The most unusual flowers of the planet. The most unusual flowers in the world: photos with names The most interesting flower names

Girls adore flowers and this is not surprising, not only are they very beautiful and smell good, they can also decorate the interior of an apartment or office. In any flower shop you will be offered a dozen types different colors, but it is unlikely that you will find in them those that will be discussed below. We will tell you about the most beautiful and unusual colors from different parts of the world.

Orchid "naked man" (Italian orchid)

Why do you think this type of orchid got such an unusual name?

Turquoise Strongylodon can be found in the Philippines. By the way, it is a relative of beans or peas.

If you want to see this rare flower, then visit Florida (USA), the Bahamas or Cuba. Only you should hurry up, as it is in this moment on the brink of extinction.

This flower can be found in Japan and in its own way. appearance it looks more like a beautiful starfish than a plant.

These flowers are native to Asia and South America and are a favorite flower for the caliber.

Grouse (Fritillaria)

Translated from Latin Fritillaria means box of playing cards. This unusual flower has another name - a chess flower.

Egret Orchid (Pecteilis radiata)

In East and Central Asia, you can find this type of orchid, which is so similar to a fluffy white bird.

Another name for this plant is balloon". You can meet it in East Asia, where, by the way, it is often used to make salads.

Because of its protruding yellow petal, this flower is also known as "ladies' slippers."

Orchid "flying duck"

This orchid got its name because it looks very much like a flying duck.

There are quite a few varieties of Chinese lanterns, but this one is the brightest and most beautiful.

In addition to its melodic name "Titanic Amorphophallus", this unusual flower also has a name, but not so beautiful - "corpse flower". Such an unflattering name was given to him because he smells of rotten meat, to attract animals and insects.

These red lips are not inherently a flower, but only protect it. The flower itself is inside the lips. You can meet such beauty in South and Central America.

In ancient times, this flower was considered medicinal and was used to treat almost all diseases.

This unusual flower resembles a beehive. Its dimensions can reach up to five meters in height.

Holy Spirit Orchid (Peristeria elata)

Another name for this type of orchid is the Dove Orchid. Grows in Central America.

At first glance it seems that this is a fairly ordinary flower, but in fact it is not quite like the flowers we are used to. Unlike others, he prefers to bloom in cold weather, and grows at a height of at least three hundred meters.

Despite its unusual beauty Datura is a rather highly toxic flower that can easily drive you into a state of delirium, up to and including death. Once upon a time in Asia and Europe, these flowers were used to create poison.

The fruits and greens of this lacy flower are edible, and you can meet it not only in South Asia (where it comes from), but also in other warm countries.

Don't you think that the flowers of this plant are very similar to candy?

Orchid "pink moth" (Phalaenopsis)

A very colorful orchid. A similar flower is easy to buy in flower shops in our country.

The flowers of this type of orchid are very similar to a little sad monkey.

Tacca Chantrier or "black bat"

Isn't it true that this flower is very similar to a bat? That is why it got its name. Such a mouse grows in South-East Asia And How the bats does not like sunlight.

You will be very lucky if you see the flowering of this plant in nature, as it blooms only at night and is quite rare.

A very unusual and gloomy flower, after it blooms, small seed boxes remain on the plants that resemble human skulls.

Flowers "sporting"

Sporing is a spontaneous mutation of one part of a plant. But despite this, the flower looks just fantastic.

Flowers have always been popular at all times. Since ancient times, they have been used to express complex emotions - love, loyalty, memory. In addition, for hundreds of years, flowers have been used in the treatment of the sick and for aromatherapy treatments. Today, cut flowers are most commonly used. They make up bouquets and whole flower arrangements designed to express certain feelings. Here are 10 interesting facts about flowers:

The stinkiest flower in the world

Amorphophalus from Sumatra is considered the most smelly plant in the world. For its unique aroma, similar to the smell of decomposed meat, it is also called a corpse flower. In addition, amorphophalus is known as the tallest flower. The plant can reach a height of up to 3 meters.

The cost of tulips

Tulips are the most sold flowers on our planet. In their homeland - Holland - more than 3,000,000,000,000 of these plants are grown every year. But, in addition, flowers are delivered to Russia from Ecuador, Colombia, and most European countries. And one of the best suppliers of tulips to Russia is the Dutch company Jaaz Flowers & Plants B.V., by the way, on the official website of the company you can buy flowers in bulk at competitive prices with delivery to any region of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries. By the way, the peak price of tulips came in the 17th century. In those days, tulip bulbs were worth more than gold. The cost of individual varieties could reach up to 2 thousand dollars. Now tulips have more affordable price. Another fun fact about these flowers is that their petals turn out to be a good alternative to onions in some recipes. Tulips are one of the first flowers to hit the market in spring. This is a kind of symbol of this time of year.

Gladiolus - flower-symbol

Gladiolus got its name from the ancient Roman word "gladius", which translates as "sword". This is due to the fact that the appearance of the flower is very similar to the gladiatorial sword - a weapon used in the traditional ancient Roman form of entertainment - gladiator fights.

Variety of species
According to botanists, there are 270,000 species of flowers on Earth today. Approximately 35 thousand of them are different types roses. And roses are one of the most popular and bought flowers.

The most ancient flower

The oldest flower, the "mother of all flowers", was discovered by archaeologists in 2002 on the territory of modern China. Its age is over 125,000,000 years.

Flowers that form gases

Dictamnus or ash tree is probably familiar to every gardener. He is loved for his unusually beautiful pale pink or white flowers. But few people know that this plant emits a combustible gas without color and odor. Therefore, if you bring fire to it, it will flare up in a second. As a result, this flower should be grown with extreme caution.

Resurrection Lotus

AT Ancient Egypt lotus was considered a sacred flower, a symbol of resurrection. He was worshiped and used in funeral rites. This is largely due to the ability of the lotus to survive during many years of drought and begin to bloom only the soil becomes wet again.


Charming and bright sunflowers fully justify their name. They have an amazing ability to turn the inflorescence following the movement of the sun. A bouquet of these wonderful flowers is a proven way to add color to gray everyday life.

A plant that blooms once in its life

Agave or agave can live for several decades and never bloom. And only at the very end, before dying, the plant releases one single flower.


As you know, plants need sunlight to bloom. The uniqueness of the native of the American tropics, the kaloniktion or the moon flower, is that in order for its flowers to bloom, the light of the moon is needed, not the sun - this plant blooms exclusively in the dark. The appearance of beautiful white flowers with the onset of night is a magical and bewitching sight. But as soon as sunrise comes, the flowers wither.

Have you ever come across colors that look like something else? For example, on a small alien, a bird or a stone. Well, it's time to get acquainted with the amazing creations of nature, which have forgotten that they are ordinary plants.

We present you a photo of the most unusual flowers in the world with scientific names and nicknames.

30. Dancing Girls (Impatiens Bequaertii)

These little beauties are named after their appearance. They resemble tiny ladies in white or light pink dresses. These orchids belong to the genus Impatiens, and have the interesting property of rooting wherever they touch the soil. That makes "dancing girls" great indoor plants if you can find them.

29. Swaddled baby, single-flowered Anguloa (Anguloa uniflora)

A cute little orchid in a certain flowering period resembles a miniature baby wrapped in diapers. Or a tulip, hence another name - “tulip orchid”.

28. Dragon shell, snapdragon achene (Antirrhinum)

Many gardeners love snapdragons for their showy look. However, already faded snapdragons look like a scattering of miniature skulls.

In ancient times, people believed that the “dragon shell” had mystical powers, and if you plant a snapdragon in your garden, it will protect the house from curses and evil.

27. Monkey Orchid, Monkey Dracula (Dracula saulii)

There are at least two types of orchids that look like monkeys. One of them is Dracula saulii, a tiny furry White orchid with the face of a monkey, discovered most recently in Peru (2006), the other is Dracula simia, an orchid found in the mountainous regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.

Both of them belong to the genus Dracula, which has 123 species. Not a single plant of this species sucks blood, and they got their name for their shape, reminiscent of the face of a small dragon and mostly dark colors.

26. Passion flower, incarnate passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

Spanish missionaries who first saw this beautiful flower, called it a passion flower because of the similarity of its appearance with elements of the story about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

  • The triple stigma symbolizes the three nails with which Jesus was nailed to the cross.
  • The thread-like fringes of the receptacle are similar to a bloody crown of thorns.
  • Five anthers of an unusual flower - five wounds of Christ.
  • The sharp leaves are the spear of Longinus.
  • Antennae - whip, etc.

25. Leucospermum catherinae (Leucospermum catherinae)

This funny flower is more like a carnival toy than a creation of nature. Few plants can match the brightness of color with this African miracle.

The most favorable time for leukospermum to bloom is after a drought or fire, when rodents and insects that will prevent its growth have been destroyed.

24. Star flower, Grandiflora Stapelia (Stapelia grandiflora)

Graceful, crimson or dark purple petals of this plant look very unusual and even cute. However, the nasty smell of the Starflower makes it unsuitable for a gift to a girlfriend.

This is because the pollinators of Stapelia grandiflora are flies, and what could be better bait for flies than the sweetish smell of rotting meat?

23. Ginger Hive (Zingiber spectabile)

One of the strangest flowers in the world looks like a big bump. Its small "cups" or "combs" (actually bracts) collect water and give off a ginger scent. And when the flowers bloom on the ginger hive, they look like little white bees.

22. Pleurothallis truncata (Pleurothallis truncata)

A unique orchid from the tropics of Ecuador has a bright orange inflorescence in the form of a two-row chain. This funny flower is so rare and strange that it doesn't even have a nickname.

21. Hand of the devil, five-fingered chirantodendron (Chiranthodendron pentadactylon)

This is not just a flower, but a whole tree, on which red petals form in the form of long clawed fingers, resembling the hand of an inhuman being.

20. Crab claw, rostral heliconia (Heliconia rostrata)

The charming plant got its name because of the red-yellow bracts that look like a crab claw.

19. Desert pea, beautiful Swainsona (Swainsona formosa)

Here is a product of severe evolutionary selection - a bright and fragile-looking flower that survives and thrives in a dry, arid climate.

The desert pea is one of the most famous wildflowers in Australia. But it cannot be torn down without the express written consent of the Australian government.

18. Drumsticks, spherical craspedia (Craspedia globosa)

Funny little balls, as if woven from sunlight look great in live and dry bouquets. They can be grown not only in the greenhouse, but also on the balcony.

17. Bumblebee orchid, bee-bearing orchid (Ophrys apifera)

We don’t know why this “bumblebee” is so happy, because this flower has no reasons for fun. It is considered one of the endangered species.

16. Fire lily, luxurious Gloriosa (Gloriosa superba)

If you are going to grow this plant to decorate your home or garden, make sure it is out of the reach of your pets and children because it is poisonous. Ironically, this rare flower is considered an invasive weed in many regions of the Earth.

15. Snake head, African Hydnora (Hydnora Africana)

This monstrous looking flower is native to South Africa. The smell of it matches the appearance.

However, despite its shortcomings, African Hydnora has extremely tasty berries. They are not only tasty, but also healthy; local residents use them to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system.

14. Welwitschia mirabilis (Welwitschia mirabilis)

The main thing is to survive! Such a motto could be inscribed on the coat of arms of Welwitschia if it turned into a medieval knight. The plant is found only in Angola and Namibia - one of the hottest and driest places on Earth.

13. Titanic amorphophallus (Amorphophallus titanum)

This giant flower can grow up to three meters in height. It also boasts one of the most disgusting odors in the plant kingdom, making it a poor choice for a home.

12. Nepenthes attenboroughii (Nepenthes attenboroughii)

Some refer to this species as the "pitcher plant" and others as the "monkey pitcher plant". The reason for this comparison is the similarity with a jug created by mother nature.

However, the sweet syrup found inside the plant is extremely dangerous to small birds, insects, and rodents, as it traps and dissolves creatures that get too close.

11. Trumpet of an angel, Brugmansia (Brugmansia)

A native of the South American forests is beautiful, fragrant and extremely poisonous. It is the source of three deadly toxins: atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine, which are essentially psychotropic drugs.

There are many stories about how this great looking plant was used by criminals and drug addicts who use it to make a narcotic drink.

10. Beak of a parrot, aka spotted lotus (Lotus berthelotii)

Once you see this plant, you will understand why its unofficial name is Parrot's Beak. It seems that many of these bright birds hid in the grass, or for some reason took off their beaks and forgot to put them on.

One of (in wild nature) was once a true gem of the Canary Islands. Its bright red or yellowish red flowers contrast nicely with the silvery green needle-like foliage.

Previously, it was pollinated by nectary birds, but they are almost extinct (with the exception of Africa), and all the efforts of scientists to return the "Parrot's Beak" to natural environment dwellings were in vain. In the wild, it is found in single copies, and is listed in the Red Book.

However, this flower is quite successfully grown in flower beds, in flower beds, and even at home.

9. Tacca bat, tacca chantrieri (Tacca chantrieri)

If Batman wanted to decorate his costume with any fancy flower, then a tacca chantrier would be ideal.

This unusual flowering plant is found in Thailand, India, Malaysia and East Asia. It has unique burgundy-black bat-wing or butterfly-shaped bracts, as well as long, thread-like tendrils.

8. Flower "happy alien", Calceolaria uniflora (Calceolaria uniflora)

« Hello earthlings! I arrived in peace", - one of the most unusual colors of the planet could say, if he had such an opportunity.

Calceolaria uniflora looks like an alien with a happy face and an empty white tray in his hands. Such an unusual shape attracts not only people, but also small birds such as hummingbirds. They love to eat the white part of the flower, and at the same time help him in pollination.

7. Moth Orchid (Habenaria Radiata)

The shape of this graceful flower, native to Asia, resembles a delicate white butterfly or small bird. Moth orchid flowers are only 4 cm wide.

6. Hot lips, psychotria sublime (Psychotria Elata)

These gorgeous red, luscious lips belong to a flower found in the rainforests of Central and South America such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador.

The plant, apparently, "picked up" such an interesting form of bracts for itself in order to attract pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies.

5. Flying duck, calan orchid (Caleana major)

The amazing Australian flower really resembles a miniature duck in flight. The shape of this orchid helps it attract pollinators.

And the process of pollination occurs in a tricky way. It is performed by sawfly insects, similar to wasps. Inside the "head of a duck" a special substance is produced - an attractant, the composition of which is similar to the pheromones of female sawflies.

Attracted by this smell, the males sit on the kalani and find themselves in a trap. While the insect is desperately floundering, it is covered with pollen, after which the flower releases its prey into the wild. However, sawflies are not very smart, and the process of "sit, grab, twitch, let go" is repeated on the next plant. And again. And again. AND…

4. Elephant yam, Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

This unpleasant-looking plant is also distinguished by an extremely vile smell, reminiscent of the stench of rotting meat. Just like one of the . However, pollinating insects like this amber, and for elephant yam, this is the main thing.

Amorphophallus pionolifolia is edible (if you pinch your nose well). In some countries of Southeast Asia, its tubers, growing up to 16 kg, are grown as a delicacy; in China, elephant yam is medicinal plant, and in the Philippines they are fed to pigs.

3. Italian orchis (Orchis Italica)

A real macho among the most unusual flowers in the world immediately stands out with its lower part. In appearance, he resembles a naked man.

Interestingly, orchis italica flowers are hermaphrodites, that is, they have both male and female organs.

2. Living stone, lithops (Lithops species)

Some plants use toxins to avoid being eaten. Some people use spikes. Lithops survives by pretending to be a stone.

If you are planning to collect stones in southern Africa, then you will most likely pick up a couple of these bivalve plants. There are dozens of species of Lithops, each of which prefers a certain type of rock to hide among.

These fun plants can also be grown at home and will reward you with a yellow or white daisy flower.

1. Darth Vader Flower, Salvadoran Aristolochia Salvadorensis

Even before the world saw the first Star Wars trilogy, this flower knew something. Imagine how the Dark Lord decorates his helmet with it, and sighs for bygone youth and love. Or he decorates his son's room, which he carefully prepared on the Death Star, with slightly sinister-looking chircasons.

But enough fantasies, let's get back to the facts. The appearance of the Salvadoran kirkazon is due to adaptations that ensure its survival. The helmet-like shape and purple coloration of the flowers, combined with the powerful aroma of rotting flesh, attract pollinating insects.

Lured by the scent and sight of the flower, the insects fly through Darth Vader's glowing "eyes". Inner part the tarragon is covered in sticky hairs that trap unfortunate guests long enough to coat them in pollen. The plant then releases its victims to fly and pollinate more flowers.

Every day we see flowers that surround us everywhere - daisies, roses, violets, tulips, chrysanthemums, dandelions, and their beauty has become familiar to us and even somewhat banal.

But in different parts of the world, truly amazing and unusual flowers grow in terms of adaptability and appearance, and every time, looking at this natural miracle, you are surprised at the beauty flora. Let's get acquainted with the most unusual colors of our planet:

1. Tricyrtis short-haired (Tricyrtis hirta).

This perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 40-80 cm, has white flowers with numerous purple spots.

This one grows decorative flower in the subtropical zone of Japan, where there is shade. Tricyrtis shorthair is relatively easy to cultivate.

2. Wolffia (Wolffia angusta).

This is the smallest flowering plant on the planet, its size is from 0.5 to 0.8 mm.

These small flowers live on water surfaces. The name of the flower was given in honor of the German entomologist and botanist Johan F. Wolf.

3. Amorphophallus titanic (Amorphophallus).

It is the largest tropical flower, but, despite the natural beauty, it is a very foul-smelling specimen of the flora. The smell of decaying flesh emanates from the inflorescence. If we translate the name of the flower from Greek, then it means "shapeless phallus."

This giant flower has one of the largest inflorescences in the world, reaching a width of one and a half meters and a height of 2.5 m. Amorphophallus titanic blooms for only two days. Previously, it grew in Indonesia, on the island of Sumatra, but then foreigners exterminated the flower. Today it is considered very a rare flower, and you can see it in the botanical gardens of the world.

This amazingly beautiful flower deserves the status of the most romantic and piquant flower on the planet. For inflorescences of bright red color, people also call it "hot sponges".

Psychotria loves warmth and moisture and grows in the tropics. Its homeland is the forests of South and Central America, where a subtropical climate reigns.

5. Sexy Orchid Drakaea glyptodon.

The title of "unusual" orchid was won by the "sexy" orchid - the inflorescence of the flower resembles the body of a wasp of a certain species. In addition, the orchid secretes pheromones, the same as those of the female wasp.

Interestingly, the sexual orchid begins to bloom during the breeding season of wasps, and then the males flock to the flowers and try to mate with them. This is how wasps transfer pollen from one plant to another. The place of growth of the sexual orchid is Australia.

In appearance, this amazing flower resembles a flying duck, and that is how it is called by the people. She got this appearance from nature to attract insects called sawflies.

For them, the upper part of the flower resembles a female, and, flying from flower to flower, it is pollinated. The Kalania orchid has a miniature size: the flower is 2 cm wide and only 50 cm high. The orchid grows in South and Eastern Australia under eucalyptus trees, and 2-4 flowers flaunt on the stem.

In most cases, it lives underground, but when the required amount of precipitation falls in the desert, the African Hydnora appears on the surface and fades. The flower reaches a length of 15-20 centimeters. Pollination occurs with the help of beetles that fly to the smell emitted by the flower.

8. Sundew (Drosera).

It is a carnivorous flower of amazing beauty. The inflorescence secretes droplets of mucus, which are a trap for insects.

It is the sundew that feeds on insects. The flower grows in the mountains, on sandstones and swamps.

9. Passiflora (Passiflora alata).

Passiflora or Stratoflower is an amazingly beautiful flower from the genus of the Stratoflower family.

In nature, there are about five hundred species. The inflorescence is 10 cm in diameter, and passionflower grows mainly in Latin America.

10. Nepenthes Attenboroughii (Nepenthes Attenboroughii).

This unusual interesting flower was discovered on the island of Aalavan by three scientists in 2000, who went on an expedition for this miracle of the plant world. The first information about the flower was received from missionaries who had previously visited the island. Having gone to Mount Victoria, scientists discovered huge flowers, the inflorescences of which resembled voluminous jugs.

It turned out that these unusual flowers- real predators that feed on rodents. It still remains a mystery how these flowers were able to survive to this day. This phenomenon is being studied today in the MacPherson lab. Do you think that custom-made bouquets of these flowers would be in high demand?

11. Monkey Orchis (Orchis simia).

This beautiful flower grows in bushes and forests, where there is a lot of light, in forest glades of the lower (sometimes middle) mountain belt up to an altitude of 1500 m above sea level.

This specimen of flora is the rarest species and is listed in the Red Book of Russia. When the orchis monkey blooms, it exudes a pleasant orange aroma.

A flower of the genus of epiphytic herbaceous plants of the Orchid family, growing in northeastern Australia and Southeast Asia.

Habitat - mountain and lowland forests with high humidity. Some representatives of the genus are popular in indoor floriculture, botanical gardens and greenhouses.

13. Clianthus (Clianthus).

The genus of this flower, which prefers sunny areas, includes two species that are endemic to New Zealand.

Clanthus inflorescences are bright red and resemble the beak of a kaka parrot in appearance. The flower has another name - Lobster claws.

The inflorescence, thanks to its festively colored flowers, in appearance resembles a bright caramel lollipop.

These unusual flowers open only in the presence of bright light, and in the evening the inflorescence, like an umbrella, folds in a spiral. This beautiful, unpretentious plant lives well at home.

The flower got its name due to the shape of the inflorescence, resembling a slipper. The original shoe-shaped form is characteristic of three orchid genera.

Most of the species grow in deciduous and located in areas with a temperate climate. The bright flowers of slippers are a kind of traps, and most of insects gets inside the lip, and you can get out of there by a way that guarantees pollination.

16. Hoya.

An evergreen liana from the dovetail family, wax ivy, which grows naturally in India, South China, and Australia.

The genus Hoya, numbering 200 species, got its name in honor of the English gardener Thomas Hoya. Creepers in nature creep, and in forests grow on tree trunks.

17. Primula "Zebra Blue".

Large primrose flowers have a yellow center, an attractive cream-colored coloring, riddled with many blue-violet veins.

During flowering in May, the primrose gives a lot of inflorescences that exude a pleasant aroma.

This instance of Flora is herbaceous plant belonging to the Kolokolchikov family. A plant with small broadly lanceolate flowers, predominantly blue. In the world there are 300 varieties (100 of them in Russia) of bluebells, and they grow in places with a temperate climate: in the Caucasus, Europe, Siberia, Asia, and America.

The plant grows in the forest, near rocks, in wastelands. Peach-leaved bell is a rare plant belonging to decorative species. This is an excellent honey plant, listed in the Red Book.

This flower grows in North America, and in Russia it can often be found in gardens, where it is used to create beautiful flower beds. There are 22 types of flower in the wild - these are ears of zygomorphic flowers, painted with bright colors of blue, yellow, purple hues.

Inflorescences resemble a lion's mouth or even a skull. The appearance of the Snapdragon flower, which has already faded, looks quite intimidating and resembles a skull.

20. Dove Orchid (Peristeria Elata).

This flower has a bizarre, and even unusual shape, reminiscent of a dove lurking in the open petals of the inflorescence. The flower is very capricious and requires special care: high temperature and humidity.

This unusual flower also has a second name - the orchid of the Holy Spirit, and on the Easter holiday, believing Christians of the tropics decorate temples with these orchids.

21. Grouse (Fritillaria).

This is a beautiful perennial flower. The Latin name fritillus means a vessel or chessboard where dice are placed. Such names are not given in vain - they are associated with the color and shape of the flower. In Russia, the name was given because of the resemblance to a bird of the grouse family.

When looking at this unusual flower, it seems that the bird bowed its head low. The hazel grouse blooms a little - about 20 days. Moles, mice, shrews are afraid of him, so Hazel grouse is simply necessary in flower beds and beds of summer residents.

Japanese camellias are trees or shrubs that reach a height of one and a half to eleven meters. This plant is ideal for a greenhouse or conservatory with a cool setting.

Camellia is native to Japan and China. It is the official flower symbol of the state of Alabama.

23. Rafflesia (Rafflesia arnoldii).

Rafflesia grows on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula. Inside its huge bowl, from 5 to 7 liters of water can be collected. The flower has neither leaves nor stem.

In Asia, this amazingly beautiful white flower is edible, and leaves and tendrils of almost all Trichosanth species are used as green vegetables.

At the tips of the petals are original curls. This flower has also been used for medicinal purposes.

25. Common catchment or Aquilegia (Aquilegia).

It is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Buttercup family, growing in parks, forests, meadows. The range of the species covers Scandinavia, southern and central regions of Europe.

In Russia, the flower can be found in the European part. Flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm have a bright coloring - purple, blue, pink and extremely rarely white.

26. Orchid "Great Egret" (Habenaria Radiata).

This amazingly beautiful flower has another name - Khabenaria.

Its beautiful and large pearly white inflorescence, framed by a wide fringed lip, in appearance resembles a white heron in flight.

It is a member of the legume family. The flower is often cultivated as an ornamental plant in countries with tropical and subtropical climates.

The flower grows in the tropical and wild forests of the Philippine Islands.

28. Tacca chantrieri.

This perennial plant with a developed vertical rhizome is a species of monocotyledonous flowering plants of the Dioscoreaceae family.

The inflorescences and young leaves are still used to make curries, and the rhizome has been used in Thai medicine.

This snow-white, rarest flower on the planet, growing on the islands of Sri Lanka, resembles a water lily in appearance. The life of this flower is short - it blooms at midnight, and fades by dawn.

According to an ancient legend, during the short flowering period of the kadupula, a mythical snake-like demigod creature named Nagi descends to earth. He plucks a flower to present it on the holy mountain of Sri Pada to the Buddha himself.

Incredible Facts

How many rare, disappearing and disappeared beautiful wild flowers in the world. The reason why these flowers bear such a title is that a person often cannot live in complete harmony with nature.

For example, he builds dams, dams that impede the movement of a particular river.

As a result, specific frogs or fish species are also limited in movement, as a result of which a certain bird species does not get the food it needs in the right amount and does not pollinate desired flower which eventually leads to the extinction of the plant.

This is just one of the scenarios for the development of events, of which there are actually many, since history is filled with hundreds of similar cases. Regardless of what makes them a rare species, the plants below are extremely rare, so not everyone gets the chance to see them.

10. Emerald Vine Flower (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The emerald vine flower is a rare species of woody vine native to the native rainforests of the Philippines. This plant belongs to the legume family. The flowers of the plant are collected in large brushes, hanging from vines, which can reach a length of about three meters. The color of the flower can vary from blue-green to bright saturated green. They are usually pollinated by bats, however, as it turned out, it is very difficult for the species to reproduce due to habitat destruction and a decrease in the number of natural pollinators.

9. "Corpse" flower

8. Smolevka (Silene Tomentosa)

This plant is especially rare and is found only on high cliffs Gibraltar. The flower was considered extinct by the entire scientific community back in the 1980s, however, specialists from the Gibraltar Botanical Reserve found out that several specimens still live in nature. Unfortunately, by 1992 all traces of the plant had disappeared and it was declared extinct. In 1994, one specimen was discovered by a climber on inaccessible rocks and the species was brought back to life. It has been "propagated" in the laboratory and the seeds have been planted in the Gibraltar Botanical Gardens as well as the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.

7. Franklin Tree (Franklinia alatamaha)

This tree is part of the "tea" family, however, it is the only representative of its kind, as well as a very rare flowering plant. The tree was native to the Altamaha River Valley in Georgia, however, since the early 19th century it has been declared extinct in the wild. In fact, today we only know about this tree thanks to the Bartram family, who were avid gardeners and grew it to extinction in the wild. A miniature tree plant that blooms with white flowers, and whose leaves turn bright red in autumn, is currently popular. ornamental plant. All "examples" of the tree that exist today come from one of the plants grown by the Bartram family.

6 Pigeon Beak (Lotus berthelotii)

This beautiful flower was declared endangered in 1884. It is believed that in the wild it has completely disappeared, however, it is possible that a few individuals still survived. This amazing plant grew in the Canary Islands, and was originally pollinated by insects that have long since died out. This probably explains the rarity of this plant. Experiments have been carried out to find new pollinators for the plant, but since 2008, not a single new flower has appeared in the wild. The pigeon's beak, however, is grown by gardeners, so if desired, anyone can take possession of this beautiful plant.

5. Cosmos "chocolate" (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

This Cosmos plant, which ranges in color from red to brown, is native to Mexico. Unfortunately, it was thought to be extinct in the wild for over a hundred years. Today, the species survives in the form of one infertile "clone", which appeared in 1902 as a result of vegetative propagation. The flowers of the plant grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter and have a color from dark red to brown. AT summer period they smell like vanillin, which also makes it a wonderful ornamental plant.

4. Koki (Kokai cookei)

This is a very rare tree found in Hawaii. It was discovered in 1860, since then only three of its specimens have been found in the wild. It was very difficult for the tree to spread, and by 1950, after the death of the last tree, it was considered extinct. In 1970, the only specimen left in the wild was discovered, which, unfortunately, burned down in 1978. But, fortunately, one of the branches of the tree was saved, which was grafted and from which 23 trees planted in different places in Hawaii have now been able to grow. Koki is small tree, which grows to a height of 10-11 meters, its peculiarity lies in the fact that hundreds of bright red flowers grow annually on an adult tree.

3. Yellow and purple lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus)

This is an extremely rare type of wild orchid found in Europe. The only specimen of this orchid in the UK, which was previously very common, has now been under strict protection since 1917. The cuttings of this orchid sell for $5,000, however, the plant is extremely difficult to propagate. Its seeds cannot feed on their own, so they often live in symbiosis with a certain type of fungus that provides it with the nutrition it needs until the leaves of the plant are able to feed themselves. There are many types of Venus slipper which are very rare. This particular type has deep purple or red stamens surrounded by bright yellow colored petals.

2. Spirit Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum)

The spirit orchid is a very rare plant that was thought to be extinct for almost 20 years, only recently "raised its head" again. The plant is so rare, mainly because it is extremely difficult for it to reproduce. The plant does not have leaves, it does not depend on photosynthesis, it does not feed itself. As with the lady's slipper, this orchid needs close contact with the root system of a special fungus to nourish it. The orchid spirit never grows leaves, so it is dependent on the fungus throughout its life. This plant can grow underground for years without showing any "signs of life", and will bloom only when all conditions are created for this. This explains why some enthusiasts have been looking for this flower for many years.

1. Middlemist red (Middlemist camellia)

This is the rarest flower in the world. To date, only two specimens of this plant have survived. One of them is in a garden in New Zealand, the other is in a greenhouse in the UK. The plant was originally brought to Britain from China by John Middlemist in 1804. Since then, it has not been found anywhere else in China. In Great Britain the flower remained barren for many years, and only in recent times flowers appeared. The flowers have a bright pink color and are very similar to roses.