What the author calls deviation. Problematic issues of the block "Man". Social science. USE-2011. Write down the definition of the concept

C4. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Each society values ​​certain personality traits above others, and children learn and develop these qualities through socialization. Methods of socialization depend on which personality traits are valued higher, and in different cultures they can be very different. In American society, qualities such as self-confidence, self-control and; India has traditionally developed opposite values: contemplation, passivity.

These cultural values ​​underlie social norms. Norms are the expectations and standards that govern how people interact. Some norms are presented in laws that prohibit stealing, assaulting another person, breaking a contract, etc. Such laws are social norms, and those who violate them are punished. Our behavior in everyday life is influenced by many expectations: we must be in relation to other people; when we visit a friend's house, we should make a gift for his family; On the bus, you must give way to the elderly and disabled. We have these same expectations for our children.

It's not just norms that affect people's behavior. The cultural ideals of a given society have a huge impact on their actions and aspirations. In addition, since these ideals are formed on the basis of many values, society avoids universal uniformity. For example, we value science, so the name of Albert Einstein is honored and respected. We also highly value sports, giving famous athletes a high social status.<…>

Socialization is a two-way, multidirectional process. There is a mutual influence between biological factors and culture, as well as between those who carry out socialization and those who are socialized.

(According to N. Smelzer)

C1. The state actively participates in the process of socialization of citizens. Imagine what qualities it seeks to form in citizens. List any two qualities and briefly explain your choice.

C3. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C6. Pupils of the same class, dressed in school uniforms, even following the same rules and tasks, remain different from each other. But this does not mean that their socialization is unsuccessful. Give two reasons (arguments) supporting this opinion.

Being a father these days is harder than it used to be. The “innate” right to headship in the family, the “hereditary” right now, the father no longer has. The "innate" authority of the father can be replaced by the acquired authority, which is determined by all behavior in the family, caring for it. But even then this authority will not be dominant, but equal to the authority of the mother. This is the essence of a modern, equal, democratic family. The researchers found that some schoolchildren put their father in the family in all respects in second place after their mother, and for a number of reasons - after their grandmother, grandfather, and peers.

Or maybe let it be so: in the first place is the mother? After all, a mother is a given educator of her children by nature. It's right. But father? Isn't a father a less capable educator of his children? The father has a good supply of versatile information for raising a child, often not less, but more than the mother. The father takes much less time to work in the household than the mother, he is freer in the family. It turns out that in many families there is a considerable paternal educational potential, often hidden, unused.

A positive example of a father in raising children is important and significant. Being attentive and caring to children is the main thing. But a father must also be quite demanding - one cannot respect without demanding. And you can not demand without respect. True, it is very important what tone of communication with children the father chooses. In a family, the demand is best put in the form of a request. The tone of command or instruction here is not suitable or least suitable, especially when we are talking with teenagers or with adult children. Otherwise - a breakdown, a conflict.

Probably every father wants to see his children good. AT recent times many fathers have become more attentive to family problems, to the upbringing of children. Sociologists have found that the share of male participation in the upbringing of children is clearly growing. Men are much more willing to go to parent-teacher meetings and help children do their homework than to participate in cooking and washing clothes. However, everything more men consider it necessary to do with his wife and work in the household. It means that they correctly understand their paternal duty.

C2. Eighth-grader Alina thinks that her parents are too protective of her, they treat her like little child. Therefore, Alina often quarrels with her parents. Using the text and social science knowledge, formulate two tips for Alina and her parents who, in your opinion, can improve them.

C3. There is an opinion that the family is losing its importance today
in raising children. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

C4. On the basis of the text and relying on personal social experience, name two circumstances that allow the author to highly appreciate the educational potential of the father in the family. Suggest why this potential often remains untapped. C5. Give three examples that illustrate the importance of a father's involvement in raising children. C6. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Social deviations play a dual, contradictory role in society. On the one hand, they pose a threat to the stability of society, on the other hand, they support this stability.

