Minimum exam score in computer science. How many points do you need to score on the exam in the Russian language? How do USE scores affect college admissions?

The Unified State Examination (USE) is the most important and serious test for all school graduates. Its results determine whether yesterday's student will be able to enter a university and whether he will receive the right to apply for a place in prestigious faculties. Therefore, it is not surprising that both future applicants and their parents follow any changes in the exam.

It is worth noting that the test itself is relatively new for our country, so its conditions often change. At the same time, any aspects of the exam can be adjusted, whether it is the procedure for conducting it or the list of required subjects.

But most of all, future graduates are interested in the issue of minimum scores in certain disciplines. This information makes it clear how deep knowledge you need to have in order to enter a university.

Any graduate who successfully passed the USE in 2019 in the compulsory Russian language and basic mathematics will receive a certificate.

The 2019 threshold for all general education subjects can be found in the tables below


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social Studies




Foreign language


An applicant, having overcome the threshold, but failing to score the minimum score of the university, cannot participate in the competitive selection.

How many points do you need to score to enter the university

This category of minimum points already entitles the applicant to apply to higher educational institutions and participate in the competition for a place. How high a student's rating will be depends on the number of his points and the competition in the chosen specialty.

From year to year, these figures change only slightly, so the level of required knowledge of students remains approximately the same.

So, in 2018, the following rules apply:

  • when passing the Russian language, you need to score at least 36 points;
  • when passing basic or specialized mathematics - 27 points;
  • when passing physics - 36 points;
  • when passing chemistry - 36 points;
  • when passing social studies - 42 points;
  • when passing literature - 32 points;
  • when passing history - 29 points;
  • upon delivery foreign language the minimum score will be 22;

  • in geography, you need to score at least 40 points;
  • in biology - 36 points;
  • in computer science - 40 points.

Having scored the required number of points in the selected subjects, the student can safely apply to universities for the chosen specialties. However, this is far from an indicator that admission will be simple.

With a minimum score, a chance to enter a good educational institution or to get a place in a demanded specialty is a very difficult task. Due to competition, an applicant may simply not pass the competitive selection by points.

It will also be difficult to enter the budget. To do this, you will have to apply to the least rated universities, while choosing specialties that are not currently prestigious.

Therefore, it is necessary to measure your strength with ambitions. It is better to think over several options in advance, including in the list both a good university and a spare one, where it will be easier to enter.

Points for admission to the "budget"

Pupils who graduated from school with excellent marks have the opportunity to enter a university for a budget place and not pay for acquiring higher education. Becoming a "state employee" at all times was not an easy task, because much more was required of such applicants.

In this regard, the current situation has not changed much, and applicants for free education will have to try hard.

Obviously, to get budget place it is not enough to score the minimum number of points. Moreover, even a “standard” passing grade is not enough! Depending on the specific university, in order to enter this form of study, an applicant must receive at least 80 points in a specialized subject.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that everything also depends on the specialty: the more prestigious it is, the higher the competition, which means that the higher the mark you need to get in order to withstand it.

As a rule, in the fall, universities publish recommendatory information for applicants, including the number of points with which you can go to a particular form of study. Therefore, it makes sense to select institutions for admission in advance and regularly monitor their news and changes in requirements.

Features of preparation for the exam

To get the right grade and enter the university, you need to try hard and pay special attention to preparing for the exam. The specificity of this exam is that the "standard" knowledge that students are given at school is not enough to recruit a large number points.

In the classroom, teachers simply do not have time to convey all the necessary information, moreover, they have neither the time nor the opportunity to explain in detail to each student the moments that seem incomprehensible.

Given this, in order to prepare for the exam, you need to work hard with a tutor or on your own during after hours using special aids. It is recommended to start preparing in advance, and not just a month or two before the exam, but even a year or more. This will allow you to study slowly necessary material going into all the details.

The 2018-2019 academic year will be the graduation year for many Russian schoolchildren who are already concerned about successfully passing the Unified State Exam and successfully entering a good university.

We will tell you how exam papers are checked in various subjects, how the scale for converting USE scores into grades works, and what innovations can be expected in 2019.

Principles for evaluating the work of the USE 2019

For several recent years the USE system in a number of subjects has undergone significant changes and has been brought to the optimal (according to the organizers) format, which makes it possible to fully assess the amount of knowledge of a graduate in a particular subject.

No fundamental changes are expected in 2018-2019, and we can say with confidence that the same principles will be applied to evaluate the work of graduates as in 2017-2018:

  1. automated verification of forms;
  2. involvement of experts in checking tasks with detailed answers.

