Wild garlic dishes, Chechen cuisine recipes. Chechen cuisine. Bean soup with dried meat

To be honest, I love to eat, and not just to fill my stomach, but to really enjoy the dishes. I also love meat dishes (vegetarians forgive me), and if you put in front of me a plate with a very beautiful and tasty cake and an equally tasty kebab, I will definitely prefer the latter. Therefore, when going to Grozny, we definitely wanted to try, firstly, kebabs, and, secondly, Chechen cuisine, interest in it was warmed up in advance by a set of postcards with.
So, we arrived in Grozny, checked in, and immediately decided to go to the famous Yuzhnaya Street. Why famous? Yes, both in “Heads & Tails” and in “Let's go, let's eat!” the presenters were drawn to this street to taste the kebab. And given my love for this dish, we couldn’t help but go there. We approach the area, try to turn onto the street, but we are met by a barrier. We leave the car and go on foot in search of where to eat. We find a number of barbecue cafes and decide to just go to the first one that comes to hand...

Kebab house "Northern"

In principle, all the kebab shops here are similar: a small courtyard with booths for visitors. One of them accepts orders. They grill kebabs right here. Well, we chose a skewer of lamb (as you understand, there is no pork in Grozny), vegetables, lavash and a bottle of local soda, and we set off to wait for the shish kebab.
The booths have simple furnishings; if you want, you can close the door and sit in silence.

The wait was brightened up with soda and studying the menu, and I also did my favorite thing - eating pita bread with sauce.

The price for a kebab is standard - 300 rubles, but this is not for 100 grams, like ours, but for a full-fledged large skewer.

As a result, we ate our fill with two skewers of meat and a skewer of vegetables. The kebab was delicious, a solid A, but without a plus, why, you will understand later. So if you are a kebab lover like me and you’ll be in Grozny, you can stop by here. The shish kebab is good.

Cafe "Zhizhig & Galnash"

The second place we discovered in Grozny was cafe "Zhizhig & Galnash"(Putina Ave., 5 A, Grozny), it was located literally a block away from us.

Our guide pointed it out. We just asked where to try Chechen cuisine, and he recommended “Zhizhig & Galnash” to us, and it was Zhizhig-Galnash that we needed to try there.
So, tired, we returned from the excursion and immediately went to the cafe, the interior emphasizes the Vainakh theme, but there were quite a lot of people in the cafe, so I didn’t take pictures.
And here the Chechen mentality begins to manifest itself. Firstly, don’t expect smiles from the local waitresses, everything is extremely strict: they took the order, clarified it, brought it, took it away, all without a smile. This is explained simply - in Chechnya, working as a waitress is, let’s say, a little undesirable for a girl; as a rule, they are allowed to work only in family cafes and under the supervision of someone older. That is why such a strict “look”. Although when we ate in this cafe for the third time, when talking to me, the girls were already “smiling with their eyes.”
Secondly, there were very few women in this cafe, or to be more precise, apart from two “wandering” tourists, including me, there were none at all, and I didn’t see any women without men at all. I don’t know whether this is a feature of this cafe or the whole of Chechnya, but while walking around Grozny, I didn’t see any particular women at the cafe tables. Well, after the day of the hunger strike, we started placing orders.

The first dish was zhizhig-galnash or, in other words, meat with dumplings. For three days we tried to order this dish with lamb, but we only had luck with beef; chicken was not initially considered. The dish consists of dumplings, meat, broth and onion or garlic sauce. Everyone cuts the meat for themselves, the dumplings are dipped in sauce, and everything is washed down with broth. It seems that everything is super simple, but it is very tasty, and, what is not unimportant, very satisfying; one 700 gram portion was enough for us for two. If we were unanimous about the type of meat, then we liked different dumplings - I made them from wheat flour, and Vitya made them from corn flour.

For the main course we ordered two types of flatbreads. I have khingalsh or flatbread with pumpkin, and Vitya has chepalgash or flatbread with cottage cheese and herbs. Their cooking technology is the same: they make a flatbread with filling, fry it in a very heated frying pan, wash it with boiling water so that it is not hard, and brush it with melted butter. Both flatbreads were very tasty, but we simply fell in love with the hingalsh, and then only ordered it.

Everything was washed down with very tasty tea, and the check wasn’t that expensive.

At this cafe we ​​also tried siskal, or flatbread made from corn flour. It’s tasty, but still corn flour is coarser, so it’s not for everyone. But dema khyovla or flour halva was again unusual, but very tasty, and went down with a bang in the room.
We liked the "Zhizhig & Galnash" cafe so much that all dinners were held only there with a standard set: zhizhig galnash with beef and garlic sauce - one serving, two servings of khingalsh, and then there was either halva or flatbread sprinkled in, and sometimes tea was replaced with soda. So I definitely recommend the cafe.

