Plan the theme of flowers in the second junior group. Summary of the lesson for the younger group (speech development): “Spring flowers. Theme: "Flowers on the windowsill"

Abstract of the lesson on ecology for children of the second younger group

Agoshkova Olga Anatolyevna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 52 of the combined type", Oryol
Material Description: I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities for children of the 2nd junior group (3-4 years old) on the topic "How we taught Dunno to care for flowers." This material will be useful to teachers of younger groups of kindergartens. This is a summary of a lesson aimed at familiarizing children with the properties of water; consolidating knowledge about the structure of plants, about the rules for caring for them, as well as cultivating a caring attitude towards plants.

Summary of direct educational activities in the 2nd junior group on the topic "How we taught Dunno how to care for flowers."

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity".
Target: generalize and systematize children's knowledge about indoor plants.
1. Teach children to carefully examine indoor plants and find signs of their unhealthy condition, show the need to care for them.
2. Refine children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants (heat and moisture); to bring the kids to the understanding that plants cannot live without water.
3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things, arouse sympathy, a desire to help
4. To develop aesthetic perception, intellectual and creative abilities;
two indoor plants (balsam) in identical pots. One plant is flowering, well-groomed; the other is withering in a pot of dry soil. Watering can; 2 glasses with warm and cold water; stick for loosening; sheets of paper with the image of balsam without flowers; red gouache; napkins.
Preliminary work:
reading poems about plants; memorizing the poem "Spark" by E. Blaginina; examining subject pictures on the topic, pictures from the “Care for indoor plants” series, pictures from the album for the development of speech “Children water the flowers”; looking at plants in a living corner of the group; monitoring the work of the educator in caring for plants; talk about the structure of plants and their benefits.
Characters: Dunno (educator).
- Children, let's come with you to the window and see what the weather is like today. There is still snow on the street, while it is still cold. Do you see flowers outside? Why?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- But in our corner of nature there is a wonderful flowering plant. It is called balsam or light. Let's all say the name together.
Educator:- Why does it bloom, do you think?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- That's right, we have heat, a lot of light, we often water balsam. Why do you think this plant is called a light?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- It blooms with bright flowers that look like lights. Listen to what poem I will read to you about balsam:
Creeps behind the window
Frosty day.
Standing on the window
crimson color
petals bloom,
As if really
Fires lit up.
I water it
its shore,
give him
I can't anyone.
He's very bright
It's very good
Very much for my mother
Like a fairy tale!
Guys, what houseplant is this poem about? Now let's remember what parts of plants we know.
(Children show and name parts of the plant).
Knock on the door.
Educator:- Who's there? After all, this is a Dunno! Hello!
Dunno:- Hello guys! Help me please! This flower was given to me by my friend Sineglazka. He was so beautiful, with bright colors ... . And now something happened to him, he got sick.
Educator: - Why do you think Dunno's "light" is so sick?
(Answers of children).
Dunno: Why did he become like this?
Children:- It needs to be watered!
Educator:- What kind of water is suitable for irrigation? Now you will touch the glasses of water and say which water is most pleasant for the flower.
(Experimental action is being carried out.)
Educator:- Now show Dunno how to properly water the flowers.
(1 child is called).
Educator:- This flower has another funny name "Roly-wet". Listen to the poem:
Among the leaves - lights,
Vanki wet flowers.
That's what the people called him
He drinks a lot of water.

Educator:- It is necessary to water not the leaves, but the earth. Well done guys, you know how to care for indoor plants!

caregiver: - And now we will play with you, and Dunno will be invited to play with us. Get in a circle!
Physical education:
Children, having joined both hands with palms to each other in the shape of a tulip, slowly open their fingers.
Our scarlet flowers
The petals open.
(slowly open fingers)
The flowers are all alive
They shake their heads.
(Shake hands)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals.
(Slowly close fingers.)

Educator:- Guys, let's draw a flower "light" as a gift to Dunno and his friends! Sit down at the tables.
(The teacher shows and explains how to complete the task. Children draw with their fingers, after completing the task, wipe their fingers with wet wipes).
Educator:- Well, here, Dunno, today the guys told and showed you how to care for indoor plants so that they do not get sick. And as a keepsake, we will give you flowers painted by us. Come visit us again, and we will teach you how to properly loosen the soil and tell you why it needs to be done.
Dunno says goodbye to the children and leaves. The lesson is over.

Elena Volchanova


Correctional and educational:

Consolidation of the general concept « flowers» .

Passive vocabulary expansion (nouns - names colors: dandelion, chamomile, poppy, buttercup, porridge, bluebell).

Consolidation of general ideas about colors, their characteristic features.

Vocabulary enrichment (nouns - part names plants: stem, leaves, flower)


Development of the opto-spatial function, constructive praxis, fine motor skills.

The development of phonemic hearing, the distinction between nouns that are similar in sound and differ in one sound.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate concentration and endurance.

Equipment: Toy Masha, basket, Flags of two flowers for each child.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, look who came to visit us? Who is it?

That's right, guys, Masha came to us for help, she played with bunnies in the clearing, jumped, jumped and did not notice how she broke everything flowers. And now she doesn't know how to collect them. Can we help Masha?


The speech therapist attaches the image of one plant to the board, shows and names it. parts: stem, leaves, flower. Then he invites the children to first show, and then name the parts of the plant. Then each child collects his flower on the table, once again shows and names the parts of the plant.


The speech therapist explains to the children what he will call flowers and miscellaneous items. If he calls flowers, you need to raise the red flag, if he names the object, you need to raise the yellow flag. Next, the speech therapist pronounces a pair of words, and the children raise the corresponding flags: poppy - varnish, cancer - poppy, small - poppy, poppy - Muk. Masha, porridge, Sasha, porridge. Masha praises the children.

Masha also told me that she was carrying us a whole basket colors which she wanted to give to her mother. Masha takes the basket, but there is nothing in it.

Oh guys, I lost them in the clearing when I ran to you. Nothing Masha now the guys and I will help you collect everything flowers in the meadow. Can we help?

4. Game "Bouquet for Masha"

Each child collects his own bouquet. We name who is what flowers will be collected.



Masha saw how you deftly and quickly did everything, she wanted to give you all a big gift - an unusual gift, to find out what it is - you need to collect it.

Well, in order for us to quickly and deftly collect a gift, we need to stretch our fingers.

5. Finger gymnastics « Flower» Connect the wrists, spread the palms to the sides, slightly round the fingers.

Grew up tall flower in the meadow,

Spread your fingers.

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

Rhythmically move your fingers together-separately All petals are beauty and nutrition

Lower your palms down, press the back side against each other, spread your fingers apart.

Together they give underground roots.

6. Game "Let's pick a chamomile"

Well, now let's see what kind of gift it is.

speech therapist helps. Clarify the names of the parts flower. We call flower. That's what a great gift Masha prepared for all the guys.

Masha thanks the children and gives medals with flowers for help.

Oh, what good fellows you all helped me. I have a little gift for each of you. Masha puts medals on each child. (Children call flowers on medals) . Masha says goodbye and leaves.

Related publications:

Summary of the integrated lesson in the second junior group on the topic: "Journey to the spring forest" Topic: "Journey to the spring forest." Educator:.

Tasks: Correctional and educational: Expand vocabulary on the topic " wildflowers» Learn to use the preposition "on" Learn phrasal.

Integration: Social and communicative, Cognitive development, Speech development. Educational tasks: To consolidate knowledge about indoor plants.

SUMMARY OF ECOLOGICAL LESSON in the second junior group "First spring flowers". Demchenko Elena Description of the material: This summary of the lesson.

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Project in the 2nd junior group "Flowers".

It will be useful and interesting for teachers, educators, creative people.

The beauty of the world around us is so diverse and beautiful. To be able to enjoy the beauties of nature, you need to try to preserve and increase the wealth of the flora. Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected. Children should know the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties.

Purpose: to expand the knowledge and understanding of children about the flowers growing in the flower garden of our kindergarten, as well as the beneficial properties of flowers; create conditions for increasing the creative activity of children; develop imagination, thinking, communication skills; develop respect for nature.


to cultivate a careful attitude to the environment, to show the pupils the beauty of the flowers of nature.


to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flowers growing in a flower garden, to learn to enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers; introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques, teach new ways of drawing (drawing with covers); introduce medicinal properties colors.


develop children's creativity through different kinds creative activity, love of drawing, fantasy, curiosity, observation.

Project type:

information-research, creative.

Project type: group.

Project term -1 week

Participants: teacher, children of the 2nd junior group.

Venue: GBDOU YaSOT No. 10 "Iskorka", Stakhanov.

Children's age:

Form of conducting: reading fiction, learning poetry, discussing proverbs, non-traditional drawing with "Malva" covers, looking at illustrations, albums on the topic, excursion to the flower garden of the kindergarten, herbal medicine "Chamomile decoction"

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Familiarization of children with the topic of the project.

Goal setting.

Preparation of materials for the project.

Stage 2. Basic.

Organization of project activities.

Game activity.

"Fold and tell."

Each child is given an allowance "Flower", it is proposed to lay out flowers (like a puzzle). After finishing work, the teacher asks the children questions:

What is the name of the flower?

What colour?

What is the size of the flower leaves - large or small?

What form?

Then the children finish the phrase started by the teacher:

This is one red poppy, and there are a lot of ... (red poppies) in the meadow.

This is one yellow dandelion and there are many in the meadow ...

This is one blue bell, and there are many in the meadow ...

This is one white daisy, and there are many in the meadow ...

Children, look, every flower has a root, it feeds the whole plant. To them, the flower "drinks" water from the earth. Here's what beautiful bouquet we got it, and how it smells fragrant. Let's take a deep breath of this wonderful aroma!

Breathing exercises"Oh! How it smells!

The teacher invites the children to take a deep breath and say the sentence: “Ah! How it smells! Then exhale slowly.

Round dance game "The Scarlet Flower"

Scarlet flower, like a spark (children walk in a round dance)

One, two, three - turn around, you Alena.

(the named child turns his back in a circle)

The game continues until the last child has turned.

Scarlet flower, like a spark

One two three four. five - they all turned again!

(all children turn to face in a circle)

Game "ball in a circle"

Materials: ball.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, naming a flower, if the child cannot remember the name of the flower, he is out of the game.

Artistic and speech activity.

Reading and memorizing poetry:

Daisies run across the field (A. Barto)

In the world of flowers (L. Kuzminskaya)

Wreath (Z. Aleksandrova)

Children like flowers (N. Samoniy)

How dandelions appeared (E. Prikhodko)

How did daisies appear? (V. Orlov)

Summer rose (A. Apukhtin)

Poppy (E. Feyerabend)

No need to pick flowers from the flower bed (M. Lvovsky)

Dandelion (Z. Aleksandrova)

Rose (S. Marshak)

Flowers (A. Fet)

Reading stories:

N. Pavlova. "Yellow, white and purple"

M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow"

Artistic and aesthetic activity.

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to introduce non-traditional ways of drawing, to teach to bring the work started to the end, to instill accuracy in work.

Drawing in an unconventional way with "Malva" lids;

Application "Chamomile";

Phytotherapy "Chamomile decoction"

Purpose: to draw attention to the diversity of flowers, to show their value and significance for human life and other living beings, to expand knowledge about the beneficial properties of chamomile.

Stage 3. Final.

Exhibition of books, photographs and illustrations different flowers»

Organization in the group of an exhibition of children's works "Flowers-flowers"

Excursion to the flower garden of the kindergarten.


I am capricious and tender

Needed for any holiday.

I can be white, yellow, red,

But I'm always beautiful!

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Golden heart.

What it is?


white polka dots

On a green leg.

I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,

and the breeze blew - the stalk remained.


In the garden, on the path, under my window

The sun has blossomed on a high leg today


From a green chicken

Fully covered with fluff

I become proud

Scarlet rooster!

At snow-covered bumps,

Under the white snow cap

We found a small flower

Half frozen, a little alive.


This blue flower

Reminds us of you

About the sky - pure, pure,

And the radiant sun


The blue bell hangs

He never calls.


This blue flower

Reminds us of you

About the sky - pure, pure,

And the sun is radiant!


I am in the winter garden

I'll spend the whole day.

I'll take watercolors.

I'll draw...


On the winding path

The sun is growing on the leg.

As the sun ripens

There will be a handful of grains.


First to get out of the ground

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.


I'm good in a wedding bouquet,

And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.

All year round in many countries of the world

I serve as a declaration of love.

Grown from an onion

But it's not good for food.

On a bright glass

It looks like a flower.


Finger gymnastics "Flowers grow in the meadow."

Flowers of unprecedented beauty grow in the meadow. Hands on the table

vertical position

based on elbows, fingers


Flowers stretch to the sun, you stretch with them. Stretching - arms up.

The wind blows sometimes, but it doesn't matter. Wave your hands to represent

Flowers bend, petals fall. Tilt your hands.

And then they get up again and continue to bloom. Straighten your hands

fingers open.

Finger gymnastics "Each bud".

Each bud would be glad to bow, Put your elbows on the table,

fingers of both hands are collected in

pinch - "buds".

Left and right, forward and backward. Rock "buds"

right-left, front-back.

From the wind and heat, these buds Connect together elbows and

palms of the hands, forming one large

Hidden alive in a flower bouquet.