How does the computer evaluate?

The first part of the examination paper involves a short answer to the questions posed, which the USE participant must enter in a special answer form.

Important! Before starting the work, be sure to read the rules for filling out the form, as an incorrectly executed work will not pass an automated check.

It is quite difficult to challenge the result of a computer check. If the work was not counted due to the fault of the participant who incorrectly filled out the form, the result is equated to unsatisfactory.

How do experts evaluate?

In many subjects, in addition to the test part, there are tasks that require a full detailed answer. Since it is impossible to automate the process of checking such answers, experts are involved in the verification - experienced teachers with a long work experience.

Checking USE teacher does not know (and even with a strong desire cannot find out) whose work lies before him and in what city (region) it was written. Verification is carried out on the basis of uniform assessment criteria developed specifically for each subject. Each work is checked by two experts. If the opinion of the experts coincides, the assessment is put on the form, but if independent appraisers disagree, then a third expert is involved in the verification, whose opinion will be decisive.

That is why it is important to write legibly and accurately so that there is no ambiguous interpretation of words and phrases.

Primary and test scores

Based on the results of the test, the USE participant is awarded a certain number of primary points, which are then transferred to text (points for the entire test). In different subjects, a different maximum of primary points is provided, depending on the number of tasks. But after bringing the result according to the corresponding table, the USE participant receives the final test score, which is the official result of his final tests (maximum 100 points).

So, in order to pass the exam, it is enough to score the established minimum threshold for the initial score:

Minimum points



Russian language

Mathematics (profile)


Social Studies

Foreign languages




Focusing on these numbers, you can accurately understand that the exam has been passed. But what kind of assessment? The online scale of 2018 will help you with this, designed specifically for converting primary USE scores into test ones, which will also be relevant for the results of 2019. A handy calculator can be found on the website

Announcement of official results

Graduates are always concerned about the question - how quickly you can find out what result was obtained when passing and what will be the scale for converting points scored on the exam into traditional grades in 2019.

Teachers are often taken to reassure students by working through the tasks of the USE tickets immediately after the exam and evaluating the quality of the work done by the pupils and the amount of primary points scored. Official results must be expected for 8-14 days, according to the established regulations for the USE-2019. On average, the organizers approve the following inspection schedules:

  • 3 days to check the work;
  • 5-6 days for information processing at the federal level;
  • 1 working day to approve the results of the SEC;
  • 3 days to post results online and transfer data to educational institutions.

In the event of unforeseen situations and technical problems, these terms may be revised.

You can find out the owl score:

  • directly at your school;
  • on the portal;
  • on the website.

Converting points to grade

Since 2009 USE results are not included in the graduate certificate. Therefore, today there is no official state system transferring the USE result into an assessment on a school 5-point scale. As part of the introductory campaign, the test score scored in the exam is always summed up and taken into account. But, many students are still interested to know how they passed the exam - 3 or 4, 4 or 5. For this, there is a special table that details the correspondence for each of the 100 points for each of the subjects.

Russian language



Social Studies

Foreign languages




Using such a table is quite inconvenient. It is much easier to find out how you passed the Russian language, mathematics or history using the online calculator, which also contains the USE score conversion scale, which is relevant for 2019 graduates.

Having received the result of the exam, it is worth deciding on the university as soon as possible, comparing your capabilities with the real competition for the specialties of interest. Thus, the practice of past years shows that in a number of cases it is difficult to get into the most popular areas in the capital's universities even with high scores, because not only the holders of 100-point USE results, but also winners of the largest Olympiads of the 2018-2019 academic year will compete for places.

  • 0-35 points - score " 2 »,
  • 36-52 points - score " 3 »,
  • 53-67 points - score " 4 »,
  • 68 and above points - score " 5 »;

The distribution of points for each task of the exam in physics

  • 1 point- for 1-4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 tasks.
  • 2 points - 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 24.
  • 3 points- 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 tasks with a detailed answer are evaluated according to the criteria from FIPI (see below)

Total: 52 points.

