When the soul is torn to the beloved. The soul is torn to pieces. How to forget the person you loved

Again the alleys, fading foliage, covers with a carpet,
The crimson forest, in the rays of the sun, will burst into flames.
Cranes song-scream, burns the soul again,
Sadness-sadness of parting, light in it.

And the soul will rush, between the past and the future,
In the past, youth remained and life without worries.
And in the future unknown, like gray smoke,
Uncertainty fog, shrouding the world, waiting

The time for tears of rain - autumn has come,
The time of withered leaves, the time of ripe fruits.
The end of summer and the first frosts the beginning,
Time, bitter smoke...

Why are you tearing your soul apart
Why are you burning sadness, burning nettles.
You don't give me peace
Oh, leave me, don't torture me.

Do not try in me with despondency,
I instill you, disbelief in me.
Do not strive to become my second name,
Peace of darkness, posing as salvation.

I will not give power over me
Thoughts of sad sad darkness.
I won’t let you tear, her soul is in pieces,
And me...

Soul - Great ... Flesh - weak ...
Wants to spin between them
Love straight and oblique
Top bisectors of an angle…

How the heavenly fan descended
At that hour made a movement
And on the go I met persistence
From the breath of time...

Well… Hello moon queen!
In the mansions, the king was waiting for you!
How did you come to him yesterday
So he lost his mind yesterday...

The soul is like a moth
Flies into the light, sometimes burning.
That light is not near, not far.
In it are the doors of happiness, the doors of paradise.

My heart longs for warmth
Simple love and understanding.
Tired of fighting and evil...
The soul is a delicate creature.

Why is she suffering like this?
Is there really no other way?
Our world is cruel. And that's a fact;
And there is little holy fire in it.

Taras Tymoshenko

The soul wandered through the worlds
Looking for happiness and hope.
She wasn't the same as before
I no longer believed in my dreams.

And lost among the worlds
She's stuck between them.
Sin to choose the path of holy things?
How to unburden yourself of your shackles?...

Who knows... maybe now
She's still there, on the same paths.
And in the same thoughts and concerns.
Everything is at a crossroads. Looking for us.

The soul languishes incomprehensibly.
And the lines of rhymes float indistinctly.
It is difficult to catch them in a new verse.
Here the flow of feelings almost subsided.

Minutes in a gray succession,
Driven by the wave of life
Float into a misty world for souls.
Again, the mind dictates nonsense.

He feels free
Where the soul does not see the ford.
Ornate ligature of words
Always ready to fill the moment.

And here's an exquisite veil
He covers distance after distance.
The blue bird's feathers are tearing
And interrupts the flight of the stars.

My love, how cruel you are! -
Took it all...

When the soul
torn to pieces,
and there is no peace for her.
When tears do not see the sun
and even white light fades.
And pain
one hot wound
throbbing in your chest
and you think
that it's all in vain
and there is no hope ahead.
And no one
you don't believe anymore
not once deceived by fate,
and your life
one loss:
bridges burned for you...

Do you remember
what a dark night
morning will come.
And dawn
dawn clear and bottomless
paint the sky red.
And they will chirp
birds loudly,
and the dew will shine in the grass,
and pain and tears
trickle thin
the river will carry with it.
You just know
that all the hardships
will pass.
And this is to live
forgetting the bad years
against all odds
as before to believe and love!!!


I wrote this poem when it was very bad both in my soul and in life.
Thus, she tried to pull herself out of a state of hopelessness. I will be glad if the poem helps someone!

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How to forget a person if the Soul is torn to pieces? Doesn't matter
who is to blame, you or him, but there are so many things that are connected with him,
that the most painful question in my head right now is: How to forget a person?

What needs to be done to be good? What needs to be done to
sunshine again? What do you need to do to stop tearing yourself up?
In this article, I offer you a Tarot layout that will help you understand
the reason why you won't let go, why you're hooked on
these relationships. You will find several options, as little as possible
make the pain quieter in your heart.

How to forget the person you loved

The answer is no. These relationships are part of you. You gave a piece of yourself
You have been given a piece of yourself. Why do you want to cut, tear or burn
part of yourself? Are you suffering? Are you in unbearable pain? Let's
let's see why.

