Why dream of someone else's car accident. What does a dream accident mean

Why did the Crash dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

  • I dreamed of participating in a car accident - a dream warns of impending danger. Pay attention to yourself, your actions, control over fate.
  • Why dream of an accident with my participation - reduce your ambitions, stop rushing to live. Imagine life path, and do not rush over it headlong.
  • To see a train accident in a dream is a personal disaster, you will have to call on the forces to survive it. Over time, grief will be forgotten.

Why did the Accidents dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Accidents dream when a person ignores the warnings of conscience, morality, moves in the wrong direction.
  • I dreamed of a car accident on the road in a dream - a warning that the dreamer will have an affair with an extraordinary personality in the future. This connection will turn people's lives upside down, as feelings will be unrestrained.
  • Why dream of a nightmare frightening maritime accident? The sleeper will be disappointed in love relationships.
  • An accident on land portends financial and business difficulties. Double check new and old partners: possibly a scam.
  • Why dreamed of someone else's accident? The dreamer often does not control the situation due to indecision, loses profit and weight in the eyes of other people.
  • The car after the accident is associated with the subconscious mind of the body. We saw an accident in a dream - a dream means that the dreamer's health will deteriorate.
  • Sleeping with a husband who had an accident means a desire for sexual pleasure.

What is the dream of the Accident (Romantic dream book)

  • To what dreamed of a serious accident from the side - take care of your relatives, they may soon have trouble.
  • I dreamed of sitting in a car in a dream with people who are no longer alive and getting into an accident with them is dangerous. It is better to postpone important decisions, trips with loved ones and alone.
  • Seeing an accident in a dream with sparks and fire - warns of impending quarrels, the collapse of hopes, a break in relations. This dream is dangerous for family people. A dream predicts a divorce or the sudden loss of loved ones.
  • The presence of a partner, relatives or friends in a dream with an accident shows that you are holding back to the last strength to avoid conflict with them.
  • Seeing the death of loved ones in an accident in a dream warns the dreamer about secret envy of the success of these people.
  • If a I dreamed that you were desperately pressing the brake , and the machine does not obey, beware of dependence on other people, which will lead to drastic changes and losses.

To dream about an accident, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Dreamed accidents are a symbol of self-awareness. To understand why the accident is dreaming, remember the smallest details of the dream. If the accident occurred with your direct participation - be careful, avoid rash acts. If a a friend died or was seriously injured in an accident - you have aggressive feelings for him, although you yourself may not admit it to yourself.

What is the dream of the Accident (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing an accident in a dream is good luck in business.
  • Dreaming about a car accident - positive emotions and entertainment.
  • Get into an accident in a dream - illness soon.
  • I dreamed of a lot of accidents - for trips and new experiences.
  • Driving past a car accident in a dream - fears will not come true.

Analysis of the dream in which the Accident was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

Why dream of an accident - soon a person will appear in life for whom you will experience a violent all-consuming passion. A new acquaintance will deserve this eccentricity. It is difficult to say how long the romance will last, it will give you bright moments that you will remember all your life. Carefully look at new acquaintances - one of them will open up from an unexpected side.

Interpretation of the Accident from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Why dreamed of a road accident - a dream warns of a possible failure. Take a closer look at the environment, perhaps an implicit, even psychological conflict is already brewing. A dream about an accident warns that such a situation will lead to failure if you are doing a joint business. By the way, if you saw an accident in a dream, this also speaks of your own internal conflict, for example, if you have to act against your own will or act against your own conscience.

If we are talking about the plane crash - the plans are doomed to complete failure. They are not destined to be fulfilled, so try to take this fact with calmness.

To dream about an accident, what does it mean? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

Why dream of an accident in a dream book - a dream warns of impending life losses. Sometimes a dream speaks of an impasse. If you saw an accident in a dream, remember how severe the consequences were - this will indicate how severe the consequences will be in reality.

How to understand the dream in which you saw the Accident (interpretation by Nancy Wagayman)

An accident seen in a dream is an ambiguous symbol.

