Making a hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. Okuchnik for motoblock. What devices does the mini-technology market offer? Homemade disk hiller for motoblock Zirka 105

The hiller disk for the motor-block is used for an earthing up of a potato and other crops. In parallel with hilling, weeds are cut between rows, and weeds between bushes are covered with earth. Okuchniki also perform other tillage work, such as: cutting furrows for planting tubers and filling furrows for reversing motoblock.

Okuchnik disk for walk-behind tractor device and application

The most common on farms are hillers with a fixed or variable working width, as well as disk hillers.

The first and second types differ only in the design of the movable wings, which set the capture width.

Hiller device for walk-behind tractor with fixed and variable working width

An okuchnik with a fixed working width is usually hung on light walk-behind tractors weighing up to thirty kilograms with engine power up to 3.5 horsepower. These hillers differ in thin racks with a diameter of 12 mm, which act as overload fuses for light walk-behind tractors.

The variable width hiller is the most common type of hiller used by farmers due to their relatively low cost and ease of operation. The disadvantage of this type of hiller is that some of the earth, after pouring onto the rows of plants, rolls down into the furrow.

This shortcoming is largely deprived of the so-called. "Dutch" hillers, which are a separate subtype of hillers with a variable width. Their wings have the ability to move not only to the sides, but also up and down. These hillers are designed to be connected to walk-behind tractors weighing more than thirty kilograms with engine power from 4.0 horsepower and above.

Setting the depth of the course of the hiller

To fix the depth of the hiller for the walk-behind tractor, a side bolt 1 is used. In the vertical position, we set the hiller stand with bolt 2, located with the head to the hiller stand to prevent thread creasing. The beam is leveled to a strictly horizontal position with two bolts B on the hitch bracket and fixed with lock nuts D.

Setting the width of the hiller

Set the grip width of the hiller with a bolt B and a nut.

The universal hitch is distinguished by the absence of a screw mechanism for adjusting the angle of attack of the hiller; instead, a vertical groove of the bracket is used, as a result of which there is no loosening of the hitch during hilling.

Before setting the angle of attack of the hiller, first set the desired depth of his stroke, and then look at his stance. If its upper end is tilted forward, then the toe of the hiller will turn the clods of wet soil to the surface, which will cause the walk-behind tractor to brake and “drive” it from one side to the other.

To prevent this, you need to release the two bolts on the hitch bracket and move the beam up along the vertical groove, as a result of which the walk-behind tractor will “fall over” back, and the hiller stand will stand upright. If, on the contrary, the hiller stand is “littered” back, then the hiller will not go deep to the required depth. Therefore, we move the beds along the vertical groove down until the hiller stands in a vertical position.

We control the verticality of the stand along the heel of the hiller, located between its wings at the bottom and sliding along the bottom of the cut furrow. After installation, tighten the nuts on the bolts securing the beam to the hitch bracket. The angle of attack for other mounted working bodies is set in the same way.

Okuchnik disk for walk-behind tractor: device and application

The disk hiller contains a T-shaped leash, two racks, two disks and two screw lanyards. The discs are constantly tilted forward, and the angle of their rotation around the vertical axis is adjusted using lanyards.

FROM disk hiller It will be nice to work if you first fulfill one condition - install the disks in such a way that the gap between their lower points is equal to the width between the rows (at the same time, the track width from the wheels of the walk-behind tractor is also equal to the width between the rows).

Okuchnik for motoblock disk

To set the required gap between the lower points of the disks, we rearrange the racks C of both disks and bolts B into different holes on the leash of the hiller. Thus, the width between the rows changes from 35 to 70 cm. Second: so that the hiller does not pull to the side, we set the same angles of rotation of the disks by lanyard turns.

Setting the distance between the hiller discs

To facilitate turning the lanyards, the following method of fastening their ears is used: a nut or a thick washer 1 is placed between the leash strap and the lanyard ear, the bolt is threaded through the lanyard ear, nut and strap. All this is tightened with nut 2. Then this nut is released by 0.5-1 turn and locked with nut 3.

Fastening the lanyard and straps of the hiller leash

The disk hiller is attached to the walk-behind tractor on the hitch bracket, which does not have a beam. Like the ridge, the hiller's leash is attached to such a bracket by means of a stopper and two bolts with flat washers. A square tube of the bracket is put on the stopper, and the bolts firmly press the hiller leash from the outside to the square tube.

