Sentences in English with the preposition like. All meanings of the word “like” in English. LIKE as a noun

Like and as- two mysterious words. Both translate as " as", but does it matter which one to use? And in what cases? Now we will see that they are not nearly as similar as they seem!


Pronunciation and translation:
Like ["laɪk] / [l`ayk] - like

Meaning of the word:resembling someone or something.


This word is used when we talk about similarity:

For example: He dances like ( like) Michael Jackson. It's May but it's cold outside like) in March.


Why can't you be quiet like all the other children?
Why can't you be quiet as other kids?

With this new haircut you look like a military man.
With this new hairstyle you look as military.


Pronunciation and translation:
As [æz] / [ez] - how, as

Meaning of the word: acting in a specific function or performing a specific job.


Here we are no longer talking about similarity, but about function. That is, the items not alike among themselves, one thing and eat another!

For example: I use my phone in quality (as) alarm clock. Bob used to work in this restaurant as (as) cooks.

Note! When we talk about someone working for someone, as needed!

He works a cook.
He works as a cook.
He works as a cook.


He took part in the match as a bench player.
He took part in the match in quality substitute player.

Some people keep exotic animals as pets.
Some people keep exotic animals in quality pets.

What is the difference?

Like- "as" about the similarity of two objects. For example: These people as John (people like John) always get their way. When I remembered that I hadn't turned off the gas, I rushed home as (like) cheetah.

As- "as", when the same object acts in a different capacity. For example: how (as) a good mother, Helen made sure that the children did not eat sweets before dinner. The boss chose Laura as (as) deputy.

I hope now it will be difficult to confuse them :).

Reinforcement task

Translate the sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. He uses the sofa as a bed.
2. These pants make you look like a hippie.
3. At the beginning of his career, Joe worked as a taxi driver.
4. She cooks like a professional chef.
5. I received this book as a gift.
6. Your eyes are beautiful like stars!

In Russian, we do a comparison of something with the help of the word "how":
“She bought a dress like mine. He swims like a fish. She looks like her father. Your perfume smells like a rose."

To say that someone looks like someone or does something in a similar way, in English you need to use words like and as.

However, these words, although they have a very similar translation, mean different things and are used in different situations.

In this article, I will explain how to use them correctly and explain the difference between them so that you do not make mistakes when using them.

From the article you will learn:

Using like in English


  • Pronunciation:[ˈlaɪk] / [laik]
  • Translation: Like, like, like
  • Meaning: Be the same or do the same as someone else

We use like when comparing different people or items. That is, despite their similarity, they will be different people/objects.

for example:

You look like a cover star (meaning you look alike, but you're not her. We're talking about two different people).

We use the word like when we say that:

1. One person/object is similar to another person/object

Your daughter is just like you.

2. One person/thing does something in the same way as another person/thing

She tries to dance like a TV dancer.

Words commonly used with like

Since we often compare tastes, appearance, sounding, the word like is often preceded by the following words:

  • look - looks
  • sound - sounds
  • feel - felt
  • taste - has a taste
  • seem - it seems

For example:

You sound like my wife.
You sound like my wife.

The park looked like a jungle.
The park looked like a jungle.

The fruit taste like strawberry.
This fruit tastes like a strawberry.

This feels like silk.
It feels like silk to the touch.

It seemed like a dream.
It seemed like a dream.

What to put after like?

Like is usually followed by:

  • Person or object (answers the question “who? / what?”)

For example:

I think it tastes like coconut.
I think it tastes like coconut.

She dresses like that model.
She dresses like that model.

  • Words that replace a person or object (for example, instead of a friend - he). In English, these are

me - I
you - you
us - we
them - they
him - he
her - she
it - it

For example:

You are like him.
You are just like him.

She plays like us.
She plays like us.

Use of as in English


  • Pronunciation:[æz] / [ez]
  • Translation: As well as
  • Meaning: Do something as someone

We use the word as when we are talking about the same person or thing. We say that one object or person has a role or is needed for some purpose.

For example:

He worked as a cashier last summer (he was a cashier, so it's the same person).

In doing so, we can say that:

1. He functions as someone

This summer she worked as a waiter.

2. Used as something

He used the stone as a hammer.

They chose Peter as a captain.
We chose Peter as captain (literally: We chose Peter as captain).

He works as a doctor.
He works as a doctor (literally: He works like a doctor).

Also, as is often used in the as…as or not as…as constructs, which I told you about in another article.

What is the difference between like and as?

We use the word like when we talk about similarity several different people or objects .

