Ramzan Kadyrov urged Akhmed Zakayev, who had fled to London, to return home. The murder of Akhmed Zakayev could have been ordered by Ramzan Kadyrov. British intelligence agencies put forward their own version of Akhmed Zakayev

The British newspaper Sunday Telegraph published a sensational article about how an assassination attempt on Akhmed Zakayev was being prepared in London. He is now in the UK, where he has been granted asylum. In his opinion, traces of the case lead to Chechnya, and here the British investigators probably agree with him.

Akhmed Zakaev, who in the past was one of the leaders of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, was going to be killed right on the streets of London. But this plan, apparently, is no longer destined to come true - the person who was allegedly tasked with organizing the assassination attempt is now under arrest in the UK.

His name is unknown. In all court documents it is called E1. This is a Russian citizen, who is 45 years old, and he is trying to obtain British citizenship through the courts. And the special services - that is, MI5, are trying to prevent him from doing this. They want to convince the judges that the suspect is a threat to national security and needs to be removed from the country. The statement from MI5, seen by the Sunday Telegraph, says that E1 is an intermediary who would help kill Akhmed Zakayev by providing the perpetrators with some valuable information.

What else is known about the E1 figure? He is a former soldier. He is married and has six children. He first came to the UK in 2003 with his family and sought political asylum. His wife and children received British passports, but he himself was denied citizenship three years ago.

Some time later, when E1 left the country, the British Home Secretary personally forbade him from entering. E1 was warned that if he returned, he would still not be able to obtain citizenship. But these words, apparently, did not convince him, he flew back, and he was immediately arrested. Intelligence agents were already waiting for him at Heathrow Airport - they suspected him of planning an assassination attempt on Akhmet Zakayev and therefore they transferred him to custody.

But even while under arrest, E1 continued to sue the British authorities. And 10 days ago, the Kingdom Court of Appeal allowed him to remain in the country, despite the fact that he was given the status of a threat to national security.

MI5 agents believe that Zakayev's assassination was ordered by his longtime adversary Ramzan Kadyrov. A statement from the British intelligence service clearly states: “Kadyrov, who has already eliminated several of his opponents, has drawn up a blacklist of people he considers deserving of death. And exiled Chechen Prime Minister Akhmed Zakayev, a political refugee in the UK, is probably also on that black list.”

E1, according to investigators, has already been implicated in at least one assassination attempt, also associated with Ramzan Kadyrov.

A man under the code name E1 is believed to be involved in the murder of Umar Israilov in Vienna in 2009. Israilov in the past was one of the guards of the current head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. He lived in exile in Vienna and, while there, filed a complaint with several local courts and with the European Court of Human Rights.

In it, he wrote that secret prisons operate in Chechnya under the leadership of Kadyrov. In early 2009, he reported to the police that someone was following him. And on January 13 of the same year, he was shot dead outside a grocery store. Austrian investigators tried to verify the involvement of Ramzan Kadyrov in this case, but the Russian Prosecutor General's Office did not respond to any of their requests. In Russia, Israilov himself was accused of crimes and put on the federal and then on the international wanted list.

Meanwhile, three suspects were arrested in Austria - an Austrian and two natives of Chechnya. After a two-year trial, they were found guilty of killing Israilov. Kommersant then wrote that, according to the prosecutor's office, the security guard, having fled to Austria, began to threaten his former boss - that is, Kadyrov - with revelations, and then the criminals "forced him to shut up, hoping to get the opportunity to return to their homeland as a thank you."

The name of Ramzan Kadyrov was then mentioned in the indictment in the case, but, of course, it was not possible to prove his involvement without the help of Russia. Apparently, British investigators now believe that the planned assassination attempt on Zakayev and the murder of Israilov in Vienna are links in the same chain, and it is E1 who connects them.

In the same chain, some see the murder of Alexander Litvinenko. He met with Zakayev shortly before his death, and then traces of radioactive polonium-210 were found in the car of the former emissary of the Chechen separatists. This is the substance that poisoned Litvinenko.