Finger gymnastics "Flowers".

Our delicate flowers open their petals. Raise your hands up

resting on elbows, fingers

collected in a pinch, reveal


The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway. Smooth rocking

open fingers


Our scarlet flowers cover the petals. Collect the fingers of both hands

in a pinch.

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads. Smooth swinging of the fingers

collected in a pinch, left-


Abstract of a lesson on non-traditional drawing with lids "Malva".

Purpose: to teach children to draw in an unconventional way of drawing with lids. To instill a love for fresh flowers, to learn to admire the beauty of wildlife.

Learn to draw flowers in a new way of depicting: a cap imprint.

Develop fine motor skills, fantasy, creativity.

To evoke positive emotions from the work done.

Cultivate love for nature.

Material: white paper, water, napkins, gouache paint, covers plastic bottles.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations depicting mallow, looking at mallow in a kindergarten flower garden.

Lesson progress:

The teacher preliminarily draws the leaves and stem of the flower. Children put prints on both sides of the stem with lids.

Make round prints with plastic cover on a piece of paper.

Abstract of the lesson on the application "Chamomile" for children 3-4 years old

Volumetric application for children 3-4 years old "Chamomile"

Grubin F. "Daisies"

White daisies-sisters,

Daisies have white eyelashes.

Dancing among the summer meadows.

How similar they are to each other!

The wind boy blows a pipe,

He dances polka with daisies.

Dancing, the wind will fly away:

How many daisies in the world!

To make daisies we need:

    White paper;

    simple pencil.

We take white paper and draw it into strips (0.8-1 cm.)

The teacher cuts the paper into strips and cuts out the middle of the flowers.

From yellow paper we make the middle of a chamomile, draw circles and cut it out.

We make chamomile petals from strips of white paper by gluing the ends of the strips. (Children do it)

Children glue the white stripes to the yellow circle.

Phytotherapy "Chamomile decoction"

Chamomile has long been known as a medicinal plant with a wide spectrum of action. It has emollient, enveloping, antispasmodic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the presence of such an extensive list of medicinal properties, chamomile can be used in the treatment of many diseases.

For the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and colds for the children of my group, phytotherapy was organized for a walk.

To prepare an infusion of chamomile: 1 tablespoon of flowers, which is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. After that, the composition is defended in a sealed container for 30 minutes, then filtered. I added some sugar to make it more palatable for the kids.

1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten 9 municipality Shcherbinovsky district Stanitsa Staroshcherbinovskaya Cognitive project in the second junior group "World of Flowers" Project authors: educator MBDOU CRR kindergarten 9 tbsp. Staroshcherbinovskaya Spiridonova Marina Vladimirovna pupils of the second junior group and their parents MBDOU CRR kindergarten 9 tbsp. Staroshcherbinovskaya 2014

2 Everything good in people from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart: Surprise, learn, love! We want the earth to flourish, And grow like flowers, kids, So that for them ecology becomes Not a science, but a part of the soul!

3 ALL ABOUT THE “World of Flowers” ​​PROJECT “I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a bug and it died in the palm of my hand. And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart.” L. Fesyukova Authors of the project: Spiridonova Marina Vladimirovna educator. Project duration: 3 months (June, July, August) Project participants: children, teacher, kindergarten staff, parents. Age of children: 3.5 4 years Relevance: Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is one of the most important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is very important that the knowledge gained is not presented in isolation, without reference to the whole complex of phenomena surrounding the subject of study. Children should always see the connection of a particular species with the environment, its influence on this environment, they must understand that plants and animals depend on each other and on the environment. Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, as they not only help us breathe, but also treat diseases. Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. To know the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties. Everyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say which flower they picked.

4 Goal: To introduce children to the colors of the earth. To develop interest in the development and growth of plants in the flower bed; observation and curiosity, visually effective thinking. Creating conditions for cognitive development children, the development of ecological culture, for the development of speech and creative abilities in the process of developing and implementing the project. Tasks: To give children the concept of what a flower is. To teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house). Develop aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it). Note the importance, the role of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals, insects. To cultivate a caring attitude towards flowers, the ability to take care of them. To develop the constructive, visual abilities of children in the manufacture of flowers, using different materials and technical means. Replenishment of vocabulary. To create among project participants (children, parents) a sense of belonging to a group, to develop a sense of internal stability and trust in each other. To form a favorable psychological climate in the parent team.

5 Stages of project activity Preparatory stage Choosing a topic, setting goals and objectives; We create game motivation. The basis of motivation should be the product; We enter a problem situation; We plan activities and possible events; We select project participants, and those to whom we turn for help; Acquaintance of employees and parents with the content of the project; Collection of literary material; The main stage We establish interaction between project participants; Organize a search engine creative activity; Conversations, reading thin. literature; Exercises finger gymnastics; Artistic creativity; Carrying out d / games and p / games; Joint holidays with parents; Advice for parents. Final stage Presentation of experience for kindergarten staff; Registration of project activities; Summing up, draw a conclusion on the topic of project activities.

6 PERSPECTIVE PLAN OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES "World of Flowers" for children of the second junior group MBDOU CRR - kindergarten 9 village Staroshcherbinovskaya June Morning exercises "Flower" Examining pictures of flowers D / and "Guess the flower according to the description", "Third extra" Finger games "Flower" , “Bee and beetle”, “Who is the flower friends with” Breathing gymnastics “Fragrant rose”, “Sniffing the bouquet” Articulation gymnastics “Butterfly flies around the flower”, “Flowers” ​​Children's stories about flower beds at home, how they and their parents take care of flowers. On what occasions are flowers given at home? P / and "Dandelions" Ecological path Guessing riddles Making flowers from paper (panel for June 12 "Day of Russia") Acquaintance with the scheme of planting flowers in a flower bed Research activities: if you do not water the flowers for a long time, the leaves wither, and the flower falls. Flash mob with parents “Day of Russia” Word game “Say a word” Conversation “Flowers in a flower bed” Psycho-gymnastics “I am a plant” Attention game “Wreath” Relaxation “Magic dream” D / game “Help ladybug find her flower” Legends about flowers Labor on the site “Establishing a flower bed and planting flowers to attract butterflies and bees” Working with parents - decorating an exhibition of crafts and drawings “Flowers around us” The game “What plants need to grow” Modeling from plasticine “Flower - seven-flower” Listening to the audio fairy tale “Girl and Chamomile" Reading fiction: Oleg Tikhomirov

7 "The Tale of Cornflower", Turkish tale of a beautiful rose. Learning poems about flowers D / game "What color name" Origami "Grass" Listening to children's songs "Magic flower" Coloring pages "Insects are our friends" Consultation for parents "How to teach kids to take care of nature" July Morning exercises "The flower says the flower" Rules of conduct in nature Examining albums indoor and meadow flowers D / and “What flower is gone?”, “Care for flowers” finger game E. Zheleznova FLOWER Physical education minutes "Hard-working bee" Breathing exercises "Dandelion" Round dance game "Fly, wreath" Guessing riddles Ecological path Legends about flowers D / game "Magic clearings" Coloring pages "We are beautiful flowers" Making daisies with parents for the Day of family, love and fidelity Didactic game “Pick up a leaf and a petal for a flower” Drawing “Rain ley-ley-ley, flowers will grow soon!” Musical-dynamic pause “Buttercups-daisies” Conversation “About flowers” ​​D / game “Clean up the vases” Target walk to the Origami flower garden “Flower” Drawing “My favorite flowers” ​​Game with buttons “Flowers” ​​Telling a fairy tale about Cornflower P / and "Bees collect honey" Work on the site "Creating a place to rest" Observation of insects Bas-relief modeling " Beautiful flowers» Reading poems about flowers Memorizing poems Manual labor "Flowerbed" Listening to "Dance of Butterflies" by E. Tilicheeva's muses Consultation for parents "What the plants are talking about"

August 8 Morning exercises “Ding, ding, ding”, “Butterfly beauty all flowers like” Examining object pictures flowers and insects D / and “In the clearing”, ball game “Finish the sentence” Breathing exercise“Blow on a dandelion”, “Wind” Finger games “Worker bee”, “Wasp”, “Komarik” Dynamic pause “Flowers grow in a meadow” Expressive reading “If I pick a flower” T. Sobakina Conversation “About a dandelion” P / game "Dandelion" Physical education minutes "Butterfly", "Hard-working bee" Games with clothespins Ecological trail Legends about flowers Rules of behavior in nature Riddles D / game "Collect a bouquet" Telling a fairy tale about Dandelion. D / game “Which petal is missing” Insect observation Origami “Tulips” Memorizing poems about flowers Listening to the audio fairy tale “Bell” Exhibition of creativity of parents and children

9 Practical material for the project activity “World of Flowers” ​​Complexes of morning exercises “Flower” 1. I hit the ground with a seed And suddenly it became a beautiful flower. I.p. full squat, group; 1- stand up stretch up, hands on the belt; 2-ip (4-5 times) 2. I stretched higher towards the sun And touched the petals of the rays. I.p. o.s. arms along the body; 1- hands through the sides up, stand on toes; 2-ip (4-5 times) 3. I looked around, And I saw a lot of flowers there. They are just like me, They are, they are my friends. I.p. feet wide, hands on the belt; 1- turn to the right side, right hand to the side; 2-i.p the same to the left side; (4-5 times) 4. And the breeze shakes me, And tilts me to the right to the left. I.p. Same; torso to the right, to the left; (4-5 times) 5. I like to play with the breeze, And lower, lower my stem to tilt. I.p. Same; 1- torso tilt forward, arms forward; tilt the torso lower with the fingers to touch the toes of the feet; 2-ip (4-5 times) 6. A beautiful butterfly sits on me, I am always happy with my friends. I.p. o.s. hands to the side; 1- full squat, hands on knees; 2-ip 7. I like to receive guests. And treat you with delicious pollen. I.p. Same; jumping; (10 times) 8. Breathing exercise: "Flowers"

10 9. When the night comes, friends, Just like you, it's time for me to sleep. I.p. full squat, group; The flower says to the flower The flower says to the flower: Pick up your leaf. (Children raise and lower their hands.) Go out onto the path and stamp your foot. (Children walk in place, raising their knees high.) Yes, shake your head. In the morning, meet the sun. (Rotation of the head.) Tilt the stem slightly. Here is the charge for the flower. (Tilts.) And now wash yourself with dew, shake off and calm down. (Shaking hands.) Finally, everyone is ready to meet the Day in all its glory. Ding-ding Ding-ding, ding - day We start a new day - (We walk on the spot.) Dili, dili, dili, dili The bells woke up (Hands on the belt, turns left and right- They will all hare, they all hedgehogs - (Hands on the belt, tilts left - right) And the sparrow woke up, (Jumping in place.) And the hare started up - (Squats.) To exercise, who jumped (Jumping from foot to foot.) Who squatted, (Squats.)

11 Straight across the field (Running in place.) Jump-jump-jump-jump- (Jumping in place.) Beautiful Butterfly All flowers like it. 1. Butterfly beauty All flowers like it. I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered. 1 tilt of the head to the right shoulder, at the same time a smooth raising of the arms. 2 i.p. 3 inclination of the head to the left shoulder, at the same time a smooth raising of the arms. 4 i.p. 2. Ladybug, scarlet back, Deftly a ladybug clung to a blade of grass, Crawls up the stem at a leisurely pace To a bright flower smelling of honey. I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered. 1-2 raise the left leg, bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow right hand. 3-4 raise the right leg, bent at the knee, touch it with the elbow of the left hand. 3. An ant in the thicket Drags heavy oak. Hey, fellow friends, help out the ant. I.p .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front, lowered and clenched into fists. 1 bend forward, 2 straighten up, raise your hands to the right shoulder, 3 bend forward, 4 straighten up, raise your hands to the left shoulder. 4. The beetle has fallen and cannot get up, He is waiting for someone to help him. I.p .: lying on your back, arms to the sides. 1-4 alternate flexion and extension of the arms. 5-8 alternate flexion and extension of the legs. 5. Raise your shoulders, jump grasshoppers. I.p .: standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt jumps on two legs.

12 Finger games "Flower" Like small children There is a scarlet flower, Fold the fingers of one hand with a pinch. And its petals are the fingers of the hand. Open your hand, spread your fingers apart. One, two, three, four, five Let's learn to count now. Move your fingers with the other hand. "Flower" Closed and slightly rounded palms are a flower bud. In the morning, when the sun rises, the petals of the flower slowly begin to open (the fingers begin to spread apart). The flower has blossomed, looks at the sun, only its petals flutter slightly from a light breeze (the fingers diverge completely, even bend a little; the tips of the fingers move a little). In the evening, when dusk begins to fall on the ground, the flower slowly closes the petals and falls asleep (the fingers slowly close again). The game can also be played under the following verses: Our red flowers open their petals. The breeze breathes a little, The petals sway. Our red flowers. Close the petals. They shake their heads, quietly fall asleep. “Bee and beetle” (During this nursery rhyme, you need to clench both palms into fists. Reading the poem, we rotate one fist around the other: for the first verse in one direction, for the second verse in the other) Zhu-zhu-zhu - The bee buzzes And around the flower is circling.

