Statuses about love. Statuses with meaning about love The best statuses about love with meaning

Warm, warming words for your loved ones will be a great opportunity to express feelings, emotions and your desires. They allow you to be closer and make plans, dream and bring to life your secret desires and wishes.

Statuses about love is a public way to show the strength of your feelings and to declare these feelings to others. The power of words in special expressions, in verses, has an instant impact on the consciousness of dear people.

  1. The love of the former does not happen.
  2. The most unfortunate desire is to be "loved" by everyone.
  3. Do not knock on a closed heart.
  4. Don't cry, love can't hurt.
  5. True love does not tolerate commitment.
  6. Being too sexy is a relative term.
  7. Love more than you can show, express feelings more than you think.
  8. There is no loneliness without a reason.
  9. A woman needs to be able to love, and not have at will.
  10. The world is made up of lovers who want to love and those who want to experience the power of love.
  11. If you lose a loved one, think about it, but is he loved enough to fight for him?
  12. How less woman you want, the more they like you.
  13. It is better to sincerely part than to fake mercy.
  14. In sincere love, the soul sings a song.
  15. If you love a woman, endure the thorns.
  16. Love is like a fox: either cunning or openly attacking.
  17. The more you envy love, the less it rushes time.
  18. Today you can say "about love", but remember that yesterday she could go to another.
  19. Hurry up to love - life is fleeting.

Statuses "to tears" with the meaning of Love

New beautiful statuses about Love in contact "VK"

  1. I do not admire you, I am simply fascinated by your love.
  2. The spell of love was able to touch every tip of my body.
  3. How long has she been knocking on closed doors, and the key was very close.
  4. I have never loved so much, because before I did not think that it was possible to love so much.
  5. I was able to comprehend the power of love. Now I'm afraid it won't turn out to be murderous.
  6. Love and passion stepped side by side and turned into husband and wife. Let's go through life, no more, because we can't forget her passionate.
  7. I wanted to be loved so much that I didn’t notice how I became available.
  8. I was afraid to look in the wake of love, but she left unnoticed.
  9. It's hard to be a friend when the soul is torn passion out.
  10. Love does not make scandals, it creates them in order to feel the power of reconciliation.
  11. Sometimes it’s better to have a “made-up guy” than an “indifferent” one of your own.
  12. I will keep memories of you, because our love was embodied in a small ball of happiness called "son."
  13. She does not tolerate haste, measures her strength in small steps.
  14. Eternal frost crept into my love and the icy cold replaced the heat of love.
  15. There is no love when there is nothing to say and nothing needs to be said.

Sad statuses for a loved one about life and Love

  1. A couple of years ago things were completely different. We lived with each other. I was happy and my eyes shone and sparkled. We celebrated holidays with you, gave Valentine cards, woke up and read. I remember this with tears today.
  2. You proved to yourself that you are not capable of love: betrayal is your main argument.
  3. Love those who are near when you are not only good, but, above all, bad.
  4. If you are loved by the rich, it does not mean that the poor will at least like you.
  5. It is more difficult to cherish love than to swear that you will never stop loving.
  6. Do not knock on my heart, you nailed the door to it yourself.
  7. In love, as in the heart, there are rhythms. Your rhythm was wrong.
  8. Love does not destroy, it moves me. I will carry her strength through the years.
  9. The one who stumbles over love does not think that it comes back like a boomerang.
  10. I can live without you, even if it is cold now in my heart forever.
  11. You left and slammed the door, and did not know that you killed me from a distance.
  12. I was in a hurry to quit and did not notice how I lost myself.
  13. He asked me to feel the full power of your love and did not say that suffering from it would be eternal.

Funny and cool statuses for a guy

Statuses about first love, friendship, unhappy and broken love, with the meaning of life - will help you wake up your wise thoughts and understand life priorities in relationships between people.

I give my friendly look to everyone, I will be friends only with those worthy of friendship, I save love only for you.

Some people want to love so much that they lose their heads even from their spouse.

The fact is that loving a guy is an impossible task. If the feeling is without reciprocity, you will suffer and suffer, with a mutual feeling you will fall into a swampy swamp.

Love is when your boyfriend is talking nonsense, and you think he is saying smart things.