By itself, the feeling of Love can never hurt. Never!
But there are other feelings that we disguise as love. Love
is replaced by other feelings and at the same time there is a suggestion to oneself that this is -

For example, are you afraid of loneliness or do you consider yourself not very
attractive and this man is the last man on Earth who
paid attention to you. You feel sorry for the energy spent on these relationships,
because so much has already been invested in them. You just got used to it, to such a life
and you have a panic fear of change. You have common children.

Any of these reasons may make you hold on to this relationship.
Love is always freedom. If there is any dependence on
man is no longer love. If it hurts unbearably, if you want
climbing a wall and rolling on the floor is not Love. If there is fear, it
not Love.

Playing the stalker

What do we do if there is a break or a quarrel with a loved one?
We start chasing him! We begin to blame him for everything in the world,
we make him guilty, we wish him not the most pleasant things in life. We
we begin to catch up with him, return, search in social networks, cut him off
mobile phone, fill up his SMS, ask through mutual friends. We
we start looking for another victim - this is your mother or girlfriend and throw out
all the dirt that is about the rupture of relations on these people. That
have what's going on? We become persecutors. We run everywhere
looking for extreme.

But! If you suffer, then the cause is in you, then you have a problem, and
not other people. Find out why it hurts you. Looking for why
You are so hooked.

It is impossible to forget that you have parents. It is impossible to forget that
You had childbirth and you have children. Can't forget what you had
a person with whom so much is connected. If in 15 years you are asked about
this person, that you will intensely, convulsively remember this
last name and do not remember? No, you will remember right away, just without

But you can ease your suffering today:

Don't chase him.

Think about what he did good for you, not what was bad.

He has the right to break off relations with you.

Think not about how to forget him, but about how to rid yourself of the discomfort that this person is not with you.

Find yourself any occupation, a new hobby, a new interest.

Cry. You must have an emotional release, don't store it inside.

Remove everything that reminds you of him. Remove all photos and gifts.
Rearrange the furniture, change the curtains, bed linen on which you slept
with him.

Remember: There are no irreplaceable people!

Answer honestly to yourself what you did that you would never do now
didn't do it anymore. Maybe you mocked a person, not really
treated him with respect, specially played with his feelings. Look for
the cause is in itself, not in him.

Sucker Punch

It's about starting a new relationship! You are deceiving a person because
that by relations with him you are trying to drown out your pain, do not solve your
problem and most importantly, you are just trying to fill a void and not
it is important who has got to you now under a hand.

Tarot layout: How to forget a person if the Soul is torn to pieces?

1. How do I feel about him at the moment?

2. Internal reason, ulterior motive why am I hooked?

3. Justification. How do I explain to myself the reason that I do not want to let him go?

4. The real reason why I cling to this relationship?

5. What can work and help you let go of the situation?

6. How will I feel internally, my mental state, if I let it go?

7. How will my outer life, my reality, change if I let go of this situation?

8. What lesson should I learn from this relationship?

The layout can be ordered, for this, write in a personal

Hello. My name is Nadezhda, I am 35 years old. I am married. I have two daughters. And then one day...
I met a man. His age is 38 years old. Relations developed very quickly. On his part, there was immediately a delimitation of fields. In terms of a serious relationship, there can be no talk, not a big short romance-intrigue is possible. I agreed, because I didn’t plan a serious relationship either, and I didn’t have any ardent feelings for him either. It was just unimaginably good with him in sex.
Soon he began to say that I was the one he was looking for (he had 2 marriages behind him). What combines in me, all the qualities that he needs. And where I have been for so long, and that I am now him and he will never give me up to anyone.
Then a couple of days pass, and he says that there will be a farewell party. We put a point. What, he does not love me and does not think about me at all and cannot reciprocate.
I love him madly. I’m ready to just sit under his armpit, so that he just hugs and doesn’t say anything. I'm just going crazy without it. I don't know him at all as a person, but I still need him.
We broke up.
And at the same time, he comes to me at night, when I write to him that I feel bad. He takes me to him hugs and kisses, as if he had not seen me for an eternity and was madly bored. But at the same time, he doesn't say anything. All emotions are under strict control. And physics still gives the opposite. And we again had crazy sex, where I was the initiator. in which, at first, he controlled in the flesh until he didn’t touch me, didn’t hug me. And then he broke loose, and so passionately hugged and kissed ... such feelings, it’s just not realistic to fake ... He was completely, we were completely one ...
Why??? Is he disowning me? After all, I feel that he is fine with me. And he can't put an end to it. Tear off and throw away, it doesn't work.
I really want to be with him... Help... What to do next. Really, it really doesn't mean anything, and this person doesn't need me... Pain and emptiness... Nothing else...

