The meaning of dreams was dreamed of by the father and younger brother. If you dream of a brother in a coffin. Dreaming of a girl in a coffin

Seeing a coffin in a dream portends obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for young people - a wedding and a long comfortable life.

The coffin seen in the church - to an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a joyful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. To see a friend in the coffin is to receive important news. Lying in a coffin - to acquire a quiet occupation, a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of a disease that will overshadow the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry it is sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Bury the coffin chronic illness. To nail up a coffin is to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin - to quarrels, followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin is a big expense.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it gaining good luck. To be locked in a tomb in a dream is to disappointment and removal from business.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems.

See living loved ones people dead, means that their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich.

If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this.

Seeing a single dead man - for marriage, and a married deceased - for separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person in a dream alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world.

The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (deceased) will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.

Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he does not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future.

To see the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine in his next world.

Greet the deceased in a dream - to receive favor from Allah.

If the deceased in a dream is naked, then in life he did not do good deeds.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die.

The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Qur'an says: "And to those whose faces turn black (it will sound):" Didn't you renounce the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved.

Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a dead person - to longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died.

Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife.

To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs.

The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead.

If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Interpretation of dreams from

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing a brother in a dream is a sign of receiving news from him or about your other relatives; parting with him in a dream is a case of extraordinary luck; losing it is a rapid development of events that can change your life. Seeing your brothers in a dream full of strength and vitality is a sign of joy for their good luck. If they ask you for help in a dream, are sick or infirm, then do not expect pleasant events. If in a dream you quarrel with your brother, then you will have a lot of grief, a quarrel with relatives and bad news. Fighting with a brother in a dream is a sign of great affection and family ties that nothing but money can destroy. A dream in which you yearn for an absent brother means that you are very grateful to him for his support and help. Seeing your brother blind in a dream is a harbinger of his imminent death. If you see in a dream that he is drowning, then you will have to deal with some complicated business that your brother has drawn you into. If in a dream you accidentally meet a brother, then you will be dumbfounded by terrible rumors about your relatives that accidentally reach your ears. Seeing a cousin in a dream means that you will have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or hearing from a person whom you have not seen for a long time, but who has always been dear to your heart. Parting with your brother in a dream portends a happy event. For a girl, a dream about a brother predicts that someone will propose to her. For a brother, a dream about a brother predicts family squabbles. Seeing a half-brother in a dream is a sign of deception on his part. To see him dead is a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies. Such a dream also portends a win in court.

What is the dream of a brother in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a brother, then you will have a need for friendly support or rivalry. Talking with your brother - both you and him will be fine, there is no reason for concern. Sick brother - unpleasant events await you. Cousin - disappointment and chagrin. To receive a letter from a brother is a further gap between your families. Kissing a brother is a long friendship. To be at the funeral of his brother - he is destined for a long and happy fate. Seeing a brother in a coffin - to his and your longevity, as well as to profit and joy. If you dreamed of a missing brother, a future full of turbulent events awaits you. Quarreling with your brother in a dream - you will be upset by the news received from him.

What is the dream of a brother in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a living brother - to health; talking in a dream with a brother - to the good news; to see a dead brother in a dream - to bad weather.

Dream interpretation online Coffin

Waking up after a nightmare, you have a question: “Why do I have visions, where am I lying in a coffin?” At the level of intuition, it always seems that what you see is a very bad sign, which is seen as something bad. But it's not. Why?

There are quite a few interpretations of dreams with such a plot, and very often a vision with a coffin has a pretty good interpretation. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions, but try to correctly interpret the dream. For this, it is better to use online dream books. To start searching for the interpretation of sleep, enter in the search bar: "Dream interpretation of the coffin." As a result, several editions will be presented. It is in them that you can find a complete list of interpretations and easily decipher even the most confusing night vision.

