Amazing sansevera is an unpretentious indoor flower. Sansevieria: description and tips for growing Sansevieria large

Sansevieria - room ornamental plant belonging to the Asparagus family. The people call the plant "pike tail", "mother-in-law's tongue." In European countries, sansevieria began to be cultivated as early as the 13th century. The names of the flower were also different: in Germany - African hemp, in England - devil's tongue, leopard lily, in the USA - snake skin.

The root system of sansevieria has powerful root threads that can grow to break the pot, but do not have to be transplanted often. The leaves are rigid, reach a length of about 1 meter. The leaves can be directed upwards, extend to the sides, or be located almost horizontally to the ground, the tips of the leaf are most often pointed. The color of the leaf plate varies from green to brown with various shades, spots or stripes.

How sansevieria blooms

A dense cylindrical inflorescence appears on an upright long peduncle. The flowers have narrow petals and long stamens, are greenish-white in color, open in the late afternoon and exude an intense vanilla aroma all night. The leaves and flowers of the plant produce nectar that attracts pollinating insects. The fruit is a berry with 1-3 seeds. Fruiting in indoor cultivation is extremely rare.

The plant is unpretentious in care. Dozens of sansevieria are popular for landscaping homes and offices. It is believed that the leaves of the plant purify the air in the room and its aura contributes to the treatment of various diseases.

How to transplant sansevieria after purchase and during the growing season

When buying, specify how long the plant is in this pot, since a transplant is necessary every three years (during this time the roots have time to grow across the entire width of the pot).

Young plants require a transplant every 1.5 years. The older the plant, the less frequently it should be repotted.

Pot selection

Choose a wide container with thick walls so that strong roots cannot break through them. A clay pot works great. In a pot of a suitable size, the plant blooms more profusely.

At the bottom of the planting tank, lay drainage from expanded clay, ceramic shards.


The following composition is suitable as a soil: two proportions of soddy land, one serving of leafy soil, humus, peat and sand. Can be grown in hydroponics or geranium substrate with about 30% coarse sand to improve drainage.

How to transplant

Water the flower and leave for several hours so that the earthen lump becomes damp. Then carefully remove the pot from the roots. If you are not going to divide the bush, plant the plant in a larger pot without violating the integrity of the root system.

If you want to get new specimens, carefully divide the bush into separate divisions, each with a root system, and plant the divisions in separate pots.

During the growing season (spring-summer), apply complex mineral fertilizers every month: more potassium and phosphorus are needed, nitrogen is needed in small quantities, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. In spring and summer, once you can make top dressing for succulents.

How to care for sansevieria at home

top dressing

If the plant is in shade, fertilizing is practically not needed. Excess fertilizer leads to loss of variegated color.


The fleshy leaves of the plant are able to store moisture, so you should not water it too often. In spring and summer, watering is done about once a week, when the soil dries out almost completely. In autumn and winter, they water even less often, again I focus on the dryness of the earthen coma. Use purified water for irrigation (thawed, distilled) or from the tap, but settled for at least a day.


The plant reacts normally to the lack of lighting. But it is better to expose it to the sun's rays, then the color will be more saturated, the patterns will become pronounced. On particularly hot days, especially at noon, it is worth shading. Insufficient lighting can only slightly slow down growth, and an excess of light leads to yellowing of the leaves. In winter, additional lighting with artificial lamps is recommended.

Temperature and humidity

The plant tolerates high temperatures well. Do not allow drops below 16 ° C. Protect the plant from drafts. In winter, make sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the cold stele.

You do not have to regulate the humidity of the air - sansevieria easily tolerates dry indoor air. To remove dust from the leaves, it is enough to occasionally wipe them with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

Reproduction of sansevieria leaf

Sansevieria reproduces by seed and vegetative methods (by dividing the bush, side shoots, leaf cuttings).

  • For propagation by a leaf cutting, it is necessary to cut the leaf and divide it into several parts.

  • Mark the bottom part, you can treat it with a growth accelerator.

  • Wait until the leaf dries a little and plant in wet sand deepening by 2 cm.

  • Cover with a transparent cap, carry out the bottom watering through the pan.

  • Rooting will take about 8-10 weeks.

  • Plant young plants in separate pots. This type of breeding is suitable for tall species.

Sansevieria can be rooted not only in the ground: cuttings take root perfectly in water, especially if they were previously treated with a solution of root or heteroauxin for at least a few hours.

Growing sansevieria from seeds

Seed propagation is rarely carried out, especially since it is not easy to find seeds for sale.

You can try to collect the seeds yourself. After flowering, the fruit appears in the form of a pod. It is advisable to dry it entirely, and remove the seeds immediately before planting. Plant seeds in wet sand in wide bowls. Spread the seeds over the surface and press a little into the soil. Cover the crops with film or glass and place in a warm place. Ventilate regularly, water through the pan. Germination can take weeks or even months. The grown seedlings dive a month after germination. Many flower growers prefer to plant large sansevieria seeds one at a time in cassette cups, so that they can then be transplanted into pots by transshipment.

