The most beautiful and unusual flowers, next to which roses are just field dandelions. The most unusual colors Name of unusual flowers, photo. The most unusual eye color Rare and unusual flowers

Flowers have always been popular at all times. Since ancient times, they have been used to express complex emotions - love, loyalty, memory. In addition, for hundreds of years, flowers have been used in the treatment of the sick and for aromatherapy treatments. Today, cut flowers are most commonly used. They make up bouquets and whole flower arrangements designed to express certain feelings. Here are 10 interesting facts about colors:

The stinkiest flower in the world

Amorphophalus from Sumatra is considered the most smelly plant in the world. For its unique aroma, similar to the smell of decomposed meat, it is also called a corpse flower. In addition, amorphophalus is known as the tallest flower. The plant can reach a height of up to 3 meters.

The cost of tulips

Tulips are the most sold flowers on our planet. In their homeland - Holland - more than 3,000,000,000,000 of these plants are grown every year. But, in addition, flowers are delivered to Russia from Ecuador, Colombia, and most European countries. And one of the best suppliers of tulips to Russia is the Dutch company Jaaz Flowers & Plants B.V., by the way, on the official website of the company you can buy flowers in bulk at competitive prices with delivery to any region of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries. By the way, the peak price of tulips came in the 17th century. In those days, tulip bulbs were worth more than gold. The cost of individual varieties could reach up to 2 thousand dollars. Now tulips have more affordable price. Another fun fact about these flowers is that their petals turn out to be a good alternative to onions in some recipes. Tulips are one of the first flowers to hit the market in spring. This is a kind of symbol of this time of year.

Gladiolus - flower-symbol

Gladiolus got its name from the ancient Roman word "gladius", which translates as "sword". This is due to the fact that the appearance of the flower is very similar to the gladiatorial sword - a weapon used in the traditional ancient Roman form of entertainment - gladiator fights.

Variety of species
According to botanists, there are 270,000 species of flowers on Earth today. Approximately 35 thousand of them are different types roses. And roses are one of the most popular and bought flowers.

The most ancient flower

The oldest flower, the "mother of all flowers", was discovered by archaeologists in 2002 on the territory of modern China. Its age is over 125,000,000 years.

Flowers that form gases

Dictamnus or ash tree is probably familiar to every gardener. He is loved for his unusually beautiful pale pink or white flowers. But few people know that this plant emits a combustible gas without color and odor. Therefore, if you bring fire to it, it will flare up in a second. As a result, this flower should be grown with extreme caution.

Resurrection Lotus

AT Ancient Egypt lotus was considered a sacred flower, a symbol of resurrection. He was worshiped and used in funeral rites. This is largely due to the ability of the lotus to survive during many years of drought and begin to bloom only the soil becomes wet again.


Charming and bright sunflowers fully justify their name. They have an amazing ability to turn the inflorescence following the movement of the sun. A bouquet of these wonderful flowers is a proven way to add color to gray everyday life.

A plant that blooms once in its life

Agave or agave can live for several decades and never bloom. And only at the very end, before dying, the plant releases one single flower.


As you know, plants need sunlight to bloom. The uniqueness of the native of the American tropics, the kaloniktion or the moon flower, is that in order for its flowers to bloom, the light of the moon is needed, not the sun - this plant blooms exclusively in the dark. The appearance of beautiful white flowers with the onset of night is a magical and bewitching sight. But as soon as sunrise comes, the flowers wither.

Every day we let dozens or even hundreds of different colors into our visual world. We know the names of some since childhood, but we don’t even think about the names of others. What are the colors, without which the whole world would be like black and white cinema?

International classification

In scientific terminology, color refers to the ability of light waves to cause different spectrum visual sensations. It is the wavelength of light that determines what shade appears before our eyes.

For example, purple is expressed by a value of 400-430 mmk, blue - 430-470 mmk, blue - 470-500 mmk, green - 500-535 mmk, yellow - 535-595 mmk, orange - 595-620 mmk, red characterized by the highest rate - 620-700 mmk.

The human eye is able to perceive color with wavelengths from 400 to 760 microns. Thus, he can see not only basic colors, but also unusual shades that are formed from the merger of the main ones.

It turns out that the usual set is not fixed and can be supplemented with other tones.

Unusual eye colors in humans can be both natural and artificial. In the first case, the shade of the eyes went to a person by nature, in the second case, it was formed with the help of a foreign body.

The easiest way to change eye color is to use contact lenses. AT last years The once-famous vision correction tool has turned into a fashion accessory that allows you to change the image. With the help of lenses, you can transform your gaze into a feline one, turn into a demon with black or red eyes, or into a dead person with eyes without pupils. In this industry, the imagination is limitless.

The most unusual eye color that nature has endowed is purple. It is extremely rare. People with such an anomaly are assigned supernatural abilities.