For example:

She looks like a teacher in this suit.
She looks like a teacher in this costume (she is not a teacher, she and the teacher are two different people).

We use the word as when we speak about one person or thing , performing some role or being used for something.

For example:

She works as a teacher.
She works as a teacher (she is a teacher, that is, this is one person).

Let's take another look at the usage of these words in the table:

Like As
One person/thing is similar to another person/thing.

For example:

He looks like that actor.
He looks like that actor (actor and he are different people).

A person/object performs the functions of someone

For example:

He works as an actor.
He works as an actor (he is an actor - this is one and the same person).

One person/thing does something in the same way as another.

For example:

You drive like a racer.
You drive like a racer (he is not a racer, they are two different people).

The person/object is used as something

For example:

That could be used as a cup.
This can be used as a cup (this item can be a cup, so it's the same item).

So, we have analyzed the words like and as, and now let's practice using them.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments below the article.

1. My friend works as an accountant.
2. My cat is like a little tiger.
3. She dresses like a boy.
4. You don't look like a teacher.
5. She worked as a salesperson for 2 years.
6. You can use the bottle as a vase.

Evelina : Tell me, are the comparative conjunctions as and like absolutely synonymous? Is there a difference in usage?

Of course, there is a difference in meaning and usage. These words belong to a category of English words that are often confused and misused. There are a number of nuances and features of using each of them. The difference between comparative words like and as really hard to catch. Moreover, their translations are very similar:

Like- like, like.

As- in the same way, in the same way, equally.

Consider the use cases of the words like and as in comparisons.

Expressions with a preposition like indicate similarities, and serve more for description than comparison. Like usually comes after a verb and before a noun or pronoun:


My holiday was like a dream. - My vacation was like a dream (like a dream).

He can play the piano like a professional musician. – He plays the piano like a professional musician (sounds like a professional musician).

As does not combine with nouns or with pronouns without a verb, therefore it is not used in constructions of this type.

You can use adverbs of measure before like: very, quite, rather, a lot, a bit and others, before as they are not used:

She sings very like Britney Spears. - She sings very much like Britney Spears.

Your dress is a bit like mine. - Your dress is a bit like mine.

Like often combined with verbs of perception and expressions of this type are used more for description than comparison:

look like- look like; be like...

sound like- sound like; to sound like

feel like- be touch like; remind by touch

taste like- be taste like; recall to taste

smell like- smell like; smell like.

Mary looks like her mother. - Mary looks like her mother.

This music sounds like jazz. - This music sounds like jazz (similar to jazz).

The sweater feels like wool, but it's polyester. - The sweater feels like wool, but it's polyester. (It resembles wool)

This new sort of apples tastes like pears. - This new apple variety tastes like a pear. (looks like a pear)

The clean towels smells like perfumes. - A clean towel smells like perfume.

Besides, like used for examples:

In big cities, like Moscow, prices are higher than in small towns. - In big cities like Moscow prices are higher than in small towns.

I like comedies with Jim Carrey , like The Mask or Bruce Almighty. - I love Jim Carrey comedies like The Mask and Bruce Almighty.

As is a union. Therefore, it is used before a part of a sentence (clause) or in expressions that begin with a preposition and mean "just like":


Nobody declares poems as my brother does. - No one reads poetry like my brother.

They started to dance as we did. They started dancing just like us.

In similar examples in modern colloquial English like often used as a conjunction instead of as. These expressions are informal:

Nobody likes pizza like I do. - Nobody likes pizza like me.

If a as is used before a phrase with a preposition, then the phrase is separated by commas:


On Monday, as on Sunday, it was very cold. - On Monday, as well as on Sunday, it was very cold.

In the living room, as in the kitchen, there were a lot of flowers. - In the living room, as well as in the kitchen, there were many flowers.

As used (same as) or like):

I am as tall as my sister. - I'm as tall as my sister.

Your car is not as fast as mine. Your car is as fast as mine.

As always used after such to give an example or clarify:

I admire classical composers such as Mozart and Vivaldi. - I admire classical composers such as Mozart and Vivaldi.

He can speak a lot of languages, such as Polish, German and Spanish. - He can speak many languages ​​such as Polish, German, Spanish.

Combination such as can be replaced by like(especially in American English), but like sentences sound informal, although the translation does not change.

Another use as- designation of the function or role of a person or object: professions, intended purposes of objects (as):

He works as a doctor. - He works as a doctor (as a doctor)

She has worked as a secretary for three years. - She has been working as a secretary for two years (as a secretary)

He used a mug as an ashtray. - He used the mug as an ashtray (As an ashtray)

You mustn "t use your gas stove as a heater. - Cannot be used gas stove like a heater (like a heater)

He came to our company as a trainee. He came to our company as an intern.

