Cognitive development in the second junior group of the game. Card file of didactic games on cognitive development of younger age. Goals and objectives of cognitive development in different age groups

Natalia Lyashenko
Didactic game on the cognitive development of children in the younger group "Magic Rings"

Target: consolidate ideas about the four primary colors, promote memory development, thinking, logic and fine motor skills hands

Didactic material can be very different. You can buy ready-made, or you can make it yourself or with your child. To accomplish this task, colored cardboard is best suited, from which various shapes will be cut. The end result is only limited by your imagination.

You can make well-known items for a child with a missing fragment from cardboard - mittens, large and small rings of different colors, houses, etc. Then invite the baby to find these fragments and restore the figure by selecting the shape, color.

As skills development, can complicate the task. And teach the baby to select objects not only by color, but also by their size. To do this, cut out geometric shapes (rings) different color and size. Glue one half of the figures onto sheets of white paper. And the rest to use as handouts. The task of the child is to choose the right pictures by color and shape and attach them on top of the pasted figures.

A game"Pick by color" will help you learn to navigate the main features of the surrounding objects and reveal the child's color perception.

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The provided game develops fine motor skills of hands, which is useful for children. preschool age in progress finger games. It also develops.

In our group, there was a competition of a didactic game made by one's own hands. A lot of different games can be found on social networks.

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The purpose of the game: to promote the formation of the basics of computer science in children. Tasks: to teach children to decipher words, where letters are encoded with symbols.

A child with intellectual disability is not included in the development of the layer of social and cultural achievements of human development. By.

Explanatory note. A kind, reasonable attitude to the world around us, to people, to the way they work, does not appear on its own - it is his.

Target. Fix the idea of ​​vegetables. Tasks. Educational: to increase the level of cognitive activity and intelligence of the child, interest,.

Pre-school education does not aim to prepare the child for school and in no case should copy the forms of school life. Development and learning should be carried out through games and other children's activities.

Games for social and communicative development

Games aimed at the social and communicative development of the child have the following goals:

  • perception of norms of social behavior;
  • development of communication skills, skills of cooperation with other children and adults;
  • development of empathy;
  • formation of a sense of respect and belonging to one's family and peer group;
  • formation of a positive attitude to labor and creative activity;
  • development of safe behavior skills.

The game "Who needs what"

Purpose: to introduce the main characteristics of such professions as doctor, hairdresser, baker; develop a positive attitude towards work.

For the game, you need to prepare items that are necessary for performing professional activities (syringe, scissors, comb, bowl, etc.), as well as details of the corresponding costumes. Children are divided into roles.

First, you need to have a conversation with the children about the professions of a doctor, a hairdresser, a baker (you can choose others). It is necessary to find out what the kids know about their professional activities. You can ask which of the children's parents have such professions.

During the game, each child first receives the details of the costume. He must understand what profession he needs to represent. If the children find it difficult to answer, the facilitator helps them.

Next, a game is played with objects that are stacked on the table. Children need to choose a subject that is necessary for their professional activities. After that, you can invite them to show how this item should be used.

Game yes or no

Purpose: to cultivate a caring attitude to health; learn to manage their behavior, to understand what actions are right.

Children become in a circle. The teacher must call various situations, and kids need, if the correct behavior is voiced, clap their hands, if it’s wrong, stomp their feet.

The game "Who to be friends with"

Purpose: to teach children to understand facial expressions of people; develop empathy, cultivate friendliness.

On the board, place pictures of children with different facial expressions. The children are invited to look at the pictures and choose a friend. The facilitator should ask them to explain their choice.

Games for the speech development of children 3-4 years old

Games for speech development aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • to teach the child to use speech as a means of communication;
  • increase in vocabulary;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • familiarization with the basics of sound and intonation culture of speech;
  • development of speech creativity;
  • familiarization with samples of children's literature.

Loud and quiet game

Purpose: to develop the intonational culture of speech, to teach how to change the strength of the voice.

To conduct the game, you need to prepare paired objects of different sizes (large and small pipes, ducks, cars).

Before the start of the game, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

“Look, I have a big mother duck in my hands. She calls her children and loudly shouts "Quack-quack!". Repeat how mother duck screams.

Children loudly repeat "Quack-quack!".

- And now I'm holding a duckling. He is still very small and can only quietly say "Quack-quack!". Repeat how he does it.

Children quietly repeat "Quack-quack!". The teacher must ensure that the children do not switch to a whisper.

After the introductory conversation, you can move on to the game itself. The teacher takes turns showing either a big or a small duck, and the children must independently pronounce how she quacks.

Similarly, you can beat any other pair of objects.

The game "Launching boats"

Purpose: development of the articulatory apparatus, the formation of the skill of prolonged pronunciation of the sound [f] on one exhalation and repeated pronunciation of the sound [p] on one exhalation; develop the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of a sigh.

To play, you need to prepare a large bowl of water, signal flags and several paper boats. The bowl should be placed on a small table, and the children should be seated on chairs in a semicircle around the table.

“Today I invite you to travel by boat. You and I live in... Flag our location. (The host sets a flag on one side of the bowl and places one boat near it).

— Where would you like to go? (Children name any cities or countries, and the teacher sets another flag on the opposite side of the bowl).

We have a fair wind blowing. He is calm but strong. Let's try to imitate it. It is necessary to fold your lips with a tube and, without puffing out your cheeks on one exhale, pronounce the sound [f].

“And now there’s a gusty, sharp wind. To show it, you need to intermittently pronounce the sounds [p-p-p] several times on one exhale.

Children should take turns approaching the bowl, name where they want to go and help the boat get to its destination.

Game "Traffic Light"

Purpose: to teach to perceive words by ear, to find speech errors; pronounce words correctly.

Children receive two circles that represent traffic lights. The green circle should be shown if you hear the correct pronunciation of the word, red - if it is incorrect.

It is advisable to conduct a study in a group before conducting such a game and determine which words the children pronounce incorrectly. Then include these words in the game.

Games for the cognitive development of children of the second younger group

The purpose of games aimed at the cognitive development of the child is:

  • development of interests, cognitive activity and motivation, curiosity;
  • skills building cognitive activity;
  • the formation of the child's ideas about himself and other people, about the objects of the world around him, their properties and the relationship between them;
  • familiarization with the concepts of "Fatherland", "motherland", the main socio-cultural values ​​and traditions of their people.

