A beautiful parable about a woman on March 8. Parable about women. Ways to apologize to a woman

What to do if the husband beats?

Interesting question isn't it?

Many women (especially in Russia) are looking for an answer to it.

Then smart reasoning begins on the net and on television in popular programs (I looked at my head a couple of these).
Everyone is discussing in unison: whether to leave, whether to forgive, whether to issue ultimatums, etc.

I'll ask you one more question.

What to do if there is a fire in the room where you are?
Why is there no clever reasoning on this topic?
Whether to run, whether to stay, whether he hopes that everything will work out, whether to believe in the best, etc.
The answer is obvious isn't it? You need to run away and call the firemen!

The answer to the first question is just as obvious! You need to run away and call the police!

Do you know why Russian men beat women, and this phenomenon is so common in Russia?
Because on the first channel, right in the studio in a popular program (and not in one), they are trying to reconcile a woman with scars, beatings and bruises on her face, with her husband, who “of course” realized everything, who “of course” asks for forgiveness, who of COURSE will continue to beat her as soon as she forgives him.

At this time, I only care about one question: what is he doing in the studio? Why isn't he behind bars?
And a woman who is a victim of violence also hears something in the spirit addressed to her: she herself is to blame, there was no need to provoke him. Hello! People, are you normal???

When I see and hear this, I want to cry, scream, go out into the street and arrange a rally!

Dear dear women, at what point did you begin to hate yourself so cruelly? Some women allow themselves to be beaten and humiliated, others justify tyrants and blame the unfortunate victims.

You know, self-respect should be the basis of education.
Unfortunately, the basis of education, today, is respect for those who are stronger than you.

That is why women tolerate the husbands of tyrants. That's how they were brought up.

You know, speaking of evolution, we haven't gone very far.
What is happening in the animal kingdom? Who is stronger is right. Whoever is stronger survives.
That's what we think in the 21st century.
A woman subconsciously wants to be close to a strong man, only we have not been living in caves for a long time, and man's strength is measured not in the diameter of your black eye, but in something else. In what? It's up to you to decide.

If you have read so far and my words touched you even a little, I beg you to share this post with those who are not indifferent to you. This post could save someone's life. At the very least, help to rethink and rethink a lot.

I believe that all is not yet lost. It's not too late to run out of the burning house, call the firemen, it's not too late to help those who survived. And I ask you not to point your finger at them and shout that they themselves are to blame. I beg you, do not persuade any woman in the world to go back into the burning house! You don’t need to be accomplices in the crime, you understand that most likely, she will never come out of there safe and sound.

PS - if you have children (boys), then tell them that strength should be measured not by the swing of the fist, but by the width of the heart and the kindness of the soul.


The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say that tomorrow I will be sent to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought for a moment, then said again:
- Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, that's enough for me to be happy.
God replied:
- Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.
- O! But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language? the child asked, gazing intently at God. “What should I do if I want to contact you?”
God gently touched the child's head and said:
- Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray.
Then the child asked:
- I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even risking his own life.
"I'll be sad because I won't be able to see you anymore..."
- Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.
At that moment, voices began to be heard from the Earth; and the child in a hurry asked:
- God, tell me, what is the name of my angel?
- His name doesn't matter. You will just call him Mom.

The Courage of a Mother (Fareed Ad-Din Attar)

In the time of the Prophet, there was a pious woman named Umm Abdallah who had an eighteen-year-old son. The son fell ill with a fever and died.
But the woman did not complain and thought only of how to convey this mournful news to her father when he returned, tired to death, from field work. When her husband returned and asked about her son, she said:
He's sleeping, don't wake him up.
She served him dinner, then he went to the mosque and slept peacefully through the night in the arms of his wife. In the morning she told him:
- Yesterday I saw something strange: our neighbors were given something for safekeeping, the owner came and demanded their things back. Then they started crying and complaining.
The husband responded to this that they were stupid: after all, they had only freed themselves from the duty assigned to them. Then she told him what happened to their son. The husband saw her restraint and courageously endured a heavy grief.

