Loneliness: statuses, beautiful sayings

Quotes, statuses about God, Christ, faith, life.

In compassion there is a love of such power that it is greater than ordinary love. If you have compassion for another, you begin to love him more.

Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer

✞ Jesus had a wooden cross and a golden heart, and now many have golden crosses and wooden hearts ✞

Love sincerely! Farewell quickly! Kiss slowly! Laugh uncontrollably! And never regret the past!

Some thoughts are the same prayers. There are moments when the soul, regardless of the position of the body, is on its knees. Victor Hugo


"Happy is the one who feels happy" St. Theophan the Recluse

Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change and the courage to accept what I cannot change.

Let's not skimp on warmth: We all need moments of understanding. Let a friend become light in his soul From our participation and attention.

Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated, soul speaks to soul in it. Averbakh Berthold

I have learned to be content with what I have (Philippians 4:11) and what I don't have and who I don't have

God bless! Thank God for everything! Gloomy thoughts and burdens recede from these wonderful, holy words. Peace, consolation, joy come into the human soul

Start thanking God for what you have and He will give you what you lack.

Joy is not the absence of suffering. This is the presence of God.

There is no closer acquaintance, no closer connection, like a connection by unity of thoughts, unity of feelings, unity of purpose. St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

God is not in power, but in truth. Some with weapons, others on horseback, but we will call on the Name of the Lord our God! Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Listen to God in commandments so that He hears you in prayers. (St. John Chrysostom)

Do not look for support in people, but in God, and the Lord will send reliable friends in spirit. Archimandrite John (Krestyankin)

Yes, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, ..

"Great selfishness is to think that you are capable of correcting others." (Schemamonk Paisios the Holy Mountaineer)

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Don't waste time. This is the stuff life is made of!

You may know someone for a long time. But then he will betray you. You may not know someone well. But he will give a hand in trouble ...

It is better to be deprived of respect than tired of being useful.

Only love can be above the law, only mercy can be above truth, and only forgiveness can be above justice!


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When man gives himself completely to God, then God gives himself completely to man. Monk Simeon Athos

Faith is the realization of things hoped for and the certainty of things not seen. Heb.11:1, Bible

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and boundless love for God. Reverend Macarius Great

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

A wise person does not grieve for what is not, he rejoices in the present.

Whoever has faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

Religion is a fashionable surrogate for faith.

Draw near to God not by rites and ceremonies, but by inner feeling. Heaven is not a place or a time.

Let us praise God, who grants the faithful In darkness, death, in despair, joy.

We ask God, and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it. To whom does a person turn when there is no one to turn to?

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Faith is an oasis in the heart that the caravan of thinking will never reach.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings.

There are two wise people: I and the people, I believe in myself.

Only through the eyes of love can we see a person as he is in his very depths, in his very essence, and treat him accordingly. This is how God treats us.

I'm beautiful in my own way, because God doesn't make mistakes.

Take care of the one who cries for you. God bless you for her tears.

Faith is the wing of prayer. Without faith, this wing, my prayer will again return to my bowels.

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you.

Faith in one God is the key to the inner unity of man.
Ilya Shevelev

When God closes one door, he opens another; but we often do not notice it, staring at closed door...

By faith the Lord will create everything, but the perfection of the Christian life is in humility.

To prove God is blasphemy; to deny it is madness.

I will destroy everything that I have built for so long. In my soul I will erect a new temple. Away with those people who are not worthy. And those who are nearby - I definitely will not betray ...

"I do not believe that the percentage of believers in God among scientists is less than among other professions."

Christians are people who have heard and responded to the call of Jesus Christ.

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in keeping His commandments.

God will not accept prayer without faith and without works.

Tell me, father, where is justice in this world. The truth has clearly merged, but grace does not rule in this world. Give me strength not to lose ...

The biggest regrets in our lives are associated with the period when we ran away from God.

If your faith doesn't motivate you to change, change your faith.

Faith is the art of holding on to what you once accepted, regardless of mood swings. (C. Lewis)

No one has done anything great for God without taking a great step of faith.

Commit your deeds to the Lord, and your undertakings will be accomplished. (Proverbs of Solomon 16:3)

Obedience without faith is possible, but faith without obedience is never.

It's always scary to take a step of faith. If it were not for fear, faith would not be needed.

Faith in oneself leads to disappointment; trust in God will never disappoint.

I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart and praise Your name forever” (Ps. 85:12-13)

Panic is a faith killer.

Statuses, quotes about faith in God

And closing your eyes, remember one thing: God does not put up barriers that cannot be passed...

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you. God's water runs through God's land. God's dew sprinkles God's earth.