The Chechen trace is also visible in the murder of Sulim Yamadayev, the former commander of the Vostok battalion, who moved to the United Arab Emirates after a conflict with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. On March 28, 2009, he was shot dead in the underground garage of an elite residential complex In Dubai. Yamadayev's family, however, only more than a year later finally announced his death.

Finally, quite recently, in autumn, there was a series of assassination attempts on figures of the Chechen emigration in Istanbul. And Turkish investigators also mentioned among the versions that these were contract killings, and the order came from Grozny.

The press service of Ramzan Kadyrov each time denied the involvement of the head of Chechnya in the killings. And now, too, press secretary Alvi Karimov called the allegations by the British intelligence services "a clumsy attempt to put on a show." “In this performance, it seems to me, the worst role was assigned to Akhmed Zakayev, since even talk that someone is trying to organize an assassination attempt on him is dangerous for him. The fact that some traces can lead to Russia is absolute nonsense: no one in Russia is interested in Zakayev,” Karimov said. In fact, the Russian authorities have repeatedly sought the extradition of Akhmed Zakayev, including when he was arrested in Poland in 2008. But refugee status in the UK helped the former militant stay at large.

Zakayev himself believes that his life is threatened, rather, not by Ramzan Kadyrov, but by Russian leaders. He is sure that Kadyrov simply does not have the authority to organize operations to eliminate people abroad, but the Kremlin allegedly has such authority.

In Russia, he is accused of committing a number of crimes - very serious ones, such as violating the territorial integrity and changing the constitutional order of the country. Two years ago he was put on the international wanted list - not for the first time. Not so long ago, according to some reports, he arranged a congress of Chechen separatists.

According to him, he was not aware of the planned assassination attempt. But they allegedly tried to kill him before.

The head of Chechnya called Akhmed Zakayev, who had fled to London, to return home. On February 5, Ramzan Kadyrov visited the family of the former field commander. He assured his relatives that the betrayal did not affect his attitude towards them. Kadyrov also said that nothing threatened Zakayev's life.

Akhmed Zakaev is a former field commander during the Chechen wars, an associate of Dzhokhar Dudayev. Back in 2001, he was put on the international wanted list. Since 2002, he settled with his family in London. The fugitive was granted political asylum.

Text from Ramzan Kadyrov's Instagram:

Assalamu alaikum! Today I visited the Zakaevs in Urus-Martan. The brothers and sisters of Akhmed Zakayev - Ali, Buvadi, Laila and Ziza greeted me very warmly. We were treated to Chechen dishes and fragrant tea. They said that no one had ever given them a problem. I said there was no reason for Ahmed to be in London. Ichkeria has ceased to exist since the referendum. The people made a conscious choice. This choice must be respected by all.

Ahmed would have returned home long ago if the decision depended only on him. I reminded that hundreds and thousands of former supporters of Ichkeria are worthy people. They work, contribute to the development of the republic. Ahmed has a lot of relatives. They live like the rest of the people. But the brothers and sisters say that anxiety for Ahmed does not leave the heart. They want him to join his family.

It was hard for me to see tears in the eyes of older people who have been separated from their brother for many years. Ali asked to be allowed to call me brother. I gave him this right and offered to contact him at any time if there were any questions. Our conversation turned out to be very warm and relaxed.

Some may interpret my visit as an attempt to influence the Zakayevs to bring Akhmed back. I can swear that I had no other goals than the desire to see people, sit with them, dispel their anxieties caused by someone's provocative conversations.

Akhmed Zakaev, the head of the government of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, called the proposal to return to his homeland, received from the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, propagandistic and having no connection with reality.

Since 2002, Zakayev has been living in London, since 2003 - as a political refugee. Akhmed Zakayev is accused by the Russian authorities of organizing illegal armed groups, armed rebellion, involvement in the terrorist act on Dubrovka in Moscow and inciting ethnic hatred. In January 2010, the FSB of Russia brought new charges against him - in an attempt to create "the armed forces of Ichkeria." Zakayev denies this accusation.

“Somehow I am able to figure out where and how I can live. This is a purely propaganda statement, like the “meetings” with my relatives in Chechnya. They gathered not only relatives, but also distant ones, forced them to abandon me. Apparently, something it didn’t work there or didn’t work the way they wanted,” Zakayev said.