Reproduction of sansevieria by dividing the bush

To carry out the division of the rhizome, moisten the soil in the pot, pull out the plant and gently rinse the root system. The roots are hard, you can’t separate them with your hands, use a sharp knife for this. Cut off the roots along with the leaves and plant the delenki in separate containers with new soil. This breeding method is ideal for variegated species.

Better to divide in early spring so that by the onset of the cold season, new sprouts have time to get stronger.

Reproduction of sansevieria by children

Low-growing rosette varieties are mainly propagated by lateral processes. It is best to separate them when transplanting a plant. The shoot can be carefully broken off or cut off with a sharp knife from the mother plant, try to capture part of the rhizome. Treat the cut point on the shoot and the plant itself with crushed charcoal. Plant young shoots in separate containers.

Diseases and pests of sansevieria

  • When light spots appear on the leaves, it is necessary to lower the air temperature and remove the plant away from bright light.
  • From waterlogging of the soil, rot appears on the leaves. It is necessary to cut off the affected areas.
  • When affected by a spider mite, the color of the leaves becomes pale, and they gradually die off. Wipe the leaf plates with a damp sponge and treat with an insecticide.
  • If the leaf turns gray-brown, thrips colonies can be found on the reverse side. An insecticide treatment will help.
  • As a result of defeat by a mealy worm, the leaves become curved, yellowed. Remove them with a damp sponge, treat with insecticide.

Types and varieties of sansevieria with photos and names

Varieties and types of sansevieria can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Plants with tall, straight, lanceolate leaves reaching a height of about 2 meters.
  • Plants with leaves growing from rosettes.

Sansevieria three-lane Lauretti or Guinean Sansevieria trifasciata

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Gold Flame’ photo

Native to South Africa. The species is resistant, very common in indoor cultivation. The height of the bush reaches one meter. The leaves are lanceolate, extending above the soil surface in a vertical direction. The color of the leaves is rich green with longitudinal stripes of a darker shade. The flowers are greenish-white in color, collected in a paniculate inflorescence about 4 cm long.

Sansevieria hahnii Sansevieria hahnii

Sansevieria silver hanni Sansevieria hahnii Silber marginata photo

Variety of sansevieria with three stripes. The compact bush reaches a height of 30 cm. The leaves are dark green in color. The rosette of leaves forms the shape of a vase.

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Golden Hahnii’ photo

Variety varieties:

  • Golden Hanni - longitudinal stripes of golden color pass along the green leaves.
  • Silver Hanni - green leaves are covered with transverse stripes of a silvery hue.

Sansevieria cylindric Sansevieria cylindrica

The birthplace of this type of sansevieria is South and East Africa. The leaves are dense, cylindrical in shape, the color is dark green with longitudinal stripes of a silvery hue, a yellowish border runs along the edges.

Popular varieties of homemade sansevieria

Sansevieria Futura Futura

Sansevieria Futura Sansevieria cv ‘Futura Superba’ photo

A variety with leaves reaching a height of about 60 cm, lanceolate, the leaf plate is slightly expanded, a yellow edging runs along the edges.

Sansevieria White Bantel’s Sensation

White Sansevieria Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Bantel’s Sensation’ photo

The leaves are straight, hard, about 80 cm high. The color is dark emerald with longitudinal stripes of white. The variety grows quite slowly.

Sansevieria Nelson Nelsonii

The leaves are numerous, dark green, velvety. The leaf blades are thick. The variety retains its characteristics when propagated by cuttings.

Sansevieria Compacta

The leaves can curl elegantly. Leaf plates reach a length of about 80 cm, a dark emerald color prevails, a yellow stripe runs through the center.

Sansevieria Twistd Sister Twisted Sister

The leaf socket is low. The leaves are twisted, olive-green in color with a yellowish edging.

Not many flower growers know that sansevieria likes to spend summer holidays outdoors. But in vain! After all, for such a “vacation” a plant with a bunch of the most formidable names will almost certainly thank you with a modest, but such a vanilla-fragrant bloom!
How to arrange everything? With the onset of sustainable spring heat, a pot of sansevieria can be put on a balcony or veranda, but it’s even better to transplant the “Satan’s tongue” into open ground. The main thing is not to forget to take the rested and strengthened sansevieria home in September.
An interesting fact: at home, sansevieria most often blooms when ... her pot becomes too cramped! After enjoying the long-awaited flowering, do not forget to transplant the flower.
How to do it right, as well as the nuances and possible problems in growing sansevieria, read our article.

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Planting and caring for sansevieria

  • Bloom: decorative leafy plant.
  • Lighting: partial shade, bright diffused light.
  • Temperature: common for residential areas. In winter, not lower than 16 ˚C.
  • Watering: regular, moderate, in summer - more frequent than in winter.
  • Air humidity: common for residential areas.
  • Top dressing: during the active growing season once a month with a solution of fertilizer for cacti or ornamental leafy plants.
  • rest period: not clearly expressed.
  • Transfer: as the pot becomes small for the plant.
  • Reproduction: vegetative (by dividing the rhizome or leaf cuttings).
  • Pests: mealybugs, thrips, spider mites.
  • Diseases: anthracnose, root rot.

