The most beautiful and unusual flowers, next to which roses are just field dandelions. The most unusual colors Name of unusual flowers, photo. The most unusual eye color What are the most unusual flowers on our planet

Mother Nature has a wonderfully rich imagination - just look at some representatives of the flora to be convinced of this. Today we will consider the most unusual, and even strange, flowers in the world.

A flower with a long and intricate name has one of the largest inflorescences in the world of flora. It was discovered in Sumatra in 1878 by the Italian botanist and traveler Odoardo Beccari. Unfortunately, the plant has been exterminated in its homeland and now it can only be seen in botanical gardens and large greenhouses.
An unusual inflorescence rises on a short and thick pedicel: a yellow cone-shaped cob rises above the bowl in the form of a bell turned upside down. In amorphophallus titanic, the cob reaches a height of four meters. The bowl is formed by a leaf-shaped cover, the structure of which resembles corrugated paper in appearance. The inner side of the bedspread has a color of burgundy-violet hue, the outer side is light green, closer to the peduncle it is spotted.
Despite the outward beauty, it is impossible to stay near a flowering plant for a long time; it exudes the smell of “well-aged” meat or fish. The flowering period lasts a few days, in its entire life, and this is about forty years, amorphophallus blooms only three or four times.

Lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) has a large distribution area - it is the whole of Europe, including the British Peninsula, Russia, Asian countries.
Herbaceous perennial of low growth, the highest species reaches 60 cm. Its stems are covered with soft thin villi. At the base, large, also fleecy on the underside, bright green leaves are collected in a rosette, up to 20 cm long, up to 8 cm wide. The leaf plate is lined with longitudinal veins.
The inflorescence is usually one-flowered, located on a curved short pedicel with a leaf-shaped bract, pointed at the end.

Did you know? A yellow image of a venus slipper on a blue background - this is how the coat of arms of the Norwegian commune of Snosa looks like.

The structure of the inflorescence looks unusual: the lip is in the form of a rounded shoe toe of bright yellow color (sometimes interspersed with a red tint), the shield above the lip (staminodes) and the stamens hiding in the shoe are also yellow.
The lip is surrounded by four red-brown petals, the upper one, called the sail, is the widest of them, the lower one is narrower, and the side ones are narrow and curled into a spiral. Fading, the slipper forms a box with seeds.

It is difficult to consider the detailed structure of this aquatic plant without a microscope. Volfia, popularly known as duckweed, looks like yellow or green microscopic plates, its size is about 1 mm. This is a heat-loving plant and it is common for the most part in water bodies of the subtropics, extracting all the substances necessary for life from the water.
In our area, one type of wolfia is known - rootless. It is often used to create a natural shade in aquariums, as food for fish.

gidnora africanus

In Japan and China, the camellia can be seen in every temple garden. It is an evergreen shrub with bright white or pink-red flowers. Strong shoots of gray-brown color are covered with bright dark green leaves, glossy, leathery.
The inflorescence attracts attention, stuffed and lush, with clearly sculpted petals, it seems artificial: wax or paper, satin.
IN natural environment shrub lives in East Asia, in Korea, the Philippines and Java.

Named after BBC journalist David Attenborough, Nepenthes Attenborough is the largest of its kind. Found species recently, thanks to lost travelers on the Philippine island of Palawan.
Nepenthes grows like a liana, can curl along tree trunks, and pitcher traps hang from tendrils located at the ends of leaves to the very ground. The upper leaf of the nepenthes plays the role of a cover; on its inner side, nectar is secreted from the glands, which attracts insects and small mammals.
The jug into which the victims slip off holds about two liters of liquid. At the bottom is a layer of the plant's digestive juice, and at the top is a layer of water. The edging of the jug is often ribbed with spines protruding inward. The color of the Nepenthes is brown-red-orange.