The successful functioning of society can be considered effective only if order and predictable behavior of people are ensured. Everyone should know (within reason, of course) what behavior he can expect from others, what behavior is expected from himself, and what social norms children should learn. Deviant behavior disrupts this order and predictability of behavior. If there are numerous cases of social deviations in a society or a social group, people lose their sense of expected behavior, the social order is violated. Moral norms no longer control people's behavior, fundamental values ​​can be rejected, and a person loses a sense of security and confidence in his actions. Therefore, a society will function effectively only when the majority of its members accept established norms and act largely in accordance with the expectations of other people.

On the other hand, deviant behavior is one of the ways in which a culture can adapt to social change. There's no such thing modern society, which would remain static for a long time. Even communities isolated from world civilizations must change their patterns of behavior from time to time due to changes. environment. Birth explosions, technological innovations, changes in the physical environment - all this can lead to the need for the adoption of new norms and the adaptation of members of society to them.

New social norms are born and develop as a result of the daily behavior of people, in the clash of constantly emerging social circumstances. The behavior of a small number of individuals deviating from old, habitual norms may be the beginning of the creation of new normative patterns. Gradually, overcoming traditions, deviant behavior, containing new viable norms, increasingly penetrates into people's consciousness. As members of social groups learn behavior that contains new norms, it ceases to be deviant.

(, text adapted)

C1. How, according to the author, new social norms appear? (Using the text, indicate the four steps in this process.) C2. What social phenomena, in the author's opinion, may make it necessary for the emergence of new social norms? Using the content of the text, indicate three phenomena and explain the connection of any two of them with the emergence of new social norms.

C3. What conditions, in your opinion, must meet the new social norms in order for them to be accepted by society? (Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, list any three conditions.) С4. What does the author consider necessary for the successful functioning of social structures? How do numerous cases of deviations, according to the author, affect society?

C5. Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them. C6. There is an opinion that any mass social deviations are useful for the development of society. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

Deviant behavior.

Deviation and moral differences.

Starting from the very early childhood everyday life contains many of our perceptions of people who are different from each other in one way or another. There is one black child in the class of white children; there is a girl propping up a wall at a party; There are the physically handicapped and the mentally unbalanced. However, there is another type of difference. There is a boy who expresses his outrage when the rest of the group laugh at a dirty joke; there's a dove in an office filled with hawks, or, for that matter, a hawk at a cocktail party thrown by doves. These differences are unlike (or seem to be) the ones mentioned above because they are a deliberate negation of the group's values ​​or norms. To be black or shy or crippled is a condition imposed on the individual. On the other hand, being cutesy or political nonconformist is an act of choice.<...>

The term sociologists commonly use today for this type of difference is deviation. As we shall see below, deviation has been defined and explained in different ways. However, there is widespread agreement among sociologists on this basic concept: deviance always refers to behavior that is in violation of the rules developed by a given community or group. In other words, the concept of deviation implies primarily a moral difference. It refers to the refusal, or perhaps the inability, of an individual or group to adhere to those moral norms that prevail in the social context in question.<...>

Typical is what is thought of as normal. Deviance from typicality is always troubling because it calls into question what people believe to be normal.<...>People's beliefs about normality order their experience.

Questions and tasks. 1) Which of the examples given by the author relate to deviant behavior? 2) What is the difference between deviant behavior and other behavioral acts?

3) Formulate the definition of the concept of "deviant behavior". 4) What behavior, according to the authors, is deviant? 5) Give examples (from life or literature) when an individual refused the moral norms prevailing in some social group. 6) Give examples (from life or literature) when an individual was unable to fulfill moral
norms prevailing in a particular social group. 7) How does the social group react to those who cannot or do not want to adhere to the moral standards that prevail in this social community? Give examples. 8) In your opinion, what is the reason for rejection by a social group of people with deviant behavior? 9) What is the author's reason for the rejection of people with deviant behavior by the society? 10) How does the author explain that this reason leads to rejection by society of people with deviant behavior? 11) Based on your life experience, give examples that illustrate the author's statement.