Woman's heart

God, creating a woman for the sixth day, worked overtime. The angel appeared and asked:
Why do you spend so much time working with her?
To which God replied:
- Have you seen the instructions? It should not be afraid of moisture, but not be plastic; it must consist of 200 moving parts, all of which must be replaced; it must be kept on coffee and leftover food; her knees should be such that two children can fit on them at once, but when she gets up, they should look graceful; her kiss should heal everything from a scratch to a broken heart; she must have six pairs of hands.
The angel was very surprised that there were so many requirements for this creature.
- Six hands! Well, I do not! cried the angel.
God replied:
- Oh, yes, the trouble is not in the hands. And in three pairs of eyes that every mother must have!
- And this is all in a typical model? the Angel asked, referring to the three pairs of eyes.
God nodded.
- Yes, one pair of eyes so that the mother can see through closed door when she asks her children what they are doing, even though she already knows. The second pair of eyes to see what she needs to know, although others do not even know about it. And the third couple - in order to look at the spoiled child, without words, tell him that she loves and understands him.
An angel tried to stop God:
- But it's so much work, enough for today, finish tomorrow.
- But I can't, - answered God - I'm almost finishing my masterpiece, which is so close to my heart.
The angel came and touched the woman.
- God, but she's so tender?
- Yes, it is tender - the Creator agreed. “But I made her strong.” You have no idea how much she can endure and how much to do.
- Can she think? - asked the angel.
God assured:
- She not only knows how to think, she can argue and prove.
Then the angel noticed something, reached out and touched the woman's cheek.
- Oh, this model seems to let water through. I told you that you're trying to fit too much into it.
“It doesn’t leak,” the creator denied. - It's a tear!
Why is she crying? - surprised Angel.
The Lord explained:
- Through tears, she can show her joy, feelings, pain, disappointment, loneliness and pride.
The angel was delighted.
Lord, you are a genius! You definitely thought it over, because the woman is really extraordinary?!

Women surprise men with their strength.
They raise children, endure all difficulties, but at the same time they shine with happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are very happy and laugh when they are worried.
They fight for what they believe in and boldly oppose injustice.
They don't take no for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They say:
The woman originated from the rib of the man.
Not from the foot to be humiliated.
Not out of my head to excel.
But from side to side.
Out of hand to be protected
And from the side of the heart to be loved!

Parable about mother

The Young Mother has just entered the path of motherhood. Holding the baby in her arms and smiling, she thought: “How long will this happiness last?” And the Angel said to her: “The path of motherhood is long and difficult. And you will grow old before you reach the end of it. But, know, the end will be better than the beginning.” But, the young Mother was happy, and she could not imagine that there could be anything better than these years. She played with her children and picked flowers for them along the way and bathed them in the streams. clean waters; and the sun shone joyfully on them, and the young Mother cried: “Nothing can be more beautiful than this happy time!” And when the night came, and the storm began, and the dark road became invisible, and the children trembled with fear and cold, I pressed them close to my heart and covered them with my veil... And the children said: “Mom, we are not afraid, because you are near and nothing terrible can happen.”

And when the morning came, they saw a mountain in front of them, and the children began to climb up and got tired ... And the Mother was also tired, but all the time she said to the children: “Be patient: a little more, and we are there.” And when the kids got up and reached the top, they said, “Mom, we would never have made it without you!”

And then the Mother, lying down at night, looked at the stars and said: “This is a better day than the last, because my children have learned the strength of the spirit in the face of difficulties. Yesterday I gave them courage. Today I gave them strength.”

And the next day, strange clouds appeared that darkened the earth. They were clouds of war, hatred and evil. And the children searched in the dark for their Mother... and when they stumbled upon her, Mother said to them, "Raise your eyes to the Light." And the children looked and saw above these clouds the Eternal Glory of the Universe, and it brought them out of the darkness.