Cafe "Linda"

On the last full day in Chechnya, I again wanted to try barbecue, and kept tempting Vitya to go to Yuzhnaya. But then we walk literally a block from the hotel (the intersection of Mira Street and R. Luxembourg) and see that they are selling kebab. Again we choose the skewers we like and go into the cafe.

A cafe for its own people, simple to the point of impossibility, with plastic tables, although there are separate booths. As a result, we again buy two lamb skewers for 300 rubles each, bread and soda. So, with a clear conscience, I give this kebab a five plus: firstly, it was from different “parts” of the lamb, and accordingly the pieces differed in taste, and, secondly, the kebab itself was soaked in something unusual , and therefore soaked through with these spices, so yum, yum.

What food is worth trying in Chechnya?

  • Definitely kebab, and definitely made from lamb, after all, they know how to cook lamb here. Perhaps I can only compare this dish with shish kebab in

ZHIZHIG GALNASH dumplings with meat

(per serving)

Lamb - 354 g or beef - 342 g, salt - 3 g.

Broth - 300 g.

Boil fatty lamb or beef with bones in a large piece (weighing 1.5-2 kg) with salt added. Cut the finished meat into pieces of 50-60 g.

Separately prepare dumplings.

From wheat flour: knead unleavened dough, roll out into a layer 1 cm thick, cut into long strips, then cut crosswise into diamonds 4 cm long, after pressing with three fingers, roll out into shells or give any shaped shape.

Boil the dumplings in broth or salted water for 20-25 minutes, place on a plate, and place pieces of meat on top. Separately serve the meat broth and garlic, ground with salt and diluted with a small amount of broth.

HINGALASH flatbreads with pumpkin

(per serving)

For the dough: wheat flour - 120 g, kefir - 100 g, baking soda - 0.2 g, salt - 0.5 g.

For minced meat: pumpkin - 128 g, sugar - 15 g, water - 30 g, onion - 24 g, salt - 0.5 g, butter - 30 g.

Preparation of minced meat: remove the pumpkin from the stalk, chop into pieces, remove seeds, place the skin side up in a saucepan, add hot water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 5 kg of pumpkin and cook, tightly covering with a lid, until cooked. Finely chop the onion and fry it, you can put it raw in the minced meat. Using a spoon, remove the pulp from the boiled pumpkin and rub it. Add sugar, salt, fried onions and mix everything.

Divide the dough into pieces of 200-230 g, roll out the cakes 0.3 cm thick, put minced meat on one half, cover with the other half, pinch the edges, giving the shape of a semicircle. Bake in a hot frying pan without fat, turning occasionally. Wipe the finished khingalash on both sides with hot water (to soften and remove burnt flour), grease with butter. Before serving, cut into 3-6-9 pieces and pour over melted butter or serve the butter separately in a bowl.

CHEPALGASH flatbreads with cottage cheese

(per serving)

For the dough: wheat flour - 100 g, kefir - 100 g, baking soda - 0.2 g, salt - 0.5 g.

For minced meat: cottage cheese - 75 g, egg - 1/4 pcs., salt - 0.5 g, butter - 20 g.

Preparing the dough.

Mix flour with heated kefir, add salt, baking soda and knead the dough until a homogeneous soft consistency is obtained.

Prepare minced cottage cheese mixed with egg and salt, if the cottage cheese is unsalted.

Divide the dough into pieces weighing 200-230 grams and roll out 0.3 cm thick. Place minced meat in the middle, pinch the edges in the form of a donut and roll out 0.9-1.5 cm thick.

Bake in a frying pan without fat, turning occasionally. Wipe the finished chepalgash on both sides with hot water to soften and remove burnt flour, grease with butter, and place one on top of the other.

When serving, cut into 4-8 pieces and pour over melted butter. Oil can be served separately.

SISKAL cornmeal tortilla

(per serving)

For siskal: corn flour - 168 g, water - 100 g, salt - 2 g.

Pour water at a temperature of 50-60 degrees into the sifted corn flour and knead the dough, cut into round flat cakes 1.5-2 cm thick, 20-25 cm in diameter. Bake in a frying pan (without fat), turning occasionally. Served with kald-dyatta or to-beram and Kalmyk tea.

For kald-dyatta: cottage cheese - 64 g, butter (melted) - 20 g, egg - 1/2 pcs., salt - 5 g.

Mix salted cottage cheese thoroughly with butter or ghee and finely chopped boiled egg.

For toberam: cottage cheese - 40 g, sour cream - 60 g, salt - 5 g.

Mix salted cottage cheese thoroughly with sour cream.

For Kalmyk tea: milk - NU g, green tea - 4 g, black pepper - 0.1 g, butter - South, salt - 0.5 g, boiled water - 100 g.

Pour slab green tea into boiling water, after boiling, let it brew for 5 minutes, strain, pour in boiled milk, add salt, black pepper, butter.