2. Researchers of deviant behavior hold different points of view on its causes. Check out some of them:

    Deviants are not made, but born.

    The cause of deviant behavior is mistakes in education.

    The cause of deviant behavior is an antisocial external environment.

    The reasons for deviant behavior are rooted in the national subculture.

    The cause of deviant behavior is poverty.

What points of view do you agree with? Justify your position.

    Citizen N. sweeps the stairwell on her floor every day without asking anyone, and washes it once a week. Neighbors more than once drew her attention to the fact that this should be done by a janitor who earns a salary for this. To this, she constantly replies that she does not want her children and friends who come to her to see the dirt in the stairwell, because she is ashamed of it.

Is N.'s behavior deviant? give at least two arguments confirming the SC assessment of the behavior of citizen N.

4.State X declared war on the StateY. Upon learning of this, a group of young citizens of state X held a protest rally in front of their parliament building.

    Name the conditions under which this behavior of young citizens will be considered as deviant.

    Name the conditions under which this behavior of young people will be considered normal.

5. The M. family moved to another city, and on September 1, their son went to classes in new school. His acquaintance with the school began with the fact that he got lost and ended up in the wrong office. Opening the door of his class, the student stumbled and fell, and the whole class laughed in unison. Then he misnamed the class teacher's name, and to top it off, he dropped his satchel, which dropped textbooks and rolled ballpoint pens, which caused another explosion of laughter in the class. The teenager burst into tears from embarrassment.

Do you think this student behavior is deviant? Provide arguments to support your point of view.

Is the class behavior deviant? Give one argument to support your point of view.

6. People with deviant behavior, especially in its most extreme manifestations, such as criminals, bring considerable harm to society, cripple lives, destinies of people, therefore, since ancient times, the problem of protecting society from criminals has occupied the minds of mankind. Different points of view have been expressed and are being expressed: from pessimistic to optimistic. What position do you agree with? Argument your point of view.

1. A person is shaped by the environment, and society's guilt that a criminal has grown up is more significant than his own. Therefore, society has no right to take the life of a criminal, it must atone for its guilt before a stumbled person and do everything to turn him into a full-fledged member of society.

2. Criminals by their cruelty give rise to evil. Their impunity contributes to the corruption of the weak, and especially minors, so crime must be punished very severely so that people prone to crime fear subsequent retribution.

3. You can not blame all the blame on society. A person can and must educate himself, therefore the guilt of each criminal in his own moral fall is no less, and he must bear responsibility according to the severity of the offense committed.

Role - it is a pattern or type of behavior expected in a social group from people in different positions. It can also be said that a role is a set of expectations, rights and obligations aimed at a person as the owner of a certain social position.

Each person has a wide network of social relationships. Some of them are temporary, some are long-term and important. In the network of social relations, everyone has a certain social position, to which expectations are directed and to which established rights and obligations are inherent. The holder of the position is forced to behave in accordance with these expectations, rights and obligations, to fulfill the role required by them.

The role is quite stable: a person changes, but his social role remains. “Performance” of a social role is learned in the process of socialization, focusing on the expectations that society sets. The role can be understood as a "response" to the set of expectations directed at a person in society. This "answer" is determined by his position, profession, position, gender and other factors.

The role sets behavioral limits for its performer. If the behavior characteristic of a given role does not go beyond these limits, then it satisfies both the individual and his environment, i.e. meets the required standards. Different roles still have different limits of permissibility, and in each role there are specific situations of this “permissibility”. The range of this role freedom can be larger and smaller, the strictness of compliance with the "role" rules is weaker or stronger - the so-called role dichotomy. For example, an actor or a representative of another creative profession is allowed a lot of things that a priest is not allowed to do...

The fulfillment of the role requires a certain creative approach. The interpretation and implementation of the role is largely determined by the personality of the individual. Sometimes important roles transform a personality which is essentially an integration of all the roles learned by the individual...

Each individual performs many different roles. Barely leaving the house (or rather, at home), a person falls into the cycle of social roles. For example, during the day: buyer, pedestrian, driver, father, director - one and the same person.

