How to make a homemade mini tractor - assembly instructions, drawings and videos. The process of making a mini excavator with your own hands How to make a homemade mini

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Specifications of the mini motorcycle

Weight (dry), - 27 kg;

Engine Ш 52, - 2.0 hp

Overall dimensions, mm

Length - 1100mm;

Width - 500mm;

Height - 900mm;

Clearance - 150mm;

The maximum speed is -65 km/h.

The motorcycle is equipped with a large trunk and a capacious tool box Shock absorbers on both wheels significantly reduce fatigue on long journeys. This was confirmed, by the way, during runs along the route Moscow - Smolensk - Minsk - Vilnius - Riga-Taltinn-Leningrad and in the course of everyday operation. The car demonstrated good stability, high throttle response and coped with all the difficulties of the road without fail.

Fig.1. Appearance homemade mini motorcycle


Made of thin-walled tubes 27 x 1 mm (Fig. 2). Bicycle frame parts welded as shown in the figure are suitable.

Rice. 2. Micro motorcycle frame and wheel parts:
1 and 3 - spacers rear wheel from duralumin D16, 2 - spacer from St.Z, 4 - standard brake drum from a bicycle, 5 - standard hub of the front wheel of a motorbike, 6 - spacer from St.Z, 7 - flange, 8 - place for the bearing.

front fork

With shock absorbers (Fig. 3) - from a 16-B bicycle, which has the following changes:

To the dimensions indicated in the drawing, the left and right halves are sawn off.

Then the swingarm arms are mounted on the wheel and secured with nuts.

A strip is cut out of steel 40 mm wide and 3 mm thick, and the ends of the fork are crimped with it.

After that, the ends of the fork are welded to the base strip.

Shock absorbers do not need to be removed during conversion.

Fig.3. Front fork.

rear fork

The rear fork is shown in fig. 4, with shock absorbers - from a motorcycle, Java. You can use this node from the Riga moped. The drawing shows which part of the frame needs to be cut out of the old frame of a serial motorcycle and welded into the frame of my homemade product.

Fig.4. Rear fork.

Rims and wheels

(Fig. 6 and 7). The homemade tires installed on my car are 1.5 times wider than scooter tires usually used in such cars. Therefore, the width of the rims between the shoulders is 38 mm. Landing dimensions are standard.

The rims are made from a moped wheel, Riga on a mandrel (Fig. 5)

Fig.5. Mandrel for making rims

Rice. 6. Rim with brake drum assembly:
1 - brake drum, 2 - wheel disk, 3 - bearing place No. 201, 4 - 18 tooth sprocket, 5 - pin with a diameter of 6 mm

Fig.7. wheel rim


Mounted on the frame after a series of alterations:

The pedals are removed and the kickstarter is installed (Fig. 8, 9). On the assembled engine, the boss of the right half of the crankcase is sawn off with a hacksaw, through which the connecting rod shaft passes. The height of the preserved part of the boss should be 3 mm, and the risk remains on the shaft. Next, the engine is disassembled, the halves of the crankcase are disconnected and the connecting rod shaft is removed, the place of risk is annealed and the “surplus” is sawn off. A plug made of a 3 mm thick duralumin plate with a pressboard gasket is placed on the boss of the right half of the crankcase. Then the brake sleeve is cut off and put in place, a groove is made on the connecting rod shaft for the kickstarter spring from the K-125 motorcycle, and the engine with the kickstarter is assembled.

Rice. 8 General form converted engine.

Fig.9. Support disc with brake pads and bushings.

Steering wheel

From moped Riga”, shortened to 500 mm, all parts are standard.

Brake pads and drums

From the front wheel of the bicycle 16-V.

Stop signal

From the M-20 car, its switch is from the VP 150 scooter.

V. Petrovsky, Ufa

An important component of agriculture is the cultivation of land. This includes not only regular loosening and weeding, but also watering, as well as fertilizing the land. After all, absolutely all cultures need plowed and well-groomed land. With such difficult tasks, a mini tractor, which has small dimensions and is able to perform a lot of everyday tasks in agriculture, can quite cope.

In this regard, in rural areas, small farms prefer this technique. Indeed, unlike large agricultural complexes, private traders cannot afford expensive agricultural machinery. That is why homemade mini tractor videos with a detailed description of which are on the Internet have become so popular and in demand. It is not so easy to assemble such equipment as it might seem at first glance, but it is still possible, and the costs will be much lower than the cost of factory-made agricultural equipment. Plus, a home-made small tractor can be equipped with various equipment that can significantly increase the range of work performed by this technique.