(per serving)

Chicken - 208 g, salt - 3 g, onion - 5 g. For the sauce: butter - 20 g, whole milk - 50 g, onion - 60 g, ground black pepper - 0.05 g, salt - 2 g .

For dumplings: flour (corn or wheat) - 160 g, water - 90 g, salt - 2 g. Broth - 250 g, boiled milk - 50 g

Prepared chicken carcasses are placed in hot water (2-2.5 liters per 1 kg of product), quickly brought to a boil, then the heat is reduced. Remove the foam from the boiling broth, add chopped onions, salt and cook at low boil in a sealed container until cooked.

Cut the boiled chicken into portions, put in a pan with onions sautéed in butter, pour in whole milk, salt, add black pepper, cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Prepare dumplings from corn or wheat flour.

Wheat flour dumplings: knead unleavened dough, roll out into a layer 1 cm thick, cut into long strips, then cut crosswise into diamonds 4 cm long and, after pressing with three fingers, roll out into shells or give any shaped shape.

Corn flour dumplings: prepared in the same way, only they are given a flattened oval shape by pressing with your fingers.

Boil the dumplings in broth or salted water for 20-25 minutes, place on a plate, and place pieces of poultry on top.

Separately serve chicken broth seasoned with whole boiled milk.


(per serving)

Lamb or beef (pulp) - 130 g, lamb intestines - 70 g, onions - 60 g, raw lard - 50 g, rice - 15 g, salt - 5 g, ground black pepper -. 1 year

For dumplings: corn or wheat flour - 160 g, water - 90 g.

Garlic seasoning: garlic - 25 g, broth - 30 g, salt - 3 g, ground black pepper - 0.05 g.

For minced meat: finely chop the meat pulp and raw lard with a knife, you can pass it through a meat grinder with a large grid.

Sort the rice and rinse with hot water, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, and mix thoroughly with the meat.

Soak lamb intestines for 30-40 minutes in warm water, then rinse thoroughly. Fill the intestinal membranes loosely with minced meat and tie the ends. Boil by adding hot water for 1-1.5 hours.

Separately prepare dumplings.

From wheat flour: knead unleavened dough, roll out into a layer 1 cm thick, cut into long strips, then cut crosswise into diamonds 4 cm long and, after pressing with three fingers, roll out into shells or into any shaped shape.

From corn flour: they are prepared in the same way, only they are given a flattened oval shape by pressing with the fingers.

Boil the dumplings for 20-25 minutes in salted water. The sausage is served with dumplings made from corn or wheat flour. Separately, serve the garlic, mashed with salt and diluted with a small amount of fatty broth.


(per serving)

Dried meat - 270 g, ground black pepper - 0.05 g.

For dumplings: flour (corn or wheat) - 160 g, water - 90 g.

Garlic seasoning: garlic - 25 g, broth - 30 g, salt - 3 g, ground black pepper - 0.05 g.

Broth - 300 g.

Soak the dried meat for 20 minutes in cold water and cook until tender without adding salt. Cut the finished meat into pieces of 30-40 grams.

Separately prepare dumplings:

From wheat flour: knead unleavened dough, roll out into a layer 1 cm thick, cut into long strips, then cut crosswise into diamonds 4 cm long, after pressing with your fingers, roll out into shells or give any shaped shape.

From corn flour: they are prepared in the same way, only they are given a flattened oval shape by pressing with the fingers.

Boil dumplings in broth diluted with boiled water or salted water for 20-25 minutes, place on a plate, put pieces of meat on top. Separately serve broth and garlic, ground with salt and diluted with a small amount of fatty broth.

ZHIZHIG-CHORPA meat soup (surpa)

(per serving)

Beef or lamb (thick or thin edge) - 159 g, fat - 15 g, tomato puree - 20 g, fresh tomatoes - 47 g, onions - 73 g, flour - 6 g, potatoes - 133 g, garlic - 2 g, salt - 5 g, ground black pepper - 0.05 g, parsley - 5 g.

Cut the raw meat into cubes, add salt, fry until a crust forms, add hot broth or water, add sautéed onions, tomato puree and fresh tomatoes and simmer until tender.

Then drain the broth and prepare a sauce with flour, fried until light brown. Add meat and fried potatoes to the sauce and boil for 10-15 minutes.

When serving, season with garlic, crushed with salt, and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.


(per serving)

Beef - 200 g or lamb - 200 g, potatoes - 53 g, onions - 30 g, rendered fat - 12 g, salt - 4 g, ground black pepper - 0.05 g, parsley - 5 g, thyme -2g.

Salt the meat, cut into pieces weighing 20-40 g, fry, add a small amount of hot broth or water, simmer for 25-30 minutes, add potatoes fried until half cooked, fried onions and bring to readiness. 5 minutes before the end of stewing, season with thyme and black pepper. When serving, decorate the finished dish with herbs.


(per serving)

For the dough: wheat flour - 120 g, kefir - 100 g, salt - 3 g. baking soda - 0.2 g.