An orchid, which is also called a flying duck, grows in Australia, more precisely, on the coastal strip in the south of the country, there is also on the island of Tasmania. An unusual specimen blooms in September and blooms, depending on the area, until January or February.
A thin and flexible stem, painted in red and green, grows no higher than half a meter, on the stem there is a single elongated leaf, less than a centimeter in width. On the peduncle can be located up to four flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm.
Inverted bowl down flower with two stipules - maroon or purple, stipules - green. A curved petal departs from the bowl, on which a convex lip of a juicy purple hue is located. A yellowish nose extends from the lip, and a pair of narrow petals twisted into a spiral, sticking up like wings, complements the resemblance to a flying duck.

Did you know? In addition to resemblance to a bird, this form of a kalaniya flower is similar to a female pergida from the sawfly family. Beetle males, being deceived by similarity and falling on a flower, transfer pollen from orchid to orchid.

monkey orchid

The homeland of the orchid is South America, where it grows at an altitude of up to two thousand meters above sea level. This plant is simply woven from the unusual - the second name of the flower is the Dracula orchid, apparently with a hint of the pointed ends of the petals, resembling the fangs of a ghoul; the open flower looks like a monkey's face, but it smells like oranges.
These are low plants, with straight stems and peduncles. Each peduncle bears one flower with three petals forming a bowl. At the ends of the petals, sharp, upturned tails are formed. The foliage of the species is different: it can be elongated and flat or dense, spongy structure. The color of the petals varies by species - it can be light yellow, brown, brown-violet, red-brown.

The orchid got its name for several reasons. Its flowering falls on the mating season of wasps, and the flower resembles a female insect in its forms. Moreover, it also releases substances similar to the pheromones of the female wasp. Deceived males, in futile attempts to mate with a mate, smear themselves in the pollen of the plant, thus helping to pollinate the latter.
This is an Australian plant, up to 35 centimeters high, with a thin stem and a single heart-shaped leaf. The base of the leaf tightly wraps around the stem, the color of the plate is bluish-gray, with dark longitudinal veins.
The flowering period falls on August-September. The inflorescence on a thickened bright green pedicel has an elongated shape, the lip is dark purple, and a staminode (barren stamen) is located on the upper sepal. The side and bottom petals are directed downward, imitating the paws of an insect.

Ophrys bee-bearing

Ophrys bee also enjoys its unusually realistic resemblance to the female insect. Its inflorescence shape follows the contours of the bee's body. The dark brown lip, covered with a short velvety pile with a yellow border, imitates the abdomen of a female bee. The green sepal in the shape of an inverted bowl looks like a bee's head. Under it is a bright yellow, twisted at the base of the ovary. Purple-lilac outer petals (from three to five pieces) are bent back.
The perennial grows up to half a meter, prefers a warmer climate: the Black Sea coast, the Mediterranean countries, the warm slopes of the Caucasus. Ofris blooms at the end of May, attracting male bees with their appearance, which spread its pollen.

Important!Ophrys apiferous is on the verge of extinction, is listed among the plants protected by the Red Book of Russia.

In total, more than 500 species are known and described, most of them grow in the tropics of South America, Australia, Asia, also in Madagascar, in the Mediterranean and in the subtropics of Transcaucasia.
The species may differ in the color of the petals, but the structure of the inflorescence is the same for all. On a long thin pedicel, there is a flower with a diameter of about 10 cm. The sepals and outer petals practically do not differ from each other, are colored the same: red, white, blue, pink, can be two-color, spotted. Above them rises a crown formed by many thin coronal threads. The next circle consists of five stamens, in the center - three stigmas of the pistil.
Passiflora shrub (some species) bears fruit. The edible fruit is known as the passion fruit.

Did you know? In Russian, the name of the flower sounds - passion flower. When in 1610 the image of passionflower came across to the historian and true Catholic Giacomo Bossio, he saw the embodiment of the Passion of Christ in the structure of the flower. The similarity impressed the great Heinrich Heine, who described the passion flower in poetic form as the personification of the torment of Jesus.

