The great god "Danunakh", the mantra "Forget it" or why adult serious people do nonsense. Gods of Ancient Egypt - list and description Supreme God of Ancient Egypt

For all ancient people, the world was filled with mystery. Much of what surrounded them was perceived as unknown and frightening. The ancient Egyptian deities represented for people natural and helping to understand the structure of the universe.

Pantheon of Ancient Egyptian Gods

Beliefs in the gods were laid down in the ancient Egyptian civilization from the moment of its inception, and the rights of the pharaohs were based on their divine origin. The Egyptian pantheon was inhabited by deities with supernatural abilities, with the help of which they helped the believers and protected them. However, the gods were not always benevolent, therefore, in order to earn their favor, not only prayer was required, but also various offerings.

Historians know more than two thousand deities of the ancient Egyptian pantheon. Major gods and goddesses ancient egypt, who were worshiped throughout the kingdom, have less than a hundred names. Many others were worshiped only in certain tribes and regions. With the development of ancient Egyptian civilization and culture, a national religion was created, which became the subject of many changes. The gods and goddesses of Egypt often changed their status and place in the hierarchical ladder, depending on the dominant political force.

Afterlife beliefs

The Egyptians believed that every human being is made up of physical and spiritual parts. In addition to sah (body), man had the essence of shu (shadow, or the dark side of the soul), ba (soul), ka (life force). After death, the spiritual part was released from the body and continued to exist, but for this it needed physical remains or a substitute (for example, a statue) - as a permanent home.

The ultimate goal of the deceased was to unite his ka and ba to become one of the "blissful dead" living as ah (spiritual form). In order for this to happen, the deceased had to be judged worthy in a court where his heart was weighed against the "feather of truth." If the gods considered the deceased worthy, he could continue his existence on earth in a spiritual form. Moreover, it was initially believed that only the gods, as well as the goddesses of Egypt, possessed the essence of the ba. For example, the supreme Ra had as many as seven ba, but later the priests determined that every person has this essence, thereby proving their closeness to the gods.

It is no less interesting that the heart, and not the brain, was considered the seat of thoughts and emotions, so at the trial it could testify for or against the deceased.

The Process of Worship

The gods were worshiped in temples run by priests acting on behalf of the pharaoh. In the center of the temple was a statue of the god or goddess of Egypt, to whom the cult was dedicated. Temples were not places of public worship or gatherings. Usually, access to the personification of the deity and the ritual of worship was isolated from the outside world and was available only to clergymen. Only during some holidays and celebrations, the statue of God was taken out for general worship.

Ordinary citizens could worship deities, having their own statues and amulets at home, they provided protection from the forces of chaos. Since after the New Kingdom the role of the pharaoh as the main spiritual intermediary was abolished, religious customs were reoriented to the direct. As a result, the priests developed a system of oracles to communicate the will of the gods directly to believers.


Most in physical form tended to be a combination of human and animal, many associated with one or more animal species.

It was believed that the mood in which the gods or goddesses of Egypt lived depended directly on the image of the animal accompanying their appearance. An angry deity was depicted as a ferocious lioness; in a good mood, a celestial could look like an affectionate cat.

To emphasize the character and power of the gods, it was also customary to depict them with a human body and an animal head, or vice versa. Sometimes this approach was used to visually show the power of the pharaoh, he could be depicted with a human head and the body of a lion, as in the case of the Sphinx.

Many deities were represented only in human form. Among them were such figures as very ancient cosmogonic gods, as well as the goddesses of Egypt: air - Shu, earth - Geb, sky - Nut, fertility - Min, and the craftsman Ptah.

There are a number of minor gods who took on grotesque forms, including the devouring goddess Amat. Her image consists of a part of a crocodile, a lioness and a hippopotamus.

Gods of the Ennead

In ancient Egyptian mythology, there are nine major sun gods, collectively known as the Ennead. The birthplace of the great divine nine was the city of the sun Heliopolis, where there was a center of worship for the supreme god Atum (Amun, Amon, Ra, Pta) and other major deities associated with him. So, the main gods and goddesses of Egypt had names: Amun, Geb, Nut, Isis, Osiris, Shu, Tefnut, Nephthys, Seth.

Supreme god of ancient Egypt

Atum - the god of the first creation, who created himself from the primary chaos Nun somehow has family ties with all the major gods of Ancient Egypt. In Thebes, Amun, or Amon-Ra, was considered the creator god, who, like Zeus in Greek mythology, was the supreme god, the king of all gods and goddesses. He was also considered the father of the pharaohs.