Pay attention to the details of the dream

So what does the vision with the coffin mean? What does the vision in which he had a chance to carry portend? Why dream of a living corpse? What does the interpretation of the plot mean, where the dead man came to life? First of all, you need to remember all the details of the dream plot:

  1. The coffin in the dream was open or closed.
  2. There was a dead person lying there or it was empty.
  3. We saw a friend, a relative, or maybe ourselves.
  4. We saw one or more coffins.
  5. Where exactly was he? He stood in the house, on the street, in the church.
  6. For some reason, they dug it up or, on the contrary, dug in a grave.
  7. Who saw the plot: a girl, a woman, a young bride, an old man, a man, etc.
  8. See how they carry it.

Based on all the nuances of what he saw, we can conclude the interpretation of the night story.

What does such dreams mean

Why dream of a coffin (wooden pea coat)?

In general, the meaning of such dreams is of good importance and is a symbol of the completion of the work begun. The transition from one phase of life to a new period.

Who was in the coffin

I dreamed open and empty - then such plots are dreamed of as a sign of health and long life. For those who are sick, an open coffin portends that the period of illness will end soon. In the professional field - to success. Open - to the celebration.

see a corpse stranger- the interpretation is not a very good sign. The one who saw such dreams stands calmly and slowly sort out his affairs. Only after that you can take on a new business. Otherwise, due to the vanity of a person, failure will befall. Such a vision also hints - among your environment there are people with whom you should not make friends. Rethink your social circle.

To see a wooden pea jacket, and in it lies the corpse of a man who, in real life dead - means that there will be weather changes.

Dead man in a dream

If you dreamed that your friend, girlfriend or relative was lying there, the interpretation of dreams means that everything will be fine with this person, and you can always rely on him. And your friend will live a very long time.

See him dead old woman- means that you are waiting for a warm relationship from your relative to no avail.

If a woman sees the corpse of her husband - to big trouble.

I dreamed that your father was in it - there are two interpretations of such a vision:

  1. The father may have a warning that there may be trouble;
  2. And the father dreams of an unexpected financial income.

Why dream of a coffin in which your father lies and you had a chance to cry about him in a dream. In the interpretation it is important:

  • The father is alive in real life - this is a change for his fate;
  • The father is actually dead - the vision does not mean anything, it was just contact with the soul of the deceased.

Father dead - to the news.

Mom dreamed - check your health

A dead woman lies, and in her image you recognized your mother - a dream portends illness.

Basically, nothing terrible portends a vision in which they saw their brother or sister.

There are dreams in which your sister is in a coffin - in real life, the sister will not complain about her health. If the sister does not give news for a long time and happened to see her dead, then the vision may be prophetic. After all loving heart always feels what is happening with a relative, even at a distance.

If the sister really has already died, then when you see such a plot, go to her grave, and put a candle in the church. If in the plot the sister slept peacefully, then this is a sure sign that her soul has departed to another world. Standing over the grave where the sister is buried - you yourself need to accomplish your plan, do not ask for help.

The interpretation of these dreams is very similar to those in which a person sees a brother. And this applies not only to the native, but also to the cousin too.

There are dreams in which the deceased brother appears - this portends you good health and stable work, and also put a candle that burns in the church for his repose. I dreamed my brother died, but you are talking to him - you will be given a task, but it will be very difficult to complete it. Also, the death of a brother portends that you will be asked to borrow money.

  • Brother died in an accident - to strong emotions.
  • The brother died at the hands of a criminal - the plan will not come true and there will be sadness.
  • A vision in which a dead brother dreams of tears. The brother rests in a coffin - to a long and happy life of a brother in real life.
  • The funeral of a brother portends health for the whole family.
  • Saying goodbye at the grave of your brother - you are very worried about him.
  • Seeing a corpse and understanding that this is your son and he had wounds and injuries is to worry about him in real life. If in a dream the son lies beautiful, then the worries will be groundless.