  • Why dream of a train accident - a warning: in life you choose dangerous ways to achieve your goals.
  • Plane crash - you are far from reality, the world around is not what it seems. Such a dream indicates a destroyed state of mind and soul. It will take a lot of effort to solve a number of problems.
  • If the dream is connected with a car or motorcycle accident - joyful events, you will effortlessly manage to avoid failures and setbacks in life.

Accident in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

If you saw an accident on the road in a dream - stranger help you get things done and solve problems. A dream about an accident is a symbol of the arrangement of affairs and this is a good sign. So, if the Accident happened with your participation, you will take the right steps to help deal with the problems that have arisen. Here is the interpretation of this dream.

Accident - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Dreaming of an accident with your participation - become a victim of deception. Seeing an accident in a dream, be careful in business.
  • I dreamed of an injury after an accident - to experience betrayal, humiliation.
  • Watching an accident in a dream is a business meeting with a stupid person.

Why do you dream of an accident (dream book of Catherine the Great)

  • To see an accident from the side - be more careful, more attentive to others; it is possible that some of the acquaintances, in pursuit of their own benefit, seek to draw them into a dangerous enterprise; try not to make deals and not sign contracts, not to make important decisions.
  • Why dream of a terrible accident with victims - in reality, hopes will not come true, and plans will not come true; think carefully about your actions.
  • Seeing an accident in a car without victims - existing conflicts: with superiors, with colleagues, with friends, with neighbors - will be safely resolved.
  • Seeing a serious accident with the death of a relative or friend - do not rush to get upset, this good dream. As soon as you turn to relatives or friends for help, they will immediately provide it, lend a shoulder.

What does a dream with an accident mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the summer, why dream of a terrible accident in a dream - to the collapse of hopes and aspirations.
  • In the spring, what the accident dreamed about - to changes in relations with a spouse.
  • Autumn birthdays, why dream of an accident - the collapse of the main plans, wishes will not come true.

Do you have scary dreams? Probably, each of us sometimes has to experience stress and unpleasant emotions in dreams, and in the morning rejoice that it was just a dream.

But sometimes the anxiety does not go away, and an unpleasant aftertaste remains. What does a dream mean, will it come true in reality? This is especially true if you dream of a car accident. In a dream, you can both see it and get into it yourself. What does the dream book say?

First of all, do not be afraid - this does not mean that trouble will happen in reality too. However, in a dream it hardly portends happy events, but it also does not promise grief. Rather, such a dream is a warning, advice or instruction. This is a useful dream! Even though it is unpleasant and scary to see him. Different variants stories have different interpretation. For example:

  • See a car accident from the side.
  • Dreaming of a disaster on the road, in the water or on the rails.
  • With or without victims, with acquaintances or strangers.
  • Get into a car accident through your own or someone else's fault.

This list is cursory and incomplete, and the dream book offers a number of detailed options, among which you can certainly find your dream. What is it for? Let's find out.

From the side

If you only dreamed of everything from the outside, and you yourself did not participate in the events, but only saw them, so much the easier. The dream book will tell the meaning of such dreams.

If you dream of a car accident, this is advice - it's time to "slow down", slow down and be more careful. You are too "driven" yourself, live at a frantic pace and do not have time to think or analyze everything that is happening around you. Your determination is a huge advantage, but it pays to be careful and consistent.

If in a dream you not only got into a car accident, but also suffered greatly from it, this is a hint of your negligence in communication and business. You are brave - that's great, but sometimes courage can border on recklessness. You should always think about the likely consequences, think about your steps and actions.

Was the car accident in your dreams your fault? This dream hints that you do not value yourself highly enough in reality, reproach for something, feel guilty or are not sure that you are right. Everything should be logical and justified, so try to be reasonable with yourself without downplaying your own qualities. And if you once made mistakes, then you should not reproach yourself - just draw conclusions, learn lessons and live calmly and happily!

Perhaps the car accident was the fault of a driver who is not familiar to you in life. Such a vision indicates that you are afraid of people and do not trust them. The degree of trust in the surrounding world and people is different for everyone, but it should be sufficient. Do not be afraid of people, open up! Perhaps it will change your life in many ways if you begin to trust others a little more.