And that night Mother said, "This is the best day of all, for I have shown my children God."

And days passed, and weeks, and months, and years, and Mother grew old and hunched a little... But her children were tall and strong, and boldly walked through life. And when the path was too difficult, they picked her up and carried her, because she was light as a feather ... And finally they climbed the mountain, and already without her they could see that the roads were bright, and the golden gates were wide open.

And Mother said, “I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know that the end is better than the beginning, because my children can go on their own, and their children follow them.”

And the children said: “Mom, you will always be with us, even when you pass through these gates.” And they stood and watched as she went on alone, and as the gate closed behind her. And then they said, “We can't see her, but she's still with us. Mom, like ours, is more than a memory. She is a Living Presence…….”

Your Mom is always with you ....: she is in the whisper of the leaves when you walk down the street; she is the smell of your freshly laundered socks or bleached sheets; she is a cool hand on your forehead when you are not feeling well. Your Mom lives inside your laughter. And she is a crystal in every drop of your tears. She is where you arrive from Heaven - your first home; and she is the map you follow with every step you take.

She is your first love and your first heartbreak, and nothing on earth can separate you. No time, no place...not even death!

mother's heart

The mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. But the girl's heart was black, unkind. The son brought his young wife to his home. The mother-in-law did not like the daughter-in-law, she said to her husband: "Let the mother not come into the hut, put her in the hallway." The son settled the mother in the passage, forbade her to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear to the evil daughter-in-law in front of her eyes. As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the passage, the mother hid under the bed. But this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: "So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house. Move her to the barn." The son moved his mother to the barn. Only at night did the mother come out of the dark barn.

A young beauty was resting one evening under a blossoming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife got angry, ran to her husband: "If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me." The son's heart did not tremble, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: "Let's go, mother, we swim in the river." They go to the river, rocky shore. Mother tripped on a stone. The son got angry: "What are you, mom, stumbling over?" Why don't you look down at your feet? So we will go to the river until evening."

They came, undressed, bathed. The son killed his mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it on a maple leaf, carries it. A mother's heart flutters. The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee, a hot mother's heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: My dear son, didn't you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.
The son sobbed, grabbed the hot mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured hot tears over him. He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother.

And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest. After that, the son could not return to his beautiful wife, she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. Together they went to the steppe and became two mounds. And every morning the rising sun with its first rays illuminates the tops of the barrows...

Moral: There is no love stronger than mother's, there is no tenderness more tender than the caress and care of the mother, there is no anxiety more disturbing than sleepless nights and mother's unclosed eyes. "If a spark ignited in a son's heart, a thousand times less than mother's love," Ukrainian folk wisdom says, "then this spark would burn with an unquenchable flame all human life."

Women's Day on March 8, as a rule, is celebrated several times: with colleagues and classmates, with relatives, with girlfriends and friends. And at any feast, especially if it takes place in close company, in addition to solemn congratulations, there is a place for jokes and anecdotes about the holiday, which will both amuse and give rise to discussion at the table.

Offered here table jokes and toasts for March 8, full of love and irony, kind and not so, lyrical and funny - choose those that suit your company. This collection is collected from various sources (thanks to the authors) and everyone can find something of their own in it.

1. Comic alcohol horoscope for ladies on March 8

And on a horse, in short, everything is about, kay!

And the pulse is faster, shine in the eyes,

But it wouldn't hurt to have a quick drink.

And the stars of each lady by sign,

In short, under which they were born,

They will give advice on what and how much to drip,

Madame strongly, so as not to get drunk.


Depending on what time you start

But still, cognac is preferable,

Just a couple of drops you pour into yourself,

The world will be painted pink - that's it!

And all men will appear surrounded

Pretty cute for you

And if the drink brought doubts to the soul,

Add beer, Aries - just right!


Taurus is not worth charming,

For libations stronger than wine

Of course, if it's trash, then it will suit you,

And vodka, and tequila - all the same.