Read more about growing sansevieria below.

Sansevieria (Sansevieria), or sanseviera, or sansevier- a genus of the Asparagus family (in some catalogs - Agave), which includes more than 60 species of evergreen perennial stemless plants from the stony dry regions of the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Madagascar, South Florida, Indonesia and India. This unpretentious, and therefore popular houseplant in different countries has received the nicknames "pike tail", "snake skin", "mother-in-law's tongue". Its value lies in the fact that it is indestructible: you can forget about it for a week or two, and it will not die or wither. In addition, the sansevieria plant is used with pleasure by designers to create flower arrangements and decorate interiors.

Sansevieria flower - growing features

Each plant has its own whims, and if you are going to grow this or that flower in the house, you need to familiarize yourself with its agricultural technology and decide whether it suits you or not. Indoor sansevieria is good because it requires very little attention, but it looks great.

So, what is interesting about sansevieria:

  • it is enough to fertilize her once a year, but if you do it more often, she will certainly take it with pleasure;
  • the best place for sansevieria is the window sill, because it needs as much natural light as possible, and it is not so important for it to be warm on the windowsill or cold;
  • and yet direct sunlight can burn the plant, so put the sansevieria on the windowsill of the window into which the sun looks in the late afternoon;
  • the worst thing for sansevieria is waterlogging of the soil, from which it dies.

Sansevieria care at home

How to care for sansevieria

Any temperature is suitable for sansevieria, air humidity will also not particularly affect the growth and appearance of the plant, but still, if you want to see sansevieria in its best form, try not to let the temperature in the room fall below 16 ºC in winter, and wash the leaves of sansevieria from time to time.

Caring for sansevieria is first and foremost proper watering, but experimenting with watering, you risk ruining the flower. Therefore, it is best to take advantage of such an achievement of civilization as a moisture indicator, which can be bought at a flower shop and which will remind you that it is time to water the flower. Water for irrigation is better to use rain, distilled or at least separated room temperature. In winter, the colder the room, the less often you need to water the sansevieria. Wash the dust off the plant with a damp sponge.

You don’t have to repot sansevieria often - young plants need to be transplanted every two years, mature ones - once every three. You can read about how to transplant sansevieria on many sites, but not everywhere there is information about which earth mixture sansevieria prefers: it is better to buy soil for a plant in a flower shop, because the earth from the garden will not suit him.

The composition of the soil should be approximately as follows: one part of leaf land and sand and two parts of sod land. The composition of the store soil also includes perlite or fine gravel.

Transplant sansevieria only when the roots of the plant appear from the drain hole of the pot. Choose a thick-walled pot, preferably clay, so that it is powerful root system the plants didn't tear it, and the long, heavy leaves didn't overturn the pot. The shape of the pot, due to the peculiarities of the development of the root system, should be rather wide than deep. And remember: the most important thing is a good drainage layer.

Sansevieria fertilizer

In the spring and summer, you can feed sansevieria monthly with liquid mineral fertilizers for indoor crops or cacti. Make sure that excess nitrogen does not damage the plant, and in general, try to keep the consistency two times weaker than recommended.

For species with colored stripes, the dose of top dressing must be reduced by a factor of three, otherwise the leaves may lose their decorative effect and become monochromatic green.

Propagation of sansevieria

The division of the rhizome of sansevieria

Sansevieria is propagated by dividing the rhizome, side shoots and dividing the leaf. It is most convenient to divide the rhizome of the plant during the spring transplant: with a sharp knife, cut the rhizome in such a way that a growth point remains on each part. Seed the divided sansevieria in different pots and place them in a warm place. Water sparingly. This method is suitable for both plain and variegated types of sansevieria.

Reproduction of sansevieria by dividing the leaf

It's also an easy procedure. The old sheet is cut into pieces 4-5 cm long, dried a little in the air, then the lower end is immersed in the sand at an angle of 45º, covered with a jar or a cut plastic bottle and with moderate lower watering (water is poured into the pot pan) they are rooted.

After 30-40 days, as soon as the leaf takes root and gives buds, from which young leaves will appear, the plant is transplanted into a pot with soil. This method is suitable only for monochromatic types of sansevieria: even if you root a striped leaf, the baby will still grow green.

Sansevieria properties

Sansevieria contains many biologically active substances, but the most popular of them are saponins, which, when used correctly, bring significant benefits. Traditional medicine uses saponins to produce choleretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative and expectorant drugs. ethnoscience Sansevieria treats cystitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, otitis media, cuts and other skin lesions.

The foaming properties of saponins are used in the cosmetic industry in the production of liquid soap and shampoos. It is not recommended to use the plant for medicinal purposes for pregnant women, since the substances contained in it have an abortive effect.