If in the role of the driver there was a person familiar or close to you, this is a hint of your distrust or even suspicion of someone close. Maybe you suspect your husband, or friends, and this does not give you peace of mind. Maybe you should do something about it, not torment yourself with empty suspicions? Most likely, there is no reason for this. The best way- this is to sincerely and openly talk with a person, and this can solve everything, you will not have a reason to worry.

It could be that you were in the role of the driver, and the car accident was your fault, and at the same time there were people with you who were injured. This is a clear advice to you - be careful in dealing with people, do not harm and hurt! Carelessness can hurt others without you even knowing it.

Such dreams are especially worth listening to. Yes, they may be very unpleasant, but they can help us understand a lot. Be reasonable, take care of yourself and your loved ones, and if troubles occur, then only in the world of dreams!

None of us is immune from unpleasant situations in real life, and always an accident carries more or less serious consequences, regardless of the culprit of the disaster. It is also worth taking seriously a car accident in a dream. Why dream of such a situation? The interpretation of the dream book depends entirely on the details of the dream.

In most cases, an accident is a warning. The advice is as follows: you urgently need to stop the rush through life, you are moving too fast, not noticing simple joys on your way. In the end, such behavior can lead to very serious consequences.

Miller's dream book connects the accident with the upcoming entertainment and entertainment events. Most likely, all vain hopes about the celebration will be destroyed, either by the news of its cancellation, or by the conflict situation that occurred at the celebration with your participation.

Loff's dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of sleep with a car accident. This is a reflection of the inability to control the current state of affairs in reality. Because of irresponsibility, people close to you may suffer, you should radically reconsider your outlook on life and take control of your actions.

Looking from the psychoanalytic point of view of Freud's dream book, a dream with a car accident predicts an unbridled passion that will soon appear in the dreamer's life. Such a vision is especially dangerous for married and married people. Even with Great love to your spouse, a vicious relationship cannot be controlled in any way.

What was the outcome of the car accident?

Many dream books push their interpretations away from how the accident ended in a dream. Indeed, in the arms of a dream, a person may well feel both dead and miraculously survived. It is also desirable to recall whether the passengers suffered from the accident, and whether they were at all.

If in a dream you were a passenger, and the culprit behind the wheel was your friend, then in real life you should beware of his company, he negatively affects you, inciting all sorts of dangerous adventures, which in the end can end very badly.

If you were driving in a dream, and you literally miraculously managed to prevent an accident in a car, then you can be sure why such a plot is dreamed of. What such a picture is dreaming of undoubtedly predicts trouble in reality, but you will be able to successfully avoid them, while even turning fate in your direction and improving your well-being or personal life.

What is the dream of a car accident in which the dreamer was a witness? It is worth listening to the recommendations of the dream book, and relying only on your own strength. No stranger can solve problems in life better than you.

If in a dream you had an accident in a car, and death was its outcome, then this is the worst prediction of the dream book. If you feel dead in a dream, then soon you will have to go through many unpleasant moments in reality, the result of which will be severe stress and even health problems.

By interpretation esoteric dream book, to see a car accident in a dream is a rather auspicious sign, foreshadowing the appearance of an authoritative and wealthy patron, whose help you will need very soon.

comments 39

  • I dreamed that I was in a car ex-husband I sit in the back and see that he is driving the car very hard, I see a bright light from the cars opposite and I understand that now everything will be hugging him from behind, hugging him to me and just said (and the children), I see how we crash and roll over ... we are spinning …and an explosion…I see the consequences of the accident…a lot of broken cars. I survived, but I understand that I survived after a head operation ... I hear people say that they don’t survive after this ... I see a photo of a girl who died ... relatives ... ... .. children ... ((((a nightmare just ... just woke up and immediately here ... Thank you.

  • I had this: I was sitting in the back seat, an actor was driving (he was like my dad). An actress is sitting next to him (like a mother), my girlfriend was sitting next to me (she’s like my younger sister) and my little brother, about six years old (I don’t have a brother in real life). We were driving normally, and then some car interfered with us and turned to the side of the road, I somehow opened the doors and flew out of the car during the accident, and everyone else remained there. It was on fire, dad and mom dropped off sister and brother (but for some reason my sister was 6 years old, and my brother was 15 somewhere like that) and the car exploded, but dad and mom got out all in small wounds, dad and brother stayed near the car , and my sister and mother went to buy wine, because I was crying, I couldn’t say anything and asked for water, but dad told them to buy wine. And then we stopped the car, which is to blame for the accident (when she was driving back) I don’t know further, my mother woke me up.


