How to mend your own shoes. How to repair rubber boots at home. Let's start repairing

Since it will soon get colder and snow will fall in Odessa, it's time to check the reliability of winter shoes. This is especially true for women, who find it most difficult to choose and buy boots that fit their feet. Girls know that it is possible to choose a size according to the foot without any problems, but it is already much more difficult to choose the bootleg according to the calf. Therefore, the golden hands of a beloved man will come to the rescue, who will be able to repair shoes at home and narrow the tops of his boots.

We repair shoes at home

When choosing women's winter shoes, as a rule, there are two problems: either the feet are comfortable, but the shaft is wide, or the shoes fit well, but the fingers are not comfortable. Therefore, if you liked the boots, but do not fit, since the legs dangle in them like a pencil in a glass, then you can narrow the wide shaft yourself.

Our jack-of-all-trades will share with readers how you can make boots on your foot with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a shoe repair shop. Moreover, this work is not cheap. Moreover, it is still unknown how well it will be made in a workshop on the market.

The only point is that in this way you can narrow the boots only if they are no more than 5 centimeters wide. Since otherwise you will need a special shoe sewing machine.

What will we need?

For this work you will need a ruler, scissors, a fountain pen, glue, a sewing machine (about the types and cost of modern machines), a shoe zipper (footage). It is better to watch zip fasteners in the online store. Considering big choice models and color options you will definitely find the right fastener.

Approximate price - from 6 to 7 and a half hryvnia per meter. For example, it is better to check the presence of a particular lightning in the catalog

We will make boots from the side of the zipper. First you need to correctly take the measurement from the leg. Experienced craftsmen this is done with a measuring tape. However, there is an easier way, and it is most applicable at home.

How to take a measurement from a leg?

You need to wear a boot, you do not need to fasten the zipper. Next, take both sides of the shaft and put them on top of each other and thus determine how many centimeters you need to narrow. At the zipper, in the place where the tops began to intersect with each other, you need to put a mark in the form of a dot with a fountain pen.

Here will be the start for cropping. Further, at the intersection of the tops at the very top of the boot, we measure from the point of connection of the tops with each other and to the end point of the top. That is, we measure the piece that needs to be cut off. For example, it turned out 4 centimeters.

However, it would be wrong to cut off so much on one side of the shaft, because there will be a misalignment of the lightning. Therefore, this size must be divided in half. Now there are two centimeters left on each side. In this case, the lightning will remain in the middle, where it should be. We connect the upper and lower points with one line. Thus, on both sides of the lightning, there were places that need to be cut off.

Once again, to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to try on the boot on the leg.

Gently need to flog the zipper just below the marks. With sharp scissors along the marked line, cut off the excess material along with the lining (fur). Glue the zipper in place with glue.

With all the abundance of repair shops, some consumers still prefer to repair their shoes themselves. This is due to distrust of the work of some masters, with the high cost of the services of others. It seems that when a shoe has lasted for several years, it will be cheaper to throw it away and buy a new one than to repair it. However, materials are usually inexpensive, and craftsmen can repair shoes with their own hands and bring a pair to its original form.


Someone generally takes the path of least resistance and prepares the setting mixture on their own. So for repairing shoes, acetone with nylon fabric is useful - after degreasing, this product begins to have excellent adhesive properties. If a person works in some kind of production, he can use rubber glue, but a very high temperature is required to start the reaction, so in manufactories it is activated only in special stoves.

The most ordinary superglue can also help, but in this case, the repaired shoes should be dry and clean. The substance itself is carefully applied to one side, heated with an industrial hair dryer or oven on the other, and the boot is carefully sealed. True, molecular glue is not used everywhere in workshops, because it is not at all elastic, although it sticks tightly and quickly. If something is done incorrectly, tearing off part of the leather or sole to re-glue the boot will be too problematic.