For minced meat: tripe - 190 g, raw lard - 25 g, onion - 24 g, salt - 3 g, ground black pepper - 0.03 g. butter - 30 g.

Knead the dough from wheat flour and kefir with the addition of salt and soda.

For the minced meat: finely chop the boiled tripe, lard and onions, fry everything, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Divide the dough into 2 round cakes, put minced meat in the middle, pinch the edges and roll out to a thickness of 8-10 mm. Bake in a frying pan or on the stove without fat. Moisten the finished donuts with hot water to soften and remove burnt flour, grease with butter, cut into 4-68 pieces in the form of sectors.

You can serve butter separately.

The longevity of the peoples of the Caucasus is known throughout the world. And one of the important reasons that allows its residents to often pass the 90-year and even 100-year mark is proper nutrition: simple, varied, balanced.

Keeping traditions

Chechen cooking is one of the oldest in the Caucasus; it is not difficult to prepare, but is extremely tasty and healthy. Its main feature is the preservation of traditions, explained by the fact that in Ichkeria, as in most other republics of the region, the oldest members of the family are sacredly respected: they do not just listen to their advice, but listen, unquestioningly.

Simplicity here is not a synonym for poverty and boring, but rather a sign of moderation and good taste. Culinary historian William Pokhlebkin wrote: " A highlander can eat food for two, even three weeks, which would hardly be enough for a Russian for three days".

According to legend, the Chechen ancestor Nokhgo was born with a piece of iron (symbol of a warrior) in one hand and a piece of cheese (symbol of a hospitable host) in the other. The mountaineers had to constantly defend their independence with arms in hand, there was no time to cook, and it was almost impossible to get gourmet foods in the mountains, so the basis of nutrition was simple, hearty, nutritious recipes from the most accessible ingredients : meat, milk, cheese, herbs, unleavened bread. Among the Chechens you almost never meet overweight people; the basis of the nation is tall, stately, beautiful men and women, cheerful and very witty, for which they are often called “the French of the Caucasus.”

Meat for satiety

I mainly use meat lamb and poultry, somewhat less often - beef. Pork is not consumed according to the canons of the Muslim religion. Dried and jerked meat is still very popular; it can be preserved for a very long time (which is important in a military campaign or mountain cattle breeding) and, when properly prepared, does not lose its taste and nutritional qualities. Previously, it was dried in the sun or over a fire, now in ovens or special chambers. Favorite dishes made from offal: kidneys, hearts, lungs, udders. The most common: Zhizhig-Galmash(meat with dumplings) and zhizhig-barsh(liver stuffed with meat, rice and potatoes). Meat is often served with herbs and flatbreads made from corn, rye or barley flour, since these crops grow better in the mountains and are more forgiving to the agricultural abilities of the farmer than wheat. Wheat flour came to Ichkeria relatively recently, and it is still imported here.

Herbs for flavor

Seasonings play a very important role in national cuisine. Although in general Chechen cuisine cannot be called spicy, it is quite mild and well balanced. Most Popular: onion, garlic, pepper, wild garlic and nettle. Wild garlic is wild mountain garlic, eaten raw, boiled and lightly fried, seasoned with vinegar, tomato paste, and vegetable oil. In the spring, wild garlic is sold in the markets by weight - in huge armfuls, and it seems that the whole city is saturated with its aromatic, slightly tart smell.

A friend of mine once told a funny story: she lived in a small military town with a neighbor, a young Chechen woman. One spring, the girl’s mother sent her a large parcel of wild garlic. The hostess set it to cook. After some time, the friends heard a noise on the staircase and looked out the door. Concerned residents of the house were looking for a gas leak, and the girls, in good faith, also went to visit other people's apartments. But luckily halfway through we realized that the same pungent smell was emitted by wild garlic when cooked! I had to invite my neighbors to the table.

Among dairy dishes, cottage cheese and cheese are popular, naturally, in most cases, goat and sheep, since these animals are adapted for life in the mountains. Try Chechen cottage cheese - to-beram: mix it with salt and sour cream. It’s unusual for us, but believe me, it’s very tasty! And if you add greens and nuts, you won’t be disappointed. To beram is traditionally served with unleavened flatbread - hyokham, it is dipped in cottage cheese and washed down with tea.

Khingalash and ram's head

The pie is very popular - khingalash shaped like a semicircle. The filling can be any: meat, vegetable, mixed, cheese and curd or sweet. The dough for khingalash is kneaded with kefir. It is lighter than yeast, cooks faster, is better absorbed and digested. Khingalashi are baked in a hot frying pan without fat, the finished ones are quickly dipped in warm boiled water to wash off the fumes, greased with oil and stacked on top of each other on a plate. Cut like a pancake, layer cake, all at once. The dish is very filling. Hosts often say to a guest with a low appetite: “ You eat as if you just ate khingalash". Indeed, a couple of pieces of khingalash replace a full three-course meal.

