Family ties in paradise. Do the souls of deceased relatives meet after death in the next world in heaven Are relatives waiting for us in paradise


When someone close to us dies, the living want to know if the dead hear or see us after physical death, whether it is possible to contact them, get answers to questions. There are many real stories that support this hypothesis. They talk about the intervention of the other world in our lives. Different religions also do not deny that the souls of the dead are next to their loved ones.

What does a person see when he dies?

What a person sees and feels when the physical body dies can only be judged from the stories of those who survived clinical death. The stories of many patients whom doctors were able to save have much in common. They all talk about similar sensations:

  1. A person watches other people leaning over his body from the side.
  2. At first, strong anxiety is felt, as if the soul does not want to leave the body and say goodbye to the usual earthly life, but then calmness comes.
  3. Pain and fear disappear, the state of consciousness changes.
  4. The person does not want to go back.
  5. After passing through a long tunnel in a circle of light, a creature appears that calls for itself.

Scientists believe that these impressions do not relate to what the person who has gone to another world feels. They explain such visions with a hormonal surge, exposure medicines, brain hypoxia. Although different religions, describing the process of separation of the soul from the body, speak of the same phenomena - watching what is happening, the appearance of an angel, farewell to loved ones.

Is it true that dead people see us

To answer whether dead relatives and other people see us, you need to study different theories that tell about the afterlife. Christianity talks about two opposite places where the soul can go after death - this is heaven and hell. Depending on how a person lived, how righteous, he is rewarded with eternal bliss or doomed to endless suffering for his sins.

When arguing whether the dead see us after death, one should turn to the Bible, which says that souls resting in paradise remember their lives, can observe earthly events, but do not experience passions. People who, after death, were recognized as saints, appear to sinners, trying to guide them on the true path. According to esoteric theories, the spirit of the deceased has a close relationship with loved ones only when he has unfinished business.

Does the soul of a deceased person see their loved ones

After death, the life of the body ends, but the soul continues to live. Before going to heaven, she is present for another 40 days near her loved ones, trying to console them, ease the pain of loss. Therefore, in many religions it is customary to appoint a commemoration for this time in order to guide the soul to the world of the dead. It is believed that the ancestors, even many years after death, see and hear us. Priests advise not to argue whether the dead see us after death, but to try to mourn the loss less, because the suffering of relatives is difficult for the departed.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit

When the connection between loved ones was strong during life, these relationships are difficult to break. Relatives can feel the presence of the deceased and even see his silhouette. This phenomenon is called a phantom or ghost. Another theory says that the spirit comes to visit for communication only in a dream, when our body is asleep and the soul is awake. During this period, you can ask for help from deceased relatives.

Can a dead person become a guardian angel

After the loss of a loved one, the pain of loss can be very great. I would like to know if the deceased relatives hear us in order to tell about their troubles and sorrows. Religious teaching does not deny that dead people become guardian angels for their kind. However, in order to receive such an appointment, a person during his lifetime must be deeply religious, not sin, and follow God's commandments. Often the guardian angels of the family are children who left early, or people who have dedicated themselves to worship.

Is there a connection with the dead

According to people with psychic abilities, there is a connection between the real and the afterlife, and it is very strong, so it is possible to perform such an action as talking to the dead. To contact the deceased from the other world, some psychics conduct spiritualistic sessions where you can communicate with the deceased relative and ask him questions.

… One girl, my parishioner, lost her beloved dog. The girl cried a lot, and a few days later she saw her dog in a dream - healthy and cheerful. The most interesting thing is that a radiance emanated from the dog. As this girl later told me - “I stopped crying because I realized that my dog ​​was in better world". How to relate to this dream? As a fantasy, or as some kind of sign from God?.. In any case, he brings up a huge and important topic: What is the fate of animals? Live allotted to them, sometimes a very short time, and sink into oblivion? Then why were they created by God at all? To entertain people, to be a toy and food for a person?

We'll talk about this today. But first we must learn one important thing: The Church has never hid from such questions. They were set by theologians and holy fathers of all times. Another thing is that for sure we cannot resolve these issues. We do not open it! Only sometimes Holy Scripture and Tradition delicately relate to this topic.

So, the fate of animals, or more broadly, the eternal fate of nature... What is it?