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God said: "Fear the tears of the person offended by you, because he will ask me for help, and I will help."

God forgive us when we complain about life. For every step, for every breath, for what God gave me. For pain, for happiness, for luck, for the fact that I laugh and cry, for the fact that I still love, for everything, the Lord thank you. The Lord judges us by our thoughts and deeds, not by what others say about us. Many do not believe in God and say He does not exist, but in difficult times they always turn to Him! We think that God sees us from above - but he sees us from within. God gives man not what he wants, but what he needs. So don't ask, "why? ', but think: 'why? It's not for you to judge, let God judge.
He knows everything about what I could not say. Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has the best way for you. Learn to appreciate what God has given you. Every difficulty is an opportunity for God to do something for and through you. God gave us a face; We put expression on it ourselves. God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen exactly twice as much as he spoke. Faith is the wing of prayer. Without faith, this wing, my prayer will again return to my bowels. Whoever has faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Take care of the one who cries for you. God bless you for her tears. God has plenty of room for the righteous. Whenever God wants. When God commands. Faith is an oasis in the heart that the caravan of thought will never reach. God exists as long as people believe in him. Even God himself is not going to judge us until we die. Why do we think we have such a right? I'm beautiful in my own way, 'cause God doesn't make mistakes. The Lord wants us to rationally, consciously reject evil and accept Him and His goodness in our hearts. By faith, the Lord will create everything, but the perfection of the Christian life is in humility.

A person gets used to being alone, but break this loneliness even for a day, and you will have to get used to it again.

We are all doomed to some degree of loneliness. Every one of us will ever get it.

Many smart women lonely only because they lacked the wit to hide their minds.

There is no need to be afraid of LONELINESS, living in a crowded rapid, ... it allows us to gather with THOUGHTS and be alone with CONSCIENCE ...

Cold. Blizzards seep through the soul. Apparently, the fate of the prophecy came true... Nightingales recently sang in the heart, And now... - sheer loneliness...

Bitter coffee, strong cigarettes and empty loneliness ... all my plans for this night

Loneliness, physical and mental, gives rise to melancholy, and melancholy intensifies loneliness even more.

I have always been terribly afraid of being someone's wife, because life has taught me that one person cannot love another to the end, for real.

Knowing yourself comes with knowing loneliness.

Love ... love is an inexplicable thing, sometimes you think I can't live without this person, and sometimes you need to be alone ... and the mood, it changes quickly and strangely ...

Whoever does not love loneliness does not love freedom, for only in solitude can one be truly free.

Empty people huddle in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and seek solitude. I do not belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted

I don't want a thousand nights, Dark as a wild she-wolf, Where again alone, again no one's I fall asleep, having drunk a cup of bitter wine...

Learning to enjoy loneliness... you stop depending on people...

Many women get married because they are tired of spending evenings alone. and many women get divorced because they are tired of spending evenings alone %%%% There are two types of lonely evenings: When no one needs you. And when you don't need anyone...

No one understands how difficult it is to squeeze a smile out of yourself and seem strong when you are really hurt and you want to be pitied ... Lonely @

Love not only yourself. The biggest punishment for an egoist is loneliness!

Loneliness gives us more callousness towards ourselves and more nostalgia for people: in both cases it improves the character.

It's hard to hold on to someone you love when they're never around.

When I'm alone I feel like I'm completely alone. And when I'm with people. it doesn't seem to me. I know it for sure

Where sincerity ends, loneliness begins.

Loneliness is not due to the absence of people around, but the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you, or the unacceptability of your views to others.

From a good life all day on the Internet do not hide :-(

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes.

There are things that are better done alone, and we really appreciate them, because it is in these moments that you can really relax your soul ...

Girl, do you have a boyfriend? I involuntarily lower my eyes again and shudder, as always, from this question ... - No, I don’t have a boyfriend ... - Then maybe? - ... There is no boyfriend, but there is a loved one. With all my heart. To your fingertips. Until every breath. Can't, sorry...

There was one good idea. But died of loneliness and longing

Thanks to babochke for the inspiration. I want to be not alone, I want to forget about the prophecies, Forget what is inscribed, cleanly, To start with an autumn clean slate ... I don’t want to pretend ... I want to be, not to seem ...

Who does not like loneliness - he does not like freedom

Loneliness is a state of which there is no one to tell.

If you feel bad for one, then it is unlikely that you will feel good for others.

A wise person does not grieve for what is not, he rejoices in the present.

Even looking sometimes for loneliness, but. I can't even imagine this state. © Alla Pugacheva

Demographics are not to blame for the fact that there are so many single women. The prince does not come, according to the schedule. We need to splurge less!