Received 6 tips - consultations from psychologists, to the question: The soul is torn to pieces. Help

Hello, Nadezhda. I sympathize very much. But, unfortunately, the confusion of personal boundaries does not give you peace. Sexual passion is not love. Love is maintained around the clock, and sex is coming and episodic. Therefore, a more mature approach - Sexual relationships give only fleeting pleasure .You use sex for non-sexual purposes. You invent an ideal image and become a banal background for this person, where he is a FIGURE ON THE BACKGROUND. ) than him. This is your right. But then don’t be surprised that you are neglected and abandoned. They don’t promise you anything. background). If your value is significant, you will prefer the role of a figure that is significant for yourself. If the value is low, then you are only a victim in a meaningless relationship. Choose for yourself what and who you should be.

Good answer 1 bad answer 1

Good afternoon Hope.

There are different ways to arouse sexual arousal in yourself. The simplest is constant parting and intensity of feelings as against the background of death. Such throwing will not withstand a long-term relationship. It is suitable for the relationship of lovers. By the way, they can be quite lengthy - if your nervous system it will endure.

There are many descriptions of passionate relationships in your text. But you confuse them with love:

I don't know him at all as a person, but I still need him.

With best wishes to you,

Chernysheva Ulyana, individual consultations online and in Moscow

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Hope hello. First of all, you need to understand yourself, namely, that if there was harmony in marriage, then there was no need for such "intrigues", and so you started, as it were, from the position of "getting what is missing in the family" and received "through up" that they fell in love ... But BOTH partners are involved in any relationship, and here everyone has their own goals. Perhaps a man as a whole does not need a serious relationship, since he already had a sad experience earlier and he only needs to have a good time and nothing more. Should we blame him for this? Even if he cannot fully understand himself ... Here you need to understand what you want, clearly convey your position to the man and hear his answer, if the answer is positive, then use elementary observation techniques to understand if he will not "throw from one extreme to another" and whether his words will correspond to actions. Then make a decision where conclusions will be drawn based on human actions. The most undesirable scenario in my opinion: "if you yourself do not want a divorce, but will suffer, seek it and continue this relationship", already enjoying "suffering" on an unconscious level .... It is important to analyze family relationships, to understand why passion has faded, it must be done in any case, even if you get divorced, so as not to repeat the past scenario and after a while, the "affair" did not repeat again .... There is a proverb that is not entirely correct, but it is relevant in your case "children turn out of jokes "..., so it is with you ..., but again, here the reasons must be found and eliminated, in general, you need to learn how to build relationships in a way that would be comfortable for you. With all my heart, I wish you - Success and all the best!!!

Effective personal and family counseling, Skype therapy

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Hello Hope. You are very hurt by the fact that for some completely incomprehensible reasons - you can not be together with your loved one. It hurts you because at first he pulled you to him, and made you feel loved and needed. And then he abruptly rejected it. And you have such a relationship now: intimacy-merging-rejection-gap-pain-proximity-merging_gap-pain and so on in a circle. This is how love addiction is created.

There is a little girl inside you who feels very lonely. She did not have enough warmth and love from loved ones in childhood. She needs to feel that physically there is someone nearby who will hug, warm, accept, just be there. And this girl is very hurt that the most beloved close person then "sip", then becomes cold and distant. Mom (possibly father) for you was either available or not available. Here you need to know your personal history.

You need to heal the wounds of your soul. The man you have chosen can only give you such a relationship. Where physical warmth is intertwined with the pain of parting. Rapprochement is followed by a gap for unknown reasons. Small child cannot explain why this is happening. He may feel guilty, not right. Now you are reliving your intimacy trauma again. I would be sincerely glad to help you cope with this in individual consultations.

Just repeat the words after me and tap the dots lightly and rhythmically.

Remember that you are good and worthy of a close, stable relationship with a man who loves you.

Irina Potemkina
Analytical psychologist and TES practitioner

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Good afternoon!

Hope, presumably your partner, and maybe both have symptoms of promiscuity. Soft or hard, heavy or light. And for you, apparently, the need has really ripened to figure out what is happening with your life. What values ​​does your Self rely on. All this will help you be happier, receive and give, joy and attention and care and love.


regular meetings, psychotherapy.