In the above examples, it is not allowed to use like.

Compare usage as and like:

As your teacher, I insist on doing the hometask. - As your teacher, I insist on doing your homework.

Like your teacher, I insist on doing the hometask. - Like your teacher, I insist on doing your homework.

In the first sentence as means: "as, in the role", in the second example like conveys the meaning: "similar, similar".

Separately, it is worth talking about negative sentences with like and as:

If the first part of the sentence is negative, then the comparison with as or like in the second part indicates a contrast (as opposed to):

I don "t drink alcohol, like Tom. - I don't drink alcoholic drinks, unlike Tom. (Tom uses)

Mary didn "t lose her temper, as Ann did. - Mary did not get angry, unlike Anna. (Anna got angry)

If a comparative construction with as or like is at the beginning of a sentence, then the comparison applies to the entire sentence (same as):

Like my friends, I go out every weekend. - Just like my friends, I go for a walk on weekends.

Like Ann, I didn't lose my temper. - Like Anna, I didn't get angry.

As used in combination with if and though ( as if / as thought) to indicate the alleged similarity of objects, situations. As if and as though are used with a clause:

The music sounded as if / though somebody was playing untuned instruments. The music sounded like it was played on out-of-tune instruments.

The pie looked as if/though it was burnt. The pie looked like it was burnt.

He was giving orders as if he was the boss. He gave orders as if he were the boss.

She looks as if/though she is very upset. - She looks like she's very upset.

If we are talking about situations that obviously do not correspond to reality, then we can use past tense after as if/though. The use of the past tense emphasizes the unreality of the situation:

He argues as if/though he is very knowledgeable about the issue. - He talks as if he is well-informed about the matter.(Perhaps he really has the information)

He argues as if/though he was very knowledgeable about the issue. - He talks as if he is well-informed about the matter.(But he obviously doesn't know anything about the question)

In such situations, you can use like instead of as if / as though, especially in informal communication. Expressions with like are more typical of American English, but can be found in British:

It seems like the ladder is going to fall. It looks like the ladder is about to fall.

He was looking at the book like he was reading. He looked at the book as if he were reading.

We hope this article has helped you understand the difference between using and using like and as in comparisons.

If you need professional help in learning English, we will do our best to help you achieve your desired result!

To compare objects and persons in English, in addition to degrees of comparison, words are also used like and as. Both words are translated into Russian by the word "as":

Polly and Susan are like sisters. Polly and Susan are like sisters.

Polly and Susan did it as they were taught. Polly and Susan did it the way they were taught.

Despite the fact that the translation into Russian of the words like and as is similar in many cases, in English each of them has its own use. They are by no means interchangeable. Using one instead of the other will result in errors.

An interesting fact is that rulelike andas is the most frequently violated rule of English grammar. It has been estimated that only 2% of Britons use phrases like and as correctly.

What is the difference between like and as?

In general, the difference between like and as can be explained as follows.

As we will use when we compare an object or action with what they essentially are (we are talking about the real).

Tom joined the company as a manager. Tom got a job in the company as a manager. (he is the manager).

Today is Monday, so today as on every Monday, our first lesson is English. Today is Monday, so today, like every Monday, the first lesson is English. (this really happens every Monday)

Like we use when we compare an object or action with what it is not.

My sister is not at all like me. “My sister is not like me at all. (my sister is not me)

My friend Polly looks like Madonna. My friend Polly looks like Madonna. (My friend Polly is not Madonna)


  • Kate speaks like a teacher ... (Kate speaks like a teacher (not being a teacher)).
  • She speaks as a teacher ... (Kate speaks as a teacher (being a teacher, as a teacher)).

Based on the above rule, you will be able to use like / as correctly, but let's voice the rest of the rules for using like and as.

Word like used in phrases such as

  • be like (be like),
  • feel like (feel like),
  • look like (look like),
  • smell like (smell like),
  • sound like (sound like)

For example:

My dad looks like Santa Claus. My father looks like Santa Claus.

This perfume smells like a rose. This perfume smells like a rose.

But be careful not to skip as if / as though:

  • It looks as if it's going to rain.
  • It looks as thought it was going to rain.
  • It feels as thought it was going to rain.

word as used in the following cases:

When actions are compared, not objects or persons:

She taught him, as her mother once taught her. “She taught him the way her mother once taught her.

To pass the value "as, as":

Was not employed as a doctor. He worked as a doctor (as a doctor).

