rice and milk. Add yeast, eggs and oil and prepare delicious rice cakes.


  • 400 grams of rice;
  • 400 grams of millet flour;
  • 50 grams of butter; drain;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 liters of milk;
  • 50 g dry yeast;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • growing oil

How to cook

It is better to take round rice. Cook a viscous porridge from it. How to do it? Boil a liter of milk and rinse the rice.

As soon as the milk boils, add salt, add rice and cook over low heat with the lid closed. Stir the porridge occasionally with a spoon.

Then we cool it.

Grind the rice porridge in a blender.

Dissolve yeast in half a liter of warm milk and pour the resulting mixture into crushed rice porridge.

Add wheat flour and mix well. Leave in a warm place for half an hour.

Break the eggs, separate the yolks. Place them in the rice dough and stir. Then add the separately beaten whites.

Leave again in a warm place for the same time.

Now we separate portions from the dough, form flat cakes and fry them in the same way as pancakes.

Fold in a stack and grease with butter.

Chimpeni or 술떡- sultok

Cooking recipe taken from Korean sources:

Rice flour (regular, NOT CHAPSALE!) - 3 cups (two hundred grams)
makgeolli - 70 ml
salt 1 - spoon (dessert)
sugar - 1 glass
water - 280 ml (plus, minus so that the dough is liquid)

Sift the flour 2 times, add salt, sugar, makgeolli, add water little by little, stirring the dough. Pour the finished dough into a deep bowl (preferably into a transparent container). Mark the level of the dough with a sticker on the outside to make it easier to track the rise of the dough. The dough should then double in size. Cover with a lid and place in a warm place. After about 4 hours, gently stir the dough and close again. After an hour, stir again and close again. After another hour, stir and leave open. Prepare dishes for steaming (you can use cake trays). Grease the trays with oil. pour one-third of the dough into each; on top you can put pine nuts, date pieces, black sesame seeds (as your imagination takes flight).

Important: pour cold water into the steamer (!), place the trays on the steamer sheets, close and put on low heat, after 15 minutes turn up the heat and steam for another 15 minutes. Then turn it off and do not open the lid for two minutes. Be sure to wrap the lid with a kitchen towel so that water from the lid does not get into the current.

2 recipe.

400 gr. white rice
3 table. tablespoons white sugar (or to taste)
1 or 2 tsp. salt, or to taste
1 tsp. spoon of yeast (dissolve in advance in 25 ml of warm water)
Water to add to dough

How to cook:

1. Soak rice in a bowl for 4 hours (in cold weather up to 8 hours). Drain all the water.

2. Using a high-powered grinder, grind all the rice along with the sugar and salt, using enough water to achieve the consistency of very thick cream. The trick is to start with less water and increase it gradually, step by step. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little more water later if necessary. If, on the contrary, the mixture is too liquid, you need to thicken it by adding rice flour.

4. When the rice is ready for further manipulation, you need to prepare the molds by generously greasing them with vegetable oil.

5. Pour a little dough into the molds (you need to fill about a third of the dishes) and leave to rise a little.

6. Rice cakes are prepared directly in the molds, in a double boiler, for about 8-10 minutes. You can check readiness with a toothpick: pierce the flatbread with it; the dough should not stick to it.

7. Once the rice cakes are ready, carefully remove the pans and let them cool completely in the ice water bath. When the mold has cooled, simply turn it upside down and your culinary miracle will easily slide out.

Rice has been cultivated by people for many centuries and even millennia, and it is quite rightly called one of the most popular cereals in the world. As they show, the history of rice began a very long time ago - 6-7 thousand years ago people already knew how to grow and eat rice. This is evidenced by traces of rice on the remains of pottery and manuscripts of ancient China; in addition, there are references to rice in manuscripts of ancient India.

Asia is considered to be the birthplace of rice; people first began to grow rice on the territory of modern Vietnam and Thailand. Then it gradually spread to all other continents and, having adapted to local climatic conditions, took its rightful place in the national cuisines of the peoples of the world.

Rice grains contain more starch than any other grains. Rice is a balanced dietary product, because it contains everything necessary for the human body, it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Rice is rich in potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, B vitamins and iron compounds. It also contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, which provide our body with energy. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from it: pilaf, porridge, risotto, rice cakes, rolls and sushi, it is added to soups, and meat dishes are prepared with it.

Do you have rice lying around and can’t figure out what to cook with it? Do regular homemade porridges turn your nose up, the side dish turns out sticky, and are you already tired of pilaf? Then try making homemade flatbreads, which will be a great find for many housewives. It looks like bread, but there is no need to knead the dough for a long time.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, boil, drain in a colander and cool, then add sugar, juice, orange zest and cinnamon. Mix everything well, form into flat cakes and roll them in sesame seeds, fry in oil until golden yellow. If it turns out too loose, you need to add beaten egg white. Place the finished rice cakes on a dish and pour over the heated mixture of honey and wine.

2. Yeasted rice cakes.

Ingredients: 250 grams of long rice, 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered yeast, 50 ml. warm water, 5 eggs, 100 grams of sugar, 30 grams of nutmeg, 1 teaspoon of salt, 100 grams of flour, fat.

Boil the rice until soft, dry and stir. Add yeast diluted in warm water to the rice and let it brew for two hours. Beat the eggs with salt, sugar, flour and nutmeg, add the mixture to the rice and stir. Set aside for 30 minutes. After this, heat the fat in a frying pan and, spooning out the resulting “dough,” fry the cakes on both sides until golden brown.

3. Japanese mochi rice cakes. To prepare them, you will need 500 grams of mochi-gome rice.

Rinse the rice and leave it in water overnight. In the morning, steam the rice in a steamer until soft. Place the still hot rice into a damp wooden mortar and mash it until it becomes a homogeneous, mushy, sticky mass. Place the resulting dough on a surface sprinkled with rice flour and form into slightly flattened balls. After this, you need to place it in the refrigerator for some time. Japanese rice cakes "mochi" are seasoned with soy or any other sauce to taste and served.

Rice cakes are simple, bland, but very tasty. They are good on their own as bread for any dish, as well as for wrapping various fillings (meat, vegetable, chicken, mushroom). They are baked from a mixture of rice and wheat flour. There are recipes on the Internet that list only rice flour as ingredients. This raised my doubts, so I immediately added wheat flour to the dough in approximately equal parts with rice flour.

Prepare the ingredients for making the flatbread according to the recipe list.

Mix both types of flour together, add salt and sugar.

Mix the egg in water and pour into the flour mixture.

Grease your hands well with vegetable oil and knead the dough. Let him rest for 20 minutes.

Then divide the dough into 5-6 parts, roll each into a thin flat cake on a floured surface.

Fry each rice cake in a hot, dry frying pan (without oil) on both sides until browned.

Brush the finished hot rice cakes with melted butter to keep them soft and tastier...

The rice cakes are ready.

Bon appetit!