In addition, there are cases when people or animals were born with different color eye. This trend is most common among white cats.

top 10 unusual colors planets

10. Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii)

9. Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus)

Amorphophallus titanic - the largest tropical flower, and very foul-smelling. Its name "amorphophallus" in Greek means "shapeless phallus". This flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world - it can reach a height of 2.5 m and a width of 1.5 m. Flowering lasts only 2 days. Initially, amorphophallus grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra. Subsequently, this flower was exterminated by foreigners. Currently, this flower is very rare, it can be seen mainly in the botanical gardens of the world.

8. Wolffia (Wolffia angusta)

Wolfia nap rotiv, the smallest flowering plant on the ground. Their size ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. These small flowers live on the surface of the waters. It was named after the German botanist and entomologist Johan F. Wolf a.

7. Psychotria sublime (Psychotria elata)

This flower rightfully bears the status of the most piquant flower in the world. It is popularly called "hot lips" for its bright red inflorescences. Psychotria is a tropical flower that loves moisture and warmth. Therefore, its homeland is the tropical forests of Central and South America.

6. Kalania Orchid (Caleana major)

This amazing orchid looks like a flying duck. That is why it is called “flying duck”. Nature endowed them with such appearance to attract insects called sawflies. To them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female. Thus, flying to the flower, they carry pollen on themselves and pollinate the flower. The Kalania orchid is very small and reaches a height of only 50 cm, and the flower itself is 2 cm. There are 2-4 flowers on the stem. It grows in Eastern and Southern Australia, mainly under eucalyptus trees.

5 Sexy Orchid (Drakaea glyptodon)

Another orchid that deserves the title of “unusual” is the “sexy” orchid. Its flower resembles the belly of a certain type of wasp. Moreover, she secretes pheromones like a female wasp. Flowering begins in the mating season wasps. Males flock to such flowers and try to mate with him. In this way, they transfer the pollen that has fallen on them from plant to plant. Grow sexual orchids in Australia.

4. African Hydnora (Hydnora africana)

Passiflora, or Passionflower, is a genus of the Passionflower family. There are about 500 species. The flower in diameter reaches 10 cm. It grows mainly in Latin America.

2. Sundew (Drosera)

The sundew is a carnivorous plant. Thanks to the secreted droplets of mucus, they catch insects, which they feed on. They grow in swamps, sandstones and mountains.

1. Nepenthes Attenborough (Nepenthes Attenboroughii)

The first place is occupied by the Nepenthes Attenborough flower. An unusual flower was discovered in 2000, on about. Palawan by three scientists Stuart McPherson, botanist Alistair Robinson and Filipino scientist Volker Heinrich, who went on an expedition here for this flower. They first heard about it from missionaries who had visited the island earlier. On Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge "jugs" of these flowers. These turned out to be predatory flowers that “feed” on rodents. How these flowers were able to survive to our time is unknown. Now they are being studied in the MacPherson laboratory.

Incredible Facts

How many rare, disappearing and disappeared beautiful wild flowers in the world. The reason why these flowers bear such a title is that a person often cannot live in complete harmony with nature.

For example, he builds dams, dams that impede the movement of a particular river.

As a result, specific frogs or fish species are also limited in movement, as a result of which a certain bird species does not get the food it needs in the right amount and does not pollinate desired flower which eventually leads to the extinction of the plant.

This is just one of the scenarios for the development of events, of which there are actually many, since history is filled with hundreds of similar cases. Regardless of what makes them a rare species, the plants below are extremely rare, so not everyone gets the chance to see them.

10. Emerald Vine Flower (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The emerald vine flower is a rare species of woody vine native to the native rainforests of the Philippines. This plant belongs to the legume family. The flowers of the plant are collected in large brushes, hanging from vines, which can reach a length of about three meters. The color of the flower can vary from blue-green to bright saturated green. They are usually pollinated the bats however, it has proven to be very difficult for the species to reproduce due to habitat destruction and a decline in natural pollinators.

9. "Corpse" flower

8. Smolevka (Silene Tomentosa)

This plant is especially rare and is found only on high cliffs Gibraltar. The flower was considered extinct by the entire scientific community back in the 1980s, however, specialists from the Gibraltar Botanical Reserve found out that several specimens still live in nature. Unfortunately, by 1992 all traces of the plant had disappeared and it was declared extinct. In 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber on inaccessible rocks and the species was brought back to life. It has been "propagated" in the laboratory and the seeds have been planted in the Gibraltar Botanical Gardens as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

7. Franklin Tree (Franklinia alatamaha)

This tree is part of the "tea" family, however, it is the only representative of its kind, as well as a very rare flowering plant. The native places of the tree were considered the valley of the Altamaha River (Altamaha) in Georgia, however, since the beginning of the 19th century it has been declared extinct in wild nature. In fact, today we only know about this tree thanks to the Bartram family, who were avid gardeners and grew it to extinction in the wild. A miniature tree plant that blooms with white flowers, and whose leaves turn bright red in autumn, is currently popular. ornamental plant. All "examples" of the tree that exist today come from one of the plants grown by the Bartram family.