Mini tractors: types and features

As always, this category of equipment includes 3 types, with their own characteristics:

1. Devices that can master any task: hilling, loosening and weeding of land, as well as garbage collection and grass mowing. In most cases, such equipment is equipped with an engine of medium power and can cope with the processing of five or even six hectares of land. Helps in the implementation of the tasks assigned to the mini tractor and various attachments (see).

2. Tractors of small dimensions, assembled exclusively for grass mowing and cleaning adjacent to the house or agricultural land of the territory, are able to easily cope even with an area of ​​​​about two hectares. This technique is often used to create lawns.

3. Ryder is a technique designed to serve a small piece of land, and is used mainly for fertilizing the land, as well as treating the area with pesticides. It is also used for cleaning sites made of concrete and other similar areas.

Pros and cons of this technique

In most cases, a homemade mini tractor is used in private agriculture: with mini tractors, they not only take out various garbage from trees and shrubs, but also serve gardens, and also ennoble the surrounding areas. The advantages of this technique include the following:

Thorough cultivation of any soil. It is extremely difficult to cultivate the land on your own, especially large volumes, and even more so to do it efficiently. Indeed, in some places the soil can be not only hard, but also rocky, therefore, to produce everything necessary work, manually quite hard. Homemade mini tractors cope with any of the above tasks no worse than conventional factory equipment;

It is easy to process even small areas of agricultural land. For small areas, it is simply not advisable to incur the cost of acquiring large factory equipment, since a mini tractor is much cheaper and copes well with the tasks;

Attractive price homemade technology, since the minitractor is assembled mainly from improvised means and inexpensive parts;

You can always, if necessary, change additional equipment, depending on what work needs to be done. And, of course, a simple and fairly affordable repair.

The disadvantages include only the fact that it is necessary to independently select all the components and devote your precious time to this, which takes quite a lot, especially if individual rare components come across in the technique.

But, it should be noted that in most cases the assembly uses the most common and affordable parts that can be found at any time. It helps to assemble a do-it-yourself homemade mini tractor video of people who already have some experience in this matter.

How to make a homemade mini tractor?

To create such agricultural equipment, specialists from the people use several methods, but in most cases everything happens like this:

1. A frame is created from a conventional rolled channel by welding pre-prepared elements, which include front and rear traverses and two spars. The front of this technique is narrower, resulting in a trapezoidal frame. After that, holes are made in the frame for installing other parts of the body and mechanisms.

2. By welding, corners are attached to the corners of the frame, which play the role of a rack, and also serve as a stretcher and are interconnected in the upper part. Next, the rear axle is mounted on the frame, but when designing all-wheel drive equipment, it will also be necessary to install the front axle.

3. An engine of the required power is mounted, in the role of which various power units from walk-behind tractors (see), motorcycles (even boxer ones) are usually used.

4. A gearbox is mounted on the frame, which must be turned towards the driver in order to make the control as comfortable and simple as possible.

6. It is imperative to weld the towbar, which will subsequently come in handy not only for the trailer, but also for some additional equipment, such as: a seeder, mower or plow.

7. The final moment in the work on creating a mini tractor is the installation of the brake system, the installation of the tank, and, of course, the electrical part.

Homemade drawings

Well, to make a choice, any person who wants to design such a technique will be helped by drawings of home-made mini tractors that are on the Internet.

Home-made models of mini tractors, photos and videos of which can be found on the pages of designers of conventional home-made equipment for the agricultural complex, have not only a completely worthy exterior, but also excellent functionality. Creating one of the models of agricultural machinery can be quite long and not easy, but a video describing in detail the phased construction of a mini tractor can help facilitate the design process. As a result, it is possible to create equipment that will help to process agricultural areas much faster and more efficiently.

Do-it-yourself minitractor

If you have a house in the country, and even more so if you live there permanently, you know what real housework is. It is simply impossible to do without transport when running a household. The best for these purposes is a mini-tractor, with its help it is possible to ensure the fulfillment of all needs, from digging up land for sowing, to transporting large and small loads. But such equipment is far from cheap, what to do? There is one option - to make a mini tractor with your own hands. Yes, the task is not easy, but if you do it, you will save a lot of money, and the satisfaction from the finished machine will come every time you start working with the tractor.