In extreme cases, you can Madeira,

A couple of glasses is enough

And you leave the rest to the gentlemen,

And everyone will understand that the truth is in wine!


Cuties Gemini will become happier,

If they allow themselves at the table,

Champagne, they won't get tired until the night,

And they will have fun, and moreover,

Shampoo will add charm to you,

And add a little charm to Gemini,

But only in the morning - there will be a cry of despair,

Do you agree? Well, then we drink to the ladies.

Bottles of square Amaretto,

For dear Cancers it will be behind the eyes,

And to conquer men at the same time,

Stick out your little finger then.

And drink, Cancer, sip, knowing

What quickly knocks down liquor,

You do not lose the thread of the conversation,

Have a snack, in general, the stars know.

For the Lionesses, of course, tequila,

Let her be nice to you

And white teeth, sticking into a lemon,

Don't forget you shoot with your eyes.

And the whole world will submit to the Lionesses,

Tequila will let you turn around

And ask to buy yogurt

You need someone to move in the morning.


Port wine Lagrima white - now Virgo

Perfect for drinking

Olives, meat for a snack, and you are brave,

Charm everyone instantly, high

Dev will have self-esteem right there,

But the nose does not need to be turned up too much,

Port wine is port wine, but control, nevertheless, is needed.

And it is undesirable to use cognac.


Scales for feelings of fullness,

You can indulge in gin today,

Not the one, of course, that will fulfill all the dreams,

And alcoholic, with tonic.

You will not be anxious, do not be afraid,

Just stock up more snacks

And that's it, calmly you relax on the 8th,

Baldeyte, in general, hang out.


And Scorpios prefer beer,

Of course, not the Baltic nine,

And Guinness, for example, or El will bring in,

Riddles to you, and it will become sweet

Today life is for gentle Scorpios,

And your laughter will become mischievous after beer,

Eat a fish you carelessly

A complex problem turns out to be simple.


Chablis Grand Cru - great for Sagittarius

A bit pricey, but

Any man is ready for this

For anything, nothing

He will not feel sorry for Sagittarius,

Drop a little into his glass,

And after dinner, good luck to you on a platter,

Everything will be cool with you, in general, on the road!


And Capricorns will stop now,

Twist yourself and cry about fate,

And so that your determination does not become less,

You order vodka for yourself.

Mix well with juice

Tomato, orange will go,

Fry meat, and do not spare mustard,

You will like it - the horoscope does not lie!


Marsala is suitable for Aquarius,

One bottle is enough

Well, if it seems to you that is not enough,

Let me try vodka already,

But just give me a sandwich with sausage.

And if you are not afraid for walking,

Then boldly drink, Aquarius, here!


Strike or Jaguar, Pisces better avoid

Beer, for starters,

But don't drink vodka.

The best option would be

You Cahors, a couple of bottles,

Chocolate, meat on a platter,

Give Pisces some heat!

(Source: novyy-god.ru)

2. Toast - monologue for March 8 "Let's be women!"

Recently, an interesting thought occurred to me: what if men had the same psyche as women? On the one hand, they would be morally stronger than they are now, perhaps even a number drinking men would have been reduced. On the other hand... Are we ready to endure their whims? “I want,” the men would constantly whimper and rush into tears for the sake of a new fur coat. Although no, for the sake of a new fishing rod, for example. They would freeze at the shop windows and, turning to you, would clap their eyelashes and, smiling, say: “Honey, I have always dreamed of such a ring (suit, shirt, boat, finally). Will you give it to me?" And there was nothing left to do but to buy this little thing. Men would make eyes and wait for that pretty blonde to come up. They would flinch and snuggle up to women while watching a horror movie together - and this is with male dimensions! Just imagine how they would drive a car! It is good if the eyes are not closed in front of the oncoming traffic. It would be fun to live, to be sure! In the meantime, men do not have a female psyche, let's “get stuck” at the shops, cry because you have a fur coat for the second year already. Be afraid of everything you can. Let's be women!

