The work of people in the spring plan-outline of classes on the world around (senior group) on the topic. Theme "Spring. Changes in nature. The labor of people in the spring. Senior group Speech therapy lesson on the topic of people's work in spring

Evgenia Rostokina
Calendar-thematic planning "Work of people in the spring"

Theme of the 4th week of April

« The labor of people in the spring»

(from 23.04 to 28.04. 2018)


To consolidate knowledge about the difference between the city and the village

Get to know the crafts of the village

Cultivate respect for people labor.

To develop interest in various professions, in particular in the professions of parents and their place of work

Final event:


Viewing a presentation

Date of the event 27.04. 2018

Day of the week

Group, subgroup

Monday 23.04. 2018 Morning Conversation "How I Spent My Weekend".

Target: to develop vocabulary, speech of children.

game situation

"What is good, what is bad?"

Target: discussion of actions.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. 32 (see group folder)

Didactic game

Lotto "Professions"


Labor in the corner of nature

watering, loosening plants

Target: to cultivate interest in plants.

Introduce visual and didactic material

on this topic « The labor of people in the spring»

OOD 1. Speech development

Subject: Didactic games with words. Reading tall tales

Target. Activate children's vocabulary.

Methodical literature: V. V. Gerbova , page 104

2. Musical development.

"After the rain"(e.g. m.)

"Mirror"(r. n. m.)

"A fox"


Listening to music.

"Two caterpillars are talking"

Singing, singing.

"Sunshine, don't hide"- sing a tune "la-la"



"About the goat"

Walk Observation"Beyond the spring sky, floating clouds"

Target: Expand your understanding of the natural phenomena of the spring season.

mobile game "Homeless Bunny"

Target: exercise in running, the ability to act on the signal of the educator Game-exercise

"Go - don't fall"


Labor order

"Clearing the Paths"

Target labor

Subject: Drawing by design "Beautiful flowers"

Program content:

Methodical literature: T. S. Komarova , page 99

Exercise after sleep.

Complex No. 8 (see group folder).

Conversation on the topic:

"Contacts with strangers»

Target: to consider and discuss with children the dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers on the street, at home.

Low mobility game

"The bear was walking along the ford"

Target: learn to maintain balance, standing on one leg, exercise in fun repetitions of movements lying on your stomach, back.

Didactic game

"Chain of words"


Construction Games

"Princess Castle"

Target: develop creativity when creating buildings, the ability to beat buildings.


Walk tree observations.

mobile game "Cat and Mice"

Labor order:

Games with portable material.

Day of the week

Mode Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational Activities in Regime Moments Creation of a PMD Environment for Independent Activities of Children

Tuesday 24. 04. 2018 Morning Conversation with viewing a presentation on the topic « The labor of people in the spring»

Target: to systematize children's knowledge about labor of people in the spring; develop respect for labor of people desire to help them.

Didactic game

"Review and Describe"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about changes in nature spring; to teach to observe nature, to see the beauty of the landscape; develop respect for nature.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. 32 (see group folder)

Target. Promote physiological awakening

Didactic game

"Who does what"

Target: to consolidate knowledge from Sophia, Nastya, Diana about species labor, to teach to determine the profession according to the description, to educate diligence and respect for the work of adults. Didactic game

"What happens spring»

Target: to update the ideas of children about spring phenomena, to activate in speech and clarify the relevant concepts.

OOD 1. Cognitive development: Mathematics:

Lesson 4

Program content:

Improve the ability to make the number 5 from units.

Exercise in the ability to move in a given direction.

To consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, determine which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow.

Methodical literature: I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina "Formation of elementary mathematical representations", page 63

2. Physical development.

Lesson 22


Practice walking and running between objects

Strengthen climbing skills on the gymnastic wall

Practice balance and jumping

Methodical literature: L. I. Penzulaeva , page 91

Walk Watching the sky and clouds

Target: consolidate ideas about spring. Pay attention to the changes that have taken place in the sky.

mobile game "Burners"

Target: exercise children in running.

Didactic game

"Who lives where?"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the place of residence of various animals with Diana, Vova, Alena

Labor order

clean the flower garden from debris together with everyone, place the tracks Independent games for children with portable material

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 8 (see group folder).

"What professions do you know?"

Target: recall during a conversation with children the professions they are familiar with, clarify and expand children's ideas about professions, cultivate respect for people of different professions

Target: learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher's signal.

Didactic game

"Find a Pair"

Target: exercise Nastya, Roma, Sofya in the selection of words that differ from each other in one sound, develop phonemic hearing

Conversation on the topic:

"Good and Evil Fire"

Target: to develop in children an idea of ​​the benefits and dangers of fire; teach precautions.

Walk Outdoor games

"Toss - Catch", "Find where it's hidden".

Goals: exercise in throwing and catching the ball; teach orientation in space.

Individual work "Collect the toys".

Target: develop mindfulness.

Independent activity of children with portable material

Day of the week

Mode Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational Activities in Regime Moments Creation of a PMD Environment for Independent Activities of Children

Wednesday 25. 04. 2018 Morning Compilation of a story from experience on topic: "How our parents work»

Target: to consolidate the ability to compose a consistent story from personal experience.

speech game "I start a sentence and you finish"

Target: reinforce children's ideas about the meaning and results labor of people of different professions.

If there were no teachers...

If there were no doctors...

If there were no janitors, then ...

