Stonecrop white. Stonecrop flower and its features: varieties, care and photos. stonecrop care

The Latin name of the perennial plant stonecrop is sedum, among the people it is often called febrile or hernia grass, and in some southern regions - “God's body”. The main condition for growing stonecrop is to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of sunny color, since in the shade they completely lose their decorative qualities, turning into long panicles with pale foliage.

What does stonecrop look like: photos, names and descriptions of species

Perennial sedum flowers are herbaceous plants with erect or creeping rooted shoots. The leaves are fleshy, whole, of various shapes.

Flowers small, star-shaped. They have different colors:,. Usually collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences.

Below you can see the photos and names of stonecrop species, the most widespread in the middle lane, as well as read their description.

stonecrop with a long creeping rhizome, straight, creeping, slightly ascending flowering stems up to 15-20 cm high, opposite, flat leaves, umbellate inflorescence, pink flowers, blooms in June-July.

Stonecrop hybrid up to 12 cm high with creeping and ascending, juicy, dark green shoots, leaves are thinner than in most species, marginal teeth are often reddening, elliptical, fleshy, flowers are small, yellow, blooms in August.

stonecrop prominent with erect strong stems up to 50 cm high, leaves with a bluish bloom, lilac-pink flowers, collected in inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, blooms in September-October.

stonecrop light green plant 5-15 cm high with a thin branched rhizome. The stems are ascending, flower-bearing shoots are rarely leafy, barren - with dense tiled leaves arranged in 6 rows. The leaves are alternate, fleshy, sessile, ovate, obtuse, noticeably swollen on the underside, burning in taste. What do the flowers of stonecrop of this species look like? All of them are located on short pedicels, collected in terminal spike-shaped inflorescences, consisting of several curls or semi-umbels. Sepals obtuse, greenish in color; petals are yellow, pointed. It grows in sunny, dry places, on sandy-stony soil: on rocks, screes.

Growing stonecrop and caring for flowers

When growing and caring for stonecrop, do not forget that this plant is due to a lack of sunlight stretches and loses its decorative effect, the leaves turn pale, and flowers may not appear at all. Sedums prefer sandy soils, but will thrive in any soil with good water permeability. Stonecrops are extremely drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Plants do not need additional fertilizers, many of them bloom especially beautifully on poor soils.

After flowering, the stems of the plant should be cut to the ground, and the outlet should be mulched with compost. Of the garden pests, sedums are affected by snails, slugs and weevil.

It is very easy to propagate stonecrops: by seeds, stem or even leaf cuttings and dividing the bush.

They are an excellent material for creating carpet plantings, use in rockeries, rock gardens, as a foreground plant for mixborders, as well as in containers and hanging baskets. Stonecrops are best planted in large arrays.

Sedum is a succulent plant, a close relative of which is the fat woman or money tree, beloved by flower growers. However, this flower resembles its relative only remotely. It is resistant to harsh climate, less demanding on the soil, in room conditions extremely unpretentious. It has Russian names - ochitnik, zhivuchnik, skripun-grass, etc.

In this article on sedum, we will talk about the main types, varieties and varieties of this flower; about the features of reproduction, planting and caring for stonecrop when growing it at home and in the garden.

There are over 600 species of sedum in the world. For indoor floriculture, you can choose any plant: an ampelous one, the branches of which will hang picturesquely from the pot, a ground cover that covers the surface of the pot with its processes and creates a hat, or a stand-alone plant in the form of a small tree. Mixture different types Sedum can be effectively used in small compositions from different families of succulents.

Stonecrop has proven itself well as a perennial garden plant, but it also grows and grows well in room conditions. It must be remembered that this plant does not like abundant watering and that in winter it should have a dormant period. In summer, indoor stonecrop can be safely taken out into the street, planted in flower pots decorating balconies - the warm summer air will only benefit the stonecrop.

Stonecrop Adolf ( Sedum adolphia)

It has green fleshy leaves with a slight coating. The shape of the leaf of some representatives is similar to the Nussbaumer Stonecrop, only the color is different. There are also plants with wider leaves. It takes on a reddish tint in bright sunlight.

Stonecrop Adolf

Stonecrop Morgan ( Sedum Morganianum)

Indoor plant. The stems hang from the pot and are densely covered with round, elongated, slightly pointed leaves, vaguely resembling bananas. Perhaps that is why his nickname is "Monkey Tail". The color of the leaves is bluish green. The leaves easily break off from the stem, even from a slight touch when transferring the pot from one place to another, but the leaves also take root easily.

Stonecrop Morgan / Flowering

Sedum burrito ( Sedum burrito)

This species is easily confused with Sedum Morgana. Its difference is in the color of the leaves - the stonecrop burrito has a bright green color, and the shape of the leaves is not pointed, but rounded.