Why do you have nightmares in which you have to bury your daughter? If the daughter does not really cause problems, then her health will be very good in the future. The corpse is your daughter - there may be disagreements with her in real life.


A dead bride portends shattered hopes and disappointment. There are dreams in which there is such a bride, know that your dreams will not come true. Why is the coffin dreaming, and the bride in it? For strong relationships in the house will reign love and respect. The bride in the coffin dreamed of an innocent girl, then such an episode is a sign that someone will try to disgrace her.

Why dream of a coffin and in it dead man, suddenly became alive? Pretty scary dreams, but you should not be afraid of him, as this means - in reality, wait for the guest.

If you dreamed that a dead friend, a bride or just a girlfriend became alive, this is a sign that you should pay more attention to this particular person, since he needs you.

What is the dream of an open coffin and a dead person in it, whom you know in reality and he talks to you in a dream - means that you need to pay attention to this person, since he may have problems and only you can help him. After all, why did you have such a vision. If in such a dream you, who had to lie in it, the vision portends illness.

Closed - means that the dreamer of such a plot needs to be alone for some time in order to gather his thoughts and determine his life path further.

Seeing several beautiful coffins - in life, experience great losses and the death of a relative (this can be a brother, as well as your friend).

According to Miller, seeing a coffin is a divorce

Miller's interpretation indicates that if a wooden pea jacket is inside the church and there are a lot of flowers on it, then for those who have just decided to formalize the relationship, such a vision portends an unsuccessful marriage. The groom loves his chosen one, but the bride does not reciprocate. And for those who have already formalized the relationship, it prophesies problems in the family, they can even lead to divorce. Try to reconsider your relationships in the family and make a decision.

The coffin is in the house and stands in a large hall - to joy.

But if a person who has not yet been married had a chance to see the coffin, then this is a very good sign that promises a favorable family life.

For a person who is in business to see two coffins - the meaning of sleep explains that now bad period for the conclusion of transactions and financial investments. Why take the risk? Wait a bit.

According to Miller's online dream book for villagers, such a plot portends that the year will be lean, and cattle may also start to get sick.

Why dream of a coffin that they carry - to commit an offense in real life, because of it it can suffer close person. If it is carried into the house, then this means that profit should be expected.

If people had to carry a coffin, and when you come up you see a corpse there and your name is written, the online dream book advises you to leave the old bad habits and start a healthy lifestyle.

I dreamed that for some reason you climb into it - the dreamer is bored in real life and he lacks bright colors in it. If, on the contrary, you got out of it, it means that a new stage in life awaits you.

Lying in it and dreaming - the dreamer committed some kind of misconduct in his life and now regrets it very much.

Why - then fall into it - because of your pride, you can harm yourself. Become easier.

Floating coffin - to profit

Floats on the water - to great wealth.

Making it - to career growth and a new position. You will soon have power and money.

Buying is a good dream. Mutual understanding will reign in the family, and prosperity at work. Trouble will leave you.

The dream book indicates a small coffin dreams of troubles and quarrels.

Seeing a coffin being buried is a disease. Digging it out for some reason means that soon your secret will be revealed.

Seeing a coffin that has fallen in a dream is a very good sign. Your guardian angel is protecting you from disaster.

If you dreamed of a tomb in which there are coffins, luck patronizes you.

coffin color

Seeing a black coffin in a dream - do not expect much from your relative (most likely a brother or your friend), as you may be disappointed as a result.

Red - any business started will be successfully completed. So, you can safely start what you have long wanted to do, but did not dare before. Another red coffin dreams of news about relatives.

White - only positive thoughts will come true. In order for the situation to be in your favor, try to behave as if everything has already happened. Another dream is a white coffin as a symbol of the fact that a white streak has come in life.

Seeing a coffin in a dream portends obstacles; for the elderly - the imminent death or loss of a dear relative; for family people - profit and prosperity; for young people - a wedding and a long comfortable life.