  • The minimum USE test score is 36
  • The minimum primary USE score is 11

Primary score

Secondary (test) score
1 4
2 7
3 10
4 14
5 17
6 20
7 23
8 27
9 30
10 33
11 36
12 38
13 39
14 40
15 41
16 42
17 44
18 45
19 46
20 47
21 48
22 49
23 51
24 52
25 53
26 54
27 55
28 57
29 58
30 59
31 60
32 61
33 62
34 64
35 66
36 68
37 70
38 72
39 74
40 76
41 78
42 80
43 82
44 84
45 86
46 88
47 90
48 92
49 94
50 96
51 98
52 100

Criteria for evaluating tasks with a detailed answer

1 point

  • A solution corresponding to one of the following cases is presented. The correct answer to the question of the task is given, and an explanation is given, but it does not indicate two phenomena or physical laws necessary for a complete correct explanation.
  • OR All the phenomena and laws, patterns necessary for explaining are indicated, but the existing reasoning aimed at obtaining an answer to the task question has not been completed.
  • OR All the phenomena and laws necessary for explanation, regularities are indicated, but the existing reasoning leading to the answer contains errors.
  • OR Not all the phenomena and laws, patterns necessary for explaining are indicated, but there are correct arguments aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points -

  1. the law of conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of mechanical energy, Newton's second law for the motion of a body in a circle; it is taken into account that at the upper point the tension force of the thread vanishes);
  2. (with the exception of the designations of the constants specified in the CMM variant and the designations used in the condition of the problem);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations were carried out, leading to the correct numerical answer (the solution “in parts” with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. the correct answer is presented indicating the units of measurement of the desired value.

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, regularities are correctly recorded, and the necessary transformations are carried out. But there are the following disadvantages.
  • OR In the solution, extra entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect) are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, frame, etc.).
  • OR Errors were made in the necessary mathematical transformations or calculations, and (or) the transformations/calculations were not completed.
  • OR .

1 point

  • Only provisions and formulas are presented that express the physical laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem, without any transformations with their use, aimed at solving the problem, and the answer.
  • OR The solution lacks ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve the problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR ONE from the initial formulas necessary to solve the problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), an error was made, but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem

0 points

  • All decision cases that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. the provisions of the theory and physical laws are written down, the laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: expression for the Archimedes force, the relationship between mass and density, the Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation, the condition for lifting the ball);
  2. all newly introduced in the solution letter designations of physical quantities are described
  3. the correct answer is presented indicating the units of measurement of the desired value

2 points

  • Records corresponding to item II are incomplete or missing.
  • AND (OR)
  • AND (OR)
  • AND (OR) Clause IV is missing or in error

1 point- Entries corresponding to one of the following cases are presented.

  • OR
  • OR IN ONE from the initial formulas necessary for solving this problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), an error was made, but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem

0 points

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. the provisions of the theory and physical laws are written down, the laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: formulas for calculating electrical capacity, charge and voltage for capacitors connected in series and in parallel, determination of electrical capacity, formula for the energy of a charged capacitor);
  2. all newly introduced in the solution letter designations of physical quantities are described (with the exception of the designations of the constants specified in the CMM version, the designations used in the problem statement, and the standard designations of quantities used when writing physical laws);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations were carried out, leading to the correct numerical answer (the solution “in parts” with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. correct answer provided

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, regularities are correctly recorded, and the necessary transformations are carried out. But there are one or more of the following disadvantages.
  • Records corresponding to item II are incomplete or missing.
  • AND (OR) The solution contains extra entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect), which are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, frame, etc.).
  • AND (OR) Errors were made in the necessary mathematical transformations or calculations, and/or logically important steps were omitted in the mathematical transformations/calculations.
  • AND (OR) Clause IV is missing or in error

1 point- Entries corresponding to one of the following cases are presented.

  • Only provisions and formulas are presented that express physical laws, the application of which is necessary and sufficient for solving this problem, without any transformations with their use aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR The solution lacks ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve this problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

  • All cases of decision that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points.

Maximum score - 3

3 points - A complete solution is provided, including the following elements:

  1. the provisions of the theory and physical laws are written down, the laws, the application of which is necessary to solve the problem in the chosen way (in this case: thin lens formula, condition of equality of angular velocities of the source and its image, linear velocity formula);
  2. all newly introduced in the solution letter designations of physical quantities are described (with the exception of the designations of the constants specified in the CMM version, the designations used in the problem statement, and the standard designations of quantities used when writing physical laws);
  3. the necessary mathematical transformations and calculations were carried out, leading to the correct numerical answer (the solution “in parts” with intermediate calculations is allowed);
  4. correct answer provided

2 points

  • All the necessary provisions of the theory, physical laws, regularities are correctly recorded, and the necessary transformations are carried out. But there are one or more of the following disadvantages.
  • Records corresponding to item II are incomplete or missing.
  • AND (OR) The solution contains extra entries that are not included in the solution (possibly incorrect), which are not separated from the solution (not crossed out; not enclosed in brackets, frame, etc.).
  • AND (OR) Errors were made in the necessary mathematical transformations or calculations, and/or logically important steps were omitted in the mathematical transformations/calculations.
  • AND (OR) Clause IV is missing or in error

1 point- Entries corresponding to one of the following cases are presented.