Sedum burrito

Sedum Steel ( Sedum Stahlii) — Stahl

It does not hang from the pot, but grows upwards, shoots can reach 15-20 cm in height, the leaves fit snugly to the stem, have an ovoid shape. The color of the leaves is brown-red.

Sedum Steel

Sedum mexican ( Sedum mexicanum)

Ampelous plant with long shoots. Its leaves are elongated, thin, needle-like. This plant blooms with yellow flowers. Gardeners love to use this flower to decorate summer planters on balconies, along with annual flowers.

Mexican Sedum / Flowering

Sedum Siebold ( Sedum Sieboldii)

This is an ampelous plant, with long, about 20-25 cm, stems. Its leaves are bluish-green (some varieties have a different color), round shape. It is well suited for outdoor hanging planters, for decorating rockeries and alpine slides in summer time. However, this type of stonecrop does not tolerate frost well, so for the winter bring it into a room where the temperature will not fall below 10˚. The heat in winter will also have a bad effect on this flower, since winter for it is a dormant period. In autumn, it will shed its leaves, and in winter it should be placed in a cool place in partial shade. Watering at this time of the year should also be kept to a minimum.

Sedum Siebold / Flowering

Stonecrop Nussbaumer ( Sedum nussbaumerianum)

This sedum grows in a small bush, with pointed, fleshy leaves of a lemon-pink hue.

Stonecrop Nussbaumer

Stonecrop red-colored ( Sedum rubrotinctum)

A well-known indoor view comes from Mexico. A distinctive feature are red fleshy leaves. The plant acquires a rich red hue with bright sunlight. Flowering yellow flowers with a short pedicel.

Stonecrop red-colored



Sedum loves the sun, south windows are perfect. Good lighting is required throughout the year, so in winter it is recommended to use phytolamps for additional lighting.


Sedum needs to be watered infrequently. Enough once, twice a week at summer period, and in winter you can water even less often - once every one to two weeks. If the ground near the flower is dry by 1-2 cm, feel free to water it. Water should be taken settled, at room temperature. When the flower dries out, leaves may fall off, but it does not like too wet soil.


Doesn't matter for sedums. Feels good in rooms with dry air. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.


The best temperature for room stonecrop in summer is + 25-28 degrees, and in winter + 10-15 degrees (at a higher temperature it stretches in length). In the summer, sedums can be planted in flower beds to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. Needs room ventilation.


The flower practically does not need to be fed, in rare cases, in the spring and summer, fertilizer for cacti or succulents can be applied, taking the amount of fertilizer half that indicated.

Transplant and soil

A young plant needs to be transplanted once every 2 years, an adult once every 3 years. It is better to choose a pot that is shallow and wide, as sedums root system superficial. The pot must have drainage holes. Lay pebbles on the bottom so that water does not stagnate at the roots of the plant. It tolerates transplant very well.

The soil should be loose, well-permeable to water; stonecrop is suitable for succulents and cacti with the addition of charcoal.


Sedum also reproduces quite easily. There are several ways to make stonecrop at home:

  • leaf
  • cutting
  • seeds

The easiest way is to break off a leaf and put it on the ground in a pot. No need to sprinkle with earth or water - just wait. By the way, the leaves of sedum break off quite easily, for example, if you accidentally hit the plant. Place the leaf in a pot of soil. The leaf will first dry up scrapped, and then small roots will appear, and after them tiny leaves.

Of course, a large plant will grow from a leaf for a very long time, so you can carefully divide the bush and plant part of the plant, or break off a small shoot, dry it for several days, and then plant it in the ground. The earth should be slightly damp, do not flood the process.

The most labor-intensive way is to grow sedums from seeds, but this way you can grow quite rare varieties that are not easy to find in stores.

Diseases and pests

  • Due to the lack of sunlight, the stem stretches, the leaves fall.
  • The roots rot due to abundant watering or stagnation of moisture in the pot.
  • From lack of water, the plant wilts, the leaves wrinkle.

Garden plants - sedums are distinguished by the variety of cultivated species, colors and shapes. So, they require certain growing conditions.

Useful video

Stonecrop - a plant of various shapes and colors is widely used in garden design. If you properly plant and care, the stonecrop will look like in the photo. Most types of stonecrop are ground cover, undersized. The maximum height of the bush is 70 cm. The unpretentious flower is loved by the people, it is called feverish, hernia grass, sedum. A grass or subshrub grows on soil where other plants do not live. Therefore, it is used in decorative gardening, hiding unsightly places.