Best Status:
A month or two will pass, or maybe only a week, and you will understand that our meeting was not accidental. But by then, the seat next to me will probably be filled.

Here I met unrequited love. Now I understand well the guys that I myself once sent. I'm ashamed.

You smile and I forget about the whole world. Other men simply do not exist for me.

Don't give your love to anyone. When men realize that you are cold as ice, then they will begin to seek you.

They love me, I also feel a sincere feeling. But to another.

Love has deafened and blinded me. You changed the whole world for me.

I have a personal brand of drug - it's you, my love!

I have already forgotten your smell, I don’t remember your voice at all and your image has become so vague in my memory ... How far are you from me ...

One glance is enough to kill love. So, you can also resurrect it with one glance ...

Maybe all your friends don’t like me and you won’t call me a cool girl ... But I love you like no one else will ever love you ...

I never get tired of thanking fate, but that we, two halves of one whole, finally met ... Previously, I could not imagine that I could experience this ...

Here is the paradox: love kills lies. However, love can destroy frankness much faster.

And I managed to fall in love with you like that! .. To the very heart ... And you can see forever! ..

Girls before marriage look like hunting lionesses, and after marriage they look like guard dogs.

When you hear from a girl that she hates you, decipher it like this: she is in love with you, but considers you a goat.

There is nothing lower than playing with the feelings of a girl in love with you ...

It would be easier for me to go through your deception many times than to listen to your confessions ... They hurt me so much that I don’t even know what to do ...

I love you so much that I am ready to forgive you absolutely everything, including even your betrayal ... However, I will never forget this ...

In contact, he showers me with kisses and affectionate words, but in real life he passes by, whispering a banal “Hello!” ... How tired I am of this ...

I can’t stand it if another looks into your blue eyes, whispers kind words to you ... As I used to do ...

I've been waiting for you all this time...

I don’t want to, but I can’t help but miss you ... I don’t want to, but nevertheless I forgive you all your mistakes ...

Every minute that has passed has been a chance for you to correct your mistakes. So how many opportunities did you have?!..

In the life of every girl, some kind of asshole appears, which turns the whole life upside down and makes you suffer ... because you fall in love with him until you lose consciousness ...

How dumb it is to be just friends with the one you love ... I'm going crazy with jealousy ...

Your heart is beating - it means mine is also beating ... I feel every beat of it ... And may we never be together, your breath will forever be remembered by me ...

When we are close, I get turned on even if the clock is just ticking.

I’m not one hundred percent sure that I’m in love ... On the other hand, I can’t live a day without you.

You filled my existence with meaning, gave me such happiness! Thank you, my joy, that I have you!

I love one - I kiss with another ... I dream of being with him, but I myself reject him ... For me, he is the dearest little man ...

If you knew how much pain it gives me to stealthily admire you, because you will never be mine ... But I can’t help but look at you ...

Like any attractive girl, I almost never go alone. But that doesn't mean I'm not alone...

Do It! Be happy! Leave the one who does not feel you, your soul, your vulnerability, your warmth ... the one who considers you a predator. Ice will melt the sun, and love will warm the soul ...

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it the most...

There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you do not love.

Love, like the red color of a traffic light, knows neither mercy nor pity.

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

Self love is a lifelong romance.

If we judged love by its consequences, then we would hate it more than hatred.

Quotes about love - Love is fire: it doesn’t shine - everything is dark, but it shines - it’s not surprising to burn out.

Every new love displaces the old - it is in the nature of things.

Love is a stupid thing done together.

Love is like a cat. She scratches us until we bleed, even if we just wanted to play with her.

Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first loses...

Love is such an unimaginably incomprehensible force that has no limits and no limits to the ability to love.

Love, as you know, deprives not only people, but also angels of the ability to be objective.

No person can become more alien than the one you loved in the past.

Perfect love is possible only by mail.

Love is the only thing in nature where even the power of imagination does not find a bottom and does not see a limit!

To find love, you have to stop looking for it. And then she herself will come, if only out of curiosity.

You always need to know how much pain you cause the one you love. To think a hundred times before doing this.

Women love only those they don't know.

A man who speaks intelligently about love is not very in love.

Love endures domestic squabbles so badly that for lasting happiness you need to find outstanding qualities in each other.

Love often takes the mind from the one who has it and gives it to the one who does not have it.

