Hercules flakes on the water. Proper nutrition: oatmeal pancakes. Lean zucchini pancakes in the oven

step by step recipe with photo

This recipe is suitable for those people who cannot eat wheat flour, but at the same time, they want to treat themselves to something tasty. Of course, oatmeal pancakes will not replace real fluffy kefir pancakes for you, but they can brighten up your situation and diversify your diet a little.

In addition, the recipe is very simple and fast. The whole process will not take you more than 30-40 minutes. Children will like these pancakes as they are sweet and tasty. You can add spices to the dough, such as cinnamon and ginger. Then the pancakes will be fragrant.


  • oatmeal (or cereal) - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 2/3 cup
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.


1. If you do not have oatmeal, then do not be discouraged. It can be prepared at home. It is very easy and quick to do, and it will also be quite inexpensive. To do this, you need to buy regular oatmeal. It is not necessary to buy oatmeal, you can take a mixture of cereals (6 or 9). It's up to you. Put the flakes into the chopper bowl and turn on the device for 1-2 minutes, depending on the power. Pour the flour into a bowl.

2. Beat in the chicken egg.

3. Pour sugar or add a spoonful of honey.

4. Pour in vegetable oil.

5. It remains to pour water and you can cook pancakes. There should not be too much water, but the mass should not be thick either. Stir in oatmeal.

Hello comrades!

Probably, today we will do without long introductions. For it’s already the fifth day of summer in the yard, and my girlfriend still pulled me out for a walk and to chat about this and that. As a result, we chatted about the most pressing problems of the summer: how to eat and not get fat, what to drink to lose weight, and how to lose weight if you go to the beach in 2 hours.

And according to this, we will leave the time for ranting about what a cool recipe today and what healthy oatmeal pancakes we will cook for next time. Now just read the 3 most best recipe oatmeal pancakes and draw your own conclusions.

By the way, today's recipes are just from the category "how to eat and not get fat." Write it down.

Recipe 1. Oat pancakes with milk

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that such pancakes are much tastier than wheat ones.

List of products (for 15 fritters):

  • oatmeal - 200 gr (desirable fine grinding)
  • eggs - 1 whole + 1 protein
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • milk - 250 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • raisins or dried cranberries - optional

If you don’t care about sugar and like it sweeter, you can take 2 tbsp instead of honey. Sahara.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix oatmeal, eggs and honey. Continuing to mix, gradually introduce the milk, and then add the baking powder and, if desired, dried fruits. You don't need to mix for a long time.
  2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add a few drops vegetable oil and wipe off excess with a paper towel.
  3. Put the dough on a hot frying pan one tablespoon at a time and form round pancakes with the back of the spoon.
  4. When bursting air bubbles appear on the top side of the fritters, turn the fritters over and fry on the reverse side for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Ready-made pancakes can be served with natural yogurt and a spoonful of honey.

Recipe 2. Pancakes from oatmeal and whole grain flour

To be honest, I prefer this particular recipe, because whole wheat flour is also a storehouse of useful elements. Yes, and the taste of these fritters is much more interesting.

  • flour from oatmeal* - 150 gr.
  • whole grain flour - 50 gr. ( order at a discount , promo code POR7412)
  • kefir or spoiled milk- 200 gr.
  • milk - 125 gr.
  • eggs - 1 whole + 1 protein
  • honey - 1.5 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp
  • a pinch of salt
  • vanillin - 1 pinch or vanilla extract (optional) (discount code POR7412)

*To make oatmeal, simply grind oatmeal in a blender.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, using a whisk, beat kefir, milk, eggs and honey until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  2. Add oatmeal and whole grain flour, baking powder, salt and, if desired, vanilla.
  3. Stir lightly with a whisk to combine dry and liquid ingredients.
  4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and brush with vegetable oil. Remove excess oil with a paper towel.
  5. Put the dough on a hot frying pan one tablespoon at a time and form round pancakes with the back of the spoon in a circular motion.
  6. Turn the pancakes over after bursting air bubbles appear on top of them. And fry on the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Serve whole grain oat pancakes for breakfast with honey, maple syrup, fresh berries and fruit.

Recipe 3. Banana-oat pancakes

The most dietary option for pancakes is without milk, kefir, sugar, honey, butter, etc. But very tasty at the same time. Also, this recipe the fastest of all possible. And from the dishes you stain only a blender and a frying pan.

List of products (for 10 fritters):

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • oatmeal - 125 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • cinnamon - to taste
  • fresh or dried berries - optional

Personally, I advise you to still add some berries to the dough, because they will give additional taste, freshness and sweetness to these diet pancakes.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all ingredients (except berries) in a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Heat up the pan with non-stick coating over medium heat and spread one tablespoon of dough on a hot frying pan.
  3. Using the back of a spoon, we form round pancakes and put a few berries on top of each.
  4. Fry for 3-4 minutes until the underside is browned. Flip over and cook on the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Serve oatmeal-banana pancakes with fresh fruits and berries.

Oatmeal fritters are one of the delicious dishes Russian cuisine. Preparing the dish is as easy as shelling pears, especially since all the ingredients are constantly available in our refrigerator. For a more interesting presentation and sweetness, berries can be served with them.

