Mothers who took husbands from their daughters. The surrogate mother took her husband away. Soon I saw my mother with a stroller and my ex-husband next to me.

20-year-old Natalya from Mariupol is seriously concerned about how to provide for her four children, whom she gave birth to from her stepfather. Despite the fact that the girl shares her life, as well as the upbringing of her sons and daughters, together with Alexander, her mother's ex-lover, the couple's financial situation leaves much to be desired. The man does not work anywhere for health reasons, reports KievPravda.

Alexander is 35 years older than his young lover. Natasha gave birth to her first child at 14, but money problems always accompanied the couple. For 6 years living together the former stepfather worked only once - during the year. As the results of the medical examination show, Alexander has a sick heart, and the man refuses to be treated. Feeling unwell does not allow him to find a job and bring income to a large family.

Natalya complains about poverty, the negligent attitude of a civil husband towards his own health and irresponsibility: day after day, a man just sits at home, meets friends, drinks, while a young mother does not know how to feed her four children. The payments that the family receives from the state for the maintenance of sons and daughters are used to pay for renting an apartment.

Moreover, the children do not attend the kindergarten, and the eldest still cannot read and only counts up to ten. As the experts of the One for All project noted, perhaps the fact is that Natasha became pregnant when she herself, in fact, was a child, so she simply does not have enough life experience to find a way out of this situation.

Moreover, the girl’s childhood can hardly be called happy. Natasha's brightest memories are not at all connected with her mother, but with Aunt Olesya, who took care of her while her parent was serving a sentence in prison for murder elderly woman. After being released, Alena continued to carelessly treat her daughter and put all the hard work on her shoulders. It is not surprising that in an adult man, who after some time appeared in their house, Natasha saw a support and a protector.

According to the girl herself, the desire to join sexual relations with her stepfather, it arose for a reason: in this way she wanted to take revenge on her mother for a difficult childhood. Having become pregnant by Alexander at the age of 13, the girl at first hid from Alena who was actually the father of the child. Natasha was afraid that her mother would force her to have an abortion, and her stepfather would be sent to jail. Despite this, the woman still had suspicions about the involvement of her then common-law husband in the case. There were rumors that he raped his underage niece - the daughter of his own brother.

Shocking details about Alexander's temperament were revealed by his former passion - Love. As a result of severe bodily injuries and even an assassination attempt, the woman stopped seeing in one eye and developed epilepsy, and her daughter, after being beaten with a hammer and stabbed, remained disabled for life. Was this crime unpunished?

Is it Alexander's fault that Natasha could not bear her fifth child? Why did he push the girl to give birth to children if he cannot and is not going to provide for them? Is the young mother ready to continue living with a man, having learned the terrible secrets that his past hides? Watch the video.

My mother and I had an ordinary relationship: she took care of me, I obeyed her. We communicated without conflicts, but also without much trust. She periodically reproached me that because of me she did not arrange her personal life. I don't blame her for that, I think that's what a lot of single parents say.

At the age of 18, I fell in love with a man 10 years older than me, after six months of the novel, I introduced him to my mother. She looked him up and down and told me later that it was "a good choice." Indeed, Anton was a charming, cheerful, educated person who knew how to impress others.

Although he earned enough to rent an apartment, after the wedding it was decided to move into our three-room apartment. I studied at the university, did not earn. And here there was savings and convenience: my mother was condescending to the fact that we forgot to wash the dishes or scattered things. She quickly found mutual language with Anton: the age difference between her and my husband was almost the same as between him and me. They talked about the idols of my mother's youth, laughed at him with understandable jokes alone, raised me together. The picture is like from a good comedy.

Perhaps I should have been wary already then, but it still seems to me that at the very beginning it was an innocent communication. Anton treated me carefully, admired me. Soon I became pregnant. Nine months were difficult, constant bouts of toxicosis. My husband began to go to sleep in the living room or in the kitchen so as not to disturb me. Apparently, then everything began between him and my mother. I cringe at the thought that they were together when I was suffering.

But I analyze this after the fact. During pregnancy, I did not have the slightest suspicion that two close people were betraying me. Problems arose after the birth of the baby. I got postpartum depression. I did not approach my daughter, even if she was crying. She refused to breastfeed her. She could leave home for a long time and return late in the evening.

Family members took advantage of my difficult condition. The husband went to court with a statement on the deprivation of parental rights. He had enough evidence: the conclusions of doctors, the testimony of my mother, the reviews of neighbors about how they saw me staggering on the street at night.

I was in a state of apathy. I couldn’t fight for my daughter, but looked from the outside at what was happening and even thought that my husband and mother were doing the right thing: suddenly I was actually dangerous for the child. I often cried, felt guilty, once swallowed sedative pills. I lost my daughter.