    I climbed into a gazelle with a friend (the rear compartment covered with a canopy), accelerated very strongly, and crashed into a bus, and someone said by name and showed 3 bodies and mine was there, I lie and understand that I died, as if looking out of under a canopy and I see my cat and I want to call him by name and I can’t remember. Then I heard some boy who was shouting that I was still alive, and as if someone was holding out his hand to me from under the awning, feeling it, then opening the awning and I see myself, all covered in blood, only half of my body remained head, a bit of a cut body and left handed as if I asked “why didn’t they call the traffic cops”, and in response to me it was clearly said in the name of justice. After these words, my body began to gather, and I resurrected with magical power, look at the broken cars, and collect them in the same magical way, without touching, and for some reason it all turned into 2 large tanks. Above, I wrote that I could not remember the name of the cat, I have a cat, he is deaf and I did not give him a name. This is the dream I had. 08/26/2016.

  • I dreamed that I was making my way through some bushes, I would climb over the fence, I would stumble upon someone’s grave without a name, an old, abandoned one with a star, I would step over it and move on to the car, I know that a friend was waiting for me at my wedding , I drunk get behind the wheel and go. Then, at the turn, I lose control and demolish someone's garage, a woman comes out and yells at me, I say that everything is fine and that I am building and will restore everything, and I wake up! Why can this be a dream (I want to buy a car soon and began to take objects for construction).

  • I dreamed that I was driving a car on one of the turns, there were obstacles, I got out, removed them, returned to the car, and it barely stopped rolling. I sat down and drove on, when I turned around this turn, it seemed to hit another car, then I went down quite calmly on the street, people were sitting, looking at me, saying something, I drove ahead again, I saw people and children, then suddenly stopped abruptly. I saw that some parts of the car flew off and began to collect, and people I did not know were sitting in the car, I tell them this is my car, but they are not like that, we arrived on it. I look and see not my car, then it comes up to me younger brother smiling pulls me with him were my father and uncle, I asked them where the car? Houses? Father smiling said no, don’t tell mom, then we went to a neighbor, for some reason I went out walking down the street home and constantly looked around because it was dark I couldn’t turn on the flashlight on the phone, it felt like the phone was damaged and suddenly I woke up what is it for?

  • Salam friends, I have been seeing the same dream for 2 days now. I am driving my car around the city and suddenly I crashed, and the car turned over, and I can’t see the cause of the accident and I don’t see whether I survived or died, I’m going crazy, I don’t know what to do and what to fear, where to expect trouble from.

  • In general, I dreamed that I was driving a Toyota, I drove hard without looking at the road. Suddenly, I was suddenly skidded, and I flew out into the oncoming one, hitched another car and went into a pole, the result - I was a corpse. I found out the reason, it was all because of a breakup with a girl.

  • my young man I had a dream today that we had an accident. He catches a ride and leaves for help, leaving me there. At that moment, in his dream, I was alive, I got out of the car with him, he left, and I went to help people get out of the car with which the collision occurred. Then the young man returns and is told that I and those people did not survive. Although, when he left for help, I was alive and everyone was alive. The dream happened like a real event. In reality, we both drive very fast, but now fear, he is very worried. And we cannot find in the dream book the interpretation that we describe gives out another. If anyone knows why such a dream, please tell me.

  • And I dreamed that they called me and said that my husband had crashed, but he was alive and I turned on the TV and saw his accident in detail. Then another program starts and in it they showed how a car knocks down my brother. Nightmare, so I don’t know this sign for me or what?

  • Today I dreamed of an accident, a guy was driving, and I was sitting next to him. We were driving along the road and there was a huge hole in the asphalt, there were no warnings about it and we had to drive along the sidewalk, but since there was a high speed, we flew up and the car started to fly in slow motion to the house. I felt this fear that we were about to crash, but as soon as the car approached the house, I woke up. And in the morning the guy's car wouldn't start, so I had to take the bus to work. Maybe it's for the best that she didn't start.