It lives in Central and South America, on the Pacific Islands. It is on the verge of extinction due to intensive deforestation in these regions.
Shrub with a spreading crown, flexible green, lignified as it ages, shoots, leafy. The leaves are large, oval-shaped, pointed closer to the petiole, light green or dark green in color.
The inflorescence up to five centimeters in diameter has modified perianths in the form of very plump red lips. During the flowering period, small five-petal white flowers bloom in the center of the ajar perianths. Later they form ovaries and oval fruits of a bright blue hue.

Tacca Chantrier

An exotic plant in nature is common in the tropical jungles of southern China, Burma, Myanmar, and Thailand. Outwardly, the blossoming inflorescence looks more like an elaborate brooch than a flower.
A distinctive feature is the ability to bloom up to eight times per season. Large, up to 35 centimeters, flowers are painted in dark colors: purple, bronze-brown, ink colors, dark burgundy. One pedicel can carry up to twelve flowers.

Tricyrtis shorthair

Belonging to the lily family, tricyrtis is a resident of the Japanese subtropics. The semi-shrub grows in breadth, its stems are less than a meter in height. A thin light green stem is covered with a short pile.
The flowering period falls on the end of summer-beginning of autumn. One to three flowers appear in deciduous axils. The inflorescence consists of three sharp tongue-shaped and three round, white with colored spots petals about three centimeters long. Spots can be purple, dark lilac, purple. The center of the flower is white with yellow spots, stamen filaments and pistil rise above it, colored in the same way as the petals. It is noteworthy that even the lower side of the petals is pubescent in tricirtis.


Herbaceous liana in natural conditions lives in the tropics and subtropics. The plant bears fruit, long fruits, leaves and tendrils are eaten. In culture, they are grown in the countries of Southeast Asia, China, Australia, India, they are cultivated in greenhouse conditions in our latitudes, in the southern regions.
Trichosanth blooms with bisexual flowers, females - one at a time on a pedicel, males - with a brush. Inflorescences look like paper-cut snowflakes. Five snow-white petals are trimmed with the thinnest curls along the edge.

According to botanists, it grows into the roots of the host plant, clinging to them with its own root processes with suckers. Then, with the help of organs resembling mushroom spores, it penetrates further through the body, consuming all the substances it needs.
The plant has a very slow development cycle: from the penetration of spores and sowing of seeds to the formation of a bud, it goes up to three years. It may take 9 to 18 months for a bud to open. The flowering period is not more than four days. After it - a long period of decomposition, the formation of the ovary and about seven months for the formation of the fetus.
Rafflesia flowers of some species can reach more than a meter in diameter and weigh about ten kilograms. To attract pollinators, she exudes the smell of rotting meat, for this and for an unattractive appearance they called her the corpse lily.

Sundew is a perennial herbaceous carnivorous plant. It has many species, distributed from Australia to the Far East. It can grow on any soil, replenishing their meager nutrition with substances obtained from catching and digesting insects.
Flowering can be observed in early or late summer, depending on the species. The flowers are usually small and inconspicuous, five-petalled, usually cone-shaped. It is not the flowers that are of interest, but the leaves, round or elongated, covered with a long pile. Villi secrete sticky droplets through the glands that attract insects. When a fly or beetle lands on a leaf, its edges either slam shut or twist around the victim.

Strongylodon largecarpus

A large liana with a woody stem up to twenty meters or more long belongs to the legume family. The vine is native to the Philippines.
It blooms with huge brushes up to a meter long, consisting of inflorescences. turquoise shade. The shape of the inflorescence is similar to an open bird's beak: the upper petal is tilted up, it has a smoothly pointed tip and edges tucked inward. The lower petal is in the form of a sharp claw, bent upwards.
The most remarkable thing is that Strongylodon is pollinated not by insects, but by bats.