Recipe for oatmeal fritters on the water

You can cook these pancakes with sugar, or without this ingredient. In the latter version, they are usually served with vegetable salads as a side dish.


Diet pancakes on kefir

The recipe is also suitable for those who adhere to proper nutrition, but can not stand oatmeal. Due to the presence of additional components, the taste of this ingredient is practically not felt, but all useful qualities are preserved.

What is necessary:

  • ripe banana;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp. l.;
  • flower honey;
  • oatmeal - 50 g;
  • kefir - ½ (70 ml) cup;
  • oil - 5 tbsp. l. (1 spoon per dough);
  • brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • flour (previously sifted) - 100 g.

How long to cook: 35 minutes.

Number of calories: 240 kcal.


  1. Grind the flakes with a blender or using a coffee grinder to a powdery state. Pay special attention to the expiration date of the product. On the one hand, it should not be dry, but on the other hand, it should not be damp in any way. Otherwise, the pancakes will turn out bitter;
  2. In a deep bowl, turn the banana (with a blender, fork) into a puree mass. In this recipe, it is better to use a banana that is too ripe (possibly with a dark skin). Such a fruit usually has excessive sweetness - in this case, sugar can be omitted;
  3. Pour kefir to the banana, add the baking powder along with cinnamon, sugar and a spoonful of oil. If you don't have brown sugar on hand, you can substitute it with white sugar. The first in this recipe will give the dish the aroma and taste of caramel;
  4. Mixed dry ingredients (oatmeal + flour) must be added to the resulting mixture. As a result, you should get the usual dough for pancakes, which, when you lift the spoon, will drain from its surface in a thick layer;
  5. Heat the remaining oil over medium heat and lay out the dough in small portions. In order to get the perfect size pancakes, use special culinary rings when frying. However, remove them only after the dough "grabs" and does not spread;
  6. Serve the finished dish at any temperature, but for sweetness, you can sprinkle with honey.

Apple fritters with oatmeal

Not sure how to get your child to eat healthy oatmeal? There is an exit! It is enough to take a sweet large apple, apply a few culinary tricks and your child will ask for more.

What is necessary:

  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • on the tip of a knife soda with salt;
  • large apple;
  • oatmeal - 1.5 cups;
  • lemon juice - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - how much is needed for frying.

How long to cook: 30 minutes + overnight for oatmeal to plump.

Number of calories: 180 kcal.


  1. Flakes for swelling should be poured with kefir and put in the refrigerator for one night. By morning, the flakes will absorb kefir, swell, and you will get a thick porridge;
  2. In a separate bowl, salt the eggs and beat with sugar;
  3. Add the mixture to the oatmeal and add soda. Mix;
  4. Grated apple, sprinkle with citrus juice before sending it to the main mixture. Mix;
  5. Apple pancakes are fried in the usual way until golden brown.
  6. The finished dish is poured with non-fat sour cream or natural yogurt.

Banana pancakes with oatmeal

Another way to please the child with their “favorite” oatmeal, but with the addition of fragrant tropical fruit. By the way, if bananas are too sweet, then sugar can be omitted.

What is necessary:

  • skimmed milk - 50 ml;
  • overripe bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • oatmeal - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. "without a slide";
  • large egg.

How much to cook: 20 minutes.

Number of calories: 147 kcal.


  1. Flakes must be ground to a powder;
  2. Bananas turn into a puree mass. You can do this with a fork or a blender, as you like;
  3. Add bananas to a beaten egg, pour in milk and ready-made oatmeal. Beat the last time and as a result we get a thick dough;
  4. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan (you can without it) and start frying the banana pancakes.

Lean zucchini pancakes in the oven

To make zucchini pancakes really lean, cook them without oil, using a frying pan with a ceramic or non-stick coating. Another important point: Do not mold oversized pieces, otherwise they will fall apart when turned over.

What is necessary:

  • ground pepper to taste;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 30 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • large egg;
  • cereal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • onion head.

How long to cook: 35 minutes.

Number of calories: 120 kcal


  1. Flakes can be crushed if desired, or can be left in usual form. Pour the component with milk. While the gruel swells, prepare other ingredients;
  2. Onion with zucchini must be grated or chopped in a food processor (as you prefer). Salt the finished mixture and squeeze the juice - we do not need it;
  3. Beat in the egg and, after mixing, add the vegetable mass to the oatmeal. Pepper and stir;
  4. The baking sheet at this stage should be covered with parchment and turn on the oven to heat up;
  5. Shape the dough into pancakes as similar in size as possible and bake at 200C for about 20 minutes. Somewhere in the middle of the cooking process, that is, at the 10th minute, turn the products over.

A lean dish is served with sour cream (naturally with a minimum fat content) or natural yogurt.

Pancakes vegetable with meat

Zucchini products, and even in the company of chicken and oatmeal, despite the lightness, will replace a hearty dinner.

What is necessary:

  • oil - how much is needed for frying;
  • large zucchini;
  • salt to taste;
  • medium-sized eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken fillet (boiled and chopped) - 200 g
  • cereal - 100 g.

