A simple plastic bottle mosquito trap. Electric insect trap: overview, specifications, instructions and reviews Electronic mosquito trap circuit

Summer has come, and for all of us again comes the period of struggle with the worst enemies - insects. Almost all insects are carriers various diseases, and prevention of combating them becomes simply necessary in summer period. In addition, if at least one mosquito or fly flies in the room at night, we can assume that you are guaranteed a sleepless night. Industry releases a large number of chemicals to control small pests, but chemistry is chemistry, and it is naive to think that these drugs only work on insects. Commercially available thermal evaporator devices are quite expensive, and one can also doubt their harmlessness to people.

In the literature, one can often find descriptions of devices using the direct method of exposure. electric current on insects. The principle of operation of such devices is simple. If the insect touches the electrodes to which a high voltage is applied, it dies from an electrical discharge.

However, in these circuits, as a rule, the principle of direct conversion of the mains voltage by multiplying it by several times is used.

A voltage of more than 1000 V generated at the output of such a device is life-threatening if accidentally touched, therefore, such devices require very careful handling.

The device, which is described below, is devoid of many of the disadvantages inherent in other designs, due to the use of a low-power pulse converter.

Despite the fact that a high voltage is supplied to the electrodes - more than 2000 V, it does not pose a danger to life: if accidentally touched, only a rather noticeable, but not fatal electric shock occurs.

circuit diagram

Rice. one. circuit diagram generator to the insect trap.

On the transistor VT1, a voltage converter is assembled according to the blocking generator circuit. At the output of the secondary winding, asymmetric pulses with an amplitude of about 800 V are formed, which are fed to a rectifier assembled on the elements VD6 ... VD11, C4 ... C9 according to the voltage multiplier circuit. At outputs 1 and 2 there is a constant voltage of more than 2000 V, supplied to the wires of the trap.

Details and design

The device is powered by an industrial network adapter for an output voltage of 12 V or from any home-made DC source for the same voltage.

The current consumption from the power source is 15...20 mA. The converter transformer is wound on a W-shaped ferrite core with an internal section of 6x6 mm. Winding I contains 40 turns of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.14 mm.

Winding II - 40 turns with the same wire. The high-voltage winding III contains 1600 turns wound with PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.12 mm,

Rice. 2. Insect trap design.

First, winding III must be wound and well insulated, then windings I and II must be wound. The gap in the core should be 0.2 ... 0.3 mm.

After assembly, the transformer must be filled with epoxy glue to avoid inter-turn breakdown of the high-voltage winding. If after the first switching on the converter does not start, it is necessary to swap the conclusions of one of the windings I or II.

The trap itself is a rectangular frame (Fig. 2), assembled from improvised materials. Horizontal frames can be made from well-dried wooden planks with a section of 10x10 mm.

The vertical ribs of the frame are best made from strips of Plexiglas, polystyrene, or other insulating material. On the side ribs with an interval of 4 mm, it is necessary to make notches with a needle file for winding the wire. Before winding the wire, the insulation must be removed.

ATTENTION: the device must be located at a height that excludes accidental contact.

electric trap for insects acts on the basis of ultraviolet radiation. Works or is recharged from a city network of an electricity. Pests are attracted to bright light, carbon dioxide released during combustion, heat. The electric trap for insects differs in design, construction, power, the principle of operation is identical.

How the innovative device works

Means for catching flying pests does not create noise, convenient to use, different high efficiency. The principle of operation is based on the natural instincts of midges, mainly females.

They find the victim by carbon dioxide released during exhalation, heat - coming from the body, ultraviolet light. Flying insect traps attract pests and then electrocute them. Behind the plastic case is metal structure through which the current flows. Touching the grate, a mosquito, a midge, another flying creature receives an electric discharge and dies.

On a note!

All this happens imperceptibly for a person. The main task is to install an electric trap in a convenient place, without violating safety rules and instructions.