According to Zakayev, Kadyrov's proposal has nothing to do with reality. He called the statement of the head of Chechnya a game - "maybe a pre-election game, maybe something else." "Of course, I'm not going to go to him, I'm not going to become an accomplice in the crimes committed and are still being committed on the territory of Chechnya," Zakayev told Novaya Gazeta.

Zakaev Akhmed Khalidovich

Statesman of Ichkeria, who held the posts of Minister of Culture and Minister of Foreign Affairs, participant in the First and Second Chechen Wars, Special Representative Alana Maskhadova in the West (2001), Prime Minister of Ichkeria (2007-2009). Put on the international wanted list on charges of terrorism, received political asylum in the UK.


He was born on April 26, 1959 in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region of Kazakhstan, where his family lived after the deportation of 1944. Soon after the birth of Akhmed, the Zakaevs returned to their native village of Urus-Martan in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

After school, Akhmed Zakaev graduated from the choreographic department of the Grozny cultural and educational school and the Voronezh State Institute of Arts (according to other sources, Zakaev is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute theatrical art (GITIS)).

In 1981-1990, Akhmed Zakayev was an actor at the Grozny Drama Theater named after Khanpashi Nuradilov. Since 1991 - Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers of Chechnya and a member of the board of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. Before the start of the Chechen conflict, he spent most of his time in Moscow.

In 1994, Akhmed Zakayev returned to Chechnya, where Dzhokhar Dudayev offered him the position of minister of culture in his government.

First Chechen War

Since the end of 1994, Akhmed Zakayev has been a member of the headquarters of the Southwestern Front. In late March - early April 1995, he led the defense of the village of Goiskoye. In 1995, Zakayev was appointed commander of the Urus-Martan Front, with the rank of brigadier general. In February 1996, he was appointed commander of the "Western Defense Group of Ichkeria". According to some reports, Zakayev participated in the planning and execution of the attack on Grozny in August 1996 (Operation Jihad).

Since 1996, Akhmed Zakaev has been National Security Assistant to the President of the unrecognized Republic of Ichkeria Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Chechen Republic. Participated in the 1995 and 1996 negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the crisis in Chechnya and in the preparation of the Khasavyurt agreements. In the subsequent period, Akhmed Zakayev opposed the radical leaders Chechen fighters, incl. Shamil Basaev and Salman Raduev.

Interwar period

In October 1996, Zakayev again took the post of Minister of Culture of the CRI, and in 1997 he ran for president of Chechnya (Aslan Maskhadov won the election).

Since 1998, Akhmed Zakaev has been Deputy Prime Minister of the CRI government (he held this post until early 2006, when he was dismissed by President Abdul-Khalim Saidulaev). He supervised the creation of the information agency of the separatists "Chechenpress". There is information that, on behalf of President Maskhadov, Zakayev maintained contacts with members of the Georgian leadership. On June 17, 1998, a Chechen delegation headed by Zakayev visited the FRG with a proposal to establish relations between the German and Ichkerian parliaments.

Second Chechen War

Since 1999, the beginning of the second Chechen war, Akhmed Zakaev - commander of the "brigade special purpose"(Maskhadov's personal reserve). In August 2000, he was wounded in a battle in the village of Gekhi, Urus-Martan District. According to other sources, Zakayev was wounded during a breakthrough of militants from Grozny on the night of January 31 to February 1, 2000 and, according to According to some reports, he went to Georgia for treatment.

Since March 2000, Akhmed Zakaev has been outside Chechnya.

Diplomatic activity

In November 2000, Zakayev was appointed as Maskhadov's representative in Turkey and the Middle East region. Participated in the establishment of the "government of Ichkeria in exile", which was headed by the ex-president of the CRI Zelimkhan Yandarbiev. In March 2001, Zakayev visited Azerbaijan, where he held a meeting with the commanders of the Chechen armed formations.

Since 2001, Akhmed Zakayev has been appointed Maskhadov's special representative in Western countries. At the same time, he acted as Maskhadov's representative in peace negotiations with the Russian government.

