Mac king kong landing and care. Poppy: planting and care. The use of oriental poppy

Despite the fact that the decorative poppy blooms for only one or two days, its cultivation in flower beds is very popular. The fact is that by sowing just one box of seeds, you can get up to twenty plants, which, blooming one by one, will provide your flower garden with decorativeness for more than a month. And if you sow poppy flowers more abundantly, then the flower bed will turn into a mini-garden with blazing lights.

How do poppies bloom?

Poppy belongs to the poppy family. There are perennial or annual species that produce seeds in the current year. It has strong, high (up to 1 m) stems and beautiful pinnate leaves, naked or pubescent, decorative for a long time.

How does poppy bloom and what is its beauty? home beauty plants, of course, in flowers. They are large and very bright, of various colors - from fiery red to milky white. At the base of the flower there is a dark, almost black spot.

The very process of blooming a garden poppy flower is unusual and interesting. First, the bud cracks, the calyx falls off and a flower crumpled like tissue paper appears to the admiring gaze. But instantly, before our eyes, the petals straighten out, turning into a delicate flying flower.

Look at the photo - the poppy flower in the center has a lot of stamens surrounding the future fruit-box, covered with a pistillate velvety disc-lid.

A flower on a long peduncle triumphantly rises above the dense green foliage and attracts with its brightness.

However, its flowering period is short - only 1-2 days. To replace it, more and more new flowers appear, preserving the beauty and freshness of a blooming garden.

Poppy is a light-loving and unpretentious plant, it can endure both cold and drought, it grows on any soil, but prefers loose, nutritious, cultivated. In this case, the poppy bloom is abundant and luxurious. When caring for poppies, remember that this plant tolerates stagnant water.

Types of perennial poppies

From perennial species poppy in culture, oriental, golostebelny, alpine and bracts are used:

Oriental poppy - the king of perennial poppies. There are many garden forms and varieties of this species. The plant is tall, up to 60-80 cm. The leaves are large, basal, pinnately dissected.

As you can see in the photo, in this type of poppy, the flowers are bright red or pink, solitary, on elastic peduncles reach 10-12 cm in diameter.

Bright, usually with a black base, the petals are surrounded by black anthers. Leaves, stem, calyx densely pubescent. Blooms in May-June. Prefers light, open places and fertile loamy soils.

Poppy propagation is carried out by seeds, division of the bush. Ornamental poppy seeds can be sown both in spring and autumn. They do not lose their germination for 2-3 years. Old bushes are divided at the end of summer.

This type of garden decorative poppy is used for group plantings and cutting. Cut flowers should be at the beginning of the blooming of the buds. Flowers stand in water no longer than 2-3 days. This view is very effective in the background of flower beds as a bright background.

Poppy golostebelny, or Siberian. This perennial is often grown as an annual, as it needs to be renewed after 2-3 years. This species differs from others in the absence of leafy stems. The leaves are only basal, dissected, pubescent, but may also be bare.

Flowers on low stems - up to 20-30 cm, 2.5-5 cm in diameter. The color is white, yellow or orange. Flowering is plentiful due to numerous peduncles, from May to frost, which is of great decorative value for this poppy. It is unpretentious in culture, but prefers open sunny places and warm, permeable soils. Despite the fact that it is a perennial, it propagates only by seeds that have good germination, both in spring and autumn. Easily propagated by self-seeding.

Used in flower beds and for cutting. The flowers are cut at the half-bud stage.

Poppy bract. This is the tallest of the poppies. Its height is up to 130cm. The plant itself is powerful, with large dissected basal leaves, up to 45 cm long. The flowers are also large, up to 16 cm in diameter. They are crimson-red, with a black spot at the base of the petals. Blooms in spring. Flowering is short.

Reproduction of decorative poppy seeds

Both annual poppies and perennial poppies are easily propagated by seeds. For many, this is even the only way to reproduce.

Perennial poppies are propagated by dividing the bush after flowering and by daughter rosettes of leaves that appear at the end of summer on mother bushes.

It is better to plant them in peat. They are allowed to take root and only on next year planted in a permanent place.

The seed method of reproduction in perennial poppies is somewhat different than in annuals.

Seeds should be sown immediately after they are collected in seedling boxes. With the advent of 1-2 true leaves, they are dived into peat pots, which are dug into the ground. In a permanent place they are planted in pots as needed. For the winter, plantings are covered with a dry leaf. This whole procedure can be done starting in early spring. But the seeds no longer have the same germination capacity as immediately after they were collected.

Caring for poppies consists in rare watering, frequent loosening, fertilizing with humus, which is used as mulch.

In a hot, dry summer, the leaves of faded poppies quickly wither and dry out, so their systematic removal is necessary. By the end of summer, rosette leaves reappear, delighting us until frost with the freshness of greenery and its beauty.

Oriental poppy varieties

Of the oriental poppy varieties, the most common are:

"Perry White". Old variety with white flowers. There is a black spot at the base of each petal. Peduncle height 90 cm.

"Marcus Perry" - a classic variety with large orange- scarlet flowers and black markings at the base of each petal. Peduncle height 90 cm.

"Salmon Glove" - terry, salmon-orange.

"Goliat" - Red.

Poppy in the garden creates spectacular bright compositions. Oriental poppy with its open leaves and bright large flowers is good for single plantings. Cut poppies are able to give any attractiveness and brightness. Oriental poppy is a favorite cut poppy. It is cut off in the phase of a bursting colored bud. In addition, due to the small height of some varieties, they are decorated with them.

The beautiful, fiery red flowers of the Oriental poppy cannot fail to interest with their decoratively attractive appearance. Currently, this type of garden poppies has become widespread due to its varietal diversity and unpretentiousness in care. Growing oriental poppy does not require special knowledge or special skills. It is enough to adhere to the basic rules for planting and farming perennials, detailed in the article.

  • Oriental poppy or, as it is also called small-leaved, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the poppy family.
  • The homeland of the perennial is Western and Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey. In nature, it is often found in open sunny places, like a meadow or field.
  • The stem of the poppy is thickened, erect, not branched, pubescent below. Its height varies from 30 to 100 cm, depending on the plant variety.
  • Basal poppy leaves are located on long petioles. The length of the leaf, on average, is 25-30 cm, the shape is lanceolate. The stem leaves are smaller, and the apical leaves are sessile.
  • The root system is pivotal, the main root is powerful, deep and pronounced. In this regard, the plant does not tolerate transplantation well.
  • Poppy pedicels are thickened and bristly, up to 35 cm long. Flower buds are oblong, also covered with bristles. Corollas large, bright red. Petals come in different shades (orange, pink, red), with a black spot at the base. Perennial blooms in May - June.
  • Poppy fruit is represented by a bare box with numerous small seeds.

  • The disadvantage of the plant is the fragility and fragility of the flowers, which stay on the stem for no more than 3 days.
  • Poppy has not only a spectacular decorative appearance, but also valuable medicinal properties. Even in ancient Greece, it was used as a reliable sleeping pill and pain reliever.
  • An ancient plant, poppy, became the object of breeders only at the end of the 19th century. Many varieties of poppy have been bred for use in decorative floriculture. Varieties differ in color and size of flowers, bush height and other, less significant, morphological features.

Oriental poppy perennial, varieties

Breeders have bred a number of varieties with a variety of flower colors. Red, pink, orange, salmon or apricot flowers can be double or single, with serrated or smooth petals.

Here are examples of the most popular varieties of Oriental poppy:

  • Variety "Allegro" (Allegro)

Tall and compact bushes (up to 70 cm) are planted with rosettes of orange-red poppy flowers.

  • Sort "Brilliant" (Brilliant)

A very tall bush (up to 90 cm), has single, scarlet flowers. The variety is frost-resistant, does not tolerate excessive humidity.

  • Variety "Border Beauty" (Border Beauty)

Tall compact bushes (70 cm), are distinguished by numerous (30-40) semi-double, scarlet, petals of a large flower on high pedicels. The variety is frost-resistant.

  • Variety "Pizzicato" (Pizzikato)

Low grade, with large flowers of bright pink, white and orange shades.

  • Variety "Rosenpokal" (Rosenpokal)

Tall shrub (70-100 cm), crowned with simple pink poppy flowers, without a black spot at the base. The variety is frost-resistant, well propagated by dividing the rhizome.

  • Variety "Beauty Queen" (Beauty Queen )

It is characterized by high peduncles (90 cm), abundantly seated with light orange, saucer-shaped flowers.

  • Variety "Beauty of Livermere" (Beauty of Livermere )

It has stable high peduncles (120 cm) with scarlet flowers and a characteristic black core.

  • Variety "Black and White" (Black and White)

Spectacular variety, with large white, corrugated flowers and a black core.

