"Fall in love - it really works": the beauty secrets of the main Hollywood actresses. Three beauty rules from nicole kidman Beauty secrets nicole kidman

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Today she has become even more… graceful. beautiful actress Nicole Kidman celebrates her birthday, although, she, like Courteney Cox, Angelina Jolie("face" Guerlain) or Jennifer Aniston you can’t give the age that the passport imposes. And all thanks to the beauty secrets that the actress uses. Well, let's get to know them!

Many people know that Nicole tries to eat only organic products. The thing is that, as is often the case with stars, Nicole has a pesticide mania: she is afraid of chemically processed vegetables and fruits. That is why he prefers to choose only environmentally friendly products. When Nicole goes shopping, she carefully examines the labels: the composition of the product and be sure to check the date of manufacture.

As for the daily diet, to maintain immunity, the actress drinks a glass of boiled water with ginger and wheat germ, and also has nothing against vitamin supplements. " Yes, I regularly take vitamins - I believe that they work and keep my body in good shape", comments Nicole Kidman. Herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices, aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, are the actress's favorite drinks. She uses them throughout the day.

False rules have been established in our world - if a girl is very thin, she is probably exhausting herself with hunger or is completely sick with anorexia. Nicole Kidman by her example, she dispelled all doubts: in order to keep a thin figure, you just need to stop eating large portions. The actress never promoted "eating", but, on the contrary, always chose the path healthy eating- breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Each method of writing involves small, palm-sized portions. The actress does not exhaust her body by starvation: " I'm not as strict with my body as many people think. I eat almost everything, I just know my limit".

As for favorite treats: I love the fresh seafood platter with Sydney oysters, tiger prawns, crab and lobster". And her least favorite product is strawberries. The reason is very prosaic - the actress is allergic to her.

Since childhood, our heroine knows what physical training is. From the age of four Nicole Kidman studied ballet, and, as you know, training at the barre is worse than all modern cardio or strength exercises. Nicole's father raised in her and her sister Antonia a love for active image life. The actress recalls that as a child, dad forced girls to refuse to travel to school by bus, and walk. In an interview, Nicole admitted that she was grateful for such rigor: " My father was a psychologist, so he always reminded us that we are responsible for our own emotional health. I think it's true good advice because emotional health seriously affects how we look and feel in the world right now".

Today's Nicole can't imagine her life without sports. The star confesses: If I can find an hour or 30 free minutes in my schedule, then I will definitely devote this time to meditation, yoga, or something else. Every day I try to do at least a little exercise to improve my physical self. In addition to yoga, tennis and running, the actress loves to swim, and crawl: “I get incredible joy from swimming in the ocean. I don’t have access to it year-round, since my family lives far from it. But when such an opportunity is given and I’m close from the ocean - I don't care about the temperature, I just dive!"

Another secret from Nicole Kidman is such that even if you are a married and working mother who does not have enough time for anything, you still have no right to abandon yourself. Moreover, every year you need to devote more and more time to yourself.

"I like to participate in many projects, to be active in life, but when there is a “collapse” or a black streak in working moments, I stop, relax and have fun with my four children"- shares the actress.

0 26 June 2018, 14:43

The other day, which in February of this year became the ambassador of Neutrogena, appeared at the brand's event in Los Angeles and talked about how she takes care of her skin. The actress admitted that she does not leave the house without sunscreen with an SPF factor of 50.

I go outdoors a lot, play sports and try to protect myself from the sun,

she shared.

This habit appeared in the star in childhood. Her relatives had skin cancer, so she taught herself to be especially careful. Kidman favors Neutrogena sunscreens. In Russia, this cosmetics is presented very modestly (it can be found in some pharmacies, and in the Podruzhka store, for example).

Moreover, she not only does not sunbathe, but when she goes to the beach, she puts on the most closed swimsuits with sleeves. By the way, on the set of hot weather there is always an assistant next to the celebrity, ready at any moment to hide her from the scorching sun under an umbrella. The actress is sure that this is the only way to save the skin from aging.

According to the star, she never resorted to heavy artillery (to the help of surgeons), but she admitted that she had injected Botox. However, for Kidman was unsuccessful. I really regret getting Botox. Because of him, his face turned into a mask, and facial expressions changed.

Now the actress claims that she maintains youth with the help of various creams and serums with retinol.

I love products with an instant effect - applied, and you're done. But I also do not neglect products that work for the future. I have very sensitive skin, so I carefully choose cosmetics so that there is no peeling and dryness,

she shared in an interview. Nicole exfoliates once a week. Another beauty rule that Kidman strictly follows is the careful removal of makeup before going to bed.