Agricultural technology sedum

Unpretentious stonecrop plants are found everywhere. They bloom at different times, have a different structure from grass to a shrub. In Russia, stonecrop is most often found and used in design:

  • linear;
  • vine-shaped;
  • white.

Soil requirement

They say that stonecrop will grow in the sand if a shovel of humus is thrown there. But on fertile soil without excess dampness, the plant feels great. Stony and sandy soil is the natural habitat of hare cabbage. The undemanding stonecrop for planting and caring for it allows you to create small forms, as in the photo.

In one place, stonecrops can grow up to 5 years, then the curtain needs to be planted and sprinkled with fresh earth, sand, gravel, depending on the created composition. When planting, the soil is enriched with sand and ash. In order for the plants to receive enough nutrition, they are fertilized in small portions, but often, with humus and liquid formulations with an organomineral complex. If plant varieties are overwintering, then nitrogen can only be applied from spring, so as not to violate resistance to low temperatures. Loosening and weeding the flower bed will add health and beauty to the plants. Stonecrop is the only variety that is itself poisonous and squeezes weeds out of the garden.

Sedum caustic is called a purifier, as it can be used to remove warts. This plant was used by women as a blush, rubbing the juice on their cheeks. The people called him living water for the extension of female beauty.

Stonecrop pink stood out in an independent form. Known for its medicinal properties, Rhodiola rosea is also a sedum.

How to care for stonecrop

The place for stonecrop is chosen bright sunny, you can use it on a rocky and rocky area. The thick, fleshy leaves of stonecrop "tan" become reddish at the edges. In the shade, the beauty of the stonecrop fades, the stems stretch, the leaves become sparse. There are shade-tolerant varieties, but they are few.

When creating a bewitching landscape from stonecrop, as in the photo, planting and care is not particularly difficult. However, he does not like the plant of stagnant water; for the winter, dry stems are cut and even sheltered in cold regions. In the spring, dried branches are removed or replaced with new plants.

Reproduction of sedums

Before planting stonecrops, it is necessary to clear the site of perennial grasses. The plant propagates by shoots, division of the bush and seeds.

The easiest way is to dig shoots into clean ground in the spring. They root easily with the cut aerial part. The division of the roots occurs when long-growing plants need to be planted. They are completely dug up, cut, the sections are dried for several hours in the shade, and only then they are seated in a new place. The seed method gives an adult flowering plant in two years. Small seedlings with two leaves are immediately planted outside.

Ground cover stonecrops spread along the ground and the stem is gradually exposed. The type of landing becomes sloppy. The stems can be sprinkled with earth or small gravel, add humus.

From insects, stonecrop aphids, sawfly larvae and weevil harm. When waterlogged, the plants turn black and fall, affected by rot.

Get acquainted with the photo of numerous varieties and types of stonecrop

As soon as they called this unpretentious plant! In Germany, he was given the name fat mother hen, in Russia hare cabbage. All varieties have fleshy leaves that allow the plant to do without watering for a long time. The genus of succulents includes 500 species. About a hundred varieties are cultivated in the middle lane:

  1. Stonecrop groundcover spike-shaped in the floor bowl in the photo is a dense turfed carpet up to 15 cm high. The leaves are fleshy, cylindrical, bluish-green. It grows in rock crevices in the highlands. It is found in the wild in the Caucasus. All types of creeping stonecrops are unpretentious, content with low lighting, bloom all summer and winter well. In the flower bed, this is the background against which tall flowers flaunt.
  2. Stonecrop is a prominent tall plant with straight stems. Leaves with a bluish coating are located along the entire stem. Small fluffy pink flowers are collected in a basket up to 15 cm in diameter. Some varieties have white and red baskets. Stonecrop blooms in the fall for a month, until frost. Sedum looks very picturesque in garden compositions.
  3. Stonecrop purple grows everywhere in Russia. Hare cabbage blooms at the very beginning of autumn, when the rest of the flowers wither. Straight stems raise a fluffy basket 30 cm above the ground. Thick leaves with a wax coating retain moisture. Winters without shelter.
  4. Stonecrop Morgan has a completely unusual appearance of leaves on long shoots. Such a plant looks beautiful in hanging flowerpots, when branches with garlands of barrel leaves go down. In Mexico, where the flower comes from, it was called the monkey tail.
  5. Stonecrop caustic is very poisonous, used in medicine. In nature, it grows near a river, on shallows or in a pine forest. The leaves are oval, the flowers look like a star, only yellow. Sedum blooms for one month at the very end of summer. A plant 10 cm high tightly closes the soil. This type of stonecrop grows only in the open.
  6. Stonecrop false got its name for the fact that, even dry, it seems alive, but the rug becomes prickly. The flower is drought-resistant, does not require watering. On the basis of false sedum, decorative hybrids were obtained, but they are less stable and have signs of degeneration. It is this species that never gets sick, and insect pests do not inhabit it.