If you are dissatisfied with your role in life, Then do not be afraid to destroy the fate of prophecy ... Since it is better to live in complete solitude, Than together with one-sided love ...

I never experience loneliness - - loneliness tests me.

Soul suddenly empty. There is no fault in this. Feelings just die...

Sometimes, the person who smiles during the day is torn with sadness at night.

Fucking is when you keep the secrets of other people, listen to the snot of friends, help your loved ones, ... and at that moment when you feel bad yourself - you sit alone, listen to music and don’t even know who to talk to ...

Stop for a moment and look around before it's too late, and you will see next to you ... and what you deserve, you will see ...)))

Sadness is an exquisite drink with a delicate bouquet, which is best enjoyed in complete solitude, away from prying eyes.

Loneliness is repulsive. It is fanned with sadness and cannot arouse either interest or sympathy in people. Man is ashamed of his loneliness. But to one degree or another, loneliness is the destiny of everyone. © Charlie Chaplin

loneliness is still better than the company of people who are rotten through and through.

Loneliness is a unique phenomenon that arouses interest in others ...

A woman should not be alone. Whatever it is, it is simply vital for her to love someone ...

I am a mother, and a mother is never alone. © Catherine Deneuve

DO NOT LEAVE ME WITH ME… alone with broken dreams, I will lose this fight, now I’m like an origami… I’ve gone into myself… there you are too… and the blood freezes inside sometimes… but in the world of vanity… DON’T LEAVE ME WITH ME…

Lose your head with love and desire ... It's much better than living life in sensible loneliness ...

Nothing brightens up loneliness like schizophrenia.

I believe in you. A string of past days, bit by bit, Like water through your fingers: Joy, anxiety, trouble ... Sadly, I count the losses, I closed all the doors, And I don’t want to open them. I believe in you, loneliness ...

Society prevents you from seeing the real you. You can only see yourself in solitude.

Love is a joint loneliness for two. She is a reward without merit and a miracle that others cannot see.

There are millions of my favorite combinations: lime and pear, heat and rain, loneliness and soulful music, but my favorite combination is still you and me.

Loneliness is the painful expectation of someone, and the sad realization that no one will ever come.

Best Status:
No one will ever be able to understand your condition. And all attempts to do this will only spoil the mood even more.

I decided to find green men in the bathroom. Instead of a laser sword, she armed herself with a rolling pin and a screwdriver. All these are jokes of loneliness. Soon they'll put me in a straitjacket...

Loneliness is my strategy. Wisdom is my weapon. Courage is my armor. I am the sole master of my life. And no one dares to poke their nose into it.

The smarter the person, the sadder he is. Only loneliness makes you think and become wiser. Nobody wants to be sad, so nobody likes to be alone.

My upstairs neighbors flooded my downstairs neighbors. Conclusion: Everyone is ignoring me!

He pressed her tightly to him and tried to feel that wonderful aroma of perfume that had come from her before. But I felt only the bitter smell of cigarettes, alcohol and loneliness ...

When I'm alone... it seems to me that I'm completely alone... And when I'm with people... it doesn't seem to me... I know it for sure...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Life is too short - do not spend it pitying yourself in vain, sitting alone. There is a spark inside everyone, you just need to ignite it in order to warm yourself with life-giving warmth, wake up and dare to live on.

Alone and alone are two completely different concepts. At a noisy party, you can also be lonely. And it's a state of mind

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes ...

For some, loneliness is when they are unloved, someone is lonely because he has no friends, And I am lonely when you are not around ...

There are 100 contacts on the phone, but there is no one to call .... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to.…

Loneliness is when you reply to spam and add it to your contact list

Loneliness is when you know exactly who screwed up in the kitchen

In search of green men, she ambushed in the bathroom, armed with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. Loneliness has broken peace of mind. Looks like it's time to put on a straitjacket...

don’t look that I’m Highness, save me from loneliness ...

Loneliness - in 4 corners you are looking for the fifth.

I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world,

Loneliness is when you hear how the clock is ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you

Loneliness is happiness because then we do not know lies, betrayal, fear of losing a loved one, we just live for ourselves (

I'm single not because I have a bad temper. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

People often get lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls.

emptiness in the heart, as if I'm alone in the world ...

There are 100 contacts on the phone, but there is no one to call .... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to ... And only real friends call and write first. They don't need a reason

Loneliness consumes the soul when the most dear and dear leaves us. close person. Then we become like animals driven into a cage. We start throwing ourselves at the walls and howling at the moon

It's nice to experience loneliness when you are in love with someone, even if not mutually. It develops the imagination. Only in solitude can a person show his true nature.