  • Variety "Blue Moon" (Blue Moon)

Tall bush (up to 100 cm) of poppy, with large (25 cm in diameter) pink flowers. Petals have a light bluish tint and a black spot at the base.

  • Variety "Cedric Morris" (Cedric Morris)

Differs in large, delicate, purple flowers with corrugated petals and a black spot at the base. Peduncles high (about 80 cm).

  • Variety "Garden Glory" (Garden Glory)

One of the most decoratively attractive varieties of poppy. Terry corrugated petals have soft pink shades and a dark center. Peduncles reach a length of up to 70-80 cm.

  • Variety "Mrs. Perry" (Mrs Perry)

Peduncles up to 90 cm, medium-sized flowers, pink with a black spot in the center.

  • Variety "Kleine Tangerine" (Kleine Tanzerin)

Low variety, flower stalks grow up to 60 cm in length. Differs in the abundance of semi-double, salmon-colored, flowers with corrugated petals on the bush.

Propagation of oriental perennial poppy

Oriental poppy is propagated mainly by seed, but is also practiced vegetative method perennial reproduction - dividing the bush into parts or cuttings.

The vegetative method of reproduction is guaranteed to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the parent.

Propagation of oriental perennial poppy seeds

  • Oriental poppy seeds can be bought in any specialized stores, flower shows or nurseries.
  • Poppy seeds are sown in spring or autumn. It is better to immediately sow the perennial in a permanent place, as it does not tolerate the subsequent transplant.
  • Seeds are harvested after the final ripening of the fruit - boxes. When she becomes characteristic Brown color, dry and fragile, seed material can be collected. Sometimes the heads are wrapped in gauze in advance so that the ripened seeds do not spill out into the ground during gusts of wind.
  • Seeds are shaken out of the holes of the lid of the box and stored in a cool, dry place. It is better to store seeds in a paper bag. They also practice another way of storing seeds (without pouring out of the fruit box). Cut dry boxes are stored in a dry place, and the seeds are removed immediately before sowing.
  • If ripe boxes are not collected from the bush, the poppy will randomly multiply by self-sowing.
  • Experienced flower growers recommend preliminary stratification of seeds, i.e. cold hardening them. This event helps to increase the endurance and viability of future plants. You can also carry out natural stratification by sowing seeds in the cold season: in early spring(still with soil frosts) or late autumn (in winter).

Vegetative propagation of oriental perennial poppy

  • Transplanting oriental poppy is not always successful. The tap root of the plant does not take root well in a new place, especially after division.
  • The division of the poppy bush is carried out in the summer, before or after the flowering period. The bush is dug together with a clod of earth, and divided into several parts. Delenki are planted in a permanent place, in prepared soil.
  • Some gardeners practice perennial propagation by cutting young rosettes (lateral shoots). Cut cuttings are kept for a day in a disinfectant solution or growth stimulator ("Kornevin"). Then the shoots are rooted in the prepared soil. At first, it is better to cover the planted cuttings with a film to create a greenhouse effect and better germination. After rooting, the shoots are transplanted into open ground.
  • To obtain rhizome cuttings, the perennial is dug up, and some of the thick roots are cut into pieces. The upper cut of the handle is made exactly horizontally, and the lower cut obliquely. Cuttings are planted in the soil strictly vertically, completely covering them with soil. Moisturizing the earth and observing the required temperature regime (not lower than +10 0 С), the first shoots will appear in 1-2 months. After germination, the plant is transplanted.
  • Experienced flower growers divide the poppy bush, not digging it out completely, but digging it from the side and carefully separating a fragment of the rhizome for germination.
  • In the first year, all cuttings planted on the site are covered with special covering material for the winter.

Oriental perennial poppy, planting features

In order for the oriental poppy to retain its varietal qualities, it must be planted separately from other types of poppy. This condition is necessary so that the flowers do not cross-pollinate with each other, and do not change varietal characteristics (for example, color, petal texture).

Preparing for landing

  • A place for planting an oriental perennial poppy should be chosen taking into account the fact that the culture has been growing in one place for more than 10 years and does not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, initially choose a suitable place: open, sunny, without stagnant moisture. With regular flooding of the site, there is a risk of plant death, as the root may begin to rot. Light penumbra will also be acceptable for poppy cultivation, while full shade adversely affects the growth and flowering of perennials.
  • Before planting oriental poppy, it is necessary to prepare the site: remove weeds, loosen and fertilize the ground. It is necessary to dig the soil deeply, given the rapid growth of the main root in length.
  • Humus or compost (5-10 kg per 1 sq.m.) and a mixture of mineral fertilizers are applied as a soil fertilizer, at the rate of about 50 g per 1 sq.m.
  • Oriental poppy is an unpretentious crop that grows even on poor and acidic soils. But in order for poppy flowers not to shrink over time, it is better to provide the perennial with permeable, sandy, nutritious soils.

Sowing seeds of oriental perennial poppy

  • Poppy seeds are very small, so they are sown not deep, almost on the surface layer of soil, lightly sprinkled with soil on top. Seeding too deep can slow germination or the seeds may not germinate at all.
  • To speed up the germination process, the area can be covered with a film or glass. When shoots appear, remove the cover.
  • After sowing the seeds, it is important to ensure the constant humidity of the site. Watering should be carried out moderately, with a sprayer (so as not to wash the seeds), without stagnant water in the garden.
  • With friendly and dense shoots, you need to thin them out, at least with an interval of 10 cm between plants.
  • After the seedlings grow up, it is better to thin out the seedlings again, leaving the strongest and healthiest plants. The distance between the poppies is left about 30 - 50 cm, given their further growth. Over time, adult sprawling poppy bushes will take up all the space left.
  • The very next year, after sowing, poppies will please with abundant flowering.
  • If the seeds were sown in the garden for the purpose of subsequent transplantation, this should be done very carefully, without damaging the roots of the sprouts. Poppy seedlings should be transplanted when at least 5 leaves appear on the stem. It is necessary to dig up seedlings, preserving the root ball of the earth as much as possible. This will allow the sprouts to take root faster in a new place.
  • Valuable poppy varieties are grown from seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in a container, put in a warm and bright place for germination. Seedlings appear after 2 weeks. In the phase of the second real leaflet, the seedlings dive gently, injuring thin roots as little as possible. When 4-5 leaves appear, seedlings (with a clod of earth) are planted in open ground.

Oriental poppy, plant care

An unpretentious, drought and frost-resistant plant - oriental poppy, requires minimal care and basic agrotechnical measures.

  • Watering

Due to the deep tap root system, the plant easily “extracts” moisture even in dry weather. The drought resistance of the poppy is also increased by the hairs and bristles that cover the leaves and stem of the perennial. Therefore, the poppy tolerates drought absolutely easily, but regular watering will still ensure the best and abundant flowering of the perennial. Stagnation of water in the area with poppies is unacceptable, this can lead to the death of the plant.

  • Mulching

The soil around the plant is mulched with peat or compost to prevent weeds and maintain a humid microclimate.

  • Top dressing and fertilization

Fertilize the plant in the spring, before the start of the growing season. Organic or mineral fertilizers are applied according to the instructions on the package.

  • Garter

Tall poppy bushes (peduncles reaching 1 m) are subject to garter. Otherwise, flower stalks can break and "lie down" on the ground.

  • Disease control

Oriental poppy is practically not affected by pests. In terms of diseases, the most common are black leaf spot, downy mildew and root rot. In case of disease of the ground parts of the poppy, they are treated with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol, fungicides "Topaz", "Maxim"). The affected parts are removed and burned. To prevent root rot, it is important to ensure moderate soil moisture and good drainage.

  • Shelter for the winter

The perennial is characterized by a high level of frost resistance, withstanding frosts down to -40 0 C. Only sprouted annual, and still weak, shoots are subject to shelter for the winter.

  • pruning

After flowering, the ground part of the poppy gradually dies off. If it is not planned to collect seeds, poppy stems and leaves are cut off (young shoots and leaves will appear only in early autumn). In this regard, it is important not to damage the "invisible" poppy root during summer field work in the flower bed.

  • Transfer

If a transplant of a whole poppy bush is required, the plant is dug up (after flowering), preserving the natural root ball of the earth as much as possible, and transplanted to a new place.

The use of oriental poppy

  • One of the key purposes of the oriental perennial poppy is decorative. Bright, fiery, large poppy flowers will perfectly decorate any flower bed. Unfortunately, your decorative look the plant loses immediately after flowering. Therefore, it is good to combine and arrange poppies with other crops that will continue to bloom and, after the death of the poppy, will fill the void of the site. So, the attractiveness and decorativeness of the flower bed will be preserved as much as possible. Given the high stalks of the poppy, it is planted in the background, placing undersized plants in front. The best companions of poppy will be autumn flowering asters, chrysanthemums, daylilies or cinquefoils.