13 Zhu-zhu-zhu - There is a beetle in that flower: Khrya, bee, you buzz around! “Who is the flower friends with?” (For this game, hands need to be folded with a “flower”: only the wrists touch each other, and the fingers are spread apart like petals.) The flower is friends with the butterfly, (twist your thumbs into a castle - palms away from you and wave your fingers like wings) The flower is friends with the bees, (circle your straight index fingers around each other. The rest of the fingers are folded into fists) The flower is friends with the sun, (turn your palms away from you, fingers raised up and spread apart, like the rays of the sun) C cheerful raindrops. (tap the index fingers of one hand on the open palm of the other hand - these are raindrops) Finger game “Flower”, song Finger game E. Iron FLOWER The flower in the flowerbed grows and blooms, One of the hands - the “flower” stands on the table, leaning on the elbow . Basking in the sun, waiting for guests. The palm is open, fingers are spread apart (calyx and petals). A bug ran up to him to swing, The fingers of the second hand run along the table, "the bug crawls into the cup" (palm). Shakes, shakes his breeze. The hand - the flower sways. The second hand - the bug "sits" in the "cup"

14 Shakes, shakes his breeze. “The flower sways” A bee flew to the flower for honey, We sort through the air with the fingers of the second hand, again lower them into the “cup” It swayed a little and collected honey. We swing the "flower", and with the other hand we stroke the palm (we collect honey) But then the bee, the moth flew away, We sort through the fingers of the second hand in the air (the bee and the moth fly away) The bug ran away, and the flower remained. The fingers of the second hand "run away" from the flower (bug) Basking in the sun, he will stand, Rotate the brush (cup of the flower) And the sun will set, our flower will sleep. We squeeze the fist (the flower closed) Breathing exercises "Dandelion" Blow on the dandelion so that its petals move, but try not to puff out your cheeks. “The breeze” I’m a strong wind, I’m flying, I’m flying where I want (arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose) I want to whistle to the left (turn my head to the left, lips with a tube and blow) I can blow to the right (head straight, inhale, head to the right , lips with a tube, exhale) I can go up (head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a tube, inhale) And into the clouds (lower your head, touch your chest with your chin, calmly exhale through your mouth) In the meantime, I disperse the clouds (circular movements with my hands ). Repeat 3-4 times.

15 "Fragrant rose" Starting position - standing, focus on the ribs. Place your palms on your ribs on either side of your chest. Execution - imagine that you are smelling a fragrant rose. Inhale slowly through the nose - note how the ribs of the chest parted. You felt it with your palms, and now exhale, the ribs lowered and the palms too. The abdomen and shoulders remain motionless. Remember that all attention is only on the ribs, as you want to train the intercostal muscles. Breaths should be shallow, but full. Repeat 3-4 times. “Blow on a dandelion” On a bright sunny day, a golden flower bloomed. A light breeze blows, our flower swayed. A strong wind is blowing, the petals are stirring. (Children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity.) A white fluffy ball showed off in a clean field. Blow lightly on it, there was a flower and there is no flower. (then they blow “dandelion” on the cotton wool). Articulation gymnastics

16 "A butterfly flies around a flower" Open your mouth and lick your lips with your tongue in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise. Didactic games"Help the ladybug find her flower" Game progress. Children are looking at flowers in a clearing; name their color. The teacher offers to invite ladybugs to visit. Children read the call about the ladybug. Ladybugs are coming. Children help them find their flower (by color). "Magic Clearings" Read a poem about a butterfly to the children or make a riddle. Who came to visit us? (Butterflies.) What color are they? Butterflies invite us to a magical flower meadow. Let's go on a journey with them. (Children pick up one butterfly each and "fly".) They fly to the clearing. They are considering it. What color are the flowers in the meadow? What about flower centers? Let's plant butterflies on flowers. We will plant a yellow butterfly on a flower with a yellow center, a red one with a red center “Plant the flowers in the flower beds.” We will plant flowers on these flower beds. Look and tell me what geometric shapes these flower beds look like? Here is a flower bed in the form of a circle, but a flower bed similar to a rectangle, and this flower bed is square. Plant one flower in the middle of each flower bed. On a round flower bed, you can plant flowers in a circle. On a rectangular line. And in a square flower bed, plant flowers in the corners. “Pick up a leaf and a petal for a flower” Consider these flowers carefully. Show a flower with round petals (square, triangular, oval). One petal fell from each flower. Put the petals in place on their flowers with the same petals. Now attach green leaves to the stem.

17 Clothespin game “Flowers” ​​Attach the clothespins to the center of the flower. "Plant flowers" You need to plant a flower in a hole of the same color as the petals of the flower. “Which petal is missing” Purpose: consolidating knowledge of the colors of the spectrum in order. The development of attention. Formation of the ability to choose a certain color according to the verbal designation. Content: The teacher offers to consider a flower - a seven-flower. One petal is missing, which one? In the future, you can remove 2-3 petals. When the children join the game, they themselves remove the petal of their own accord and offer to name the missing one! An image of a rainbow is always available to help (in the early stages), so that children can visually see a hint of the order of colors. To help the teacher: Multi-colored gates Someone built in the meadow, But it is not easy to pass through them Those gates are high. That master tried, He took the paints for the gate Not one, not two, not three As many as seven, you look! G. Lagzdyn What is the name, tell me, The yoke that hung in the sky like a seven-colored arc? “Find an object by a flower petal” Purpose: to develop color vision when acting with objects of all colors of the spectrum Content: The teacher suggests finding objects in a group of the same color as the proposed petal. Fly fly petal Through the West to the East,

18 Through the North, through the South Come back making a circle, As soon as you touch the Earth To be in my opinion led - led to .. To help the teacher: A. Wenger "Colored Poems" The colors are terribly tired today: They painted a rainbow in the sky, They worked for a long time on rainbow of paint, the rainbow came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale. All colorful beauty! You admire what colors: Red radish grew in the garden, Next to the tomatoes are red guys. Red tulips are on the window, Red banners are burning outside the window. Orange fox All night the carrot dreams It looks like a fox's tail: Orange too. The yellow sun is looking at the earth, The yellow sunflower is following the sun. Yellow pears hang on branches. Yellow leaves are flying from the trees. We grow green onions And green cucumbers, And outside the window there is a green meadow And green houses. The eyes of my doll are blue, And the sky above us is still doves. It is blue, like thousands of eyes, We look at the sky, and the sky at us. Island in the blue sea

19 "Collect a bouquet" The way to the island is far. And a blue blue cornflower grows on it. Violet violet tired of living in the forest I'll pluck it and bring it to my mother on her birthday With purple lilac she will live On the table in a beautiful vase near the window. Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish between warm and cold colors, to fix the name of the color in the active dictionary. Develop the ability to classify by color and color shades. Content: The teacher offers to collect two bouquets. The red vase should contain warm-colored flowers, and the blue vase should be cold-colored. To help the teacher: A. Shlygina If only white flowers bloomed in the field, I would soon be tired of admiring them. It's good that there are daisies, Roses, asters, cornflowers, Dandelions and cereals. Forget-me-nots and hot. If only yellow flowers bloomed in the field, We would be bored with you From such beauty. Chamomile is white. The carnation is red, The foliage is green, It's so beautiful! “Clean up the vases” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to select objects in a certain color scheme, to develop the ability to navigate in warm and cold colors.

20 Content: The flowers in the vases are “messed up”, the teacher invites the children to arrange the flowers in the vases correctly: warm shades in a red vase, and cold shades in a blue vase. Warm colors and their shades: red, yellow, orange, pink, crimson, scarlet, cherry, etc. Cold tones and their shades: blue, blue, purple, lilac, lilac, emerald, etc. To help the teacher: LG Paramonova I really like Flowers Tulips, daisies and lilies. I hope you love them too, They are very gentle, sweet. And remember, lily of the valley, jasmine, lilac and bird cherry. There is only one bluebell in the grass Suddenly raised its timid head Any flowers are good And even simple snowdrops. Never rush to tear them. They are very fragile, tender! G. Lagzdyn "Smell of meadows" The wind rushed sideways, Touched the smell of the meadow! The bell suddenly began to sing, the Poppy with the carnation blushed, Clover waved his cap, St. John's wort sighed lightly! Cornflowers turned blue Their eyes lights Two big-eyed insects Gathering honey on the porridge, They twisted their proboscises, Rolled their eyes into the sky. And field daisies, And meadow daisies Nod to yellow moths, Smiling, sing

21 “What color can you name” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to select objects in a certain color scheme, to develop the ability to navigate in warm and cold colors. To develop the monologue speech of children: what flowers are found in nature, and what color they are. Content: A set of pictures depicting flowers, name it and match it with a group of cold or warm shades. To help the teacher: RIDDLES AND POEMS ABOUT FLOWERS Flowers of cold tones Blue bell hangs. It never rings (BELL) Under the shade of a pine tree There is a purple flower (VIOLET) I herbaceous plant With a lilac flower, But rearrange the accent And I turn into a candy (IRIS) Bluebells. Eh, bells, blue color, With a tongue, but there is no ringing. Cornflower. Rye is earing in the field There, in the rye, you will find a flower Bright blue and fluffy Only a pity that it is not fragrant. A. Maikov "Snowdrop" Blue, pure, Snowdrop flower! And near the last snowball. First, little by little Zeleny put out his leg.

22 Then he stretched out with all his Little strength and quietly asked: “I see the weather is warm and clear; Tell me, is it really spring? A.K. Tolstoy "My bells" My bells, Flowers of the steppe! What are you looking at me, dark blue? And what are you ringing about On a merry May day, Among the uncut grass, Nodding your head? “What flower is gone” Purpose: to teach children to name the flowers of a “corner of nature” (Tradescantia, violet, Amazon lily, begonia) to develop visual memory, cultivate the desire to take care of plants. Material: flowers of the "corner of nature". Game progress The teacher puts plants from the "corner of nature" on the table, the children call them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and hides one plant. Children open their eyes, they must guess: which flower is gone, name it. “Care for flowers” ​​Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to care for plants of a “corner of nature”; choose the right things for care; develop memory, mindfulness, cultivate a desire to take care of plants. Material: watering can; rag; stick for loosening; a spray bottle and things unnecessary for care (a toy, a stone, a book, etc.). Game progress There are things on the table, the teacher invites the children to choose only those things that are needed for plant care. Children choose things and name what they do.

23 "Flower Shop" Purpose: to fix the names and external signs of flowers growing in the "corner of nature"; to learn to describe plants in two or three sentences to develop coherent speech, memory. Material: plants "corner of nature". Game progress The teacher "seller" invites the children to "buy" flowers, but plants can only be "buyed" when the flower is named and described. For example: “This is a violet, it has round, small, fluffy leaves. Her flowers are small, beautiful, delicate, purple. “What plants need to grow” (arrange the cards in order). Game "Tell me a word" I'm a fluffy ball Whitening in a clean field, And the breeze blew Remained (stalk). Golden and young For a week he became gray-haired. A day later, two bald head. I'll hide it in my pocket Former .. (dandelion). I am a herbaceous plant. With a lilac flower, But rearrange the accent And I will turn into a candy. (Iris). Everyone knows us Bright as a flame.

24 We, namesakes, With small nails. Admire the wild Scarlet. (carnations). Chamomile grows in the meadow, Buttercup is caustic, clover (porridge). Outdoor games Outdoor game "Wave, wreath" Purpose: to teach children how to dance; fix the names of the colors. Material: wreaths with flowers. Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play and distributes wreaths to everyone. Each child, choosing a rim - a wreath, names a flower, its color. The teacher says: “Flowers grew in the clearing. Here is a chamomile, here is another, and another. And these are cornflowers. Come, cornflowers, here! Hang on, wreath! Curl, wreath!" / an adult helps the children make a circle. What a beautiful, multi-colored wreath we got! Curl a wreath, curl! Together with the teacher, the children dance and sing any fun song. Outdoor game "Dandelions" Children "dandelions" in yellow hats run freely to the music. With the end of the music, they run to their chairs. The teacher reads a poem by V. Danko: Along the edge of the groove On the grassy sofa Dandelions sat in a cheerful crowd. Here the sun rose, Rolled like a ball. Looking for the red sun, Where are the dandelions. Then the teacher goes to look for "dandelions", which are hiding, covering their faces with their hands, saying: Yellow dandelion,

25 I'll rip you off. Yellow dandelion hid in the grass. The teacher, not finding "dandelions" leaves. The music plays again, the game repeats. Folk round dance game "Wreath" This game is played in the air. Choose a girl "Flower girl" or a boy "Gardener" and "flowers" "Chamomile", "Carnation", "Bell", "Dandelion". All children become in a round dance. "Flower Girl" stands aside. Not far from it are "flowers". All children lead a round dance and sing: We weave, weave a wreath We weave a field wreath. Ah-lu-li, ah-lu-li, We braid the field. "Chamomile" runs up to the "Flower Girl". Flower girl: White shirt, Yellow handkerchief... What's your name? Chamomile: Chamomile, a wild flower. Flower girl: Do you need chamomile? Children: Yes! Let him run here! "Chamomile" runs into the circle. The round dance continues to spin and sing: We weave, weave a wreath, We braid the field Ai-lyuli, ai-lyuli, We braid the field. "Carnation" runs up to the "Flower Girl". Flower girl: Small flower, Scarlet, fiery. The name of? Carnation: Carnation, field flower. Flower Girl: Do you need a carnation? Children: Yes! Let's run here! "Carnation" runs into the circle, spinning, singing along with the children: We weave, weave a wreath,

26 We braid the field. Ay-lyuli, ay-lyuli. We braid the field. At this time, the "Bell" runs up to the "Flower Girl". Flower girl: Not in the wilderness of spruce See you? Who are you? Bluebell: Purple bell I am! Flower girl: Do you need a bell? Children: Yes! Let's run here! "Bell" runs into the circle, takes "Chamomile" and "Carnation" by the hands. The round dance is spinning in one direction, the flowers in the other. Everyone sings: We weave, weave a wreath, We weave a field wreath. Ai-lyuli, ai-lyuli, We braid the field. Dandelion approaches the Flower Girl. Flower girl: Yellow sarafan, Just like a yolk! Who are you? Dandelion: Dandelion, wild flower! Flower girl: Do you need a dandelion? Children: Yes! Let it run here! "Dandelion" together with the "Flower Girl" enter the circle and stand with the flowers. Children lead a round dance in one direction. And the flower girl and the flowers go to another. We wove, wove a wreath, From the flowers of the field. Ah-lu-li, ah-lu-li From the flowers of the field. And who should wear a wreath? And who should wear it? Ai-lu-li, ai-lu-li, And who should wear it? The "flower girl" removes the wreath from her head and puts it on the head of the child she chooses. Danya will walk in it, Danichka will drive, Ayluli, ayluli, Danichka will drive. Danya becomes a "Gardener", new flowers are selected. The game is repeated.