If there were no drivers, then ... etc.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. 32 (see group folder)

Target. Promote physiological awakening

Didactic game:

"Say one word"

Target: find generalizing words for the proposed examples with Diana, Nastya Didactic game

"Who's doing what?"

Target: exercise in the selection of verbs corresponding to winter phenomena

"In the village"

Target: to consolidate the children's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe difference labor in town and countryside

OOD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development. APPLICATION

Subject: "Invitation card for parents to celebrate Victory Day"

Program content:

Strengthen the ability of children to think about the content of their work

Practice using familiar scissor techniques

Learn to choose colors beautifully, correctly convey ratios in size

Methodical literature: T. S. Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten» , page 97

2. Physical development.

Lesson 23

The main types of movements:

1. Climbing on the gymnastic wall in an arbitrary way, walking along the gymnastic rail with an added step, descending without missing the rails, 2 times

2. Jumps - jumping over the cord to the right and left, moving forward (distance 3-4 m, 2-3 times

3. Walking on toes between stuffed balls, hands on the belt, 2-3 times

Methodical literature: L. I. Penzulaeva « Physical Culture in kindergarten", page 93

Walk Aircraft flight surveillance

Target: Show the children that the plane leaves a trail in the sky.

Tell the children that each plane has its own route

mobile game "We are funny guys"

Target: learn to follow the rules of the game, act quickly, deftly; practice running.


mobile game

"Legs ran - along a straight path"

Target: Learn to keep balance with Vanya, Marusya, Sonya

Labor order

Help the little ones collect the toys.

Target: Cultivate a good attitude, a sense of mutual assistance.

Independent play activity with pull-out material

Target: development of skills of joint game activity

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 8 (see group folder)

Didactic game "My portrait"

Target: to give children an idea of ​​self-esteem; teach children to distinguish individual characteristics their appearance, face, height, age.

Ball exercise

"My good deeds."

Target: to form an adequate self-esteem.

Situational conversation

"When I eat, I am deaf and dumb"

Target: Cultivate food culture with Roma, Vika Didactic game

"It happens or it doesn't"

Target: to teach to notice inconsistency in judgments, to develop logical thinking.

Offer children plasticine and natural material for creativity.

Walk Labor activity:

Cleaning up your area

Target: to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

mobile game

"Get in the circle".

Goals: improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target; develop eye, dexterity.

Day of the week

Mode Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational Activities in Regime Moments Creation of a PMD Environment for Independent Activities of Children

Thursday 26. 04. 2018 Morning Conversation "To the villages with grandparents"

Target: expand children's understanding of labor of adults, introduce professions: a farmer, a veterinarian, a milkmaid, a tractor driver, a combine operator, to cultivate respect for rural workers.

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: development of the ability to classify objects according to one attribute

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. 32 (see group folder)

Target: development motor activity children

Development of fine motor skills of hands with Vova, Alena, Nastya

Finger gymnastics "Baker" Conversation "Culture of behavior while eating". Target: remember the rules of behavior at the table.

Bring to Design Center:

Schemes for design

Constructor Lego,

Wooden constructor Schemes for buildings. Board games

OOD 1. Speech development.

Subject: Reading a fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"


Methodical literature: V. V. Gerbova "Speech development in kindergarten", page 105

2. Musical development:

Musical-rhythmic movements

"After the rain"(e.g. m.)- familiarity with the exercise, continue to teach to distinguish between two parts of the melody.

"Mirror"(r. n. m.)- perform movements to show the soloist, encourage initiative, independence.

Developing a sense of rhythm, playing music

"A fox"- Speak words clearly. clap the rhythmic pattern.

"Caterpillar"- come up with a name for the caterpillar, lay it out, clap a rhythmic pattern.

Listening to music.

"Two caterpillars are talking" music Zhuchenko - consider the illustration, come up with names for the caterpillars, pay attention to their voices.

Singing, singing.

"Sunshine, don't hide"- sing a tune "la-la", pay attention to the progressive movement of the melody.

“Mother had four children” (n.n.m.)- sing a song a cappella, expressively pronounce the words.

"Starling" music Elephant - pay attention to the melodious, affectionate character.

"About the goat" music Struve - to work on a clear articulation of sounds in words.

Walk Observation for seasonal changes in nature and weather. Highlighting the hallmarks of changing weather

Labor activity

Clean up the veranda.

Put bird food in the feeder

mobile game

"My cheerful sonorous ball"

Target: exercise in rolling the ball to each other, consolidate ball possession skills


mobile game

"Find Your Place"

Target: develop speed of reaction, the ability to respond to a signal, exercise in running, develop endurance and agility with Sonya, Egor, Daniil

Didactic game

"The Fourth Extra"

Target: develop attention, coherent speech. Learn to justify your answer Independent activity of children with portable material

Evening OOD 3. Artistic and aesthetic development. Painting

Subject: "children dance at a holiday in kindergarten"

Program content:

To fix the techniques of drawing with pencils, the ability to use pressure on a pencil of different strength when painting.

Develop an emotionally positive attitude towards creating images

Methodical literature: T. S. Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten", page 100

Exercise after sleep.

Complex No. 8 (see group folder).

Conversation: "Save Water"

Target: to teach children to follow the elementary rules for handling water, to explain to what unpleasant consequences this can lead.

game situation

"Find and Describe"

Target: development of memory, attention

game situation

"Each thing has its place"

Target: education of KGN with Diana, Zlata, Roma

Household - household work

book corner cleaning

Target: learn work in a team, to cultivate a sense of responsibility for common causes to form a careful attitude to books

Independent motor activity.