A selection of photos of stonecrop in garden design

Creating a garden composition, the designer takes into account many factors. It is important for him that the plants harmonize. Stonecrop of various types is indispensable in the decoration of gardens. The evergreen plant is winter-hardy and undemanding in care, it is used as a bright spot or creates a background.

The design of garden compositions is not complete without stonecrops. ground covers unpretentious varieties used to decorate the roof of small forms, to create architectural compositions. Bright greenery of different shades creates a unique look according to the artist's plan. Stonecrops are used both in hanging structures and in the rock garden. In spring, when there is little greenery, sedums enliven the garden, in autumn they bloom and play with colors.

Video about the reproduction of a favorite type of stonecrop

Sedum or, the so-called, cleansing has long won the hearts of many amateur flower growers. A plant belonging to the succulent family simply fits perfectly into the beauty of the alpine hills, and in autumn they can perfectly dilute the beginning to turn yellow and gradually fading colors of the infield.

For those people who prefer to live in the country until late autumn, the presence of this flower is simply necessary. It will help to escape from dull after-harvest colors, reviving landscape design in pink, crimson, white and lilac colors. Not only in real life, but also on the photo sedum looks just amazing.

Powdered with the first snow, the inflorescences of sedum make you freeze from such tender beauty in delight and amazement. The flower is unpretentious, not capricious. Sedum Care does not require special skills, large expenditures of strength and energy. Everything is within the power of even beginner gardeners. You can grow it not only in garden conditions, but also at home.

Description and features of sedum

Motherland sedum plants is located in areas where harsh northern conditions prevail, so the flower endures all winter harshness and adversity and dry periods with enviable stamina. Initially, people got acquainted with this beauty in China, Korea and Japan.

His hallmark is the originality inherent only sedum flowers. But planting it in a single copy does not always bring the expected decorative effect. A plot with planted groups of such plants will look much more beautiful.

The flower has fleshy stems and leaves that can easily accumulate moisture. The height of the stem, depending on the variety and type of plant, on average, can reach up to 40-80 cm.

The inflorescence is umbellate, having an average diameter of 15-25 cm, and consisting of small flowers in the form of stars. The tuberous rhizome has a large size. Sedum has the form of compact bushes.

It belongs to perennial plants that perfectly tolerate wintering in open ground. The flowering time of this beauty falls on the summer and autumn periods. They are excellent honey plants that attract bees to the garden.

Sedum home mostly selected from tropical varieties. He is more gentle and demanding. For cultivation, household plots choose to a greater extent perennial and winter-hardy flower varieties, with creeping or erect stems.

For all kinds sedum cleaning almost the same qualities are characteristic - they are resistant to drought and love a lot of light. But this does not mean that this flower will feel bad in partial shade.

Sometimes it stretches up from the lack of light and blooms less. He has amazing unpretentiousness and the ability to adapt to any environment. Sedum has a lot in common with spotted, juvenile, Kalanchoe and Echeveria because these flowers are its direct relatives.

Translated from Latin the name of the flower means the word "subside". This name is due to the fact that the leaves of some types of sedum have an analgesic property. In another version, it is suggested that the name comes from the word "sit". Allegedly, the flower sits tightly pressed against the soil.

The popularity of sedums has come since ancient times. People have successfully treated many wounds with crushed leaves of these flowers. In one of the legends, it is mentioned that the deep wound inflicted by the spear of Achilles to Telephos, the son of Hercules, was cured by this particular plant.

Indeed, a lot of citric, oxalic, malic acid, as well as traces of alkaloids, were found in its juice. All these substances help to perfectly heal wounds and treat burns. In terms of its healing abilities, sedum is on a par with aloe.

Planting and breeding sedum

At planting sedum should be considered in the first place its variety. Although they have similar qualities, each of them requires its own individual approach. In general, there is little trouble in growing this plant. The main thing at the same time is to choose the right place for flowers, place them comfortably and beautifully on the site and prepare the soil for them.

AT growing sedum there are some secrets and subtleties. Many flower varieties prefer well-lit areas. In some of them, due to the lack of sunlight, decorative beauty and attractiveness may be lost.

Their leaves cease from this to be prominent and fleshy. Moreover, from some of them without sunlight, you can not wait for flowering at all.

The plant has no specific requirements for the soil. Indeed, in nature, sedum can grow on sand, in a crevice of stone and in calcareous soil. With the severity and water resistance of the soil on the site, it can be diluted with sand or gravel.