27 "Dandelion" Dandelion, dandelion! (They squat, then slowly rise) The stem is thin, like a finger. If the wind is fast-fast (They scatter in different directions) It will fly into the clearing, Everything around will rustle. (They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-h-" And they will scatter in a round dance (They join hands and walk in a circle) And merge with the sky. Dynamic pause "Flowers grow in the meadow" Flowers of unprecedented beauty grow in the meadow. (Children squat) Flowers reach for the sun. With them. Get up and stretch yourself. (to your feet, stretch, raise your arms up) The wind blows sometimes, But it doesn't matter. (Swinging arms, swaying the torso) Flowers lean, Petals drop. (Tilts) And then they get up again And they still bloom. (Stand up, turn the body to the left - right) Psycho-gymnastics "I am a plant" (children close their eyes). - Imagine that you are small plants. You were put in warm, black earth. You are still small sprouts, very weak and fragile, defenseless. But someone's good hands are watering you, loosening the ground so that your roots can breathe. You start growing. Your petals have grown, the stem becomes strong. You are reaching for the light. How do you feel good on the windowsill and in the flower bed with other beautiful flowers. - Open your eyes. Did you enjoy being plants? And why? (They are looked after, loosen the ground, watered).

28 - Our plants on the windowsill and in the flower bed feel the same. We will take care of our flowers every day, they will be very pleased to live in our group. We will ask them: “Are you feeling well?” - And now let's carefully see if everything is in order in the corner where our houseplants live. Maybe some plant needs to be watered or loosened? Acquaintance with the scheme of planting flowers in a flower bed: dig up the ground, loosen it, make grooves, water it, plant seeds, cover it with earth, pour water over the grooves. Legends of flowers Have you ever wondered why they say summer is red about the time of year? "Red" in Ancient Russia called beautiful. How beautiful is summer? And it is beautiful with countless flowers blooming at this time of the year. Flowers are a symbol of the enduring beauty of the world. They make our life richer and happier, awaken in a person a love for goodness, for everything beautiful. Birthday, dates with your beloved, weddings, anniversaries, memorable dates and all this is certainly accompanied by flowers. Since ancient times, flowers have accompanied solemn events in the life of a person, who, in addition, attributed to them a mysterious power. In India, they believed: if a person sees how a lotus opens, then he will be happy all his life. In Ancient Russia, they believed that the fern flower on the night of Ivan Kupala gives a person power and opens treasures, and the water lily flower (grass-overcome) protects from all evil spirits. All flowers have their legends, stories. If a woman knew, What is overpowered-grass, She would always take it, Sew it into her belt, And wear it on herself.

29 How did flowers appear on Earth? Ivan Tsarevich was returning from Baba Yaga, he reached a large river, but there was no bridge. He waved his handkerchief three times to the right side, a marvelous rainbow hung over the river, and he moved along it to the other side. Waved twice to the left, the rainbow became a thin, thin bridge. Baba Yaga rushed after Ivan Tsarevich along this little bridge, reached the middle, and take it and break it off! The rainbow crumbled on both sides of the river into small fragments of flowers. Some flowers were kind from the traces of Ivan Tsarevich, while others were poisonous where Baba Yaga stepped. PION In Greece, there lived a healer named Peony. He treated people for various diseases with flowering grass. The grass flower was large, beautiful, fragrant. In the treatment, the healer also used the roots. The roots are dug out at night, because. they have less poison. In honor of this doctor, the miraculous flower Peony was named. A house in which there is a peony will not be struck by lightning. Peony helps women in labor during childbirth. Helps people with insomnia. False peony Maryin root has the same properties. LILAC In the spring the Sun with a rainbow went for a walk. The Sun was going down and its rays, mixing with the transfusion of the rainbow, sent to the Earth. Falling to the ground, they turned into yellow, orange, red, blue, white flowers. When the Sun reached the North, the rainbow had only two colors left: purple and white. The lilac color, mixed with the sun's rays, fell on a small bush, and it was covered with lilac flowers. And the white color, scattered over the ground, gave a white lilac. Happiness saw beautiful flowers and hid in their petals. Since then, they believe that on the lilac to find a flower with six petals to touch Happiness. Lilac is the first feeling of love. ROSE Rose is the undisputed queen of flowers! From time immemorial, she was worshiped, she was sung and loved. By the number of poems, songs, poetic legends and legends dedicated to her, the queen of flowers occupies an exceptional place. The very first information about the rose is already found in ancient Indian legends, according to which it was used in ancient india with such honor that there was even a law

30 whoever brought a rose to the king could ask him whatever he wanted. The gift of the gods was considered a rose and the ancient Greeks. She received the title of Queen of Flowers from the famous Sappho. And the appearance of her Greek poets clothed in a number of wonderful tales: a rose was born from the snow-white foam that covered the body of Aphrodite when she emerged from the sea. Seeing a flower, in its beauty not inferior to the goddess herself, the enchanted gods sprinkled it with nectar, which gave it a wonderful smell. However, due to the envy of some gods, this nectar did not give the rose immortality, and it remained as mortal as everything that is born on Earth. According to Persian mythology, all roses used to be white. But the nightingale fell in love with a rose and could not endure unrequited love. He threw himself on the thorns and died, and the rose has since become scarlet from his blood. The rose has the power of love, thanks to its delicate fragrance and extraordinary beauty. You will make a wonderful gift for a woman by giving her red roses. But never give white and red roses together: this is a symbol of separation, the disastrous love of Tristan and Isolde. VASILEK Who does not know the beautiful, blue as the southern sky, field cornflower. An old legend tells: once the sky reproached the ears of a grain field for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me,” it said, “flowers send me their fragrance, forests - a mysterious whisper, birds singing, only you do not express gratitude to me, although none other than I fill your roots with refreshing rain and make the full grains ripen in your golden ears. “On the contrary, we are grateful,” the ears of corn objected, “we adorn the earth with an ever-wavering and swaying sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgreenery. We are unable to express our gratitude in another way. We have no opportunity to ascend to you. Help us, and we will shower you with caresses and talk about love." "Well," said the sky, "if you cannot come up to me, then I will come down to you." And so the sky ordered the earth to grow wonderful blue flowers among the ears of a particle of itself. Once upon a time, the myth goes, centaurs, half horses, half people lived on earth. The wisest among them was Chiron, who became famous for his knowledge in medicine. Once a fierce battle broke out, and a poisoned arrow shot by Teracles accidentally seriously wounded Chiron. But the wise centaur did not die, he managed to find a plant that eased his suffering, it was a blue cornflower flower.

31 PANIES It is difficult to pass by these flowers. You look at them, and they seem to be looking at you. It is interesting that the Germans call pansies "stepmother", explaining that the lower, most round and beautiful petal is the stepmother, and her own daughters, the two upper ones, which are above and no less beautifully colored, are white, as if faded with a lilac tint. her poorly dressed stepdaughters. There is a legend that pansies are the girl Anyuta, turned into a flower for curiosity about someone else's life and peeping. Pansies think of me. VIOLE Among spring flowers modest fragrant violets stand out. The wonderful smell of violet, incomparable in its tenderness, and the pleasant combination of the violet color of the flower with the bright green of the leaves made it a favorite of man. The legend says that once the god of light Apollo pursued one of the daughters of the beauties of Atlas with his bright rays. The poor girl turned to Zeus with a request to shelter and protect her. The Great Thunderer, heeding the request, turned it into a wonderful violet and covered it in the shady greenery of the bushes. Since then, every spring the violet blossomed and filled the surrounding places with its fragrance. The daughter of Zeus once went to the forest for flowers and was kidnapped by Pluto just as she was plucking violets. She dropped the collected flowers from her hands to the ground, and these violets are blooming with us to this day. Violet is a symbol of shyness. AT Christian tradition symbolizes humility. Fragrant Violet Bloomed in the springtime With a gentle fragrance The whole forest was filled with it. IRISES Irises, or cockerels, are indispensable companions of our yard flower gardens. For its variegated flowers, covered with a kind of rainbow mesh, the plant is named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Irida. Translated from Greek, "iris" means rainbow. Among the people, this flower received the affectionate nickname "Kasatik". This flower holds the legend of Great love two young hearts of a fisherman and a fisherwoman. Early children lost their parents. Orphans were brought up by the whole fishing village. Since childhood, they were like brother and sister, and when they became adults, they fell in love with each other.

32 and decided to get married. But they did not have the money to get married, and the young man so wanted to give his bride a wedding gift. And then one day he sailed away from home in his old boat to catch a lot of fish. A young fisherwoman waited a long time for her beloved, but did not wait. She walked along the river bank and found the nets of her beloved with fish. And when she began to butcher the fish, in one of the largest fish she saw a precious sapphire stone. It burned with a blue flame; it was a wedding gift from a young fisherman. On the same evening, local fishermen saw yellow lights burning along the banks of the river. These flowers grew from the tears of a young widow, beautiful cockerel irises. And now, every spring, on the banks of rivers, lakes, channels, where in anguish and sadness, a heartbroken fisherwoman, looking for her beloved husband, irises bloom. TULIP In the golden bud of a yellow tulip, happiness was concluded. No one could reach this happiness, because there was no such force that could open a tulip bud. One day a woman with a child was walking through the meadow. The boy escaped from his mother's arms and with a sonorous laugh ran to the flower and the golden bud opened. Carefree childish laughter did what no power could do. The tulip is a symbol of pride among the Slavs. DANDELION When I was born, the first thing I saw was the sun. It was bright and beautiful. I was still thinking about what color to wear a shirt. Looked around: green grass, and above - a golden bright sun. It smiled at me and stroked me with its warm rays. The sun is kind, warm, warms everyone, and therefore flowers bloom from its warmth. And I wanted to become like the sun. The sun heard my request and dyed my shirt golden. And the color of the leaves gave me a soft emerald grass ant. And since then we have been great friends. The sun is waking up and I am with it. The sun goes to bed and I close my golden sun head. And the grass protects me from strong winds. And in bad weather, when it rains, the dandelion hides its head, and small insects hide in dandelions from the rain. And when the sun comes out, the flowers again pull their heads towards him to say to him: "Hello, sun!" And when a dandelion ages, it changes its sunny color to silver. And with the help of the wind, it spreads its seeds around. And with the advent of spring, new dandelions appear to meet the sun again, because they are so similar to it.

33 BELL In ancient times, people rode horses. The horses were driven by coachmen. Bells were hung on the arch of the horse, ringing merrily, they did not allow the driver to fall asleep on the road and get lost, especially in winter, during snowstorms, snowstorms, snowfalls. The location of a horse at such a time could be determined by the sound of a bell. Flowers grow in the steppe, they ring from the breath of the breeze, only their ringing is not as loud as that of metal bells. And if you listen in windy weather, you can hear a quiet ringing. The cap of these flowers resembles bells, which is why these flowers were called bells. Bluebells love the sun, like all flowers, their unopened buds are drawn to the sun. As soon as they open, they lower the buds down to protect the pistils and stamens from the rain. Bluebell flowers protect insects from bad weather because they are lowered with their heads down. My bells, Flowers of the steppe! Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues? FORGET-MENT Once upon a time, the goddess of flowers Flora descended to earth and began to bestow names on flowers. She gave a name to all the flowers, did not offend anyone and wanted to leave, but suddenly she heard a faint voice behind her: - "Do not forget me, Flora! Give me, please, some name!" Flora looked around and saw no one. She wanted to leave again, but the voice repeated: - Do not forget me, Flora! Give me a name too! And only then did Flora notice a small blue flower in the forbs. - Well, - said the goddess, - be a forget-me-not. Together with the name, I will endow you with miraculous power, you will return the memory to those people who begin to forget their loved ones or their homeland. Although the forget-me-not is small, it has been revered for centuries. In many countries, holidays were held in honor of her. In Germany, on "forget-me-not day," schoolchildren took part-time classes to go into the forest, sing songs, play, and then return home with a bouquet of forget-me-nots. According to the Baltic legend, forget-me-nots sprouted from the tears of the Elge bride, the shepherdess Likosa, when she was separated from her beloved, and since then they have been a symbol of memory, friendship and eternal love. If I go on a journey, He will look at me.