And not only her. My husband divorced me. I was depressed and could not sort things out. There was too much going on in such a short period of time that I couldn't think of anything smarter than leaving home. Go to the monastery. It seemed to me that I chose the only correct option. I needed to recover, otherwise I felt that I could make a second suicide attempt - and it would be successful.

I will omit my life in the monastery: prayers, fasting, lack of stress, friendly atmosphere. I slowly came to my senses. After a year and a half, I decided to return home. When I inserted the key into the door lock, it did not budge. You never know what made my mother do this. I sat down on a bench to wait for her. I was going to discuss how to get the child and husband back. The depression has passed, I am healthy and want to have a normal family.

They walked and held hands. I even rejoiced. This means that the grandmother continues to see her granddaughter, the husband has not stopped communicating. But then they saw me and stopped dead in their tracks. The silent scene lasted thirty seconds. Then they both yelled at me, why I came and what I needed, they began to accuse me of irresponsible behavior.

My husband dragged me into the house, my mother put out my suitcases from the balcony, they both began to thrust money at me and demand that I immediately clean up. They did not let me near their daughter, claiming that the child was already used to another mother. To what else? Have you already managed, you bastard, to get yourself a new woman? Who is this bitch? And then my mother appears and announces that she is raising my child, and she and Anton applied to the registry office.

It felt like the walls and ceiling had fallen on me. In order not to do anything and not to scare my baby, I packed my things and went nowhere. First I stayed with an old friend. Then my class teacher found out about the trouble and took me to her place. I got a job and tried to somehow cope with my pain. During this time, I was allowed to see my daughter a few times. I was introduced to her as an older sister.

At the age of 28, I finally got married a second time, gave birth. And a few years later, I could not resist and, at the next meeting with my daughter, told her who she really was to me and offered to move in with me. She happily agreed. At that time, she was already 14 years old, so neither the court nor the guardianship authorities could force her to return. My children and my current husband communicate well with each other.

Shortly after my beauty moved in with me, my ex and my mother's marriage fell apart. I'm happy about it. Neither my daughter nor I communicate with them at all. And if my mother gets sick or is near death, I will not go to her. I will never forgive her for what I went through.

Every person has their own truth. The mother of our heroine certainly convinces herself that she did everything for the good of her granddaughter.

My mother and I had an ordinary relationship: she took care of me, I obeyed her. We communicated without conflicts, but also without much trust. She periodically reproached me that because of me she did not arrange her personal life. I don't blame her for that, I think that's what a lot of single parents say.

At the age of 18, I fell in love with a man 10 years older than me, after six months of the novel, I introduced him to my mother. She looked him up and down and told me later that it was "a good choice." Indeed, Anton was a charming, cheerful, educated person who knew how to impress others.

Although he earned enough to rent an apartment, after the wedding it was decided to move into our three-room apartment. I studied at the university, did not earn. And here there was savings and convenience: my mother was condescending to the fact that we forgot to wash the dishes or scattered things. She quickly found a common language with Anton: the age difference between her and my husband was almost the same as between him and me. They talked about the idols of my mother's youth, laughed at him with understandable jokes alone, raised me together. The picture is like from a good comedy.

Perhaps I should have been wary already then, but it still seems to me that at the very beginning it was an innocent communication. Anton treated me carefully, admired me. Soon I became pregnant. Nine months were difficult, constant bouts of toxicosis. My husband began to go to sleep in the living room or in the kitchen so as not to disturb me. Apparently, then everything began between him and my mother. I cringe at the thought that they were together when I was suffering.

But I analyze this after the fact. During pregnancy, I did not have the slightest suspicion that two close people were betraying me. Problems arose after the birth of the baby. I got postpartum depression. I did not approach my daughter, even if she was crying. She refused to breastfeed her. She could leave home for a long time and return late in the evening.

It was a disease, not a behavior that has always been characteristic of me.

Family members took advantage of my difficult condition. Husband filed a lawsuit against parental rights. He had enough evidence: the conclusions of doctors, the testimony of my mother, the reviews of neighbors about how they saw me staggering on the street at night.

I was in a state of apathy. I couldn’t fight for my daughter, but looked from the outside at what was happening and even thought that my husband and mother were doing the right thing: suddenly I was actually dangerous for the child. I often cried, felt guilty, once swallowed sedative pills. I lost my daughter.

And not only her. My husband divorced me. I was depressed and could not sort things out. There was too much going on in such a short period of time that I couldn't think of anything smarter than leaving home. Go to the monastery. It seemed to me that I chose the only correct option. I needed to recover, otherwise I felt that I could make a second suicide attempt - and it would be successful.