A special adhesive solution for shoes will greatly simplify the task. As a rule, they are performed in the workshop with the help of dismakol and nairit. There are different variations of these compounds with different additives, depending on which the cost of the product changes. Rapid is also often used, but this glue, as a rule, is sold only in bulk, so it is not at all suitable for a single do-it-yourself repair.


A half-pair is placed on a metal foot or similar hard fixing device. Ready-made heels with an internal nail-pin are placed on thin studs for greater stability. If necessary, the stud must be sharpened to the diameter of the heel sleeve or vice versa, expanded with hammer blows, then apply a drop of superglue and instantly hammer the heel into the pin. After that, it is necessary to grind the material on a grinder with a stone, or with a drill, aligning it with the thickness of the heel. This procedure is quite complicated, it is better to contact the shoe repair professional craftsmen so as not to spoil your favorite couple.

Installing heels on a wide heel with your own hands is a little easier. Plastic heels can also be glued super glue, pre-warming the material well. Hot polyurethane instantly "grabs" with the base and eliminates the need for the old fashioned way to hammer nails. Special shoe glue is applied to leather, wooden heels - nairit, be sure to apply on both sides! After waiting for a while, it is necessary to firmly press the planes to each other and fix.

L Any chemical agent requires proper application: both the appearance of the boots and the service life after repair depend on the gluing technology. It should be remembered that it is very difficult to apply a uniform thin layer of glue without smudges at home, especially for the inside of the shoes. in the workshop implies the presence necessary tool However, in some cases, you can get by with improvised means. A prerequisite for competent shoe repair is the activation of an already dried crust of glue about ten to twenty minutes after application.

The parts to be glued are heated with a hairdryer or held over electric stove, after which they are tightly connected to each other. Then the shoes should stand for a day in a warm room - only after that it will be reached operational strength . If you start wearing shoes immediately after repair, there is a high chance that the glued part will simply fall off.

When repairing soles with your own hands, you still have to use a professional solution - nairit, which is suitable for joining leather, suede fabrics with shoe soles. The moment that housewives like to use in such cases will not work. Our workshop is often contacted after an unsuccessful attempt to use the glue-moment, which of course does not help to glue the sole. It has to be removed with a solvent, degreased the surface, which takes additional time and money.


  1. Glue "Super" can only connect fixed areas (for example, heels);
  2. The shoe solution must be applied to both surfaces to be glued, after which it dries for 15 minutes;
  3. It is necessary to use an industrial hair dryer or a stove for strong heating of the material when installing heels;
  4. It is necessary to firmly press the parts to be glued and fix them strongly for a minute.

Rubber boots are shoes that are necessary not only for summer cottages, but also for the city. They protect from bad weather and dirt. But they have one drawback - any nail or piece of glass is enough for the shoes to become unusable. Of course, the easiest way would be to simply take the shoes in for repair, paying a tidy sum at the same time, but here we also face a problem: not all shoe shops undertake to glue rubber boots, because they themselves do not know how to do it.

Seal rubber boots at home can be very difficult. This can be confirmed by everyone who has ever tried to do this. The fact is that the usual glue that we use to glue ordinary shoes will not work for rubber boots. It does not matter if you want to seal the seam, the sole or any other part of the boot.

To seal rubber boots effectively, you need to know where the damage is. Rubber is a material that is very easy to pierce with a sharp object. You can simply step on glass or a sharp brick so that a through hole forms in the sole. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as water will rapidly accumulate in the shoes. But if we find damage, we can fix it at home.

And there are several methods by which this can be done. Let's take a closer look at how to seal rubber boots.