The game "In the forest for mushrooms"

Purpose: the formation of ideas about the quantitative relationships between objects "one - many".

To conduct the game, it is necessary to prepare an image of a large clearing, on which there are several figures of mushrooms. Children need to distribute baskets.

- Children, we came to the forest to a mushroom clearing. See how many mushrooms are here? (Many).

- And now each of you will pick one mushroom. Tell me one by one how many mushrooms are in your basket. How much do you have, Vitya? (I have one mushroom).

The teacher should ask each child.

Let's put all the mushrooms in my basket. How many mushrooms did I get? (Many). And you? (No one).

Game "Wrap the Gift"

Purpose: to form the concept of "big", "small", "thick", "thin"; learn to compare objects by size.

The host invites the children to go to Mashenka's birthday. To do this, they need to buy a gift. Everyone chooses a doll (the pictures show dolls of different sizes and thicknesses).

Now you need to pack a gift, and for this, the children need to “buy” a package that will fit the size of the doll. At the same time, each child must explain their choice of packaging: “I bought this package because my doll…”.

After this game, you can discuss how to properly give and receive gifts.

The game "What grows where"

Purpose: to teach to group objects into vegetables and fruits; develop speed of reaction, discipline, endurance.

For the game, you need to prepare pictures depicting a vegetable garden and a garden and subject pictures (or dummies) of vegetables and fruits.

Children are divided into two teams: gardeners and vegetable growers. At the signal, each team must collect their items. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Card file of games for artistic and aesthetic development

Games for artistic and aesthetic development are held for:

  • laying the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art;
  • formation of an aesthetic attitude to nature and the surrounding world;
  • implementation of independent creative activity.

The game "Collect drops in a glass"

Purpose: to teach to understand colors and their shades; learn to match objects by color.

For the game, you need to prepare cups and pictures of multi-colored drops.

The teacher addresses the children:

— I will put a drop of blue in this cup. Let's fill the glass. Add your droplets of the same color.

Each child should have a set of drops of all the right colors.

The game "Learn and draw"

Purpose: to develop a sense of symmetry in children; learn to accurately convey the shape of an object, to hatch.

For the game, you need to make cards on which only halves of various objects are drawn: a flower, a sun, a leaf, etc. Children are invited to complete the missing part of the object, and then shade the drawing.

The game "Beautiful - ugly"

Purpose: to teach to identify violations in the composition of the drawing, its color scheme, to form an aesthetic taste.

Children are offered different pictures. They must determine what color scheme each drawing is made in, and then find and name an object that is painted in the wrong color and violates the overall composition.

Guys, look at the picture. What do you see here?

What color is dominant? What colors are similar to it?

What object stands out in color seems superfluous here?

Such a game can be played frontally or divided into groups.

Games that promote physical development

Games that promote physical development are aimed at:

  • formation of skills of motor activity in children;
  • development of coordination, balance, hand motility and flexibility;
  • correct formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • training in the correct execution of basic sports movements;
  • formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

The game "Swing"

Purpose: to teach to perform various rhythmic movements; development of coordination and balance.

The facilitator invites the children to repeat the lines of the poem after him and perform the appropriate movements.

All summer swing

Rocked and sang

And we're on the swing

They flew to the sky.

(Children begin to swing their arms back and forth, in a squat, slightly springing their legs at the knees).

The autumn days have arrived.

The swing was left alone.

(Reduce the intensity of movements and gradually stop).

Lying on a swing

Two yellow leaves.

And the wind swings

Shakes slightly.

(Slowly they begin to move their hands again.)

The game "Musical chair"

Purpose: to form the skills of motor activity, to teach to run in a circle, to develop mindfulness, to learn to act on a signal.

To start the game, you need to put several chairs in a circle in the center of the room (one less than the number of participants). Children should stand in a circle around the chairs. The teacher turns on the music.

While the music is playing, the children run around in circles. As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on a separate chair. There is not enough chair for one child. He leaves the game and the chair is removed. Then the game is repeated. This continues until there is only one child left.

The game "On the walk"

Purpose: to learn physical exercises in motion, prevention of flat feet.

Before the start of the game, the children line up in a column. The teacher informs them that they are going for a walk and asks them to listen to his story and repeat all the movements.

- We are walking along the path (children follow each other).

- We need to cross the puddle (they walk on their heels).

- We went to the apple tree and want to try its apples. Reach out to them (they walk on toes).

- It is necessary to jump over the stream (jump).

- We met a bear cub, show how he walks (they walk on the outside of the foot).

The leader may suggest different variants movements. For one game session, children are given no more than five different tasks.

The implementation of all five educational areas provides an integrated approach to the development of the child. In the second junior group, such work should be planned and carried out taking into account age features children 3-4 years old. When conducting games, it is necessary to achieve the creation of an atmosphere conducive to the emotional well-being of the child and the formation of a positive attitude towards himself, others and cognitive activity.

Card file of didactic games for the development of speech.

Development of sound culture of speech

1. "What does it sound like?";

2. “This is how sounds are pronounced”;

3. "Loud - quiet";

4. "Horses clatter their hooves";

5. "Chatterbox" and others;

6. "Blow off a feather";

7. "The ball burst";

8. "Snowflakes are flying."

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech

9. "Help me find my mother";

10. "One and many";

11. "What lies where?";

12. “What is gone, who is gone?”;

13. "Wonderful bag."

Expansion and activation of vocabulary

14. “Who is this? What is it?" (nouns);

15. "Who does what?" (Verbs);

16. "Tell me which one?" (adjectives);

17. "What time of year?";

18. "When does this happen?" parts of the day;

19. "Call me affectionately."

Card file of didactic games for the development of elementary mathematical concepts

1 "One - many";

2. "Learn by form";

3. “What is more - what is less?”;

4. "What has changed?";

5. "Guess what it is?" (circle, square, triangle);

6. "What figures does the object consist of?";

7. "What is where?";

8. "Put where I will say";

9. "When does it happen?" (parts of the day);

10. “Say the opposite” (right - left, in front - behind, above - below, far - close, high - low);

11. "What is longer, higher, wider, thicker?";

12. “Put it in order” within three (for example, high - lower - lowest).

sensory parenting

13. "Guess what it is?" (geometric figures);

14. "Name the color";

15. "Name the shape";

16. "Compare by size";

17. "Decompose by color";

18. “Spread out in form;

19. "Decompose by size";

20. "Collect the turret";

21. "Collect a pyramid";

22. Mosaic games;

Card file of didactic games to get acquainted with the outside world.