Let me remind you that according to Orthodox theology, our current world is in a state of damage, falling away from God. The fault of everything is the Fall of the ancestors. If we remember the biblical story about Adam and Eve, we will see that in Eden, the beautiful Garden of Eden, they lived in love with all living creatures. So it was conceived by the Lord that both man and all creation should live in love and unity with each other and with Him, the Creator and loving Father of all.

The Fall was a catastrophe on a cosmic scale, and it has consequences not only for man, but for the entire universe. Man was damaged, the whole world was damaged ... “The fall of man was at the same time the fall of nature, the curse of man became the curse of nature. And since then, man and nature, like two inseparable twins, blinded by the same darkness, mortified by the same death, laden with the same curse, go hand in hand through history along the endless paths of sin and evil; they stumble together, they fall together, they rise together, constantly striving for the distant end of their sad history” (St. Justin Serbsky).

Death, malice, mutual annihilation entered the world. The spiritual task of man was to return the lost Paradise! Is it possible? To a greater or lesser extent, many Old Testament heroes of the spirit (and pagans, let us recall the righteous pagan Job) tried to live godly. The prophets strengthened people, saying that within the framework of this world, true communion with God is not achievable. It is possible only when the messenger of God, His Son, comes to earth.

And then the time will come reconciliation all creation with God. True, this will happen beyond the horizon of the local existence, after the transformation of the world. Then the Kingdom of Heaven will come, which will include not only people, but also animals. And in this eternity, as once, at the beginning of being, in Paradise, man and animals will live in peace and friendly communication. “Then the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie with the kid; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and the little child will lead them. And the cow will graze with the bear, and their young will lie together; and the lion, like the ox, will eat straw.” And further: “And the baby will play over the hole of the asp, and the child will stretch out his hand to the nest of the snake. They will not do evil and harm on My holy mountain ... ”(Ch.).

And indeed, a new stage, or rather era the fate of man and the world was the coming into our world of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. Christ reconciles the universe and man with God. And he introduces some corrections into the picture drawn by the Old Testament prophets. Yes, the transformation of the world is still expected by us, it is in the future, but already today anyone can breathe its air, feel its aroma...

Once, when Jesus was asked when the Kingdom of God would come, He replied: “The Kingdom of God will not come in a conspicuous way, and they will not say, Lo, it is here, or, Lo, there. For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." This means that the Kingdom of God begins to manifest itself already in this world, among us, people of this age, - inside us! When we see miracles happening through the prayers of the ascetics of the faith, as we call them - saints people, when we see how the laws of the universe, as it were, humbly yield to some higher will and power, what is it, if not detection in our world some other laws?.. Laws of the Kingdom of God...

Acquaintance with the life of holy people shows us that the Old Testament prophecies about the friendship of animals and people are already, as it were, being realized. Everyone knows the stories about the friendship of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov with wild animals - bears. Oh Rev. Herman of Alaska we read from his biographer and eyewitness of his spiritual exploits: “Weasels lived near his cells. These animals are distinguished by their shyness. But they resorted to the Monk Herman and ate from his hands. They saw how the Monk Herman fed the bear. The same is known about the ancient hermit fathers, to whom they came for help and who were guarded by wild animals.

Why is this happening? It can be assumed that the grace of God, acting through the ascetic, is felt by the animals. And it is good for us, people, to be close to the saint, and animals feel that this person belongs to that world (the Kingdom of Heaven), in which there is no enmity and mutual destruction. The well-known pre-revolutionary book “Frank Stories of a Wanderer to His Spiritual Father” describes a case with an old man’s prayed rosary. Having waved away these rosaries from an angry wolf, the wanderer escaped being torn to pieces by a predatory wild beast. The book gives the following explanation for the miraculous incident: “When the first-created man Adam was in an innocent holy state, then all the animals and beasts were in subjection to him, they approached him with fear, and he called them names. The elder whose rosary was holy: what does holiness mean? Nothing else than the return of the innocent state of the first person in a sinful person through podvigs. When the soul is sanctified, the body is also sanctified. The rosary was always in the hands of the consecrated; consequently, through the touch of hands and his fumes on them, a holy power is instilled in them, the power of the innocent state of the first man.