After that, by means of two bolts B, the hitch bracket is rotated until the hiller leash is set strictly along the longitudinal axis of the walk-behind tractor. In this position, the leash is fixed with nuts G.

Hiller mount for disc walk-behind tractor

With a hiller for a walk-behind tractor, it is preferable to work in first low gear. At a low forward speed of the walk-behind tractor, it is much more convenient for the operator to work, and the thrust of the walk-behind tractor increases accordingly. If the walk-behind tractor has only one forward gear, then try pairing the wheels to prevent them from slipping.

Hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor video selection

Hilling potatoes is an agricultural operation that consists in powdering the bases of potato bushes with soft and loose soil. When hilling, the soil is shifted from row spacing to a row of potato bushes. hilling creates good conditions for the development of root crops, improves soil aeration, and also destroys weeds.

Many are interested in the question: when do you need to hill potatoes and how to hill potatoes with a walk-behind tractor. Experienced gardeners carry out hilling two to four times a season. It is well known that potato tubers are not able to develop deeper than 15 cm from the surface of the earth, and due to hilling, additional space is created for them to grow in different directions.

Therefore, due to hilling, the yield and quality of potato fruits increase. Hilling potatoes should be done with moist soil, it is very good to do this after morning dew or rain. If you cover the fruits with dry soil, then you will destroy the plants, so never hill the potatoes on hot days.

The first hilling of potatoes

As soon as the potatoes rise, carry out its first hilling. If frost is possible, then cover the tubers completely. Fall asleep tubers as high as possible, with a "slide", because usually the earth crumbles down and the hilling efficiency decreases. When the bushes grow to 30 cm, hill again. Make sure that after raking the earth into rows, the stems remain vertical.

Hilling potatoes with a regular and disk hiller. By installing a regular hiller, they set the immersion depth and angle of attack. The walk-behind tractor is simply installed on a flat area (without stands), the hiller is placed on the ground so that its stand is vertical, which is equivalent to setting the desired angle of attack, then it is attached to the hitch.

If, during operation, the hiller burrows too deeply into the ground or, conversely, comes out of the ground, then its stand must be tilted either slightly back, raising the toe, or tilted forward, increasing the depth.

Hiller adjustment before work

Before working with a disk hiller, the gap between the lower points of the disks is adjusted, equal to the accepted width between the beds (from 35 to 70 cm, depending on the crop) and the angle of attack, which should be the same for both one and the second disk, otherwise the hiller will pull to the side.

Disc hillers have one more parameter - the angle of inclination of the discs with respect to the vertical, but it is almost always constant and not adjustable.

When the wheels of a walk-behind tractor have a diameter of about 70 cm and a width of 10-14 cm, then they do not damage plants. Therefore, before working with a disk hiller, suitable wheels should be installed.
There is no bed on the hitch for the disk hiller; instead, there is a hiller leash that allows you to adjust all the necessary parameters.

Okuchniki for potatoes to the motor-block

We put grousing wheels on the cultivator, set the maximum working width and, at the first transfer, let the walk-behind tractor between the beds.

Since the distance between the rows and both hillers is the same, the wheels will go exactly along the rows along the bottoms of the furrows and will not touch the stalks of the potato bushes, and the hiller will evenly base the soil to the bases of the stems.

Thus, we spud the entire garden. If you have only a single-row hiller, then you need to install wheels with rubber tires on the walk-behind tractor and run it between the rows.

A width of 70 cm is enough not to damage the potato bushes. It is important to note that hilling potatoes with a walk-behind tractor should be carried out after rain, when the soil is slightly dry, but remains wet. The benefits of hilling are enormous: air is provided to the potatoes, weeds are destroyed, and the ground is tucked into the tubers.

13185 07/28/2019 6 min.

The presence walk-behind tractor in the personal economy you will not surprise anyone. This is very valuable unit allows cultivation and plowing of land plots of various lengths.

However, if you use additional attachments, you can significantly expand the potential front of your walk-behind tractor.

It is not surprising that after spending a certain amount of money on the purchase of a walk-behind tractor, many people want to make additional equipment with their own hands, thus wanting to save on their purchase.

Of course, no one talks about making an exact copy of the equipment that is sold in specialized stores, but the principle of operation and common features designs will be the same.

Most people in our country use their own gardens to plant potatoes, which are just as popular in our country as in Belarus. Therefore, the requirements for the walk-behind tractor must be appropriate - it must plow the land for planting, as well as helping to plant and care for potato bushes.

Courtship means hilling, in connection with which potato hillers have become very popular, and we will talk about the methods of making them.