The female form of Amon is Amaunet. The "Theban Triad" - Amon and Mut, along with their offspring Khonsu (Moon God) - were worshiped in Ancient Egypt and beyond. Amun was the chief deity of Thebes, whose power grew as the city of Thebes grew from an insignificant village in the Old Kingdom to a powerful metropolis of the Middle and New Kingdoms. He rose up to become the patron of the Theban pharaohs, and eventually came to act as Ra, the dominant deity of the ancient kingdom.

Amon means "hidden, mysterious form." He most often appeared as a man in clothes and a crown with double feathers, but sometimes the supreme god was depicted as a ram or goose. The implication was that the true nature of this god could not be revealed. The cult of Amon spread far beyond the borders of Egypt, he was worshiped in Ethiopia, Nubia, Libya and parts of Palestine. The Greeks believed that the Egyptian Amun is a manifestation of the god Zeus. Even Alexander the Great saw fit to turn to the oracle of Amon.

Functions and names of the main gods of Ancient Egypt

  • Shu is the husband of Tefnut, the father of Nut and Geb. He and his wife were the first gods created by Atum. Shu was the god of air and sunlight. Usually depicted as a man wearing a headdress in the form of a train. Shu's function was to hold the body of the goddess Nut and separate heaven from earth. Shu was not a solar deity, but his role in providing sunlight linked him to the god Ra.
  • Geb is the father of Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. He was in eternal union with the goddess Nut until Shu separated them. As the god of the earth, he was associated with fertility, it was believed that earthquakes are the laughter of Geb.
  • Osiris is the son of Geb and Nut. Revered as the god of the underworld. Having green skin - a symbol of renewal and growth - Osiris was also the god of vegetation and the patron of the fertile banks of the Nile. Despite the fact that Osiris was killed by his own brother Set, he was brought back to life (for the conception of the son of Horus) by his wife Isis.
  • Set - the god of the desert and thunderstorms, later became associated with chaos and darkness. He was depicted as a man with the head of a dog with a long muzzle, but sometimes there are images of him in the form of a pig, crocodile, scorpion or hippopotamus. Set is one of the leading characters in the legend of Isis and Osiris. As a result of the growing popularity of the cult of Osiris, Set began to be demonized and his images were removed from the temples. Despite this, in some parts of ancient Egypt he was still worshiped as one of the main deities.

mother goddess

The pantheon is headed by the mother goddess, the patroness of moisture and heat, Tefnut. The wife of Shu and the first goddess created by Atum, is mentioned in myths as the daughter and eye of Ra. Later she became identified with Mut, the wife of Amon and the mother of Khonsu, she was one of the main Theban goddesses. Revered as a great Divine mother. Mut is usually depicted as a woman wearing a white and red crown. Sometimes there are images of her with the head or body of a vulture, and also in the form of a cow, because in a later period she merged with Hathor, another great Divine mother, who was usually depicted as a woman with cow horns.

Functions and names of the goddesses of ancient Egypt

And now we present a list of female divine incarnations.

  • Nut is the goddess of the sky, the mother of Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys, the wife and sister of Geb. Usually manifested in human form, her elongated body symbolizes the sky. Being part of the cult of the underworld and the keeper of souls, she was often depicted on the ceilings of temples, tombs and the inside of the lid of sarcophagi. To this day, on ancient artifacts, you can find the image of this goddess of Egypt. The photo of the ancient frescoes of Nut and Geb clearly shows the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of the universe.

  • Isis is the goddess of motherhood and fertility, patroness of children and the oppressed, mother of the god Horus, wife and sister of Osiris. When her beloved husband was killed by her brother Seth, she collected the dismembered parts of his body and connected them with bandages, reviving Osiris and thus laying the foundation for the ancient Egyptian practice of mummifying their dead. By bringing Osiris back to life, Isis also introduced the concept of resurrection, which had a profound effect on other religions, including Christianity. Isis is depicted as a woman holding an ankh (key of life) in her hand, sometimes with a female body and a cow's head or with a crown in the form of cow horns.

  • Nephthys, or the lady of the underground abode, is the second sister of Osiris, youngest child of the divine family of Hebe and Nut, often referred to as the goddess of death or the keeper of the scrolls. Later, she was identified with the goddess Seshat, the patroness of the pharaohs, whose function was to protect the royal archives and determine the term of the pharaohs. Twilight was considered the time of this goddess, the Egyptians believed that Nephthys was floating in the sky at night, and Isis was in a day boat. Both goddesses were revered as protectors of the dead, therefore they were often depicted as falcons or winged women in temples, tombs and on the covers of sarcophagi. Nephthys completes the list of "Main Goddesses of Egypt". The list can continue no less revered.