I will omit my life in the monastery: prayers, fasting, lack of stress, friendly atmosphere. I slowly came to my senses. After a year and a half, I decided to return home. When I inserted the key into the door lock, it did not budge. You never know what made my mother do this. I sat down on a bench to wait for her. I was going to discuss how to get the child and husband back. The depression has passed, I am healthy and want to have a normal family.

Soon I saw my mother with a stroller and my ex-husband next to me.

They walked and held hands. I even rejoiced. This means that the grandmother continues to see her granddaughter, the husband has not stopped communicating. But then they saw me and stopped dead in their tracks. The silent scene lasted thirty seconds. Then they both yelled at me, why I came and what I needed, they began to accuse me of irresponsible behavior.

My husband dragged me into the house, my mother put out my suitcases from the balcony, they both began to thrust money at me and demand that I immediately clean up. They did not let me near their daughter, claiming that the child was already used to another mother. To what else? Have you already managed, you bastard, to get yourself a new woman? Who is this bitch? And then my mother appears and announces that she is raising my child, and she and Anton applied to the registry office.

It felt like the walls and ceiling had fallen on me. In order not to do anything and not to scare my baby, I packed my things and went nowhere. First I stayed with an old friend. Then my class teacher found out about the trouble and took me to her place. I got a job and tried to somehow cope with my pain. During this time, I was allowed to see my daughter a few times. I was introduced to her as an older sister.

At the age of 28, I finally got married a second time, gave birth. And a few years later, I could not resist and, at the next meeting with my daughter, told her who she really was to me and offered to move in with me. She happily agreed. At that time, she was already 14 years old, so neither the court nor the guardianship authorities could force her to return. My children and my current husband communicate well with each other.

Shortly after my beauty moved in with me, my ex and my mother's marriage fell apart. I'm happy about it. Neither my daughter nor I communicate with them at all. And if my mother gets sick or is near death, I will not go to her. I will never forgive her for what I went through.

Lyudmila Murashnikova was supposed to be Roman's mother-in-law, but she became his wife. The daughter's fiancé turned out to be exactly the man she had been looking for all her life.

Looking at Lyudmila and Oksana Murashnikov from the side, it is very difficult to believe that they are mother and daughter. By age, they are more suited as sisters. This is not surprising, because Luda knew the joy of motherhood quite early. At the age of 15, having met a guy and falling in love with him without looking back, the girl did not even think about the consequences of their relationship.

“I grew up in a prosperous wealthy family,” says Lyudmila. - Dad was an officer. At the time of my 12th birthday, he was promoted to the rank of colonel, and he retired and went into business. First he opened one store in the Isakogorsk district, then another. I was never denied anything, given that I was the only child in the family.

Lyudmila studied mediocre at school. It seemed to her that the main thing for a woman was not to study well, but to marry successfully. Therefore, Alexander was for her a messenger from above, a prince who rode on a white horse from her dream. However, the fabulous relationship ended rather banally. Six months after they met, the girl realized that she was expecting a child, writes "Courier of the White Sea".

The "prince" promised to arrange everything, but instead he disappeared and never appeared again in Lyudmila's life. The girl was in a difficult situation. She not only did not know which institute her beloved was studying at, but she also had no idea where he lived. Young people agreed on each meeting in advance, and the guy was in no hurry to introduce Lyudmila to his parents.

The only way out in this situation was to honestly confess everything to the parents and ask them for help. “I remember I burst into tears and gave them the whole truth,” says Lyudmila. - She said that in six months they would most likely become grandparents. That’s when my father hit me in the face for the first and last time in my life.”

The next day, the parents, together with Lyudmila, went to the doctor. After examining the girl, the gynecologist was dumbfounded by the news that it was too late to have an abortion, you need to give birth. Lyudmila had to leave school. In early October, she gave birth to a girl. I named her Oksana.

Parents helped Lyuda in everything, and they simply adored their granddaughter. Ludmila had a good grip on business, so she soon opened her own shop and sauna. Five years ago, I first bought a car, and then an apartment. But with men, she never managed to have a single romance. In each of them, the woman saw a potential traitor.

The daughter was growing up. I started dating boys. “Oksanka always ran to consult me ​​about her novels,” says Lyudmila. “We were more friends, I guess, than mother and daughter.” Once she told her mother that she had met the most amazing person in her life and that tomorrow he would come to their house to meet Lyudmila.

“I was expecting a boy of about eighteen, the same age as my daughter, to visit,” Lyudmila recalls. “But a tall handsome man of about 25 entered the room. It turned out that Roman, just like me, is engaged in business.” After seeing the guy off, Lyudmila listened to her daughter's restless chirping for several more hours about how good and wonderful Roma is.

That night, the woman could not sleep. “I really liked the novel, but not as a future son-in-law,” she says. - I understood this immediately, but I was not going to interfere with my daughter's happiness. At that time, I was sure that I could cope with my feelings and emotions.