For planting sedum in the garden, seed seedlings are often used. To obtain high-quality seedlings of sedum, it is necessary to sow the seeds in containers with garden soil and sand approximately 4-5 cm apart in the first spring months.

From above, these crops are sprinkled with coarse sand, sprayed, covered with glass or film and put in the cold. The required temperature should be from 0 to +5 degrees.

While future seedlings are in the refrigerator, the film on the container must be periodically lifted. With this, the plant is ventilated and it is possible to avoid condensation in the container. The moisture content of the substrate must be kept constant.

After 14 days of sowing sedum from seeds can be brought into a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees. The emergence of seedlings will be noticeable in a month. All the time before this, the substrate should be moderately moist, there should be no condensation on the film. It is important to constantly ventilate future seedlings.

The seeds of this plant can also be sown in containers in winter. Just do not put them in the refrigerator, but take them out and dig them in the garden or store them in a greenhouse. This is the only way to successfully pass the stratification of seeds. In April, you can bring the seeds into the room and watch them germinate.

How to care for sedum seedlings?

Shoots of sedum are quite small. With their mass appearance, it is necessary to remove the coating. As soon as the plant has two leaves, they are transplanted into separate containers.

To sedum seedling felt good, the substrate must be constantly loosened and watered. Gradually, seedlings must be accustomed to fresh air. These hardening procedures must be started 7 days before planting flowers in open ground.

Planting sedum in open ground

Seedlings are planted in open space only if the threat of possible frosts has already passed. This is at the end of spring. An open and well-lit area is best suited for a flower, away from bushes and trees that shed their leaves in autumn. This sometimes interferes with the normal growth and development of the sedum, sometimes it simply does not have enough strength to get out from under them with the onset of spring.

How to plant sedum?

It has already been said about the unpretentiousness of this plant. Indeed, he is able to grow even on a rocky surface. But for this he needs too much strength and energy.

Therefore, if the grower wants his sedum to be beautiful and massive soil on which it is planned to plant, it is better to fertilize with humus or compost in advance.

To plant this flower, you need to make holes 20 cm apart. A flower is planted in each such hole and watered abundantly after that. Flowers from seeds do not immediately begin to bloom. The first year is spent on their rooting and getting used to the environment. And already in the second year, the sedum will delight the owners and those around them with its beautiful beauty.

Sedum transplant

Being in one place for this flower is real for 5 years, after which you should do its rejuvenation. What do I need to do?

There are several options - you can prune the plant and get rid of its old shoots, you can upgrade a little and feed the land around it. But the most optimal options are considered to be a complete transplant of sedum. Simultaneously with this procedure, you can divide it into parts.

Reproduction of sedum

The flower propagates with the help of seeds, leaf and stem cuttings, and division of the bush. The easiest and most effective, with the least expenditure of effort and energy, is the last method.

Sedum definitely has to be divided sooner or later because the flower grows strongly over time. It is best to subject sedum bushes to division in the spring.

Stem cuttings also have a lot of positive reviews. This procedure is most often performed in the summer. The lower parts of the stem are taken, divided into several and planted in sand or soil for rooting.

You can leave them cuttings in a secluded and warm place. For some time, they notice the appearance of new shoots and aerial roots, which begin to take root rapidly, hitting the ground.

Types and varieties of sedum

According to their qualities, properties and requests, there are two sedum species. The first includes plants that are satisfied with soil with a poor composition. According to their external signs, these are plants that create carpet thickets.

The second tall and profusely blooming flowers prefer more nutritious soil. In total, there are about 600 varieties of these beautiful flowers, which differ from each other in color, size, shape of stems and flowers. Mostly sedum varieties are distinguished by breeders by the color of their flowers.

Sedum prominent is a tall flower that can grow up to half a meter in height. The flower has thickened tuberous roots, erect stems, bare, large sessile leaves of blue and green, oval-shaped, with teeth along the edges and flowers with lilac hues. Flowers up to 1 cm in size. They are collected in semi-umbrella inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter.

Rocky slopes and subalpine meadows are covered false sedum. It is a perennial plant with a long rhizome. The stems are mostly creeping or slightly rising above the soil.

The fleshy leaves are dark green in color. Flowers pink or purple. In the flower industry, this flower has long gained its popularity due to its impartiality and beauty. It is he who can often be seen in flowerbeds and microbroders.

Sedum Morgana - this is one of the most beautiful ornamental plants. He also has other names - a donkey's tail, a monkey's tail. This is the name of the flower among the people, thanks to its hanging stems.

The plant blooms at home not as often as we would like. But even without this, Morgan's sedum makes everyone who sees him admire himself. This is a fairly demanding plant. Likes attention and care.

rose sedum otherwise called "Young". The flowers of this plant are pink or white. In total, there are about 50 varieties of roses. The main requirement for this flower is that in no case should it be planted in the shade, this is contraindicated for it. Rosa sedum needs frequent watering. To do this, it should be watered a couple of times in 7 days with clean, settled water.