    "Laying in the cradle" (singing a lullaby);

    "What is it? Who is it?";

    "What changed";

    "Subject friezes";


    “What has autumn brought us?”;

    "To whom what?";

    "Wonderful bag";

    "Let's arrange a room";

    "Let's dress the doll for a walk";

    "Let's teach the doll to undress";

    "Bathing a doll";

    "Putting the doll to sleep";

    "Live pictures";

    "Let's make tea";

    Knowledge about yourself and your family "I am";

    "My mood";

    "I and my family";

    "I myself!"

Card file of didactic games on

development of speech in the 2nd

1. "What sounds"

Target: Continue to learn to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual instruments. Introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, teach them to isolate and recognize them.

Content: Option number 1 . The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then he offers to solve riddles. He closes the screen and works with different instruments, and the children recognize what different sounds belong to.

Option number 2. The teacher shows different objects and demonstrates how they sound. He closes the screen and acts with different objects, and the children recognize which objects these sounds belong to. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and all sound in their own way.

2. "This is how sounds are pronounced"

Target: To teach children to imitate the sounds of animals, birds, insects with their voice.

Equipment: "Talking Cube" - where cards change, which depict either insects or animals. then different items.

Content: The child throws a cube says the words "Dice you roll, roll and stop soon" The cube falls, which picture will be on top (for example, a frog, or a mosquito, etc.), the child makes sounds

3. "Loud - quiet"

Target: Teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak softly, then loudly. Develop the ability to change the strength of the voice.

Equipment: Pictures depicting large and small objects (large and small cars, drums, pipes, airplanes, etc.).

Content: The teacher provides 2 cars and says: "When a big car is driving, it honks loudly, like this" B, B ", Repeat. And when it's small, it's quiet "B-B". as soon as a car starts, be careful, make no mistake, a big car honks loudly, and a small one is quiet. Similarly, the game is played with other items.

4. "Horses clatter their hooves"

Target: Develop phonemic hearing, develop children's speech attention.

Equipment: Pictures with the image of a horse, an elephant, a bear, piglets, a hedgehog.

Content: the teacher shows pictures, the children pronounce the sounds that animals make when they walk or run. (Horses - tsok, tsok, tsok. Elephants - bam, bam, bam. Bear - top-top-top. Pigs choo-choo-choo. Hedgehogs puff-puff-puff, etc.)

5. "Blow off a feather"

Target: Develop phonemic hearing, speech breathing. Activation of the muscles of the lips.

Content: 1 option The teacher offers the child to take a feather, put it on his palm and blow on it so hard that it flies off his palm.

Option 2 You can offer to blow on a small piece of cotton wool lying on the table on the table and drive it into the gate with air (cubes)

6. "The balloon burst"

Target: The development of a long smooth exhalation. Activation of the muscles of the lips. Automation and differentiation of s-sh sounds.

Content: Children stand in a tight circle, tilting their heads down, imitating a bubble - a ball. Then, repeating after the teacher: "Inflate the bubble, inflate big, stay like that, but don't burst," the children raise their heads and gradually move back, forming a large circle. At the signal of the teacher: "The bubble burst, the air came out," the children go to the center, saying: ssss (or shhh).

7. "Snowflakes are flying", "Blizzard"

Target : Development of voice power and speech breathing. Activation of the muscles of the lips.

Equipment: The plot picture "Blizzard".

Content: The teacher shows a picture on which a blizzard is drawn.

At the signal of the educator, "The blizzard begins" - they say quietly: woo; at the signal "Strong blizzard" they say loudly: woo; at the signal "The blizzard ends" they say quieter.

8. "Call me affectionately"

Target: Expansion and activation of children's vocabulary. Learn to form words with suffixes "chk-chn"

Content: The teacher shows subject pictures and offers to pronounce them affectionately.

9. "Help me find my mom"

Target: Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Exercise in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Content: All children have subject pictures depicting baby animals.

Educator: "Who have you drawn, Kolya?" (chicken) "Who's the chicken's mother?" (chicken) . Call the chicken to your mother (wee-wee-wee), etc.

8. Echo

Rule. The teacher loudly pronounces any vowel sound, and the child repeats it, but quietly.

Move. The teacher says loudly: “aaa”, the echo child answers quietly: “aaa”, etc. You can use a combination of vowel sounds: “aa, uh, uh” etc.

Games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech

What was missing?

Purpose: To practice the formation of the genitive plural of nouns.

Material: Pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), ribbons (different colors and different sizes - long and short), horses, ducklings (any toys), Gnome.

Game progress: A Gnome with a bag appears in front of the children. He says that he brought toys for the children. Children are looking at toys. They are called. They put it on the table.

- Remember what items are on the table. Here are pyramids, nesting dolls, ducklings. Petrushka will play with you. He will hide the toys, and you will have to say what toys are gone: nesting dolls, pyramids, ducklings or something else.

Three pairs of objects remain on the table: nesting dolls, pyramids, horses. Children close their eyes. We hide nesting dolls, and put ribbons in their place. (“Who is gone?”) Then we hide the ribbons, and put pyramids in their place. (“What’s gone?”) Etc. Finally, we remove all the toys and ask: “What toys are gone?”

Option 2

Purpose: to teach children to form genitive nouns


Equipment : plot picture, color pictures in any quantity.

Game progress:

Option 1. An adult and a child play.

Before the child lies a plot picture, for example, "Visiting Cheburashka." The fairy-tale hero Ant comes to visit Cheburashka with gifts. The child lays out gifts around the room. The child lists them, considers them. Then the child is given time to memorize. After that, it is proposed to close the child's eyes. At this time, the adult removes one picture or turns it upside down. He asks the child the question: “What happened? ". The child opens his eyes, looks at it and answers, for example: “There are no currants,” and so on.

Option 2. Child-child.

The principle of the game is the same. Only two children are playing. Each in turn is the leader. One child closes his eyes, the second hides the picture. And vice versa, roles are reversed. Children are very interested in guessing and hiding pictures. The game is fast paced and fun.

"One is many"

Goal: Learn to use singular and plural nouns.

Equipment: cards with the image of objects in the singular and plural.