3. Table joke "Dear women..."

For lovely ladies today wishes,

A flurry of compliments, an ocean of attention,

Smiles are clear, love is boundless,

Gifts are different, gifts are different

Gifts are different, gentle words.

For the ladies today songs and bouquets

Chains, rings, sweets, cosmetics…

Men run and smile

And lovely women, and lovely women,

And pretty women love it.

Men on our holiday are all so attentive,

Prudent and obligatory

And everyone is so polite and trying so hard!

And lovely women, and lovely women,

And pretty women love it all.

Spring has come and the sun is shining bright

And the best time of the year.

Everyone is smiling, everyone is in the mood

And lovely women, and lovely women,

And congratulations are sent to lovely women.

Oh, if a miracle of miracles happened

And this happiness is repeated tomorrow!

May we remain forever like this:

Men run, men run

Men run around to please us.

4. .

Once the February Cat was cooking compote in the kitchen,
Suddenly, an unshaven but affectionate March Cat showed up.
He brought a bottle of valerian and a piece of fresh mouse
The Cat melted, hearing his inviting voice.
She warmed the stranger, the “stopper” poured milk,
And throwing off the striped robe, she gave all her girlish passion.
From this unexpected caress, our cat was a little crazy,
He rolled his gray eyes, straightened his mustache and sang.
And the cat? Powdering her nose a little, she briskly left the bed,
She sat down with the “cat” on the roof and began to sing along with him.
A bouquet of edible aromas has already reached out from the kitchens,
But for a long time the spring cat duet was heard.

Since then, on this day, to lovely ladies, shades of any and all stripes
Men bring gifts on our planet, throughout.
Why is this verse incompetent? Any idiot thinks
What's for the Holiday the best gift is the March Cat.

(Source: forum.ffclub.ru)

5. "What keeps the wife of her husband?"

GERMAN - food;

ENGLISH - education;

CZECH - power;

SPANISH - passion;

KUBINKA - dancing;

POLKA - caress;

CHINESE WOMAN - flattery;

MEXICAN - revenge;

ITALIAN - singing;

GEORGIAN - patience;

GREEK - beauty;

ARMENIAN - in fullness;


AMERICAN - business;

RUSSIAN - love!

For RUSSIAN women!


"Let there be a holiday for two!"

Waking up in the morning after drinking
He glanced at the calendar.
It's time to think about gifts
You look - and February will end
Thinking is not the time...
Not to buy, say, a cake?
Or maybe looking for a present?
Wave first to "Yuvelirtorg"?
Glittering diamonds
The golden chain is flowing...
Diamonds? For my contagion?
Eighth of March? Wow...
Or maybe a handbag...
That one over there with the D&G emblem...
And how much..? HOW MANY??? Am I crazy???
Well, the prices ... never mind.
Went shopping for a week
Rocher, Lancome and L "Etoile,
Spent half a day painting
scratched the back of the head on crystal
Looked manicure set
With a strange name "Solingen"
Handkerchief looked openwork
Not that... not that... not that at all.
Then I thought about pantyhose
And not deciding on them
Bought her
Let there be a holiday for two!

(Source: anekdotikov.net)

7. "Goddesses are bitches"

God gave us beauty... and the devil - the mind... We do not need to be carried in our arms... we will sit on your neck ourselves... and you do not need to kiss the ground we walked on... and if you really want to, then stand in line... We have no megalomania... great people don't suffer from this... We are not selfish... we just don't give a damn about the opinions of others... We don't need compliments... we already know about our perfection... We never argue.. ., because we are always right anyway ... We are not vindictive ... we are just bitches and we have a good memory ... We are not aggressive ... just cute fluffy cats sharpen their nails ... We are not jealous ... because there is no one to be jealous of ... because we are goddesses or just ... girls!

(Source: arbuziki-tut.ru)

8. "What a woman really needs..."