Bread, flatbreads, pies bake immediately before eating. And the point here is not only the amazing taste of fresh baked goods, but also perhaps the only drawback of unleavened dough: after 2-3 days it simply turns to stone.

Salads are still not very popular; if they are made, they certainly contain meat and corn. . There are no mushrooms in traditional Chechen cuisine.

The most honored guest is served a ram's head - a dish, according to eyewitnesses, not very attractive in appearance, but simply amazing in taste.

The meal ends with strong, freshly brewed tea, which is usually served with nuts And honey. They don't drink wine in Ichkeria.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Quite a lot of people live on the territory of the republic Kalmyks. That’s why Kalmyk tea is popular: with milk, black pepper and butter. Elderly people often replace one of their daily meals with this tea. Maybe this is also the secret of their longevity?

Well, what mountain feast is complete without parables and legends? Here is one of them: once upon a time there lived a brave, but very voracious horseman, Mohammed. He got himself a girl of incredible beauty. But his way to the wedding ceremony passed through Chechnya. Having stopped for the night in one village, Mohammed tried zhizhig-galmash for the first time. The horseman liked the dish so much that he feasted in the village for 5 weeks in a row, and, in the end, he became so heavy that not a single horse could lift it. The offended bride broke off the engagement and married a local prince. The story goes that she turned out to be a bad housewife, so Mohammed only benefited.

Do you want to surprise a man and ward off your rival? Prepare zhizhig-galmash.

School of the original recipe

Zhizhig-Galmash (2 servings)

You will need: half a kilo of lamb or beef, 300 g of corn flour (in modern conditions you can also use wheat flour), a glass of cold water, salt, garlic, pepper.

Boil the meat in salted water and cut into small pieces. Knead a fairly stiff unleavened dough from flour and water, roll out and cut into diamonds. Boil the diamonds in the broth (they will float to the surface when ready), place on a plate, and mix with the meat. Grind the garlic with salt and pepper, dilute with a small amount of broth - this is the sauce. Pour the remaining broth into bowls and serve separately. Ready zhizhig-galmash can be sprinkled with any herbs, but it is good without it

Evgenia Keda

Chechens and Ingush, united under one name “Vainakh”, are all, for the most part, great patriots. Therefore, if you ask a Chechen or Ingush which cuisine is the most delicious, of course, the answer you will hear is Vainakh. They are proud of their cooking, although, in the opinion of experts, and in the opinion of many, it differs from others in its very ascetic range and ease of preparation.
Anyone who travels to the ancient land of the Vainakhs will experience the famous Caucasian hospitality and generosity. Treating a guest to the best national dishes is the main rule of Chechen etiquette. It should be warned that special gourmet dishes that take a long time to prepare (such as fried camel among the Arabs) will not be served in Chechnya. However, chefs are able to surprise not so much with the design and presentation, but with unexpected taste qualities.

Cuisine is an integral part of the national flavor. Of course, now in any city there is a restaurant (and more than one) that will offer you the most exquisite and delicious dishes. But only when you get to Chechnya and Ingushetia, you will be able to fully enjoy not only the unique Vainakh cuisine, but also the legendary Vainakh hospitality.

The favorite dish of the Chechens and Ingush is zhizhig-galnash. This is meat with dumplings. Preparation takes only about an hour. A simple dish with boiled meat and flour or corn dumplings, served with your choice of garlic or onion-potato sauce. All this is washed down with the broth in which the meat and dumplings were cooked. The dish, of course, is high-calorie, but the Chechens also had a harsh history. You eat once and you can forget about food for the whole day.

Iahar galnysh. Dumplings made from corn flour.

Holtmash with wild garlic and nettles.

Hyonk (wild garlic) with yokh (homemade sausage).

It is also called khingalsh - flat cakes with cottage cheese or boiled pumpkin. This is the second most popular dish in Vainakh cuisine. They differ from Dagestan chudu or Ossetian fydchins in their thin dough. Served in addition to the main course.

Siskal and to-beram
Siskal is a flatbread made from corn flour. To-beram is a curd mass seasoned with sour cream. This, one might say, is the everyday food of the Vainakhs. It refers to light food that is constantly on the table. No one will treat a guest with only this dish, although it is very tasty and satisfying. Siskal does not spoil for a long time and can be stored for more than one week, which was a great help for travelers on long journeys in the old days.

Dried meat dishes
The life of the ancestors of the Chechens and Ingush was so harsh that there was no time to diversify the national cuisine. Dishes made from dried meat are still very popular today. Zhizhig-galnash and various soups are prepared from it. They also like to eat it raw. In a world without refrigeration, jerky was a lifesaver.