1. The task of the children is to name what is in the picture. Example: I have one cube and many cubes.

2. Change the words so that they mean many things. Sample: ball - balls, cube - cubes.

3. Change the words so that they mean one thing. Sample: trees - tree, ducklings - duckling.

"Wonderful bag"

Purpose: During the game, children learn to determine what kind of object it is, according to characteristic external features, that is, in shape. It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Equipment: Opaque bag. For kids, it is recommended to sew it from bright fabrics (to increase interest in what is happening), and for older children - from dark fabrics.

Items. They should correspond to a specific theme (vegetables, geometric shapes, animals, letters or numbers) and have pronounced differences in shape.

Game progress. The meaning of the game is very simple: you need to put your hand into the bag, feel for an object and name it, without seeing what it is specifically. So that the children do not get confused, you can first put 1 item, and then, when they learn how to play like this, there are already several.

Players, in addition to the main task, may be given additional:

describe an object (color, size, taste, material) or an animal (what it does, where it lives); tell what fairy tale this object or character is from; describe it so that other children guess it;

name words starting with the given letter;

For very young children, you can suggest choosing a toy in this way, with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the items that are placed in the bag, and then each in turn takes out his own.

What lies where.


To consolidate knowledge about the need to maintain order in the group;

Clarify knowledge about the location of objects in a group;

To reinforce the idea that keeping things in order helps to maintain health.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, books, photographs of group furniture, play and other areas by type of children's activities.

Game content.

The teacher examines with the children photographs of group furniture and areas by type of activity, clarifies their purpose. He lays out the photographs on the tables, distributes subject pictures to the children and offers to put things in order - put the objects in their places.

Help me find my mom

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name animals and their cubs, poultry and their chicks. Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.

Equipment: pictures depicting animals and their cubs, birds and their chicks

Move: Try to show, for example, a mother - a dog and offer to choose from two options - a puppy and a goose, for example, whose mother is and vice versa. Gradually add more and more animals.

All children have subject pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who have you drawn, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the mother of the chicken? (chicken). Call your mother chick (wee-wee-wee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken.

Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How does she scream? Who is her baby? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And how does her baby lamb scream? etc.

The teacher distributes pictures of animals and birds to the children. The cubs walk (children leave the tables), they nibble on grass, they nibble on crumbs. Whose mother or whose father will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put a picture next to them. The children ran to their mothers.

The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. A child depicting a cub or chick makes sounds and puts a picture.

With older children, you can turn all the cards over to the other side and offer to open two cards in turn, whoever makes more pairs of animals first and names them wins.

Equipment: pictures depicting animals and their cubs.

Games to expand and activate vocabulary

"Who is it? What is it?"

Purpose: To name words denoting animate and inanimate nouns.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects, animals, people, birds.

Stroke: The teacher explains to the children that all objects have their own name, and names different objects. There are many objects around us. And you can ask about each of them. I will ask you, and you answer with one word: “What is this?” Points to a picture of an inanimate object or to the object itself. Children name things. Shows an animated object or picture and asks: “Who is this?”.

2. Look at the pictures. Name those that denote living (non-living) objects. Ask them a question.

3. The teacher calls random words denoting animate and inanimate objects. Children put questions to them: an apple - "what is it?", a dog - "who is it?".

"Who's doing what?"

Purpose: To introduce words denoting action. Learn to use verbs in speech, correctly ask questions to them.

Equipment: pictures depicting various activities.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children with different stories. Children put questions to them or name an action.

1. The child is invited to name what the person (animal) is doing in the picture.

2. Several pictures are laid out on the table. The child is asked to find the given action. Find the picture where the girl is jumping. What is the girl doing?

"Call it sweetly"

Purpose: To introduce the structure of the word in the process of formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects of different sizes.

Stroke: The teacher explains to the children that they will play "affectionate names."

They led a round dance, they were affectionate,

The circle was called, the name was called.

Come out, Lenochka, to the circle!

Take, Lenochka, a flag.

Children affectionately call the name of the child, passing the flag to the child standing nearby.

Children are given pictures of large and small objects. Name the objects according to the model: table - table.

"Parts of the day"

Purpose: to create conditions for children to learn the concepts of "Morning", "Day", "Evening", "Night" and their correct sequence.

We usually play the game in the morning, on the carpet. As additional, stimulus material, pictures were made depicting the activities of children at different times of the day (night - the baby is sleeping, morning - the baby washes, stretches or does exercises, day - the baby plays or walks, evening - plays at home or goes home with mom).

We start the game with the question: When do we sleep? (after the children's answers, the first child receives the picture "Night", puts it on himself).

We continue: When the NIGHT ends, the MORNING comes. We wake up, stretch, wash ourselves (accompany with appropriate movements) and go to Kindergarten. (The second child receives the picture "Morning", puts it on himself). In the DAY, all the guys play (clap their hands) and walk (stomp their feet). (The third child receives the picture "Day", puts it on himself) Well, in the EVENING, all the guys run to their mother! (children open their arms to embrace). Then NIGHT comes again (children put their hands under their cheeks and close their eyes for a while). When children have learned to identify parts of the day from pictures and correctly perform the corresponding movements.

"Parts of the day"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day; exercise in comparing the picture with the parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Game rules: according to the word that the teacher says, show the card and explain why he raised it.

Game action: search for the desired picture.

On the table, the players have different pictures that reflect the life of children in kindergarten. There should be several plot pictures for each part of the day. Children choose a picture for themselves, carefully consider it. To the word “morning”, all the children who hold the corresponding pictures in their hands raise them and each explains why he thinks that he has a picture of the morning: the children come to kindergarten, the teacher is waiting for them, they do morning exercises, wash, have breakfast, are engaged, etc. Then the teacher says the word "day". Those who have an image of any event or activity of children at this time of day raise the pictures: on a walk, work on the site, dine, sleep.

Teacher. Evening.

Children pick up the corresponding cards.

Why did you show this card?

Child. Because mothers came for the children, it's dark outside.

Teacher. Night.

Children raise cards with the image of sleeping children.

This is how children's knowledge of the parts of the day is consolidated. For each correct answer, children receive chips: a pink chip - morning, blue - day, gray - evening, black - night.

Then all the cards are shuffled and the game continues, but the words are called in a different sequence: the teacher first calls “evening”, and then “morning”, thereby increasing attention to the verbal signal.

"Tell me what?"

Purpose: development of tactile sensations in children, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary.

The objectives of this manual are: the development of tactile memory, mental operations, fine motor skills, impressive and expressive speech; fantasy and imagination (it all depends on the tasks in the didactic game).