What a Woman Really Needs

We more or less seem to know!
And everything you wish for yourself you would like to -
This is exactly what we want for you!
Good luck in job! The weather is pleasant!
Love - pure, tender and repeated!
Children - heterosexual! Coat - on the figure!
Neighbors in the compartment - that they don't drink or smoke!
Hair - silky! Teeth - snow-white!
Husbands - wealthy! Sponsors - gentle!
Lovers - smart! Spouses - in the law!
Mother-in-law - living in another region!
Daughters - submissive! Plates - washed!
Husbands - not snoring and shaved at night!
Colleagues - not fixated only on women!
Enemies - weak! Enemies - very weak!
Dinner - in bed! Impressions - polar!
And ... these ... well ... in general, that ... regular!
Stocking - no puffs! Not a day - without a new thing!
Husbands - on a very long business trip!
Love - burning, like in the series!
Five series - on each channel!
Romanov - resort! Impulses - insane!
Neighbors from below and from above - silent!
Trips - not to the garden, but to the sea!
Pie - delicious, but without calories!
The cars are foreign, but the steering wheel is on the left!
Perfume - from Dior! Flowers - daily!
Intentions - different, but better serious!
Dwellings - five-room and five-star!
A well-deserved vacation - on the beaches and waves!
Trolleybuses - on time and incomplete!
Bus tickets - only happy!
Friends - not boring! Girlfriends - not jealous!
Husbands - wealthy! (As they say,
If you really want it - it's not a sin to repeat it!)
Love - to ignite like gunpowder!
(When it matters, do not feel sorry for repetitions)
Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, combines -
Both functional and stylish designs.
Passion - exhausting! Difficulties - brief!
Diamonds - no less than 40 carats!
Plumbing - imported! Childbirth - without pain!
Problems - no! Chiffoniers - without moths!
And... it seems... we forgot something else...
Oh ok! Love!!!
And sideboards - no dust!!!
And come true - the dream of becoming a great artist!!!
And Women's Day - at least 300 times a year!!!