Nicole is sure that beauty comes from within, so she carefully monitors her diet: she eats a lot of greens and fish and prefers to avoid foods high in fat. This helps her not only keep herself in shape, but also look much younger than her years. The actress also considers it very important to observe water balance and don't forget about it throughout the day. In addition, the Hollywood star tries to eat often, but in small portions. Husband Keith Urban emphasizes her perfect skin tone with pink shades of blush. Choosing between rich smoky eyes and bright lip makeup, she will prefer the latter.

When the actress was a redhead, she took care of her thick hair with cranberry juice, washing it once a week with this drink. According to Kidman, this tool not only adds shine, but also strengthens, because it contains an acid that "sticks together" damaged areas of the hair. When Kidman dyed her hair blonde, instead of cranberry juice, champagne was used - it gives silky hair.

Proud posture, swan neck, amazing plasticity - Nicole owes all this to ballet, which she has been doing since the age of four. Her passion for dance also determined her fate: it led the girl to the theater, where she had to comprehend the secrets of acting. It is not surprising that since the age of 15, Nicole has been appearing on the screens of her native Australia - either in a video clip, or in a television series, or in a children's film. Soon, Hollywood producers noticed the red-haired beauty, and she got a role in the film Days of Thunder, on the set of which she met her future husband Tom Cruise. Refined Kidman and charming Cruz were one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood. But in 2001, their "perfect" marriage ended in divorce. Evil tongues said that no one needs Kidman without a star spouse. But Nicole was a real fighter! The resounding success of the film "Moulin Rouge", "Oscar" for the role of Virginia Woolf in the film "The Hours", experimental work in "Dogville" ... Kidman not only got rid of the stigma of "Tom Cruise's wife", but also competed with her ex-husband. And in her personal life, the long-awaited happiness came to the actress - at the age of 40 she became a mother.

No to the sun, yes to Botox!

Nicole is famous for her porcelain skin that seems to glow from within. Of course, for this gift, the actress needs to thank nature. But natural beauty also needs care - otherwise it will fade very soon. Therefore, the actress drinks a lot of boiled water (at least 1.5 liters per day), and also makes sure that the skin is always well hydrated. Another recipe for beauty from Kidman - no contact with the sun's rays. Nicole was born in Honolulu and grew up on the coast of Australia, but she never liked sunbathing. And now, going out for a walk with her husband and daughter, Kidman applies sunscreen to his body and face, puts on a hat, T-shirt or long-sleeve dress. The actress is convinced that by protecting herself from the sun, she prolongs the youthfulness of her skin. However, plastic surgeons assure that the secret of Nicole Kidman's youth is not only in caring for her face and body, but also in Botox, with which she regularly pins up her face. Moreover, a few years ago, the actress clearly overdid it with injections. Having received completely smooth skin, she lost her lively facial expressions and charming smile. Evil tongues have reached the point that they began to compare Nicole's face with the muzzle of a bat.

Salt - never, tea - rarely

Thin-boned Nicole has always been thin, but the title of film star still obliges her to watch her figure with passion. Her main rule: you need to eat little. The basis of Kidman's diet is vegetables and fruits. She also eats meat and fish, but in small quantities. He does not touch salt and sugar at all, alcohol, black tea and coffee - only occasionally. Sometimes the actress pampers herself with honey, grapes, white wine or a bran bun. During the day, in addition to a large number boiled water Nicole drinks herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices. The actress believes that they perfectly cleanse the body of toxins, energize and give a blooming look. Thanks to this approach to nutrition, Kidman, with a height of 180 cm, weighs only 56 kg.

Dancer, tennis player, diver

Nicole's beautiful figure is not only a diet, but also sports. Kidman has been accustomed to physical activity, because she dreamed of a career as a ballerina. And yet dancing is not her main hobby. The actress loves to swim. And crawl. Nicole is also an avid scuba diver. However, even if there is neither the sea nor the pool nearby, Kidman will find something to do. She loves sports: tennis, golf, croquet.

Juice instead of shampoo

By nature, Nicole has red hair, and the actress rarely changes her natural color. True, at one time she was dyed blonde or light red, but now she has returned to her original shade again. In order to give her curls brightness and shine, Kidman rinses them after washing with cranberry juice. It neutralizes the harmful effects of alkaline shampoo, strengthens and nourishes the hair, activates their growth.