Target: improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games, use sports attributes.

Walk weather observations, compare morning and evening weather.

Children's games with portable material.

Role-playing games at the choice of children.

mobile game

“A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries ....”

Day of the week

Mode Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational Activities in Regime Moments Creation of a PMD Environment for Independent Activities of Children

Friday 27. 04. 2018 Morning Quiz on topic:

"Journey into the world of professions"

Viewing a presentation

"All professions are important, all professions are needed"

Target: Summarize the theme of the week

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. 32 (see group folder)

Target. Promote physiological awakening

Didactic game

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

Target: To consolidate the concept of time with Anton, Marusya, Egor

Didactic game "Tools for people of different professions»

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the tools and objects needed by people of different professions. Desktop - printed games: "Domino", "Part and Whole", "Mosaic"

Target: motivating children to work

OOD 1. cognitive development.

Subject: "Russia is a huge country"


To form ideas about what our huge, multinational country is called the Russian Federation(Russia,

it has many towns and villages.

To acquaint with Moscow - the main city, the capital of our Motherland, its sights

Methodical literature: O. V. Dybina "Familiarization with the subject and social environment", pp. 46 - 47

2. Physical development.

Session 24


Practice speed running

Repeat game exercises with the ball, jumping and balance

Methodical literature: L. I. Penzulaeva "Physical Education in Kindergarten", page 93

Walk Watching the wind.

Target: Learn to determine the direction of the wind. Where is it blowing from? Where are the trees going? Raise the flag - in which direction does the banner of the flag develop?


Snorts, growls, breaks branches, raises dust, knocks people off their feet

Do you hear him, but don't you see him? (WIND)

mobile game

"Who will run to the flag sooner"

Target: teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other, overcoming obstacles. Develop the ability to act on a signal, speed of movement


Exercise Eva, Uliana, Yegor in throwing the ball at a horizontal target with the right and left hands Labor activity

we put things in order in the area.

Target: Learn to perform correctly and rationally labor activities, distribute responsibilities Independent motor activity

Target: to teach children to act as organizers games: invite comrades to participate in games, explain the rules, monitor their implementation.

Evening Gymnastics after sleep.

Complex No. 8 (see group folder).

An evening of etiquette. Reading by V. Oseev "Magic word"

Target: fostering a culture of correct behavior.

mobile game "The kite and the mother hen"

Target: learn to listen to the teacher's commands, develop attention.

Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road.

"Road signs know and respect"

Target: To consolidate knowledge about traffic rules with Diana, Zlata, Vitalik

Situational conversation “Sit up straight, watch your posture”

Target: To nurture the need for a healthy lifestyle. Bring plasticine for independent creative activity.

Walk Cloud watching.

Target: To form concepts about clouds and clouds.

The sky is gray, dark clouds move across it, they are called clouds. They float low above the ground

Didactic game: "What a sky"

Target: learn to choose adjectives. Vocabulary: Gray, gloomy

mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

Target: Teach children to act on the command of the teacher

Day of the week

Mode Joint activity of an adult and a child

Group, subgroup

Individual Educational Activities in Regime Moments Creation of a PMD Environment for Independent Activities of Children

Saturday 28. 04. 2018 Morning Speech ball game

"Name your profession".

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about professions, enrich children's vocabulary, develop attention, dexterity

problem question:

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. 32 (see group folder)

Target. Promote physiological awakening

Didactic game

Lotto "Professions"

Target: To teach Sophia, Nastya, Yegor to correctly compare the picture with the card, to teach to name professions.

game exercise “If you love cleanliness, you can be an astronaut”

Target: Form a healthy lifestyle habit

OOD 1. Speech development

Subject: Reading a fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower"

Target. Introduce children to the tale of V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".

Methodical literature: V. V. Gerbova "Speech development in kindergarten", page 105

2. Musical development.

Musical-rhythmic movements

"After the rain"(e.g. m.)- familiarity with the exercise, continue to teach to distinguish between two parts of the melody.

"Mirror"(r. n. m.)- perform movements to show the soloist, encourage initiative, independence.

Developing a sense of rhythm, playing music

"A fox"- Speak words clearly. clap the rhythmic pattern.

"Caterpillar"- come up with a name for the caterpillar, lay it out, clap a rhythmic pattern.

Listening to music.

"Two caterpillars are talking" music Zhuchenko - consider the illustration, come up with names for the caterpillars, pay attention to their voices.

Singing, singing.

"Sunshine, don't hide"- sing a tune "la-la", pay attention to the progressive movement of the melody.

“Mother had four children” (n.n.m.)- sing a song a cappella, expressively pronounce the words.

"Starling" music Elephant - pay attention to the melodious, affectionate character.

"About the goat" music Struve - to work on a clear articulation of sounds in words.

Walk stone watching.

Target: to form ideas about stones as parts of inanimate nature.

Research activity examining a stone through a magnifying glass.

mobile game "Entertainers".

Target: learn to follow the rules of the game, act quickly, deftly;

practice running.

Exercise game

"Go - don't fall"

Target: teach Vika, Uliana, Eva to navigate in space, maintain balance on an elevated support, follow safety rules

Labor order

"Clearing the Paths"

Target: Cultivate a positive attitude towards labor desire to help adults.