Application spectrum

An electric insect trap is made for indoors, streets. Devices differ in range, power, design. There are insect traps with moisture protection - visors, caps, and other additions to the main structure. The latter are used on the street: in courtyards, gazebos, on the summer grounds of shops, restaurants, recreation centers.

Outwardly, street electronic traps resemble a lantern or a heater. For the premises, the devices are made more original. They combine several functions at once - a night light, an insect trap, a compass, a clock, etc. The design is very different, they are placed on a hard surface in any convenient place, hung under the ceiling, attached to the wall.

On a note!

The ultraviolet trap can work from a city power supply network, the accumulator battery. The latter option is often taken with them on vacation. Set up in a tent, near the place of gatherings.

Radius of action

An insect trap for the home is made in the form of nightlights, the spectrum of influence is limited to one room. If protection of the whole house is required, buy several pieces. Placed on a bedside table, tables, hung on the wall, mounted under the ceiling. Starts work immediately after switching on, the effect becomes noticeable after 20-30 minutes.

Street traps from flying insects are made more powerful. The radius of action covers 5-50 m. Installed on a solid surface or suspended, digging a leg into the ground. Devices are very often made in the form of a lamp, a lantern.

On a note!

Universal electric traps can be powered by solar panels. They charge during the day, they work at night, there are no operating costs, except for the funds for the purchase of the lamp itself.


Electronic traps act not only on mosquitoes, midges, moths, butterflies, moths, and other insects fall into the trap. Some users see this as a disadvantage. The effectiveness depends on the quality of the device, power, range, correct application. It makes no sense to install powerful street traps indoors; an indoor night light-catcher of insects will not work in the yard.

Electric traps are energy efficient. The cost is no more than for a conventional fluorescent light bulb. Many devices are powered by solar panels, batteries.

Instructions for use, safety issue

The current passes through a metal grid located inside the trap behind a plastic structure. At correct application the chance of being electrocuted is minimized. Even if this happens, the person will feel a slight tingling, numbness of the limb. Everything goes without serious consequences.

You need to install a table trap in the form of a night light at a distance of 5 m from a person, hanging, wall mounted according to the instructions. Periodically, the trap needs to be cleaned of dead insects. Beforehand, the device is disconnected from the electrical network, the tray is removed, shaved out, put in place, the device is connected.

There is a risk of electric shock when:

  • incorrect location of the trap;
  • ingress of moisture;
  • excessive curiosity on the part of young children.

If there are kids in the house, the insect trap is hung from the ceiling in an inaccessible place, do not leave the child unattended.

Efficient Electrical Appliances

You can buy a flying pest catcher in a specialized store, in the household departments of supermarkets, in the market, often ordered via the Internet. Products are represented by domestic and foreign manufacturers. They differ in range, price.

    • Windhager 9W. UV lamp with plastic grille. Operates at a distance of 35 sq. m, power consumption 9 watts. Warranty period of service is 12 months. Periodically it is necessary to clean from dead pests. Cable length 1.5 m. Used indoors, on summer playground, veranda, gazebo. The country of origin is Austria. average price 1000 rub.
    • Mobile powerful lantern for camping, protection of the land from mosquitoes, midges, other flying insects. Durable shockproof housing, moisture protection, bright light. Powered by rechargeable batteries, one full charge is enough for 30 hours. In addition to the lamp, a bait is sold that imitates the smell of a person. Portable trap does not sink in water, has 3 modes of light brightness, compact, lightweight. Price within 2500 rubles.

  • BONA-ML-16W. The trap is designed for use indoors or outdoors under cover. Power consumption 16 W, voltage on the grid 3000 V. The operation of the ultraviolet lamp is designed for 20 thousand hours. Made of plastic, aluminium. The lamp is suspended at a distance of 1.8-2 m from the ground away from other sources of illumination. The average price is 3000 rubles.
  • Stinger Indoor Insect Trap. Lamp for rooms, arbors, verandas, terraces. The principle of operation is somewhat different. Attracts pests with ultraviolet light, but inside there is not a metal grill with current, but a fan. Draws bloodsuckers inside, kills. It is necessary to clean the special tray every month. The price of the device is within 2000 rubles.