34 And whispers to me: "Do not forget About the native land!" The blue flower is fragile It is called forget-me-not. CHAMOMILE White daisies sisters, Daisies have white cilia. Daisies are dancing in the middle of the meadow, How similar they are to each other. ASTRA Astra, with its straight petals, has been called a "star" since ancient times. That's how you would call it yourself In it, the petals scattered in rays, From its golden core. Phloxes Like smart and colorful chintz, Like a festive new outfit. Happy phloxes covered, Flowering phloxes covered the whole garden. POEMS DANDELION Wears a dandelion Yellow sarafan. When he grows up, he will dress up In a little white dress: Light, airy, obedient to the breeze. FLOWER Hello, my dear flower, Spring guest of the forest! How beautifully you have blossomed Here in solitude! The breeze smiles and plays with you. The sun caresses you all day long.

35 GLADIOLUS At the porch of the house To guard a fresh flower bed A gladiolus stood guard, In translation, this is a "sword." And as if a strict warrior In light armor of petals Rising calmly Unapproachable and severe. VASILEK Blue cornflower bloomed in the field. What a beautiful little son. Blue shirt, blue belt. Little son, Himself, like a cornflower. FORGET-MENT They are apparently invisible Do not count them! And who only invented them Merry, blue? They must have torn off a piece of the sky, They conjured a little bit And made a flower. CLOVE Look, look, what a red light. This is a wild carnation New day is celebrating. And when the evening comes, The petals will turn the flower, Until the morning, until we meet again! And the fire goes out. ROSE They call me rose, Look at me. I am very fragrant

36 And full of color. By color and name This was given to me. And even the queen For the splendor was nicknamed. PANIES In the morning, washing with dew, How they bloomed! How adorned! But they fell under the scythe, And I asked: - What were they called? And it seemed for many days Something secret in this denouement: Too sad and tender they were Called "pansies". If I pick a flower... If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower If everything: me and you If we pick flowers, Then the trees and bushes will be empty And there will be no beauty. And there will be no kindness. If only you and me If we pick flowers (T. Sobakin) MYSTERIES Covered in dust, at least a little strength, It sticks out by the road. His legs are bent, His appearance is unpleasant. (Plantain.) The sun burns the top of my head, Wants to make a rattle. (Poppy.)

37 Eh, bells, blue, With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bell.) White peas On a green leg. (Lily of the valley.) Head on a leg, Peas in the head. (Mac.) What is born in the field, But is not good? (Cornflower.) There is a curl in the garden White shirt, Golden heart What is it? (Cornflower.) Rye is earing in the field, There, in the rye, you will find a flower Bright blue and fluffy, Only a pity that it is not fragrant. (Cornflower.) By snow-covered bumps, Under a white snow cap. We found a scarlet flower, Half-frozen, a little alive. (Snowdrop.) We walk on the carpet with you, Nobody wove it. Lies by the river blue, And yellow, and blue, and scarlet. (Meadow.) He fell dead into the ground, He got up alive from the ground. He dropped his red hat, And put people to sleep. (Poppy.)

38 Everyone is familiar with us: Bright as a flame, We are namesakes With small nails. Admire the wild Scarlets. (with carnations.) On green on a string White bells. (Lily of the valley.) Tales of flowers Tale of Vasilka Once upon a time in a village there lived a poor widow with her only son, Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy, and many girls looked at him. But Vasil paid no attention to any of them. From morning to night he worked in his field, and returning home, he went down to the river - to wash, relax, admire the sunset. He did not know that a mermaid lives in that river, that every evening she looks at him, parting the leaves of water lilies. He looks and sighs softly. - Ah, - the mermaid whispers, - if you fell in love with me, we would live with you in the depths of the river. Look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful I am underwater! When Vasil saw the mermaid, heard her words, flatly refused to leave his land, his field, did not want to even look at the beauty of the mermaid. - Then, - the beauty got angry, - do not get you to anyone! Become a flower in your field! A flower swayed among the rye. He was blue-blue, like Vasil's eyes, like deep water in a river! And people called that flower cornflower - in memory of the disappeared young man. * * * And believe the fairy tale or not, but one thing is true in it: the blue cornflower grows only among the rye, and if it is found in another place, it means that once there was a rye field here. In those countries where rye was not sown, they did not know about blue cornflower, for example, in Ancient Egypt. In general, cornflowers - more than 550 species! Among them there are not at all blue: they are lilac-red, and pinkish, and almost white. People look at cornflowers - admire,

39 collect bouquets from them, weave wreaths. But the farmers are not very happy with such beauty: cornflowers deplete the soil, when there are many of them, they destroy crops. They are also harmful to animals - cows, horses. If they eat cornflowers, they may even die. And yet it would be wrong to condemn this flower: in nature there are no useless plants. Benefits and cornflower. There is a lot of honey in its flowers: bees, bumblebees hover over them. Folk healers believed that tincture of cornflower flowers helps with colds and inflammation. And modern medicine uses the healing properties of cornflower ... Here it is, a cornflower flower! (Oleg Tikhomirov) White rose from the Unknown Garden Turkish tale of a beautiful rose Once upon a time there lived an eastern king - a mighty padishah. Many envied his riches, and for the padishah, more than all treasures was only daughter- beautiful princess. Wonderful roses bloomed around the padishah's palace. He looked at them once and exclaimed: - Not one of the most beautiful roses in the world can be compared with the beauty of my daughter! The evil witch heard this and became very angry. Still would! After all, she lived in an unknown garden, where her favorite white rose bloomed. She took care of her more than her eyes and made her daughter guard the rose bush day and night. At the same moment, the sorceress appeared in front of the padishah: - How dare you say that your daughter is more beautiful than the most beautiful rose ?! she screamed. - You will regret your words: from this moment on, the princess will become dumb, like a flower, and will live as if in a dream! Only a white rose from my unknown garden will remove witchcraft, but let someone try to get it! As if in a fog, she looked around her and did not recognize anyone. The padishah was in despair, and he sent heralds to all corners. - To the one who gets a white rose from the Unknown Garden and disenchants the princess - to that padishah will give her as a wife! they said. These rumors reached the royal son of a distant state. And he decided to go in search of the Unknown Garden in order to get the White Rose and save the beautiful girl. Difficult was his way through the mountains and deserts. The robbers took away his horse, and he wandered on foot, in tattered clothes, without food or drink. He had already begun to think that he would die here, in these wild places, when he suddenly heard the singing of birds, and went to their voices.

40 He walked, not making out the way, until he fell exhausted at some high gate. They were wide open, and the birdsong now sounded very close. The young man raised his head and saw a beautiful garden in front of him - from there it wafted freshness and coolness, there was a wondrous smell of flowers. - What is it?! Have I reached the Unknown Garden? - he said and wanted to enter the gate. But then a huge cat blocked his way. "You're not mistaken," she meowed. - This is indeed the Unknown Garden! And I am the owner's daughter. Who are you and how did you get here? He told her the whole truth. The big cat thought. She felt sorry for the unfortunate princess to tears, and she liked the brave young man very much. In addition, she was rather tired of guarding this rose - she had long wanted to walk around the wide world for her own pleasure. She herself led him to the place where the White Rose bloomed: - Take your flower, but run away from here without looking back until my mother returns - she will tear you to shreds! - shouted the cat. The young man plucked a flower - and at the same moment all his fatigue was removed as if by hand. He rushed headlong out of the garden. He ran so fast that even an arrow could not catch up with him. After some time, he reached the padishah's palace and, as soon as he pinned the White Rose to his daughter's hair, the evil charms disappeared, all the power of the evil sorceress. The happy padishah did not know how to thank the young man, and gladly gave him his daughter as a wife. And the White Rose itself was transferred to their garden, became a magnificent rose bush. They say it still blooms there. * * * * * People have made up many other legends and tales about the beautiful rose. She is called the queen of flowers for her incomparable beauty. Since ancient times, she has been a common favorite. In ancient Greece, the bride was decorated with roses, they strewed the path of the winners when they returned from the war; they were dedicated to the gods, many temples were surrounded by beautiful rose gardens. During excavations, scientists found coins on which roses were depicted. And in ancient Rome, this flower decorated the houses of only very rich people. When they held feasts, the guests were showered with rose petals, and their heads were decorated with wreaths of roses. The rich bathed in rosewater baths; wine was made from roses, they were added to dishes - for example, to sugar, jelly, to various sweets that are still loved in the East. And then roses began to be grown in other countries. They were loved everywhere, and are now bred in gardens and parks, in greenhouses and on special plantations. Gardeners-scientists are developing more and more new varieties of these magnificent

41 colors; more than twenty-five thousand of them are already known! What kind of roses you will not see at flower markets and flower shows! Large and small, with smooth petals and terry, with a faint, barely perceptible smell and fragrant ... And what colors and shades! white, cream, red - from bright scarlet to almost black ... But roses are never blue - except in fairy tales. People "taught" roses to bloom many times: after all, all the old varieties upset the lovers of these flowers very much because their life was short. Even one rose is a wonderful gift. And what to say about the bouquet! They are given on special, solemn occasions. But roses are loved and appreciated not only for their beauty. They are needed by confectioners, doctors, perfumers. Here is at least rose oil. It is worth its weight in gold. Still would! Indeed, in order to extract one kilogram of oil, it will take about 500 kg of rose petals ... in some countries, for example, in Bulgaria, rose oil is produced in large quantities, and roses are bred on huge plantations for this. All roses are from the same family: pink, or rosaceous. The family is very large. Not everyone knows what kind of plants, except for roses, it includes. Here, for example, a rosehip. This is a wild type of rose. There is a whole pharmacy in its fruits: there are ten times more vitamins here than in oranges and lemons ... Apple, pear, cherry, cherry, peach, almond - they are all from the same family, just like many berry plants - raspberries, blackberries, wild strawberries, strawberries... It's hard to imagine how humans, animals, and birds can do without all of them! And how many interesting things could be told about each of these plants! (Oleg Tikhomirov) PARABLE Rose and chamomile. How many flowers grew in the garden: tulips and gladioli, daffodils and peonies. But the most beautiful was the rose. - Oh, how beautiful she is! peonies said. - She is gorgeous! whispered gladioli. And the envious tulips kept blushing with anger. A very, very inconspicuous daisy grew in the garden. She silently admired the beauty of the rose. Everything has its turn: time has passed, everyone got used to the beauty of the rose and stopped praising it. And the rose was offended, so she began to scold other flowers: - Just look how ridiculous and lanky gladioli are! How tastelessly overdressed peonies! Once the gardener watered the flowers with cold water, and the sissy rose caught a cold. She sneezed and sneezed. Chamomile was very sorry for her. She is

42 warmed the water in her palms, tore off the petals from her dress and insisted on the water. “Drink this, please, you will feel better,” she said to the rose. - What do you want, slut! Don't touch my velvet dress! Chamomile nevertheless persuaded the rose to drink medicinal tea, and the rose recovered. She again bathed under the shower head of the watering can and was no longer sick. This is what happens to people: good people they are not always noticeable, but the bad ones are always visible, and their words prickle like the thorns of roses. Girl and Chamomile On a clear sunny morning, a little girl went out to play in a green meadow. Suddenly he hears: someone is crying. The girl listened and understood: crying comes from under a stone that lies on the edge of the clearing. The stone is small, like a rabbit's head, but very hard. The girl came up to the stone and asked: - Who is crying under the stone? - It's me, Chamomile, - a quiet, weak voice was heard. Release me, girl, it's hard for me under a stone. The girl moved the stone and saw a delicate pale stalk of Chamomile. “Thank you, girl,” Chamomile said, straightening her shoulders and taking a deep breath. You freed me from the Stone Captivity. - How did you get under the stone? asked the girl. “Stone Captivity deceived me,” Chamomile answered. I was then a small chamomile seed. In the fall, I was looking for a warm corner. Shelter gave me Stone Captivity, promised to protect from heat and cold. And when I wanted to see the sun, he almost crushed me. I want to be your girl. The girl came to Chamomile, and together they met the sun. - How nice to be yours, girl! Chamomile often spoke. - And if you grew up in the forest or on the side of the road? If you were a draw? asked the girl. “I would die of grief,” Chamomile said quietly. But I know that nobody's colors exist. They are always somebody. This Red Poppy is friends with the Sun. The sun whispers to him: "You are mine, Red Poppy." I hear that whisper as the sun rises and the poppy opens its petals. And that Cornflower is a friend of the Spring Wind. Spring Wind is the first to fly to Vasilko every morning, wakes him up, whispers: "Wake up!" A flower could not live if it were nobody's.