Which version of a homemade mini tractor to choose

Homemade mini tractor for the household with a broken frame

The best option for a homemade mini tractor is a machine with a broken frame. Such a unit consists of 2 parts, rear and front, the coupling of which is carried out by a special hinge mechanism. In the front are all control mechanisms, as well as the entire chassis. Management is carried out by means of a steering wheel and hydraulic cylinders, the whole structure is bent on a hinge and changes the relative position of the two parts of the tractor. Thus, if you use this design, you can save on some of the parts designed to mount the control mechanisms, which are normally located at the rear of the machine.

The rear of such a mini tractor is much simpler in design than the front. It consists of a rear axle, which is fixed in cradles on the side members of the axle shaft, a driver's seat is installed on this design, and a fixture for fastening attachments from the Belarusian tractor. The differential and axle shafts can be taken from any loader. Rear suspension can be done, but this is not very advisable, usually depreciation is achieved due to low pressure in the wheels.

In addition to the simplest design, such a mini tractor has several advantages:

  1. Large production capacity, this machine is capable of delivering power close to a large tractor, especially when assembled as a four-wheel drive tractor with an articulated frame;
  2. The ability to turn around in minimal areas, the turning radius of this device is minimal due to the broken frame design. The tractor can be rotated 360 degrees in almost one place, this is especially useful property when plowing the land;
  3. Low fuel consumption, yes, this indicator also depends on design features machines, but most often the consumption is minimal;
  4. Relatively low assembly cost. If you buy such a tractor assembled at the factory, then the amount will make your eyes crawl on your forehead. And if you make it yourself, you can get a significant markdown, since they are used for assembly structural elements which you can get at the lowest prices.

Drawings - the first stage of assembly

Mini tractor drawing
Kinematic diagram of a minitractor

Before taking on the tools, you need to carefully consider the entire design of the tractor itself and the coupling scheme of its two parts. Correct drawings are the basis of the basics. It is best to find reliable drawings from outside sources, since it is very difficult to foresee all the design features, because a tractor is a very complex set of interconnected mechanisms. It is necessary to think over the location of all elements of the system so that they can interact with each other qualitatively. First of all, the main components of the tractor and the driver's seat are applied to the drawing. If you are not particularly experienced with drawing up drawings, you can ask an experienced locksmith to help you with this problem, and then take apart the plan and make a tractor yourself.

The second stage is reading the drawings and assembling the entire structure

When you have found the necessary drawings, you can proceed to search for the necessary components and assemble them into a single system.
Remember, when looking for parts, pay the most attention to three groups of spare parts: engine, running gear and gearbox - they should be removed from the same type of equipment, so there will be no need to fit them to each other.

Choice of engine and transmission

Engine UD-2

In choosing suitable engines for a homemade mini tractor, it does not shine with variety, most often you have to choose from what is and is most suitable. Best of all, in terms of economic and production indicators, 2 types of UD-2 or UD-4 engines are suitable for installation on a tractor of this design, but, in general, diesel engines with one or two cylinders can be used. You can, if you can find it, use the M-67, in its characteristics the main one is long term services with minimal maintenance costs.

Before installation, such an engine must be modernized, the gear ratio increases in it, it is also necessary to come up with a cooling system, since it does not have one. For cooling, you can install a fan that is mounted on the crankshaft with a casing connected to direct the air flow.

Sometimes engines from Muscovites or Zhiguli are used as a power plant. At the same time, when the engines are removed from the cars, the gearbox with the transmission goes along with them, remember, so there is no need to fit and look for additional parts.

Wheels are selected based on the purpose for which the vehicle is made. If you plan to use it only for transporting goods, pulling them and other similar work, then you can take discs up to 16 inches. If you plan to use a mini tractor for field work, it is better to take more massive wheels with discs from 18 to 24 inches in order to improve the quality of wheel adhesion to the surface.

Houndstooth frame

The broken frame consists of two semi-frames, the coupling of which is carried out by a hinged joint. To make such a connection, you can use a cardan shaft from a large-sized truck, for example, a GAZ. If we talk specifically about GAZ cars, then it does not matter which model it will be, because in the cardan shafts of any of them there are practically no design features. The frame itself is best made from a channel, so it will be strong enough to perform absolutely any work, and the tractor itself is able to withstand almost any load.

As for the finishing of the tractor, it can be made from a profile of any characteristics. Since strength, for example, for wings is not the most important indicator.