  • Anastasia:

    I dreamed that I loved one person very much, but he was not free and now we are driving with him in a car and talking about this, he turns to stroke my cheek and reassures me, I turn onto the road and see how we crash into a car and we begin to turn over. I look at him, but he is still calm, then I see all this from the side. An ambulance arrived, a soft-boiled car, and they say that the girl seems to be alive, they are pulling me out of there and it’s like I’m crying at home and I can’t calm down (they said that this guy died) and I’m sitting reading his SMS and just such heaviness and longing and tears so how much I loved very much, and then I woke up and realized that it was a friend who had been dead for several years already, that's what it means please answer ??

  • I dreamed today that my dad and I were sitting in front. Dad was driving, and there were 3 other people in the back. We eat, we eat, and suddenly we are carried away. Dad and I managed to get out quickly 2 died. And another one got out, but was covered in blood and cried because his grandmother had died and talked on the phone with his mother about his grandmother. And at that moment I woke up. Very scary.

  • I dreamed that my sister and girlfriend got into a car with some two middle-aged men, and the car was very strange, we sat down, the driver pressed on the gas and something went wrong, the car spun, and then we rushed at great speed onto a large highway there were four lanes to the right and four to the left, we raced four lanes and not one car hit us, but on the other four lanes the bus was driving to the left and then bam collision and I woke up with a terrible heartbeat.

  • My girlfriend and my brother and I were three of us in the car, of course my brother was driving and my friend was sitting next to me in the back seat. We drove quickly onto the asphalt on a small street, turned around on the second track, a friend was sitting nearby at the wheel, she held on, and her brother only pressed the pedal and he quickly drove before the traffic light and the movement began. And so quickly they crashed into a passing car, I don’t even know that we stayed alive or not, but the blow was strong.

  • I dreamed that I was driving in a car with my parents and my brother, and someone sent us a letter in which there was a warning that an accident would happen with car number 640. We were driving some kind of truck along the highway and when we drove up to the entrance, then there was a car with the number 640, and next to it was 540 and they drove into us, I woke up abruptly and realized that this was a dream.

  • Today I had a dream that I had an accident, it's just a terrible dream. I was sitting in the car, I was driving, I don’t remember where, and KamAZ was driving to the meeting, and it was driving at such a speed that our car flew off the road and rolled down and I miraculously survived, but there was no one in the car, what is it for ??

  • I dreamed that we were driving a car with a friend, he was driving, they crashed into us from behind, I don’t remember anything further, I got out of a coma, they showed me a report from the scene, there ours and another soft-boiled car, my friend and I are lying next to each other in a pool of blood , but by some miracle, the doctors “gathered us piece by piece” and we survived, even without disability.

  • I had a dream, I got into the car on a ride, then we stopped at some place, I was waiting for someone and asked the driver to call him, and that person was familiar, but the driver was not. I was sitting and I see everyone was looking at me, and at that moment the truck crashed into the car in which I was sitting. I closed my eyes tightly and realized that I would die, but I opened my eyes and I was lying in some uncomfortable position and asked someone to help me, but he didn’t even look at me, I screamed, no one heard me, and I awoke. In my dream, I didn't even realize that I was dead. And when I woke up, I was lying in the same position as in a dream.

  • I study at school, once there was an accident in a neighboring village. Some ended up in intensive care, one guy flew into the windshield and his brain leaked out. Terribly, after this accident, I had a dream that my classmate Anya died in a car accident. It's been 3 months. The school year began, and today I found out that a friend of my classmate at about the same time period had a dream about Anya's death and about an accident. And both dreamed of the same place. Anya herself says that she does not seem to want to die, but to have an accident and die - there is such a desire. I do not understand her logic, but somehow I'm creepy. I decided to see what it means, I can not find anything.

A dreamed accident promises a meeting in reality and a long explanation with a narrow-minded, but ambitious person - this is if you observe the events taking place in a dream, as if from the outside.

Another thing is to be a participant in the accident. In this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from the opposing forces.

If at the same time you were run over by any ground vehicle, you will surely avoid any complications and troubles.