  • Only provisions and formulas are presented that express physical laws, the application of which is necessary and sufficient for solving this problem, without any transformations with their use aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR The solution lacks ONE of the original formulas necessary to solve this problem (or the statement underlying the solution), but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.
  • OR IN ONE from the initial formulas necessary for solving this problem (or in the statement underlying the solution), an error was made, but there are logically correct transformations with the available formulas aimed at solving the problem.

0 points

  • All cases of decision that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1, 2, 3 points.

Maximum score - 3

In some tasks, there are several correct solutions, due to which different interpretations of the correct execution of the task are possible. Don't be afraid to appeal if you think your score has been miscalculated.

Read the general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, KIM USE 2019 has changed somewhat.

EGE assessment

Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Exam in physics, at least for a three, it was enough to score 36 primary points. They were given, for example, for correctly completed the first 10 tasks of the test.

How it will be in 2019 is still not known for sure: you need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score has increased from 50 to 52, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change slightly.

In the meantime, you can focus on these tables:

USE structure

In 2019, the exam in physics consists of two parts. Task No. 24 on knowledge of astrophysics was added to the first part. Because of this, the total number of tasks in the test increased to 32.

  • Part 1: 24 tasks (1-24) with a short answer that is a digit (whole number or decimal) or a sequence of digits.
  • Part 2: 7 tasks (25–32) with a detailed answer, they need to describe in detail the entire course of the task.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass the USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Physics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests were developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Examination by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official USE options.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.
  • Get familiar with the basic formulas for preparing for the exam, they will help refresh your memory before proceeding with the demo and test options.

General USE numbers

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 32
2010 34 51,32 213 186 5 114 210
2011 33 51,54 173 574 7,4 206 210
2012 36 46,7 217 954 12,6 41 210
2013 36 53,5 208 875 11 474 210
2014 36 45,4 235
2015 36 51,2 235
2016 36 235
2017 36 235

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
27.02.2019 No. 10-151

federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science in accordance with paragraph 21 of the Procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated November 7, 2018 No. 189/1513 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 10, 2018, registration No. 52953) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), sends recommendations for use in the work on determining the minimum mastering educational programs of basic general education by students in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for basic general education (hereinafter - the minimum number of primary points), recommendations for transferring the sum of primary points for the examination papers of the main state exam (hereinafter - the OGE) and the state final exam (hereinafter - GVE) into the five-point grading system in 2019.

In accordance with paragraph 22 of the Procedure, the executive authorities of the subjects Russian Federation those exercising state administration in the field of education ensure the conduct of the state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, including determining the minimum number of primary points, and also ensure the transfer of the sum of primary points for the exam papers of the OGE and GVE into a five-point assessment system. Application: for 14 liters.

Deputy Head: A.A. Muzaev

The scale for converting the primary score for the performance of the examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale.


2019 year.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-25 points - mark "3"

    26-36 points - mark "4"

    37-46 points - mark "5"

2018 year.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 46.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-25 points - mark "3"

    26-36 points - mark "4"

    37-46 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.


The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 46.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-25 points - mark "3"

    26-36 points - mark "4"

    37-46 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.


The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 46.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-25 points - mark "3"

    26-36 points - mark "4"

    37-46 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.


The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 46.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-25 points - mark "3"

    26-36 points - mark "4"

    37-46 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.

year 2014.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 46.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-25 points - mark "3"

    26-37 points - mark "4"

    38-46 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.

year 2013.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 43.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-24 points - mark "3"

    25-35 points - mark "4"

    36-43 points - mark "5"

year 2012.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 40 points.

    0-12 points - mark "2"

    13-24 points - mark "3"

    25-33 points - mark "4"

    34-40 points - mark "5"

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. The benchmark for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 31 points.


    0-11 points - mark "2"

    12-21 points - mark "3"

    22-32 points - mark "4"

    33-43 points - mark "5"

The proposed lower limit of points for marking “3” is a guideline for territorial subject commissions and can be reduced, but not lower than up to 11 points.

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection in specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 32 points.


    0-11 points - mark "2"

    12-21 points - mark "3"

    22-31 points - mark "4"

    32-41 points - mark "5"

year 2009.

    0-11 points - mark "2"

    12-21 points - mark "3"

    22-31 points - mark "4"

    32-41 points - mark "5"