All about how women take care of themselves, who always look perfect

Today they are the main divas of modern Hollywood: talented actresses, role models for several generations and women with a capital letter. But all this does not prevent them from joking around, fooling around on the press walls during the big premiere and looking great in Everyday life. InStyle shares the beauty secrets of the most talked about actresses of our time.

Nicole Kidman

“My appearance is completely natural. I always put on sun protection, don't smoke and take care of myself. I'm proud of it. Everyone can do anything with their appearance, I don’t blame anyone, but I myself believe in sports. That's how I was raised. Do you want to know the main secret of beauty? Fall in love - it really works!

Fractional nutrition helps to maintain Kidman's chiseled figure: the actress eats several times a day in small portions, and her diet includes mainly fish and greens. Nicole prefers swimming: every day she spends half an hour in the pool. In order to maintain her aristocratic pallor, she avoids prolonged exposure to the sun and always uses products with SPF. Skin color Nicole Kidman emphasizes pink shades of blush. Choosing between shadows and bright lipstick, she usually relies on the latter - her bright blue eyes do not require unnecessary accents.

Jennifer Lopez

“Modest and quiet joys sometimes tone us much better than any overseas beaches. Beauty has only the depth of the skin. I think it's very important to find a balance of mind, body and spirit."

In order to look 35 at 48, the singer has to follow a tough beauty routine. Her menu is neither sweet nor fried, all dishes are steamed from the freshest seasonal ingredients: broccoli, asparagus, quinoa. In addition, she does not drink alcohol and does not smoke. At the same time, Lopez never goes on diets - she coordinates her diet with a nutritionist: it contains both proteins (a lot of fish and chicken) and carbohydrates (brown rice). Every day, the celebrity finds at least an hour of time for sports, while her fitness diet consists of regular cardio and strength training combined with morning yoga, 20-minute meditation and massage with modeling agents.

Halle Berry

“Appearance largely depends on lifestyle. I have never smoked or abused alcohol or drugs. All this is reflected in the face over the years "

In her youth, Holly was diagnosed - diabetes, since then she has been fighting sugar, and so far comes out the winner. So over the years, the actress's favorite food has been cereals, grilled tuna and mashed potatoes with garlic. The menu contains only foods low in fat, sugar and a minimum of simple carbohydrates. As for sports, the actress prefers cardio. “I didn’t lift really heavy weights unless the role required it. For myself, I do a lot of cardio because I don't want to be too muscular. But I have always been involved in sports - this is part of my disease, the key to controlling blood sugar levels, ”Berry shares. Holly pumps only the press, allocating 30 minutes to it three times a week. The actress does not have many favorite skin care products, but she prefers serums.

Natalie Portman

“Beauty is a huge advantage. It's better to be beautiful than ugly"

Portman is a well-known vegetarian, in addition, she tries to drink plenty of water and sleep for at least eight hours. From French women, she learned to use pharmacy rose water instead of tonic, and also to look a little casual. Portman's golden rule is to always remove makeup before bed. To do this, she uses the legendary Bioderma micellar water. And the Joëlle Ciocco Cleansing Gel completes the cleansing procedure. The final touch is a moisturizing cream or nourishing mask.

Micellar water Sensibio H2O from Bioderma, 790 rubles. (bioderm.rf)

Charlize Theron

“Many do not understand that no matter what others think of you, you yourself are the only person with whom to live all your life. I love me. I am comfortable in my body. Of course, there are days when I look in the mirror and think: “Something is not very good.” And sometimes - with hair and makeup - I will admire how good I am. I think it happens to every woman."

The main beauty trick of one of the sexiest actresses in Hollywood is natural makeup, which Charlize promoted even before it became a trend. Perfect tone, radiant skin, neat eyebrows and eyelashes, warm blush and nude lipstick. Charlize does not use makeup removers, as she believes that they can damage the structure of the skin. She uses wet wipes as a substitute. Also, the actress does not leave the house without sunscreen, even in rainy weather, and also loves light BB creams. In addition, she often changes care products so as not to be addictive.

Ann Hataway

“I think I have strange facial features. I have fairly large facial features and a small head. But, you know, I'm not going to self-flagellate about this. This is my face. I'm not particularly pretty. But I feel fine because I know that I look like myself and, in the end, the personality is much more important. If I don't take care of my appearance, my hair is too curly and my complexion has no tone, and this is not normal. But I'm trying to find a balance in working with my appearance."