  • For cutting, fresh poppies are practically not used, as they stand in a vase for no more than one day. More often, “hatched” buds are cut off, which last longer in water.
  • Dry shoots with poppy pods are used in the preparation of dry bouquets and flower arrangements.

Thus, any grower can grow oriental poppy on his site. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the plant when planting in a flower bed and provide this unpretentious plant with elementary and simple care.

Oriental poppy, photo

Video: "How to plant an oriental poppy"

Poppy is a herbaceous plant belonging to the poppy family, with more than a hundred varieties. It is pleasant to consider Australia, Europe and Asia as the birthplace of culture.

Also, poppies can be found in the subtropics, in temperate and cold climatic zones. Flowers feel great on rocky slopes, in the steppe and even in the desert.

General information

A cultivated plant is grown not only for ornamental, but also for medicinal purposes. Some states prohibit the cultivation of this crop, as it contains narcotic substances, while in others, it is bred on an industrial scale, obtaining an extract of opium from green seed pods, which is used to produce sleeping pills and painkillers.

ABOUT medicinal properties The Romans knew the poppy. Then they used it as a sedative and sleeping pill. IN Eastern countries opium was obtained from it and smoked it, since the use of alcoholic beverages was prohibited there. Over time, this addiction has reached China. In England, in 1820, the poppy was banned, but after some time it was again allowed to be grown there.

Now the opium poppy is grown in Asia, China, Afghanistan and India. Ornamental plants can be found in gardens everywhere and this is not surprising, since even a novice gardener can grow them.

Types and varieties of poppy

(small-leaved poppy ) - is a large-flowered culture, the inflorescences of which reach a diameter of up to 20 centimeters and have bright scarlet petals with a fringe at the ends. Leaf plates are bright green, pubescent, pinnately dissected. They are located on thin trunks, reaching up to one and a half meters in height. The plant blooms from late May to mid-June.

(poppy opium ) - is an annual, reaching a height of up to 90 centimeters. Sheet plates are oval with a pointed edge and corrugated edges. The inflorescences are large, having different doubleness and pink, lilac, red, white, purple or violet color. The flowering time of the culture falls on May.

- this culture has many varieties that can be both perennials and annuals. The height of the shrub reaches up to 100 centimeters, and the green leaf plates can be both oval and pinnately dissected with or without pubescence. Poppy inflorescences are large with a wide variety of shades. Poppy blooms in June.

- is a variety of culture with medium inflorescences with white petals and a dark middle. The shrub reaches a height of 70 centimeters and has pinnately dissected light green leaf plates. The culture blooms in May, and after flowering, seed formation begins.

- undersized variety. The height of the shrub reaches twenty centimeters. Leaf plates are pinnately dissected, pubescent, green with an ash-gray tint. The inflorescences are small with a yellow center and white-pink petals. The poppy blooms in June.

The plant is native to the Alps and the Pyrenees. The height of the shrub is 15 centimeters and has pinnately cut green-blue leaf plates. The inflorescences of the culture are small with white or yellow petals and a yellow anther. The plant blooms from late May to mid-June.

- the plant reaches a height of up to 30 centimeters and has greenish-gray, pubescent pinnately dissected leaf plates with a pointed end. Inflorescences are medium orange-red with unusually shaped petals and a gray core. Flowering time falls on May.

- is a herbaceous annual, reaching 40 centimeters in height. The leaf blades are large, doubly pinnately dissected. The inflorescences are medium, red in color with a dark middle. Flowering time comes in May or June.

France and Italy are considered to be the birthplace of culture. It is a herbaceous perennial covered with stiff white hairs. Leaf plates of a bluish-gray hue, medium pinnately dissected. Inflorescences are small red-orange with a yellow center. The flowering time of the culture falls on May.

- is a herbaceous perennial, erect stems of which reach a height of up to 120 centimeters. Leaf plates pinnately dissected, large, dark green. The inflorescences are large, red with dark spots on the petals and a dark center. The flowering time of the culture falls on May - June.

It is a herbaceous perennial, the stems of which reach a height of up to 15 centimeters. The leaf plates are pinnately dissected, small, dark green in color. Inflorescences are dark yellow, small with a yellow anther. The plant blooms in mid-May.

- is a herbaceous annual with a straight, slightly branched stem. The leaf blades are medium, gray-green pinnately dissected with serrated edges. Inflorescences are medium with a dark red center. The culture blooms in April.

The plant can be either an annual or a biennial. Upright pubescent stems reach a height of up to 45 centimeters. The leaves are medium pinnately lobed with a serrated edge of a dark green hue. Inflorescences are medium pale pink with a yellow center. The culture blooms from May to June.

- is a herbaceous annual with a branched, angular stem up to 30 centimeters high. Leaf plates of pinnately dissected type, dark green hue. The inflorescences are small, red in color with a dark center. The plant blooms from May to June.

- the homeland of the plant is the Kola Peninsula and Northern Norway. It is a herbaceous perennial with gray-green medium, pubescent, pinnately dissected leaf blades. The inflorescences are small, yellow in color with a bright yellow anther. Flowering time lasts from May to June.

- is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of up to 50 centimeters. The leaves of the plant are dark green, pinnate, pubescent. Inflorescences are large, red with a dark middle. The culture blooms from May to June.

The flower is native to China and Iran. The plant reaches a height of up to 60 centimeters. The leaves are medium, light green, pubescent, pinnately dissected. The inflorescences are small, red with a black center. Poppy flowering time lasts from June to July.

- is a herbaceous perennial, the stems of which reach a height of up to 15 centimeters. Leaf plates pinnate, small, dark green. Inflorescences are medium, red with a dark anther. The culture blooms throughout June, after which seed ripening begins.

- the culture has thick erect stems, reaching a height of up to 80 centimeters. The leaf plates are bright green, large, pinnately dissected. Inflorescences of a brick-red hue with a dark center and black spots at its base. The flowering time of the plant is in June.

- is a herbaceous, branched annual, reaching a height of up to 80 centimeters. The leaves are gray-green in color, large, pinnately divided. The inflorescences are small, red, pink or white with a dark or yellow anther. The culture blooms from late May to mid-July.

- is a herbaceous annual with a stem reaching a height of up to 50 centimeters. The leaf blades are large, green pinnately dissected with serrated edges. The flowers are bright red, large with a dark center. The culture blooms throughout June.

- the plant reaches a height of 40 centimeters has medium pinnately dissected leaf plates of a bright green hue with slight pubescence. The flowers are medium, red-orange with a dark anther. After flowering, the culture begins to form seeds.

Poppy planting and care in the open field

Almost all varieties of plants require planting in a sunny area for their growth and development. Speaking of soil, the variety of poppy should be taken into account. Some of them can grow in infertile soil, while the rest require fertilized soil.

If your plant belongs to a capricious variety, then you should dig up the bed in advance by mixing garden soil with compost and bone meal, and only then carry out seeding.

Seeds purchased at the store do not require stratification. Seed material collected independently must be stratified. If the winter is mild in the planting area, then seeds can be sown in the fall or at the end of winter, thus stratifying.

When sowing poppy in the spring, seed stratification is carried out two months before planting in the refrigerator. If you refuse this procedure, the seeds may not sprout or germinate very slowly.

Before sowing seeds into the ground, they are mixed with fine sand, after which they are sown in a prepared bed in a hole to a depth of 3 centimeters, after which they are sprinkled with earth. In order for the seed material to sprout faster, the bed should be kept moist.

When sprouts appear, they need to be thinned out so that about 20 centimeters of free space remains between the plants. Young plants will begin to bloom after 3 months after planting, and will retain their decorative effect for six weeks.

Eschsholzia is also a member of the Poppy family and has medicinal properties. Grown during planting and care in open ground without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

poppy watering

It is necessary to water the culture regularly, while watering should not be plentiful, since the accumulation of moisture at the roots can lead to their decay and death of the plant. After watering, loosen the soil and remove weeds.

To keep the soil moist longer, it is necessary to mulch the space around the plant with compost or dry peat. This will not only help retain moisture, but will also protect against weeds.

Soil for poppy

Before you start planting a crop, you should dig up the bed, adding top dressing to the soil.

Or rather, mix garden soil with compost and coarse river sand, which will serve as a drainage that does not allow moisture to stagnate at the roots and allows air to pass through.

poppy transplant

Since perennial poppies do not tolerate transplantation well and have a low survival rate, this procedure should be carried out with extreme caution. It is performed after the flowering of the plant.

A bush of a herbaceous perennial must be carefully dug up and, together with a zemlyok, transferred to a new planting pit, in which it is necessary to organize drainage from sand or fine expanded clay in advance, and apply fertilizer as compost.