On November 18, 2001, at the Moscow Sheremetyevo airport, Akhmed Zakayev met with Viktor Kazantsev, plenipotentiary in the Southern Federal District. Negotiations aimed at resolving the situation in Chechnya were unsuccessful. Later it became known that at the time of the meeting, Zakayev had already been put on the federal wanted list - a warrant for his arrest was issued in September 2001.

In 2002, Aslan Maskhadov appointed Akhmed Zakayev as chairman of the Information Committee of Ichkeria. In March 2002, Zakayev met with the prosecutor of the international tribunal for Yugoslavia, Carla del Ponte, and suggested that she try Russian President Vladimir Putin for the actions of federal forces in Chechnya. As a representative of the CRI, Zakayev also visited France and Great Britain. On August 18, 2002, in Zurich, Akhmed Zakayev met with the former Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Ivan Rybkin.

Activities outside Russia

Since January 2002, Akhmed Zakayev lived with his family in London, in the house of film actress and public figure Vanessa Redgrave.

Arrests at the request of Russia

In October 2002, Akhmed Zakayev took part in the World Chechen Congress in the Danish capital of Copenhagen, where on October 30, 2002 he was detained by the Danish police at the request of the Russian authorities, sent through Interpol channels. Russia accused Zakayev of involvement in the terrorist attack in the Moscow Theater Center in October 2002 and the activities of illegal armed groups, and insisted on his extradition to the Russian Federation. However, the Danish court considered that the evidence of Akhmed Zakayev's guilt received from Moscow was insufficient for extradition, and on December 2, 2002, Zakayev was released.

On December 5, 2002, Zakayev was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport - again at the request of Moscow. Soon Vanessa Redgrave posted a £50,000 bail and Zakayev was released without the right to leave the country. Over the next three months, three court hearings were held in London in the case of Zakayev's extradition. One of the human rights activists who supported Zakayev was Alexander Goldfarb, head of the Civil Liberties Foundation created by Boris Berezovsky.

Obtaining political asylum

On November 13, 2003, a London court ruled to deny Russia's request for the extradition of Akhmed Zakayev and closed his case. On November 29, 2003, it became known that the United Kingdom granted Zakayev refugee status.

On July 26, 2006, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office announced that a new case had been opened against Akhmed Zakayev. On the basis of numerous statements in various media, Zakaev is accused of inciting hatred towards persons of Russian nationality (Article 282-2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Shortly thereafter, Russian President Vladimir Putin again demanded Zakayev's extradition.

Blaming Russia for the death of Alexander Litvinenko

On November 1, 2006, Zakayev drove his friend, former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, in his car. On that day, Litvinenko had several meetings - incl. with former FSB colleagues Dmitry Kovtun and Andrei Lugovoi, as well as with Italian researcher Mario Scaramello. By the evening of November 1, Litvinenko felt unwell and some time later was hospitalized in serious condition. On November 23, 2006, he died at University College London Hospital as a result of poisoning with the radioactive isotope polonium-210. In an interview, Zakayev made it clear that he blamed the Russian authorities for Litvinenko's death. On December 7, 2006, at the funeral of Alexander Litvinenko, Akhmed Zakayev promised to fulfill the request of the deceased, who converted to Islam shortly before his death, and transport Litvinenko's remains to the Caucasus to be buried there in a real Muslim cemetery.

Prime Minister of the government of Ichkeria in exile

On November 22 , 2007 , Akhmed Zakayev was appointed head of the government of Ichkeria by a resolution of the CRI parliament . This decision was made by the deputies of the CRI parliament due to the fact that on October 25, 2007, the President and Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the unrecognized Republic of Ichkeria, Dokku Umarov, made a statement in which he proclaimed a new state formation - the Caucasus Emirate (Emirate of the Caucasus), declaring himself the Amir of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus and jihad leader.

Question about returning to Chechnya

On February 9, 2009, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov personally invited Zakayev to return, saying that Zakayev could develop national culture in his homeland. According to Kadyrov, Zakayev said in a personal conversation with him that he himself wants to return. Previously, he ruled out such a possibility.

On February 17, the presidential envoy announced a possible amnesty for Zakayev. Russian Federation on international cooperation in the field of combating terrorism and transnational crime Anatoly Safonov. After that, Zakayev declared his desire to "promote long-term peace in the region" while in Chechnya.