The problem called "mosquitoes got" is known to each of us. Its solution is relevant not only for summer residents and residents of the private sector, located near a lake or other body of water. Bloodsuckers attack apartment owners in city skyscrapers. Moreover, the number of storeys is not a hindrance for them. Disillusioned with the advertised exterminators, craftsmen are trying to find their own method of struggle. A do-it-yourself mosquito trap is an alternative to tablets, ointments, aerosols, electronic traps and other industrial devices.

Can be made from improvised means

The principle of operation of homemade and industrial traps is based on the physiology of mosquitoes: they are attracted by heat, the smell of urea released by human sweat glands, CO2 (exhaled gas) and water. A home mosquito trap does not require the purchase of expensive chemicals, motion sensors. In his household there is always a piece of cardboard or other thick paper, castor oil (castor oil), turpentine, rosin, water and sugar. This kit can be used to make an adhesive sheet or tape. The work is as follows:

  • A sticky bait solution is being prepared. To do this, 3 tablespoons are dissolved in 5 tablespoons of water. Sahara. The sweet liquid is heated to a boil. While stirring, bring to a boil.
  • Hot sugar syrup is mixed with half a glass of rosin, a quarter of a glass of turpentine and 100 g of castor oil until a homogeneous sticky mass is formed.
  • The prepared composition is applied to cut paper strips or a whole format sheet.
  • The finished trap is placed near the resting place on the street or at the entrance to the room. You can bring it into the house and watch how mosquitoes will flock to the smell and stick to the paper.
  • As the trap fills with insects, it should be changed. Usually, this is done once a week.

Attention! Another composition is used as an impregnation for paper tapes: pine resin (0.3 kg), linseed oil (0.15 kg), beeswax (0.01 kg), honey (0.05 kg).

"Ode" to a plastic bottle

A plastic container in domestic open spaces is used in various fields. After its emptying, enterprising users do not throw away the container, but create a mass useful gadgets for household use. So it came in handy for the fight against bloodsuckers.

To make a homemade catcher, you will need a bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2.0 liters, granulated sugar (0.5 cups), 5 g of yeast. The principle of operation of the future device is based on attracting insects to flock to the smell of carbon dioxide. It is breathed out by humans and warm-blooded animals. This mosquito trap is plastic bottle just attracts insects exuded CO2. The manufacturing algorithm is

  • The plastic container is cut across. You should get 2 fragments. The one containing the cone-neck must be at least 1/3 of the total length of the vessel.
  • The cone-shaped funnel is tightly inserted into the bottom (bottom) part of the bottle upside down.
  • The junction of both halves is sealed with tape.

The design of the catcher is ready. It remains to prepare the bait.

  • Sugar is dissolved in half a glass of slightly warmed water (no more than 30 ° C). Then the yeast is bred (you can use the "Saf-Moment").
  • The resulting composition is well mixed and poured into the prepared plastic trap(bottom bottom).
  • The level of the sweet fermenting solution should be such that the edges of the neck do not reach it.

It would be nice to use dark bottles of beer or kvass so that mosquitoes are not scared away by bright light. If the plastic is light, the design is wrapped in opaque paper or mirror foil. Soon, in the installed trap, fermentation processes will begin with the release of an aroma that attracts mosquitoes and heat, on which mosquitoes also fly. Flying in through a narrow neck, insects will not be able to get back out. After the end of the fermentation process of the bait (and this lasts for several days), it should be replaced.

Attention! It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe in the manufacture of the solution. If the water is not warm enough, fermentation may stop or not start at all. And with an excess of sugar and yeast, foaming will increase: the solution will rise sharply and begin to “crawl out” of the trap. In this case, remove excess foam.