Growing on the mountain slopes of Mexico and Guatemala to a height of three thousand meters above sea level, chiratodendron is represented by one species called five-fingered. This fast-growing tree reaches thirty meters in height and two meters in trunk volume.
During the flowering period, five-leaf leathery dense boxes of yellow-red color are formed, with an edge on the outside. In their center, flowers bloom with five thin bright red petals, fused at the base and slightly bent above. For its similarity to the human hand, the tree was called the "hand of the devil."

Belonging to the balsam family, it is such a rare plant that the authenticity of photographs was doubted for a long time, but after its discovery and appearance in the Royal Botanical Garden of Thailand, doubts dissipated.
Semi-shrub plant with dense brown-green shoots and carved, triangular shape, light green foliage. The pedicel, formed in the axils of the leaves, is thin and long, the flower hanging on it seems to be floating in the air. The inflorescence is in the form of an elongated bowl, narrowed at one end, resembling a bird's head, and has a green tail-beak at the end.
The middle part conveys the shape of a bird's body with folded wings, and the elongated, dissected continuation of the lower petal looks like a tail. A bright color of several shades of pink and white enhances the resemblance to a parrot.

Italian orchid

This type of orchis lives in the countries of central and southern Europe, Africa, and southern Asia. This herbaceous plant with a thick light green stem, and a pair of long rosettes collected in a rosette, wrapping around the stem.
Flowering period from June to August. At the end of the stem, a pyramidal inflorescence is formed, consisting of many buds. When closed, the buds are tear-shaped, pointed at the end, light pink, may have stripes or spots of a darker color. Opening, the flower becomes like a human figure hiding under a canopy.

orchis monkey

It grows throughout the south and west of Europe, in Iran, the Crimea, and the Caucasus. Herbaceous orchis has a strong leafy stem at the base. The plant blooms in late April-early May.
Inflorescences form a dense panicle, consisting of a large number light purple buds. Blooming, the bud lowers the lower petal, which looks like a monkey figurine with a smiling muzzle.

10 times already

Most beautiful flowers in the world: Canna (Fur), Cherry Blossom, Colorado Columbine, Hydrangea, Lily of the Valley, Calla Lily, Black Eyed Susan, Bleeding Heart, Bluebells, Lantana, Roses, Oriental poppy, Mussaenda erisroptilla, Begonia, Ixora, Dendrobium.

The most beautiful flowers in the world (names, photos, description)

Kanna (Fur)

Canna (Fur) is distinguished not only by its pretty flowering, but also by beautiful leaves that have various stunning colors. It was popular in the Victorian era as a garden plant.

cherry blossom

The unofficial flower of Japan, an impressive flower display that is present in the spring at festivals in Japan and the United States. The most popular colors are white and pink.

Colorado Columbine

Growing high in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the Columbine flower is a reward for adventurous climbers at 14,000 feet. high mountains Colorado.


The magical snow ball is magnificent in autumn. They are popular in wedding bouquets and as garden flowers.

Lily of the valley

A subtle and fragrant sign of spring, the lily of the valley has been the inspiration for many legends. One of them - the tears of the Virgin Mary, seeing Jesus Christ on the cross, turned into lilies of the valley. Another legend tells of a lily of the valley flowing from the blood of Saint George during his fight with a dragon.

calla lily

Although visually stunning and elegant, the flower is actually a poisonous plant species. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous, killing livestock and children if ingested.

Black Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan, a cheerful wild perennial that makes a good addition to any garden. The contrast of bright golden yellow petals and dark color inside makes it easy to spot and recognize.

bleeding heart

This whimsical, almost fairy tale flower is a traditional favorite in shady gardens. The flowers are red, pink or white and appear in April-June.

blue bells

In spring, many European forests are covered with thick carpets of this flower; they are commonly referred to as the “bellflower of the forest”. They are believed to have been named after 19th century romantic poets who believed they symbolized loneliness and regret.