After planting, the ground around the bush should be lightly pressed and mulched with dry peat. Care of the plant after this procedure must be very thorough in order to allow it to quickly acclimatize and take root in a new place.

Poppy fertilizer

In the spring, mineral dressings should be applied under the bushes with a culture. During the growing season, fertilization should be repeated.

You can also apply under the root and liquid organic fertilizers diluted in water for irrigation.

poppy blossom

The flowering time of this crop lasts from 4 to 6 weeks and may fall at the end of spring or the beginning - the middle of summer, depending on the cultivar. Flowers can range in color from bright red and orange to white, pink and yellow.

After the plant has faded, seeds will begin to form in the seed box, which can later be used to propagate the crop.

poppy pruning

The plant does not need pruning, however, in order to return its decorative effect, dead leaf plates should be cut off after flowering, so that after a while they will be replaced by new ones, giving the culture a fresh look.

Preparing poppies for winter

Annuals do not require any preparation. Faded bushes must be pulled out of the garden and burned. In order for annual plants to bloom longer, seed pods should be cut off. If they are not removed, the plant will propagate by self-sowing.

Perennial poppies lose their decorative effect after flowering, so they must be cut flush with the bed. The plant for the winter can not be covered. But if the winters in the region are not snowy and cold, then the bed should be covered with spruce branches or covered with a layer of dry foliage.

Propagation of poppy by dividing the bush

To preserve varietal characteristics, it is necessary to propagate the plant by bush division.

To separate parts of a culture, it is necessary to summer time, during the dormant period, dig out the mother bush from the garden along with the farmer. Then divide it into several parts and land them in prepared landing pits.

Poppy propagation by cuttings

Poppy can be propagated by separating the lateral shoots. To do this, you need to cut the cuttings and keep them for a day in a growth stimulator, then bury them in the prepared soil and cover with a film.

After they take root, they must be planted in open ground. The first winter season, young plants shelter from frost.

You can also get cuttings by digging up a bush and dividing its thick section of the root system into several parts. To do this, the upper cut is made horizontal, and the lower cut is oblique.

The resulting cuttings must be sprinkled with earth and placed in a vertical position. They should be regularly moistened and kept at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees, and after two months, the strengthened processes can be seated.

Growing poppy seeds

When propagating by seed, the gardener will not have guarantees that the varietal qualities of the mother plant will be preserved. To plant a crop, you should take seeds, stratify them before planting and sow them on a prepared bed in spring or autumn.

For propagation of valuable varieties, seedlings can be used. For this purpose, it is necessary to take the seed, place it in pots and transfer it to a warm room.

After two weeks, seedlings will begin to appear, which should be dived when two leaves appear, doing this carefully so as not to damage the root system. After five leaf plates appear, young poppies can be transferred to open ground.

Diseases and pests

Poppies are often susceptible to ailments of fungal etiology, such as powdery mildew and bacteriosis.

Powdery mildew appears in white plaque on leaf plates, which, if not removed in time, begins to turn brown and completely infects the entire plant . The affected culture blooms and grows worse, and in a neglected case, it dies.

The disease bacterial is the appearance of greenish-brown spots on the leaf plates, which affect not only the leaves, but also the seed pods . If the plant is not treated in time, it will die.

To eliminate both of these diseases, the damaged parts of the culture should be removed and destroyed. After that, the poppies should be sprayed with the Topaz preparation, diluting it according to the instructions on the package.

As a preventive measure for diseases of fungal etiology, in the fall, after pruning, all parts of the plant must be removed and burned. Poppies should only be planted on sunny areas using healthy seed. Also, you can not overmoisten the soil, so as not to lead to the appearance of fungus and rotting of the roots.

From insects, the culture is threatened by May beetles, nematodes, aphids, scoops and root secretive bollards. This whole group of pests violates the integrity of the root system and leaf plates, eventually leading to the death of the plant . To get rid of them, it is necessary to spray the plant with the Actellik insecticide and treat the soil near the poppies with the Nemabakt preparation.

Preventive tillage and plants in the spring will avoid the development of diseases and the appearance of pests.

Poppy benefit and harm

Poppy has been known since ancient times. Parts of the plant have been found in Neolithic buildings. At that time, this culture was identified with sleep. It was believed that with the onset of night, Morpheus came into the world carrying a bouquet of poppies with him. On the this moment for the pharmaceutical industry, the opium poppy is grown, used to produce drugs used for insomnia.

In medicine medicines on the basis of an extract from poppy (opium) they are produced to relieve convulsive syndrome, spasms and pain. Drugs Codeine and Narcotine are strong painkillers and are prescribed to patients with serious injuries and oncological ailments.

Papaverine is used to relieve spasmodic pain, with hypertension, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and some gastrointestinal ailments. Morphine is used as an anesthetic for surgical intervention and during the recovery period.

However, it should be taken with caution, as the body quickly gets used to it, leading to mental breakdowns and irreversible processes in the body.

Poppy in folk medicine

Poppy has been used in folk medicine since antiquity. It has a wide range of applications. It is used as a sleeping pill. Since poppy juice contains opium, it is used as a decoction as a pain reliever for migraines. The roots and seeds have an antidiarrheal effect and are used for indigestion.

Leaf plates are a tonic, so they are used to prepare decoctions to relieve fatigue. To boost defensive forces body, eliminate bronchitis and laryngitis, use poppy milk. The seeds, ground into powder, are used as a hemostatic agent. In the treatment of cancer pathologies, alcohol tincture of poppy is used, as well as in the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

In herbal medicine, all parts of the culture are used. The most effective remedy with a wide spectrum of action is poppy milk, which is prepared in the form of a decoction.

To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seeds and pour them with 2.5 cups of boiling water. The decoction should be left for 15 minutes, then strain. It must be taken 4 times a day for ¼ cup. It is used as an analgesic, hypnotic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Contraindications to the use of poppy

People with individual intolerance, allergies to its components, bronchial asthma, heart failure, and alcohol addiction should avoid using poppy-based products.

Also, children and pensioners should not take poppy-based drugs. To avoid a negative reaction of the body to this medicinal plant, it can be used only as prescribed by a specialist.

Poppy cooking recipes

Poppy seeds are widely used in cooking. Since they are high in calories and high in protein, they are used in a vegetarian diet. Poppy seeds are added to pastries and muffins. It is used to produce natural food coloring and oil, which is subsequently used to make margarine.

However, poppy is often used specifically in cooking, or rather, it is used to make fragrant pastries, with several recipes for fragrant muffins, you can find below.

These rich fragrant buns will be a great addition to your morning tea.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Raisins - 50 grams;
  • Wheat flour - 500 grams;
  • Milk - 250 milliliters;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Medium fat milk - 250 milliliters;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 grams;
  • Dry yeast - 11 grams;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 100 grams;

Filling Ingredients:

  • Poppy - 100 grams;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking buns:

To prepare the dough, heat the milk, pour the yeast into it, a tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of flour, mix and put it in the heat for 20 minutes.

We melt the butter. Sift the flour, make a well in it and crack the egg into it. Pour the dough here, add melted butter, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly.

Knead the dough and add raisins. Then knead it again, cover with a towel and leave it warm for an hour.

For the filling, take poppy seeds, fill it with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Drain the water, grind with a blender and add sugar. We mix.

Turn on the oven, divide the dough into two parts. We roll one in the form of a cake and grease with melted butter.

We put half the filling and spread it over the cake in a thin layer. Roll up and cut into pieces 2 cm wide. We carry out the same procedure with the remaining dough and filling.

We take a baking sheet, grease it with oil, lay out the buns and leave for 15 minutes. Whisk the egg and brush the pastry with it.

We bake buns for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Bon Appetit.

This appetizing roll can be prepared both for a holiday and for a regular home tea party.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Dry yeast - 11 grams;
  • Salt - 1 gram;
  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Butter - 130 grams;
  • Flour - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Filling Ingredients:

  • Walnut kernels - 2 cups;
  • Poppy - 0.5 cups;
  • Honey - to taste;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation of poppy seed roll:

From all the above ingredients, knead the yeast dough. Soak poppy seeds in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain the water, mix it with sugar and nuts and grind in a blender. Add honey and mix.

We roll out the dough in the form of a rectangle, grease it with melted butter and thinly distribute the filling over it.

Roll up the dough and place it seam side down on a baking sheet. We pierce the surface of the muffin with a fork and grease with egg yolk.

We bake the roll at a temperature of 200 degrees for half an hour. Bon Appetit.

This wonderful cake will be an ideal option for meeting guests and will easily replace the usual cake.

Dough Ingredients:

  • Lemon zest - 1 teaspoon;
  • Wheat flour - 1 kg;
  • Raisins - 200 grams;
  • Milk - 1.5 cups;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Eggs - 6 pieces;
  • Vanillin - 1 gram;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 11 grams;
  • Creamy margarine - 250 grams.

Filling Ingredients:

  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Poppy - 300 grams;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Walnut kernels - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking poppy seed cake:

We heat up the milk. Sift the flour, mix the yeast with warm milk and stir until they dissolve. We mix half the dose of flour and remove the dough for 30 minutes in a warm place, covering the bowl with a towel.

We take nuts. Grate the lemon zest. Pour poppy seeds with boiling water for 15 minutes. Soak the raisins for 2 minutes and drain the water. Melt margarine. Grind the eggs with sugar.

When the dough comes up, put salt, eggs with sugar, vanilla, lemon zest and melted margarine into it. Mix, put raisins and the rest of the flour into the dough. Knead the dough and put it in the heat for an hour, covering with a towel.

Grind poppy seeds, pitted lemon and nuts in a blend. Add sugar and eggs to the mixture. We mix.

We roll out the dough, put the filling on it and level it. We roll the cake into a roll. Cut off the ends and lay the roll in a ring, pinching the inner edge. We grease the baking sheet with oil and put the cake on it. Then we cut it into rings, leaving 1 centimeter to the end.

We wrap the first ring inward and turn it 90 degrees. The second two rings, unfold and lay outward. The next ring is placed inside and unfolded, then two are unfolded outward and so on until the end.

From scraps we make a rose and place it in the middle of the pie. Lubricate it with egg yolk and leave for 20 minutes.

We bake the cake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Bon Appetit.

A very tasty and fragrant cupcake for tea, which even a novice hostess can cook.


  • Poppy - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Flour - 500 grams;
  • Soda - 1. Teaspoon;
  • Margarine - 200 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Low-fat kefir - 1 cup;

Cooking poppy seed cake:

We take margarine, drown, add eggs, kefir, sugar and soda. We mix. Pour poppy seeds with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then add it to the dough and stir in the flour so that it resembles very thick sour cream in consistency.

We take the forms for cupcakes and coat them with oil, then pour the dough into them so that it is a little more than half. I bake the muffin for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

This unusual cake is perfect for a family celebration.


  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Nuts - 100 grams;
  • Milk chocolate - 75 grams;
  • Sugar - 260 grams;
  • Cream - 600 milliliters;
  • Raisins - 100 grams;
  • Flour - 100 grams;
  • Egg yolks - 6 pieces;
  • Butter - 140 grams;
  • Poppy - 130 grams;
  • Vanilla - 2 grams.

Poppy seed cake preparation:

We take 4 yolks and beat them with 50 grams of sugar until an airy, homogeneous, white mass is obtained. In another bowl, beat the whites with another 50 grams of sugar.

Then mix flour, poppy seeds and 1 gram of vanilla. In the yolk mass, in three steps, mix the beaten egg whites and the flour-poppy mixture in turn. Gently mix the contents of the bowl with a spatula so that the proteins do not settle, finishing with 100 grams of melted butter. The result should be a lush and airy mass.

We take a form for baking a biscuit, cover it with parchment and pour the dough into it. We bake a biscuit for 45 minutes at a temperature of 75 degrees.

When the biscuit is ready, leave it to cool in the form, and after cooling, take it out, turn it upside down and cut it into four horizontal cakes.

We take 6 yolks and grind them with 160 grams of sugar and 1 gram of vanilla until smooth. We boil the cream, when they boil, mix them with the yolks and boil over low heat until the consistency of sour cream. Remove from heat and add raisins and nuts.

We take a form covered with parchment, put the first cake on it and soak it with the resulting hot cream. So, we do with the rest of the cakes. We put the finished biscuit in the refrigerator for an hour, after which we turn it upside down on a plate.

We take chocolate and 40 grams of butter and heat them in a water bath. When the frosting has cooled, pour it over the cake. Bon Appetit.


Mac represents beautiful plant, which does not require much time and special care, while it can be used to treat many diseases, prepare a large number of dishes, and, of course, to decorate a garden plot.

Therefore, if you dream of bright poppies in your garden, be sure to plant them to enjoy the beautiful blooms and the plant's health benefits.

bright flowers on garden plot definitely attract attention. These are the kind of plants you want to see. Therefore, the cultivation of attractive garden flowers is of great interest to gardeners. Poppy can be attributed to the famous and wonderful plants of this type. In total, about seventy varieties of such a plant are found in Russia - annuals, perennials and biennials. The topic of our conversation today will be the oriental perennial poppy, we will clarify how this plant is planted, and what care it needs, and we will also discuss growing poppy from seeds.

The perennial poppy is considered by many gardeners to be the most attractive. Luxurious flowers of rich color appear on the stems of the plant, which can rise up to a meter. Now on sale you can find plants with different colors of petals and with different textures. Reproduction of such a flower occurs with the help of seeds and green shoots, as well as by dividing the bush.

Growing poppy oriental perennial from seeds

On the eastern perennial poppy, as well as on other varieties of this plant, after flowering, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds. Sometimes these garden pets reproduce by self-seeding. In order to control this process, it is necessary to wait until the boxes are completely dry, cut them off with care and send them to storage in a tight fabric bag. You can also pour the seeds inside a glass container. Some flower growers cover ripening seed boxes with gauze - to prevent self-seeding and ensure full ripening.

Readers of "Popular about Health" can sow perennial poppy seeds immediately in open ground. Moreover, such a procedure can be carried out both in spring and autumn (before winter). When grown from seeds, the plant is able to begin to bloom only in the second or third year of life.

Poppy seeds are extremely small in size, so they are not buried in the soil. It is only necessary to thoroughly loosen the earth with a rake, and then scatter planting material on its surface. To ensure uniform and not very heapy sowing, you can mix the seeds with sand. After that, it will not be superfluous to carefully water the landing site, but you should not fill it with water.

In the spring, after the poppy sprouts, it will be necessary to thin them out - with an interval of first ten, and then twenty centimeters. The only thing that the grower needs to remember at the stage of growing small plants is that the land near them should not dry out and be covered with weeds.

Planting an oriental perennial poppy

It should be noted that the oriental poppy has a tap root, so it may simply not survive the transplant. Therefore, it is best to grow it from seeds immediately in a permanent place.

When choosing a place for planting oriental poppy, you need to consider several recommendations. In principle, this plant is not at all whimsical to the composition of the soil, but it prefers loose and sandy loamy soils. Poppy is extremely negative about areas where water stagnates, because excessive dampness can lead to root rot.

It is best to grow oriental poppy in open and sunny areas - there it feels as good as possible. A slight shading of such a plant is also allowed.

Once every five to seven years, it will not be superfluous to organize a poppy transplant to a new place of residence. This perennial grows strongly during this time, therefore, during such a transplant, it is quite possible to propagate it by dividing the bush. Some gardeners have successfully cut off a small piece of the rhizome from the side and used it for rooting. This procedure is best done in May (before flowering) or in summer - when the plant has faded. But according to the rules, you need to remove the bush completely along with the earthy clod and divide it into several divisions. They need to be seated at intervals of seventy to eighty centimeters. It should be noted right away that for the winter such plants will need to be covered.

A place for planting poppies must be prepared in advance: dig thirty to forty centimeters deep, eliminating weeds. Before digging, it is worth adding humus to the soil (from five to ten kilograms), as well as a mineral mixture (thirty to fifty grams). The given volumes must be used for each square meter of land.

It must be remembered that in the place of the previous poppy growth, even the tiny roots of this plant must be very carefully removed, because they may well grow after a while.

Oriental poppy care

Such a plant is very unpretentious. In a severe drought, it can be watered, but the poppy reacts very negatively to excessive moisture. Many gardeners don't water it at all and it grows well. Such a pet responds well to the application of organic and complex mineral fertilizers. He practically does not suffer from diseases and pests, ailments can develop in dampness, with insufficient proper care.

It will not be superfluous to periodically loosen the soil around the plant and eliminate weeds. Some gardeners have successfully mulched the ground around poppies to make it easier to care for.

Poppy bushes grow quite strongly over time. And flower stalks can grow up to one meter in height. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to tie them to a support, otherwise they may bend or even lie on the ground. After flowering, the aerial part of the plant dries up and needs to be cut off. Toward the end of summer, perennial poppy will begin to turn green again.

Despite the short flowering period, poppy is popular in ornamental gardening. Huge bright flowers do not leave anyone indifferent, and a variety of shades will allow you to create unique and spectacular compositions.