Such a device is easy to design and install in a house or on a veranda. The undoubted "plus" of the trap is ease of manufacture, autonomy and silent operation.

A simple mosquito trap can be made from a piece of gauze smeared with insect glue. The processed canvas is stretched over the ventilation holes, shafts. It can also be used for window openings.

An insect trap based on UV radiation can be made from a lamp daylight with a power of 20 W, enclosed in a mesh reinforcement. Mesh weaving is two metal wires under tension. For maintenance safety, the model is placed in a woven mesh case. The trap works as follows: mosquitoes, attracted by ultraviolet radiation, fly at it, fall under the action of voltage applied to the electrical grid. On the one hand, the device fights insects, and on the other hand, it is a source of soft, calm lighting.

Electronic device from economy lamp

If you are friends with electrical engineering, then an economy class lamp with a used resource can be used for homemade design traps. You will also need a high-voltage module and a finger battery.

  • The light bulb is disassembled, the necessary parts are removed.
  • 2 holes are drilled into which a soft aluminum wire is threaded. One end is fixed, and the wire is wound in a spiral around the light bulb.
  • The rest is bitten off.
  • The same operation is performed from the other end, through another drilled hole.
  • Two "native" wire ends come out of the light bulb. One of them is connected to the end of the wound aluminum wire and twisted tightly on it.
  • The remaining 2 outputs (from the light bulb and aluminum wire) are connected to the module, previously connected through the switch to the battery.
  • A light bulb with a high-voltage winding is put on the connected module. This must be done so that the wiring on both parts matches, and their contact occurs.
  • The resulting trap device turns on, the lamp lights up. Mosquitoes flock to its light. As soon as they sit on the body of the lamp wrapped in wire, they are immediately struck by a current discharge.
  • A polyethylene lid is used as a tray for fallen insects. It is glued with building glue to the bottom of the lamp.
  • A loop is made in the upper part of the catcher for hanging from the wire.
  • The device works when the general light is off.

Night "catch" of mosquitoes

Well, and if the bloodsuckers are completely fed up ... Our compatriot turns on the vacuum cleaner at 3 o'clock in the morning and collects them from the walls and ceiling.

In case of dominance of the room by mosquitoes, one catcher will not be enough. Strengthening the effect is achieved by placing several traps of different designs in all rooms in problem areas. It is necessary to take into account the moment of habituation. If it is found that the trap does not work (there are no or few insects in it), the structure itself or the bait must be replaced with a new one, and after a while, return to the previous version.

Any foray into nature, and even more so a permanent vacation outside the city, is associated only with fresh air, but also with constantly buzzing insects, whose bites are not fatal, but unpleasant. Of course, many "the old fashioned way" use repellents in the form of ointments, creams and aerosols, but they do not guarantee reliable protection. But the electric insect trap is a high-tech modern invention, created specifically to completely get rid of the flying scourge.

The principle of operation of electric traps

The modern flying insect exterminator trap is based on knowledge of the instinctive behavior of insects. Some of them use baits (for example, for moths, flies or wasps), and some work with ultraviolet radiation. For example, an electric mosquito trap attracts annoying "bloodsuckers" due to the fact that it completely imitates human breathing and the smell of his skin. For these purposes, the device is equipped with a special lamp. Actually, the work of such a device is as follows:

  • the mosquito is attracted by the heat and smell coming from the lamp and flies up to the trap,
  • built into the device powerful fan pulling the insect in
  • mosquitoes fall into a special compartment, where they die. This container is then removed and easy to clean.

By the way, one of the advantages of devices of this kind is an expressive design - today you can buy mosquito or fly traps in the form of a full-fledged night lamp or in the form of a lantern. Stationary street traps also have a futuristic design that fits perfectly into the landscape.

But an electric fly trap works a little differently. However, the principle of attracting insects is the same here - an ultraviolet lamp (or LED) is working, and approaching insects fall on a metal mesh with an electric current passed through it. Among the advantages of such a device are safety and efficiency, as well as the complete absence of chemistry, because no chemical compounds are used for work.