Sedum yellow is a gorgeous, delicate flower. From it you can make beautiful paintings and rugs. Prefers sunny and open areas, not picky.

The brightly saturated flowers of this plant with all their appearance cheer up. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, more and more varieties of yellow sedum with other decorative qualities appear.

Sedum Kamchatka impresses with its flexibility, brightness, uniqueness and originality. The plant, when compared with its other varieties, is rather low, about 25 cm in height, with a dense stem and hard, flat, serrated leaves. This one differs from all other sedums by flowers of yellow-green tones collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Sedum hybrid forms a beautiful carpet on the rocks, in the steppes. The average plant height is up to 15 cm. This frost-resistant and drought-resistant plant blooms with light yellow flowers. Against the background of these flowers, numerous stems are clearly visible, rich green in color.

Sedum purple amazes with the beauty of its flowers. They contain all the most delicate colors - purple, lilac, pink and white. The flower prefers open areas with dry, sandy soil.

Blooms from mid-summer to late autumn. Buy sedum is not a big deal. High-quality planting material is guaranteed by many stores specializing in this area.

Diseases and pests of sedum

For all their integrity and amazing resistance to diseases, some varieties of sedum can still be subjected to various fungal infections, aphids, sawfly, thrips, and weevil.

The flower begins to suffer from fungal infections in cold air and is too large, high humidity. Any affected areas with fungi should be cut off and burned to prevent further infection of the plant.

Pests can be controlled manually by shaking them on paper and using chemicals, which is more effective. With insufficient light, the flower stem may become bare. You can return the bush to its former beauty only by providing it with a sufficient amount of sunlight.

The roots of the plant can rot from abundant watering. Conversely, the plant begins to dry out if there is not enough moisture for it. For many years, sedum has been grown by flower growers with great pleasure. Attracts its beauty, uniqueness and not increased demands.

The genus includes up to 650 species, mainly distributed in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Pubescent or glabrous with glandular or simple hairs, straight or ascending, sometimes forming mossy cushions or tufts, annuals, herbaceous perennials and shrubs.

The foliage is diverse in shape, color and size, alternate, whorled or opposite. Sedum inflorescences are usually apical, sometimes lateral, corymbose, flowers are rarely solitary, yellow, white and pink, sometimes red or blue.

Recently it was a large genus (600 species), which outnumbered some families in its numbers. After the isolation of radiol, stonecrop and other plants, there are approximately 300 species. In horticulture, there are 100 species of the genus.

Types, varieties of sedum

Agrotechnically, sedums belong to two groups:

The first group is stonecrops, which prefer sandy and poor soils. As a rule, these are forms that form carpet thickets.

Under natural conditions, it is found in Russia, Western Europe, the Caucasus, North Africa. White stonecrop got its name for the fragrant white flowers.

Perennial, bare plant forming low mats 5 cm tall. The bases of the stems of white sedum creep along the ground. Panicled inflorescence. White sedum flowers on short stalks.

Sedum white grows well in partial shade, as well as in a sunny place. The typical coloration appears only on poor soils.

Undemanding plant. All of the varieties listed below withstand the harsh winters of the middle zone of our country. Stonecrop white is used as a ground cover plant.

There are garden forms, as well as varieties, of the most common varieties:

"Coral Carpet"- Bush no more than 5 cm tall, reddish foliage.

"Atom"- hemispherical shape, top with flat foliage, blushing in the summer in the sun.

"Faro Form"- a low variety with tiny leaves, forming mats 1 cm high. The inflorescences are also very short. It turns red in summer and then turns brown.

"Hillebrandty"- a large green variety, in summer it becomes orange-red.

Forms of white sedum

Stonecrop white small-flowered - ground cover, with green foliage and snow-white flowers. Non-flowering mats 2 cm, flowering 4 cm.

Stonecrop white wall is a profusely flowering and tall plant, with purple and bronze leaves and pinkish flowers.

Under natural conditions, it grows on rocks, in the steppes, in clearings. Sedum hybrid is common in Russia, Mongolia and Central Asia.

Perennial plant forming mats 15 cm high. The rhizome is horizontal, slightly lignified, cord-like. Stems branching, numerous, green.

The foliage of the hybrid sedum is alternate, green, spatulate, obtuse above, coarsely serrated. Sedum hybrid blooms in July-August. Winter-hardy.

Drought tolerant, relatively slow growing stonecrop.

"Immergrunchen"- a green variety with light yellow flowers.

Homeland is the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, the Caucasus, North America.