Dishes made from wild garlic (wild garlic)
It is also called the second bread of the Vainakhs. Ramson awakens the appetite. It is very well absorbed by the body. In addition, wild garlic is a powerful natural antioxidant. It grows in foothill forests, under thick snow. A dozen dishes of national cuisine are prepared from wild garlic. Fried wild garlic is the easiest way. Take wild garlic - 1 kg, melted butter - 100 g. Peel the wild garlic from the boots (bulbs), rinse, put in boiling salted water. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then drain in a colander and let the water drain. Place the wild garlic in a frying pan heated with melted butter. Fry until lightly browned. Serve it with siskal (corn tortilla) or homemade wheat flour tortilla

Fresh nettle
Following the wild garlic, nettles ripen in the spring. Young nettles, after being crushed in your hands and dipped in salt, are simply a pleasure to eat. Several dishes are prepared from it, which anyone who tries is amazed at how tasty this hot plant is.
Nettle - 300 g, wild garlic - 300 g. Wash them. Then mash the nettles so as not to get burned. Mix it with wild garlic. This vitamin-rich dish is served with homemade flatbread and oregano tea, as well as salt.
Holtmash with wild garlic and nettles is prepared as follows. Take corn flour - 400 g, wheat flour - 100 g, nettle - 100 g, wild garlic - 100 g, homemade salted cottage cheese - 100 g, butter - 100 g, ghee - 50 g. Wash the nettles and wild garlic shoots and finely finely chop along with hard-boiled eggs. Add salted homemade cottage cheese, salt and soft butter (or tail fat, finely chopped). Mix everything thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass - the filling for Holtmash. Then, from corn dough, kneaded in hot water, adding a little flour, flat cakes are made (the width of the palm and 2-3 mm thick). Place the filling in the middle, cover with a second flatbread, and pinch the edges. Cook in boiling salted water for 5–7 minutes. Before serving, pour over melted butter or sour cream.

Baarsh (tripe) in Chechen
This dish is the most complex and time-consuming in Chechen cuisine, therefore it occupies the very first place in it. However, not every housewife undertakes its preparation. Since ancient times, it has been served only to the most important and dear guests. The dish consists of lamb or beef tripe, sewn into the stomach in a special way.

The main difference between Vainakh cuisine is its asceticism and the fact that there are almost no various spices in the dishes. The most common additives are garlic, onion, pepper and, of course, salt.

Chechens and Ingush, united under one name “Vainakh”, are all, for the most part, great patriots. Therefore, if you ask a Chechen or Ingush which cuisine is the most delicious, of course, the answer you will hear is Vainakh. They are proud of their cooking, although, in the opinion of experts, and in the opinion of many, it differs from others in its very ascetic range and ease of preparation.
Anyone who travels to the ancient land of the Vainakhs will experience the famous Caucasian hospitality and generosity. Treating a guest to the best national dishes is the main rule of Chechen etiquette. It should be warned that special gourmet dishes that take a long time to prepare (such as fried camel...

About Vainakh cuisine

About Vainakh cuisine

Vainakh cuisine is vast and multifaceted. One of the oldest in the Caucasus (according to the Chechens themselves). The basis of Chechen cuisine is: meat (lamb and poultry in its natural form), wild garlic, cheese, pumpkin, cottage cheese, corn (it was brought to Europe from America no earlier than the beginning of the 16th century). The main components of Chechen dishes are hot seasonings, onions, garlic, pepper, thyme, meat, wild garlic, cheese, pumpkin, cottage cheese, and corn.
A popular Chechen proverb speaks about the authority of good food and the satiety of national dishes: “If you cook for three, the fourth will be satisfied.” And yet, Chechen cuisine is basically dietary, moderate, soft, without excessive passion for spices. But at any time of the year, by lunchtime and...

Meat dumplings – zhizhig-galnash

Lamb (also beef):
1–2 kg (optional)

Dough for dumplings:
flour (corn or wheat) – 700 g,
water – 300 ml,
egg – 1 pc.,
a pinch of salt.

Garlic seasoning:
garlic – 100 g,
broth – 300 g,
salt pepper.

Zhizhig-galnash is considered the main and main dish of Chechen cuisine. Every Chechen family housewife knows how to cook this simple dish. Chechen men also prefer this to all other Caucasian and European dishes. Cooking does not take much time if you distribute it correctly.
The meat is boiled. It is advisable to place whole pieces in the pan. Add salt at the end of cooking. While the meat is cooking, dumplings are prepared.
Made from wheat flour, warm water, eggs and...

Chechen Hospitality

The Chechens say: “Where a guest does not come, grace does not come,” “A guest in the house is a joy”... Many sayings, legends, parables among the Chechens are dedicated to the sacred duty of hospitality.

To receive guests, each house has a “guest room”; it is always ready - clean, with fresh linen. No one uses it, even children are prohibited from playing or studying in this room. The owner must always be ready to feed the guest, so at any time in the Chechen family food was specially set aside for this occasion. For the first three days, the guest is not supposed to ask anything. The guest lives in the house as an honorary member of the family. In the old days, as a sign of special respect, the owner's daughter or daughter-in-law helped...