Benefits of insect traps

The peak activity of street insects is the summer season. Huge hordes of annoying midges are perhaps the main problem in the country. Therefore, it is important that the chosen method of protection is effective and reliable, and also meets a number of stringent requirements - including that it could be used without fear in open space.

So, insect traps on trees will not only save you time and protect your crop from pests and spoilage, but also save you from the need to use expensive and unsafe pesticides for your health. The same devices will help in the apiary - you should buy traps for wasps and hornets and you can protect beneficial insects from pests.

The most important advantages that an electronic insect trap has are:

  1. presentable design,
  2. complete safety for a person,
  3. no need to use pesticides,
  4. perfect noiselessness and the absence of any odors,
  5. ease of use.

How to choose the right electric mosquito traps

Among our proposals, you can easily choose exactly the device that will best suit your needs. So, electronic mosquito traps can be of the following types:

  • stationary and portable
  • used outdoors or designed exclusively for indoor use,
  • varying in scope.

The effectiveness of such devices is due to an understanding of the biology and behavior of insects. So, a trap for wasps and hornets can radically reduce their population within a few days, making the space around you safe. For large areas, stationary fly traps can be used - their use is justified in large areas, such as cafes or summer cottages.

By the way, a midge trap powered by electric current is completely safe for humans, because the voltage applied to the metal mesh has infinitesimal values, sufficient only to kill insects.

Mankind has been fighting flies that carry various infections on their paws for thousands of years. Many methods have been devised and preparations have been developed for the extermination of this type of insect. The modern market offers a wide range of electric traps, exterminators, powered by a 220 V electrical network and autonomously. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a device against flies and mosquitoes, you should study their technical characteristics.

Fly extermination

Trap for flies and mosquitoes

Currently, a large number of models of devices for combating flying insects in open space and indoors have been released.

Types of traps for flies and mosquitoes:

  1. Exterminators with ultraviolet lamps. They attract flies, mosquitoes, midges, ultraviolet light. Approaching it, insects touch the metal grid, which is energized and die from electric shock. The lamps installed in them are completely safe, do not harm human health, since their action is aimed exclusively at the extermination of flies and mosquitoes.
  2. Electric traps, where a fan is installed inside, suck in insects that approach them. Devices that lure mosquitoes with a special light and a small amount of carbon dioxide that mimics the smell of a human body, so bloodsuckers perceive them as a living object.

Flying insect exterminator with ultraviolet lamp

Carbon dioxide insect trap

Pestkiller lamp-trap for flies and mosquitoes

The device is equipped with two ultraviolet lamps with a power of 20 W, which attract flying insects with their light. In front of them is metal grid through which the current flows. In contact with it, flies and mosquitoes die. The case of the device is made of a special light, oil-resistant aluminum alloy, resistant to scratches.

Pest Killer flying insect trap lamp

The device is absolutely safe for pets and people. It can be turned on outdoors and indoors, for example: in hospitals, places Catering, in the country. The main condition is access to the electrical network. If you use the device outdoors, you need to make sure that it does not get rain. To do this, it is recommended to install it in covered verandas, gazebos or make a canopy over it. There is a metal ring on the top of the body of the product. A chain is included with the device, thanks to which it can be placed in a place convenient for the owner. In a suspended state, the efficiency of the apparatus increases, and insects flock to the light from all sides. The range of the Pestkiller fly and mosquito trap lamp is 40 m².

Advantages of electric trap Pest Killer:

  1. Soft ultraviolet light.
  2. The device is easy to use. It is enough to choose a place for installation and connect to the electrical network. Additional settings not required.
  3. The Pest Killer product is completely safe, because it does not use chemicals, as in classic traps, where you need to constantly buy poisonous liquid, or special plates.