Powerful Goddesses of Egypt

  • Sekhmet is the goddess of war and healing, the patroness of the pharaohs and the arbiter in the courtroom of Osiris. Depicted as a lioness.
  • Bastet is a goddess worshiped by Egyptian mothers. Often depicted as a cat surrounded by kittens. For her ability to fiercely protect her children, she was considered one of the most ferocious and deadly goddesses.

  • Maat was the personification of the goddess of truth, morality, justice and order. She symbolized the harmony of the universe and was the opposite of chaos. Therefore, she was the main participant in the ceremony of weighing the heart in the hall of the afterlife. Usually depicted as a woman with an ostrich feather on her head.
  • Uto, or Buto, is the nurse of the god Horus. She was perceived and revered as the protector of the living and the patroness of the pharaohs. Butoh was always ready to strike at any potential opponent of the pharaoh, therefore she was depicted as a cobra wrapping around the sun disk (uraeus), and was often included in royal regalia as a symbol of Egyptian sovereignty.
  • Hathor is the goddess of motherhood and fertility, patroness of fine arts, also known as the mistress of heaven, earth and the underworld. Highly revered goddess of the ancient Egyptians. She was regarded as a wise, kind and affectionate protector of the living and the dead. Most often, Hathor was depicted as a woman with cow horns and a uraeus on her head.

These ancient female deities were highly revered by the people. Knowing the names of the goddesses in Egypt, their tough temper and speed of reprisals, the Egyptians with reverence and horror uttered their names in prayers.

Everyone knows about the Aztecs and Maya, but few people know about the Danunkh civilization. The Danunakh civilization did not last long. But she quickly achieved her goal (the goal was to exist for a very short time).
The Danunakhs considered earthly existence a terrible misfortune. Their life consisted of waiting for death. The biggest holidays for the Danunakh were the funerals of their fellow tribesmen. Dancing until you drop, feasts, festive swims and races took place around the deceased, and it happened that the Danunakh did not bury their dead for months, because the sight of the dead man gave them hope that soon they would follow.
If the Danunakh fell ill, his friends came to him every day and wished him not to get better. "Let you be worse!" they said. Friends sat next to the dying person for days, they were awake in order to catch the happy moment of death, to join and be inspired.
When a young Danish woman became pregnant, they stopped talking to her. The birth of a child was a real tragedy. The Danunakhs sang sad songs. They told of how the Danunakh regret that another life is beginning, which will be full of nonsense.
The god of the Danunakh, Nah, was a fearsome and powerful god, but he never showed it. Even his face was not seen by the Danunah. They didn't know if he was a man or a woman. God Nakh was always depicted as sitting with his back to people and showing a figurine. Only in the next world did the Danunakh meet their god face to face.
Naha's advertising slogan was "What the fuck difference?" This inscription was found everywhere among the Danunakhs: on Danunakh furniture, on dishes, even in the form of tattoos and artistically decorated flower beds. "What the fuck difference?" became the mantra of the Danunakhs; they thought that if one day they could answer this question, they would all immediately, immediately go to Nahu.
Nah presented the holy book "Niachom" to the Danunakhs. Scientists have deciphered it only recently. It turned out that she, in fact, about nothing. It's a book of dialogues: "Nah?" - "Danunah?" - "Nah?" - "Danunah?" - "Nah?" and so on (another eight hundred pages). It is believed that the book captures the conversation between God and man at the moment of the long-awaited meeting.
Suicide was forbidden among the Danunakh: it was considered a deceit by Naha.
The Danunakhs had sacred commandments, which they strictly observed. Everything that their god Nakh does not want was written in the commandments. For example: "Don't kill, don't Nah. Don't steal, don't Nah. Don't fuck with the neighbor's wife, Nah do you need it?"
The beautiful civilization of the Danunakhs perished due to the invasion of wild tribes of cannibals. Subsequently, the cannibals passed on from generation to generation an amazing story about how danunakhs, distraught with happiness, ran after them, and each danunakh beat his chest and shouted: "Eat me! Eat me!"; many cannibals, having gone to meet a large number of Danunakh, died from a severe stomach disorder.
P.S. In the process of further research, it turned out that the god Naha had a forerunner - Pervonah.
The great god "Danunakh", the mantra "Forget it" or why adult serious people do nonsense.

(I do not recommend reading for those who are prone to very deep religious feelings)

The article is a joke. The effect when applied is real.

I'll tell you the background of the question.

Very often, adults are very upset because of all sorts of trifles.

Someone said something, said it in the wrong tone, yelled, was rude, or even sent it at all.

If someone lives in a world where this never happens, respect to you gentlemen and sincere genuine RESPECT.