Children's games with remote material (Balls, ring toss, jump ropes, dolls, cars)

Evening OOD 3. Artistic and aesthetic development. Painting

Subject: Drawing by design "Beautiful flowers"

Program content:

Learn to conceive a beautiful, unusual flower

To consolidate the ability to convey colors and their shades (mixing paints different colors with white, using different pencil pressure)

Methodical literature: T. S. Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten", page 99

Exercise after sleep.

Complex No. 8 (see group folder).

Talking to children

"About friendship and friends"

Target: To consolidate the rules of a benevolent attitude towards him: share a toy, talk politely, affably, if one of the guys in the group is sad, talk to him, play, always help, help out friends.

sedentary game

"Rock Paper Scissors"

Target: to teach to listen carefully to the teacher, to develop perseverance.

Didactic game

"Chain of words"

Target: Exercise Savely, Anton, Alice in determining the first and last sound in words

Reading V. V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?"

Target: to learn to analyze a work of art; express their attitude to the characters of the story, develop speech activity, dialogical speech, expand vocabulary.

Contribute Desktop Constructor Lego.

Walk tree observations.

mobile game "Cat and Mice"

Labor order:

Collect toys after the walk

Games with portable material.

The labor of people in the spring.


Educational: To generalize and bring into a system the knowledge of children about spring changes in nature, to acquaint students with the types of work in the spring in the countryside, in the garden and in the city,

Developing: develop cognitive interest, attention, memory, imagination, the ability to reflect, broaden the horizons of children, form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

Educational: to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, the work of people, a sense of friendship and collectivism.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: computer, projector, Power Point presentation, glasses, earth in bags, seeds and water (for practical work), textbook "The world around us" Grade 2, whatman paper, glue cut pictures (for group work), stickers (for reflection).

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment.4 min
  2. Repetition of the past. 6 min.
  3. Consolidation. 10 minutes.
  4. Homework.2 min.
  5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection. 3 min.

During the classes.

"Water is the source of life"


Educational: to form an idea of ​​​​water and its significance in nature;

the ability to establish the relationship of water with objects of animate and inanimate nature;

to form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

Developing: to develop a research approach to the knowledge of the properties of water, to form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

Educational: to cultivate a careful attitude to water, the natural resources of the Motherland, a sense of pride in one's land, instilling hygiene skills.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: computer, projector, Power Point presentation, glasses and water (for experiments), textbook "The world around us" Grade 1, test sheets.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment.4 min
  2. Repetition of the past. 10 minutes.
  3. Explanation of the new topic. 20 minutes.
  4. Consolidation. 7 min.
  5. Homework.2 min.
  6. Summary of the lesson. Reflection. 2 minutes.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment:

1. The bell rang for us,

The lesson starts!

Wish everyone good luck

And start working.

2. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

3. A minute of phenological observations

What month is it?

What season?

What can you say about the length of day and night?

What can you say about the weather?

What determines changes in animate and inanimate nature?

How have plants changed?

What happened in the life of animals?

What causes changes in living nature?

What are people doing?

(Children fill out the weather calendar)

II. Repetition of the past

1. Frontal survey

What is the name of the country we live in?

What is Russia famous for?

2. Work in groups

What fruits are grown in Russia? (I)

What vegetables are grown in Russia? (II)

What animals graze on pastures in Uzbekistan? (III)

III. Explanation of the new topic:

1. Updating of basic knowledge

Solving and motivating riddles

a). A well-known liquid, everyone uses it.

It happens as a cloud, it happens as a snowflake,

It happens, like glass, fragile or hard -

But what is it, tell me, of course .... water.

b). I am water and I swim on water. (Ice)

in). The whole field was covered with a white carpet. (Snow)

How can everything be summed up in one word?


So the topic of our lesson is "WATER - the source of life" (Slide-1)

Today, guys, a golden fish came to visit us for a lesson. (Slide 2)

And where does the Goldfish live, guys?

In what fairy tale can we meet her? (Answers of children). Who is author?

The goldfish invites us to visit and wants to introduce you to his home, show you his possessions. To tell you guys that water is the main source of life, that it is not for nothing that water is called the blue wealth of the Earth and wants to know from you what you know about it.

Riddle guessing:

They always temper us

Sun, air and ... .. (water).

That's right, it's water.

Goldfish asks you guys? What do we usually do with it? (We drink, cook food on it, wash ourselves, water the flowers, and much, much more). (Answers of children).

Problem question:

What is water? (Slide 3)

3. Practical work:

Goldfish invites you guys to conduct such an experiment: we pour water from glass to glass. Conclusion: water is a liquid, it can be poured.

The experiment is as follows: we take a glass of clean water. Children are convinced that this is ordinary tap water. We look at the world. You can see everything through it. - What can we say about the color of water? Conclusion: what pure water- transparent.

Experience: take a glass of water, check the water for smell. We make sure there is no smell. What can we say about the smell of water? Conclusion: that pure water is odorless.

Experience: take a glass of clean water, check the taste. We are convinced that the water has no taste. - What can we say about the taste of water? Conclusion: that water has no taste.

Students find answers to problematic issue : Water is a clear liquid, odorless and tasteless.

Water occupies most of our Earth. Water is so necessary for everyone, all living beings living on Earth.