6 Pigeon Beak (Lotus berthelotii)

This is beautiful flower It received endangered status in 1884. It is believed that in the wild it has completely disappeared, however, it is possible that a few individuals still survived. This amazing plant grew in the Canary Islands, and was originally pollinated by insects that have long since died out. This probably explains the rarity of this plant. Experiments have been carried out to find new pollinators for the plant, but since 2008, not a single new flower has appeared in the wild. The pigeon's beak, however, is grown by gardeners, so if desired, anyone can take possession of this beautiful plant.

5. Cosmos "chocolate" (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

This Cosmos plant, which ranges in color from red to brown, is native to Mexico. Unfortunately, it was thought to be extinct in the wild for over a hundred years. Today, the species survives in the form of one infertile "clone", which appeared in 1902 as a result of vegetative propagation. The flowers of the plant grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter and have a color from dark red to brown. AT summer period they smell like vanillin, which also makes it a wonderful ornamental plant.

4. Koki (Kokai cookei)

This is a very rare tree found in Hawaii. It was discovered in 1860, since then only three of its specimens have been found in the wild. It was very difficult for the tree to spread, and by 1950, after the death of the last tree, it was considered extinct. In 1970, the only specimen left in the wild was discovered, which, unfortunately, burned down in 1978. But, fortunately, one of the branches of the tree was saved, which was grafted and from which 23 trees planted in different places in Hawaii have now been able to grow. Koki is small tree, which grows to a height of 10-11 meters, its peculiarity lies in the fact that hundreds of bright red flowers grow annually on an adult tree.

3. Yellow and purple lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus)

This is an extremely rare type of wild orchid found in Europe. The only specimen of this orchid in the UK, which was previously very common, has now been under strict protection since 1917. The cuttings of this orchid sell for $5,000, however, the plant is extremely difficult to propagate. Its seeds cannot feed on their own, so they often live in symbiosis with a certain type of fungus that provides it with the nutrition it needs until the leaves of the plant are able to feed themselves. There are many types of Venus slipper which are very rare. This particular type has dark purple or red stamens surrounded by bright yellow colored petals.

2. Spirit Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum)

The spirit orchid is a very rare plant that was considered extinct for almost 20 years, only recently "raised its head" again. The plant is so rare, mainly because it is extremely difficult for it to reproduce. The plant does not have leaves, it does not depend on photosynthesis, it does not feed itself. As with the lady's slipper, this orchid needs close contact with the root system of a special fungus to nourish it. The orchid spirit never grows leaves, so it is dependent on the fungus throughout its life. This plant can grow underground for years without showing any "signs of life", and will bloom only when all conditions are created for this. This explains why some enthusiasts have been looking for this flower for many years.

1. Middlemist red (Middlemist camellia)

This is the rarest flower in the world. To date, only two specimens of this plant have survived. One of them is in a garden in New Zealand, the other is in a greenhouse in the UK. The plant was originally brought to Britain from China by John Middlemist in 1804. Since then, it has not been found anywhere else in China. In Great Britain the flower remained barren for many years, and only in recent times flowers appeared. The flowers have a bright pink color and are very similar to roses.

Everyone loves flowers, well, almost everyone. There are so many taste preferences here that there is not enough time or paper to list everything.

Nepenthes Attenboroughii (Nepenthes Attenboroughii)

The first place belongs unusual flower Nepenthes Attenborough, discovered in 2000 on about. Palawan by Stuart McPherson, botanist Alistair Robinson, and Filipino scientist Volker Heinrich. On Mount Victoria, they found huge "jugs" of these flowers. It turned out that these are predatory flowers that “feed” on rodents. How these flowers survived to our time remains a mystery.

Passiflora (Passiflora alata)


Passionflower, or Passionflower from the Passionflower family, grows in Latin America. In diameter reaches 10 centimeters. There are more than 500 species of passionflower in the world.

African Gidnora (Hydnora africana)


Sexy orchid (Drakaea glyptodon)


The flower of the "sexual" orchid resembles the belly of a certain type of wasp. She also releases pheromones during flowering, like a female wasp, so male wasps during the mating season flock to these flowers for mating, transferring the pollen that has fallen on them from plant to plant. Grows in Australia.

Orchid Kalania (Caleana major)


This amazing flower, reaching a height of 50 centimeters, with 2-4 flowers on a stem up to 2 cm in size, looks like a flying duck. Orchid Kalania grows at the foot of eucalyptus trees in Eastern and Southern Australia.

Psychotria sublime (Psychotria elata)


This stunningly beautiful flower, thanks to its bright red inflorescences in the form of "hot sponges", has earned the right to be called the most piquant flower in the world. Psychotria loves moisture and warmth, which abound in her homeland - in the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Wolffia (Wolffia angusta)


The smallest flowers on the planet live on the surface of the water. Wolf's size varies from 0.5 to 0.8 mm.

Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus)


Translated from Greek, Amorphophallus titanic sounds like "shapeless phallus." This largest tropical flower grows to a height of 2.5 meters and a width of up to one and a half meters. Another feature of Amorphophallus titanic is the bad smell that it exudes. Its homeland is the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii)