Planning in the senior group work in the spring. Synopsis of directly organized activities for cognitive development in the middle group “The work of people in the spring. Like a harrow harrows

Subject: "The labor of people in the spring"

Integration of educational areas Keywords: cognition, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical, social and communicative.

Target: Clarify children's knowledge about the work of people in the spring in the garden.

Program tasks:

1. Expand ideas about tools.

2. Systematize knowledge about the landing process.

3. To form practical planting skills.

4. Develop mental activity as a result of completing tasks, solving riddles.

5. Correct the skills of productive activity.

6. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, interest in agricultural labor activity.

Material: tools used when working in the garden and in other activities (the game "What is superfluous?"); illustrations depicting tools, counting sticks; a picture with superimposed contour images of labor tools; plot illustrations "What first, what then"; boxes with earth, onion seeds (onion sets), aprons for each child, sticks, small watering cans.

Activity progress:


We stretched our hands to the sun

We took the ray and pressed it to the heart,

We smiled, gave the guests a ray,

Hello guests, we are waiting for you all!

AT.: -Here comes the spring. Let's remember what has changed in nature? (children's answers) At this time of the year, people have a lot of work. Guess the riddle, what is it about?

There are carrots, there are cabbages, there smells delicious of strawberries.

And the goat there, friends, we can’t let it go in any way. (children's answers)

That's right, it's a garden. Who has a garden guys? Who among you likes to work in the garden? What kind of work do you do in the garden plot to grow a good crop? (children's answers)

"Explain proverbs"

1. Who does not lie in the spring, the whole year will be full.

2. Spring day feeds the year.

AT.:We live in an area with rather long and cold winters and warm summers. But summer is not long enough for all the vegetables to ripen. What is being built in the gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables? Listen:

At the dacha of my grandmother, the house stands, covered with a transparent film on top.

But grandparents do not live in it, tomatoes grow in that house.

Whatever happens to the weather in spring, the house will cover both in the cold and in the heat.

(Greenhouse, greenhouse) Demonstration of illustration.

And what other faithful helper friends a person has in the garden, except for hotbeds and greenhouses, you will find out by guessing riddles.

"Guess the Riddles" (with demonstration illustrations).

A black and long snake crawled into the yard,

Watered our garden, did not yawn at work. (hose)

They made it from boards and put on a belt,

And this dish is kept from the garden by the summer harvested. (barrel)

Two brothers went to the river to swim.

One bathes, the other waits on the shore.

They go to the river - they dance, and they go from the river - they cry. (buckets)

Stand in one row sharp tsap-scratches.

It is convenient to rake armfuls of garbage with them. (rake)

The cloud is made of iron, and the cloud has a handle.

This cloud went around the garden bed in order. (watering can)

Digging the earth, leveling the beds,

Brooks broke through and did not get tired. (shovel)

AT.:- And now I suggest that you lay out the tools that you most often have to work in the garden from counting sticks.

"Lay out the tools from the sticks"

Lay out the contours of a shovel, rake from sticks.

AT.:- Guys, today our group received a letter from Grandma Zabavushka. She asks us to help her. She writes that she has become old, weak, cannot work in the garden herself, and there is no one to help her. She has a grandson Antoshka, but he is a little lazy. Can we help? Then get up, let's go to the garden.

Physical minute.

Let's go to the garden, start a round dance. (Walking in a circle holding hands)

Let's take a radish in a round dance, sit down with it low, low. (squat)

We will take a carrot in a round dance, and we will deftly dance with a carrot. (Dance moves)

Stretch up with a bow (Stretch up, rising on toes)

Let's run after the zucchini (Run in a circle one after another)

And we will jump along the path like green peas. (Jump around in a circle one after another)

There is snoring. Antoshka is sleeping in the corner, hugging a huge spoon.

AT.: -Oh who is it? Yes, it's Antoshka! He holds a spoon in his hands. What should we do, how to wake him up? Let's try a song.

Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes! /2p.

Hm, don't get up. Maybe change the song a bit?

Antoshka, Antoshka, prepare a spoon for dinner! /2 p.

Antoshkajumps up, looks around and shouts: “Where is dinner, where is the food? I want to eat! And my spoon is always ready!”

AT.: -We feel sorry for you, Antoshka, that you are a little lazy.

Better you get up soon, do not spare your strength in work!

Antoshka whimpers.

AT.: -Antoshka, what happened? Tell me why are you crying?

BUT.:- Well... I want to eat. Grandma doesn't feed. He says to plant onions first. She even said a proverb. Whoever does not work, that one ... Uh, I don’t remember ... (Children tell me - he doesn’t eat)

AT.: -Your grandmother is correct. What's stopping you from planting onions?

BUT.:-So all the tools are mixed up, I can’t even understand how and what to pull out.

"Find a Tool"

Look carefully at this picture and name what kind of tools are hidden here. (children's answers)

"Trace over the dots and shade"

Now do the task on your paper. Connect the dots with lines and shade. What kind of tools did you get? (children's answers)

BUT.:- Yes, this is an easy task, I could do it myself. All right, I'll bring the tools. Oh, look how much he brought!

AT.:- Something very many tools. Guys, look, are there any extra ones here?

"What's extra"

AT.:-What is wrong here, why? (children's answers)

A .: - Thank you guys, they helped me choose the tools, otherwise I got a little confused. That's why the mood is gone, I'm not that lazy at all. By the way, here my grandmother left pictures for me to make it clearer how to plant. I know everything myself, I just want to check if you know how to plant plants. Look at these pictures and put them in order: what happened first and what happened next.

"What's First, What's Later"

Children arrange the pictures in order and tell what is shown on them.

A .: - I will show you the seeds. Consider them. Tell me what are they? (children's answers)

Do you know how to sow, plant? Well, what does it take to grow vegetables? (prepare a bed, make grooves, plant seeds in the ground, water).

AT.:So what do plants need to grow well? (Soil, water, heat, light)

What do we do? (First, we will draw grooves, seal the bottom of the grooves with the edge of the palm of our hand, pour water, because the seeds must be sown in moist soil, we will lay out the seeds in the grooves one at a time at a short distance)

A .: - Well, now I can entrust you guys with this responsible work!

AT.:- And in order not to stain clothes, put on aprons. (Children put on aprons and get to work).

AT.:- Well, we planted onions. What work needs to be done next so that the bow grows strong and tall? (Water the beds, loosen the earth, weed from weeds).

A .: - What are you good fellows! What a nice effort. Thanks guys! I'll run faster, I'll tell my grandmother. Goodbye! (Waving his arms and running away.)


AT.:- This concludes our lesson. What did we talk about today? What did we do in class, what tasks did we do? What did you like the most? Etc.

Synopsis of search and research activities

"The labor of people in the spring"

Methodist: Pashchenko G.V.

Signature: … … … … … …

Educator:… … … … …

Signature: … … … …

Performed: student

3rd year "B" group


Shevchenko Ekaterina


Target: introduce children to the labor of people in the spring in nature.


educational- to clarify and activate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; fix the names of the spring months; expand the vocabulary of children on the topic.

Educational- develop children's thinking, their attention and memory, speech and fine motor skills hands

Educational– To instill in children respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them.

Equipment: pictures depicting the spring months (March, April, May), plot pictures on the topic “People’s work in spring”.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Spring has a lot of work
Rays help her:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,
Melt the snow, break the ice,
Warm everything around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

Spring has a lot of worries
But things are looking up:

Emerald field became
And the gardens are in bloom.

II. Main part.

Lesson topic message.

What season is the poem talking about? (About spring.)

Today in class we will talk about spring and what people do in spring.

Spring conversation.

Guys, is it early or late spring?

What spring months do you know? Name them in order.

Name the 1st month of spring, 3rd month.

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

And now I'm going to ask you Tricky Questions. To answer them, you need to think.

What more spring or winter months?

What are more spring months or spring days?

What more seasons or spring months?

Well done guys, and you coped with tricky questions.

Let's remember how spring began.

(The sun is shining brighter.)

And what began to happen?

(The snow began to melt, streams flowed, drops began to cry.)

What happened to the trees?

(Buds swelled on the trees, leaves began to bloom.)

In spring, nature comes to life and many different phenomena take place. What other changes have occurred in spring in nature? (Fresh young grass appears. Birds flew in from warm countries and began to build nests. Animals woke up after hibernation. Insects crawl out.)

Game "Finish the sentence."

Choose action words and complete the sentences.

In the spring sun... (warms, bakes, caresses ...)
In the spring, icicles under the sun ... (melting, dripping...)
In the spring, snowdrifts from the heat of the sun ... (settle, melt...)
Buds on trees in spring... (swell, burst ...)
Spring streams... (running, murmuring, ringing, making noise ...)
Birds in spring... (return, arrive...)
Bird nests in spring... (weave, build, make ...)
Ice on the river in spring... (melts, cracks, breaks, floats...)
In the spring, on the thawed patches, the first flowers ... (appear, bloom, bloom ...)
Spring grass... (breaks, grows, turns green ...)

The story of a speech therapist about the work of people in the spring.

As soon as the snow melts from the fields, they begin spring work. People have a lot of worries in the spring. Spring is the hottest time of the year for farmers. People say: "If you overslept the spring, you will starve in the winter." So people work in the village in the spring from early morning until late evening. Fertilize the soil, plow (harrow) the land in the fields. The fields are sown with cereals.

What crops do you know? Who among you has seen such fields?

Vegetable seeds are sown, potatoes are planted. Gotta catch up a short time until the soil is dry. At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage are planted.

On the shoulders - shovels, and in the field guys!

We are glad to work! And happy with the sun!

The earth is so warm - it smokes a little.

And the arable land is ready to receive the seeds.

A lot of work appeared in the gardens and dachas.

And what spring work awaits people in their dachas?

What worries, deeds, chores await people?

In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed with poisonous solutions to repel insect pests. The lower part of the trunks fruit trees whitened with lime.
In the spring, seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens.
In gardens, parks, on the streets, trees are pruned and new young trees are planted. Beautiful flowers are planted in the flower beds.

In parks, gardens, squares, near houses, people rake last year's leaves, branches, garbage. Schoolchildren help clean the parks. Near the houses put things in order tenants. Where people have worked hard, parks, squares, streets of our cities become so beautiful.

And if you work hard in the country, then what will happen there in the fall?

People put in a lot of work. They work in the field and in the garden, in gardens and parks, in the yard and near the house. Then the summer will be beautiful, and the autumn will be with the harvest, and the winter will be with supplies.

Finger play.

And now we will work with you too. Our tools will be fingers. Ready?

Hands, like rakes (the thumb is pressed to the palm, and the rest are slightly apart and half-bent), scrape along the rough surface with the fingertips (on stressed syllables):

We rake garbage from the ground,
So that the sprouts could break through to the light.

Ekaterina Lukina
Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in senior group compensatory focus on the topic "People's work in the spring"

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group of compensatory orientation on the topic

« The labor of people in the spring»

Target: introduce children to labored people in spring in nature.


Educational - to clarify and activate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; fix the names of the spring months; expand children's vocabulary topic.

Developing - develop the thinking of children, their attention and memory, speech and fine motor skills of hands.

Educational - To instill in children respect for labor of adults desire to help them.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

At lots of work in spring,

Help her rays:

Together they drive along the roads

talking streams,

Melt the snow, break the ice,

Warm everything around.

From under the needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thaw

golden blossoms,

Poured, swollen buds,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

At spring has a lot of worries,

But things are looking up:

Emerald field became

And the gardens are in bloom.

II. Main part.

Topic message lessons.

What season is the poem talking about? (O spring.)

Today on lesson we'll talk about spring and about what people are doing spring.

1. Talk about spring.

Guys, is it early or late? Spring?

What spring months do you know? Name them in order.

Name the 1st month spring, 3rd month.

What month is between March and May?

What month is ahead of April? May?

And now I will ask you "Tricky Questions". To answer them, you need to think.

What more spring or winter months?

What are more spring months or spring days?

What more seasons or spring months?

Well done guys, and you coped with tricky questions.

Let's remember how spring was starting.

(The sun is shining brighter.)

And what began to happen?

(The snow began to melt, streams flowed, drops began to cry.)

What happened to the trees?

(Buds swelled on the trees, leaves began to bloom.)

- spring nature comes to life and many different phenomena occur. What other changes have taken place spring in nature? (Fresh young grass appears. Birds flew in from warm countries and began to build nests. Animals woke up after hibernation. Insects crawl out.)

2. Game "Finish the sentence".

Choose action words and complete the sentences.

In the spring sun...(warms, bakes, caresses)

spring icicles under the sun... (melting, dripping)

spring snowdrifts from the heat of the sun ... (settle, melt)

Buds on trees in spring...(swell, burst)

Spring streams...(running, murmuring, ringing, making noise)

Birds in spring...(return, arrive)

Bird nests in spring...(twist, build, make)

ice on the river in spring(melts, cracks, breaks, floats)

spring first flowers on thawed patches (appear, bloom, bloom)

Spring grass...(breaks, grows, turns green)

3. Let's make a story about spring. And everyone starts their sentence with the word " Spring".

- The sun shines brightly in spring.

- spring buds swell on trees (tree with buds).

- Grass grows in spring(grass).

- Flowers bloom in spring(flowers).

- spring migratory birds arrive from warm countries (birds).

- spring people plant gardens (rake, shovel).

caregiver: Well done boys.

Fixing proverbs about labor.

caregiver: You said that people vegetable gardens are planted in spring. What are they planting?

Children: seeds.

4. "Explain the proverb"

Who won't last in spring, the whole year will be full.

V .: - We live in an area where winters are quite long and cold and summers are warm. But summer is not long enough for all the vegetables to ripen. What is being built in the gardens for faster growth and ripening of vegetables? Listen:

At the dacha of my grandmother, the house stands, covered with a transparent film on top.

But grandparents do not live in it, tomatoes grow in that house.

Whatever happened to the weather spring, the house will cover both in the cold and in the heat.

(greenhouse, greenhouse)

5. D / game "What do you need..."

They dig the ground with a shovel.

A tractor is needed to plow the field.

The combine harvests grain.

You can mow hay with a scythe.

6."Find a Tool"

Look carefully at this picture and name what kind of tools are hidden here. (children's answers)

7. D / and "One - many."

Tractor - tractors.

Seeder - seeders.

Shovel - shovels.

Paint - paints.

Watering can - watering cans.

Brush - brushes.

Tree - trees.

Shrub - shrubs.

Flower - flowers.

Tomato - tomatoes.

Cucumber - cucumbers.

Greenhouse - greenhouses.

Greenhouse - greenhouses.

8. Finger gymnastics"Garden".

There are many ridges in the garden: show palm, fingers to the sides

Here is a cabbage, here is a tomato, bend in turn

Here are beets, here are peas, fingers on the hand;

And our potatoes are not bad!

Our green garden rhythmic contraction and

will feed us all year round! clenching fingers.

9. Game "What We Saw" (with a ball)

I saw the field. What is it?

(Wide, flat, boundless)

I saw plowed land. What is she?

(Raw, crumbly, black)

I saw seeds. What are they?

(Small, round, golden) etc.

10. Drawing up a story from a picture « The labor of people in the spring» .

caregiver: In order to compose a story, you need to figure out what is shown in the picture and answer questions:

Where does the picture take place?

What season is shown? Why did you decide so?

Who do you see in the picture? (Mom, dad, girl, boy)

How to call them in one generalizing word? (family)

What are they doing?

Why do you need to do this?

How can you name the story?

And now you need to collect all your answers in one story. Who wants to tell it?

The labor of people in the spring.

Family working in the garden in spring. Mom paints the trunks of trees so that insects do not damage them. Dad is digging up the ground to plant young trees. Boy Misha is planting seedlings. The girl Masha waters them because the plants need moisture. For the whole family good mood. Everyone is happy spring!

11. Gymnastics for the eyes "Donkey"

The donkey walks, chooses,

He doesn't know what to eat first.

"Children stretch their index finger forward right hand, freely move it and follow with your eyes!

Plum ripened upstairs (look up)

And nettles grow below, (Look down)

On the left - beets, on the right - swede,

Left - pumpkin, right - cranberry,

(eye movements left and right)

Below is fresh grass,

(Look down)

Above - juicy tops.

(look up)

Head is spinning,

Foliage is spinning in the eyes,

(Circular eye movements)

Couldn't select anything

And without strength fell to the ground.