Types of sansevieria

Sansevieria has a creeping rhizome with basal leaves, powerful and tough, reaching a height of 1 meter or more. The color of the leaves is different shades of green and brown, some have stripes or spots. The flowering of sansevieria is not very attractive: white flowers with greenery, collected in cylindrical inflorescences, opening at sunset, exude a delicate vanilla aroma. The fruit is a berry with several seeds, but in room conditions sansevieria rarely bears fruit. The most famous types of sansevieria:

Perennial, rosette of 2-4 succulent light green leaves 30-60 cm long and up to 15 cm wide. Dark transverse stripes pass along the leaves, and a reddish border along the edge;

In the photo: Sansevieria grandis (Sansevieria grandis)

The plant is up to half a meter high, the leaves grow in bunches of 2-4 pieces, length from 14 cm to 45 cm, width - up to 7 cm. The color of the leaves is dark green with light green W-shaped strokes, the edges of the leaves are reddish or whitish;

In the photo: Sansevieria hyacinthoides (Sansevieria hyacinthoides)

Unexpressed leaf succulent forming rosettes containing up to 20 flat erect leaves up to 40 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. The color of the leaves is green with a dark green pattern;

In the photo: Duneri Sansevieria (Sansevieria dooneri)

Sansevieria graceful (Sansevieria gracilis)

Or sansevieria graceful - perennial succulent: leaves cover the base of the stem 5-6 cm high. The leaves are leathery, oval, long-pointed gray-green in color with gray-beige transverse stains;

Sansevera is a stemless evergreen plant belonging to the Asparagus family (formerly this genus was called Agave). Under natural conditions, it is found in rocky and dry regions of the subtropics and tropics of Madagascar, Africa, Indonesia and South Florida.

The most famous type of crop, often grown at home? - three-lane sansevera, which is better known to many under such names as "mother-in-law's tongue", "snake skin" and "pike tail". The Latin name of this genus was given in honor of the Neapolitan prince von Sansevierio, who made a great contribution to the development of the natural sciences.

It is generally accepted that the sansevier, whose photo can be seen in the records of travelers, patronizes them. Even at home, in the native walls, it reminds of distant wanderings. Most often, indoor sanseviers in our homes are representatives of the three-lane variety. Among them there are very large plants with huge, up to 1.5 m, leaves, and miniature ones, with short triangular leaves, which are collected in a pretty rosette.

Sansevier: plant description

Despite the fact that the sansevier has many varieties, it cannot be confused with another. The sansevier flower has a powerful and creeping root system. It is well developed and allows you to provide the plant necessary quantity moisture.

The sansevera leaf is straight and fleshy. In some varieties, the leaves reach a height of one and a half meters. They are directed upwards, and sometimes slightly to the sides. It is extremely rare to find specimens in which the leaves lie almost horizontally. To the touch, they are dense and smooth, lanceolate in shape, with somewhat pointed tips. In addition, in some varieties, leaves grow from rosettes. There are specimens with wide and very short leaves. They can be painted in various colors and shades: dark and light green (silver), brown and yellow. Some types of sansevera have leaves decorated with a border.


Not everyone gets to see a blooming sansevier. It cannot be said that she strikes with the beauty of her flower: it looks rather modest. However, flowering occurs only at the most favorable conditions and extremely rare. Its flowers, located on straight and long peduncles, have white narrow petals with a greenish tint. The stamens are collected in a cylindrical and rather dense inflorescence.

Fragrant flowers appear in late April or early May. They open in the late afternoon and fill the air in the room with vanilla aroma.


These are berries, inside which there are from one to three seeds, but at home their appearance is a rarity.

Types of sansevier

The undisputed leader in popularity is the three-lane sansevier, the care of which comes down to following simple rules. It is distinguished by longitudinal dark stripes on narrow and long dark green leaves. As a rule, there are no more than six of them in the outlet. The length of the leaves is different: from 30 cm to one and a half meters, but, regardless of size, they all narrow and sharpen towards the end. Interestingly, this species is able to do without natural light, artificial light is enough for it.

Gold flame

The name of this variety is translated as "golden flame". It is explained by the presence of yellow upper leaves, which really resemble flames.


The plant grows up to 150 cm in height. It has dark green cylindrical leaves up to two centimeters in diameter. A rather deep longitudinal groove runs along their center, and the tips of the leaves are pointed. They are decorated with stripes along the edge of the plates with a yellow border. The flowers of this plant are painted in a delicate cream shade with a reddish top.

One of the original varieties of cylindrical sansevier is the Velvet touch variety with bright green leaves.


This variety has given rise to many varieties. Her main feature- vertically growing leaves with a yellow border, which can be either dark or light. White flowers bloom at the base of the plant and are spike-shaped panicles.


This sansevera flower is distinguished by variegated wide and long sword-shaped leaves. Dark striped patterns are randomly applied on a dark green plate.