The remarkable modern Russian thinker Tatyana Goricheva, author of the book “Holy Animals” writes: “Animals not only “moan and suffer” along with man. They are not only waiting for adoption and redemption… they are already capable, following the saints and martyrs, of penetrating into the new eon, entering the Church, we dare say, deifying themselves. In the life of St. The great martyr and healer Panteleimon is told that wild animals did not want to attack the young man. Then they were killed too. Their corpses were thrown to be eaten by birds. But the birds did not touch them. The corpses of animals lay in the sun for a long time and remained incorruptible. So we're dealing with animal relics."

Obviously, animals feel the spiritual atmosphere of Paradise...

More difficult is the theme of the eternal fate of animals. Are their souls immortal (and animals have a soul as a set of mental properties)? Perhaps the testimony of the Old Testament prophets should be understood as a poetic allegory?..

The Apostle Paul writes specifically about this: “For the creation with hope awaits the revelation of the sons of God, because the creation was subjected to futility, not voluntarily, but by the will of him who subjected it, in the hope that the creation itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails together until now; and not only she is, but we ourselves, having the firstfruits of the Spirit, and we groan in ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body ”().

Revelation of the sons of God- this is the time of glorification of man in the Kingdom of God. So, according to Ap. Paul, creature waiting this time? And waiting in hope that creation itself will be freed from the bondage of corruption into the freedom of glory. Private opinion app. Paul? Hardly. We read the same in many holy fathers. So, interpreting the words of ap. Paul - the creation itself will be set free... St. John Chrysostom says: "What does it mean herself? You are not alone [man], but also that which is lower than you, which has neither reason nor feelings - and that will share with you in blessings. will be released says the apostle, from slavery to decay that is, it will no longer be corruptible, but will become according to the goodness of your body. Just as the creation became corruptible when your body became corruptible, so also when your body will be incorruptible, and the creation will follow him and become equal to him.”

Here is what St. Simeon the New Theologian: “When all creatures saw that Adam was expelled from paradise, they no longer wanted to obey him, the criminal. But God... restrained all these creatures by His strength, and out of His mercy and goodness, did not allow them to immediately rush against man and commanded that the creature remained in subjection to him, and having become corruptible, served the corruptible man for whom it was created, so that when man will be renewed again and become spiritual, incorruptible and immortal, and all creation, subjected by God to man to work for him, was freed from this work, renewed together with him, and became incorruptible and spiritual.”

He writes with inspiration about the coming transformation of the creature in his textbook “Dogmatics Orthodox Church» prep. Justin Serbsky: “The theanthropic truth about the transfiguration of nature lives unceasingly in the theanthropic body of the Orthodox Church of Christ and will live forever... The resurrection of the dead will be the end of death not only for people, but also for visible nature, which has undergone death and decay by the sin-loving will of its arrogant master – man… By restoring man to his original state, the Lord will return nature to its original sinless state. Then not only Christ-loving people ancient kindness reborn, but also all nature…”

How will this happen? But this is not open to us. The fact that a living creature will somehow enter into eternity, will partake of the future blessings of eternal and blessed existence is the true faith of the Orthodox Church. As it will be? - We do not know.

Some thinkers have expressed their opinion on this matter, but let us remember that this is just a private theological opinion, albeit a respected person.

Some said that only those animals that communicated with man would enter eternity. Through communion with the immortal human soul, the animal soul also touched eternity, received grace-filled forces that would not let it disappear with the death of the body, but would allow it to live in another world...

St. Theophan the Recluse, for example, thought otherwise. He wrote that it is possible that God created some kind of "universal soul." It is into this soul that the souls of all living beings, except man, are poured after death. “There is a gradation of souls: “a certain chemical soul”, and higher - vegetable, then - animal. All these souls, lower than the spirit, in their turn "plunge into the soul of the world", dissolve in their primary substratum. “And the soul of a person cannot plunge there, but is carried away by the spirit of grief - this is after death.” The spiritual children of the famous ascetic, confessor and perspicacious elder Archimandrite Boris (Kholchev) said that he was of the same opinion: “The question about the soul was asked more than once dogs, what will happen to them after their death. Father Boris said that their souls would merge with the soul of the "world dog".

There are other, less well-known theories, but they are all just theories. How and what will actually happen - only God knows. And we and all nature will surrender to Him, the Father and the Savior, with love and trust.