Oriental poppy (small-leaved) is a species of herbaceous perennial from the Poppy family. The plant has powerful straight stems up to 1 meter high and green leaves up to 30 cm long with a large number of segments. In early summer, large flowers open on thick pedicels - simple, double or semi-double. The classic color is fiery red with a black spot at the base. There are peach, raspberry, cream, pink, salmon, white and purple poppies, some varieties have spots at the base of the petals or a border. The diameter of the flower can reach 20cm. The flowering period of the plant is about a month, one opened bud lives on average about three days. May re-bloom in autumn. In the second half of summer, a fruit-box about 3 cm long is formed, filled with small seeds.

Poppy has been cultivated for thousands of years in many regions of the globe, and it is used not only for decorating plots.

  • Many nations associate the concept of sleep and death with this plant, it is used in religious ceremonies.
  • Red poppies are a symbol of soldiers who died in battle.
  • Poppy is used in medicine for the manufacture of painkillers and sleeping pills.
  • Poppy seeds are a tasty food product that is often used in cooking. It is added to the dough, sprinkled with small poppy seeds pastries.
  • Dried flower shoots with boxes are used to make dry flower arrangements.

And, of course, poppy is a popular plant in decorative floriculture. A large number of varieties have been developed that differ in size, color and appearance flowers, resistance to adverse growing conditions and diseases. After flowering, the plant loses its decorative effect and begins to dry out. It is cut off, and in the area with poppies, annuals blooming in autumn, such as aster, can be grown. It is also convenient to combine poppies with late-flowering perennials - chrysanthemums or daylilies. Different periods of flowering plants will allow the flower garden to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.

Different varieties of the flower are pollinated with each other. Oriental perennial poppy for seed propagation grown separately from other species. This will preserve the species properties: color, texture of the petals and other features of the plant.

Rhizome of perennial poppy

Reproduction methods

Several methods are used to breed the oriental perennial poppy.

  • The division of the bush.

The oriental poppy is a perennial that grows over time. It can be in one place for more than 10 years, but it is better to plant a flower about once every 5-7 years. This can be done in May, while the plant does not bloom yet. It is also possible to carry out the procedure after flowering. A bush with an earthy clod is dug up and divided into several parts. The rhizome is fragile, so they do the work carefully. The resulting delenki are immediately planted in a prepared place at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other. Young specimens before rooting need special care - frequent watering. The first year after transplanting, the plants are wrapped for the winter with a layer of dry leaves or spruce branches; later they hibernate without shelter.

This method is often used for especially valuable varieties. It guarantees that all varietal and decorative characteristics of the mother plant will be preserved.

If poppy plantings are completely transferred to a new place, even the smallest parts of the rhizome are carefully removed during transplantation. If they remain in the soil, they can easily germinate and eventually spread throughout the site.

  • Reproduction by root shoots.

It is possible to separate a fragment of the poppy rhizome from the side without digging up the plant. It is carefully cut off with a disinfected tool before flowering - in April or early May. Sections are treated with crushed charcoal. Planted in a prepared area. The interval between flowers is kept from 30 to 50 cm - depending on the desired effect and the variety of the plant.

  • seed method.

Growing from seed is the most popular method of propagation. If on the site with poppies fruits ripen - boxes, then the following year, self-sowing often occurs. To ensure reproduction, seeds are collected and sown.

How to plant poppy seeds?

Poppy can be sown in spring and autumn. Autumn sowing is carried out in pre-prepared soil before winter. Stratification is useful for seeds, therefore, in regions with a mild climate, it is advisable to work at this time.

Spring sowing in open ground is carried out early, before the onset of stable heat. Plants tolerate cold well. In the dug-up area, the seed is scattered and lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of loose earth. It is impossible to deepen small seeds, in this case they may not have enough strength to germinate.

If desired, you can grow seedlings in advance. Small seeds should be planted in containers with nutrient soil in early spring. They are not embedded deep into the soil, but scattered on the surface of the earth and then slightly pressed into the soil and covered with a film. Seedlings germinate in about two weeks, they need coolness and plenty of light. The covering material is removed, and when the second true leaf appears, the seedlings are carefully dived. The flower does not tolerate transplantation well and may die if the work is not carried out carefully. Flowers are planted in a permanent place of cultivation when five leaves appear on them. When transplanting, they try to dig up a poppy with a large clod of earth and carefully transfer it to a new area. The plant can bloom in the same year, but some varieties of perennial poppy delight with flowers only 2-3 years after sowing.

Features of cultivation

For good growth and beautiful flowering, poppy does not need to create conditions for increased comfort, this is an unpretentious plant.

  • Oriental poppy will like sandy loose soil without stagnant water. On poor lands with high acidity, flowers shrink.
  • The most suitable place would be an open and sunny area, however, with a little shading, the flower also grows well. In shady places, flower buds are worse tied, in some cases flowering does not occur at all.
  • Oriental poppy is a rather drought-resistant perennial. Its long taproot allows it to find moisture deep in the ground. It will be able to grow without watering, however regular moistening provides more lush bloom. Many varietal plants tolerate periodic drought poorly. Stagnation of water can lead to root rot.
  • The soil before planting is fertilized with humus (5-10 kg per square meter of land) and mineral dressing (30-50 g per square meter). Then they dig to a depth of 30-40 cm. Further, nutrients are added 1-2 times per season.
  • Regular loosening will help to provide the poppy with an influx of air to the roots. At the same time, weeds are removed on the site, and then the soil is mulched with peat or other materials.
  • Large perennial poppies need to be supported during budding. A high stem is tied to it with fairly wide ropes. Thin nylon threads are not used - they damage the stems.
  • After flowering, the dying foliage and stem are cut off at ground level. By autumn, smaller leaves will grow back. If you need to collect the seeds, then the procedure is carried out after the ripening of the fruits-boxes.
  • Poppy can withstand frosts down to -40 degrees. Mature bushes do not require additional shelter for the winter, but it is better to take care of frost protection for rare and varietal species. They are covered with dry leaves.

If it is not planned to collect poppy heads for seeds, then they are pruned after flowering. This prolongs the flowering period of plants, because the flower spends a lot of energy on the ripening of fruit-boxes.

How to collect seeds?

Boxes with poppy seeds are carefully cut off after they are completely dry. Store in a thick paper or cloth bag. You can leave the seeds in the fruits-boxes or pour them out of the "house". In faded poppies, heads with seeds are often wrapped in a light cloth in advance. So it is easier to protect the seed from self-seeding. This is important if you need to save the seeds of a flower of a particular variety or specimen you like.

Pests and diseases

Poppies can suffer from powdery mildew. Signs of the disease are a white coating on the leaves, which turns brown and darkens over time, the spots merge and completely cover the entire surface of the leaf plate. The flower grows worse, and with significant damage it may die.

Poppy bacteriosis is manifested by greenish-brown spots on the leaves, which grow and pass to the seed pods.

Plant areas infected with these diseases are cut off and destroyed. For treatment, spraying with copper oxychloride (40 g of the drug per 10 liters of water), Bordeaux liquid, Topaz or Maxim is carried out. To prevent diseases in the fall, all plant residues are burned, poppies are not planted in shady places, healthy seeds are used and waterlogging is not allowed.

The main pests that harm poppies:

  • Khrushchi;
  • nematodes;
  • scoops;
  • root secret hunters.

A blooming poppy decorates flower beds with bright lights of its inflorescences. It is used to decorate alpine slides, in mixborders and rockeries. On lawns, they are grown in groups, creating flower beds in a rustic style. It will perfectly enliven any flower arrangement.

An extremely bright, and, surprisingly, extremely unpretentious plant is the oriental poppy. However, we are not so rarely asked questions about the cultivation and care of this plant.

In the title photo - variety Patty's Plum.

The oriental poppy is a perennial. The bush is quite large, up to 1 meter tall, but the height depends on the variety. The stems are strong, powerful, bristly, straight. The leaves are well recognizable, with an expressive predatory indented edge (pinnately scattered), of two types, basal - larger, and stem - a little smaller. The flowers are located on the stems one by one, large, up to 18-20 cm in diameter. The classic color is fiery red with a black spot at the base.

Today, the colors are varied: from classic reds to various shades of pink, peach, raspberry. Colors atypical for poppies (that is, everything except bright red), due to the papery, fragile structure of the petals, are distinguished by their originality. They have a light dirty brown-gray undertone, which makes the appearance of the flowers a little disturbing, dramatic.

flowering period not long - about 2 weeks. The beginning of the appearance of flowers is the end of May. Short flowering period and fragility of flowers are compensated by abundance and brightness. May re-bloom in autumn.

Species and varieties

Plant varieties - mass (see photo below). As for the species, the Oriental Mace (Papaver orientale) is one of more than 50 species of the Maca genus. Another popular garden member of the genus, the peony poppy, is Papaver paeoniflorum. Oriental poppy is a perennial. Height - 40-90 cm. In nature, this is a typical meadow plant, occasionally found on stony soils of hills.