Perennial plant, forms ground cover sods. Stems are rounded, branched. The foliage of stonecrop caustic is dark green, fleshy, arranged in the next order. Foliage is not shed in autumn, it remains for the winter. Sedum has golden flowers.

Stonecrop caustic has a variety of forms, differing in size and shape of the flower. There are forms with yellow leaves.

"Minus"- low form with small foliage.

Stonecrop caustic unpretentious, frost-resistant. Used on rocky hills. The plant reproduces by self-sowing.

It grows in Japan, Korea, the Far East on rocky slopes.

The rhizome of the Kamchatka sedum is woody, branched, thick. Stems simple, ascending. The foliage is alternate or opposite. In culture different forms, white-edged and variegated.

Sedum Kamchatka is beautiful during the flowering period, when dark stems contrast with yellow flowers. The plant is combined with many other plants. Likes to grow in partial shade, in the sun, on moisture-intensive soil.

The species is very variable in nature; different forms and varieties are known in culture. The most common species is Kamchatka flower-bearing stonecrop and its variety "Weihenstephaner Gold", which is distinguished lush bloom, but its flowers are greenish-yellow and small.

Stonecrop Kamchatka variegated - slow-growing form, foliage with a cream border. In the bright sun, the edge of the leaf turns a little pink, gives a three-color color.

"Golden Carpet"- bright green foliage and yellow flowers.

It is found on rocky slopes, as well as in subalpine meadows. Distributed in Turkey, Iran and the Caucasus.

Perennial with creeping rhizomes. The foliage is fleshy, dark green, ovate-wedge-shaped. The inflorescence of false sedum is dense, corymbose. Petals purple or pink, lanceolate, acute.

Stonecrop false common in culture. Winter hardy groundcover. Very powerful stonecrop for small slides, can suppress delicate species. Looks great on carpet beds, flower beds and mixborders. Sedum false is good for planting on terraces.

Sedum is the most common sedum in gardens. There are many varieties.

"Album"- with green foliage and white flowers, flowering is weak.

"Album Superboom"- Green foliage, white flowers.

"Bronze Carpet"- with bronze leaves and pink flowers.

"Salmoneum"- salmon-pink flowers.

"Erd Blueth"- reddish foliage and purple flowers.

The second group of plants are plants that give preference to nutritious loams. These are tall forms that form extensive thickets, blooming profusely. This group includes all sedums (sedums) and stonecrops.

Homeland - Korea, Japan, China.

Perennial with tuberous roots and straight stems. The foliage of the prominent sedum is large, sessile, oval or spatulate. The flowers are pinkish-lilac. Blossoms in September 35 days.

Sedum prominent grows well on fertile soil with good moisture, in the sun. Winter-hardy. An excellent plant for flower beds. It goes well with large stones and low conifers.

Many varieties have been obtained in culture, however, the natural form is also common in gardens.

"Iceberg"- 35 cm tall, with snow-white inflorescences, blooms profusely in August.

"Diamond"- a variety with pink flowers, decorated with bright anthers and pink fruits.

"Neon"- 35 cm tall, with catchy pink inflorescences.

"Snowquin" and "Stardust"- with white flowers.

Sedum telephium is common in Russia, on sandy soils, among shrubs and in pine forests.

Perennial plant, with aerial part. Tuberous roots. Stems solitary, 60 cm tall, erect, light green, simple.

The foliage of sedum telephium is numerous, pressed to the top, almost sessile, obovate, wedge-shaped at the base. Inflorescence dense corymbose. Petals are purplish red. Blooms in July.

Sedum telephium is a fast growing plant. This beautiful stonecrop also grows in Russia, in its southern regions.

Variable plant, several subspecies are described:

Garden forms and some varieties are popular in culture:

Sedum "Manstead Dark Red"- red stems, green foliage and purple flowers.

Sedum "Matrona"- a tall, powerful plant with large, gray-green, leaves on purple stems, with pink inflorescences.

Sedum "PinkJevel"- with green foliage and pink flowers.

Sedum "Rosie Glow"- a variety with bluish-green foliage and pink flowers, etc.

It grows on rocks, near-channel sands, and also on pebbles. Distributed in Russia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, North India.

Perennial herbaceous plant. Roots cord-like, thin. Leaves are gray, flat, opposite, obovate. Sedum Evers petals are red, purple. Stamens shorter than petals, anthers purple. Flowering occurs in July. In spring it grows in May.

Winter hardy plant. Likes sunny places. In autumn, when the foliage falls, a skein of stiff, dark stems remains. Evers Sedum grows very slowly.