Do souls of relatives meet after death? There, beyond the last line - do close people connected by ties of blood and spiritual kinship have the opportunity to see each other again? We learn what religious treatises and the words of the initiates say about this.

In the article:

Do souls of relatives meet after death

According to religious interpretations of the most diverse beliefs of our world, after death the spiritual substance - soul, carrying the memory, thoughts and feelings of a person, the road to the afterlife awaits. According to some testimonies of people who survived clinical death, their road to the other side was a kind of vertical tunnel through which they moved at incredible speed. They did not know why they were moving through this tunnel and why. But they felt that at the end of the road something extremely important awaits them, which cannot be avoided. But they did not feel panic or fear.

Usually, at the end of the tunnel, a space filled with a bright golden light awaited them, which, however, did not hurt the eyes. There was necessarily a certain person who was described as "one of the angels of the Lord," since this person most of all resembled an angel in appearance. The descriptions vary, but the essence remains the same: this man spoke to his soul very affectionately, but firmly. Since the term of the soul had not yet come and earthly life was not completed, the soul was sent back to earth.

Judging by these testimonies, after the death of the physical shell, memory, thoughts and feelings are preserved. That is, after death, a person is no different from his former self, except that now he is on a different plane of existence. That is, the question “Do the souls of relatives meet after death?” has an affirmative answer. Yes, since a person has his memory, he remembers his relatives and friends, which means that the meeting has every chance to take place.

In magic, there is the concept of the Subtle World, as well as Generic or. Thin world- this is the other world, a place beyond the bounds of human existence. The tribal egregore is the energy of several families and generations that have passed away, but maintain a close connection. The family egregore has a slightly more narrowly focused effect and, as a rule, includes generations of one family that keeps the memory of their ancestors.

With the help of egregor, the souls of the dead can communicate with magicians who call on them. The older such an egregor is, the more powerful it is, the more spirits can be connected to it and the longer a two-way conversation can continue. The soul can come to the call of a magician or witch for exactly as long as it is allowed Higher power(the so-called Karma, whose name is borrowed from Buddhism).

It should be remembered that if a person led a sinful life, committed many bad deeds and completed his earthly path without repentance, then he cannot be called. Sinful souls after death go to hell, a place of punishment. There they pay for their evil deeds. In the Christian and Catholic tradition, the righteous are honored with paradise, so it is unlikely that you will be able to contact a righteous relative. But the souls that have not stained themselves with terrible sins, but also did not do good, stay in Purgatory in anticipation of a new birth. Until then, you can keep in touch with them.

The view of various religions on the meeting of souls after death

After a person dies, his soul is separated from the body. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that for forty days she remains between hell and heaven, travels and awaits the decision of the highest judges. On the third day after her death, she goes through twenty terrible tests, called. Each ordeal is associated with a specific sin. The more the soul was subject to it, the more difficult it is to overcome this stage. Surrendered, fallen spirits go to hell as sinners, where they experience the torments that they deserved during their lifetime.

Do souls meet after death? Undoubtedly. For forty days, the soul can travel through the circles of Hell, and through the palaces of Paradise, to look for previously deceased relatives and friends in order to have a chat with them. After her fate is decided, people who find themselves in the same place - whether it is the Underworld, whether it is Paradise, can continue to communicate. The same happens in Purgatory- only over time, the inhabitants of this place lose the memory of their former life and eventually recover back to Earth, for rebirth.

Purgatory with Paradise (Dante) 9 circles of hell (Dante)

The Catholic interpretation of the posthumous fate of a person is not much different from the Orthodox one. Both Orthodoxy and Catholicism refer to the Christian concept of life and death. Catholics also believe in Hell and the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as the existence of Purgatory. Purgatory, according to them, is a place that gives not enough pure soul people the opportunity of rebirth and gaining true grace to enter under the shadow of angelic wings and the will of the Lord. So some of the dead, who had important unfinished business on earth, could be reborn in order to complete their mission in a new life.

For devout Muslims the afterlife is divided into Hell, where all the unfaithful and violating the laws of Allah fall, and Paradise, where seventy-two houris await the righteous and the possibility of an eternal feast with friends and relatives under the shadow of the Garden of Eden. The concept of eternal life among Muslims is called the word "arihat". Life after death for righteous Muslims means a transition to a certain state of greatness, which is extremely different from what is on earth.