The bush of the plant is powerful, also highly decorative, unfortunately, it begins to lose its appearance after the buds fade.

Variety Miss Piggy

Variety Fancy Feathers

Two varieties: Beauty of Livermore and Raspberry Queen.

Princess Victoria Louise

Princess Victoria Louise

papaver oriental picotee

Little Dancing Girl

Very rare and incredible variety Danebrog. The variety is not commercial, it is rather an example of what this plant is capable of.

Landing and care

Like all other poppies, the oriental handsome man prefers a sunny place. It can grow and bloom well in the shade, tolerate periodic droughts (although this is undesirable for varietal plants).

Soil - almost any, the only exception - poppies do not tolerate increased dampness and stagnant water, so you should take care of good drainage. Plants are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. Although mature bushes are quite voluminous, and the distance for some varieties should be increased to half a meter.

Of the care measures, only watering, moderate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, and shelter for the winter will be required, despite the cold resistance, the plant has no immunity to severe frosts and it can freeze out in harsh winters.


The plant reproduces in three ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. The division of the bush.
  3. Root cuttings. They are taken in May, before flowering, or after flowering.

Transplants do not like, endure hard. Although a transplant in the fall with a clod of earth is permissible, especially since the oriental poppy feels good in one place for a maximum of 7 years, then a rejuvenating transplant is necessary.

As a rule, planting material on sale is packaged rhizome divisions, they can be of different sizes, so the cost can vary greatly. They are quite fragile, they can be easily damaged during transportation, so you should inspect the purchased material very carefully, cut out all damaged places, and treat the sections with crushed activated carbon. Before planting, the purchased rhizome should be wrapped in moss, leaving the growth buds free, slightly moistened and stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C. They are planted in open ground when sprouts appear, if it is too early to plant them outside, they should be planted in suitable containers, making sure that the roots are located without bends and the temperature near the plant does not exceed +12 ° C. A light cold balcony will do.

Where could I buy

As for seeds, they can be purchased at any store, although the choice of varieties is not so large.

Varietal perennial oriental poppies are sold mainly by rhizomes. Most often these are Dutch-made plants. Just below the table shows where you can buy oriental poppy.

Sowing and growing from seeds

Sowing is possible in spring or before winter. In the second case, flowers will appear the next year, but earlier than plants planted next spring. Purchased or self-collected seeds (wrap seed boxes with gauze so that the seeds ripen, but do not spill out) are sown superficially in open ground, almost without deepening. It is enough to slightly crush or press the soil, cover with covering material on top. The seeds are small - you can pre-mix them with sand.

The mistake will be the deepening of the seeds, the seedlings may not have enough strength to get to the surface.

The seedling method is rarely used. If you still decide to grow a plant in seedlings, keep in mind that plants need coolness, plenty of light, and extreme caution when transplanting. The rest shouldn't be a problem.

Sowing seeds in the spring in the ground is carried out early, before the onset of stable heat, the plant tolerates cold well and even needs stratification.

Young plants require careful moderate watering.

Diseases and problems

Poppies often affect:

  1. Powdery mildew.
  2. Black spotting.

They rid the plant of these diseases by spraying with preparations containing copper (copper sulfate, fungicides "Maxim" or "Topaz", copper sulfate). Severely affected plant parts are removed and burned.

To prolong flowering, cut off the seed heads, preventing the seeds from ripening.

Why don't poppies bloom?

There are not so many reasons, in general, this plant willingly pleases with flowers without much effort. If there are still no flowers, then most likely:

  1. The deadline has not come (plants grown from seeds can only bloom for 2 or 3 years).
  2. For landing, a place too shaded was chosen.
  3. The roots of the plant are damaged (they are fragile, with active loosening they are easy to damage).

After flowering, the poppy is cut off, the stems and leaves are shortened almost to the ground, by autumn new, albeit smaller, leaves will grow. If there is a desire to collect seeds, then pruning is postponed until the seeds ripen.

Application in landscape design

Light varieties of poppies look peculiar, ghostly and mystical, white ones will be appropriate in the "lunar gardens".

Perfectly combined with flowers of lilac shades, for example, with irises.

Poppies and miniature irises.

The plant is almost universal, its only serious drawback is the short flowering period and the fragility of the flowers. The latter does not prevent the plant from being popular for cutting - the bright appearance of the Oriental poppy outweighs this drawback. In addition to bouquets, it will be good:

  1. In flowerbeds.
  2. In group and single landings.
  3. In discounts.
  4. Mixborders.
  5. And even in rocky gardens.

The second plan of the border.

Given the characteristics of poppies, that is, the loss of decorativeness after flowering (leaves begin to turn yellow), the best place to plant poppies is a skillful combination with other plants that will hide fading bushes or empty space after pruning. It can be any late flowering perennials:

  • asters,
  • chrysanthemums,
  • cereals,
  • daylilies,
  • geranium,
  • bloodroot.

And also poppy looks great with flyers:

  • kosmeya,
  • decorative tobacco,
  • cochia.

Poppy can often be seen from the east or west side of houses, that is, in partial shade. It really belongs to those rare plants that are able to give bright colors to a slightly shaded area.

Oriental poppy pruning

Video from the blog "Garden-garden for pleasure!". The author not only talks about pruning perennial poppies, but also gives almost professional answers to questions from viewers in the comments.

Bright, fiery oriental poppy attracts attention with its beauty and rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Interestingly, in addition to the traditional red, its varieties have a white, pink, crimson color. Therefore, growing perennials in the open field can turn into an exciting collection of flowers of different shades. All agricultural technology - from planting to reproduction and care - does not require significant effort. But it is still worth knowing its main aspects.

Description: varieties and varieties of Oriental poppy

The oriental (small-leaved) poppy owes its origin and, accordingly, the name to the meadows of the Caucasus and Western Asia. This variety is considered one of the most beautiful among all poppy families.

Culture Characteristics:

  • stem - thick;
  • height - from 30 cm to 1 m;
  • leaves - elongated;
  • buds - ovoid, different shades;
  • blooms in June.

To date, many beautiful perennial varieties have been bred:

  • Salmon Glow - these poppies have a salmon color with a dark core, semi-double;

Salmon Glow

  • Marcus Perry - a classic variety of scarlet shade with ink spots;

Marcus Perry

  • Pikoti - a bush with luxurious white flowers, bordered by a red stripe, and others.

Planting a plant on the site

Oriental poppy has good vitality. It will sprout even on poor soil, but it is better to choose fertile, loose, well-aerated soil for it. In acid soil, the flowers will be small. The site must be sunny. In partial shade, the perennial will also grow and develop, but not as intensively as with sufficient lighting.

Before planting, you need to dig up the soil, apply fertilizer to it. Usually compost is used. For 1 sq. m requires 5-10 kg. Sometimes 50 g of mineral top dressing is added to this amount for the same area. If you are planting seeds, do not plant them too deep. Keep the distance between plants at least 0.6 m.

Attention! In one place, the poppy blooms well for 6-7 years, then it is recommended to renew the bed.

Perennial care

  1. Watering. Regular, but not very abundant.
  2. Weed removal. Mandatory care procedure, because the poppy is very clean.
  3. Soil loosening. Provides air flow to the roots.
  4. Mulching. It will protect poppy plantings from weeds and help retain moisture in the ground.

    Poppy responds well to mulching

  5. Garter. A tall stem (from 1 m long) can break or take a horizontal position under the weight of large flowers. Therefore, even at the stage of laying buds, the oriental poppy needs support: a stick or a branch and a rope. Nylon threads will not work because they injure the stem.
  6. Pruning. After flowering, cut off dying leaves flush with the ground. In autumn, new greenery will appear on the bush.

Attention! Oriental poppy is able to withstand harsh winters with frost down to -40 ° C.

Fertilizer and top dressing of oriental poppy

In the spring, it is worth adding mineral fertilizer under the bushes. In the growing season, you can repeat top dressing. It is also allowed to use liquid organic mixtures and mullein infusion. It is brought under the root, combining nutrition with other poppy care procedures: watering and loosening.

Attention! All fertilizers must be diluted according to the instructions.

Plant propagation: methods

  • in summer, during the dormant period, the plant is taken out along with a clod of earth;
  • form several parts from it;
  • each is rooted in a prepared hole at a distance of 0.6-0.8 m from each other.

Advice. Experienced flower growers do not completely extract the bush, but only dig in from the side, separating part of the rhizome.