Early morning... March 8th.
The alarm clock rang and, without even having time to properly begin its song, fell silent under the onslaught of my finger. Almost in the dark, dressed, quietly covering front door, went to the market. It got a little light.
I would not say that the weather was spring. The icy wind strove to get under the jacket. Raising my collar and lowering my head into it as low as possible, I approached the bazaar.
A week before that, I decided: no roses, only spring flowers ... the spring holiday. I went to the market.
In front of the entrance, there was a huge basket with very beautiful spring flowers. They were Mimosas. I went.
Yes, the flowers are really beautiful.
- And who is the seller? - I asked, hiding my hands in my pockets. Just now, I felt what an icy wind.
“And you, son, wait, she went away for a while, she’ll be back right now,” said the aunt who traded in the neighborhood pickles. I stood aside, lit a cigarette and even began to smile a little when I imagined how delighted my women, daughter and wife would be. Opposite me was an old man.
Now I can’t say what exactly, but something in his appearance attracted me.
An old-fashioned raincoat, 1965 style, there was no place on it that would not be sewn up. But this darned and darned cloak was clean.
Trousers, just as old, but madly ironed.
The boots were polished to a mirror finish, but that couldn't hide their age. One shoe was tied with wire. I understand that the sole on it just fell off.
An old, almost shabby shirt was visible from under the cloak, but it was clean and ironed.
His face was the usual face of an old man, but there was something adamant and proud in his eyes, no matter what.
Today was a holiday, and I already understood that grandfather could not be unshaven on such a day. There were about a dozen cuts on his face, some of them covered with pieces of newspaper.
Grandfather was afraid of the cold, his hands were blue ... He was very afraid, but he stood in the wind and waited.
Some nasty lump rolled up in my throat. I started to freeze, but the saleswoman was not there.
I continued to look at my grandfather.
From many little things, I guessed that my grandfather was not an alcoholic, he was just an old man, exhausted by poverty and old age.
And I just clearly felt that my grandfather was ashamed of his current position below the poverty line.
The saleswoman came up to the basket.
Grandfather timidly moved towards her. I approached her the same way. Grandfather went up to the saleswoman, I stayed a little behind him.
- Hostess ... dear, how much does one sprig of mimosa cost? asked grandfather, his lips trembling from the cold.
- So, well, get out of here, you drunk, you thought up begging, let's get out, otherwise ... - the saleswoman growled at her grandfather.
- Hostess, I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't drink at all, I would like one twig ...
- How much does it cost? grandfather asked softly.
I was behind him and slightly to my side. I saw that my grandfather had tears in his eyes ...
- One? Yes, I'll mess with you, drunkard ... Come on, get out of here, - the saleswoman growled.
“Mistress, just tell me how much it costs, and don’t shout at me,” grandfather said just as quietly.
- Okay, for you, drunkard, 5 rubles a branch, - the saleswoman said with some kind of smirk. A wicked smile appeared on her face. Grandfather pulled a trembling hand out of his pocket, on his palm lay three pieces of paper for the ruble.
- Hostess, I have three rubles, can you find a branch for me for three rubles? - the grandfather asked in a very quiet voice.
I saw his eyes.
Until now, I have never seen so much longing and pain in the eyes of a man.
Grandfather was afraid of the cold like a sheet of paper in the wind.
- At three you find, wino, ha, ha, ha, right now I'll find you, - the saleswoman has already grunted.
She bent down to the basket, picked it for a long time ...
“Hold on, drunkard, run to your drunkard, give, ha, ha, ha, ha,” this fool laughed wildly.
In my grandfather's blue hand from the cold, I saw a branch of mimosa, it was broken in the middle. Grandfather tried to give this branch a divine look with his second hand, but she, not wanting to listen to him, broke in half, and the flowers looked at the ground ... A tear fell on grandfather's hand ... Grandfather stood and held a broken flower in his hand and cried.
“Do you hear… what are you doing?” - I began, trying to keep the remnants of calm and not to hit the saleswoman in the head with my fist.
Apparently, there was something in my eyes that the saleswoman somehow turned pale and even decreased in stature. She just looked at me like a mouse on a boa constrictor and was silent.
“Grandfather, well, wait,” I said, taking my grandfather by the hand.
“You stupid chicken, how much does your bucket cost, answer quickly and clearly so that I don’t strain my hearing,” I hissed barely audibly, but very clearly.
“Eh… ah… well… I don’t know,” the saleswoman mumbled.
- I'm asking you for the last time, how much does a bucket cost!?
- Probably 500 rubles, - said the saleswoman.
All this time, my grandfather looked incomprehensibly at me, then at the saleswoman.
I threw a bill at the feet of the saleswoman, pulled out the flowers and handed them to my grandfather.
“Here, father, take it and go congratulate your wife,” I said.
Tears, one after another, rolled down grandfather's wrinkled cheeks.
He shook his head and cried, just silently cried ...
I had tears in my own eyes. Grandfather shook his head as a sign of refusal, and covered his broken branch with his other hand.
- All right, father, let's go together, - I said and took my grandfather by the arm.
I carried flowers, grandfather his broken branch, we walked in silence. On the way, I pulled my grandfather to the grocery store. I bought a cake and a bottle of red wine. And then I remembered that I had not bought myself flowers.
- Father, listen to me carefully. I have money, these 500 rubles will not play a role for me, but it’s useless for you to go to your wife with a broken branch, today is the eighth of March, take flowers, wine and a cake and go to her, congratulate.
Tears welled up at my grandfather... They flowed down his cheeks and fell on his cloak, his lips trembled.
I couldn't look at it anymore, I had tears in my eyes.
I literally shoved flowers, cake and wine into my grandfather's hands, turned around, and, wiping my eyes, took a step towards the exit.
- We ... we ... have been together for 45 years ... She fell ill ... I could not leave her today without a gift, - the grandfather said quietly, thank you ...
I ran without even knowing where I was running.
Tears were flowing from my eyes...

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