If you yourself hit as a result of an accident - in reality, do not expect satisfaction from the rest that you decided to afford.

If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

An accident that happened on board an airliner promises you many new plans that can bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.

An accident on a sea vessel is good news, to success in a difficult matter.

If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you a lot of risk.

If trouble did not befall you at sea, then you yourself will need the protection and help of a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Accident

An unpleasant surprise along the way. Seeing an accident from the outside - some unplanned event will disrupt the plans of your close friends. This will indirectly affect your expectations for changes for the better.

Imagine that the accident ends happily. All remained alive, and the damage was compensated many times over.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation from YUM.RU

If you dreamed of a car accident, it means that you are doing something wrong or deceiving people.
The accident of a loved one dreams of a personal tragedy.
An accident to death means that a difficult life stage awaits you ahead.
I dreamed of a train accident - a warning of great danger.
If there is an accident and death in a dream, then in the near future you should cancel the trip.
If you dreamed of an accident and corpses in which no one was hurt, then you will quarrel with a loved one.
In a dream, an accident without victims - to the loss of a dream.
If in a dream there is an accident with victims, then in reality you will be very unlucky in something.
An accident and blood dream of a conflict.
If in a dream your loved one dies as a result of an accident, then in reality he will live a long time.
If in a dream an airplane crash occurred due to your fault, which claimed the lives of people, then in reality you cannot forgive yourself for something.
Seeing an accident on the railway in a dream is a great difficulty.
Rescuing people injured in an accident is for well-being.
If in a dream you had a terrible accident, but remained unharmed, then you will be lucky in something.
I dreamed of a motorcycle accident - to possible prolonged loneliness.
Accident and fire - in reality you will not succeed.
Roll over in a car in a dream - someone's attitude towards you will change.

Combined Dream Interpretation, why dream of an accident

A dream in which a car accident is a dream is a sign that you will be embroiled in legal proceedings or your rash actions will lead to the collapse of plans. Your partners will make claims to you, and you will have to make excuses for a long time. The dream warns that trouble awaits you, and you may lose your place.
A train accident in your dream portends a loss of money, and a shipwreck portends the loss of friends and disappointment in love.
An accident from the side in a dream, a sign of joy or sorrow, depending on whether people suffered in it or not.
If in a dream you witnessed an accident, but have nothing to do with it, then the dream promises you profit, which itself goes into your hands thanks to the oversight committed by other people.
To help the victim in a dream is a sign of receiving news from a friend in trouble.
A bus accident is a dream - this is an omen of a collision, a conflict with a group of people hostile to you.
When you see in a dream that you have lost one of your relatives or friends in an accident, do not rush to get upset - this is a good dream; it means that as soon as you turn to relatives or friends for help, they will immediately provide you with this help.

What is the dream of an accident - Freud's Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of an accident on the road, it means that soon you will find a stormy all-destroying passion for an unusual, extraordinary person. You will experience unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss and will always remember this period of time.
Train accident - speaks of disturbances in the activity of the genital organs or fear for their functioning, which can be caused by physical or emotional overload.
You or someone else got into a car accident - they talk about the fear of death.
To get into an accident or under a vehicle means a desire for sexual intercourse.
The presence of relatives or close people during an accident or breakdown indicates a brewing conflict with them, which you are still holding back.
The husband died in a car accident - on the contrary, he will live a long time.

Dream Interpretation Semenova

To dream of an accident on the road means that in reality you will learn about deceit, fraud and other actions that threaten your well-being.

To prevent an accident is a brilliant solution to life's problems.

Seeing the death of a friend in an accident is evidence of hidden aggression towards him.

To cripple yourself - to suffering in your personal life.

Survive an accident at sea in a dream - in reality, experience a new love.

If a woman dreamed that she had an accident, soon all her plans would be destroyed. If she watched the incident from the side, trouble will happen to a person she knows.

Inattention led to the accident - evidence of your absent-mindedness. Failed to manage - too hurry in business.

We saw in a dream an accident of several cars - there is a risk of ruining our business.