Here we consider species that belong to two genera - sedum (Hylotelephium) and stonecrops (Sedum). Some stonecrops and stonecrops are visually very similar and are found under the same name - stonecrops. The most striking sign for their difference are flowers - in stonecrops, flowers are always star-shaped at the time of flowering, and in sedum, flowers are bell-shaped.

Location of sedum (sedum)

The plant is photophilous, put up with only a slight shading, the coloring of the leaves of some species in the sun is bright and juicy, and some even acquire a blush.

In conditions of lack of light, the plants stop blooming and stretch very strongly, losing decorative look. Stonecrops should be placed so that in the fall they are not covered with tree leaves. In the spring, they cannot break through the recession layer. Sedum is drought tolerant. Grows in one place for 5 years.

Soil for sedum (sedum)

All sedums are unpretentious, they develop well on any soil with the introduction of a small amount of compost soil or humus.

Some species of stonecrop and sedum grow in mountainous areas and on stony soils. There are species that grow in nature on screes and on sandy slopes (caustic), on limestones (Caucasian sedum), under pine forests (sedum poplar, three-leaved). Stonecrop blooms brighter and better when grown in well-fertilized soil.

Fast-growing ground cover (sedum false, Spanish) love fertile soil - ordinary, loam. When planting other species, you need to do with sand, ash and compost.

Care for sedum (sedum)

The hardiest sedums in the middle lane are white, caustic, recurved, false and prominent. But Spanish, Lydian, Evers, Siebold require shelter in snowless, harsh winters. Some stonecrops have a wide range, so their varieties will have different winter hardiness.

In the garden, all sedums are prone to overgrowth. After 4-5 years, they need to be divided or cut to maintain beautiful, even carpets. After six years, stonecrops such as Spanish stonecrop, stonecrop prominent, may need "rejuvenation". This operation consists in removing old shoots.

During the flowering period of sedums (Siebold, Evers, thin-leaved), it is recommended to cut off the inflorescences so that the appearance of the carpet does not deteriorate.

When caring for sedum, frequent weeding should be considered, because sedums are not competitive with weeds. But sedum is an exception, as it is itself aggressive.

Almost all sedums (sedums) are drought-resistant, so they need to be watered only in dry summers and in the first period of time after planting.

Large sedums are cut after the first frost, or dried stems are removed in the spring, because some gardeners like the winter look of faded sedum inflorescences.

Diseases and pests of sedum

The plant almost does not suffer from diseases. But, large broad-leaved species, for example, a prominent stonecrop, are sometimes damaged by caterpillars of real sawflies.

In wet weather, stonecrop is prominent, common, can be affected by infections that appear as spots on stems or leaves. Affected parts must be cut and burned.

Of the pests, on large stonecrops, aphids are sometimes found.

Reproduction of sedum

Cuttings, seeds and division of the rhizome.

It is necessary to sow seeds in spring or autumn, in boxes or bowls that are placed in a greenhouse or dug into a garden bed. Seedlings are small. When the first leaves are formed, the seedlings dive into the beds. Stonecrop is a cross-pollinated flower, and seedlings do not retain their varietal characteristics. Seed propagation is used in breeding.

Sedum cuttings

The easiest, fastest way to reproduce. Very often, cuttings are used to propagate plants of the first group, their shoots form aerial roots, which, in contact with the soil, easily take root. Even the smallest shoots that fall to the ground during the division period can take root.

Large sedums, for example, ordinary, red-dotted, prominent, multiply by dividing rhizomes. They are dug up in the spring and the rhizome is cut so that the delenka has roots.

Sedum use

The plant is suitable for creating carpet compositions, ridge borders. Tall species are used with great success in groups and mixborders, some species are cut. Sedum looks great on rocky areas.

In order to properly position stonecrops, you need to understand that most of them are not bred because of their flowers. First of all, a decorative effect is created by a different colored foliage structure. Stonecrop leaves come in different shades of golden, green, silver, dark red, bluish.

You can make a flower garden only from stonecrops. Place low, carpet varieties in the foreground. In the background, stonecrops of the second group (hybrid, false, Evers, Kuril). Stonecrops of the third group are planted in single specimens or in small groups. Stonecrop Carpathian and prominent looks very good, they do not fall apart, retain their vertical shape. Such a flower garden will be decorative until late autumn. Lush, bright flowering of stonecrops will decorate your site.

Stonecrops are indispensable for miniature rockeries. They are made in small containers. The markets now sell a variety of plastic planters suitable for mini rockeries. As a rule, stones are laid in them and stonecrops of different shapes are planted, and they are supplemented with several young ones.

Stonecrops also help out in cemeteries, when decorating graves in a sunny place.

Many types of sedum are excellent honey plants. Golden sedum honey is one of the best varieties, has good taste and healing properties.