Love looks through a telescope, envy through a microscope.

Almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love.

It is not difficult to kill love in yourself, it is difficult to kill memories.

If love doesn't make you cry, love.

Remove love from the world and it will turn into a grave.

You need to be a little similar in order to understand each other, but you need to be a little different in order to love each other.

beautiful statuses about love with a short meaning, for your page in VK or Odnoklassniki. Which will help you express your own feelings, as well as convey the emotions that love is associated with.

I am too strong to cry for you, and too wise to keep hatred.

In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.

What about those who don't love us? - It's better not to be with them.

For love to be happy, money is also needed.

moon- Eye reflection. When two people look at her from different parts of the world, their eyes will certainly meet. (E. Safarli)

Happiness inspires a person when his life is filled with the aroma of love.

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. This is the loneliness of two in a vast world.

The touch of love can make a person a poet.

I love you and will never forget you. You are the best in my life.

I went to walk on the roofs and think about you ...

“Being together and loving are not the same thing. It often goes hand in hand."

The pleasure of love lasts only a moment, the pain of love lasts a lifetime

"In love, like in chess, you can't lose your queen to save pawns."

Respect has limits, love never.

"Fate never sends us unnecessary people."

I have the most the best man in the world…

“It's not jealousy. This is my happiness."

Caring man, this is the most best gift any woman.

Even the strongest and most formidable can be gentle.

You managed to find the key to my heart.

God created two of the most beautiful creatures in the world. This is the Earth and you.

You are my life and soul.

To be capable of true love is to mature with realistic expectations for the other person.

You can do anything if there is a person nearby who believes in you.

I do not play in love, I do not enter into correspondence.

You are like a variable wind, you lie and smile at the same time.

There are two sins in a relationship: to break off a living relationship and to hold on to a dead one.

In you my world is forever enclosed!

Only yours.

Looks are the first tender notes of love.

You alone love, and I give tenderness.

Memory is perfume for the soul.

All women are beautiful, and the love of men gives them beauty.

Old love doesn't rust.

Above truth is love. Above the law is Grace. Above Justice - Forgiveness.

The most effective cure for all ills is love.

Dressed from head to toe in Love... it's the only label that never goes out of style! Let's keep our love forever.

Jealousy is the acid that corrodes love.

Even the one who is far away stands nearby if he is in your heart.

Way true love never been smooth. William Shakespeare

Two hearts - one rhythm, two souls - one feeling, two people - the same thoughts.

To forgive is to free the prisoner and discover that you were the prisoner.

Europe sleeps, Australia sleeps. It's evening in America, and the most beautiful eyes in this world they are now reading my status.

There is only one step from hate to love.

If love kills time, then time takes revenge and kills love.

They were made for each other, but stupid in a terrible way.

If it is not possible to get closer, people disperse farther away.

One Love - one Life.

Show her that she is the most needed of all, and you will see that she is the most tender of all ...

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

There is no happiness without your love.

Too much love suffocates, too little kills.

Unspoken love is a heavy burden

Sometimes just one word is enough for happiness ... "prints"

Beauty does not decide who we love, but love decides who we find beautiful.

Sometimes what you are looking for all your life is found in an instant.

Don't be proud with those with whom your soul wants to go crazy...

Artificiality in love, various restrictions - it's like killing or stopping a bird in flight. It will not work to stop, but to kill her is to kill love.

True love is always mutual.
The man asked the sage: “Which woman is the most beautiful?”… He thought and answered: “Beloved”…

To my dear, seven miles is not a suburb.

My life is still ahead of me, but I loved and I was loved.

When people leave, let go.

You can love all your life and fall out of love on Wednesday.

When a man and a woman are drawn to each other, no one can stop them.

People always destroy what they love the most.

There is no immunity against green-eyed

Hot love quickly cools down.

His smile makes him lose his balance.

Even the one who is far away can be near if he is in your heart...

But again the word “But” .. And again pain, tears, and it’s all the same ..

If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment but with you.

Don't get used to me. I'm not forever.

If you do not see the sun, do not cry - because of the tears you will not see the stars! R. Tagore

True love expects nothing in return.

True love suffers silently.

Love for all ages.

Love is tested not by time, but by relationships away from love.

To love is to live the life of the one you love.

Love conquers everything.