Meat - 600 gr
Bay leaf - 2 pcs
Salt - to taste
Egg - 1 piece
Garlic - 1 head
Onion - 1 piece

Wheat flour - 500 gr
Water - 120 gr

How to cook

Chechen dumplings

A simple but tasty and nutritious dish of Chechen cuisine. Served with meat and broth. I'll tell you how to make Chechen dumplings.

Flour - 350-400 grams
Eggs - 2 pieces
Salt - 2-3 pinches
Broth - 1.5 Liters
Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook "Chechen dumplings"
Sift the flour and add eggs, salt, and vegetable oil. Then add a little more than half a glass of warm broth.
Knead the stiff dough. Knead until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
Divide the dough into several parts and roll each part into a flat cake 0.5 cm thick. Cut the flat cake into ribbons approximately 4 cm wide.
We cut each strip into smaller strips...


Zhizhig-galnysh, which literally translates as zhizhig-meat, and galnysh - dumplings, are the hallmark of Chechen cuisine. This is quite a filling and very tasty dish. The dumplings themselves are made from corn or wheat flour, and you can choose the meat to your liking. And they are served with garlic sauce - beram. You shouldn’t neglect it; it gives the dish a special piquancy and personality.

Meat - 600 gr
Bay leaf - 2 pcs
Salt - to taste
Egg - 1 piece
Garlic - 1 head
Onion - 1 piece
Black peppercorns - 1 tsp
Wheat flour - 500 gr
Water - 120 gr

How to cook
1. To prepare Chechen dumplings we need beef, bay leaf, black peppercorns...


The daily food of the Vainakhs was: churek made from corn flour, hominy, milk in all forms, especially curdled milk, cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, onions, radishes, fruits, wild fruits, various herbs and seasonings. In Chechnya, Ingushetia, at any time of the year, something edible grows. First...

Lamb in sauce with vegetables

You will need:
lamb – 400 g
potatoes – 200 g
eggplants – 200 g
onion – 100 g
carrots – 50 g
ghee - 3 tbsp. l.

1. Chop young lamb meat (ribs or brisket) into small pieces 5-6 cm.
2. Heat ghee in a cauldron and fry the pieces of meat.
3. Wash the eggplants and cut into rings.
4. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
5. Peel the carrots and cut into rings.
6. Place eggplants, potatoes and carrots in a cauldron with fried meat. Salt and add spices to taste. Pour boiling water over everything so that the vegetables are covered with water.
7. Close the cauldron tightly with a lid and simmer the lamb with vegetables over low heat for 25 minutes.

Zhizhigan-chorpa (Chechen cuisine)

beef or lamb 700 g
animal fat 50 g
tomato puree 3 tbsp. l.
onions 250 g
1 tbsp. l. wheat flour
fresh tomatoes 150 g
salt, spices
400 g potatoes
garlic 1-2 cloves

Cooking method:
Cut the prepared meat into cubes and fry until golden brown, pour in hot broth, add chopped and sautéed onions, tomato puree and tomatoes.
Simmer over low heat until tender, drain the broth and dilute it with wheat flour fried without fat until light brown, pour this sauce over the meat, add chopped and fried potatoes. Simmer for 20 minutes, add crushed garlic, pour into plates and serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

Khinkalzh with pumpkin

Khinkalzh is a Chechen dish, it is prepared with different fillings, this version with pumpkin. You need to try this to imagine the taste, and once you try it you won’t regret it.

Pumpkin - 700 g
Kefir - 400 ml
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Flour - 5 tbsp. l.
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Butter - 100 g
Sugar (to taste)
Soda (pinch)

Mix the dough from kefir, sour cream, eggs, soda, salt and flour. The dough should be soft.
Cut the pumpkin into pieces and bake in the oven, then use a blender to turn it into a homogeneous mass. Add sugar to the puree (I use powder) and mix.
Divide the dough into 15-16 parts and roll each one thin.
Spread pumpkin puree on one side.
Cover the other one, pinch the edges, giving it a crescent shape.
Bake in a hot dry frying pan. Lubricate each finished flatbread on both sides with water and then with butter.

Bon appetit!!!
© Ellis

Dish of Chechen cuisine.

Filling: pumpkin, kefir dough and soda.
Steam a medium pumpkin until soft, remove the pulp with a spoon into a bowl where you then mash it into a puree and add sugar and spices to taste (this is a sweet dish)

500ml kefir
1/2 tsp soda
1/2 tbsp salt

Knead the soft dough, it takes a little more than half a kilo of flour, depending on what kind of flour I always adjust by touch.
Divide into 12-14 parts and roll out exactly the same process as into chebureks)
Bake in a dry frying pan; if the pan sticks, lightly sprinkle with flour.
When the donuts are ready, dip each one in boiling water and pour melted butter on it, stack it in two rows.
It's simply incredibly delicious with tea.

Vainakh food.