The fish asks you guys: (Slide-4)

Where does water live? (Brain attack)


Water is everywhere. It is found in springs and streams, rivers and lakes, seas and oceans, in glaciers, in snowdrifts, water pipes and wells, underground and high in the clouds. (Slide 5)

4. Work with the textbook

Reading the text from the textbook by the teacher.

Reading conclusions:

Why do people need water?

Who or what else needs water?

Why do animals need water?

Why do plants need water?

Water is the source of life on Earth. What do you think should be done to conserve water supplies? (children's answers)

Conclusion: Save water! (Slide 6)

5. Fizminutka will be spent in the form of a game:

Game: "Water is not water" (Slide-7)

If the named word means something that contains water, you need to clap your hands. If the object has anything to do with water, raise your hands. If the object has no connection with water, stomp your feet. River, snow - clap your hands. Ship, octopus - raise your hands. Wind, tree - stomp your feet.

Guys! The fish again wants to say something:

Water is the source of life. What else does a person need water for? (children's answers)

6. Conversation about hygiene. Drawing work. (Slide-8)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to not only washing fruits and vegetables with boiled water before eating.

Learning the couplet-rule:

Fruits and vegetables before meals

Mine is definitely warm water!

The rules of personal hygiene are repeated.

When should you wash your hands? (Children's answers) (Slide-9)

Water should be drunk only boiled,

IV. Consolidation of what has been learned.

  1. What color is the water

A) white

B) colorless

B) blue

2. Which statement do you agree with?

a) Animals pollute water in rivers.

B) The water in the rivers is polluted by plants growing along the banks of the rivers.

C) Most of all, water in rivers is polluted by emissions from factories and factories.

3. How many times a day should you wash your hands?

A) 3 times before meals

b) morning and evening

4. Which fruit can not be washed before eating?

A) an apple

5) Which vegetable can not be washed before eating?

A) boiled

B) tomato

B) cucumber

Swap work with a desk mate, take a green pen.

Check. (Slide 10)

Rate each other.

V. Homework :

Come up with (write down or draw) a memo on the topic: “Save water!”

VI. Reflection.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you like about the lesson?

What have you learned?

Let's say to the fish: "Thank you very much!"

What is the most important conclusion you can draw from the lesson?

Water is a gift of nature. She needs to be protected! (Slide-11, 12)

spring the sun begins to warm the soil, but the weather is still changeable. Warm days are suddenly replaced by cold, snowy ones. No wonder people say: spring and autumn - eight weather days.
And yet, the tubercles and edges gradually thaw, the first thawed patches appear. The sun rises higher and higher above the earth, giving more and more heat, awakening nature from its winter sleep.
Snow begins to melt on the fields, the first streams murmur. White clouds appear in the sky. They are called cumulus clouds.

On rivers, ponds and lakes, cracks appear in the ice from the spring heat. Ice starts on the rivers. Ice floes collide, pile on top of each other, and float with the flow until they melt. Rivers overflow with water and overflow their banks - comes high water.
All these are signs of the onset of spring in inanimate nature, and the main one is snow melting.

Plants in spring
With changes in inanimate nature, changes occur in the life of plants, animals and people.
Spring brings joy to all living things on Earth. The forest wakes up, filled with sounds, movement. Snowdrifts of wet snow still lie on the northern slopes, while the southern slopes are already smoking, drying up.
Plants begin to reach up, trying to get as much as possible sunlight. The roots of plants absorb moisture from the warm soil, dissolving the nutrients accumulated in the trunks. Plant stems transfer nutrition to the buds, which will soon become leaves and flowers.
Another notable change in nature in spring- buds bloom on bushes and trees. Willow, alder, aspen, maple, birch leaves begin to turn green. The first grass appears on the edges. Snowdrops are blooming. Red lungwort flowers appear. In a little while, her flowers will turn purple, and then blue.

birds in spring
The first insects appear and among them are sleepy flies that slowly crawl and bask in the sun.
It's time for the migratory birds to return: there is food for them - insects and last year's seeds, which are easy to find on the soil freed from snow. In early March, rooks and starlings arrive earlier than others, followed by larks, lapwings, cuckoos, swallows, and swifts.
In spring, the weather often changes. Sometimes it snows and the birds cannot find food.
Last year's seeds are again under the snow, and the insects are hiding.
At this time, many birds die of hunger, so in the spring in cold weather they need to be fed.
In the spring, birds make nests that serve them for incubating eggs and feeding chicks. Cuckoos do not make nests, but lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.
Chicks need food, and birds get it, destroying a huge number of insects harmful to humans.
Be careful with bird nests. Do not come close to them, and, moreover, do not pick up the chicks. Birds are afraid of human smell and do not return to the nest. The chicks die without the help of their parents.

Animals in spring
With the advent of spring, there is a lot of food for the animals, so in the spring they give birth to cubs. In early spring hares, squirrels, cubs, foxes and many other animals are born.
Immediately after birth, hares begin to play, run and learn to hide from enemies. They do not even notice how they are left without supervision. The hare has such fatty and nutritious milk that, having fed the cubs, she can leave them for two or three days. Within two weeks after birth, hares become completely independent. They themselves are looking for food - branches, bark of shrubs, grass, shoots of young trees.
After hibernation, bears, hedgehogs, badgers appear. Together with them, their cubs go out. Mothers continue to feed them with milk, but soon the animals learn to independently look for insects, last year's berries, plant bulbs and young grass.
In the spring, many animals begin to molt - the winter thick coat changes to a rarer one, and the hare, ermine, weasel, squirrel and arctic fox change the color of their coats.
Partridges also lose their white feathers, and brown and gray ones grow in their place. Moose and roe deer grow new antlers.