Unfortunately, we are all people and periodically stand in traffic jams, visit airports, train stations, bazaars, Housing Offices, Federal Migration Service… continue the list of fun organizations of your choice.

And the most interesting thing is that you were not personally beaten there, your property was not taken away in most of the situation ... But it happens in your heart that you were actually beaten and everything was taken away.

Does it happen?

I know what happens unfortunately.

It is for such cases that we came up with the god "Danunakh" and the mantra "Forget it."

One evening, being in the woods in the Moscow region, my colleagues and I were sitting by the fire, drinking tea, and, well, how ordinary people, chatted about everything in the world. Thank God, there was no Wi-Fi in this place, it was impossible to work on info-business projects, and the creative energy accumulated after dinner had to be put somewhere.

I talked about yoga, about the universal mantra OM and that a mantra called “ VLOMMMM»

I heard it from a man with the surname Lebedev. (Sasha, if you read it, hello to you)

What is Vlomm, how to take it and why is it needed?

Mantra VLOMM is the most honest mantra in my opinion.

VLOMM is when you honestly tell yourself - I'm too lazy to do this.

So you want more money, for example, or to meet a man, or to pump up the press or get prettier, and so, plus or minus, you know what to do and Google is at hand, if there is someone to ask, but the days go by, but you don’t ... because that vlommm. And then what results, in fact, we are waiting for????

Not karma is not like that, not an unsuitable country, not an ordinary appearance, not relatives interfere, not because the men are goats, there are seven children, the cows are not milked, the pigs are not smoked, ....

And honestly and in all honesty - I "Vlommm"

And if it's broken, then you don't really want to.

And if you don’t really want it, then maybe you don’t want it at all?

Just figured out the mantra "Vlommm", Yuri Bostan took the floor. Information entrepreneur, already a multiple millionaire. In general, a person who really works hard and efficiently.

And Yura said that in addition to the mantra " VLOMM"There is a mantra in his life" DO NOT MIND IT»

The mantra “Forget it” - is used when you have done everything you could, and the situation is going as it goes.

For example, I prepared everything, calculated it, gave it my all, and at that moment one of the servers went down. It happens. And novice information entrepreneurs spend a lot of nerves on such moments. Then, of course, you get used to it. I know for myself.

“Forget it” is not when you do nothing at all, sit, smoke bamboo, and princes, diamonds, money projects, dollars in bundles at once, golden toilet bowls, trips to Cannes and Nice fall on you like manna from heaven.

Forget it - this is when you did everything you could ... and you have every right to relax.

After that, the mantra "Forget it" was tested on many projects. She really works.

You know, it's like in Christianity and other religions there is a concept - to let go of the situation.

I have one friend whose husband - well, loves to yell very much. What can you do? Big business, big money, big nerves, and he is a very good person, he cares about his family, takes care of children, but it is impossible to keep emotions in a fist all the time. Have you heard that all diseases are caused by nerves?

Yes, and my friend, to be honest, is still a kind Fairy (she just likes to hooligan, and not what Anton thought when he read the article). Sometimes this can be done away with, Mom, don't worry. Moreover, as a person she is wonderful, she takes care of the children, she sincerely loves her husband. But the Fae (hooligan) nature in her is simply indestructible.

As a result of another Fae ritual (drawing with paints on expensive double-glazed windows), a ritual on the part of a friend, there was a debriefing on the part of her husband. The Mexican series is resting with all the directors, writers and equipment. I will say briefly - the guys were cooler.

After some time, discussing this situation, a friend said that he is very good and kind, he just breaks down. Yes, she is a fairy. Well, nah .. in general.

This is how the great god "Danunakh" showed in our life

This is when you try, do it, but still it goes the way it goes. And the person does not change. And apples grow on an apple tree, not pears, although you personally really want pears. You continue to do what you have planned next, only very calmly, without internal emotional anguish ... Or you give up everything for nothing and start building everything anew. And on that and on another choice you have a provo.

Well, after this whole story, a phrase appeared that helped to overcome more than one server crash, sorting out relationships with partners, and in general it helps a lot.

Here is the phrase:

“My friends, may the great power of the god “Danunakh” be with you and make your path easier with the mantras “Vlomm” and “Forget it”

This joke phrase means very simple and actually deep things.

Do everything you can for yourself and your loved ones. If you tried, but something didn’t work out for you, you need to put up with it, catch your breath and move on. People very often react not with their heads, but with their emotions, and this does not mean that they are bad, evil and want nasty things for you. They and you are just PEOPLE. With your problems, cockroaches, emotions, sores, resentment, fatigue, nerves (continue the list ...)