About the hiller device

The design features of the hiller directly depend on the type of device, of which there are several.

  • Disc hiller. Already from the name itself it is clear that the design of this hiller uses disks, more precisely two disks located at a certain angle to each other. In addition, these discs are attached to a special frame, which is directly aggregated with a walk-behind tractor through a hitch.

For more information about the disk hiller, see the video:

  • Active hiller. This type of hiller is also called propeller, because it uses translational and rotational motion. Similar hillers are installed on walk-behind tractors that have two forward gears.
  • This is necessary so that in second gear it is possible not only to loosen the surface, but also to transfer the earth from the inter-row spaces.

  • This is the simplest type of hiller, which is gradually losing its popularity due to its lower efficiency compared to the previous two types of devices. Structurally, they are two sheets interconnected, in shape they look like something like wings.

With the help of these tools, furrows can be formed, after which the potato planting itself can be carried out. In the future, when the bushes are formed to the optimal size, hilling can be done with the same tools.

Thus, the rows are very even and neat, which not only improves visual perception, but also helps the potato tubers to form better and ripen faster in the bush.

A walk-behind tractor is a truly indispensable unit when cultivating the land before planting it. Okuchnik - view additional equipment used on walk-behind tractors, which will speed up and improve the process of planting potatoes and pre-planting work in general.

Types of hillers, their characteristics

With the help of this unit, the process of making furrows on the soil surface and filling them with material for planting is carried out.

If you use a hiller, then the rows of planted potatoes will be even and spaced at an equal distance from each other. There are several main types of hillers that can be listed.

To choose the right hiller for a walk-behind tractor, you need to note for yourself their main features and characteristics. There are many models of hillers, but the most common are the following:

  • lister;
  • disk hillers;
  • propeller type;
  • with varying width.


This type is the simplest. They differ in that they have a strictly set furrow width that will be covered by the device, and it cannot be changed, it does not depend on the distance between the rows. Typically, the capture of such an hiller is not more than thirty centimeters. A characteristic feature is that the hiller is equipped with installed racks that do not allow overloading the walk-behind tractor during operation.

This type is more efficient. The lower the speed of the cultivating unit, the greater the power of the hiller itself. This helps to significantly extend the service life. In addition, disk devices are easier to handle - less effort is required in the process of working with them. And the most important advantage of this type is versatility. The unit can be used both before planting and at the time when the part located above the soil increases.

With variable working width

If we talk about hillers, the coverage width of which can be changed, it should be noted that they are used to work with powerful units weighing more than thirty kilograms.

Propeller type

Propeller hillers are used on those walk-behind tractors that are equipped with two forward gears.

When choosing hillers for potatoes for a walk-behind tractor, a few more points should be taken into account. It is better to use streamlined equipment (a plow-shaped hiller works well), because they turn the soil less intensively, which does not allow it to lose moisture.

In addition, it is worth giving preference to steel tools with a sheet of greater width and with the presence of bearings. The dimensions of the hiller are related to the size of the walk-behind tractor and the length of the cultivated strip of land.

How to make a hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands? There are many drawings and diagrams for this. In general, there is no difficulty in making a hiller with your own hands. Having picked up the right hiller, select the scheme and get to work.
Below is an example of a lister type hiller.

Take a metal layer two millimeters thick. Then cut out the halves of the part from it according to the proposed template (taking into account the dimensions). Important! The halves must be symmetrical, otherwise it will affect the operation of the device in the future. Then bend both halves until the radii match, then weld them, making two or three passes. Next, process the welds.

It is very important to choose the right drawing for the future product in order to avoid any mismatches (during operation, the structure will start to lead to the side, etc.). With high-quality and careful manufacturing, home-made equipment does not create any difficulties and interference during hilling.

It is also easy to design a disk hiller for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands.

To create such a device, you can take plowshares (disks) from a seeder that has already served its time. Or they can be made directly from sheets of metal (no more than 2 mm thick), then bend the edge of the bottom edge. The distance observed between the points of the lower supports corresponds to the width of the track itself. Then the disks are fastened together, but with the discretion that the connecting elements can be adjusted.

In addition, for disk hillers for a walk-behind tractor, screw lanyards, racks (which have already been mentioned) and a leash in the shape of the letter T are required. Lanyards are attached directly to the walk-behind tractor. For cutting furrows, the above type is better than others.

Do-it-yourself hillers for a walk-behind tractor are always pleasing to the eye, and working with them is much more pleasant and faster.