Also, the righteous, dying, has the right to ask for intercession for seventy of his relatives. These relatives will then be able to reunite with him in paradise. Unlike Christianity, which claims that all people sin in one way or another and have a sinful nature, Muslims say that the sinner and the righteous are fundamentally different. Therefore, a sinner cannot atone for his guilt and on the other side he will never meet loved ones who led a righteous life.

Wheel of Samsara

For Buddhists, the very concept of death and the meeting after it does not make sense, since this religion denies the very essence of the end of existence. Every soul is endlessly reborn, but this is not just a transition from one body to another. When dying, the essence of a person breaks up into separate parts - “skandas”, which after that are reassembled in a new body. At the same time, the very essence of the personality is preserved, since no new details are added to it. In addition, there is the concept of the wheel of Samsara, which includes: Hell, the World of eternally hungry souls, the World of animals, the World of people, Paradise and the World of the Gods, which is the highest plane of being that a person can achieve.

Beyond that, there is Nirvana. This is a state of spiritual freedom from any suffering and an endless chain of rebirths. Otherwise, it is called "Buddhahood". Achieving Nirvana is the main goal of every Buddhist. After all, it is this state that helps to get rid of everything earthly, vain, and become part of something greater. And also - to get as close as possible to the teachings of the Buddha and become his likeness.

Do people meet after death

First of all, it is necessary to understand: after the physical shell ends its existence, the very concept of a meeting loses the meaning that is usually put into it. Such a meeting is rather the contact of two entities or minds that exchange thoughts. This phenomenon can be called a manifestation of the highest closeness, since after death a completely different form of communication becomes available to people, which does not allow lies.

Do people meet after death if they are looking for each other? Of course. No wonder it is said: the seeker will find. After the transition to a different form of being, everyone can find the untimely departed loved one, feel the joy of meeting.

It should be remembered that people different religions unlikely to cross. This is especially true for those who consider themselves an atheist and do not believe in

Meeting with loved ones and relatives.

I am often asked in letters whether we will meet there with our relatives, who have already gone to that world before us?Yes, of course, we will meet there with all our relatives and loved ones! Remember that inThe World of Desires has 2 laws - the law of attraction and repulsion. The first is inherent in the upper layers of this World, and the second - in its lower ones, i.e. Purgatory.

In the case of dating your relatives and loved ones, of course, the law of attraction works. And as a rule, they know there when the time is right for his family to die here and come to meet him. They also somehow know if that time has come or not. That is, sometimes a person will be in a state of clinical death, meet someone there, and that one, who has already died for us, will tell him that this is not his time yet, his hour has not yet come and that he needs to go back.

But let's go back to those two laws. Since the law of attraction is characteristic of the higher strata, and the deceased still has to reach them by first passing his time in Purgatory, those relatives and relatives cannot stay with him for a long time. They will come to greet him, to tell him something, but they cannot stay with him for a long time. The law of repulsion will begin to work and they will have to part. But not because this law repels everything that does not hit. No, this law only works in the case of negative. phenomena, in this way we have a gradual purification and we are gradually freed from our bad traits and thus are purified.

In the case of relatives, if they were loved and desired to see them,the law of repulsion does not work (it is, on the contrary, attraction). But they will need to separate for a while. If those relatives themselves are still passing time in Purgatory, then they will see each other more often, and if they have already passed Purgatory and are already in the First Heaven, then the newly deceased will have to wait until he himself reaches that layer - everything is there only good things and there they will meet for a long time!

Question from M. Handel's book:

Do we meet our loved ones after death, if they wereother religion or even atheists?

M. Handel's answer:

Yes, of course we meet them and we get to know them because in death there is no power of transformation. A person will pass into those worlds exactly the same as he was here, because he imagines himself in exactly the same forms as he looked here during his lifetime, but hereplacewhere we meet, of course dependsfrom a few things.

Firstly, if we lived a deeply religious life and observed the Laws of God, then the time of our stay in Purgatory will be unusually short, and then the time in the First Heaven will also be short, because such people have little to keep them in the World Desires, as well as during their lives, they tried to feel not only the pain of others (and therefore will now be freed from Purgatory), but also the joy of other people, i.e. they have already fulfilled the purpose of the World of Desires here during their lifetime, and therefore they will be able to pass so quickly into the next World of Thought. Their desire is to get to the Second Heaven in the World of Thought, where they will comprehend the depths of divine existence with great pleasure.