In April, many flowers appear in the forest - corydalis, violets, anemones. They rush to bloom as the sun's rays break through the leaves of the trees that are beginning to blossom. Therefore, these flowers are called early spring.
At the end of March, piglets are born from wild pigs. In small piglets, bright longitudinal stripes are visible on the back and sides, which disappear after three months. The female gives birth to ten to twelve piglets. They grow quickly, and after six months the pig already weighs 100 kilograms.

Soon currant and lilac bushes release their leaves. Of the trees, the alder is the first to bloom. Alder seeds ripen only in autumn, so they remain on the tree for a long time. Birds feed on them - siskins and tap dances. Bees, bumblebees and other insects collect pollen from willow flowers.

In April, storks arrive. Walking through the meadows, the stork is looking for food - frogs and insects. At this time, storks arrange their nests. They look like heaps of brushwood that birds build on low trees and rooftops.

Summer is coming
Late spring, the month of May - the time for flowering bird cherry, lilac, apple, apricot and others fruit trees. Red clover and lilies of the valley bloom in the meadows.
Most of the birds have already made clutches in May and are hatching chicks, and the nightingales have just arrived from distant countries. They arrive before bird cherry blossoms, arrange nests on the ground, in dense thickets of grass. Nightingales feed on worms, spiders, insects, berries.

In the spring the fish goes to spawn. She stubbornly overcomes the current, swims in the upper reaches of the rivers, goes out to the meadows flooded with water. It is safer for fry and there is a lot of food here. Fish spawn as close as possible to the upper reaches of the river, to its sources, so that the weak fry are not carried away by the current - into the sea.

Another sign of spring- spring rains. People say: if it rains in May, then there will be rye in the field.

Pets in spring
Pets are still indoors in the spring, where people continue to care for them. Only with the onset of heat, sheep, cows, goats, rams are driven out to pastures. For young animals - small lambs, kids, calves - they allocate special safe areas, pastures.
At this time, pets also molt. From the wool of some animals, for example, from the wool of goats, people make warm scarves, beautiful blouses, sweaters, mittens and hats.

The labor of people in the spring
As soon as the snow melts from the fields, they begin spring work. Gotta catch up a short time until the soil is dry, sow the seeds of cereal and vegetable plants, plant potatoes.
At the end of spring, on warm May days, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage are planted. In gardens, trees and shrubs are sprayed with poisonous substances that kill insect pests. Just like in autumn, the bottom of the trunks fruit trees whitened with lime.
In the spring, fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the gardens.
On the streets of cities, towns and villages, trees are cut and new plants are planted. Decorative flowers are planted in parks and squares.

Julia Surovtsova

Summary of GCD for modeling in the senior group« The labor of people in the spring» .

Surovtsova Yulia Vladimirovna

Target: Continue teaching personal hygiene and safety labor when working with plasticine, with materials, tools and devices for modeling, organization of the workplace; acquaintance with simple tricks modeling, the development of an eye, imagination, creativity, ingenuity.


1) To form the ability to sculpt familiar objects from nature (fruits, vegetables, flowers). To form the ability to sculpt from nature, conveying their character and peculiarity.

2) fix the tricks modeling: flattening, rolling, pulling, pressing.

3) Develop fine motor skills hands, eyeball.

4) Strengthen the skills of neat modeling(do not scatter plasticine, do not stain clothes).

Equipment: Pictures with images of vegetables, fruits, flowers, examples of work (blinded). Plasticine, stacks, lining board, wet wipes, dummy vegetables.

individual work:

Show the child how to work with a piece of plasticine

Help the child with embarrassment

I organizational moment.


"We stretched our hands to the sun,

We took the ray and pressed it to the heart,

We smiled, gave the guest a ray,

Hello, guest, we have been waiting for you!"

II Introduction to the topic.

If the snow melts everywhere

The day is getting longer

If everything is green

And in the fields the stream is ringing,

If the sun shines brighter

If the birds are not up to sleep,

If the wind gets warmer

So, we have come...

D.: Spring.

Q: And by what signs do you know that now Spring?

D .: The snow has melted and the ice has melted, the sun is shining more often, it has become warmer outside, the buds on the trees began to appear, the birds have arrived.

V: Correct. Guys, you said the birds have arrived. Why did they return home?

D: Find a home or build a nest. Bring out the chicks.

V: Yes, that's right. With coming spring nature and animals have many things to do and cares. Nature woke up after winter, absorbs more moisture and sunlight, so that grass, leaves on trees, flowers appear sooner. All animals are now busy with the fact that they need to acquire offspring, teach them a lot and grow them up before the winter comes. What worries did people with the arrival of spring?

D .: Put things in order in parks, gardens and schools, under the windows, in the country.

V: Well done, you said it right. BUT "to clean up" outside, how is it?

D.: Remove old leaves and grass, branches and sticks, collect all the garbage, whitewash the trees, hang birdhouses for birds, plant seeds and seedlings.

V: Correct. To make it more pleasing to our eyes, we all we try to put things in order not only at home, but also on the street. And everyone does it in their own way. And people who have dachas, with the advent spring hurry to get out there and plant a new crop, because in order to harvest a good harvest in the fall, Spring is a good time to work.