Growing potatoes requires a lot of effort and time. During the season, potato bushes need to be spudded several times: cover the stems with loose earth to provide the roots with free access to air and retain moisture. Thanks to hilling, lateral shoots (stolons) develop better, more new tubers are formed.

The use of small-scale mechanization greatly facilitates this process. There are many types attachments for walk-behind tractors or mini-tractors, as well as various hand tools designed for hilling.

Types of hillers

The easiest way is to loosen the ground between the rows with a hoe or chopper and pour soil under the bushes, forming mounds. But it is much more convenient to form ridges with a manual potato hiller. By hanging such a device on a walk-behind tractor or an electric cultivator, you can quickly process even fairly large areas.

In one pass, a manual hiller is processed on one side of two adjacent rows, and if the work item is attached to a walk-behind tractor, then several at once. On the small plot it is more convenient to use a hand tool.

In specialized stores, various models of hillers are sold, each of them has its own principle of operation. When choosing a tool for yourself, you need to take into account the size of the area to be treated, and if there is a walk-behind tractor or other unit, the brand and characteristics.

Depending on the principle of operation, hillers are:

  • disk;
  • plow.

According to the device of the working element, hillers are classified as follows:

  • models with a constant working width (distance between discs or plow shares);
  • models with adjustable working width.

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show manual hillers. These models are usually equipped with one working element and comfortable handles (for joint work of two people).

Fig 1. Disc hiller Fig 2. Plow with adjustable angle attacks

Figure 3 shows a hinged disk device with a connecting node to a motor-cultivator or mini-tractor. Such hillers may have one or more pairs of discs (or several plows) mounted on a special beam. The number of working elements depends on the power of the machine.

Fig 3. Walk-behind tractor with a disk hiller and adjustable working width

Self-made hillers

The purchase of such equipment will not be cheap. Having skills in plumbing and necessary tools, you can save money by making a potato hiller from improvised materials.

Let's take a closer look design features hillers that you can make yourself.

The most popular among gardeners are disk models, the main element of which is a pair of concave metal disks installed at an angle relative to each other. In turn, hillers of this type can be with a fixed or adjustable distance between the disks and the angle of inclination relative to the vertical stand. The discs are mounted directly on the axis or with the help of plain bearings, which greatly facilitates the work.

Hillers with plows (lister) are considered the simplest, and therefore the most reliable in operation. They come with a constant distance between the shares or with spacers installed, with which you can change the width of the grip (photo, Fig. 4). This type of hiller has a drawback - they require a cultivator with more power than disk ones.

Rice. 4. Plow with adjustable working width

Making a manual disk-type hiller

Rice. 5. Scheme of assembling a manual disk hiller

Getting started, you should first make a drawing of a disk-type hiller, guided by a detailed assembly diagram and putting down the exact dimensions.

To make such a device, you will need the following tools:

  • gas cutter - for cutting parts from sheet metal and steel profiles;
  • gas welding post - for connecting parts with welds;
  • gas burner - for heating sections of metal parts before bending them;
  • vise and other metalwork tools;
  • a powerful drill and a set of carbide drills for metal;
  • angle grinder (grinder) - for cleaning welds;
  • pipe bender - desirable, but not required.

Assembly diagram of a manual disk hiller

Land with potato sprouts; 2. Discs - 2 pcs.; 3. Cam-type mechanism - 2 pcs.; 4. Bracket - 2 pcs.; 5. Rack - 2 pcs.; 6. Scraper - 2 pcs.; 7. Bridge beam - 1 piece; 8. Locking bolt - 2 pcs.; 9. Handle-ridge - 1 pc.

The bridge beam is made of a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a wall thickness of at least 2.5 mm.

Rack (pos. 5 fig. 5)

Rice. 6. Rack for disk hiller

Sleeve - 2 pcs. thick-walled steel pipe diameter 45 mm (45x6.5);

Jumper - 1 pc. Steel pipe with a diameter of 32 mm (32x2.5):

Nut M10 - 2 pcs.

Handle-ridge (pos.9 fig. 5)

Rice. 7. Handle-ridge

Sleeve - 1 pc. (steel pipe 45×6.5, length 120 mm);

Nut Ml0 - 2 pcs.;

Communication - 2 pcs. (steel pipe 21×2.5, length 1400 mm);

Ukosina - 1 piece (steel pipe 21 × 2.5, 700 mm long);

Crossbar - 1 pc. (steel pipe 21×2.5);

Handle - 1 pc. (steel pipe 21×2.5, length 450 mm).