Outdoor fly exterminator

Modern fly exterminators are divided into household and industrial (professional). The first category includes electrical devices universal purpose, which can be used indoors and outdoors, but in dry weather. Each of them is equipped with one or more ultraviolet lamps that attract flying insects. In front of it is a high-voltage grid, contact with which kills flies and mosquitoes. The ultraviolet light emitted by the device is not dangerous to humans. The area of ​​action of household insect exterminators is up to 100 m², professional - from 100 m².

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the power of the lamps, since it affects the range, for example, 4-6 W lamps are suitable for an area of ​​​​15-20 m², 6-10 W - 30-40 m², from 12 W - more than 50 m². On average, their service life is 3-5 thousand hours. Fly killers can be used anywhere electric outlet 220 V, for example: in apartments, private houses, outdoors in gazebos or shops.

At present, street ones have been released, based on wireless operation - from batteries and the use of gas.

Outdoor fly exterminator

In the fight against mosquitoes, midges, flies in the open air, the Garden Exterminator is effective. This is an original trap for certain types of insects, they do not include bees and butterflies. Inside the device are two UV-A LEDs emitting ultraviolet. The service life of LEDs is from 100 thousand hours. Insects flying into the light enter the lantern, where they collide with the grate, through which the current is started. Dead flies, mosquitoes fall into a special tray. It is easy to get and clean. The operating time of the device in the mode of destruction of insects is six hours.

The maximum intensity of the exterminator's action occurs at night, since it is during this period that it attracts the most flies and mosquitoes. This function is relevant only in the warm season, at low air temperatures the device can be used as a flashlight. In open space, it copes with the protection of an area of ​​​​up to 50 m². To increase the efficiency of the device, it can be supplemented with the Octenol attractant. This substance imitates the smell of a person, which attracts blood-sucking insects. Thanks to this, the area of ​​action is increased to 100 m², and the efficiency of the device is tripled or even quadrupled.

The time of continuous operation of the product is eight hours. It is completely autonomous, as it has a special power supply system consisting of a nickel-cadmium battery and a solar panel. During the day, they are charged from a solar battery located on the top cover of the device. Ease of use of the device for the extermination of flies and mosquitoes - no need to connect to a 220 V electrical network. Thanks to the installed solar panel, the batteries can be charged even in cloudy weather.

The insect exterminator can be hung on a hook or mounted on a rod. It is designed for continuous operation outdoors, so the case is made of environmentally friendly stainless materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations and adverse weather conditions.

Fly trap Well

Well's electric trap works on all types of flying insects, including wasps, flies, mosquitoes and others. The device is equipped with UV lamps. The emitted spectrum does not pose a threat to people, even if they are constantly in the room with the device. A high-voltage grid is installed in front of the lamps. When touched with it, insects immediately die and fall into a special tray.

Fly trap Well

Despite the fact that the light emitted by the Well electric fly trap is not dangerous to humans, it is worth observing at least minimum safety requirements. The device must be suspended at a height of 2–2.5 m from the floor. This will help eliminate direct exposure to ultraviolet light on the human eye. The device is easy to install and operate.

Precautionary measures

  1. It is forbidden to install the Well electric trap near windows, explosive substances, flammable gases, in drafts.
  2. Keep the product out of the reach of children.
  3. The appliance must not be placed in the cooking and eating area. The optimal placement is above the head at a height of 2–2.5 m from the floor and in places where flying insects accumulate.
  4. ELN is most effective when used around the clock.

Rules for the care of an electric fly exterminator:

  1. Once a year, it is recommended to replace the lamp in the device so that it works as efficiently as possible.
  2. The trap must be cleaned at least once every two months, after disconnecting from the mains.
  3. Next, you need to remove dead insects from the pallet and the bottom of the ELN. Wash the net.

Flies in the tray of the insect exterminator

On the modern market a wide variety of devices for fighting flies and mosquitoes is presented in terms of power, size, principle of operation, which allows everyone to choose for themselves a specific model that is suitable for their characteristics.