Tips before gluing boots

In order for the repair to be successful, and the boots to last for a very long time, you need to know the following:

Before repair, rubber shoes must be very thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
- The patch can be cut from a tire or old rubber boots.
- It is better to carefully process the patch from the wrong side with sandpaper or a file to make the surface rough for better adhesion of the glue.
- It is best to degrease the surface of the shoe with acetone or a solvent.
- Glue must be chosen special, on which it is necessarily indicated, for example, “shoe” or “rubber”.
- Before repairing rubber boots, it is imperative to read the instructions from the adhesive manufacturer in order to do everything correctly.
- It is best to smear the patch and the place of gluing with special glue several times, after waiting until the first layer dries a little.
- When gluing the surfaces, it is necessary to press very strongly against each other or tap on the place of gluing with a hammer.
- The patch on the boot can be easily disguised with sandpaper.

4 ways to seal rubber boots

Method 1. You can stick boots special glue . It can be purchased in shops for hunters and fishermen. But in order to get the right glue, you need to know what exactly the shoes are made of. The fact is that for shoes made of EVA or polyurethane, different adhesives are needed.

The seller can help you purchase the necessary glue by giving advice. Further, everything is simple - you need to sand and degrease part of the boot and stick a patch. If the shoes are made of porous material, then you can glue it without using a patch. The edges at the site of the cut should simply be turned out, generously smeared with glue and pressed against each other.

Method 2. For this method, you will need a regular bicycle repair kit . It contains patches on special protective films, sandpaper and, of course, glue. Clean the desired place on the shoes with sandpaper and thoroughly degrease. Further, having previously removed the film from the bookmark, it is necessary to apply glue to it and press the patch to the hole. You can use shoes almost immediately, but it is better to wait at least 12 hours.

The only drawback of the method is the unaesthetic appearance of the shoes after the repair. If the hole appeared not on the top, but on the sole, the gluing technology does not change. You just need to make the surface smooth and even, because usually the sole on such shoes is quite embossed. This is possible with a sharpening machine. And then stick a patch on this place.

But it is important to know that such a patch will not last long, especially if the sole of the boots comes into contact with a rough and hard surface very often. Therefore, it is better to wear such boots, for example, for fishing. Well, if the sole breaks again, the gluing procedure will need to be repeated.

Method 3. In order to seal women's boots without using patches, you need to purchase adhesive sealant . You can do this at any auto shop. First you need to degrease the place of gluing, and then grease the torn edges with glue and press them together. If you do everything carefully, then the boots will look like new.

Method 4. This method of repairing rubber shoes is also called "hot" method . It is not difficult, but requires certain skills and, most importantly, a vulcanizer. As a patch, rubber pre-soaked in gasoline is used. It is placed on the hole in the boot and clamped with a vulcanizer. The device must be turned on for 20-30 minutes, then turned off and cool. Only after it has cooled down, you can remove the press.

Do not despair if your favorite rubber boots are suddenly torn. It is enough to make a little effort and the repaired boots will be no different from new shoes. You can use sealed boots a day after the patch has been applied. But if there is no time to wait, then you can walk in them in an hour.

How to care for boots

Rubber boots need to be properly cared for. And then you do not have to resort to their frequent repairs. After all, even high quality, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer, does not always mean the safety of shoes.

Rubber boots need to be cleaned properly. They are best washed with a solution of glycerin and water. In this case, the boots should be wiped with a soft cloth and dried frequently so that the fungus does not appear.

Wet rubber boots should not be dried with a hair dryer or battery. Shoes need to dry naturally.

The sole is one of the most vulnerable spots on a shoe. Surely, everyone was faced with the fact that the threads broke off on it or the glue lagged behind. According to experts, you can make repairs yourself, without contacting shoe shops. The main thing is to be patient and buy good quality sewing threads.

Before proceeding with the firmware, you need to make sure that this type of repair is appropriate. If the shoes are cheap, it often happens that a complete replacement of the sole is required due to the poor quality of the rubber. Determining the degree of wear is quite simple: tears at the edges and in those places where the thread will lie are a sure sign that the shoes will not last long after restoration.

    Preparatory work

    But even a very thick one will look extremely unaesthetic on shoes.