It was a dream that your deceased relatives had an accident with you - to trouble along the way.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

A terrible accident in a dream warns you against rash actions. Remember, did you think over your affairs well, did you make any mistake the other day? This dream reminds you of the golden rule: "Measure seven times ...". If in a dream you managed to successfully avoid an accident, this is a good sign that, despite your mistakes, you will have the strength to cope with the situation. After such a dream, it does not bother you to be more careful, trusting your intuition more.

A new family dream book, why dream of an accident

Getting into a car accident with your loved one is an unfavorable sign.
If a loved one has an accident - give him more attention, in the sense that due to inattention, he can break firewood.
If in a dream you managed to avoid an accident, in life you will honorably get out of a confusing situation.
Dreaming of death in a car accident - and in reality it is worth driving more carefully.

Modern combined dream book

Get into an accident in a dream - avoid quick decisions for a while.
A friend's accident seen in a dream is an unfavorable sign.
If you dreamed of a train accident - in reality you should be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.
If you miraculously managed to avoid an accident, in real life you will come out of a confusing situation with honor.
If in a dream you see an accident and broken cars, in reality you should not rely on others if you want your plans to be fulfilled well and on time. You need maximum control over the situation.

Eastern female dream book

To have an accident in a dream - be prepared for some unplanned event to disrupt your plans.
If you see an accident from the outside, this trouble will happen to your friends, but what happened will indirectly affect you too.
If you saw how you had an accident in the same car (plane) with the dead (relatives), take this dream seriously and postpone your upcoming trips.
Dreaming of an accident with corpses - with blood - bad, without blood - everything will be fine.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Accident on the road (traffic accident) - sleep warning: within seven days it is advisable not to use vehicles and try to stay at home after sunset; news that will upset you.

Complete dream book New Era why dream of an accident

Road accident - the need to slow down and / or be careful. The need to "not smack the fever."
Car accident - can symbolize the physical body; accident - can refer to the emotional body; with an airplane - can indicate a spiritual body.

What is the dream of an accident - Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To see an accident in a dream, and you saved a person - to the revival of all hopes and aspirations.
I dreamed of a bus accident - to narrow the circle of acquaintances.
I dreamed of an accident in the subway - to the failure of your secret plan.
Gone accident and death speaks of the need to be careful.

Accident - Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A friend had an accident - to changes in relations with him.
An accident on the bridge - it is unlikely that you will be able to make peace with someone.
I dreamed of death in an accident - do not rush to decide something important.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z, why dream of an accident

A dreamed accident promises a meeting in reality and a long explanation with a narrow-minded, but ambitious person, this is if you observe the events taking place in a dream, as if from the outside.
Being a participant in an accident is another matter - in this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from opposing forces.
If at the same time you were run over by any ground vehicle, you will surely avoid any complications and troubles.
If you yourself hit as a result of an accident - in reality, do not expect satisfaction from the rest that you decided to afford.
If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.
An accident that happened on board an airliner promises you a lot of new plans that can bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.
An accident on a sea vessel is good news, to success in a difficult business.
If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you a lot of risk.
An accident when you knock people down - you will need the protection and help of a friend.

Women's dream book

An accident in a dream - portends a violent all-destroying passion for a very extraordinary person. Unforgettable moments of happiness and bliss await you, which will be remembered for a lifetime.
Your boyfriend had an accident - be more attentive to his feelings.
If you dream that a person dies in an accident - do not rush to mourn anyone, this dream is not so bad.
If in a dream someone had an accident and survived - a very good dream.
I dreamed that my sister had an accident - she needs you, maybe she needs help or advice, but you are not around?
The father died in an accident - pay attention to his health, at first glance, not a terrible sore can turn out to be a serious illness.
The son had an accident and died - he really needs you, but perhaps it's too late. But do not be afraid, death does not mean physical death, but your mutual separation from each other.

Accident. Correct dream book

An accident in a dream is an alarming sign. To have an accident in a car means that in reality you should beware, in the future you will find unforeseen circumstances that will take you by surprise. If in a dream you avoided an accident, you will be able to honor yourself out of a difficult situation. In the case when in a dream you see not one, but several broken cars, you should better control the situation, and not rely on others. In this case, you will be able to complete the business that you have in mind on time.