B: Let's relax a bit.


"On the lawn in the morning".

On the lawn in the morning

We started a game.

I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed,

Become our wreath.

One two three four,

Expand the circle wider.

And now we are streams

Let's run a race.

Let's go straight to the lake

The lake will become big.

Get in the circle again -

Let's play in the sun.

We are cheerful rays

We are frisky and hot.

V: Well done guys. We warmed up a little, we can continue the conversation about labor of people with the advent of spring.

Q: Guys, what do people plant in their gardens?

V .: That's right, but then where do the fruits ripen?

D: In the garden.

V: Well done. And to decorate their plots, people plant ...

V: That's right! Are flowers planted in the garden or in the garden?

D .: In the flower beds, in the flower garden.

V: Well done! We met with poultry and animals and created a farm together. But for completeness, we clearly lack something there. What?

D .: Garden, garden, flower garden.

V .: Therefore, I suggest that you complete our farm today, and we will do it all - from plasticine.

V .: Come up in turn and choose a circle of any color.

Children are offered mugs of three colors to choose from, the color of the mug determines the choice of the table.

Yellow - vegetable garden, red - garden, green - flower bed.

V .: And now come to the table on which the same color as on your mug.

Children sit at tables.

V .: Guys, before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Kolobok"

- “We make a kolobok together,

We knead the dough lightly.

And then we ride it

We plant on the window.

He jumped from the window, jump-jump,

Rolled off into the forest, my friend.

Repeat 2 times.

V .: Now our pens and fingers are ready to work. Guys, you guessed it, guys over "yellow table", sculpt with us ...

D: Vegetables for the garden.

On the "yellow" table is a model of a vegetable garden.

V .: That's right, but what kind of vegetables, let them guess riddles.

Green tail above the ground

Underground red nose.

The bunny eats deftly.

What is her name?.

D.: Carrot

V .: Who loves borscht and vinaigrette,

Sad when she is not in it.

Grows in a bed under the ground -

She is always respected by the people.

D: Beets.

The teacher gives out cards with the image of carrots and beets, as well as a good example of stuck together vegetables in front of the children.

AT.: "Red Table"

D: Fruit trees.

V: Correct. Hear riddles.

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

Adults love me

And little kids.

D: Apples.

V .: Like light bulbs on branches,

Hanging in a row on a tree

Yellow, red with its light,

Our eye-catcher!

The teacher gives out cards with the image of an apple and a pear, as well as a good example of molded fruit in front of the children.

AT.: "Green table", guessed what you will need to blind?

D: Flowers.

Q: Here are your riddles.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Golden heart.

What it is?

D: Chamomile.

V .: In the garden, on the path,

under my window

The sun has blossomed today

on a high leg.

D: Sunflower.

On the "green" table there are mockups of flowers made of cardboard for the "smearing" technique, but children can either use the mockup or make a flower on their own.

V: Well done guys. We remember the rules for working with plasticine and you can proceed.

The children look at the pictures and ready-made examples work, start modeling.

The teacher prompts and helps if necessary.

III Final part of GCD.

V .: Guys, you are nice today. bothered, now what do you think, on our "farm" have everything you need?

Children take work to the farm (or to the exhibition).

B: You guys are very good. worked hard today Let's give ourselves a clap!

Children clap and say goodbye to the guest.