43 Tale of the cornflower. Who does not know the beautiful, blue as the southern sky, field cornflower. An old legend tells: once the sky reproached the ears of a grain field for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me,” it said, “flowers send me their fragrance, forests - a mysterious whisper, birds singing, only you do not express gratitude to me, although none other than I fill your roots with refreshing rain and make the full grains ripen in your golden ears. “On the contrary, we are grateful,” the ears of corn objected, “we adorn the earth with an ever-wavering and swaying sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgreenery. We are unable to express our gratitude in another way. We have no opportunity to ascend to you. Help us, and we will shower you with caresses and talk about love." "Well," said the sky, "if you cannot come up to me, then I will come down to you." And so the sky ordered the earth to grow wonderful blue flowers among the ears of a particle of itself. Once upon a time, the myth goes, centaurs, half horses, half people lived on earth. The wisest among them was Chiron, who became famous for his knowledge in medicine. Once a fierce battle broke out, and a poisoned arrow shot by Teracles accidentally seriously wounded Chiron. But the wise centaur did not die, he managed to find a plant that eased his suffering, it was a blue cornflower flower. The Tale of the Dandelion. When I was born, the first thing I saw was the sun. It was bright and beautiful. I was still thinking about what color to wear a shirt. I looked around: green grass, and above - a golden bright sun. It smiled at me and stroked me with its warm rays. The sun is kind, warm, warms everyone, and therefore flowers bloom from its warmth. And I wanted to become like the sun. The sun heard my request and dyed my shirt golden. And the color of the leaves gave me a soft emerald grass ant. And since then we have been great friends. The sun is waking up and I am with it. The sun goes to bed and I close my golden sun head. And the grass protects me from strong winds. And in bad weather, when it rains, the dandelion hides its head, and small insects hide in dandelions from the rain. And when the sun comes out, the flowers again pull their heads towards him to say to him: "Hello, sun!" And when a dandelion ages, it changes its sunny color to silver. And with the help of the wind, it spreads its seeds around. A with

With the advent of spring, new dandelions appear to meet the sun again, because they are so similar to it. BELL In ancient times, people rode horses. The horses were driven by coachmen. Bells were hung on the arch of the horse, ringing merrily, they did not allow the driver to fall asleep on the road and get lost, especially in winter, during snowstorms, snowstorms, snowfalls. The location of a horse at such a time could be determined by the sound of a bell. Flowers grow in the steppe, they ring from the breath of the breeze, only their ringing is not as loud as that of metal bells. And if you listen in windy weather, you can hear a quiet ringing. The cap of these flowers resembles bells, which is why these flowers were called bells. Bluebells love the sun, like all flowers, their unopened buds are drawn to the sun. As soon as they open, they lower the buds down to protect the pistils and stamens from the rain. Bluebell flowers protect insects from bad weather because they are lowered with their heads down. My bells, Flowers of the steppe! Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues? Artistic creativity Drawing (printing with a finger) Theme: “Colorful meadow” Program tasks: to invite children to convey in drawings the beauty of the surrounding nature; continue to learn to draw with gouache paints; to consolidate knowledge of the names of flowers (chamomile, cornflower, poppy, bell) and the colors of paints corresponding to them; evoke a positive emotional response in children. Material: paper blanks with the image of a green meadow, the sky and the solar disk, gouache, diluted on the palette. Stroke: Educator: a bright sun came out and from the sun glare red, yellow and orange flowers grew on a green meadow: poppies, carnations,

45 dandelions. The blue-blue sky was reflected in forget-me-nots, bluebells and cornflowers. Clouds decorated the clearing with white daisies. Children "plant" colorful flower spots using their fingers and gouache paints. At the end, the children talk about what flowers they got. Manual labor Theme: "Bouquet wildflowers» Program tasks: to teach, together with the teacher, to make simple paper flowers, to consolidate the skills of working with ready-made forms; gluing methods. Raise interest in nature, respect for it. Material: colored paper, glue. Move: Educator: Guys, look at the picture. What a beautiful bouquet! How you want to see a bouquet of wild flowers on your table! But picking flowers is not a good thing. Let's make flowers ourselves. - What do you think. what can be made from? (from colored paper). - Guys, what meadow flowers do you know? (chamomile, bluebell, cornflower, dandelion). - Look, I have blanks for flowers on my plates. - What do you think, what kind of flower will turn out from yellow circles of different sizes, cut in a circle? (dandelion). - And from the blue and blue bags? What do they look like? (bells). -And from white flagella and yellow circles? (chamomile). - No flower can be without leaves. What color are the leaves? Children make a flower of their choice. The teacher provides assistance, reminds the sequence of gluing. Educator: Now we have a bouquet of wild flowers. Let's name all the flowers in our bouquet (chamomile, cornflower, dandelion, bluebell, poppy). This bouquet will delight us with its beauty, it will become more elegant in our group, and real, fresh flowers will remain in the meadow, delight everyone around.

46 Drawing “Rain ley-ley-ley, flowers will grow soon!” Children draw droplets and centers of flowers with their fingers. Exercise with sticks "Flower stems" Lay out sticks instead of flower stems. Find and display identical flowers. Application "Flowers in a Vase" Stick a vase, and let beautiful flowers stand in it. How many flowers are in the vase? Bas-relief modeling “Beautiful flowers” ​​Tear off pieces from plasticine, apply them to the picture, put a flower on top of the plasticine and press firmly with your finger.

47 Handmade "Flowerbed" Children make a flatbread flowerbed from salt dough and press and plant flowers into pasta. How many red flowers? One. How many yellow flowers? Two. How many orange flowers? Three. Collective exercise "We arrange a flower bed" Children pour millet into the tray with shovels, level it with a rake and stick artificial flowers into the cereal. Then watered from a watering can (imitation). coloring pages

48 Origami "Tulips" We bend the corners of the edges inwards. Description and diagram in pictures: We fold a square sheet of pink (red) color diagonally and place the top at the top. We bend the lower right and left corners towards the center overlapping each other so that the corners protrude beyond the main triangle. The sharp corner formed at the bottom is bent back. Got a flower. Bend the green square diagonally and unfold. Place the square upside down. Bend the right and left corners from the top corner to the center fold line. Fold the figure in half vertically. We turn the bottom corner towards ourselves to the side - we get a leaf.

49 "Flower" "Grass"

PASSPORT OF HOUSE PLANTS SECOND JUNIOR GROUP OF GENERAL DEVELOPMENT No. 3 "Sun" Symbols Endurance Hardy Capricious 18 C Air humidity Normal temperature Regular spraying Direct rays Diffused light Relation to light Penumbra Shade Watering Good drying of the earth pallet Violet Light: intense diffused. In spring and summer, shade from direct sunlight. Temperature: in the spring-summer period - 20-24°С. In the autumn-winter period, the temperature should not be lower than 12°C. The plant does not tolerate drafts, especially in winter. Watering: abundant in the spring and summer, watered moderately in the autumn and winter, when watering, drying out and excessive waterlogging of the substrate should not be allowed. Air humidity: spraying, especially during the heating season. Violet is a herbaceous rhizome plant with short fleshy leaves, dark green leaves densely planted together, red-violet below, about 15 cm long. SANSEVIERIA (PIKE TAIL) Light: bright diffused light, tolerates both light partial shade and shadow. But for variegated plants, bright intense light is needed, as the variegated color of the leaves is lost in the shade. Temperature: in the spring-summer period it prefers a moderate temperature within 18-25 ° C, in the autumn-winter period the temperature should not fall below 14-16 ° C for a long time, in the event of a prolonged decrease in temperature, the plant becomes ill. Watering: moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry out. In winter, watering is limited. When watering, especially in winter, water should not be allowed to enter the center of the outlet - this can cause decay. Air humidity: It is useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Sansevieria is a perennial rhizomatous evergreen herbaceous plant with erect succulent lanceolate leaves. It usually blooms in spring, in April - May, with small white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. At night, they emit a fairly strong aroma of vanilla. FICUS BENJAMINA Light: bright diffused. Temperature: in spring and summer 23-25°C, in winter most species need a temperature of 12-15°C, but they tolerate wintering well in the warmth of a dwelling. Watering: plentiful in the spring-summer period. In autumn, watering is reduced, in winter it is watered moderately. Air humidity: the plant is able to tolerate dry air, but responds well to spraying. Ficus does not like change, so it is better to immediately determine a permanent place for it and, if possible, do not transfer, move or disturb it. In summer, ficus can be taken out to fresh air, a balcony or terrace. For ficus, a bright place with shading from direct sunlight in summer is suitable. GERANIUM (pelargonium) Light: bright. The plant tolerates direct sunlight. Temperature: in summer - room temperature. In winter, pelargoniums are kept as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12 ° C. Watering: moderate, as pelargoniums do not like waterlogging. In winter, the plants are watered very sparingly. Humidity: May be sprayed on hot days. Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, and in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. It is easy to care for, seldom diseased, requires moderate watering and not too nutritious earth mixture, drought tolerant, and has a high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences. Dracaena bordered Light: Bright place, partial shade, does not tolerate direct sunlight. Intense light is needed for good growth and development. Dracaena grows well under artificial lighting. Temperature: Moderate, not below 15°C, most dracaena prefer a cool overwintering at a temperature of 10-12°C. Watering: Abundant in summer, moderate in winter. Does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot or drying out an earthen coma. Dracaena are suitable for growing hydroponically. Air humidity: Dracaena is resistant to dry air, regular spraying. It is a perennial plant growing up to 3 m in height, with a thick woody stem, which usually has little branching and is very bare. Leaves up to 50 cm long, about 1-2 cm wide, glossy, narrow-lanceolate. The color of the leaves is predominantly green, but depending on the variety, it may have yellow or red stripes. SPATIFILLUM Light: In summer, shade from direct sunlight, i.e. bright place, light partial shade. Good lighting is a must in winter. Temperature: It develops well only in warmth, not below 18°C, the optimum temperature is 22-23°C. Does not tolerate drafts. Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, more moderate in winter, but the soil should never dry out completely. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate stagnant water in the roots. Air humidity: Likes very humid air, regular spraying and washing of leaves is required. Before spraying, you need to cover the flowers and buds. Homeland South America East Asia , Polynesia. If you choose a suitable place for this herbaceous plant, then it can bloom almost all year round. In addition, spathiphyllum begins to bloom at a fairly early age - after 6-7 months. The flowers last quite a long time - more than a month. Large specimens are grown in tubs. ZAMIOKULKAS Light: bright. The plant is able to tolerate direct sunlight. With a lack of lighting, it can stretch. Temperature: from spring to autumn, a temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C is suitable for Zamiokulkas; in winter it is desirable to keep the plant at a temperature of about 16°C. Watering: moderate from spring to autumn, careful in winter, when kept cool, watered after the substrate has dried to at least 1/2 the height of the pot. Air humidity: does not play a significant role. Zamioculcas is a very beautiful ornamental leafy plant with chic leaves, came to us from East Africa, belongs to the aroid family. Zamioculcas takes root and grows very slowly CRASSULAS Light: bright. The plant needs direct sunlight. Temperature: in the spring-summer period around 20-25°C. In autumn and winter, it is desirable to lower the temperature to 10-15°C. Watering: plentiful in spring and summer. Rare in autumn and winter, after the substrate has dried. Air humidity: does not play a significant role. Crassula or "money tree", as well as zhiryanka and "monet tree" - all these are the names of succulent plants that belong to the Crassula family. Plants have a beautiful tree trunk. The tree blooms, but few have seen this miracle. SYNGONIUM Lighting. windows on the east or west side. Temperature. 18 to 24 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be less - 16-18 degrees. Watering. From spring to autumn, water immediately after the top layer of soil dries, and in winter - a couple of days after the soil dries from above. Humidity. It is recommended to spray twice a day in the hot season - in the morning and in the evening. Syngonium is a large evergreen liana of the aroid family, the birthplace of this plant is South and Central America. Young bright green leaves are arrow-shaped. In an adult plant, aerial roots appear to absorb moisture, and the leaves become dissected to the base, silvery in color, on which dark veins stand out well. Calathea Lighting. shade-tolerant Temperature. 18 to 20 degrees, protected from drafts Watering. hygrophilous Humidity. Spraying is not recommended. Calathea is a perennial herbaceous plant with erect or decumbent shoots. The leaves of the plant appear directly from the ground on tall and strong petioles. Very large leaves of calathea have an oblong-oval shape. The height of the plant is approximately 50-80 cm. The leaf blades of the plant are rather narrow, with a pointed upper edge, they are oval, elliptical or heart-shaped. Mini plant passports for plant pots, pre-print, laminate, cut out. Take tubes for juice, cut in half, make small incisions from one edge, insert a laminated card into the incision - the mini-passport of the plant. Requirements for the selection of plants corner of nature. The corner of nature provides an opportunity to focus children's attention on a small number of plants, on their most typical features, thereby providing deeper and more solid knowledge. The variety of plants that children encounter directly in nature makes it difficult to single out what is common, essential, and regular in plant life. The spatial proximity of plants in a corner of nature also matters. Children get the opportunity to look at plants well, to observe them for a long time. When selecting plants for a corner of nature, the requirements of the program should be taken into account. Only under this condition can an educational and educational impact on children be ensured. - Plants in a corner of nature should be outwardly attractive, capable of attracting and retaining the still not very stable attention of a preschooler. - It is necessary to have several copies of the same type; children see in the objects of observation not only general, but also individual signs, which will lead them to an understanding of the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms. - Plants must be absolutely safe, not bring the slightest harm to the health of children. - It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life, growth and development of plants in the conditions of the preschool educational institution. - A corner of nature should please the eye, decorate the interior. Plants must be placed so that children can move freely, approach them, observe and work in a corner of nature. Plants corner of nature in the younger groups. In the younger groups, they take into account, first of all, the peculiarities of children's perception of objects (kids highlight bright signs and properties.) Children must learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants, their main parts: leaf, stem, flower. Children of the 2nd younger group are involved in caring for plants: they are poured with water prepared by adults (he also determines the dosage), they wipe large leathery leaves of plants with a damp cloth. Plants with clearly defined main parts (stem, leaves) and bright, abundant and long blooming are placed in the corner of nature of the younger groups: primrose, begonia, common or zonal geranium, balsam, clivia, aspidistra, ficus, tradescantia, dracaena, Chinese rose. Of these species, during the year, 3-4 plants are brought in, and some of them must be in duplicate so that children find the same plants. 18 C 18 C Crassula 18 C Zamioculcas 18 C Syngonium Geranium Sanseviera Ficus 18 C 18 C Dracaena Spathiphyllum 18 C Violet 18 C Calathea

Plants in the kindergarten group, in addition to aesthetic, also have a number of educational and educational functions. Children learn to take care of plants, understand the relationships in nature, and be responsible.