Hanni (short)

A very effective variety, which differs from many types of sansevera in short leaves. They are curved, and the rosette of the flower, thanks to this, resembles a vase. Hanni today is represented by several varieties. For example, the leaves of the Golden Hanni subspecies are decorated with longitudinal yellow stripes, unevenly spaced. And in Silver Hanni, the leaves have a complex color: silver-gray is added to the green color. The leaves have a dark edging and stripes, but not too clear.


Relatively new variety. Its leaves are short and wide. The yellow stripe running along the edge of the plate is thinner than in other species.


Another plant with short and wide leaves, but they are colored differently. They have a beautiful silvery, gray-green hue.


A somewhat unusual variety of sansevier. Short leaves are covered with frequent random transverse stripes of silver color. The leaves themselves do not exceed 50 cm in length. They round shape, with conical tips. Leaves grow in compact rosettes

Sansevier: plant care

Experienced amateurs indoor plants recommend that beginners who want to try their hand at floriculture start with sansevier. Caring for these plants is simple, they are undemanding to growing conditions: they feel quite comfortable in bright light and in the shade, tolerate both high and low temperatures well, and easily endure drought.

But if you want to grow a really beautiful plant, you cannot do without following certain rules.


Sansevera loves bright lighting, but this does not mean at all that it can be exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. On the contrary, they can seriously harm the plant, leaving a severe burn on the leaves. It is desirable that the lighting be diffused. With its lack, the leaves will quickly lose their decorative effect, and the stripes, in general, may disappear. The plant becomes evenly green and does not look so impressive.

In winter, when daylight is short and you notice that the flower lacks light, use additional illumination with fluorescent daylight lamps.

Air temperature

Caring for a sansevier also involves observing the temperature regime. Optimum temperature for this plant is + 14-16 ° C. Although this hardy plant will endure a rather noticeable cold snap (up to +5 ° C), an even greater decrease in temperature for the plant can be fatal.

Deserves special attention winter care for the sansevier. Make sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the cold glass and the flower is not in a draft and under the flow of frosty winter air. When airing the room, move it from the windowsill.


No matter how hardy a plant is to drought, it needs watering, however, of varying intensity. In this sense, the sansevier is no exception. Caring for it allows regular, but moderate watering. Do not try to "drink" the plant for the future: it is able to accumulate moisture in the leaves, but excessive waterlogging can cause root rot. Long droughts, in turn, will not destroy the flower, but will significantly spoil it appearance. Therefore, try to avoid extremes, water the plant in such a way that the soil has time to dry out and is evenly saturated with water during the next watering.

It is important to know that the abundance of watering largely depends on the lighting and air temperature in the room: the less heat and light, the less frequently watering should be. Use good drainage to avoid waterlogged soil. A standard drainage layer will not be enough. In the soil in which the sansevier grows, drainage is added throughout the volume, and not just at the bottom of the container. To achieve this result, coarse river sand is added to the soil - about 30% of the total mass.


And this indicator for the plant is not significant, because it is a native of dry savannahs. But if you see that dust has accumulated on the leaves, spraying with settled water at room temperature will not hurt, or you can wipe them with a damp cloth.

top dressing

If your plant is standing in a warm, brightly lit room, then it will need monthly top dressing during the active period. Sansevieria is suitable fertilizer for cacti, because it is a succulent. The composition of the top dressing should include phosphorus and calcium, but with nitrogen, follow the measure. According to experienced flower growers, it is better to apply half the portion of fertilizer recommended by the manufacturer.

If your flower grows in the shade of top dressing, you can make minimal portions or refuse them altogether: an excess of fertilizer can cause rotting, the disappearance of stripes, and deformation of the leaves.


Does sansevier need this procedure? A transplant of a young plant is carried out annually. A flower older than two years, needs to be transplanted no more than once every three years. Room sansevera has a well-developed root system, so choose a pot in such a way that the roots will quickly grow and begin to destroy the container. The pot for this plant should not be too deep, but at the same time wide, as the roots will grow in breadth. Its strength is no less important: give preference to thick-walled clay containers.

Soil preparation

For transplanting, you will need a soil mixture consisting of four parts leafy soil, one part sod and one part sand. You can add humus or peat.


How is the reproduction of sansevier at home? There are two ways: by dividing the rhizome or by the leaf. Whichever method you prefer, you need to know that breeding is carried out in spring or summer, during the active period. Reproduction of sansevera leaf is as follows. A healthy leaf is cut into pieces five centimeters across. Then one of the sections of each piece must be treated with a root growth stimulator. It is he who is deepened into a peat-sand mixture or into wet sand.

It is necessary to deepen the leaf cuttings by 1-2 cm, but it is not worth covering them with glass or film - high humidity can cause rotting. The lighting should be bright, but diffused, the temperature should be maintained within the range from +20 to +25 ° C. The first shoots will appear in one and a half to two months.

Reproduction of variegated sansevier varieties is carried out only by dividing the rhizome, since plants with a uniform color, devoid of patterns, grow from leafy cuttings. The rhizomes are separated with a sharply sharpened and thoroughly disinfected knife.