A week later, Roman invited Lyudmila to meet and talk. In the cafe, the guy was waiting for the "future mother-in-law" with a bouquet of flowers and, embarrassed, offered to start dating. Luda was indignant at Roman's unceremoniousness and, throwing flowers in her face, left.

Lyudmila was sure that this would be the end of everything. But a few days later, in the evening, Oksana returned home in tears and silently began to collect her things. “I'm moving in with my grandparents,” she shouted angrily. “And you’re just rubbish, shame on you to beat off suitors from your own daughter.”

As it turned out later, Roman called Oksana and said that they needed to leave, since he seemed to have fallen in love with her mother. Oksana moved to live with Luda's parents, and Roman, with maniacal persistence, called Lyudmila every evening, asking for a meeting. And one day she agreed.

Roman turned out to be exactly the person she had been looking for all her life. It was with him that Lyudmila felt happy. “Oksana can’t believe that Roman became her stepfather instead of a fiancé,” she says. “But I think time will put everything in its place, my daughter is still ahead.”

Petersburg, a 73-year-old pensioner stole her husband from her own daughter, and now the couple is expecting a baby. The baby will be born to the spouses by a surrogate mother - the granddaughter of the famous actor Oleg Strizhenov, Alexander. Ex-wife a windy man is sure that he tied the knot with her mother solely for the sake of an apartment, but the happy spouses declare: they have love.

Officer from the colony

In 2000 Elena Podgornaya I read an unusual letter in the newspaper, which was sent to the editor by a prisoner in the colony in Severomorsk. In his message, a man named Vyacheslav told the story of his difficult life. He wrote that a few years ago he was happily married and served as an officer in the Navy. Exclusively out of noble motives, according to Vyacheslav himself, he had to kill a man, because of which the sailors did not receive a salary. So the man ended up behind bars. While serving his sentence, Vyacheslav found out that his wife did not wait for him. The former "officer" did not lose hope that a kind and sincere woman would respond to his letter.

And Elena responded. She also had an unsuccessful marriage behind her, moreover, a letter from a prisoner from Severomorsk deeply touched her. A correspondence ensued. Seven years later, Elena and Vyacheslav got married: the wedding took place in a colony. Three years later, the man was released to his loving wife.

Divorce and new marriage

To my mother-in-law Galina Evgenievna, Vyacheslav did not like it at first. The pensioner did not like that her son-in-law, a man in the prime of life, does not work, does not bring money to the family and sits on her daughter's neck. “Mom told me all the time that I needed to get a divorce,” Elena recalls. “And I was hoping for something.”

At that time the family lived in Sortavala. Galina Evgenievna looked after her paralyzed husband. After his death, relatives moved to St. Petersburg. Elena expected that with the move to Big city will begin new life but no miracle happened. Vyacheslav still did not want to work, he drank and began to cheat. In addition, Elena found out that her husband had never been an officer. “He was a simple trumpeter in the Navy,” Podgornaya is convinced. - And ended up in prison for much more serious reasons! This man knows how to hang noodles on his ears perfectly.

The woman filed for divorce. She hoped that Vyacheslav would disappear from her life forever, but that was not the case. Elena's mother, who supported her to the last, suddenly found herself on the side of her former son-in-law. The pensioner felt sorry for Vyacheslav, who had nowhere to live after parting with his wife, and offered to stay in her apartment for a while. A little later, 73-year-old Galina Evgenievna and 50-year-old Vyacheslav got married. At the same time, the former prisoner took the name of his new wife, and now they are both Zhukovskys.

son-in-law's child

Elena is sure that her ex-husband married her mother solely because of the apartment, but the couple say that they are truly happy. The couple decided to have a common child using the services of a surrogate mother. It turned out that Galina Zhukovskaya froze her eggs back in the 1990s - just in case. And now, the right opportunity has turned up!

The couple began looking for a surrogate mother. Thanks to the practice of "five handshakes", they reached Alexander Strizhenov- the granddaughter of the famous theater and film actor Oleg Strizhenov. True, the girl does not communicate with her famous relatives. “She comes from a creative family, and we are sure that something will be passed on to our child,” Galina Evgenievna explains the choice.

Alexandra agreed to give birth for an unusual couple. According to her, surrogacy is not a profession, but a way to earn good money. Alexandra needs funds: by the age of 31, she already has four children. At the same time, not so long ago, Strizhenova already tried to make money in this way, but during her pregnancy, her biological parents disappeared, and Alexandra did not receive any money. Two babies had to be sent to Orphanage. The mother of many children hopes that the Zhukovskys will not give up their desire to become parents.

The embryo transfer was successful and the baby should be born in the spring. Thus, Elena Podgornaya will have a brother or sister. “We will raise our baby with dignity,” says Vyacheslav. “We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, but he will be a real patriot of his country!”