Scheme for adjusting the width of the disk hiller

Rice. 8. Scheme for adjusting the width of the disk hiller

View a - collapse; view b - convergence

Description of the assembly process

The main structural element is two concave-shaped metal disks connected to each other with a diameter of 370 to 700 mm with pointed edges. They must be made of steel sheet with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Craftsmen solve this problem in different ways, someone even adapts lids from failed large pots. Others cut off the bottom and top from the heating tank of an old boiler, you can remove the discs from a seeder that has served its time. It is acceptable to use old large diameter saw blades. But the best thing, of course, is to make stainless steel discs and give them the desired shape in production.

The simplest option is to fasten the discs using bushings welded together (two pieces of pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 50–80 mm). In this case, the distances between the lower points and the angles of inclination of the disks always remain unchanged. The discs rotate due to the sliding of the axles in bushings packed with grease (bolts of a suitable diameter and length are selected for the axles). With such a design, the row spacing will have to be made equal to this distance.

If hubs are welded to the disks, each of which will have two plain bearings installed (203, single-row ball is suitable), and the axles of the disks are aligned with the racks using homemade cam mechanisms, then the disks will be able to rotate freely, which will greatly facilitate work. A steel scraper mounted on the axis on the concave side of each disc will clean it of adhering earth during operation.

On the bridge beam, several through holes are drilled in increments of 50 mm in order to adjust the distance between the disks to the size of the row spacing. With such a mechanism, you can work alone, but it is easier and more convenient - together. It is advisable to make front and rear traction. Then one person will push the device from behind, and a partner will guide and pull forward.

On fig. 6, 7, 8 respectively show how vertical racks and what the handle-ridge looks like. On fig. 8 - mounting disks and ways to adjust them.

Installing a homemade hiller on a walk-behind tractor

The okuchnik, mounted on a walk-behind tractor, must be equipped with a clutch assembly with the unit. It must be made, taking into account the connecting dimensions of the counterpart, and provide pins that will firmly connect the attachment to the unit. All parts of the clutch assembly must be made of high-carbon steel sheet with a thickness of at least 5-7 mm. Bolts of suitable diameter and length can be used as pins.

Scheme of a disk hiller designed for installation on a mechanical or electric cultivator

Rice. 9. Scheme of a disk hiller for installation on a mechanical cultivator

In order to be able to adjust the angle of rotation of the disks, two turnbuckles are installed on the beam (see Fig. 10). To change the distance between the disks in the beam, a series of holes are drilled for bolted connections. The design must be completely symmetrical, otherwise during operation it will be difficult to withstand movement in a straight line, the hiller will begin to go to the side.

On fig. 10 shows the location of turnbuckles and special bolts (B and C), with which the position of the disks is adjusted.

Rice. 10. Turnbuckle adjustment

Making a plow hiller

It is also possible to make a hiller for lister (plow) type potatoes with fixed "wings" and with an adjustable distance between them.

A drawing of a plow for a hiller with an adjustable width between the shares, recommended for self-production.

Fig 11. Drawing of a plow-type hiller

If you provide such an element with two rods: rear and front, it is suitable for handmade. As an attachment, the plow can be mounted on a bridge beam with a connecting unit (to a motor or electric cultivator).

Motoblocks have long been popular among representatives of the agricultural sector. The versatility, compactness and high level of performance of such equipment are increasing every year, because special hinges contribute to this.

On the this moment There are many types of attachments on the market, but one of the most popular is the hiller.

Why do you need a hiller for a walk-behind tractor?

The specified element is used for planting vegetables and caring for them. It works quite simply: after installing the add-on and starting the walk-behind tractor, the part tows the car along the cultivated area with planted seeds, thereby sprinkling the future vegetation with the necessary layer of moist and slightly loose soil. Such an operation is of considerable importance, because it allows you to protect the seeds from negative atmospheric influences, increase the level of oxygen saturation, and stimulate growth.

Experts note that hilling with a walk-behind tractor also helps to rid the earth of excess moisture in order to avoid decay. After processing, the sun's rays penetrate the soil much better, and some harmful insects end up on the surface, where they are "cleaned" by birds. Some weeds are also destroyed, so elementary processing can be safely considered a partial replacement for the use of herbicides. It is important to note that hillers are most often used to process potato plantings.

Which hiller is better for a walk-behind tractor?