It is necessary to divide the root so that each fragment has a growth point, as well as a leafy rosette. Sections are treated with activated carbon (crushed) and planted in separate pots filled with a substrate with a high content of sand. Watering at first is limited to a minimum.

Sansevieria diseases and possible problems when growing: why the leaves wither

Most likely, the reason is insufficient watering. If at the same time they also turn yellow, soften, the reason is exactly the opposite: the disease causes rot caused by excessive moisture or moisture entering the outlet.

  • The rotten parts of the plant are removed and the plant is treated with an antifungal agent. Then the plant must be transplanted into a new sandy soil, but before that, having dried the sansevier a little.
  • If the leaves become soft, but their color does not change, it means that your flower is cold. Remove the affected parts of the leaves and sprinkle the cuts with charcoal. Move the flower pot to a warmer place.
  • Noticing that your sansevera has stopped growing, pay attention to the lighting: it clearly lacks light. Move the plant to a south or east window.
  • Sometimes white or brown dry spots appear on the leaves. They talk about two probable reasons: either the flower is not getting enough light, or it got a sunburn. In addition, such spots may indicate waterlogging of the soil or infection with a fungal infection. In any case, the affected leaves must be removed and the plant moved to another location.
  • Sansevieria leaves dry most often due to mechanical damage to the plate. Carefully cut off the dried part, leaving a thin strip.
  • From scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs, which are manifested by various signs: leaf deformation, the appearance of nectar droplets, the leaves become smaller and like paper, there are many effective drugs which give excellent results in the fight against these pests. For example, Fitoverm, which is diluted in water according to the instructions and sprayed on the plant.

Sansevier, whose photo we posted in the article, is an unpretentious and spectacular decoration of any interior, which today is grown not only in apartments, but also in offices and official institutions. It not only pleases with its patterned striped colors, but also heals the air in the room.

The main problem with such an unpretentious plant is rot from increased watering. If the soil dries for a very long time, and this may be due to the fact that it is too dense and heavy, or there are few drainage holes, then the roots or stems begin to rot. Waterlogging is especially dangerous in conditions of low temperatures and shading. In addition to rot, spots may appear on the leaves. To avoid such problems, make the soil looser, water as it dries, at least to the middle of the depth of the pot.

Another problem is related to the opinion that sansevieria is very shade-tolerant, which means that it can grow in the darkest corner. Yes, sansevera, especially varieties without yellow or cream spots, tolerate shading quite tolerably, but only a little. At the same time, it grows slowly, forms very rare and elongated rosettes, or loose bushes. In a word, undecorative.

Sansevieria Pests: Sansevieria is fairly resistant to most pests. It is practically not touched by a tick, but mealybugs may appear. These pests look like hairy white bugs, usually come with purchased land, accumulate, forming colonies, at the base of the leaves. You need to deal with them like this: mechanically remove the pests with a cotton swab or a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then water the soil with a systemic insecticide actara or confidor.

Sansevieria or sansevier (sanseviera, sansevieria) - Sansevieria


Family: Agave (Agavaceae).

Homeland: tropical regions of Africa and Asia.

Flowering: some species with good care.

Height: average.

Light: bright diffused light, tolerates both light partial shade and full shade. It must be remembered that variegated plants need bright intense light, as the variegated color of the leaves is lost in the shade.

Temperature: in the spring-summer period it prefers a moderate temperature within 18-25 ° C, in the autumn-winter period the temperature should not fall below 14-16 ° C for a long time, in the event of a prolonged decrease in temperature, the plant becomes ill.

Watering: moderate from spring to autumn - the soil should have time to dry out. In winter, watering is limited, depending on the temperature of the content. When watering, especially in winter, water should not be allowed to enter the center of the outlet - this can cause decay.

Air humidity: does not play a significant role. It is useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Top dressing: during the growing season (spring-summer), mineral fertilizers of half concentration are applied once a month, using fertilizers for cacti or for indoor crops.

Rest period: not pronounced, in the autumn-winter period they are kept at a temperature not lower than 14-16 ° C, with good lighting, limited watering and no top dressing.

Transplant: as needed, only when the pot becomes cramped.

Reproduction: division of the rhizome, side shoots (offspring) and leafy cuttings.

Sansevieria Thunb.), a genus numbering, according to various sources, from 60-70 species of evergreen stemless plants of the agave family (Agavaceae), a number of authors attribute this genus to the dracaena family, and in English taxonomy they belong to the family Ruscaceae (needle). In various sources, sansevieria is referred to as sansevieria, sansevieria. For the shape and color of the leaves, sansevieria (sansevier) is popularly called "pike tail", "cuckoo's tail", "mother-in-law's tongue"; the English call it “leopard lily”, “devil's tongue”, “snake plant”; Americans call - "snake skin"; The Germans call it "African hemp" for its fibrous leaves.