Every morning she makes hot sandwiches for me. I affectionately whisper to her, "I'm on my way, I'm on my way... Now." But she never understands me. Maybe because she's a microwave?

Only a candle in the cold dawn cries for me ...

But she was happy, And she didn’t know tears at all ... Through the pain and cry: “I am strong!” Whispered: "I'm tired ..."

Loneliness is when you wake up from a call in the middle of the night, you are glad that suddenly someone was needed, but all your expectations are broken off by the phrase “Sorry, I just made a mistake (s) number”

I crawl under the covers, and loneliness quietly creeps up on me, presses against my back and strokes, strokes, strokes my arms, chest, neck ...

I am lonely, and you are lonely ... But we will not take a single step to meet each other.

Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you cannot fully cherish not one..

Only in solitude can you see in yourself what society does not allow you to see

Pretty girls are never alone, but often lonely...

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and short loneliness - this is all that made her happy ... But loneliness now interferes ...

When you're single for ages, you become very picky about food and sex.

loneliness is when only shampoo peeps behind you in the bath

Loneliness is when you hear how the clock is ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you ..

Loneliness is an absolute. The only one that exists. Everything else is a product of our imagination, an illusion.

Better to be unknown but happy in love than genius but lonely

You are sitting on a chair with a straight back, and your soul lies next to you in a lump, tightly hugging your knees with your hands, like a wounded but faithful dog.

nothing screams louder than silence...

Soul suddenly empty. There is no fault in this. Feelings just die...

I sat and looked at the sky ... there was one cloud ... and I realized that it was me ...

I am alone... in the whole world... I am so lonely among you... you are unfortunate people... who do not understand... all life... because life is a lie...

A pair of each creature. Where is my creature?!

Night. I sit and smoke and stare out the window. Sadly, there is no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: “How many of us are so lonely in the world?”

I am so alone at this hour that I want to die. I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world, Only a candle cries for me in the cold dawn..

Don't be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone ...

I’m not looking for anyone, I don’t regret anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t suffer, I don’t believe ... I don’t call anyone, I don’t forgive anyone, I don’t owe anyone - so I don’t promise ...

I'm single... and for some reason I like it...

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people, but they have someone closer than you.

We are all doomed to some degree of loneliness. Every one of us will ever get...

Loneliness is when you go crazy, and you don’t even have to tell anyone about it ...

When you're single, you even have sex with yourself. Every single person can invent their own world, as God once did.

Sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, get an old photo album and listen to the rain outside the window. Deal with loneliness! Go outside, run through the puddles and you will see a rainbow

We parted, but every minute I keep your image in my heart. I didn’t stop loving, and I, for the life of me, can’t believe in this separation ...

You're lonely? Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the company of a smart person

Loneliness is when there is a phone in the house, and the alarm clock rings 🙁

Much depends on ourselves. Until we ourselves want to break out of our shell of loneliness, no one will help us in this.

When the most beloved, dear person for you ... is very far from you ... and you miss him madly ... for me it is ... - loneliness ...

Loneliness is when they forgot to pick you up from the morgue ...

There are five of us... Me and four walls...

How tired I am of hearing “I want you”, so I want to hear “I want to be with you!”

And I didn’t even imagine that parting was so painful ...

Breaking up doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just opening a new page in life

Real fighters for their place under the sun have neither allies nor friends. They endure loneliness because they are strong in spirit.

If I am left alone, I see the relish of life ... I can’t entrust an annoying voice with some kind of command ...

Do you love freedom?! Free!

I'm alone. Why do I need someone? I will be alone again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks to all. Everybody's Free

I'm alone! Why do I need someone? I will be touchy again! All efforts are fruitless, thank you all! All are FREE

What does loneliness mean? For me, this is when I go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to drink water, and there is no one to ask, “Where are you going?”

Why are you constantly wearing headphones? “They are like an airbag between me and the rest of the world.

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy. my lover will be an mp3 player, the record holder for the number of melomanic orgasms brought to me

The moon and the sun converged on my horizon. Day and night have changed places. I live, I breathe, but not with you….

I am so alone at this hour that I want to die.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

Life at the very top can be pretty lonely, but it's a great place to speak your mind.

I love the music of rain when my heart is lonely ...

Empty people huddle in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and seek solitude. I do not belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted

Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes do not bite you ...

I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand… I decided so myself, silence is my friend… It would be better if I sinned… Loneliness is torment…

Loneliness is when you are and when you seem to be gone.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

We are no longer links of the same chain, we are no longer part of one whole, he will no longer wake me up in the morning with a kiss ... Does anyone have a pill for love?