Modern manufacturers of agricultural machinery are trying to meet the ever-increasing demands of users, so each brand produces specialized hillers that are fully adapted to the specifics of a walk-behind tractor of a particular manufacturer. For example, for Neva, MB 2, MB 1 and Agro units, you can purchase the following types of additional assistants:

Hillers for potatoes to a walk-behind tractor with a clearly marked working width

Such an object is considered one of the simplest and has another name - lister. It is used for processing row-spacings of a narrow plan, the width of which does not exceed 30 cm. As for the design features, the hitch consists of several wings fixed relative to each other. This option is suitable for low power walk-behind tractors (about 3.5 hp). A thin rack contributes to the appearance of additional protection of the device from overloads. The negative aspects of such a development include the impossibility of working with wet ground, since the soil simply sticks to the wings, preventing the equipment from performing its task;

Okuchnik with variable working width

The main advantage of this type of tool is the ability to adjust the processing width. With its help, it will be possible to process rows of completely different sizes. Suitable for more powerful machines, because it consumes more energy. Often, such devices have the form of two-row hillers, which allow you to perform the necessary operations with even greater efficiency. For adequate operation, it is necessary to put the lugs of the walk-behind tractor on extension cords;

Disc hiller

It is considered the most convenient, since it can be used to qualitatively prepare furrows for planting seeds. A feature of the part is the placement of disk-dumps at a certain angle. The productivity of use is much higher than that of the previously considered models;

The specificity of the development of such a plan is the rotation of the wings in several planes. It seems that the lower edge of the wings follows the contour of the crest. This approach allows you to make care more productively with minimal energy costs. Affordability is also a significant plus;

Propeller hiller active plan (rotary)

The technical device allows you to qualitatively perform the hilling procedure, toss the earth precisely to the roots of plants. Important point: you can work with such a device in the second forward gear of the walk-behind tractor, which not every machine can boast of. The increased gear will allow the hiller to rotate at a speed of 160-180 turns per minute, due to which the soil is “transferred” from the row spacing to the rows themselves.

Because in Lately agronomists are increasingly using double row hiller, you should consider the specifics of installing a hinge of the specified plan. Often, fixation occurs through the operation of special hitches SV-2 and SV-1/1. A prerequisite for competent installation is the presence of lugs, the diameter of which should not be lower than 600 mm. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid squeezing the potato tops by the reducer.

It is important to correctly direct the hiller, because it will be possible to obtain the desired result only if it is oriented parallel to the soil surface. This can be done simply by just adjusting a few bolts on the bracket. In the process, special attention should be paid to the selection of the furrow width and the depth of immersion in the ground, because after processing the ridges should be at the same level. This depth is regulated by several methods:

  • The master must be guided by the height of the mounting holes;
  • The presence of screw adjustment (for adjustable objects) will allow, while turning the handle, to change the angle between the frame of the nozzle and the unit itself.

To adjust the width of the furrows, you should use the frame fastening brackets (shift or push them apart). You can also follow the instructions in the following videos:

We create a do-it-yourself hiller for a walk-behind tractor

It is quite logical that the owners of walk-behind tractors want to expand the range of tasks performed by the machine with the help of a hiller. It’s just that some don’t express much desire to spend money on this, trying to create homemade devices. Oddly enough, but they do it very well!

It is worth noting that one cannot do without elementary plumbing equipment.

For further manipulations, you need:

  • Apparatus for welding (arc);
  • Electric sharpener;
  • Gas-burner;
  • Vise;
  • Bulgarian. It is desirable that the device be of medium power and have peeling and cutting discs in the set;
  • Drill and drills;
  • Files;
  • Locksmith workbench.

Hiller with fixed and adjustable angle (lister)

We have already commemorated this type earlier, and now we will consider the drawings that allow us to assemble the indicated part on our own.

The fixed type belongs to the class of the most easily created hillers. The base is obtained using a steel sheet, the thickness of which is not less than 3 mm. For its formation, only high-quality materials should be used, because this node has to be the first to meet the resistance of the soil.

To create a bracket, a four-millimeter steel strip should be used. It is important to harden the part after the forming process. A spring leaf can be used as a field board. But for starters, the metal should be “released” and hardened. For the rack, it is important to choose strips with a thickness of at least 8 mm.

Welding is carried out in several passes, on each side of the joint. You can create wings from thinner sheets (2 mm). Special attention must be paid to dimensionality otherwise the docking of the base with the wings may fail.

Almost any template can be used to bend the wings, even a steel pipe of a suitable diameter.