One of Ocean's friends takes two tablespoons of olive oil before bed, which, in her opinion, helps to remove toxins from the body and improves skin condition. Beautician Hathaway advises her to make a scrub from oatmeal and lemon juice, which promotes renewal and radiance of the skin. And actress Gina Brooke's makeup artist recommends devoting 15 to 20 minutes to preparing for makeup. For skin care, Ann Gina uses a hyaluronic acid mask followed by a vitamin C moisturizer. This not only helps to protect the skin from external aggressions, but also makes it fresh and radiant.

For the first time on the screen, Nicole Kidman appeared at the age of 15, starring in the music video for "Bop Girl" by singer Pat Wilson. Then there were several roles on television and in serials. In 1989, Kidman starred in the movie "Dead Calm" and conquered Hollywood. A slender girl, with white skin and red hair, became adored by all viewers of the United States. She is the first actress from Australia to win the 2003 Academy Award for Best Actress and a three-time Golden Globe Award.

In 1990, the young actress marries the then-successful Hollywood actor Tom Cruise. Unfortunately, the marriage cracked and in 2001 a long divorce process began, which was accompanied by a protracted depression for Nicole.

But the acting life did not stand still, drawing Kidman into new shootings and new roles. Her face was of interest to the Chanel fashion house - Nicole starred in commercials for a perfume brand and received the highest fee in the history of advertising.

In 2006, the actress gets married again - Australian singer Keith Urban became her chosen one.

Filming, moving, family life - Kidman's life is scheduled by the hour, while she manages to pay attention to her children and win the love and recognition of viewers around the world. But how does the actress manage to combine so many responsibilities and always remain smiling, slim and young? What is the stellar success of her beauty?

The secret of youth Nicole Kidman is very simple, and the actress does not make a secret out of it. , lots of fresh fruits and clean drinking water help her avoid the signs of premature aging. Of course, the case is not complete without anti-aging creams, but Nicole prefers cosmetics only with natural ingredients. Her porcelain skin requires very sensitive care, especially protection from ultraviolet rays, so Nicole always uses and often wears a hat in everyday life. But in the world of show business it is simply impossible to run away from rumors. Many media publish publications on plastic surgery actress and her addiction to Botox. Nicole herself completely denies this method of transformation. "I'm completely natural" she smiles. Whether this is really so, we, fans of the actress, will not be able to find out, but, despite any means, we will continue to admire the charming and feminine Nicole.

Looking at these photos Kidman can hardly believe in the absence of Botox

I have always admired the well-groomed and bright hair of a Hollywood beauty. It turns out that in addition to shampoo, the actress uses cranberry juice to wash her hair. Due to which the hair acquires a natural reddish-reddish tint. How Nicole herself prepares the elixir remains a secret. But we can try using the following recipe nourishing cranberry hair mask.
fresh cranberries - 3 tbsp. spoons,
parsley - 5 branches,
olive oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Mash cranberries and parsley, strain the resulting juice and mix with olive oil. Rub the finished mixture into the hair roots and cover with a film or a special cap for masks. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Nicole always keeps herself in good physical shape: she does yoga, swims in the pool and plays tennis. For the actress for three days drinks vegetable and fruit juices, herbal infusions and water, excluding alcohol, black tea, black coffee and sugar. When during two pregnancies she gained extra pounds, she had to go on a strict diet. And the figure of the actress returned to the previous parameters already 2 months after the birth.

If you want to lose 6-8 kilograms in just 14 days, pay attention to the Nicole Kidman diet. Consider an example menu:

First day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar;
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, tomatoes and spinach;
Dinner - boiled meat and green salad.

Second day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar and crackers;
Lunch - boiled meat;
Dinner - ham and yogurt.

Third day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar and crackers;
Lunch - tomatoes, fruits and celery fried in vegetable oil;
Dinner - grated carrots - 1 serving, 2 boiled eggs, a piece of cheese.

Fourth day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar;
Lunch - grated carrots - 1 serving, a piece of cheese and 1 boiled egg;
Dinner - fruit salad.

Fifth day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar;
Lunch - low-fat boiled fish;
Dinner - grated carrots - 1 serving.

Sixth day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar and crackers;
Dinner - chicken fillet and green salad;
Dinner - 1 boiled egg.

Seventh day: Breakfast - coffee without sugar;
Lunch - boiled meat and fruits;
Dinner - low-fat boiled fish, raw or stewed vegetables.

The second week to eat according to the same scheme. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water without gas per day. Eliminate salt, sugar and alcohol from your diet. The diet belongs to the category of very strict, so it will be difficult to get enough of the proposed dishes. Before such a diet, it is recommended to consult a dietitian.

And “keep always smiling, no matter what happens. Tomorrow will be a new day,” advises the Hollywood actress.