But if the beloved of such a person was of a different nature and had other interests that could detain him for a long time in the World of Desires, then their meeting may be delayed for quite a long time, until this second beloved completes his time-stay in the World of Desires and passes into the World of Thoughts. where they can finally meet.

If it so happened that we died shortly after such a friend of ours, then our meeting with him in Heaven would not have taken place for perhaps twenty years ( I remind you, we mean a person who led a highly spiritual life and therefore he will not linger in Purgatory, when will his atheist friend, who did not observe the laws of nature during his lifetime, have to linger for quite a long time in this place); butat the same time, one must not forget that in those worlds time does not matter at all and 20 years can pass almost unnoticed.

materialist friend who lived good life with high moral principles, as we often find in the case of such people, would be in the fourth region of the Desire Realm for a certain number of years, according to the length of time of his lived life, and onlythen he will pass to the Second Heaven, although it should be noted that his stay here will not be as complete and as wonderful as that of a person of high religious and spiritual values.

Here we would see him, recognize him when we meet, and be bound for many centuries in the work of our future. environment, and here, in the Second Heaven, he would no longer be a materialist at all. Here, each of us knows and feels himself as a spiritual being and has the memory of this earthly life only as some kind of bad dream. Therefore, no matter what faith a person has and no matter what an atheist he may be during his lifetime, after his death, ascending through the spiritual worlds, he will eventually come to the realization of his own true divine nature in any case.

A little more about this topic. You mentioned the billions of dead and you probably think that we are all mixed up there. No, in generalpeople from the same country end up in the same world, similar to what was on earth, that is, Russians with Russians, Englishmen with Englishmen, etc. This happens again according to the law of attraction. We are drawn to the area we understand the most. Also, according to faith, our Worlds are generally divided, but if you wish, you can get into another world - the world of Muslims, for example. To see someone there, but after a while you will definitely want to return to the world of your religion.

But there is one more unexpected, maybe news for you! At a certain time we will be able to see there,again, with our desire, all our previous livesand the memory of all those incidents and experiences will open to us. And therefore, in addition to people close to us in this life, we will also meet many of our loved ones from past lives! Many of them are already waiting for us there!

After a certain stay in higher worlds and after we learn to study our past lives, if we wish, we canfind out how many times we loved and who we loved. And, if our loved ones from past lives at that moment are in the same World with us (i.e. the World of Desires or the World of Thoughts - which is most likely), then we will be able to meet with all of them and this will not embarrass us at all. Somehow we will be able to love them all at once... And then we must remember that love in the higher worlds has no physical attraction. You will leave that feeling far behind in Purgatory. it is the lowest feeling of love. But you will take everything higher with you and it will allow you to remember your loved ones from different lives.

Question from M. Handel's book:

Will we recognize our loved ones who will pass through the gates of death? ( I think it means when both of these people die and will they be able to recognize each other in that world? )

M. Handel's answer:

Yes, of course we will recognize our loved ones there. When a person leaves his dense body forever, outwardly he remains exactly the same as he was at the time of death. The only difference is that he no longer has a physical body, but he sees himself in the Desire World the same as in this life, because in his mind there are pictures not only of his whole life, but also pictures of what he looked like here. And as soon as he passes into the Desire World, these pictures of his consciousness will immediately take on the appropriate form, so that anyone who knew him in earthly life will also recognize him there.

Moreover, it would be nice to add that in death there is no power of transformation that the person remains mentally and morally exactly the same as before death. We often hear in our lives how people who loved someone speak of a person who has left them, almost like an angel, even if he was actually a real devil during his lifetime. But they usually think it is disrespectful to the memory of the departed to address him in the same way as he deserved it during his lifetime.

However, the fact remains and the one who was a good man- will be good even after his death, and the one who had a terrible character will pass into another world without changing at all.

I also have my answer to Vladimir, but unfortunately without the original of his questions, which were very interesting, but I think that in the course of the description you will be able to determine them yourself.

So, some more clarification about meetings in heaven :

I can’t answer these questions of yours exactly, but exactly how it happensmeeting with family and loved ones. But logically, for this they need, firstly, their own desire to meet and see you. Therefore, if some relatives left a person’s life when he was a baby, then, probably, theythey will be very interested in seeing him, if only they loved that little one and remembered him. Generally, here it all depends on the desire of the souls themselves, firstly, and, secondly, they still need to get permission from the "superior" above us there.