These delicate flowers with their pink and yellow petals. The shrub can grow quite large. Warning! Lantana is a weed that is quite difficult to get rid of.


Roses are one of the most romantic and fragrant flowers.

Oriental poppy

This is a perennial fragile and bright flower. After flowering in spring, the foliage dies off completely, only new leaves grow.

Mussaenda erisroptilla

These plants are native to the Old World tropics, from West Africa through the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and southern China. Beautiful red and yellow petals.


The first Begonias were known in England in 1777. Now one of the most popular flowers grown in the US, begonias are valued for their flowers and leaves. This versatile plant can be grown indoors or outdoors.


The ixora flower is often referred to as the West Indian jasmine and is often used in Hindu worship as well as in Indian traditional medicine. This plant is traditionally associated with heightened sexuality and the rekindling of passion.


Dendrobium is great view tropical orchids, which have over a thousand species.

There are many unusual plants in the world. Their form or way of life surprises a person. Thanks to this top 10 most unusual colors in the world you will learn about a dozen flowers that amaze the imagination with their appearance.

10 Amorphophallus titanic

This large plant has long been hidden from human eyes in the tropics of the forests of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. However, in 1878, the botanist Odoardo Beccari discovered this plant in West Sumatra. People pouring into the rainforests almost completely destroyed Amorphophallus titanic. Therefore, at present, it grows mainly in the greenhouse conditions of botanical gardens. The central part of the flower reaches a height of 2-3 meters. Flowering lasts only two days. At this time, the flower exudes a rather peculiar smell, which is compared with a mixture of smells of rotten fish and rotten eggs.

9 Rafflesia

8 Passiflora

Passiflora or passionflower is a genus of plants that includes more than five hundred species of flowers. Most passion flowers have an unusual and beautiful appearance. You can meet them in tropical America, especially in Peru and Brazil. Some species grow in tropical Asia and Australia, in the Mediterranean. One species of passionflower grows on the island of Madagascar. In Transcaucasia, passion flowers are cultivated in a subtropical climate. Passiflora was first described in 1553.

7 Hoya

Hoya is a genus of plants. This plant grows in South and Southeast Asia, on the west coast of Australia, as well as in Polynesia. Most species of the genus Hoya live in woodlands. They use trees as support. What is unusual about the appearance of this plant? Hoya flowers look like sculpted figures. Thick petals give the hoya a very unusual appearance. And in some species of hoya, the flowers also fold into a flower ball.

6 Trichozant serpentine, or Cucumber serpentine

Serpentine Cucumber is a herbaceous vine. It is cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions of Southeast and South Asia, as well as in Australia. The plant has a long (about 1.5 m) fruit, which sometimes bends intricately. petal tips white flower trichosanth serpentine as if cut into thin, thin strips. All these white threads curl and twist, creating interesting curls.

5 Kalania Orchid

The flower of this plant has a size of about 2 cm. The shape of this small flower is very unusual. The petals are folded in such a way that the flower resembles a flying duck. The plant lives in the east and south of Australia. Orchid Kalania grows under eucalyptus trees.

4 Psychotria sublime

Psychotria sublime is dwarf trees that bloom with bright flowers. The unusual and funny shape of flowers surprises and makes you smile. The fact is that the flowers of sublime psychotria resemble ... female lips about to kiss someone. This plant grows in tropical forests, most often in Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica.

3 gidnora africanus

The thick petals of the flower are bright on the inside, and brown and cracked on the outside. The edges of the petals are covered with bristles. This plant is common in eastern Africa and on the island of Madagascar. For most of its life, this plant hides underground. On the surface, it is shown only when the required amount of precipitation falls.

The world of plants - however, like the whole world of nature - is extremely diverse. A person must take care of this diversity so that our descendants can see these unusual plants.

Every day we let dozens or even hundreds of different colors into our visual world. We know the names of some since childhood, but we don’t even think about the names of others. What are the colors, without which the whole world would be like black and white cinema?