Another method of propagation is the separation of lateral shoots. Cut cuttings are kept in a growth stimulator for a day, then placed in the ground under a film. After rooting, they are moved to open ground and covered in the first winter, protecting them from frost. Also, to obtain cuttings, you can dig a bush and divide the thick root into several fragments (make the upper cut horizontal, the lower cut oblique). They should be completely covered with earth, placing them strictly vertically. Regular watering, t not lower than +10 ° C - and in 1-2 months you will receive the first shoots, which will soon have a full planting.

Poppy can be propagated by dividing the bush

The seed method does not guarantee the preservation of the decorative properties of the variety, but is also used by gardeners:

  • buy or collect seeds yourself. It is necessary to remove ripe boxes in any case, otherwise the poppy will be sown in random order;
  • plan landing on a permanent site for autumn or spring;
  • pre-harden the seeds with cold (stratify).

Particularly valuable varieties can be planted in seedlings. To do this, the seed is placed in containers and placed in heat. After 2 weeks, sprouts will appear, which dive in the phase of 2 leaves. It is important not to injure fragile roots. After the appearance of the 4th and 5th true leaves, the poppy is rooted in a permanent place in the open field.

Attention! Too active reproduction and cultivation of poppy in in large numbers(from 10 bushes) can lead to criminal penalties, since the culture serves as a raw material for obtaining opium.

Diseases and pests of culture

The peculiarity of the perennial poppy is that it is rarely attacked by insects. If, nevertheless, aphids, thrips, caterpillars appear on the perennial, add the use of insecticides to the main care: Aktara, Aktellika and others. But much more often you can notice signs of the reproduction of ailments on the plant: root rot, downy mildew, black spot.

Insects rarely infect poppies

Photos with symptoms of diseases will help to make a correct diagnosis, and copper-containing preparations will eliminate the problem: Bordeaux mixture, blue vitriol or Topaz, Maxim. Launched plants must be removed from the open ground and burned.

Attention! Proper cultivation combined with proper care - and your poppy is not afraid of diseases, pest attacks.

Oriental poppy in the flower garden. Combination with other plants

In addition to all the advantages, poppy varieties also have several disadvantages that do not depend on agricultural technology and care: a short flowering phase, rapid wilting, and after that - a rapid loss of decorativeness. The leaves turn yellow, die off, and an empty space remains in place of the flower, which can be seen even in the photo. These features must be taken into account when planning a landing site.

Poppy in landscape design

It is best to plant poppies in the background of a flower garden or garden, and in front of it - crops that will decorate the void in the garden. It can be sprawling daylilies, cinquefoil, geraniums, cereals, asters. It will be successful to grow and combine poppy with oregano, Korean chrysanthemum, kochia, cuff and multi-flowered euphorbia.

Cosmea, lavater or tobacco will also make a beautiful composition with a bright perennial. It looks good with cultures painted in lilac tones, - for example, irises. Oriental poppy can be planted in the open field in groups or alone, decorating flower beds, borders, mixborders and even rocky gardens. He is quite capable of becoming both a bright element of a harmonious ensemble and a spectacular highlight in a flower garden.

Decorative poppy: video

Gardeners characterize the poppy flower as a very beautiful and easy-to-grow plant. Only once you need to plant or sow it, and the plant will grow and bring joy for many years.


Mac has been well known for a long time. Even in ancient Rome, it was successfully used for medical purposes. Archaeologists have found poppy seeds in buildings from the Neolithic period. The ancient Egyptians used the decoction prepared from the plant as an analgesic remedy. The healers, making the potion, used the red poppy as an additional component. To ward off evil spirits from their homes, people scattered poppy seeds on the doorstep.

Poppy seeds contain about 55% fat and 20% protein, there are also vitamins, carbohydrates, and trace elements.

Even in ancient times, poppy was used for the manufacture of sleeping pills, anthelmintics and painkillers. In recipes traditional medicine for the preparation of tea, decoction and infusion, poppy seeds are often used. These drugs are effective as a sedative and analgesic, relieve coughing attacks, are used for gastric disorders, dysentery, bladder diseases.

Most popular types

Very beautiful and colorful flowers in the bract and oriental variety. They are most in demand among gardeners.

Oriental (Turkish) poppy

Oriental (Turkish) poppy

Shrub plant, perennial. The bush is about 100 cm in diameter, the height of the stem reaches 90 cm. The leaves are basal, pinnately dissected, the flowers are colorful, double or semi-double. In the middle of the petals there are stamens or black spots. The root cuttings of the plant must be planted in a permanent site, since they cannot be transplanted.

Poppy self-seed

Poppy self-seed

An annual plant, the bush branches, reaching a height of 60 cm. The flowers are semi-double or double, up to 7 cm in diameter. The flower of this variety has a purple, white, pink or light orange hue. Sow this variety immediately in a permanent place. Blooms 2 months.

Alpine poppy

Alpine poppy

Perennial early-flowering plant, height up to 30 cm, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, they are white, yellow, orange or pink. Does not tolerate transplantation, self-seeding resumes. Grows well in well-drained, calcareous soil.

Siberian (nude) poppy

Perennial plant, height up to 30 cm, petals simple or double, yellow, white or orange. Leaves basal, dissected. The diameter of the flowers is 5 cm. This variety blooms for four months.

Planting and care in the open field: basic principles

For sowing a poppy flower, an open, well-lit, wind-sheltered area is suitable, where groundwater lies deep and moisture does not stagnate. The reaction of the soil solution is neutral or slightly acidic. The most optimal for planting plants will be light loamy or sandy loamy soils.

Once every 5-7 years, the plants are transplanted to a new site.

By this time, perennials are growing strongly. When the poppy has completely faded, the bush is dug out together with an earthen clod and divided into several parts. When planting, an interval of 70 cm is observed. The planting site is dug up, adding humus (5-10 kg per 1 m2), weeds are removed.

Watering is carried out regularly, about once every ten days. When dry weather conditions come, the plants need to be watered more intensively, but not very plentifully. After watering, the soil can be loosened and weeds that have appeared can be removed.

Poppy seeds collected by hand are subjected to stratification - in regions with mild winters, they are sown in the soil in autumn or at the end of winter so that they freeze in cold soil. You can stratify the seeds by putting them in the refrigerator for 2 months in the vegetable compartment. If this is not done, the seeds will germinate poorly, and the germinated seedlings will develop slowly.

After flowering, the bushes need to be cut at the root. In mid-August, the plants grow back. They are frost-resistant and do not need shelter in winter. In the spring, the above-ground mass grows again.

Diseases and pests: methods of treatment

Poppy plants damage:

  • causative agents of fungal infections - black boxes develop, powdery mildew, white and gray rot, etc .;
  • causative agents of bacterial infections - there is spotting of seed boxes and leaves, bacterial wilt, bacteriosis of stems. When symptoms of diseases appear on the plants, they must be removed and burned, and the plants should be treated with the recommended special preparations (for example, trichodermin, bactophyte, planriz, phytosporin). You can also use blue vitriol, Bordeaux mixture or garlic infusion.
  • pests - alfalfa scoop caterpillars, green and black aphids, poppy gall midge, etc. They are fought with the help of verticillin, actellic, bitoxibacilin-P, Decisa-Profi, Bon-Forte, etc.

How and when do poppies bloom?

As a rule, poppy flowers bloom from mid-May to mid-June, one bush can form flowers within 1-2 months. The flower lives for a maximum of 2 days, but wilted flowers are very quickly replaced by new ones. During the day they bloom, and at night they fly around.

If the plants grew from seeds, then in 2-3 years only a few buds are formed. After that, abundant flowering will begin. If the poppy is planted in a shaded place, the setting of flower buds will be greatly slowed down. Also, plants do not form buds in the absence of the necessary care. If you actively loosen and damage the root system, flowering will also not begin.

When transplanting a bush to another site, the buds do not temporarily form - it takes some time for the plant to take root and adapt.

How to grow from seed?

Seeds in areas with mild winters are sown in autumn, for stratification, or sown in early spring. In the spring, after 15 days, the seeds germinate. Before sowing, the soil is loosened with a rake, and the seeds are sown on the surface of the soil. The soil must be kept moist. When the sprouts grow a little, you can thin them out, it is best to do this with scissors.

How to propagate poppies?

Plants are propagated by seeds and division of the bush. The second method is preferable because it allows you to save the mother plant. It is carried out after the onset of a period of rest. The seedling propagation method is not used, since the plants sprout well and grow when seeds are sown directly into the soil. Seeds are harvested after the leaves have dried, the poppy box dries up and holes open on it.

These bright plants bring joy and warmth, they look great in flower beds and lawns. By planting poppy flowers along with other flowers, you can admire the resulting spectacular compositions for a long time. Alpine slides can be decorated with low varieties, and cut poppy flowers will make any bouquet bright and attractive.