Power in Love!!!

True love is a relationship in which there is no place for humiliation.

One born in love cannot be weak. Samurai saying

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

You need to love not for words, but for actions.

Love is for two.

You can't lock love.

Love is not about finding the "right" person, it's about creating the "right" relationship.

Love has nothing to do with relationships, love is a state.

When I look at you, I forget all my sorrows ...

Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes, falls on the heart

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved!

Love, like a tree, is strong, but subject to various "insects" - insults and quarrels.

The art of love... is pretty much the art of constancy.

My behavior is the result of your attitude.

Sometimes love with meaning in life

A man has to find the right purpose in life, and a woman has to find a man with the right purpose.

If faith dies, love also dies.

Don't be sad when you realize your mistakes.

If they love, then not only with their soul or heart, they love with their whole body.

Tenderness and Love are healing remedies that are suitable for everyone and never give allergies.

The soul, like a cherry, has ripened for love ...

She drove away his cold, and he cooled her heat.

Even the most faithful and loving will get tired of waiting if she constantly feels cold and indifferent towards her.

Relationships are a pair dance. Both partners must catch the rhythm.

You are made for each other!

Different things Love and Falling in love ... The first is Eternity ... The second is Seasonality ...

The lovers invent each other. Those who love will know.

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved.

In overcoming difficulties, a smile has more power than sighs.

Your desires are my weakness.

Faith is needed in love, firmness is needed in faith.

Only sincere love can forgive.

You can close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel...

You are like a string in my life that combines all octaves and notes...

“Love is able to lift up to heaven and with the same composure to smash against the rocks.”

You can fake a smile, but not happiness.

Native - the one whose pain hurts you more than your own.

The mirror has two faces.

Love those who paint a smile on your face

The extinguished fire of love, you need to kindle from the coal ...

Walk with me through life... that's all I need for the journey.

A good memory is the basis of friendship and the death of love.

The more I know people, the more I love computers!

I may be different, but I always remain yours.

Love is the only feeling that does not depend on anything.

Love knows no pride.

Love is laughter and joy, not reproaches, and not a cage, and not a desire to possess.

Love can do a lot, but money is everything.

Love is evil ... love me too

Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.

Love is true between souls, not their bodies.

I'm your most independent addiction!

I am like the wind between the wings, always there and always invisible.

A person is not perfect until someone falls in love with that person.

Lost love does not return.

Only true love withstands all tests.

Dear men! Remember! From the frequent change of holes, any nail will bend!!!

One love, one heart, one destiny.

You look at him... And he looks at you...

"In friendship between a man and a woman, someone's hope always lives"

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent.

"Read my status and think of me"

To be together means to be together in everything and to the end.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.

Your love is peace in turmoil and comfort in sorrow.

In the necessary - unity, in the doubtful - freedom, in everything - love.

Sometimes pride destroys everything! Even strong love and close friendship.

My friends, family and love are non-negotiable - they are perfect, period.

Sometimes you make a relationship, and sometimes a relationship binds you.

He who loves many knows women, He who loves one knows Love.

True love is like a masterpiece: it is one, but there are a lot of fakes.

Love is first and foremost a gift.

When people ask me about my life, I talk about you.

Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage.

Better to be alone than unhappy with someone. Marilyn Monroe.

Love is blind, but family life is a brilliant ophthalmologist!

Love and loved…

Love takes away pride, but gives wings.

To love means to stop comparing.

Love turns dead ends into freeways.

The one you love is not the one you die without. And the one without which there is no need to live

Love is not subject to reason.

The best way to fight temptation is to give in to it.

Love in a person is a powerful source of activity.

Mother's love is the only love from which betrayal cannot be expected. We looked into each other's eyes: I saw myself, and she saw herself.

Love is the energy that drives life.

If you knew how little you were... .

They say that lies kill love. But frankness kills her faster.

This section contains beautiful statuses about love with a short meaning for your page in VK or Odnoklassniki.
Only by loving, giving himself to another and penetrating into him, a person discovers himself, discovers another, discovers a person.
The experience of love is the only answer to the question of what it means to be a human being, and only love can guarantee mental health.
For most people, the problem of love is primarily how to be loved. In fact, being loved is much easier than loving yourself. Love is an art and must be mastered just like any other kind of art.
Love is always an action, a manifestation of the strength of human nature, which is possible only under the condition of complete freedom and never due to coercion.
Love cannot be a passive manifestation of feeling, it is always active, one cannot “fall into” a state of love, one can “abide” in it. Erich Fromm.