(Close eyes)

Related publications:

Abstract of the frontal lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group of the compensating orientation "Poultry"- Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, we will go to visit, but to whom and where you will find out by guessing riddles: - Red paws, stings.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group of the compensating orientation "New Year Tree""Christmas Tree" Purpose: Differentiation of sounds sz; f-sh. Tasks: 1. Educational: Learn to distinguish sounds of s-s; w-sh by ear in pronunciation; Clearly.

Venue: group room. Tasks: Educational: - Expand children's ideas about the life of wild animals. - Fix in speech.

Talk with the child about what season it is now, what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature in spring;

Remember the names of the spring months, signs of early spring;

Observe the changes in nature during a joint walk in the park;

Compare the signs of early spring with nature in May;

Recall how forest animals and birds behave in spring, what changes occur with trees and shrubs, meadow and garden plants, in people's clothes;

Tell your child about spring field work.

For a long time spring passed secretly from the winds and cold,

And today - slaps straight through the puddles,

Drives melted snow with hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows with green velvet.

"Soon, soon to be warm!" - this news first

Drumming on the glass with a gray foot of a willow ...(Y. Akim)

On the mighty poplar, the buds burst in unison.

And from each bud, leaves came out.

Unfolded the tubes, fluffed up the skirts,

They looked back, smiled and said: “We woke up!”

The grass is green, the sun is shining

A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.(A. Pleshcheev)

Conversation with spring

Well spring, how are you? - I'm cleaning.

What do you need a broom for? - Sweep the snow off the hill.

Why do you need streams? - Garbage wash off the tracks!

What are the rays for? - For cleaning too.

I’ll wash everything, dry it, I’ll invite you to the holiday! ( O. Vysotskaya)

They took a rake and shovels - the guys went to the garden.

Here they dig, there they loosen, they remove garbage from the ridges.

Turnips are sown, onions are planted, and then everyone is watered.

Task 3. Pick up as many signs as possible for the noun: spring (what?) - early ...

Task 4. Pick up related words: grass - grass, grass, herbal, herbaceous, blade of grass, herbalist ....

Task 5. Pick up objects to the signs: spring - day ..., spring - thunderstorm ..., spring - sun ..., spring - days ....

Task 6. Pick up nouns for actions: (who? what?): melting..., running..., blooming..., appearing..., turning green..., flying in..., blooming....

Task 7. Answer questions about Spring. nine

What signs of spring do you know?

When did you notice the first signs of spring?

What are these signs?

Name the spring months.

Name migratory birds. Tell us about the life of birds and animals in spring. How do collective farmers work in the fields?

What agricultural equipment do you know? What is it for?

Task 8. An exercise in coordinating speech with movements.

Task 9. Learn the proverb about spring.

March with water, April with grass, May with flowers.

Task 10. Cut out a picture depicting the work of collective farmers in the fields and paste it into the album.

Julia Surovtsova

Summary of GCD for modeling in the senior group« The labor of people in the spring» .

Surovtsova Yulia Vladimirovna

Target: Continue teaching personal hygiene and safety labor when working with plasticine, with materials, tools and devices for modeling, organization of the workplace; acquaintance with simple tricks modeling, the development of an eye, imagination, creativity, ingenuity.


1) To form the ability to sculpt familiar objects from nature (fruits, vegetables, flowers). To form the ability to sculpt from nature, conveying their character and peculiarity.

2) fix the tricks modeling: flattening, rolling, pulling, pressing.

3) Develop fine motor skills of hands, an eye.

4) Strengthen the skills of neat modeling(do not scatter plasticine, do not stain clothes).

Equipment: Pictures with images of vegetables, fruits, flowers, examples of work (blinded). Plasticine, stacks, lining board, wet wipes, dummy vegetables.

individual work:

Show the child how to work with a piece of plasticine

Help the child with embarrassment

I organizational moment.


"We stretched our hands to the sun,

We took the ray and pressed it to the heart,

We smiled, gave the guest a ray,

Hello, guest, we have been waiting for you!"

II Introduction to the topic.

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream is ringing,

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the wind gets warmer

So, we have come...

D.: Spring.

Q: And by what signs do you know that now Spring?

D .: The snow has melted and the ice has melted, the sun is shining more often, it has become warmer outside, the buds on the trees began to appear, the birds have arrived.

V: Correct. Guys, you said the birds have arrived. Why did they return home?