From a sociological point of view, the distribution of labor and activity in society has a role basis. The presence of social roles in society and their parameters is also a way to control the activities and behavior of members of society.

30. The author considers the presence of social roles in society as a way of social control. Using the text and social science knowledge, explain the author's opinion. Concretize it with examples of the roles of the buyer and the pedestrian.

31. What two aspects of the relationship between the social role and personality of the individual did the author indicate? Using the text and social science knowledge, explain each aspect.

Social role - ______________________ Therefore, only behavior that is functionally related to a certain status and meets the expectations of other people is a social role.

Read the text and do the tasks for it

Any person who occupies a high social position in society strives to live up to his status and behave properly. From a person with the status of a banker, others expect very specific actions and do not expect others that do not correspond to their ideas about this status. Therefore, status and social role bind people's expectations. If expectations are formally expressed and fixed in any acts (laws) or in customs, traditions, rituals, they are in the nature of social norms.

Although expectations may not be fixed, this does not stop them from being expectations. Despite this, people expect from the holder of a particular status that he will play a well-defined role in accordance with the requirements that they place on this role. Society prescribes requirements and norms of behavior to the status in advance. For the correct performance of the role, the individual is rewarded, for the wrong one is punished.

A status-oriented behavior model includes a set of status rights and obligations. Rights mean the ability to perform certain actions due to status. The higher the status, the more rights are given to its owner and the greater the range of duties assigned to him.

A status-oriented behavior model also has external insignia. Clothing is a social symbol that has three main functions: comfort, decorum, and demonstrative expression.

The function of status symbols is also performed by housing, language, manners, leisure.

(R. T. Mukhaev)

22. What two conditions are necessary for the consolidation of role behavior as a social norm? How does society support the correct implementation of social norms?

23. What are the three main functions of clothing as a social symbol that the author highlights? Using social science and historical knowledge, illustrate any two of them with examples.

24. Give the position of the text, reflecting the ratio of the status of the individual, on the one hand, and the range and scope of the rights and obligations that she has, on the other. Based on social science knowledge, give two arguments justifying this position.


Topic plan:

1. Social control - basic elements and types.

1. Write down the definition of the concept.

Deviant behavior - Deviant behavior is, on the one hand, an act, actions of a person that do not correspond to officially established or actually established norms or standards in a given society, and on the other hand, a social phenomenon expressed in mass forms of human activity that do not correspond to officially established or actual norms or standards in a given society. Social control is a mechanism of social regulation, a set of means and methods of social influence, as well as the social practice of their use.

Deviant behavior is a kind social choice: when the goals of social behavior are incommensurable with the real possibilities of achieving them, individuals can use other means to achieve their goals. For example, some individuals, in pursuit of illusory success, wealth or power, choose socially forbidden means, and sometimes illegal ones, and become either delinquents or criminals. Another type of deviation from the norms is open defiance and protest, a demonstrative rejection of the values ​​and standards accepted in society, characteristic of revolutionaries, terrorists, religious extremists and other similar groups of people who are actively fighting against the society in which they are.

In all these cases, deviation is the result of the inability or unwillingness of individuals to adapt to society and its requirements, in other words, indicates a complete or relative failure of socialization.

2. Fill in the gaps in the diagram.

Deviations from social norms can be:

Positive, aimed at overcoming obsolete norms or standards and associated with social creativity, contributing to qualitative changes in the social system;

Negative - dysfunctional, disorganizing social system and leading it to destruction, leading to deviant behavior.

Illustrate with examples each type of the deviant behavior specified by you at the level of the person, social group, the state. Fill in the table.

A vivid example is the international charitable actions of the American businessman and public figure George Soros (born in 1930). Only in Russia, the Soros Foundation spent over ten years (1987-1997) more than 350 million dollars. Or another, less ambitious, but indicative example is the selfless behavior of a person who gave shelter to homeless animals in his apartment.

Deviant behavior can be depicted as a straight line with two extreme points.