Accident. General dream book

A terrible accident in a dream is a warning that your plans can be destroyed and you should consider your next steps.
To get out of the accident unscathed - portends a successful resolution of conflicts with superiors and enemies.
The accident of other people means that they are trying to involve you in dangerous business and that you should be more careful when concluding deals and contracts.
Losing relatives in an accident is a sign that your relatives are worried about you and will support you if you turn to them for help.
I dreamed of an accident at a wedding - living together a couple close to you will not work out.
A child has an accident with you - pay more attention to him.

Accident. Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

An accident is an eloquent sign telling you to slow down. Assess your current situation. What do you want from life? Move forward slowly and deliberately.
A car accident may represent your physical body, a water accident may refer to your emotional body, and an airplane crash may refer to your spiritual body.

Accident. Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The dream in which you had an accident or just see it - may be a warning that you may find yourself in a difficult situation, become a victim of deception or fraud, you should be careful when dealing with commercial and financial issues.
To have an accident in a dream can also mean upcoming clashes and conflicts with your enemies or ill-wishers.
A car accident merged with a loved one - it means to experience betrayal, humiliation, a blow to pride.
Driving a car and an accident means that you can expect a business meeting with a stupid, stupid person.

The accident and the car turned over - to significant changes in your life.

English dream book, why dream of an accident

If you dream that there was an accident with young children, it means that you have to go through some kind of personal grief, but over time you will be able to cope with it.
If an accident overtook you at sea, it means that you are destined to fall in love soon.

Accident. French dream book

If in a dream there was a car accident and the death of a person, in reality you will have to go through personal grief and only time can heal you from a sense of loss.
Dreaming of a major car accident without casualties and blood - in reality, you will meet a person of the opposite sex who can awaken a strong feeling in you.
A helicopter accident dreams of a repetition of a recent unpleasant situation.

Accident. Italian dream book

An accident is an image of a latent suicidal formation that can be activated at the first opportunity, it also means that a person is under destructive deadly semantics from some person. The representative of this negative semantics can be in the image of a driver or someone next to (behind) the driver or people involved in this situation or in other vehicles (reactive induction).

Accident. Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Accident - this image suggests that in the past there were some events and situations associated with the destructive effect of another person on you. try to remember if any particular person you know did not appear in your dream about the accident? Maybe in a dream he appeared in the form of a driver of a car that had an accident, or some kind of witness to the accident, or someone who pushed you to that ill-fated trip or flight in which the plane crashed? In this case, the dream clearly demonstrates to you that once you received a mental injury from this person and the injury turned out to be so strong that it still affects you destructively and spoils your life. A dream about an accident is a very serious warning. He says that it is necessary to rewrite the situation associated with the trauma of the past as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to the most catastrophic consequences in life.

Accident. Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of an accident with a girl in a car, then soon you will meet a person for whom you will experience an all-consuming passion. You will be attracted by its eccentricity and originality, this connection will fill your life with unusual vivid impressions and happiness.

Accident. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bus accident on the bridge - bad luck; conflict (psychological, internal or surrounded by the sleeper).

Accident. Modern universal dream book

Accident - are you tired or inattentive? What crashed in your dream? Who is involved in this? Has anyone been hurt?
There was an accident and your car hits a person - perhaps this is a warning that you should take care of yourself more.
Other people suffered in an accident in a dream - how did you behave? Did you try to help them, or did you step aside and watch? Did you feel you were doing the right thing, or did you feel like you weren't helping enough? Did you feel helpless?
What caused the accident? If this is a lack of attention, the dream suggests that you should be more focused. Or the cause was insufficient control, which indicates the need to slow down.
An accident can also be - an awakening symbol, a sign that something has come to an end and you need to let it go.

Accident. Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Railway accident - your plans will be violated. Unexpected traps will appear that will make you "get off track."
Dreaming about the accident of your own car - this indicates a sense of guilt. You have committed an unworthy act. Remember your actions recent times and think about how to solve the problem.

Accident. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

I dreamed of an accident when people were shot down - a quarrel, scandal, a serious conflict, the collapse of some hopes.

Accident. Esoteric dream book

Accident on the road - to the arrangement of affairs.
A friend had an accident - someone will help you settle your affairs.
Get into an accident yourself - your steps will benefit the cause.