International classification

In scientific terminology, color refers to the ability of light waves to cause different spectrum visual sensations. It is the wavelength of light that determines what shade appears before our eyes.

For example, purple is expressed by a value of 400-430 mmk, blue - 430-470 mmk, blue - 470-500 mmk, green - 500-535 mmk, yellow - 535-595 mmk, orange - 595-620 mmk, red characterized by the highest rate - 620-700 mmk.

The human eye is able to perceive color with wavelengths from 400 to 760 microns. Thus, he can see not only basic colors, but also unusual shades that are formed from the merger of the main ones.

It turns out that the usual set is not fixed and can be supplemented with other tones.

Unusual eye colors in humans can be both natural and artificial. In the first case, the shade of the eyes went to a person by nature, in the second case, it was formed with the help of a foreign body.

The easiest way to change eye color is to use contact lenses. IN last years The once-famous vision correction tool has turned into a fashion accessory that allows you to change the image. With the help of lenses, you can transform your gaze into a feline one, turn into a demon with black or red eyes, or into a deceased person with eyes without pupils. In this industry, the imagination is limitless.

Most unusual color the eye that nature has given is violet. It is extremely rare. People with such an anomaly are assigned supernatural abilities.

In addition, there are cases when people or animals were born with different color eye. This trend is most common among white cats.

Below is a list of ten unusual flowers in the world. It includes those flowers that have a rather unusual appearance, but are considered beautiful in their own way.

Amorphophallus titanic

Amorphophallus titanum (Amorphophallus titanum) is a flowering tropical plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world. This extremely rare flower, in nature is found only on limestone hills in the forests of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It is also cultivated by botanical gardens and private collectors around the world. Amorphophallus titanic has a specific, unpleasant smell, reminiscent of decaying flesh. It can grow up to 3 meters in height.

Torch ginger

Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) is a species of herbaceous perennials native to Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines). Grown as ornamental plant, and also serves important component for a Peranakan dish called Laksa.

Passion flower meat-red or Passiflora incarnate

Passiflora incarnata (Passiflora incarnata) is a fast-growing perennial herbaceous vine native to the tropical regions of Brazil, used for cooking medicines. It also grows in subtropical areas of the continental North America and Bermuda. The flowers of this plant are quite large, up to 7–9 cm in diameter, appearing, as a rule, in July.

Fritillary chess

Chess hazel grouse (Fritillaria meleagris) is a perennial plant from the lily family, common in Western, Southern and Eastern Europe, as well as in the Caucasus. It blooms from March to May and grows up to 15–40 cm in height. It is extremely rare in nature.

Dicentra is magnificent

Dicentra magnificent (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants native to Siberia, North China, Korea and Japan. There are about 20 various kinds. IN wild nature grows in damp, cool places in glades and deciduous forests. Usually reaches 90 cm in height.


Guernia (Huernia) - perennial undersized plants, 20–30 cm long, first described as a genus in 1810. In nature, they grow in East and South Africa, as well as on the Arabian Peninsula.

strelitzia royale

Royal strelitzia (Strelitzia reginae) is a perennial herbaceous plant that occurs naturally only in South Africa. This one of the most beautiful flowers in the world was named after the wife of King George III of England. It is the official flower of Los Angeles. Royal strelitzia is associated with freedom, splendor and good prospects.

Rafflesia Arnold

Bee-bearing ophrys (Ophrys apifera) is a perennial herbaceous plant that is widespread throughout Central and Southern Europe, as well as in North Africa and the Middle East. Their number is extremely small, it is found very rarely and only in individual individuals.

Gloriosa luxury

Gloriosa luxury (Gloriosa superba) is a poisonous herbaceous plant native to tropical regions of Asia and Africa. Widely used for medical purposes. In some cultures, gloriosa deluxe is part of religious rituals, and is considered a magical plant. It is the national flower of Zimbabwe.