How long to cook: 30 minutes.

Number of calories: 51 kcal.


  1. The first step is to grate the zucchini along with the peel. This can be done with a food processor (if available);
  2. To the crushed component, drive eggs, salt and pour granulated sugar. Mix;
  3. Introduce cereal and leave the dough for literally a quarter of an hour so that the last ingredient can swell;
  4. Stir again. If the squash dough is of a liquid consistency, you need to add a little more oatmeal. Enter the fillet and mix;
  5. Heat the oil and fry the pancakes over medium heat until cooked through.

  1. If zucchini is present in the dough, then it is recommended to salt the mass almost before frying. The product is quite watery, and in the presence of salt it releases a large number of juice. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cook too much dough, as you will not have time to quickly fry the products, and the last batches will spread across the pan. In this regard, young zucchini are especially active;
  2. The key to the splendor of oatmeal fritters will be the ideal consistency of the dough, which should be similar to thick sour cream and in no case spread;
  3. The last secret lies in the tincture of the dough. Take your time during cooking, let the cereal soak up the liquid well, so that as a result your pastries are fluffy and soft.

Bon appetit!

Everyone knows that oatmeal is healthy! But what is this benefit? Firstly, oatmeal improves metabolism, removes harmful toxins from the body, and normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system. Secondly, oatmeal dishes for breakfast energize for the whole day, so even after a few hours, you will remain full and cheerful!

Unfortunately, not everyone loves oatmeal. But this is not a problem, because many other types of oatmeal can be made from oatmeal. healthy meals. Today this dish will be pancakes! Water-based oatmeal pancakes are a quick, tasty, nutritious and satisfying breakfast for the whole family! In addition, pancakes are convenient to take with you to study and work, because they remain tasty even when cold.

So, to prepare oatmeal fritters on water, we take the following ingredients: oatmeal (not requiring cooking), hot water, egg, salt, sugar, flour, baking powder. And also, to make the taste of pancakes brighter, add a lovely combination of apple and cinnamon. Both of these components perfectly complement oatmeal.

Pouring oatmeal hot water. Mix and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell.

During this time, the flakes will absorb water and there will be almost no liquid left.

Add salt, sugar (we put to taste) and an egg to the resulting porridge. Mix until smooth.

Add flour and knead the dough for oatmeal pancakes. It should turn out quite thick, resembling milk oatmeal in consistency.

Add baking powder and cinnamon to the mass.

Peel the apple and cut into small pieces.

Add to test.

We mix. Dough for oatmeal pancakes on the water is ready!

With a tablespoon, spread the dough on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. This will take several minutes.

Oatmeal pancakes on the water are ready to serve. Put them on a dish.

And we serve!

Bon appetit!

Everyone knows that oatmeal is healthy! But what is this benefit? Firstly, oatmeal improves metabolism, removes harmful toxins from the body, and normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system. Secondly, oatmeal dishes for breakfast energize for the whole day, so even after a few hours, you will remain full and cheerful!
Unfortunately, not everyone loves oatmeal. But this is not a problem, because many other healthy dishes can be prepared from oatmeal. Today this dish will be pancakes! Water-based oatmeal pancakes are a quick, tasty, nutritious and satisfying breakfast for the whole family! In addition, pancakes are convenient to take with you to study and work, because they remain tasty even when cold.

Cooking time: 1 hour
For 4 people

Oatmeal - 1 cup
Water - 2 glasses
Egg - 1 pc.
Salt - 0.5 tsp
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Flour - 6-8 tbsp.
Baking powder - 0.5 tsp
Apple - 1 pc.
Cinnamon - to taste
Vegetable oil - for frying

So, to prepare oatmeal fritters on water, we take the following ingredients: oatmeal (not requiring cooking), hot water, egg, salt, sugar, flour, baking powder. And also, to make the taste of pancakes brighter, add a lovely combination of apple and cinnamon. Both of these components perfectly complement oatmeal.

Pour oatmeal with hot water. Mix and leave for 10-15 minutes to swell.

During this time, the flakes will absorb water and there will be almost no liquid left.

Add salt, sugar (we put to taste) and an egg to the resulting porridge. Mix until smooth.

Add flour and knead the dough for oatmeal pancakes. It should turn out quite thick, resembling milk oatmeal in consistency. Depending on the quality and type of flour, its quantity may vary, so focus on the consistency of the dough.

Add baking powder and cinnamon to the mass.

Peel the apple and cut into small pieces.

Add to test. To diversify the taste of pancakes, in addition to apple and cinnamon, you can add pieces of chocolate, candied fruit, raisins, etc. to the dough.

We mix. Dough for oatmeal pancakes on the water is ready!

With a tablespoon, spread the dough on a frying pan heated with vegetable oil. You can also fry pancakes without vegetable oil, in a dry frying pan. In this case, the dish can be considered dietary.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. This will take several minutes.

Oatmeal pancakes on the water are ready to serve. Put them on a dish.

And we serve. It is best to serve oatmeal pancakes on the water with sour cream and honey.

Bon appetit!