As for orphans, do you mean their parents? After all, during their lives they will still make friends and acquaintances, and they will also come to meet them with pleasure. But, if you mean mother and father, here again everything will depend on the wishes of those parents. There are 2 laws in the Desire World, if you remember - law of attraction and repulsion. The latter operates in the lower layers of this world, and the former - in its upper ones. And, of course, to see a loved one - the law of attraction will operate here and he will do everything for his loved ones by himself, attract them to each other.

About those who go through Purgatory on this moment. Remember in the issue how much pain is in Purgatory, we sorted out what is there there are rest periods between working off various deeds - it is during this period that the soul can see her loved ones or meet a newcomer, if necessary. If they are very busy practicing at that time, then I think they will be able to see a little later, when they finish and pass a certain lesson, although I am not entirely sure about this. It seems to me that they can still see other people during detention, probably, it will depend on what kind of detention.

And relatives can also meet maniacs if they loved him. Mother, for example, - you can't change a mother's heart. Or his criminal friends.

But about those who died prematurely and suddenly, they can’t always meet and they don’t even always get help to explain what happened to them. Most recently, a mother wrote a letter to me, who lost her son at the age of 22 (he was a drug addict), and she writes that after death, her son often came to her dreams, called her, didn't know where he was and everyone asked where is he? You see, it means that no one there explained what happened to him, because he did not even understand that he had already died! By the way, about dreams in which we see the dead: they always show the state of that person in the higher worlds at the time of sleep, i.e. they definitely need to be trusted!

As for the panorama, I can definitely assure you that no one but the person viewing it can see it! Only he and no one else is able to view the panorama of his life. So no one there can peep at the deeds of other people. Somehow the panorama becomes visible only to the person to whom it belongs.

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Let's say a person lived a righteous life, the Lord God took him to heaven, and his relatives were sinners and all went to hell. Will this soul really rejoice in paradise, knowing that relatives are tormented by the demon's fierce torture? And will our Lord allow it? For example, I love my parents madly, I can’t imagine life without them, even here, even there. And in general, then, will it be heaven there in heaven, if you are terribly tormented by the thought that your relatives are there, in hell?

Priest Athanasius Gumerov answers:

First of all, the solution of this theological issue must be separated from personal spiritual and moral experiences, because none of the people can consider anyone dead. The fate of everyone, even those who have lived sinfully, is a mystery to us. Until the Last Judgment, it was not finally determined for anyone. There are many examples in history when, through the prayers of the Church and loved ones, a person got rid of eternal condemnation. The Holy Martyr Ouar, appearing to Cleopatra, who had special care for his holy remains, told her that he begged God to forgive the sins of her relatives. St. Mark of Ephesus writes: “And there is nothing surprising if we pray for them, when, behold, some (saints) who personally prayed for the wicked were heard; so for example the blessed Thekla, by her prayers, transferred Falconilla from the place where the wicked were held; and the great Gregory the Dialogist, as the story goes, of King Trajan. For the Church of God, by no means, despairs of such, and to all those who have died in the faith, even if they were the most sinful, she begs God for relief, both in general and private prayers for them ”(Second Word about the purifying fire). The emperor Trajan (98 - 117) mentioned in the quotation was an outstanding ruler in terms of his military-strategic and administrative talents, but he was in captivity of pagan delusions. The third persecution of Christians is associated with his name.

Is a theological solution to the question posed in your letter possible? Yes, this question is resolved on the paths of faith. Many holy fathers of the early period of the Church came to Christianity as adults. Their parents and other immediate family members were not members of the Church. It would seem that they, sensitive to the real problems of life and the salvation of people close to them, should have deeply experienced this. But their creations say a lot about the endless joy of union with God. This can be easily explained: they did not put questions abstractly, but trusted God in everything. They believed in the boundless mercy of God and perceived the words as immutable truths Holy Scripture who speak of eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven: “and eternal joy shall be upon their head; they will find joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing will be removed” (Isaiah 35:10). And we must follow them to acquire the fullness of faith and have no doubt that the all-good, all-wise and all-powerful Lord will arrange exactly as He revealed to us in His Word.