Some installation features

The control system in tractors of this type must be equipped with hydraulic cylinders, this will significantly improve the controllability of the vehicle. You also need to pay attention to the regulation of the gear ratio, it should be set to low speeds. This is done so that the tractor, when performing various work, does not develop too much speed.

The suspension of all tractor wheels is independent and rigid, so that the wheels of any part, rear or front, do not hang when passing through difficult sections, it is possible to provide for the frame to rotate, 15 degrees is enough. This is done by introducing a UAZ swivel into the breaking system, it is installed in front of the rear half-frame. So that there is no possibility of a larger coup, a limiter is welded on the hinge plate.

The result is a very practical machine that is able to meet all the needs that arise when running a household. All kinds of plowing devices, trailers for transporting goods, mowers and other devices can be easily attached to the tractor.

Everyone can make a mini tractor with their own hands, most importantly, stock up on the necessary tools, material and patience. The result is a full-fledged multifunctional machine that allows you to meet all the economic needs of the owner. High cross-country ability, ease of use, versatility - these are the advantages that you will get after installing a homemade tractor.

Every time when excavating, especially in small-scale construction, the question arises - to dig with a shovel (it will take a lot of time) or - 30 minutes. rent or purchase such equipment. But it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons, the difficulties and advantages of building a home-made unit. The important steps are:

  • preparation
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • assembly.

To independently make or buy a mini excavator - that is the question.

Mini installation is multifunctional, compact, easy to transport and is perfect for small construction or private owners.

Buying or making a homemade mini excavator will depend on several details: financial capacity and technical skills. If your budget allows you to spend from $ 15,000 on the purchase of such equipment, it is certainly easier to buy and work for pleasure.

If you have one short-term task - digging a trench or foundation for a house - it may be easier to rent it.

If you still want to create a unit with your own hands, then you must have:

  • An ardent desire to do it yourself;
  • Time for the implementation of the venture;
  • Engineering and technical knowledge and skills, including knowledge of hydraulics, electric and gas welding, locksmith skills;
  • Availability of finances - with good skills, it will significantly reduce the cost of building an excavator on your own;
  • Availability necessary tools and equipment.

Typology of excavators - let's decide what exactly we need.

Having decided on an independent design, you must understand which type of mini excavator is right for you. Distinguish autonomous and trailed types.

If you have a walk-behind tractor or a mini tractor at your disposal, it would be logical to create a trailed excavator with an additional attachment point.

If an old car engine is available, then you it is easier to create an autonomous unit with a chassis and a block for earthworks.

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to make a homemade trailed mini excavator with your own hands, it should be noted that the process will not be easy, you need knowledge and skills.

The design of a mini excavator and its features.

To build a mini excavator, you need to make a diagram of your model, know the features of all elements, assemblies, parts. The design principle of a homemade mini excavator is similar to industrial technology.

If you have certain skills in engineering, you can try to create an excavator design yourself. But much it is easier to use a lot of ideas on the open spaces of Internet forums.

When choosing designs, it should be noted that on foreign sites, measurements are all indicated in inches, and they need to be converted into the domestic measurement system.

Having decided on the design, we make an estimate, without which we will not see all the nuances of a home-made construction of an excavator. In the estimate we indicate:

  • Required Consumables
  • Spare parts and parts
  • Equipment for the manufacture of spare parts
  • Toolkit (availability or access)
  • Approximate costs for the manufacture of an excavator.

Having done all this, you can decide whether it is worth building it yourself or renting it is better.

Drawings are not a problem.

After calculating your finances and deciding on the possibilities, did you decide to build an excavator yourself? An excellent solution, creative pleasure will be provided to you!

And the next step will be the drawings of a homemade mini excavator.

To build drawings on your own, you must have engineering skills, calculation skills. Here it will be important to draw every detail, make all the calculations.

You can use the help of Internet resources, because if you know what kind of mini excavator you will make, it will not be so difficult to find drawings on the Internet.

Trailer mini excavator drawings will be much easier and simpler than an autonomous excavator, in the manufacture of which there are much more parts and assemblies.

The main nodes - what are they, how to assemble them and is it worth buying?

Having found all the necessary drawings, or having made them on our own, we proceed to the main components of the mini excavator, simultaneously estimating their cost.

We will make the frame from channel 8 or 10 using electric welding. We attach the old beam from the car to the resulting frame, removing the springs and springs from it. An option would be to fit the wheels on a homemade axle. Of the costs, we have: about 12 meters of a channel, an automobile beam, and, well, your work.