On one half of this straight line, negative actions, deeds and habits will be located:



Drug addiction, etc.

On the other half - positive deviance:


creative insight,

Super intelligence, etc.

3. Read the text and do the tasks.

Deviant behavior is always evaluated in terms of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment consists in the fact that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, a chosen one of the people, are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, i.e., elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation. Let's try to identify the necessary qualities and behaviors that can lead to socially approved deviations.

(According to the book of the modern sociologist S. S. Frolov)

1) How do you understand the phrase "culturally acceptable deviation"?

Deviant behavior is always evaluated in terms of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment consists in the fact that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. For example, a wandering monk in one society may be considered a saint, in another - a worthless loafer. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, a chosen one of the people, are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, i.e. elevation above others, which is the basis of the deviation. Each of us has our own ideas about the concept of exaltation. The same can be said about group views. Also, the ranking of great people changes over time. For example, when there is a need to protect society, brilliant commanders come first in importance, at other times politicians, cultural figures, and scientists can become the greatest. Let's try to identify the necessary qualities and behaviors that can lead to socially approved deviations.

2) How are deviant behavior and the process of human exaltation related?

In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, a chosen one of the people, are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, i.e., elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation.

Let's try to identify the necessary qualities and behaviors that can lead to socially approved deviations.

1) Increased intelligence can be considered as a way of behavior that leads to socially approved deviations only when a limited number of social statuses are achieved.

2) Special inclinations allow you to show unique qualities, specific talent in very narrow, specific areas of activity.

3) Overmotivation. Many scientists believe that intense motivation often serves as a compensation for hardships or experiences suffered in childhood or adolescence.

4) A happy accident can contribute to the manifestation of a person's abilities in certain activities. Great achievements are not only a pronounced talent and desire, but also their manifestation in a certain place and at a certain time.

4) Explain why the exaltation of superintelligent people is possible in only a few activities.

Because few professions are suitable for super-intelligent people. For example, the professions of a plumber, builder, welder, locksmith, etc. do not require special mental abilities, and vice versa, the professions of a mathematician, economist, scientist, etc. suitable for super-intelligent people, as there is great potential in these professions; can take a very long time to develop.

5) Give an example of a specific personality talent.

There are people who are able to distinguish smells very subtly, their talent is used in the perfume industry.

6) Give an example of a figure whose exaltation was helped by a happy accident.

The great Suvorov became Suvorov only because he once ordered to storm the walls of the monastery in order to train soldiers. Catherine found out about this eccentricity and since then Suvorov's affairs have gone up (this is his own opinion).

4. When discussing the problem of deviant behavior of adolescents, the opinion is often expressed that parental control can prevent a teenager from violating social norms.

Give some arguments for and some arguments against this opinion.

1) If the parent controls the child, then he will be able to prevent deviant behavior in time.

1) All people are different. And it may happen that a teenager may not understand parental controls. This can lead to a quarrel with parents, to the fact that a teenager will more covertly violate the norms of behavior.

I think everything is good in moderation. To prevent deviant behavior, do not control the child all the time. It still won't work. Parents need to instill morality in the child from childhood, teach him how to organize life. Then there will be no problems with deviant behavior.

5. Studies of the motivation for introducing teenagers to drugs, conducted in schools in one of the regions this academic year, found the following motives (the lexical features of the answers are preserved):

They help to distract from personal troubles;

It's nice, you get "bad" from them;

All friends try, I don’t want to be a “black sheep”;

Doing a drug is "cool";

At the disco, you have to do what everyone else does.

Write a short message to your peers with any of these motivations and explain why drugs should not be taken.

To the last argument - it's not always good to do what everyone else is doing. If everyone jumps off a bridge, you won't jump like everyone else.

There are many other ways to take your mind off things, and drugs cause a lot more trouble than what you'll be trying to take your mind off of.

Getting a Nobel Prize is cool, but drugs are a vice, most people do not respect and despise drug addicts. So drugs are far from cool, they are scary and terrible.