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Abstract of the correctional educational activities on the development of speech in the form of a quest game for older children preschool age with general underdevelopment speeches on the topic: “The work of people in the spring” (“Seeds for the Scarecrow”) Correctional and educational tasks: expanding ideas about the need and importance of people's work; the formation of ideas about work in the spring in the garden; expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Spring agricultural work"; formation of the skill of word formation of single-root words; enrichment of expressive speech with new words; improvement of the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with numerals, transformation of words with diminutive suffixes); development of phonemic representations (distinguishing words similar in sound composition); improvement of the syntactic side of speech (correction and compilation of sentences). Correction-developing tasks: development of dialogic speech, auditory and visual perception and attention, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Equipment: a Scarecrow toy, a bag of seeds, an indoor flowering plant, petal models (reflecting the necessary components of the growing conditions for plants in the garden); forms with the image of tools for each; a computer. Preliminary work: watching a cartoon or reading excerpts from their fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (A.M. Volkova); examining illustrations about the work of people in the spring in nature; familiarity with agricultural tools; work in a corner of nature to care for indoor plants. Progress NOD - Hello guys. Today we have an unusual guest. It was a scarecrow, and his name is Scarecrow. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Yes, of course we heard. There is such a fairy-tale hero from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". But today a completely different story happened to our Scarecrow Scarecrow. The fact is that the Scarecrow lives in the garden. Tell me, why do you need a scarecrow in the garden? What does it do there, what is it for? (children's answers are to scare, guard the crop, drive away the birds) From what word did the "scarecrow" come from? What is a related word for scarecrow? (answers - scare). Yes, a scarecrow stands in the garden to scare, scare away pests of garden plantings, cultivated plants grown by man. And our Scarecrow was out of work - spring has come, it's time to sow the garden with seeds, and the seeds have disappeared ... What will guard our scarecrow? Here were the seeds of the Scarecrow, and suddenly ... disappeared. Surely this is the evil sorceress Gingem from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" decided to do harm and hid the seeds! Let's help the Scarecrow find them. But in order to find the seeds, you need to unravel the pictures-symbols that will help you find the place where the seeds were hidden. All picture symbols should form a clue that will show us the place with the hidden seeds. So, go!
- Each character is a hint indicating the necessary conditions for seed germination in the garden. Attention, the first riddle that is hidden in this card. -Look, what is this sign, what does it mean? What else do plants need? (speech therapist shows a card-symbol with the image of the soil). Yes, it is earth, soil, it is necessary for the growth of plants. In the garden, people dig up the soil and form beds from the dug up earth. Let's count the "dug-up beds" in the garden (the speech therapist shows cards with numbers from one to ten, the children count): one dug-up bed, two dug-up beds, three ... Well done, you completed the task, you get a card with a sign. We move on. Look, what this sign can mean (a speech therapist shows a card with a symbol - water - a droplet (children's answers). Yes, this is water, it is necessary for plant growth, without moisture and watering, the seeds will not be able to germinate and the plants will not be able to grow further and give crop. Deciphered them correctly, now you need to complete tasks to get this symbol. The task is called "Find an extra word", listen to me carefully: 1 - water - water- prominent - underwater 2 - pour - pour - pour - watering can 3 - sea - carrot - sea - navigator 4 - drip - drop - drops - dig 5 - lake - lake - mischievous - lakeside 6 - river - river - stream - river Good , we get one more symbol card and move on. What do you think this sign-symbol means, what do plants need for growth? (speech therapist shows a petal with the image of the sun; answers - sun, light).
FM: The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps
The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps, (Palms folded to the left cheek, to the right cheek.) Even the wind does not make noise. (We shake our hands raised up.) Early in the morning the sun rose, (We raised our hands up, stretched.) All its rays were sent. (We swing our arms raised up.) Suddenly a breeze blew, (We swing our arms open to the sides.) The sky was covered with a cloud, (We covered our faces with our hands.) And the trees shook. (Torso rocking left and right.) The rain pounded on the roofs, (Jumping in place.) The rain drums on the roofs, (Clap your hands.) The sun is sinking lower and lower. (Tilts forward.) So it hid behind the clouds, (We squat.) Not a single ray is visible. (Stand up, put your hands behind your back.)

Or FM Sun
The sun looked out the window, One, two, three, four, five. We all do exercises, We need to sit down and stand up. Stretch your arms wider, Bend over, three - four And jump on the spot - five. And now the “solar” task “Collect a proposal”: 1- the sun, grow, shine, plants, 2- it became, the sun, light, rose 3- hid, clouds, behind, the sun. 4- seeds, grow, warm, when 5- sun, clouds, hid, rain, started 6- sunbathed, children, sun, hot Well done, we get a hint. We continue the path (the children move to the next zone, sit on the chairs). Look, what is this sign? What can it mean? (speech therapist shows a card with the symbol "thermometer"). Yes, it can be called a thermometer or, correctly, a thermometer, but it means that heat, warm air is necessary for the growth of plants. Warm air gently warms and protects the plants, so we will complete the task to receive this card “Call it affectionately”: Bed- ... bed; seed- ... seed; earth - ... land; flower - ... flower; sprout- ... sprout; tree- ... tree. Well done, we get one more card (a petal with a “thermometer” model). We move on. - Now let's look at this sign-symbol? What is encrypted in it? (speech therapist shows a petal with a schematic image of garden tools - a rake, a shovel). Children's answers. - That's right, special tools are required to care for plants in the garden. But how well you know them, we will now check. Please sit down at the tables, take the forms with tasks and a simple pencil. You need to circle only those tools that are necessary for working in the garden. So, you can proceed (the children complete the task).
Thank you for your work, I see that you did well. Let's try to name the tools that you have identified (joint check, fixing the names of the tools: shovel, rake, watering can, hoe). Get your earned card. Look, the last riddle. What could this sign mean? What else is needed for seed germination? (speech therapist shows a petal card with a picture of human hands). Yes, this is human care, caring for plants in the garden. Without man, neither nature nor the instruments themselves can do anything. A person prepares the earth, controls the temperature and light, waters the seedlings. And what else can a person do in the garden? Let's name as many action words as we can. This will be our last task. So, continue the sentence In the spring in the garden, a person can ... dig, loosen, fertilize, plant, care for, cultivate, water, rake, transplant, plant, plant, plant, plant, sow, cut, etc. Now let's look at our signs-cards. What do we get? What do the cards look like, what shape are they, what can be obtained from them? What we can put together from them will point us to the place where Gingema hid the seeds of plants for the Scarecrow's garden. (children make assumptions, come to a joint conclusion that these are petals, if you fold them in a circle, you get a flower, which means you need to look for hidden seeds under some kind of flower). Together with a speech therapist, they inspect the room, find several indoor flowering plants, inspect this place, find seeds of cultivated plants in sachets under pallets). - Guys, we helped the Scarecrow, found the seeds of garden plants, now he will have something to guard, but only if we give him the seeds, then who will plant them. We have found out that we need human hands, care, but why just guard the seeds? What do we do? (Children's options are heard). I propose to offer the Scarecrow to live in our garden, and you and the teachers will plant these seeds in the garden in the kindergarten yard, take care of them, and the Scarecrow will guard the seedlings from pests. Well, that's decided, take these seeds, you deserve them. Don't forget to take the flower-shaped signs into the group too, these tips will remind you of the rules for caring for your seedlings. Goodbye, guys.