Love is that feeling that, in addition to joy and happiness, causes experience, confusion and even uncertainty. Sometimes it is so difficult to convey your emotions to your loved one in order to show the depth of your feelings. Whether it's a simple crush or a truly deep feeling, ready-made romantic statuses are suitable for any situation. From the above list, you will definitely pick up the lines that you want to write to your loved ones.

Love has no meaning, which is in everything we do. She moves the world, completely changing the course of life and giving us happy moments.

I breathe you, I live you, my dearest and dearest!

My love for you is like air, which is invisible, but without it it is impossible to live.

Loving hearts are warmed by trust and comfort. May there always be trust between us, beloved, and comfort will come with it.

The best of the best! The most affectionate and kind! You even warm my soul in the cold!

I look at you, my love, but I see us. This is what Love is!

I love my life because you are in it.

My love for you recognizes no obstacles. If necessary, together we will overcome any obstacles, jump over fences and penetrate walls.

With you, any problem is not a problem, but bad weather is a sunny day. I feel your care! Thank you for being around!

Sometimes it seems to me that we are like a pair of swans. Without you - I'm not me, without me - you're not you! Let it be forever!

Beloved and mysterious, simple and mysterious ... You are all woven from contradictions! That's why I love you!

Beautiful statuses about love

Love is not a bird in a cage. She flies around the world, not paying attention to the weather, the mood of people, the hustle and bustle ... Love flies to each of us!

Love me like a bird loves the sky
How snowfall cannot live without snow!

Falling in love is easy, but falling in love with all your heart is not so easy!

They talk about Love only with a capital letter, or they are generally silent!

Love will melt the ice of the soul,
Will overcome all obstacles!
And there will be happiness and love
We are the most valuable award!

They talk about love, sing, write, draw, sculpt ... But I keep quiet more, it’s more reliable!

Love is like a freedom-loving bird, because it does not tolerate control. Love is like a fish that can easily slip through your fingers if squeezed too hard. Love is built on trust, and that's the only way to make it stronger.

Fuss, bustle... And so every day, every year... Stop, look around, listen, because love is hiding somewhere nearby!

Love can be destructive and creative, painful and healing. It can be so different that sometimes it is difficult to fully understand your feelings.

Love is such a wonderful word
It means so much to me!
Let love be endless
Like a serial movie!

Sad statuses about love

Unfortunately, love does not happen without parting, experiences and difficulties. Beautiful words help overcome loneliness.

Sometimes we want to change the past, but we must understand that the past has already changed us.

The rain is crying and I am crying
And it's spring outside!
Rain don't cry - wash me.
Peace in my soul!

In some way, tears are more significant than smiles, because we give them to everyone, and tears only to those we really love.

Kiss me goodbye. May I remember this moment forever and leave hope in my heart.

Yesterday we were together, today we are apart, how unfair! But I love you!

I grieve with the weather. Autumn in the yard - autumn in my soul! You left in English - without saying goodbye.

It is stupid and pointless to think about you, but thoughts return to the past - to where we are together!

There is not enough air in the chest from separation from you. How can I live without you, where can I get strength?!

It is better to be alone than to be with a person who gives a feeling of loneliness by being around.

I'm not ready to live with you all my life,
Let's part without unnecessary, false words!

Statuses about love with meaning to tears

A person experiences the strongest feelings and emotions only by falling in love with another person.

Every love story is a story about two people doing their best to make each other happy.

Loneliness is sadness, love is the harmony of sadness and joy!

Headlong love is impossible! They love with all their heart and soul!

Love is not only the smile of the beloved and the tenderness of touches, but also the ability to hear and listen.

Do not reject love, it will still be there!

The soul not only sings from love, but often cries from it!

Love does not live in a locked heart!

When it's sad and cold, it warms lovers sunlight, favorite blanket and true love.

They don’t talk about love, it will tell everything itself!

Beloved to be nice, and loving responsibly!

Statuses in VK about love for a girl

Not a single girl will remain indifferent to a sincere love message in VK.