Integration of areas: "Communication", "Cognition".

Course: Children are given cards with a picture different moods people, the state of objects.

The child should name definitions in comparison (here the girl is cheerful, and in the other picture the girl is sad).

Complication: the child is given the task to pick up several definitions for the subject (the ball is round, rubber, blue, large).

"What season?"

Goal: To teach children to understand the changes in the weather by season, the behavior of plants and animals, as well as the life of people in different time of the year.

Task: it is necessary to select pictures and objects corresponding to the season.

Rules: remember what happens and at what time of the year; in a group to help each other; individually, you can play with your parents and use their tips.

Material: round disc divided into four parts. Decorate or cover each part with a fabric that corresponds in color to the season (white - winter; green - spring, pink or red - summer, and yellow or orange - autumn). Such a disk will symbolize " All year round". For each part, you need to select several series of pictures with the appropriate theme (changes in nature, animals and birds, people working on the ground, children having fun).

FEMP Games

1. One - many

2. Learn by form

3. More is less

4. What has changed

5. Guess what it is

6. What shapes does the object consist of

7. What is where

8. Put where I'll tell you

9. When it happens (parts of the day)

10. Say the opposite

11. Which is longer, taller, thicker

12. Arrange in order (within 3)

"One is many"

Purpose: To teach to find a different number of objects: one or many.

Equipment: cards with the image of objects: one object and many objects.

Stroke: Children have cards with the image of one object and many objects.

The task of the children is to find, on the instructions of the teacher, where there is one object, where there are many of them.

"Learn by Form"

Target:learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Material.Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval), objects of various shapes.

Game progress:

    Pictures are divided into two parts: geometric shapes, images of different objects. Pick up objects to a geometric figure, explaining your choice: "The Christmas tree looks like a triangle, it is triangular in shape." The game continues until all items are matched to the samples.

    Children are given geometric shapes. Each child chooses from all the cards images of objects of the desired shape. The teacher helps children correctly name the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular).

"What is more - what is less"

Target:to learn to compare groups of objects equal and unequal in number, to establish equality and inequality of groups of objects, using the words “more”, “less”, “equally”.

Equipment: pictures depicting a different number of objects

Game progress: Children are given pictures of different objects and are invited to compare and say which objects are more or less. Complication: in circles put a number according to the number of objects depicted.

"What changed"

Purpose: To develop the ability to find differences in pictures made up of geometric shapes. Fix the names of geometric shapes.Develop memory, observation.

Equipment: Pictures depicting objects made up of geometric shapes.

Game progress: It is proposed to consider similar pictures and find what has changed in the image in the second picture.The child finds changes in parts of the image, naming the color, shape or size of a geometric figure.

Game variant: an image is built from geometric shapes. A driver is selected who exits or turns away. The detail of the image changes to another in shape, color or size. The child must say what has changed.

"Guess what it is?"

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Equipment: Houses with carved windows, geometric shapes in the form of windows.

Game progress: The teacher distributes houses to children, offerscircle the contours of the window with a movement of the hand, find a geometric figure and close the window.The teacher shows the children figures, circles each with a finger. He gives the task to the children: “You have houses with windows of different shapes on your tables, and the same figures. Arrange all the figures on the windows so that they hide.

« What shapes does an object consist of? »

Target:Learn to highlight parts of the image, determine their shape. Exercise in drawing up the silhouette of an object from separate parts (geometric shapes).

Equipment.Pictures depicting objects made up of geometric shapes.

1 Option:
Children are invited to tell what geometric shapes the image is made up of, how many of them and what color they are.

Option 2:
Children are invited to lay out the same pictures from a set of geometric shapes, first by overlaying on a card, then next to the picture, and then from memory.The teacher asks: “What did you make? What geometric shapes?

3 option:
The children are shown a card and are invited to remember which figures are used in the image.

"What is where"

Purpose: To introduce spatial concepts. To fix the concepts on, above, under, in, about.

Equipment: plot pictures, subject pictures from the plot of pictures.

Instructions for conducting: The teacher offers to name where the object in the picture is in relation to other objects, to place the object in the picture.

"Put where I'll tell you"

Purpose: To develop spatial representations, the ability to navigate on a sheet.

Equipment. Cards divided into top and bottom stripes, small pictures.

Game progress. The children are given cards - "shelves" and pictures.
The teacher offers to put the ball on the top shelf. Put the car on the bottom shelf.
Children gradually lay out pictures on cards - “shelves”.Educator: What do you have on the bottom shelf? On the top shelf?
Encourage children to answer in full sentences.

When it happens (parts of the day)

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bparts of the day, to teach how to use the words "morning", "day", "evening", "night" correctly.

Equipment.Pictures showing the activities of children at different times of the day.

Game progress. The teacher, with the help of a doll, performs various actions by which the children must determine the part of the day: the doll gets out of bed, gets dressed, combs her hair (morning), has dinner (day), etc. Then V. calls the action, for example: “The doll washes”, invites the child to name the part of the day corresponding to this action (morning or evening). The teacher reads an excerpt from Petrushina's poem:

Doll Valya wants to sleep.

I'll put her to bed.

I'll bring her a blanket

To fall asleep faster.

Children say when it happens. The teacher shows the pictures in time sequence and asks what part of the day these actions take place. Then he shuffles the pictures and, together with the children, arranges them in the order of the actions of the day.

"Which is longer, taller, thicker"

Target:The development in children of a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of size.

Material.Satin or nylon ribbons different colors and sizes, plot toys: a fat bear and a thin doll, pictures with objects of various sizes.

Game progress. V. lays out game sets on two tables in advance. didactic material(multi-colored ribbons). The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a Katya doll. He tells the children that Misha and Katya want to be smart today, and for this they need belts. He calls two children and gives them ribbons rolled into a tube: one short - a belt for Katya, the other long - a belt for a bear. With the help of V., children try on and tie belts for toys. But then the toys want to swap belts. V. discovers that the doll's belt does not converge on the bear, and the belt is too big for the doll. The teacher offers to consider the belts and spreads them side by side on the table, and then puts a short ribbon on a long one. He explains which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, he gives the name of the quality of the quantity - length. Compare objects by size in the pictures.

Arrange in order (within 3)

Purpose: to teach to arrange objects in ascending or descending order in size.