On March 3, Kadyrov confirmed his invitation to Zakayev to Chechnya.

On July 2, 2009, it became known that Akhmed Zakayev was meeting in Norway with the speaker of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov. At the talks, according to meeting participant Aivar Amudsen, director of the Forum for Peace in Chechnya, "long-term prospects for stability in Chechnya" were discussed. However, on the same day, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov denied information about his contacts with Akhmed Zakayev in Oslo. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov confirmed the fact of negotiations, saying that he was negotiating the return of the former emissary of the Chechen separatists, Akhmed Zakayev, to his homeland. According to him, Zakaev is the only person from Ichkeria whom he would like to see in the current republic.

July 24 following the results of two days During his talks in Oslo with Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, head of the Chechen parliament, Akhmed Zakayev made a statement that he did not think of ending his life in a foreign land and that he would definitely return to Chechnya, where the situation, according to him, is still unstable. In particular, Zakayev said that it is wrong not to see the good undertakings associated with Ramzan Kadyrov in Chechnya. Zakayev also said that he had not negotiated personal employment and personal security.

On July 26, Zakayev announced that the leadership of the unrecognized Chechen Republic of Ichkeria on the territory of Chechnya had decided to cease hostilities against the Chechen police from August 1, 2009. According to him, this decision was the result of Akhmed Zakayev's meeting with the chairman of the Chechen parliament, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, and was adopted as part of the development of a peaceful dialogue at a joint meeting of the parliament and government of Ichkeria. Zakayev also believes that his dialogue with the Chechen authorities may give thought to those militants who are now subordinate to Doku Umarov, and they will support peace initiatives.

When asked if the problem of his return to Chechnya and the termination of criminal prosecution by Russian law enforcement agencies was discussed at the meeting in Oslo, Akhmed Zakayev answered in the negative.

On August 25, 2009, the "Supreme Sharia Court of the Caucasus Emirate" declared Akhmed Zakayev a "zindiqom" (apostate from Islam) and sentenced him to death penalty, ruling that "the killing of this zindiqa is the duty of the Muslims if he does not have time to publicly repent before he falls into the power of the Muslims."

On September 17, 2010, Akhmed Zakaev was detained by the Polish police in Warsaw, during his visit to Poland to participate in the "World Congress of the Chechen People". The arrest was made on the basis of an international arrest warrant initiated by the Russian authorities in 2002. The Warsaw court released Zakayev.

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Ramzan Kadyrov visited today the relatives of one of the Ichkerian leaders Akhmed Zakayev. The Grozny State TV and Radio Company website quotes Kadyrov's statement that Zakayev can freely return home, especially since the idea of ​​an independent state of Ichkeria no longer exists, and all those who were in power in Ichkeria live and work for the benefit of the Chechen Republic. Zakayev himself, in an interview with Ekho Moskvy, said that he knew about such a meeting, but was not going to his homeland yet. Akhmet Zakayev is a former brigadier general in the self-proclaimed Ichkeria. In 2001, he was put on the federal and international wanted list. Since 2003 he has been living in the UK, where he received asylum.

Correspondent- Today, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, met with your family, as you probably heard. We wanted to ask you why this was necessary, and what could it mean?

A.Zakaev“It’s hard for me to say what that might mean. I think that after all - as I have learned - the so-called elections in Chechnya, the elections of the head of the region, are scheduled. And, of course, he will run or he will be appointed by Putin. Of course, a certain trail follows him: how he deals with relatives and close relatives of his opponents, political opponents. And in this case he apparently decided to bring a little different shade to his image and what he does.

I know that yesterday, the day before yesterday there was a completely different situation. They gathered relatives, close ones, forced them to renounce me, and there it even got to the point that they gathered representatives of my teip and, as it were, forced them to say that they were almost renouncing me. And today, apparently, something did not go as they planned, because the extras and the performance did not work out. And more spectacular, of course, was what they did today, that is, he suddenly appeared, visited ... Women, whom they kept in fear for three or four days, they began to cry, thank him. And this performance was needed in order to show both in the republic and in the world, as if creating new look, a new image for this person, that everything that is said about him is not true, but in fact he is so kind and fluffy.