In phrases such as

  • regard as (consider how),
  • be known as (to be known as),
  • describe as (describe how), etc.:

They are regarded as an excellent team. “They are looked upon as a good team.

She is known as a good nurse. She is known to be a good nurse.

In expressions like

  • as usual (as always),
  • such as (such as),
  • as follows (next),
  • the same as (same as)

She came home late as usual. She came home, as always, late.

Different species such as plants and animals need oxygen. — Various biological species, such as plants and animals, need oxygen.

Like / as exercises.

Let's reinforce the difference between like and as and do some exercises. You can check yourself using the answers at the end of the article.

Exercise 1 . Expand brackets, insert like or as.

  1. Mary used to have a full-time job ____________ a nurse at hospital.
  2. I have never met people (like) ____________ you! You are really very intelligent!
  3. Nancy knows all my secrets. We are (like) ____________ sisters.
  4. Do you know that at the cocktail party Jim introduced Liz ____________his cousin?
  5. She can't cook (how) ____________ her mother does.
  6. When I entered the room and found no-one there I left everything (as) ____________ it was.
  7. Everyone is ill at home. Our house is (like) ____________ a hospital.
  8. He was so scared that he was trembling ____________ a leaf.
  9. He was dressed (like) ____________ a policeman.
  10. Mike hit Jack just (how) ____________ Jack hit him.

Exercise 2 . Use combinations from the box. Add some words if necessary. Use like and as along with phrases to fill in gaps in sentences. Add words if needed.

a duck, pretty, a dog barking, a hospital, a city hall, my best friend, Hamlet, a bus driver, a child, a scientist

  1. ______________________, I can say that the topic of her early essay is rather up-to-date.
  2. His father works ____________________.
  3. Pat swims______________________.
  4. He is 26 years old but sometimes he behaves ______________________.
  5. I wonder what that high green building will be. It looks ______________________.
  6. I regard her ______________________.
  7. During the war that church was used _____________________.
  8. What is that sound? It seems _____________________.
  9. In the play he appeared ______________________.
  10. Mary is ______________________ as her elder sister.

Answers to the exercises:

Ex. one.

1 as, 2 like, 3 like, 4 as, 5 as, 6 as, 7 like, 8 like, 9 like, 10 as

Ex. 2.

1 as a scientist, 2 as a bus driver, 3 like a duck, 4 like a child, 5 like a hospital / like a city hall, 6 as my best friend, 7 as a hospital / as a city hall, 8 like a dog barking, 9 as Hamlet, 10 as pretty

I hope you understand the difference between like and as.


Verb + LIKE + noun/pronoun.

  • He speaks like a native speaker.
  • She looks like a supermodel.


The sentence structure is as follows: AS + subject (noun) + predicate (verb)

  • nobody sings as she does.
  • They went to the party as they were.

And now in order.


  1. The word like is used in situations where we compare something with something and say that something like something or is the same.

She is like her mother. - She looks like a mother (and the comparison can be not only external)

Her perfume smells like oranges. Her perfume smells like citrus. (i.e. smell "like" citrus fruits)

Imagine a grown woman acting like a child. Imagine a grown woman acting like a child!

2. like is used when listing and is translated "such as".

Some sports, like parachuting, can be very dangerous. Some sports, such as parachuting, can be very dangerous.

3. in the phrase "as if" (someone is doing something)

- "What's that noise?" - What is this noise?

- "It sounds like a baby crying." - Sounds like it. like a child is crying.

NB finally a few examples for translation:

My friend is like me.
He seems smart like a fox.
He acts more like a brother than a friend.
He looks like a handsomer version of me.
He is like a younger brother who has known me all my life.
We are like two comedians when we get together.
Talking with him is like talking to myself.


  1. We use as talking about the profession or functions of someone (something) and will be translated as "as"

I worked as a shop assistant for 2 years when I was a student. — I worked as a salesperson(as seller) two years when I was a student.

He used his shoe as a hammer to hang the picture up. — He used his shoe as a hammer to hang a picture.

2. “same as” is translated in the as ... as construction (with an adjective in the middle)

He's just as stupid as his dog! — He's as stupid as his dog!

3. use as in stable expressions:

  • how do you know - as you know
  • as I said - as I told you
  • as he suggested as he suggested
  • as I thought - as I thought
  • normally - as usual
  • as always - as always
  • as we have agreed - as we agreed
  • As you know classes restart on January 15th.
  • I tried using salt as you suggested but the stain still didn't come out.
  • As we agreed the company will be split 50/50 between us.