Material.2 sets of triple nesting dolls, 2 sets of circles of different sizes. Purpose: to teach to arrange objects in ascending or descending order in size.

Game progress. All nesting dolls are put in a row. Let's get to know them! The teacher calls the name of each nesting doll, tilting it at the same time: "I am Matryoshka, I am Natasha, I am Dasha." Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (one nesting doll is taken by the teacher). The game starts. First, nesting dolls walk (walk on the table). Then they are called to measure height. They line up one after another and in turn, starting with the smallest, stand in height, and the teacher specifies which nesting doll is the tallest? Then the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher puts on the table a set of circles (plates) of three sizes, calls the children in turn, who select plates of the appropriate size for their nesting dolls. After lunch, the nesting dolls are going for a walk. The teacher puts the second set of matryoshkas on the table, and the children pick up girlfriends of the same height for their nesting dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they scatter and mix. (“Matryoshkas wanted to run”). Offers to build them by height.

Say the opposite

Target. Teach children to name objects of opposite quality in size and quantity.

The teacher shows the picture and says: “This is a tall house, but how can I say it the other way around?” The child finds a picture and says: “This house is low”, etc.

Sensory education.

13. "Name a Color"

Game: "Hide the butterfly"

Target: Continue to introduce children to the six primary colors, learn to distinguish and name them. Develop speed of reaction, attention, thinking. Strengthen knowledge about animals.

Material: Colored sheets 10x8, white squares on them 5x5, colored squares.

Content: The teacher shows a cat toy: "The cat wants to catch the mouse, and the mouse needs to hide in a mink and close the door, the door should be the same color as the mink and then the cat will not find it"

Children choose a square of the desired color and cover the square.

14. "Name the shape"

The game "Who sleeps where"

Target: To teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval) and perform actions with them.

Material: Cards with the image of the contours of figures, plastic figures.

Content: Invite the children to pour all the figures into a bag. Then take them out one by one, name them and cover the contours of the figures with them.

15. "Compare by size"

Game "Let's treat the mice with tea"

Target : Develop the ability to compare objects by size (3 objects). Activate the words "Big, smaller, small" in the children's speech

Material: Image of three mice of different sizes, three cups and three saucers.

Content: The teacher offers to treat the mice with tea - first, arrange the mice from the largest to the smallest, then pick up cups and saucers for the mice.

Svetlana Pimenova
Card file of didactic games in the second junior group

"That's how sounds are pronounced"

Equipment: "Talking cube" - where they change cards, which depict either insects or animals. then different items.

"Loud quiet"

Target: Teaching children to change strength vote: to speak softly, then loudly. Develop the ability to change the strength of the voice.

Equipment: Images depicting large and small objects (large and small cars, drums, pipes, airplanes, etc.).

Content: The teacher is providing 2 machines and He speaks: "When a big car is driving, it honks loudly, like this" B, B ", Repeat. And when it's small, it's quiet "beep". The teacher cleans the cars and He speaks: "be careful, as soon as the car starts, be careful, don't make a mistake, a big car honks loudly, and a small one quietly. Similarly, the game is played with other objects.

"Horses clatter their hooves"

Target: Develop phonemic hearing, develop children's speech attention.

Equipment: Images with the image of a horse, an elephant, a bear, piglets, a hedgehog.

"The ball burst"

Target: Development of a long smooth exhalation. Activation of the muscles of the lips. Automation and differentiation of s-sh sounds.

Content: Children stand in a tight circle, tilting their heads down, imitating a bubble - a ball. Then, repeating after the teacher: "Inflate the bubble, inflate big, stay like that, but don't burst," the children raise their heads and gradually move back, forming a large circle. On signal educator: "The bubble burst, the air came out", the children go to the center, pronouncing: s-s-s (or shhhh).

"Snowflakes are flying", "Snowstorm"

Equipment: Storyline picture" Snowstorm".

At the signal of the educator "The blizzard begins" - quietly they say: u-u-u-u; at the signal "Strong blizzard" loudly they say: y-y-y; at the signal "The blizzard ends" they say quieter.

"Call it sweetly"

Target: Expansion and activation of children's vocabulary. Learn to form words with suffixes "chk-chn"

"Help me find my mom"

Target: Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Exercise in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

caregiver: "Who have you drawn, Kolya?" (Chick)"Who is the chicken's mother?" (chicken). Call your mother chick (wee-wee-wee) etc.

"One is many"

Target: Learn to use singular and plural nouns.

Equipment: cards with the image of objects in the singular and plural.

move: In children cards

1. The task of the children is to name what picture. Sample: I have one cube and many cubes.

2. Change the words so that they mean many things. Sample: ball - balls, cube - cubes.

3. Change the words so that they mean one thing. Sample: trees - tree, ducklings - duckling.

"Wonderful bag"

Target: In the course of the game, children learn to determine what kind of object it is, according to characteristic external features, that is, in shape. It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Equipment: Opaque bag. For kids, it is recommended to sew it from bright fabrics (to increase interest in what is happening), and for older children - from dark fabrics.

Items. They must be relevant to a specific topic. (vegetables, geometric shapes, animals, letters or numbers) and have pronounced differences in shape.

Game progress. The meaning of the game is very simple: you need to put your hand into the bag, feel for the object and name it, not seeing what it is specifically. So that the children do not get confused, you can first put 1 item, and then, when they learn how to play like this, there are already several.

Players, in addition to the main task, can be given additional:

describe the item (color, size, taste, material) or animal (what does it do, where does it live); tell what fairy tale this object or hero is from; describe it so that other children guess it;

name words starting with the given letter;

For very young children, you can suggest choosing a toy in this way, with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the items that are placed in the bag, and then each in turn takes out his own.

"Parts of the day"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day; exercise in comparison pictures with parts of the day: morning afternoon Evening Night.

Game rules: according to the word that the teacher says, show card and explain why did he pick it up.

game action: search for the desired images.

On the table, the players have different images reflecting the life of children in kindergarten. For each part of the day there should be several plot pictures. Children choose their own picture are looking at it carefully. On word "morning" all children in whose hands the appropriate images, pick them up and everyone explains why he thinks what he has depicted morning: children come to kindergarten, a teacher is waiting for them, they do morning exercises, wash their faces, have breakfast, study, etc. Then the teacher says the word "day". Raise pictures of those who has a picture of any event or activity of the children at that time days: on a walk, working on the site, having lunch, sleeping.

Teacher. Evening.