On the wings of love, I fly to meet you, my love! Don't break them, please!

You are a kindred soul, and the kinship of souls is a rarity!

I love you, my love, without demanding anything in return!

I am happy because I am in love with the one who loves me!

You are sweet as a dream and tender as the evening sky
You are my happiness and joy, the dearest person on earth.

I have tears in my eyes from love, for you, my sunshine!

With one breath we breathe
We hear the same words!
I love and will repeat
That I don't want to lose you!

My love for you is like a sweet dream. I am very afraid to wake up, and suddenly - this is really him!

Not knowing myself, I want to know you, my love! It's not easy, help me!

Your love opens up a second wind and gives a ray of hope!

Statuses about life and love

Some life statuses can inspire, others can challenge, and still others can make you look at life from a different point of view.

You can live your whole life and not know true love, or you can live your whole life in one day of love!

Well, where we do not! Here is the axiom of love!

Usually people don't know the true value of a relationship until it becomes just a memory.

For the sake of love and happiness, you need to endure defeat!

Do not let random people into your life, especially when it comes to love!

Say the most important words of love silently and life will show the result!

The negative in love is the lack of personal dignity!

Life is an amazing book that we write ourselves. Some chapters are sad, others are voluminous and romantic, but they are all emotional and inspiring. Try to live life to the fullest so that you never regret a single chapter.

Don't give up and you will win life path and therefore in love!

Willingness to fight for your happiness is half the battle. First of all, you need to listen to your heart and try to find what will really make you happy.

Statuses in VK about love to tears

There is nothing more sad than the indifference of a loved one.

True love can be found in completely unexpected places and situations. The only condition is the openness of the soul and heart.

A man in love knows all the secrets of his beloved, because he has a key that opens her heart. He will never lose or throw it away!

I never believed in love. I thought it was just a fairy tale for children. The meeting with my beloved changed my views. Now I believe not only in love, but also in fairy tales.

Love uplifts, inspires and makes you forget about all the troubles. Love is the sweetest addiction. You are my drug, my addiction, and I don't want to be cured of it.

Love is the air that I breathe. I couldn't live without you. You have a piece of my heart in your hands, so I need your presence so much.

They say that when one door closes, another opens. Our meeting opened several doors for me: the path to happiness, love and inspiration.

Great philosophers have tried to find the answer to the question of what love is. Some argued that these were some special chemical reactions in our body. Others said it was a blessing from above. I did not find the exact answer, but I know for sure that if you really love someone, you will love in any situation.

I want to share with you all the sad and joyful moments, ups and downs, every moment of your life.

Only the Moon can love Earth the way I love you. If you don't see me for a while, I'm still by your side.

Statuses for boys about love

You are the reason for my smile on my lips and joy in my heart.

If you want girls to like you, don't tell them about love, but prove it with your actions!

Whoever loves will forgive everything! Be generous - do not trifle!

I'm not a sex symbol, but I have something in me too!

I'm sexy, but not amorous!

Girls do not hope for reciprocity if there is fog in the heart!

I am a guy who is fond of and does not promise much ... Although who knows ?!

Young man, do not immediately extinguish the sparks of love! Wait, let the flame burn! And then make your decision!

The mirage of love is not about me! With me - an oasis of love!

Assertive in life - not decisive in love!

Statuses about broken love

Breaking up is not easy. Sometimes the right words can help you get through this difficult period of life.

It didn’t work out for us, it didn’t stick together. What to say now?! Can take and forget?!

It's hard to say, "I'm sorry," but it's even harder to forgive someone when you're hurt.

A broken heart cannot be mended! It shattered into many pieces and hurts my soul!

From betrayal - cold!
From your dislike - frost!
From untruth - hunger!
From impotence - a lot of tears!

Yesterday we were together, today we are apart,
What happened is not immediately clear.
Just cold hearts -
Could not burn without end!

You're on the other side - I'm on this one! Could not build a bridge - that's all!

Don't call me, I won't look back. I do not want empty phrases and indifferent eyes. Forgive and let go!

The ship of our love crashed to smithereens on the pitfalls of misunderstanding!

“I love you!” they said to each other. What a pity that this beautiful word has crumbled into five separate letters!

The necklace of our feelings broke off and rolled downhill like beads of tears!