Alla Kudryashova, analytical psychologist..

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Hello Hope.

I know how much suffering and pain a person who is involved in such a destructive relationship experiences. I can assume that behind this attachment lies another basic unmet need that you are not aware of and see no other way to satisfy it. The mechanism of attachment is most likely related to the unresolved problems of early childhood ...

And further. Look, physical intimacy, sex usually binds a woman much more strongly than a man. It is also important to know that female attraction arises in response to male seduction. And this is an evolutionary process. And the fact that you are now attached to a man, I see a certain pattern in this. It seems that you need passions, suffering through which you can vividly feel yourself in real life.

It is a pity that you do not write at all what is happening in your relationship with your spouse. At the same time, any couple goes through certain stages in a relationship, including when the partners' sexual interest weakens and this is considered the norm in a long-term relationship. And this family crisis can also affect your desire for vivid experiences with a strange man.

Pain and emptiness in the body - this is how your life was built. And to live with such feelings is quite difficult. My opinion is that it is important to analyze such deep topics that you have outlined only individually. It would be great to turn to a specialist, the period is not easy for you now and it is important to help your body so that later it does not cure depression.

I sincerely wish you make the right decision.

practicing psychologist Iraida Sheveleva
Voronezh, Russia

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

Incredible Facts

Have you ever wanted to drop everything and just disappear? Or have you thought about going for a walk all alone to a place where you have never been, hoping that you will feel better?

If such thoughts regularly come to your mind, it is quite possible that in this way your soul is trying to contact you.

Often we do things that do not bring us happiness, but simply fill the void in our lives. You may think that it is enough to simply live the way you live, but in fact, it is not.

No one comes into this world knowing from the very beginning how to live in such a way as to be happy. Throughout life, we develop, learn from our mistakes and grow. Thus, we come to understand what we really need, how best to use the life that is given to us in order to become happy.

And if it seems to you that something does not suit you in life, believe me, you are not mistaken. It is your soul that sends you important signals and tries to say something important.

There are things and actions by which you slowly destroy your own soul.

Here are 12 signs that your soul is tired and dying and is trying to tell you about it:

How the soul dies

1. You don't learn from your mistakes.

We are human, so we all make mistakes. Even our ancestors learned to survive and began to develop, thanks to their own mistakes.

Our main mistake is that most people never learn from their mistakes. Your soul begins to feel bad when you blame yourself for the mistake you made.

After all, instead, you can accept the mistake you made, learn from the situation and see what can be done so as not to repeat it again. Your soul grows and develops with you and also learns from the mistakes you make. Remember, making mistakes is okay, not learning from them is wrong.

2. You constantly make excuses.

Surely, it seems to you that constantly making excuses makes it easier for you to get out of an unpleasant situation, and excuses will reduce your degree of guilt.

However, in reality it turns out differently: excuses are what ultimately bring you more problems. Regularly making excuses for something, you come to the following: your body and your soul get tired and begin to lose ground.

The best thing you can do for yourself and your soul is to accept your mistakes and not try to find the easy way out.

Your soul is pure, don't pollute it with excuses and lies.

3. You are afraid of the future

Nobody knows what the future holds for us.

The future is always uncertain, and despite knowing it, we tend to let our minds go too far in thinking about what our future will be like and thinking about things that could go wrong.

By doing this, we forget that we are actually torturing ourselves and harming our own soul, as all the negative thoughts and tension that slowly builds up inside us consume and poison our soul.

Instead of wasting time thinking about what could go wrong in the future, try to live in the present and enjoy the moments that life gives us.

Your soul was born free, initially fears were unusual for her, so help her to remain so fearless all the time.

4. You stubbornly cling to the past.

You cannot change what has already happened in the past, and although your mind is perfectly aware of this, you still allow it to live in the past.

By doing this, you cut off the oxygen to your own soul, forbid yourself to move forward and open up new horizons in life.

Your soul wants change, but if you keep going back in time, it will be limited to the things that need to be let go in order to move on.

Let go of the past, whatever it was, good or bad, let go of all things and events from your past. Your soul wants to move on, let it move forward, and not get hung up on what can no longer be returned or changed.

suffering soul

5. Negative conversations and thoughts

Who do you think is the biggest pest in your life?

That's right, you yourself. You are your biggest critic and most of the time you are your own worst critic.