Children pick up the appropriate cards.

Why did you show this card?

Child. Because mothers came for the children, it's dark outside.

Teacher. Night.

children raise cards with the image of sleeping children.

This is how children's knowledge of the parts of the day is consolidated. For each correct answer, children receive chips: pink chip - morning, blue - day, gray - evening, black - night.

Then everything cards are shuffled, and the game continues, but the words are called in another sequences: the teacher first calls "evening", and then "morning", thereby increasing attention to the verbal signal.

"Tell me what?"

Target: development of tactile sensations in children, enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

The objectives of this manual are: development of tactile memory, mental operations, fine motor skills, impressive and expressive speech; fantasy and imagination (it all depends on the tasks in didactic game) .

Game progress: Children are given cards depicting the different moods of people, the state of objects.

The child must name the definitions in comparison (here the girl is cheerful, and on the other sad girl picture).

Complication: the child is given the task to pick up several definitions for the subject (ball - round, rubber, blue, large).

"What season?"

Target: To teach children to understand the changes in the weather according to the seasons, the behavior of plants and animals, and the life of people at different times of the year.

The task: must be selected pictures and objects corresponding to the time of year.

rules: remember what happens and at what time of the year; in group to help each other; individually, you can play with your parents and use their tips.

Material: a round disk divided into four parts. Decorate or cover each part with a fabric that corresponds in color to the season (white - winter; green - spring, pink or red - summer, and yellow or orange - autumn). Such a disk will symbolize "All year round". For each part you need to pick up several series pictures with relevant topics (changes in nature, animals and birds, people working on the ground, children having fun).

"One is many"

Target: Learn to find different amounts items: one or many.

Equipment: cards with picture items: one item and many items.

Game progress: In children cards with the image of one object and many objects.

The task of the children is to find, on the instructions of the teacher, where there is one object, where there are many of them.

"Learn by Form"

Target: learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Material. Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, objects of various shapes.

Game progress:

1. Images divided into two parts: geometric shapes, images of various objects. Match objects to a geometric figure, explaining your choice: "The Christmas tree looks like a triangle, it is triangular in shape". The game continues until all items are matched to the samples.

2. Children are given geometric shapes. Each child chooses from all cards images of objects of the desired shape. The teacher helps children to correctly name the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular).

"What is more - what is less"

Target: learn to compare equal and unequal in quantity groups of objects, establish equality and inequality groups of objects using the words "more", "less", "equally".

Equipment: images depicting a variety of objects

Game progress: Children are given images with the image of different objects and it is proposed to compare and say which objects are more or less. Complication: in circles put a number according to the number of objects depicted.

"Guess what it is?"

Target: To teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Equipment: Houses with carved windows, geometric shapes in the form of windows.

Game progress: The teacher distributes houses to children, offers to circle the contours of the window with a movement of the hand, find a geometric figure and close the window. The teacher shows the children figures, circles each with a finger. Gives a task children: “You have houses with windows of different shapes on your tables, and the same figures. Arrange all the figures on the windows so that they hide.

"What shapes does an object consist of"

Target: Learn to highlight parts of the image, determine their shape. Exercise in drawing up the silhouette of an object from separate parts (geometric shapes).

Equipment. Images with the image of objects made up of geometric shapes.

1 option:

Children are invited to tell what geometric shapes the image is made up of, how many of them and what color they are.

Option 2:

Children are invited to post the same images from a set of geometric shapes, first by superimposing on card, then next to picture and then from memory. teacher asks: “What did you make up? What geometric shapes?.

3 option:

Children are shown card and it is proposed to remember which figures are used in the image.

"What is where"

Target: Introduce spatial concepts. To fix the concepts on, above, under, in, about.

Equipment: plot pictures, images subject from the plot pictures.

Instructions for conducting: The teacher offers to name where the object is located on picture in relation to other objects, place the object on picture.

"Put where I'll tell you"

Target: Develop spatial representations, the ability to navigate the sheet.

Equipment. Cards, divided into upper and lower bands, small images.

Game progress. Handed out to children cards -"shelves" And images.

The teacher offers to put the ball on the top shelf. Put the car on the bottom shelf.

Children gradually spread pictures on cards -"shelves".

caregiver: What do you have on the bottom shelf? On the top shelf?

Encourage children to answer in full sentences.

"Which is longer, taller, thicker"

Target: Development in children of a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of magnitude.

Material. Satin or nylon ribbons of different colors and sizes, plot toys: a fat bear and a thin doll, pictures with objects, different in size.

Game progress. V. lays out game sets on two tables in advance. didactic material(colored ribbons). The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a Katya doll. He tells the children that Misha and Katya want to be smart today, and for this they need belts. Calls to two children and gives them rolled-up ribbons: one short - a belt for Katya, the other long - a belt for a bear. With the help of V., children try on and tie belts for toys. But then the toys want to swap belts. V. discovers that the doll's belt does not converge on the bear, and the belt is too big for the doll. The teacher offers to consider the belts and spreads them side by side on the table, and then puts a short ribbon on a long one. He explains which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, he gives the name of the quality of the quantity - length. Compare objects by size pictures.

"Put it in order (within 3)»


Material. 2 sets of triple nesting dolls, 2 sets of circles of different sizes. Target: learn to arrange objects in ascending or descending order in size.

Game progress. All nesting dolls are put in a row. Let's get to know them! The teacher calls the name of each nesting doll, tilting it at this: "I am Matryosha, I am Natasha, I am Dasha". Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (one nesting doll is taken by the teacher). The game starts. First, nesting dolls walk, (walk around the table). Then they are called to measure height. They line up one after another and in turn, starting with the smallest, stand in height, and the teacher specifies which nesting doll is the tallest? Then the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher puts a set of circles on the table (cymbals) of three sizes, calls the children in turn, who select plates of the appropriate size for their nesting dolls. After lunch, the nesting dolls are going for a walk. The teacher puts on the table second set of nesting dolls, and the children pick up girlfriends of the same height for their nesting dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they scatter and mix. ( "Matryoshkas wanted to run"). Offers to build them by height.

"Say the opposite"

Target. Teach children to name objects of opposite quality in size and quantity.

The teacher shows picture and says: “This is a tall house, but how to say the other way around?” child finds picture and says: "And this house is low" etc.

"Name a Color"

Target: Continue to introduce children to the six primary colors, to learn to distinguish and name them. Develop speed of reaction, attention, thinking. Strengthen knowledge about animals.