Since ancient times, the Vainakhs have been eating the fruits of wild trees, which are found in abundance in the forests of Chechnya and Ingushetia, in which wild apple trees, pears, cherry plums, dogwoods, thorns and other fruits are still found to this day. Historical documents and the works of pre-revolutionary researchers testify to the long history of gardening in Chechnya and Ingushetia. Until recently, at the beginning of this century, there were many amateur gardeners in villages who were successfully engaged in plant hybridization. And recently you can find Vainakhs crossing cultivated and wild fruit trees. For example, we recently had the opportunity to observe in the mountains the grafting of cuttings of many fruit trees to frost-resistant wild...

Holtmash (kjoltmash) with nettles and wild garlic. (Chechen dish)

Put "I LIKE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!", and the recipe will be saved on your page!

Flour-700-800 gr
Egg - 1 pc.
Water -300g

1 bunch of nettles
1 bunch of wild garlic

Knead a stiff dough from water, eggs, salt and flour. Leave him to rest.
Rinse wild greens and shake off water. Chop the leaves and stems quite finely.
Stew the nettles and wild garlic for 5 minutes, add salt to taste.
Roll out the dough and cut out circles of the desired size from the dough. I make them with a diameter of about 10 cm and a thickness of 3-4 mm. Place the filling in the middle of the flatbread, gather the edges of the flatbread towards the center and carefully pinch.
While you are making the Holtmash, place a large, wide pan of water over high heat. When all the “dumplings” are ready, add salt to the rapidly boiling water and place the Holtmash there. Bring to a boil and cook until they float, about 10 minutes.
Remove the Holtmash from the pan with a slotted spoon; shaking off the water.
© Umma-Aisha

Chechen flatbreads with pumpkin

Very unusual taste, liked it the first time!

Pumpkin (raw) - 3 kg
Onion (medium) - 1 pc.
Wheat flour
Kefir - 600 ml
Soda - 1 tsp.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Butter - 1 pack.

Steam the pumpkin and squeeze out all the water. Fry finely chopped onion, add to the pumpkin, and add half a tsp. salt., and about 3 tbsp. sugar (so that it is sweetish) and make a puree from it all.
Add soda, salt to taste, egg to warm kefir, add to flour and knead the dough (the dough does not need to rise)
squeeze out balls from the dough, roll out into a thin layer, grease half with filling,
Cover with the other half and secure the edges.
fry in a hot frying pan without oil, ready to transfer to a tray and brush with melted liquid. sl. oil (brush)
© Rayana-


Chechen national flatbreads with curd filling. Unsweetened baked goods. Very tasty and filling.

Kefir (homemade is better, but store bought is also possible) - 0.5 l
Soda - 1 tsp.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Flour (I always add flour by eye)
Butter (melt the butter to grease the finished flatbreads) - 1 pack.
Cottage cheese (I take 9%, unsalted, but you can also salt it if you like) - 2 packs.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Green onions (The more, the tastier)
Salt (I add a little, because I take unsalted cottage cheese)

Sift flour into a cup, make a funnel and add salt. Add soda to kefir and mix. Pour the kefir into the flour and knead into a soft dough with your hand. Cover the dough with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes.
Now for the filling. Cottage cheese...

CHECHEN TONGUE (Baked tongue in sauce)

boiled beef tongue 1.5-2 kg. (cook for 2 hours with onion, carrot, bay leaf, pepper and salt),
2 bulbs,
500 gr. champignons,
sour cream 20% 500ml.,
a glass of walnuts,
garlic 3-5 cloves (not visible in the photo),
a lot of greens (dill+parsley+cilantro),
vegetable oil,

remove skin and fat from the tongue and cut into large cubes
cut the onion into half rings
fry in oil until golden brown
wash mushrooms and cut into slices
mix tongue, onion and raw mushrooms, add salt
For the sauce, mix sour cream and chopped walnuts, squeeze out the garlic and add salt.
if thickly add boiled water
place the roast in a deep dish greased with vegetable oil
pour the sauce and preheat it to 180-200 gr. oven for 20 minutes
sprinkle the finished dish generously with herbs
Serve in a common dish, then distribute the portions
G1oza yuurg huyila!!!

Pumpkin cakes – hinglash


wheat flour – 500 g,
kefir – 500 ml,
1 tsp soda,
a pinch of salt.

pumpkin – 500 g,
sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons,
water – 150 ml,
onion – 1 medium pc.,
butter – 150 g,
a pinch of salt,
thyme – 1 tsp.

Heated kefir, salt and soda are added to the sifted wheat flour. Knead the soft dough and divide it into small balls of 100 g each, from which flat cakes will be rolled out to a thickness of 0.5 cm.
The filling is prepared from the pureed pulp of pre-cooked pumpkin. Add finely chopped onion fried in sunflower oil, sugar, salt, thyme, mix everything and let cool.
Place the filling on one side of the rolled out flatbread, cover with the other half on top...