By indulging in conversations that carry a negative context, your soul begins to feel bad, it suffers from the negative energy that negative conversations carry and begins to self-destruct.

This, in turn, prevents you from enjoying other more enjoyable things in life. Instead of spending hours discussing the bad, try switching to something good and pleasant. After all, there are so many beautiful things in the world!

Believe me, your soul needs a positive. Positive thoughts and a positive attitude are the best food for your soul and body.

6. You let others take advantage of your kindness.

It's wonderful to help those who need our help. However, everything needs a measure.

Are you one of those people who loves to help others but gets nothing in return? Moreover, if you take it for granted, you are doing tremendous harm to your soul.

Especially when you do not receive the same kindness from others in return, your soul begins to feel sad, thinking that maybe you are doing something wrong.

Don't let people take advantage of you and abuse your kindness. Always know your worth and learn to finally stand up for yourself. Otherwise, feeling all the injustice, yours will suffer and suffer.

Soul suffers

7. You do something that doesn't fit your purpose.

It seems to you that earning a lot of money and living in a luxurious house is what you need in life.

However, all this luxury and opulence can only look amazing in movies. In fact, your soul wants completely different things.

She wants to participate in something that gives happiness and fulfillment. Don't try to stick to a routine because it only hurts your soul. Be adventurous, spontaneous and open to new things. May your soul be happy and find its purpose in this life. Otherwise, your soul will begin to resist and hurt.

Doing something standard and imposed by someone that does not fit your goal.

8. When you are not true to yourself

Sometimes we do things that go against our desires. We do things that clearly do not please us, but we do it anyway.

This can be due to various reasons such as peer pressure or trying to fit in.

But when you decide to do something that does not please you at all, you become unfaithful to yourself.

Determine what you like in life, and designate for yourself those things that coincide with your morals, principles and your spiritual values.

Do not let someone else's opinion interfere with your life and determine its further course. Your soul sees lies and recognizes someone else's interference, do not try to deceive it. After all, only when you remain true to yourself and your principles, and there comes a feeling of joy and absolute happiness.

9. You say "yes" when you want to say "no"

This is the biggest crime you can commit against your own soul. And your soul must pay for it.

When you decide to do something that you don't really want to do, you are degrading yourself and diminishing the value of your own life.

Keep in mind that you should never say "yes" when in fact your soul says a clear "no", and even more so, you should never do something that is contrary to your own will and desires.

After all, in the end, doing something against your will will not bring any benefit to you or your life.

Your soul reacts to what you do and how you act. Listen to her and try not to disappoint her.

10. You hold on to things that don't benefit you anymore.

We all know what a holding power an ordinary habit can have, and how difficult it is to let go of something or someone that we have become accustomed to and attached to.

However, when that particular thing or person becomes destructive to our lives, it is a sign that it is time to let it go and move on.

Do not hold on to something that does not bring you more happiness, but on the contrary, pulls you to the bottom. Whatever it is, person, thing or situation, let it go! Your soul will immediately feel better, it will have the strength to move forward and open new horizons.

11. Don't let bad people leave your life.

Again, continuing the above theme of habit, it's very hard to say goodbye to someone. It is especially difficult to say goodbye to those who have been present in your life for a long time.

But if a person brings more negativity into your life than positivity and joy, it's time to show that person the door. He must leave your life so that your soul breathes a sigh of relief.

Do not communicate with a person who, in your opinion, belittles your worth, humiliates you as a person, presses you physically or morally, or dictates how you should live.

If you feel that such a person is present in your life, and that after communicating with him you only feel worse, it is time to say goodbye to such a character.

Your soul does not like evil and bad people. So why purposefully persecute her, oppress her and make it worse?

12. You don't love yourself.

This is the most deadly sin of all and the most cruel crime against oneself.

If you do not learn to love yourself, your soul will gradually begin to reject you, get sick and eventually leave your body.

You may not realize it, but in fact your soul is waiting for love, understanding and attention from you. And if she doesn't get it, there is a good chance that you will gradually start to hate everything around you, including your own life.

Be sure to love yourself and everything connected with your destiny. Learn to accept yourself for who you are, accept your mistakes and forgive yourself for them. Praise yourself for even the smallest accomplishments.

This is the greatest gift you can give to your soul.

A bright soul is a loving soul; love her, cherish her, and she will love you and love you back.