Step-by-step instruction

Often such a nuisance happens - the sole of your favorite shoes, sandals or boots bursts, wears out or leaves. And there is no particular desire to go to the shoe workshop. Yes, and the problem is not particularly significant - a slight wear or crack. How to do in this case repair shoes yourself?

Cracked sole repair.

You can repair a cracked sole in the following 2 ways:

  • pasting the overlay;
  • filling the crack with nylon or rubber.

In the first case, you will not be able to protect your shoes from getting wet, because this option is only suitable for repairing summer shoes. Then, when it is necessary to repair winter boots, it is better to use rubber.

First you need to sand the edges of the cracks with sandpaper (sandpaper). Of course, before making repairs to shoes, they must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then you need to degrease the cracks, since the rubber will not be able to stick to the dust. Using a sharp knife, you will need to cut out a piece of rubber, such as from an old bicycle tire. The size of the strip should be 2 times the depth of the crack. A strip of rubber must also be sanded with sandpaper and degreased with gasoline or acetone. Next, we bend the boot, open the crack, lubricate the cuts with glue. The surface of the rubber also needs to be treated with glue on one side only. We place the segment in the deepening of the crack. Leave the shoes under pressure for 24 hours.

You can also get rid of cracks in shoes with a soldering iron and nylon. And in this case, boots or boots need to be washed and dried. We pass on the surface with a degreaser. We heat the soldering iron and apply it to the crack. The rubber will melt and fill the damage. But it will not be enough, so you will need to use a piece of nylon, which must be applied to the molten rubber. With the help of a soldering iron, we also melt the nylon, filling the crack with it until all the damage is filled with nylon.

Please note that rubber or nylon should be heated with a handle, and not with the tip of a soldering iron.

Worn sole repair.

In the event that the sole is not cracked, but slightly worn out on the toes, in the center or on the heel, it can be restored using an overlay. To do this, it is necessary to grind the surface of the sole in the place of its thinning by two centimeters with sandpaper. Then degrease with solvent. Then cut out a piece of rubber or polyurethane, the shape is the same as the thinned place. Sand the piece that you are going to glue to the shoe with sandpaper and degrease it in the same way. A piece of polyurethane should have a non-uniform thickness. In other words, the greatest thickness should be in the region of maximum damage. And the thinnest place should be glued in a place with a normal thickness.

How to repair shoes with your own hands?

Lubricate the sole and cut with glue. We squeeze the parts as much as possible and put them under the press so that they dry completely.

Instead of glue, use a special shoe compound or adhesive. That is, a substance that is selected based on the properties of the sole. The box with the adhesive indicates which materials can be repaired with it.

Peeled outsole repair.

In the event that the sole has moved away at the fold, it is not enough to process areas that do not adhere well to the material of the shoe. To restore boots, boots or shoes, you will then need to carefully pry off the sole and move it from the damaged area. Next, you need to grind it with sandpaper or a file and treat it with a degreaser. Apply glue to both the shoes and the sole and squeeze them properly.

Do not place weights or similar objects on the skin as they may leave unsightly marks.


Make repairs on the street or on the balcony, because adhesive vapors may contain toxic components.

As you can see, repairing the soles of shoes on your own is not difficult at all and even quite entertaining. This is exactly what you can do!

The sole is one of the most vulnerable spots on a shoe.

Surely, everyone was faced with the fact that the threads broke off on it or the glue lagged behind. According to experts, you can make repairs yourself, without contacting shoe shops. The main thing is to be patient and buy good quality sewing threads.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the firmware, you need to make sure that this type of repair is appropriate. If the shoes are cheap, it often happens that a complete replacement of the sole is required due to the poor quality of the rubber.

Do-it-yourself shoe restoration: interesting ideas

Determining the degree of wear is quite simple: tears at the edges and in those places where the thread will lie are a sure sign that the shoes will not last long after restoration.
In all other cases, you can safely proceed to the firmware. To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

    Nylon threads 40 (here is a link to them). It is important that their color matches the color of the sole. Particular attention should be paid to the thickness of the thread: it should not be thin, otherwise it will quickly break. But even a very thick one will look extremely unaesthetic on shoes.