When designing an appropriate corner of nature in a group, the requirements must be strictly observed:

  • Plants must be safe (this was stated in previous sanitary and epidemiological requirements. In the current SanPins, the phrase about plant safety has been removed as a matter of course). Moreover, if one of the preschoolers is allergic to any plant, then it should be removed immediately.
  • The group should have such plants that preschoolers can be involved in the care of. Starting from the age of three, kids are actively involved in the process of caring for flowers.
  • Plants should be attractive to keep the attention of preschoolers.
  • Flowers selected for a corner in a group must belong to the ecosystem in which the preschool is located. As a rule, these are unpretentious plants, the care of which is not difficult.
  • Plants should be represented by several copies so that children can form an objective idea of ​​​​a particular type of plant species.

Specific tasks, types of plants are spelled out in the educational program. For example, in the main "Program of education and training in kindergarten» edited by M.A. Vasilyeva (hereinafter the Program), which is chosen as a priority by more than 50% of preschool institutions, a clear description of the duties of preschoolers and the tasks of educators in certain age groups. In our article, we will rely on this Program.

Plants in the 2nd junior group

The program prescribes:

  • Introduce indoor plants (ficus, geranium).
  • Understand that plants need land, water, and air to grow.

While the acquaintance of children with plants occurs at the simplest level. Children learn to recognize several types of plants by their characteristic features (leaf shape, color, smell), to distinguish between their parts (stem, leaf, flower).

Starting from the age of three, children are actively involved in caring for plants. Teachers pour water into watering cans. Kids learn how to properly hold watering cans, water plants in the kindergarten group, and wipe large plants with a damp cloth.

At this age, preschoolers are attracted to bright colors. For a corner of nature, long-flowering plants are chosen, such as: common geranium, ficus, fuchsia, ever-flowering begonia, camellia, Chinese rose, balsam. The number of species does not exceed three or four.

Plants in the middle group

The program prescribes:

  • To consolidate knowledge about herbaceous and indoor plants (balsam, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose and others), how to care for them.
  • To expand children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals, plants (air, water, food, etc.).

From the age of 4, children learn to see a variety of properties and qualities. They already more easily distinguish the features of plants, understand the processes that are necessary for the life of flowers.

Children's help becomes more structured. They learn to water the plants in the kindergarten group with a fine mesh watering can, spray with a spray bottle, clean the drooping leaves with a dry brush, and the leaves with a damp cloth or a notched brush. Preschoolers are already able to independently determine whether the plant needs watering or not, based on the color of the earth (if the earth is dry, you need to water it, if the earth is dark, the plant does not need watering).

To the variety of plant species from last year's group, are added: aloe or agave, rex begonia, fragrant geranium, zonal geranium, aspargus.

Plants in the senior group

The Program prescribes:

  • Continue to introduce houseplants.
  • Learn to take care of plants.
  • Describe the methods of vegetative propagation of plants.

Children's knowledge becomes more in-depth. Preschoolers are told what is needed for the growth of a plant, which can lead to its death. Children learn how to care for plants based on appearance stem and leaves. A new topic is the reproduction of plants vegetatively, using stem cuttings.

Five years is the age at which a child can take care of plants on his own, without the help of a teacher.

Some of the plants from last year are distributed to parents or given to a younger group. At the same time, plants with various stems (creeping, climbing) with bulbs can take their place: tradescantia, climbing ivy, cactus, cyclamen, primrose, amaryllis, clivia, indoor grapes.

Plants in the preparatory group

The program prescribes:

  • Concretize children's ideas about living conditions indoor plants.
  • To acquaint with the methods of their vegetative propagation (cuttings, leaves, mustaches).
  • Learn to establish relationships between the state of the plant and environmental conditions.
  • Familiarize with medicinal plants(plantain, nettle and others).

Children are told about the seasonality of plants, about the main stages of their growth and development, about the patterns of reproduction using leaf cuttings.

Plants are added to the corner that are radically “opposite” in their needs: cactus and uzambar violet - on the one hand (plants that do not need constant watering), and papyrus, tradescantia, primrose - on the other side (plants that need constant watering) .

Into the corner of nature of the younger groups plants are placed that have clearly defined main parts (stem, leaves) and bloom brightly, profusely and for a long time. This is an ordinary (or zonal) geranium, fuchsia, ever-flowering begonia, balsam ("light"), azalea, Chinese rose, etc. Children and plants with variegated leaves attract the attention - aukuba ("golden" or "sausage" tree) , coleus. Aukuba and Chinese rosan (small sizes), in addition, have sufficiently large and strong leaves on which children of the second youngest group can be taught the first simple methods of keeping plants clean. The same techniques can be taught to children in the process of caring for young aralia, ficuses. Of these species, 3-4 plants are introduced for observation during the year. One of them should be in duplicate, so that children can learn to find the same plants.

In winter, the ficus also needs light, so the plant pots are moved closer to the window. And variegated forms, such as ficus benjamin, can stand all winter even on the southern window. With a lack of lighting in winter, weak and twisted shoots and leaves are formed.

Ficuses propagate by cuttings. From the shoot, you can get as many cuttings as there are leaves on it. The propagating stalk should consist of one leaf with an intact eye and half of the lower internode without an eye. After cutting the cutting, it is dipped in warm water to stop the secretion of milky juice. For better rooting, a cut or split is made at the bottom of the cutting (for a cutting with hard wood it is cross-shaped, for a cutting with soft wood there is one cut). It is better to root the cuttings with soil heating and covering the cutting with a plastic bag.

For all ficuses, such a soil mixture is best suited - 2 parts of leaf, 1 part of peat soil and 1 part of humus. Ficuses do not like being planted in dishes much larger than them. root system, so they are transplanted when the roots are supposed to fill the entire pot or tub. At the same time, they grow quite quickly, therefore, the soil during transplantation should be nutritious, in addition, fertilizer top dressing is carried out in spring and summer (they respond well to top dressing with organic fertilizers, rotted cow manure or store fertilizer "Giant" is well suited for this). Ficuses can also be fed with fertilizers such as "Rainbow" and "Palm". Old specimens of large ficuses are transplanted very rarely - after 5-6 years. But every year you can replace the top layer of the earth with a new one. You should also replace the top layer of the earth if a white crust appears on it - a salt coating.

Temperature: preferably moderate, not lower than 18 °C. They like to "keep their feet warm" - do not put a ficus pot on a cold windowsill, marble or tile floor, etc. In an above-moderate temperature room, the leaves begin to hang down.

Lighting: All varieties of rubber ficus prefer a bright place, with protection from direct sunlight. Variegated forms need a lighter and warmer place than dark-leaved forms.

Watering: Moderate, does not like waterlogging of the soil. Water at room temperature, well settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks.

Humidity: Leaves should be wiped regularly with a damp sponge.

Transfer: It is carried out in the spring, when the roots will braid the entire earthen ball, young plants in a year or two, old ones in a few years.

Reproduction: Apical cuttings, for better rooting with soil heating and covering the cuttings with a plastic bag.

The Aralia family (Araliaceae) includes 84 genera of herbaceous plants and trees, including the genus Polyscias. This genus includes about 80 species of trees and shrubs originating from Polynesia and tropical regions of Asia - most of them are called Aralia. Plants are great for indoor growing. They tolerate lighting at 11 lux and above. Some dwarf varieties are great for growing in 10-20 cm pots, others can be used as outdoor support plants, a number of species are ideal for bonsai.

Aralia can be propagated by layering softwood stem tips and twigs or pieces of a mature stem, even without foliage. Layers should be planted in well-moistened soil, an important condition is good drainage and moisture capacity. The rooting process can be accelerated with the help of root hormones.

If possible, during the breeding season, the soil temperature should be kept at 21-24°C. The soil factor should be kept at 6.0, for this calcium and magnesium can be added to the soil. The amount of dolomite used will depend on the initial acidity of the soil. It is necessary to fertilize the plant once a month (after rooting), the ratio of elements is 3-1-2 to 2-1-2. The range of illumination that provides good growth and dark green leaves is 135 - 400 lux. Optimum temperature for Aralia growth is 21-29°C.

Possible problems of physiology:

1) Quick shedding of old foliage

Signs: Old leaves show signs of chlorosis, then fall off (possibly no signs of chlorosis). Usually occurs in late autumn or early winter, usually caused by a sudden drop in temperature to 4-12°C, the use of ethylene or other toxic fuel to heat greenhouses. Also, strong leaf fall will be observed with excessive drying of the plant.

Decision: Protect the plant from low temperatures. Plants usually recover slowly after this type of damage. Monitor the work of heaters, Check them before the start of the season. Avoid drying out the soil.

2) Slow growth and loss of old foliage.

Symptoms: Often the cause is bad development root system, fungal infection and root rot are possible.

Decision: When planting, use sterilized or well-dried soil. Do not over-deepen the layers when planting.

3) Slow and uncertain rooting.

Symptoms: Stem cuttings are very slow to root, and the percentage of successfully rooted plants is not high.

Decision: Keep the temperature of the Aralia root zone in the range of 21-24°C. It is advisable to use hormonal powder. Do not use cuttings or cuttings that have been stored for a long time.

Geranium room or Pelargonium felt.

Temperature: 0-20 C

Lighting: sufficient, partial shade

Humidity: Moderate

Watering: copious, limited in winter

Top dressing: once a week with liquid fertilizer from late spring to early autumn

Reproduction: seeds, stem cuttings in spring

Pests: mealybug and red spider mite

Purpose: pot culture, in "bottle gardens", terrarium, greenhouses

Donkey family.


Temperature: Moderate or cool throughout the year, at temperatures above 18-20 ° C, fuchsia sheds flowers and leaves, until the death of the plant. In winter, not below 6 ° C, fuchsias prefer a cool overwintering at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.

Lighting: Fuchsia is very photophilous, while the light should be diffused, fuchsia can get burned from direct sunlight. Well fuchsia will grow on east windows.

Watering: Abundant in summer, the soil should be slightly damp all the time. In winter, watering is moderate or limited, depending on the temperature. With insufficient watering, fuchsia sheds buds and flowers.

Fertilizer: From March to September, fuchsia is fed with mineral fertilizer for flowering houseplants.

Air humidity: In summer, fuchsia is periodically sprayed. On hot summer days, you can place the plant on a pallet with wet pebbles.

Transfer: Every year in the spring. Soil - 3 parts of clay-turf and 2 parts of peat land with the addition of 1 part of sand. It is better to make drainage in a pot or tub.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings in spring or summer, which are rooted with the use of root formation stimulants (heteroauxin, root).

Begonia evergreen

Temperature: Moderate temperatures above 20°C are undesirable for these begonias. Winter temperature is about 17-18°С, but not lower than 15°С.

Lighting: Bright lighting, with obligatory protection from direct sunlight during the hot part of the day. During flowering, begonias should not be crowded on the windows, so that one flower does not block the other. To maintain the correct growth, they are periodically turned on the windows.

Watering: Abundant in spring and summer, but do not flood, because. begonias do not like stagnant water, as well as the drying up of an earthen coma. Water should be soft, settled. Tuberous potted begonias are not watered in winter, they are stored in a dry peat substrate.

Air humidity: Begonias love high humidity, but do not tolerate spraying. Practice has shown that almost all types of begonias react to the ingress of moisture on the leaves with the appearance brown spots. Therefore, in hot, dry weather, you can place pots of begonias on a tray or box with wet peat or moss.

Transfer: In early spring tubers are planted in fresh soil. Rhizome begonias are transplanted as needed when the pot is already cramped. The soil is nutritious - a mixture of humus, leaf and sod land with the addition of a small amount of coniferous land and river sand. At the same time, the earth is not covered to the top, so that later, when additional roots are formed, it would be possible to fill up the earth. The plants are placed in a sunny window, and they are quickly covered with new leaves, and buds appear after about 40-50 days.

Fertilizer: It is useful to fertilize decorative flowering begonias from the moment the flower buds are formed with liquid complex fertilizer for flowering houseplants once every two weeks. Do not use nitrogenous fertilizers on ornamental foliage plants, as this will cause leaf growth and inhibition of flowering.

Reproduction: Propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. Tuberous begonias also reproduce by dividing germinated tubers. The tuber is cut in half, so that each part has sprouts and roots, sections on the tuber are sprinkled with coal or sulfur. Nodules are planted so that its top does not rise much above the soil level.