D: Find a home or build a nest. Bring out the chicks.

V: Yes, that's right. With coming spring nature and animals have many things to do and cares. Nature woke up after winter, absorbs more moisture and sunlight so that grass, leaves on trees, flowers appear soon. All animals are now busy with the fact that they need to acquire offspring, teach them a lot and grow them up before the winter comes. What worries did people with the arrival of spring?

D .: Put things in order in parks, gardens and schools, under the windows, in the country.

V: Well done, you said it right. BUT "to clean up" outside, how is it?

D.: Remove old leaves and grass, branches and sticks, collect all the garbage, whitewash the trees, hang birdhouses for birds, plant seeds and seedlings.

V: Correct. To make it more pleasing to our eyes, we all we try to put things in order not only at home, but also on the street. And everyone does it in their own way. And people who have dachas, with the advent spring hurry to get out there and plant a new crop, because in order to harvest a good harvest in the fall, Spring is a good time to work.

B: Let's relax a bit.


"On the lawn in the morning".

On the lawn in the morning

We started a game.

I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed,

Become our wreath.

One two three four,

Expand the circle wider.

And now we are streams

Let's run a race.

Let's go straight to the lake

The lake will become big.

Get in the circle again -

Let's play in the sun.

We are cheerful rays

We are frisky and hot.

V: Well done guys. We warmed up a little, we can continue the conversation about labor of people with the advent of spring.

Q: Guys, what do people plant in their gardens?

V .: That's right, but then where do the fruits ripen?

D: In the garden.

V: Well done. And to decorate their plots, people plant ...

V: That's right! Are flowers planted in the garden or in the garden?

D .: In the flower beds, in the flower garden.

V: Well done! We met with poultry and animals and created a farm together. But for completeness, we clearly lack something there. What?

D .: Garden, garden, flower garden.

V .: Therefore, I suggest that you complete our farm today, and we will do it all - from plasticine.

V .: Come up in turn and choose a circle of any color.

Children are offered mugs of three colors to choose from, the color of the mug determines the choice of the table.

Yellow - vegetable garden, red - garden, green - flower bed.

V .: And now come to the table on which the same color as on your mug.

Children sit at tables.

V .: Guys, before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Kolobok"

- “We make a kolobok together,

We knead the dough lightly.

And then we ride it

We plant on the window.

He jumped from the window, jump-jump,

Rolled off into the forest, my friend.

Repeat 2 times.

V .: Now our pens and fingers are ready to work. Guys, you guessed it, guys over "yellow table", sculpt with us ...

D: Vegetables for the garden.

On the "yellow" table is a model of a vegetable garden.

V .: That's right, but what kind of vegetables, let them guess riddles.

Green tail above the ground

Underground red nose.

The bunny eats deftly.

What is her name?.

D.: Carrot

V .: Who loves borscht and vinaigrette,

Sad when she is not in it.

Grows in a bed under the ground -

She is always respected by the people.

D: Beets.

The teacher gives out cards with the image of carrots and beets, as well as a good example of stuck together vegetables in front of the children.

AT.: "Red Table"

D: Fruit trees.

V: Correct. Hear riddles.

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids.

D: Apples.

V .: Like light bulbs on branches,

Hanging in a row on a tree

Yellow, red with its light,

Our eye-catcher!

The teacher gives out cards with the image of an apple and a pear, as well as a good example of molded fruit in front of the children.

AT.: "Green table", guessed what you will need to blind?

D: Flowers.

Q: Here are your riddles.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Golden heart.

What it is?

D: Chamomile.

V .: In the garden, on the path,

under my window

The sun has blossomed today

on a high leg.

D: Sunflower.

On the "green" table there are mock-ups of flowers made of cardboard for the "smearing" technique, but children can either use the mock-up or make a flower on their own.

V: Well done guys. We remember the rules for working with plasticine and you can proceed.

The children look at the pictures and ready-made examples work, start modeling.

The teacher prompts and helps if necessary.

III Final part of GCD.

V .: Guys, you are nice today. bothered, now what do you think, on our "farm" have everything you need?

Children take work to the farm (or to the exhibition).

B: You guys are very good. worked hard today Let's give ourselves a clap!

Children clap and say goodbye to the guest.

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