    Glue. For gluing, Desmokol polyurethane glue, which is used by professional shoemakers, is best suited. It forms a soft, elastic and durable seam. And due to the transparency of the substance, there are no whitish marks and streaks on the surface. Alternatively, you can also use Nairit.

    Shoe hook. This is a professional tool that is used for piercing and stitching shoes at the same time. Its feature is a thin tip, which is shaped like a harpoon.

    White chalk. A small piece of chalk will be needed in order to outline the stitching line. Thanks to this, the line will be beautiful and even.

All this can be purchased at the Obuv-komplekt online store at very attractive prices. Delivery of orders is carried out in all cities of Ukraine.

Step-by-step instruction

As already mentioned, there is nothing complicated in the firmware of the sole. The main thing is to strictly adhere to step by step instructions which is given below:

    The first step is to glue the fallen off sole. Glue should be applied in a thin and even layer, best with a paint brush.

    Wait until the glue dries. As a rule, it begins to set 10-15 minutes after application. After that, draw a line with chalk, retreating from the edge of about 3 centimeters.

    Get straight to sewing. To make it easier for yourself, you need to start sewing from the heel. Try to make the most accurate seams and not go off the intended line.

    So that the sole does not let water through while wearing shoes, coat the thread with glue. This will provide additional sealing.

On average, the entire repair takes no more than an hour. If everything is done correctly, then the shoes will serve faithfully for at least another season.

Shoe repair at home

It often happens that in order to save money, many housewives, and even owners, do not want or simply cannot afford to give a large part of the family budget for shoe repair. Especially if there are more than one such pair, and even for every season of the year. Of course, there are certain types of work that cannot be carried out at home simply because they require special equipment.

The rest you can do on your own. A few simple tricks - and you will not only be able to learn how to repair shoes and return your favorite pair of shoes or boots to working condition, but also save part of your budget, which you can spend on more important needs. In addition, it can become your new hobby or even profession - why not? So, how to learn how to repair shoes at home without the help of specialists?

How to learn how to repair shoes - tips

If the problem is worn buckles, buttons, bows or straps, remove them with a knife. Sewing threads that have come out of the seams, as well as staples, must also be removed with scissors. In those places where the buckles are fastened with straps, the latter must be completely removed if you change them for new ones. When building, get rid of them only partially.

New straps in shape, size, color and edge processing must exactly match those that were previously. New straps need to be glued well, and then sewn with a double-row stitch and be sure to make a bartack. Buttons can be sewn with a regular needle, but not less than 5 stitches, maintaining a distance between punctures of 4-5 mm.

Hooks and blocks that are no longer suitable for use must be removed with a screwdriver or pliers. All parameters of the newly installed hooks and blocks (shape, color and size) must exactly match those that you just deleted.

Do-it-yourself shoe repair

Not as difficult as it seems, you can learn how to repair shoes and replace the slider on a boot zipper. You need to start by cutting a few centimeters of thread under the zipper. This is necessary in order to freely pull out the edge of the fastener and remove the old slider. When you have removed the defective copy, you can put on a new one, then strengthen the end of the clasp with a metal staple, or thread, or superglue, and then carefully, with frequent stitches, sew the fabric base of the clasp back. You can slightly bend and squeeze the slider with pliers.

Shoe repair - do-it-yourself heel heel

But do not overdo it with the applied force - it can be pressed so hard that the internal parts will scratch the teeth on the clasp, then you will have to change the entire snake.

You can significantly increase the safety margin of the lock if you regularly lubricate both the lock and the entire fastener along the length, for example, with silicone grease, which is sold in cylinders. A small amount of this product should be applied to cotton wool and gently wipe the clasp and lock, without touching the entire shoe. Such a procedure will make it easier to fasten and unfasten, in winter it will not freeze, and in spring and autumn it will not accumulate and clog dirt and sand.