The Latin name of the genus Sansevera comes from the name of the Neapolitan prince von Sansevierio, who contributed to the development of the natural sciences.

In nature, sansevieria (sansevier) grow in savannahs, semi-deserts and deserts of tropical regions of Africa and Asia - 70 of its species are known. In some species of sansevier (sansevier), the leaves are covered with a thin wax coating characteristic of succulents, which protects them from moisture evaporation.

Sansevieria (sansevier) Kirk a. The fruit is a berry with 1-3 seeds; fruiting is rare in indoor floriculture. Sansevieria (sansevier) Ceylon (S. zeylanica), Sansevieria (sansevier) three-lane (S. trifascista), etc. - cultivated in tropical countries. In addition, sansevieria (sansevier) is a medicinal plant. It can be used to treat diseases such as inflammation of the appendages or cystitis, increases adaptive capacity and resistance to colds, viral and other diseases.

Sansevieria has been grown in Europe as an ornamental plant since the 18th century. Sansevieria is considered a hardy and unpretentious plant in room culture, suitable for a beginner grower. The showy leaves of sansevieria make a winning backdrop for plants with feathery leaves or small flowers, making it an almost indispensable component of potted plant arrangements. In summer, almost any species can be exhibited outdoors, thus creating a majestic decoration of artificial landscapes. A variety of garden forms of sansevieria are successfully used for landscaping premises and winter gardens, creating large compositional arrangements.


Sansevieria (sansevier) large (Sansevieria grandis Hook. f.). Homeland - the tropics of Africa. Rhizome herbaceous stemless perennial plant with a rosette of 2-4 fairly fleshy broadly ovate leaves 30-60 cm long. up to 15 cm wide, light green, with dark transverse stripes and a reddish cartilaginous border along the edge. Flowers in dense racemes up to 80 cm tall, white or greenish, up to 5 cm in diameter. On the peduncle 3-4 reduced leaves. Perianth cylindrical, swollen at the base. Its lobes are narrow, bent down. epiphytic plant. Introduced into culture at the end of the last century. Zulu (Sansevieria grandis var. zuluensis)

Medicinal, useful properties of sansevieria, "mother-in-law's tongue", "pike tail"

Healing properties of sansevieria ("mother-in-law's tongue", "pike tail"). Treatment of colds, treatment of otitis media, treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Sansevieria is native to Africa and tropical Asia, where it grows in savannahs, semi-deserts and even deserts. Sansevieria is an unpretentious stemless plant of the lily family, has erect sharp lanceolate dense dark green basal leaves up to 1 m long or more, with transverse yellowish or light green stripes. Rhizome creeping, powerful. Sansevieria blooms with fragrant and sticky nectar-producing pale green flowers, almost white, with narrow petals and long stamens. The flowers are located on a long peduncle-arrow.

Sansevieria contains a number of biologically active substances, but the most important of them for humans are saponins - potent poisonous substances that, if used properly, can be of great benefit.

In traditional medicine, saponins are used in the production of laxatives, choleretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory drugs. In folk

In medicine, sansevieria is used for cystitis and adnexitis, otitis, inflammation of the throat and mouth. It helps to increase immunity, stress resistance, improve the general condition of the body. You can use it for cuts, bleeding. For scratches and other shallow skin lesions, it is recommended to apply a sheet of sansevieria with the side from which the skin was previously removed to the affected area. The plant, like plantain, will disinfect and stop bleeding.

Saponins are plant-derived glycosides with surfactant and foaming properties. They are practiced in cosmetology in the manufacture detergents such as shampoos, liquid soaps, etc.

Sansevieria tincture for urinary infections

Ingredients: 1 sheet of sansevieria about 25 cm long, 200 ml of vodka.

Cooking method: Grind a leaf of sansevieria, pour vodka over it and infuse for 2-3 weeks in a cool and dark place. Strain.

Method of application: take 1 tbsp. morning and evening after meals for 2 weeks.

Ingredients: 2 sheets of sansevieria about 25 cm long, 1.5 liters of water.

Method of preparation: chop the leaves of sansevieria, add water, boil for several minutes, then strain for 3 hours.

Method of application: make an enema with the resulting solution 1 time per day.

Ingredients: 1 sheet of sansevieria, about 25 cm long.

Three-lane sansevieria is a widespread indoor plant, used for landscaping apartments, offices and shops. In everyday life, this plant is often called by another name - Teschin Language.

Sansevieria grows, uniting in rosettes of 5-6 leaves, dark green in color, with light transverse stripes. Depending on the amount of light that hits the plant, the color intensity of the stripes may change. If there is not enough light, then the stripes become barely noticeable, not clear. The length of the sheet can reach 100-120 cm, while in width - up to 10 cm.

Varieties and types

- the most ancient variety, which has a smooth, flat surface of leaves that grow, stretching straight up, and a yellow stripe runs along the edge, like a border.