But I don't want anyone to be held hostage. Today, not only my relatives, the whole of Chechnya is held hostage by him, and therefore, of course, they are happy with any indulgence coming from him or from the regime that he established.

Correspondent- Tell me, do you, in general, observe the latest statements and actions of Kadyrov?

A.Zakaev- Certainly. I am watching. I am now still not an outside observer, but a participant in all these processes. For the last 20-25 years, I have been, in principle, involved in all the political processes that took place in Chechnya and continue to be involved even now. Of course I'm watching. And for me, these are absolutely obvious things - these are all his attacks on the opposition, all his statements. They are staged... and staged by the Kremlin, and from there he receives clear signals to which he reacts, and clearly knows how to behave in any case.

For me, in fact, this is what is happening today, it is very disturbing. It is alarming in the sense that this Anrtikadyrov hysteria, which begins in Moscow, may eventually turn into anti-Chechen hysteria, and we have already witnessed this once. And what he does today or what he is forced to do - this also has its own explanation. I think that after all, the ruling regime in Russia today is consistent in their actions, that is, in building this vertical of power.

You know that in 1998, when Putin was director of the FSB and (head) of the Security Council, a law was adopted to combat international terrorism. This law was being prepared for the start of the second military campaign. Then, in 2006, two laws were adopted. One law that equated critics of the government and the regime with terrorists and extremists. And the second law, which allowed the Russian special services to eliminate objectionable ... or enemies of the state NRZB. And the first victim was Anna Politkovskaya. The second was Alexander Litvinenko here, Nemtsov and many, many others.

And what I want to draw your attention to today is that you know that a law was passed two or three months ago allowing the security forces to shoot both disabled and pregnant women ... that is, to disperse any mass actions that are possible. That is, the law was passed in advance. Today, of course, the authorities probably have doubts that they themselves - in particular, both the FSB and the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense - are ready to fulfill such an order.

And if this order is given to this comrade that we are talking about, he demonstrates and shows to the whole of Russia and the whole world that he is ready to fulfill Putin's order of any complexity.

In this regard, it seems to me that he is now a kind of horror story for liberal-minded people. These protests, which began in connection with economic problems, should subsequently turn into political protests, and in this case it will be very convenient to use the very force that today declares that they are ready for anything. And, I think that those who are behind Kadyrov, who are behind these 5 ... 9-10 recent years prepared by Putin and Kadyrov - this is exactly the youth who grew up under Russian bombs, and, of course, if they are told that they must restore constitutional order in Moscow, they will do it with pleasure. I think that Kadyrov's card is being played today for this. And he, in turn, repeats the same games on the territory of Chechnya.

Correspondent- The question, I understand that it is not very relevant, but tell me, please. Ramzan Kadyrov urged you to return home. Do you have such plans? And, in general, why does he do it?

A.Zakaev No, no, I have no such plans. We have discussed this before. I don’t have such a plan, and now this is not the situation. I have a certain position and there are certain views on things. Naturally, they radically diverge from the views of the comrade whom you named and this position on many issues, up to and including the definition of relations between Russia and Chechnya. We have completely different things...

Today his position is: he crushed Moscow, crushed Russia. And I thought and still think that normal relations should be built in our country, where the interests of both sides will be taken into account in the first place, and we will build our relations not on handouts and “I am loyal”, but in accordance with the interests and on long term. So far, I don’t see this, and I think that’s why today, as it were, to fit into an absolutely unpromising and obviously false direction or false policy - I, of course, will not participate in this.

Correspondent- Tell me, under what conditions would you be ready to return home?

A.Zakaev- You know, there is a certain condition ... Not like a condition - we must first end this confrontation that continues between Russia and Chechnya. In order to complete this confrontation, there is only one way out. This way out is laid down in the document that was signed by Yeltsin and Maskhadov - this is a peace treaty.

I think today... If this is not done under Putin, it will be done after Putin. I don't know, sooner or later, we will have to return to this basic document and start building our relations on the basis of this document. And that's until we get back to real political processes which would suit both sides, I think that there can be no talk of a return or a change in position.