If your shoes have plastic heels that need to be replaced, but you haven't found the right color, or if the heel is just scratched, you can learn how to repair shoes and get by with touching up the heel. To do this, you should purchase aerosol paint of the desired color in a can. You can even use car paint. Before painting, the heels should be washed with warm water with a small amount of detergent. This will degrease the surface well. It is better not to use acetone for this purpose, as it can corrode the old layer of paint. Dry the heel and evenly spray paint on it at a distance of 15-20 cm. If your heels are also covered with leather, it is better not to use this method.

When choosing women's winter shoes, as a rule, there are two problems: either the feet are comfortable, but the shaft is wide, or the shoes fit well, but the fingers are not comfortable.

DIY shoe repair

Therefore, if you liked the boots, but do not fit, since the legs dangle in them like a pencil in a glass, then you can narrow the wide shaft yourself.

Our jack-of-all-trades will share with readers how you can make boots on your foot with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a shoe repair shop. Moreover, this work is not cheap. Moreover, it is still unknown how well it will be made in a workshop on the market.

What will we need?

How to take a measurement from a leg?

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Since it will soon get colder and snow will fall in Odessa, it's time to check the reliability of winter shoes. This is especially true for women, who find it most difficult to choose and buy boots that fit their feet. Girls know that it is possible to choose a size according to the foot without any problems, but it is already much more difficult to choose the bootleg according to the calf. Therefore, the golden hands of a beloved man will come to the rescue, who will be able to repair shoes at home and narrow the tops of his boots.

We repair shoes at home

When choosing women's winter shoes, as a rule, there are two problems: either the feet are comfortable, but the shaft is wide, or the shoes fit well, but the fingers are not comfortable. Therefore, if you liked the boots, but do not fit, since the legs dangle in them like a pencil in a glass, then you can narrow the wide shaft yourself.

Our jack-of-all-trades will share with readers how you can make boots on your foot with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a shoe repair shop. Moreover, this work is not cheap.

How to DIY shoe repair

Moreover, it is still unknown how well it will be made in a workshop on the market.

The only point is that in this way you can narrow the boots only if they are no more than 5 centimeters wide. Since otherwise you will need a special shoe sewing machine.

What will we need?

For this work you will need a ruler, scissors, a fountain pen, glue, a sewing machine, a shoe zipper (footage). It is better to look at the zipper fasteners in the online store. With a large selection of models and color options, you will definitely find the right clasp.

Approximate price - from 6 to 7 and a half hryvnia per meter. For example, it is better to check the presence of a particular lightning in the catalog

We will make boots from the side of the zipper. First you need to correctly take the measurement from the leg. Experienced craftsmen do this with a centimeter tape. However, there is an easier way, and it is most applicable at home.

How to take a measurement from a leg?

You need to wear a boot, you do not need to fasten the zipper. Next, take both sides of the shaft and put them on top of each other and thus determine how many centimeters you need to narrow. At the zipper, in the place where the tops began to intersect with each other, you need to put a mark in the form of a dot with a fountain pen.

Here will be the start for cropping. Further, at the intersection of the tops at the very top of the boot, we measure from the point of connection of the tops with each other and to the end point of the top. That is, we measure the piece that needs to be cut off. For example, it turned out 4 centimeters.

However, it would be wrong to cut off so much on one side of the shaft, because there will be a misalignment of the lightning. Therefore, this size must be divided in half. Now there are two centimeters left on each side. In this case, the lightning will remain in the middle, where it should be. We connect the upper and lower points with one line. Thus, on both sides of the lightning, there were places that need to be cut off.

Once again, to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to try on the boot on the leg.

Gently need to flog the zipper just below the marks. With sharp scissors along the marked line, cut off the excess material along with the lining (fur). Glue the zipper in place with glue.

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