Statuses about new love

My heart was in tears! And suddenly, a miracle happened. It stopped crying and smiled! It's a new love!

The sun smiled, peeking out from behind the clouds! “Hello!” your eyes said. Love warmed my heart again!

After betrayal, love is gone. It seemed that she left my heart forever. But, an unprecedented miracle happened - your unexpected love came to me!

Again the birds sang for me, and the dew dried on my eyelashes. The soul perked up from the expectation of a new and unfamiliar love!

Anxiety is running away! Hope settled in a loving and beloved heart!

Adversity receded, and a new feeling swept over the soul and body! This is true love!

You loved me for who I am! Not once reminding me of my previous heart failures!!!

It was difficult to return to life after the betrayal of a loved one, but you helped me to resurrect!

One path split into two roads - one to nowhere, the other to hope. And this chance was our new love!

A new feeling is always better than cold oblivion!

Statuses about the meaning of life and love

If it seems that life is dragging you down, you should never panic and get upset. Every day is given to a person for something. Remember, the more we fight, the better it gets!

Life is fleeting, but Love, if it is real, is immortal!

Let's run, hurry... Stop! You hear the trams ringing and the rumble of cars rumbles, the many-sided crowd is buzzing ... And somewhere very close Love whispers: "I'm here, recognize me!"

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, we found each other. Thank you Love for such a precious gift!

Seconds, minutes, years run, seasons change ... And only, our love remains the same!

Life without love is like a day without sun!

I can forget something, but I can never forget our love!

Life is sometimes so careless and frivolous, but when love comes, life is filled with life!

Live, love, despite all obstacles and distances!

Love is like tart wine. It warms, intoxicates, beckons into the distance and looks forward to a wonderful future!

Love opens up a whole world for us, so let's talk to each other about our feelings, even if only as an online status.

People are like musical instruments: their sound depends on who touches them. 26

The girl in the relationship is the main one! And if a guy thinks that he decides everything, then she is also wise. 27

You will always do some nonsense, and then you sit and think - and what exactly did I not live in peace at all? 14

You have to pay dearly for the sweet. 21

The identification mark of a real guy is a happy girl nearby. 16

Take care of the one you love, so that later you don’t have to live with the one you got. 24

When you love, everyone around hears the beat of your heart, when you hate - it resounds only in your head, when you die - only you stop hearing it, but it remains with those who love you ... 20

Don't walk behind me - I won't lead you. Don't walk ahead of me - I won't follow you. Walk side by side - and we will be one. 30

Live with your mind, the heart is a stupid organ. 22

A guy, in order to drag a woman into bed, is capable of the most incredible things. Only a girl who has firmly decided to get married can surpass him. 16

Better to be a pleasant memory than an annoying presence. 15

Many guys are afraid of the girls they need to grow up to, so they choose the ones they can sink down to... 20

Anything you love can be forgiven. The question is, will he still be loved after that? 21

There are people who can be given a tenth chance, and there are those for whom the first was clearly superfluous ... 15

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. Don't expect them from cheap people. 4

In love, someone else's choice is always surprising ... 19

She grew up, grew wiser, saddened. 4

There are no random encounters. Each meeting is either a test, or a punishment, or a gift of fate... 15

It takes patience to win a woman, to keep - attention, to lose - indifference ... 9

People no longer perceive each other as people. Everyone is interested in how you dress, how much you earn, what car you drive - anything but yourself. 18

When people feel good together, it doesn’t matter to them what their relationship is called. 13

Any girl becomes chic when she has a guy with her who knows how to light her eyes and brighten her life. 20

The guy loves everyone with his eyes, but only one with his heart... 9

A woman is looking for a man with a big future, and a man is looking for a woman with a small past... 17

If a man has wings, this does not mean that he is an angel. Most likely, that one is a beetle! 12

Be a choice, a reason, a priority - but never become an option. 18

The meeting of two personalities is like a contact of two substances: if there is a reaction, then both elements change. 18

If you love a person the way he is... then you love him... If you are trying to radically change him, then you love yourself... 26

Every story has its end. But in life, every end is the beginning of a new period. 23

I'm not a gift, but you're not a birthday boy either. 29

A girl is like a theater, today a comedy, tomorrow a tragedy, and the day after tomorrow a tour in another city. 15