Material: Colored sheets 10x8, white squares on them 5x5, colored squares.

Children choose a square of the desired color and cover the square.

"Name the Shape"

Target: Teaching children to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval) and take action on them.

Material: Cards with the image of the contours of figures, plastic figures.

"Let's treat the mice with tea"

Target: Develop the ability to compare objects by size (3 items). Activate the words "Big, smaller, small" in the children's speech

Material: Image of three mice of different sizes, three cups and three saucers.

Educational field "Cognitive development

Didactic games and exercises for children 2-3 years old


Target. Continue to teach children to imitate the actions of an adult with objects, paying attention to their properties.

Game progress. The teacher shows simple movements in front of the mirror, drawing the children's attention to how the mirror accurately reproduces these movements. Then he puts the children in a circle and says: "Do as I do." Shows slowly simple movements (claps his hands in front of him, above his head, puts his hands on his belt and crouches, etc.). Children repeat. Those who find it difficult to perform the movements, the teacher invites to the circle and helps them. When the movements are repeated successfully, the teacher praises the children: "Well done, you are my mirror."


Stroke: The teacher asks the child to put away the toys. He says, “What is this? (a car). Where should the car be parked? (on the shelf). Put the car on the shelf. Or: “What is this? (doll). Where should the doll sit? (on the bed). Put the doll on the bed”, etc. After that, the teacher emphasizes that the group is in order, all the toys are in their places.


Target: Introduce children to clothing and its details.

Equipment: Doll with a set of clothes, doll bed.

Stroke: The teacher offers the child to put the doll to sleep. The child undresses the doll, the teacher comments on his actions: “First you need to take off the dress and hang it on the back of a chair. To take off the dress, you need to unbutton the buttons, ”etc. During the game, the teacher should activate the child’s speech by asking leading questions: “What should be unbuttoned on the dress?”. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher answers himself.


Target: Activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: Cardboard doll, paper clothes set.

Stroke: The teacher offers the child to dress the doll for different situations (for a walk, for a holiday, in kindergarten, etc.). The child dresses the doll, for example, for a walk. The teacher describes the doll's clothes: “Let's put on a blue coat for the doll. The coat has a collar, sleeves, pockets. It fastens with buttons. Activating the baby’s speech, the teacher asks: “Where is the sleeve of the coat? Show me. What did you show? etc.

Let's wash the dishes

Target: Expand the vocabulary on the topic, activate the dictionary.

Equipment: A basin with water or a toy sink, doll dishes.

Stroke: The teacher explains to the child that after breakfast you need to wash the dishes. He starts washing the dishes, saying that the dishes were dirty, but now they are clean. Then he invites the child to connect to the game.Important encourage the baby to name the items of dishes, actions (wash, dry).

In the garden, in the garden?


Equipment: A flannelgraph or magnetic board with images of a tree and a garden bed, planar figures of an apple, orange, pear, potato, cabbage, onion or others.

Stroke: The teacher explains that apples, pears and oranges are tasty, sweet. This is fruit. Fruit grows on a tree. Potatoes, cabbage, onions are not sweet, but very healthy. These are vegetables. Vegetables grow in the garden. Then he invites the child to place fruits on the tree, and vegetables in the garden. The kid performs the task, and the teacher activates his speech with the help of questions: “What is this? (an Apple). An apple is a fruit. Repeat. Where do fruits grow? (on a tree)”, etc.


Target: Learn to group vegetables and fruits, fix their names.

Equipment: The same as in the previous game, only on the flannelgraph there is an image of a can of compote and a saucepan.

Stroke: The teacher shows the children vegetables and fruits. Together they examine them, remember the qualities of vegetables and fruits. Then the teacher tells the children that delicious jam or compote can be made from fruits, and boiled from vegetables tasty soup and offers to cook these dishes. To do this, put the fruits in a jar, and the vegetables in a saucepan. The kid performs the task, and the teacher activates his speech with the help of questions: “What is this? (an Apple). An apple is a fruit. Repeat. Compote and jam are prepared from fruits. Where will you put the fruit? (to the bank)”, etc.

Find the same leaf

Introduce the child to the concept of "leaf fall".

Collect fallen leaves. Together with your baby, inhale this unique smell of autumn foliage, look at the leaves in the light, admire their color and pattern of veins.
Put birch and maple leaves in front of the baby and notice their differences in color, size and shape. Then, show the child, for example, a maple leaf and ask them to find the same one. Then try to find the tree from which this leaf fell.

What's in the box?

The box contains various items (a button, a comb, a felt-tip pen, a book, etc.). The child takes them in turn, calls them and says why they are needed.


Take one car out of the box: car, truck, bus. Review and note the material each machine is made of, its color, purpose, etc. Highlight them common features(all cars have wheels, a steering wheel, a cabin) and their differences.


Draw a cupboard with shelves on a sheet of paper with a pencil. Say that now you need to fill the cupboard with dishes. Let the child tell you what to draw, and you will “arrange”: a cup, a saucepan, a teapot, etc.

Choose items

There are various items on the table. Invite the child to choose only those items that will help him wash himself in the morning (soap, towel, toothbrush, paste) or items that are necessary for eating (plate, spoon, fork).

Clothing and footwear

Pick up subject pictures with images of clothes or you can use illustrations from books. Based on the pictures, discuss with the baby what clothes and shoes to wear when it is cold or, conversely, hot outside.

Dressing up the doll

Take the doll. Invite the child to go for a walk with her, but only first he will have to choose clothes for her according to the weather (if it is winter now, then you need to dress her in a warm fur coat, hat, boots).

Introduction to work


Fill the child with water in a basin, fill it with foam and offer to wash handkerchiefs or doll clothes. And then rinse the laundry in the basin with clean water. And of course, a separate pleasure for the child is to hang it all to dry on a rope, securing it with clothespins.

washing dishes

Sometimes the doll's dishes also need to be washed. Prepare two basins: one with soapy water, the second with clean water. Show your child how to first wash the dishes in the first basin with a sponge, and then rinse in the second and dry with a towel.

Picture conversations

Consider plot pictures with your child, where

the work of people is depicted: “The bus driver carries children”, “The doctor treats the boy”, “The gardener plants trees”, etc. Discuss what is drawn: who is shown in the picture, what each of them does, what would happen if there were no doctors, teachers, educators, etc.