Balsam ("light")

Balsam Sultan, or light, or impatiens Impatiens sultanii Hook. (family balsam).

Homeland - tropical Africa. Stem watery, light pink, translucent, erect, 40-50 cm high, well leafy, sprawling, densely covered

opposite leaves.

Blooms exceptionally long (June - October).


Temperature: Moderate, in winter not below 12 °C. For flowering in winter, the temperature needs to be at least 15 ° C.

Lighting: It is light-requiring, but in the summer it is necessary to shade from direct sunlight. Winter flowering requires several hours of direct sunlight daily.

Watering: Abundant, the soil should always remain moist. Reduce watering in winter.

Air humidity: From time to time it is useful to spray the leaves, avoiding water on the flowers.

Transfer: It blooms well only when the roots fill the pot. If necessary, transplant in the spring.

Propagation: Stem cuttings at any time of the year or seeds in spring.

Family - heather. Homeland - East Asia, Carpathians, Caucasus.

Azalea is a small shrub that blooms in a room in the dead of winter. Azaleas have beautiful large, often double flowers of the most diverse colors: from white to bright red. The leaves are small (5-7 cm long), leathery, green.

Accommodation. Prefers bright rooms with bright diffused light. In summer and autumn, before frost, it is advisable to leave the azalea in the fresh air. In winter, the azalea is placed in a bright Azalea cool room with a constant temperature of 12-15 ° C. The plant with the flower buds that have appeared is brought into a warmer room (18 ° C). After flowering is completed, the next year the plant is re-established in a room with a temperature of 8-12 ° C for new bud formation.

Care. During the flowering period, in summer and early autumn, abundant watering is necessary, in winter - moderate. Top dressing is carried out weekly with fertilizers that do not contain lime. Azalea is moisture-loving, so it should be sprayed frequently or placed on a gravel tray filled with water. The plant needs to be repotted in the spring every 2-3 years.

Reproduction. Apical cuttings, they are rooted in perlite or coarse sand, when the substrate is heated. Hard to root.

Pests and diseases. The main pest is the azalea aphid, on the secretions of which the sooty fungus settles. If the soil ball is too dry, a red tick may appear.

Advice. Faded flowers and brown leaves are removed. This protects the plant from infections. In place of the old flower, a new shoot will eventually form, which will bloom next year.

Chinese rosan

Malvaceae family.

Evergreen shrub, at home from 70 to 1.2 m tall. It blooms quite easily with good care with large, up to 12 cm in diameter flowers. Flowering can be very abundant and long - from spring to autumn, although the flowers do not last long - about two days. Flowers come in different shades - orange, yellow, red, pink or white, as well as different shapes - simple or double. There are varieties with variegated leaves. For the summer, it is better to take the plant out into the garden, but the place should be protected from the wind and slightly darkened.


Temperature: Hibiscus is quite thermophilic. In summer they are kept at a temperature of about 20-25 ° C. Winter at 15-20°C, minimum 13°C.

Lighting: Photophilous, prefers bright diffused light, with a small amount of sunlight. In winter, you need a bright room. The best place for hibiscus on an east or west window. On the south window you will need shading during the hottest hours of the day.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil must be kept moist at all times. Moderate in winter. Avoid waterlogging or overdrying the earthy coma. Do not water with cold water.

Fertilizer: From April to August, hibiscus is fed with special complex fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, every 3 weeks. You can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", etc.

Air humidity: Spray regularly.

Transfer: Soil - 1 part sod, 1 part leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part sand. Transplantation in March - April. Cut off after transplant. And in the summer you can repeatedly pinch. Dishes are preferably spacious. In the spring, the plant is shortened and transplanted into fresh soil.

Reproduction: Stem cuttings, which are best rooted in July-August.

Theme: "Spring flowers".

1. Develop the ability to recognize a picture of flowers from a separate fragment.

2. Develop the ability to listen to the answers of your peers without interrupting them.

3. Cultivate respect for nature.

4. Lay the foundations of environmental education: to bring up humane manifestations in behavior and activities in nature.

1. To enrich knowledge about the world around us, about flowers, plants growing on the territory of Russia.

2. To instill interest in the nature around us.

3. Encourage children to take care of the flowers, plants growing around us.

Materials for the lesson: Pictures of flowers. Material at hand: plastic spoons, forks, plasticine, cocktail tubes. Thematic exhibition "Flowers". Coloring pages with flowers, paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations with flowers, guessing riddles about flowers, reading poems about flowers, working with parents in preparing an exhibition, in making costumes. Mobile game "Spring, red spring". Listening to music:

1. P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from "The Nutcracker"; "Snowdrop" from the album "Seasons";

2. Vivaldi "Spring",

3. Chopin Waltz No. 10 "Towards Spring", "April Dreams".

Organization of children: The lesson takes place in 3 stages:

Part 1 - In the group, a surprise moment (the arrival of Spring) guessing riddles.

Part 2 - In the room of Petersburg studies, the use of ICT.

Part 3 - drawing flowers, exhibition of works.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, tell me what season is it now?

Children: Spring.

Teacher: Right, how did you guess? How did you know that spring has arrived?

Children: The bright sun is shining, icicles have appeared, snow is melting, the first flowers appear from under the snow.

Educator: Winter will not be angry for long, her time has passed. Spring knocks on the window and drives from the yard.

The sun is shining in the sky, the birds are singing merrily, the brook is murmuring, flowing merrily. A boat floats in it. Spring is coming to visit us.

The group includes Spring.

Spring: Hello children, it took me so long to get to you, through forests, through fields, through snowdrifts. Evil Winter has bewitched me and my domain. I forgot the names of all the flowers that bloom in spring.

Educator: Now it’s clear why snow doesn’t melt on the street and flowers don’t bloom.

Spring: Can you help me remember what the flowers are called?

Children: We will definitely help.

Spring: Well, then guess the riddles.

1 riddle:

white polka dots

On a green leg.

I met in the spring

On the forest path

Children: Lilies of the valley

2 riddle:

First to get out of the ground

On the thaw.

He is not afraid of frost

Even though it's small.

Children: Snowdrop

3 riddle:

A wonderful flower, like a bright light.

Lush, important, like a sir.

Delicate, velvety...

Children: Tulip

4 riddle:

The spring flower has signs,

not to be mistaken:

Leaves like garlic

and the crown - like a prince!

Children: narcissist

5 riddle:

On the edge of the sun

She stands in the grass.

purple ears

Raised it a little.

And here will help us

ingenuity -

After all, many

It's called a flower.

Children: Violet

6 riddle:

I'm not famous for flowers

And unusual sheets:

That hard, cold,

It's soft and warm.

Children: mother-stepmother

There is a cockerel in the garden

purple scallop,

And the tail is fighting,

Saber curve

Children: iris

8 riddle

Here I put on my


Bright yellow…

Children: Dandelion

Spring: What good fellows you are, you guessed all the riddles. And what do these flowers look like in the pictures? You know?

Educator: Dear Spring, we will now go down to another room, and our children will tell you and show you your spring flowers.

Children, educator, Vesna move to the room of St. Petersburg studies, where the presentation "Spring Flowers" is shown.

On the slide, the picture of the flower is covered with boxes under the numbers. The teacher removes one cell, the children must guess the flower from the opened fragment. If they do not guess, other cells are opened in turn. If the children guess right away, the teacher opens all the cells, a flower appears on the slide completely.

1 title slide

2nd slide title

3 slide - Spring drives Winter

4 slide picture with a snowdrop.

After showing the slide, a child in a snowdrop costume reads a poem:

Snowdrop came running

In the March forest

Snowdrop peeked

Into a clear stream. And seeing myself

Shouted: “Here are those on! I didn't even notice that spring had come.

5 slide - picture with lilies of the valley.

After the show, a child in a costume reads a poem:

White bells in my garden,

On a green stalk they hide in the shade.

6 slide narcissus

After the show, the child reads the verse:

I am a flower prince-poet,

Wearing a yellow crown.

An encore sonnet about spring

Read to you - narcissist

7 slide scillas

From the first days of April from oak preli

A flower peeped out: a little blue eye.

Green clothes, onion leg.

At snow-covered bumps

We found a dove flower.

8slide - dandelions

After showing the slide, the children read the poems:

Spring was walking through the city,

She carried the purse.

Bright colors and brushes

She had to buy.

Opened the wallet

And coins Skok, hop, hop! -

Rolled out, ran away,

They became dandelions.

9 slide violets

On the edge of the sun

Violet blossomed -

purple ears

Raised it a little.

She's buried in the grass

Doesn't like to jump ahead.

But everyone will bow to her

And take it carefully.

10 slide - stepmother

On a slope, in a meadow from under the snow grew

The first flowers are yellow eyes.

The top of the leaf is smooth

But with a flannel lining.

11 slide tulips

The mists dissipated, the winter melted away.

Tulips bloomed.

Spring has come to our house!

12 slide - iris

I am a herbaceous plant with a lilac flower.

But rearrange the accent, and I turn into candy.

After viewing the slides, the children return to the group.

Part 3 of the lesson - drawing flowers as a gift to Spring.

Children choose what they will draw with: pencils, crayons, paints, felt-tip pens. After drawing, the children give works to Spring. Spring thanks and farewell reads a poem:

Don't pick flowers, don't!

Their gentle fragrance will fill the air of the garden,

Let's keep the daisies in the meadow

Water lilies on the river

Violets, lilies of the valley for us.

Let them bloom for the joy of people!

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower

If you and I are together, if we pick flowers,

All glades will be empty and there will be no beauty!

Nomination "Methodological work in the preschool educational institution"

Group: second youngest.

Educational area:"Artistic Creation".

NOD type: combined.

Target: familiarization of children with the methods of non-traditional drawing (tamponing).


1. Educational:

  • Figurative: to learn to convey the image of a flower, structure and shape using an unconventional drawing technique - printing with a paper ball and drawing with a finger.
  • Technical: to master the technique of performing work by tamponing and drawing with a finger.
  • Compositional: improve compositional skills in the location of the subject in the center of the sheet.
  • Color: teach how to use color as an artistic means of expression; consolidate knowledge of yellow and green.

2. Developing: develop creative imagination, memory, speech, small muscles of the hands.

3. Educational: educate accuracy, aesthetic taste, educate interest in actions with paper, paint, love and care for oneself close person- Mom, the ability to bring things to the end;

Didactic tools:

  • Demo: a picture of a flower.
  • Handouts: sheets of paper for drawing, sheets of paper for making balls, plates with yellow and green gouache, tray, napkins.

Relationship of GCD with other educational fields:"Knowledge", "Communication".

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, please come to me. Let's play. Finger gymnastics:

Our hands are like flowers
Fingers like petals.
The sun is waking up
The flowers open up.
In the dark they are again
They will sleep very soundly.

2. Motivationaltarget stage.

A wonderful time of the year is coming - spring. Nature wakes up from a long sleep: the sun shines warmer, the snow melts, the first flowers appear on the thawed patches! (Showing a picture of a flower).

The spring holiday of mothers will come soon - March 8th. Do your moms love flowers? Let's make a gift to your mothers, draw flowers.

3. Perception of the subject.

Look what beautiful flower. What colour is he? Here's the foot he's on. What is it called? What colour is he? What's on the stem? What color are they?

4. Explanation of methods of work.

4.1. A detailed demonstration of how to do it: we will draw a flower with a paper ball, for this I will take a sheet of paper, crush it and roll it between my palms. Got a ball. I dip the ball into yellow paint and apply it to the top of the sheet, put the ball into the pan. I got a yellow flower. Then I dip my finger in green paint and draw a long, straight line from top to bottom of the flower. Got a stem. Again, I dip my finger in green paint and draw short lines up the side of the stem. These are leaves. I wipe my finger with a tissue. Look what a beautiful flower I got. Guys, come to me, we will play with you.

4.2. Phys. minute "Flowers grow in the meadow":

Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty. (Sipping - arms to the sides)
Flowers reach for the sun.
Stretch with them too. (Sipping - hands up)
The wind blows sometimes
Only it's not a problem. (Mahi hands)
flowers leaning,
The petals drop. (Tilts)
And then they get up again
And they still bloom.

4.3. Questions for clarification. Now take a seat at the table. Let's repeat, what are we going to draw first? What color will we draw the flower? What will we draw next? What color will we draw the stem and leaves?

5. Practical work.

5.1. Finger gymnastics.

Let's draw a beautiful flower together. First you need to prepare a ball of compressed paper for drawing. Take 1 sheet of paper. We crush it with our hands and roll it between our palms.

We compress a sheet of paper
And we stretch our hands.
We try to ride
Together we turn into a ball.
Let's not let him get bored
We will draw for them.

Well done, you got a paper ball.

5.2. Corrective and individual work. You can draw a flower. I supervise and help children who have difficulties. I remind you that we begin to draw a flower at the top of the sheet.

5.3. Analysis of children's work. How great you did. Guys, bring all your flowers to the first table. What did we draw? And for whom? Look how beautiful they turned out.

Well done, well done! It turned out to be a beautiful gift for mom. In the evening, when mothers come for you, give them your flower. Your moms will love it.


  1. G. I. Davydova "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten", Moscow, "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2008
  2. Basic general education program preschool education From birth to school. Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.