Manipulator - it is easier to make a two-legged one from the same channels welded into a rectangular profile. When manufacturing a manipulator, you will need to calculate everything, and without engineering skills, it will be difficult to do this. Therefore, perhaps the manipulator is better buy ready.

Of the equipment, if you still decide to make the manipulator yourself, you will need machines - milling, turning, locksmith.

The cost of the finished manipulator will be about 30% less than making it yourself.

Hydraulics - the choice here is wide, oil pumps are suitable, types: NSh-10, NSh-32, NSh-150, pumps need to be bought, and preferably new ones. But the cylinders for the manipulator are also suitable used from MAZ or KAMAZ, size 63x40x500. For the control unit, you can find, if you try, a used hydraulic valve RGS 253, MRS 70.4.

It is advisable to take the boom ready and install it together with hydraulics, since there is a high possibility of errors in the calculations when designing this unit. An arrow from an old loader is quite suitable.

Drive - which is better and how to choose.

After going over the Internet and talking on the forums, you will see a strong tendency of our homemade craftsmen to use when choosing a diesel drive for hydraulics. Industrial models also use diesel. IN self-manufacturing cheaper to take chinese engine"Lifan". Of course, you can experiment with domestic engines, but it depends on your skills.

A mini excavator is a reliable assistant in earthworks, it is compact and convenient, but not without flaws. The first of the disadvantages can be called low speed, this technique is not very mobile, and the digging depth is small due to the size of the mini excavator. But for small constructions, such a technique is quite suitable.

We build a bucket - features of selection and installation.

The bucket is our workhorse. The direct load during earthworks falls on this important node.

Buckets for a mini excavator need to be made durable so that the equipment lasts a long time and efficiently. We make a bucket from two sidewalls and a bottom using electric welding. During manufacture, we will strengthen the design of the bucket by welding stiffeners and fangs. We can make teeth from the "fingers" from the tracks of old tractors.

The bucket can also be bought ready, but it’s not difficult to make it yourself, there are no complicated calculations, the choice is yours.

The choice of a mini excavator depends only on your desire and capabilities. If you evaluate your capabilities and decide to build your own mini excavator, you will get a lot of pleasure from the process and the results of your work. If your financial situation allows you to buy a new model - great, it will last a long time and efficiently.

But for a technically creative person, it will still be a real pleasure to create your own model. It is important here that the results of your work do not fade after calculating the waste of construction. If you are not confident in your abilities and skills, your mini excavator may cost you more than buying a ready-made one.

Photo of homemade mini excavators

Several options for the manufacture of home-made units:

Video about homemade

A short video about one of the homemade products:

In contact with

In order not to rent equipment for earthworks, many people want to assemble a mini-excavator with their own hands, but far from everyone this dream reaches its logical conclusion, since it is necessary to make a home-made excavator free time, drawings and funds for the implementation of the plan.

Despite their small size, home-made mini-excavators are in no way inferior to factory-made equipment. They even have some advantages: light weight, low fuel consumption, ease of transportation, etc.

The size of the mini-excavator makes it possible to work in almost any area, even indoors. Such mechanisms are often used on a farm or cottage for digging holes and laying underground communications to the premises.

Before you make a mini-excavator, you need to decide on its type. The options may be:

  1. Excavator based on a mini-tractor or car. The equipment will be mounted. The simplest way would be a rework option based on a car. You can create a completely autonomous model (wheeled or caterpillar), which moves independently or is transported with the help of auxiliary means. The main advantage of attachments is that at any time it can be dismantled to use the equipment for its intended purpose.
  2. Another option is to make a homemade mini excavator from scratch. But this option is quite laborious, as it requires specific knowledge and a huge number of spare parts.

The simplest and cheap option is a mini excavator based on a trailer, consisting of a carrier frame with a pair of wheels, on which an autonomous internal combustion engine, a hydraulic drive and specific equipment are installed.

Search for drawings

When manufacturing, you need to choose a specific scheme according to which special equipment will be assembled. The basis is taken from the factory, but reduced in size drawings of such excavators as "Belarus" or a home-made excavator at MTZ. You can also use ready-made schemes and sketches, according to which craftsmen made their homemade products. Having obtained drawings of a certain design, it is necessary to draw up an estimate. According to it, it will be possible to understand how much money will be needed to purchase consumables and spare parts for the manufacture of an excavator with your own hands.