The coffin seen in the church - to an unsuccessful marriage. An open coffin is a joyful celebration. Strewn with flowers - to failures and illnesses. To see a friend in the coffin is to receive important news. Lying in a coffin - to acquire a quiet occupation, a long life. Carrying a coffin in a dream is a harbinger of a disease that will overshadow the upcoming celebration. Seeing others carry it is sad circumstances and bad news.

Lowering the coffin into the grave is a tragic death. Digging a hole for a coffin is a happy marriage. Burying a coffin is a chronic disease. To nail up a coffin is to be very frightened.

Seeing yourself sitting on a coffin - to quarrels, followed by repentance and mutual forgiveness. Buying a coffin is a big expense.

Seeing a tomb in a dream means receiving protection in reality, and through it gaining good luck. To be locked in a tomb in a dream is to disappointment and removal from business.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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A deceased brother in a dream often warns of difficulties, a difficult period, and dangers. However, the dream book, explaining why this image is dreaming, gives other interpretations: material wealth, good news, a new acquaintance.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Was the dead brother in the coffin? The sleeper will be haunted by failures, troubles. Also, a vision of him in a coffin promises a showdown with someone close and dear. You can not ignore an important conversation: this will provoke a conflict.

Provide help when asked

Why does a dead brother or friend dream of being alive? The dream interpretation claims: someone will turn to the sleeping person for advice, help. It is necessary to support a person, to provide all possible assistance.

Why does he dream of a living young man? If in a dream he is a young man, it means that soon a new friend will appear in reality, somewhat reminiscent of the deceased. There will be an emotional intimacy, and subsequently a strong friendship.

Also, this interpretation will help to understand why he dreams of being alive: important family events are coming. What they will be - can be understood by the impression of a dream.

This interpretation of sleep is also possible: soon someone will ask you to borrow money. You need to meet halfway: a good deed will subsequently return a hundredfold.

Ahead of danger, a difficult period

Constantly seeing him in a dream is a warning. The dreamer may face the same danger from which a loved one died.

A sick dead brother portends the beginning of a difficult period. You need to be patient in order to endure the coming troubles.

If you dreamed that he was sick, emaciated, the dream book warns: there are trials ahead for the family. Patience and understanding should be shown.

Does he cry in his sleep? Warns the sleeper of danger. It is better to postpone a long trip or a meeting.

Get ready to solve problems

Did you dream that he was alive? The dream interpretation reports: a problem will reappear, which has long been resolved. Despite the desperate reluctance to do anything, try to calmly find a way out.

Play cards with a recently deceased brother - bad sign, the game of life and death. If the sleeper wins, everything will be fine. Lose - an accident or an accident threatens.

Do you often see in a dream a loved one who died recently? The dream interpretation claims: the vision does not carry a certain meaning: you just yearn for it, you cannot let it go.

good omens

A sibling or cousin who has already died - cheerful, contented? Find out good news. A dream promises financial well-being.

Why is the late cousin dreaming? The dream book calls his appearance a harbinger of bad weather, the onset of a prolonged bad weather.

To see in a dream a cousin who has passed away, to communicate, and in the morning to remain under the pleasant impression of a dream - success at work awaits ahead.

Did you dream about the late parents and brother - cheerful, joyful? The dreamer feels the support of loved ones. His mother came to your house with him - a good sign. There will be peace and happiness in life.

Difficulties in relationships

Kissing - there will be obstacles in business, things will slow down. Also kissing him means: relations with others, relatives will become tense.

What is the dream of the dead brother of her husband? The dreamer will be drawn into other people's family proceedings, chores.

Did you dream of talking to him? The dream interpretation notifies: one of the relatives needs the help of the sleeping person.

Troublesome chores

Talking with a dead brother in a dream means: giving life energy to the dead.

Dreamed of a younger brother who died in childhood? The dream interpretation says: unpleasant chores or annoying news are coming.