- this variety is similar to Laurenti, it is like a smaller copy of it. The leaves reach a height of 10-15 cm, forming one dense rosette of 5-15 leaves, the ends of which are slightly bent outwards.

hallmark is the presence of rare longitudinal yellow stripes.

(cylindrical ) - the leaves of this variety have a tubular shape with a sharp end, reminiscent of the tentacles of an octopus. They reach one and a half meters in height.

Some species of this variety have the ability to twist, which allows you to give the plant bizarre shapes (for example, the shape of a braid). For growing it is better to use not deep pots with a thick ceramic wall.

sansevieria zeylan ica - has wide leaves, medium height, slightly wavy edges and the same uneven (wavy) light stripes and specks.

- this variety of sansevieria is significantly different from others. It has thin leaves twisted inward, reminiscent of the shape of a boat. The color of the leaves is pale with the same indistinct stripes, and sometimes without stripes at all.

- has thin, smooth, wavy, light (gray-green), sometimes even a silvery sheen leaves.

Sansevieria home care

Sansevieria is a rather unpretentious plant. It can grow both in a well-lit place and in the shade. Withstands large temperature differences. Can go a long time without watering. But if you adhere to proper regular care, then the appearance of sansevieria will delight the eye with dense, shiny leaves with a variegated color.

For healthy growth, the plant needs to provide an adequate supply of light, avoiding direct sunlight (especially if it is the midday sun). With a lack of light, the plant slows down its growth and loses its special color (light stripes) and acquires a dark green color.

The temperature does not really matter for the growth of sansevieria, but in order for the plant to always remain healthy, bright, with clear stripes (if any), do not allow the temperature to drop below 15 ° C in winter.

Sansevieria watering

Watering should be regular, avoiding drying out or waterlogging. If you do not know when it is time to water, then you can purchase special moisture indicators at the flower shop.

In winter, watering should be reduced, the colder, the less often watered. In addition to watering, it does not hurt to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. Water for irrigation should be separated and at room temperature.

Sansevieria transplant

Transplantation is very rare, as sansevieria grows very slowly. If the plant's roots are showing through the hole in the bottom of the pot, it's a sign that it's getting cramped and it's time to replace the pot.

Another reason for transplanting may be the appearance of young leaves that form separate rosettes. In addition, it should be remembered that the pot should not be tall, thick (maybe even clay) - this is necessary so that the pot does not crack due to the powerful root system, and also so that due to heavy leaves (especially those varieties which are tall) the plant did not collapse.

soil for sansevieria

The soil for planting and transplanting can be made up of one part of leafy soil, one part of sand and two parts of soddy land.

You can also purchase a ready-made substrate in a flower shop; it still contains perlite or fine gravel.

Sansevieria fertilizer

Liquid mineral fertilizers (for indoor plants or cacti) can be applied monthly in the spring and summer.

To do this, dilute the top dressing in water so that the consistency is two times weaker than the instructions indicated, and for varieties with bright (clear) stripes - three times weaker, otherwise due to an excess of fertilizers, the plant may lose its decorative effect and become plain.

sansevieria reproduction

The division of the rhizome sansevieria reproduces in spring. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot and the roots are cut with a sharp knife so that one growth point remains on each site, then they are planted in separate pots and placed in a warm place, providing moderate watering. This method is good for any type of sansevieria.

Another way to reproduce is side shoots . To do this, it is only necessary to carefully separate the young shoots along with the rhizome during transplantation and place in a separate pot.

Sansevieria leaf propagation

To do this, the strongest, healthiest leaf is selected and cut into pieces 5-6 cm long, then left to lie down a little in the air (dry slightly).

The next step is to immerse the lower part of it in the sand at an angle of 45 °. Cover with a jar or cut plastic bottle. Water only in the pan.

Rooting occurs in a month and a half, when new leaves begin to appear next to this seedling. This method is only suitable for monochromatic species.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases of sansevieria are spider mites, mealybugs, thrips and anthracnose.

In case of anthracnose brown spots appear on the leaves , gradually increasing in size, which leads to the drying of the sheet. This disease most often occurs due to a violation of the irrigation regime, namely, excess moisture. If infection is detected, the plant is treated with a fungicide solution.

Leaves turn pale yellow , solid whitish spots appear, the leaf dies off - evidence of damage by a spider mite. The reason may be dry air. As a preventive measure, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Treatment: treat with Aktellik.

thrips - on the bottom of the sheet are deposited a large number of pests, and white dots appear on the upper side. As a consequence the upper part of the leaf acquires a grayish-brown hue with a slight silver sheen. Treatment: spraying with insecticides.

Leaves turn yellow and become soft at the base - overmoistening of the soil. You can save the plant by removing all the affected leaves and transplanting them into a new soil and pot, which becomes impossible if the roots have already begun to rot.

Leaves become lethargic, rot – if the ground is dry and the temperature in the room is below 15°C. Only a warmer place can save the plant, provided that all damaged areas are removed. But if stem rotting has begun, then rooting of the intact upper parts of the leaves can be carried out.