Finishing the bath: we choose the best materials for the steam room, washing and changing rooms. Bath: finishing the washing room - useful tips from experienced craftsmen Washing compartment in the bath design

It is possible to make the interior lining of the washing room in the bath various materials. They differ in appearance, cost, characteristics. The choice depends on the method of building a bath and the financial capabilities of the owner.


Being engaged in interior finishing of a washing bath, it should be borne in mind that high air humidity is constantly maintained here. This means that special requirements are imposed on the facing materials. They must be exceptionally moisture resistant. This allows you to increase performance characteristics and increase the service life of the bath room. In addition, the lining of the sink is carried out only eco-friendly materials.

Selection of materials for interior decoration in a washing bath

If the washing room in the bath is combined with a steam room, then it should be sheathed with hardwood. For facing a separate sink, the choice of materials is wider:
  1. Wood. Conifers are considered the best option. They contain resin, and therefore are more moisture resistant. Using spruce or pine as a finish, it must be additionally coated with wax or impregnated with a moisture-repellent compound.
  2. Tile. Tiles and ceramics are distinguished by high strength and moisture resistant characteristics. The tile is produced in a wide color palette, but it is not so easy to competently and aesthetically lay it on your own. Usually it is used to finish walls up to 1.8 meters.
  3. A rock. Marble and granite are mainly used for laying floors and walls up to 0.4 meters high. Due to the heavy weight, it is not recommended to stone the ceiling. This material is expensive, but has long term services.
  4. Plastic. PVC panels - the most cheap option. They are waterproof, easy to install and easy to clean. However, this material does not differ in strength and durability, and the seams darken after six months or a year. At the same time, a low-quality panel can emit an unpleasant synthetic odor when heated.

After selecting the material, it is necessary to think over the ventilation, heating, water supply and drain system in the steam room. Only then should work begin.

Sheathing washing in the bath with wooden clapboard

Work on finishing the washing in the bath from the inside is carried out only after shrinkage of the structure, external and internal caulking. If the bath is built of brick or foam block, then the interior lining can be carried out immediately after finishing construction works.

We perform the work in the following order:

  • We stuff a frame of bars on the walls. We will place the lining vertically, which means we mount the crate in a horizontal position. Can be sheathed with clapboard diagonally. In any case, the base bars must be perpendicular to the sheet of material. By combining these methods, you can make a lining in the form of an original pattern.
  • In the recesses between the elements of the crate, we lay the heat insulator with a layer of 5-10 cm.
  • We cover the surface with foil insulation.
  • We fasten the lining to the crate with the help of a clamp, nails or self-tapping screws.
  • We process it with wax or a water-repellent solution.
  • We install platbands on windows and doors.

Finishing the ceiling in such a washing room should also be done with clapboard. It is mounted in the same way as on the walls.

Finishing the washing in the bath tiles

This method involves laying tiles on walls up to 1.8 meters high, and plastering and painting on top. However repair work in this case will be required every year or two. It is possible to finish with washing tiles in both wooden and brick baths.

Facing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We sheathe the walls with roofing felt for waterproofing.
  2. We make a cement screed on the wall with a maximum height of up to 1.8 meters.
  3. We prepare the adhesive base. To do this, mix glue, cement and sand in the proportion indicated for a particular tile.
  4. We lay the tiles on the wall in the direction from the bottom up. The adhesive solution is applied to the tile.
  5. To ensure that the tile joints are even and the levels do not move, we use a special cross.
  6. We rub the seams with a hydrophobic composition.
  7. The space remaining to the top and the ceiling are plastered, and then we cover the surface water-based paint. The water-based coating must be refreshed every two to three years, depending on the frequency of use.

The tiled floor will also look beautiful. It should be noted that the tile is very slippery (especially when high humidity), therefore, having equipped such a floor, for safety reasons it is better to lay a rubber mat or build a ladder made of wood.

Facing the washing bath with stone

Natural stone is expensive and heavy. Because in recent times artificial analogue is gaining more and more popularity. Which material to use - natural or artificial, is a matter of personal preference and financial capabilities.

The methods of laying these materials are identical:

  • We carefully plaster the walls, reinforce them with a construction mesh.
  • We make a cement screed on the wall with a maximum height of up to 0.4 meters.
  • We lay stone slabs on it. We apply the adhesive solution on the wall or on the stone slab. You can leave gaps or make back-to-back styling.
  • We start the installation of stone slabs from window or doorways or from the corner.
  • Use a level to check if the installation is level.
  • We rub the seams with a water-repellent solution. It is necessary to carry out these works not earlier than one day after laying.
  • The space remaining to the top is plastered.
  • We apply a layer of waterproofing mastic.
  • Sheathe the walls with PVC panels. We press them tightly against each other and against the wall to prevent moisture from entering.

Please note: if you decide to lay a stone with gaps, then they should not exceed 2.5 cm.

Installation of PVC panels in the washing bath

In the washing bath there are no such high temperatures as in the steam room, therefore, surface finishing with PVC panels is allowed. Majority modern varieties plastic panels have a "castle" thorn-groove system. This greatly facilitates installation, which even a beginner can handle.

If the walls are not perfectly even, then you should first make a crate on which we mount the panels. This provides an additional air gap, which prevents the formation of condensate. In the space between the wall and the crate, a layer of waterproofing should be laid.
Sometimes, if the walls are even and dry, it is allowed to lay the panels directly on the wall. However, in any case, for a bath, this method of lining is undesirable.

The ceiling is also easy to sew up with PVC panels. To do this, we plaster it, apply a waterproofing layer, make a crate and mount panels on it.

Please note: connecting moldings are produced exclusively for panels whose thickness is 8-10 cm. The optimal panels for washing are 15-25 cm wide and up to 10 cm thick.

Watch a video about finishing the washing department in the bath:

Instructions for finishing the washing bath and photos will help you understand the basic principles of this process in more detail. Carrying out internal lining, it is necessary to take into account the increased humidity of the room. Therefore, moisture-resistant materials should be used, and due attention should also be paid to the organization of ventilation.

Modern baths have several branches at once. A steam room with a washing room is done separately. So in the steam room there is always low humidity and it is easier to steam. But I want to make a washing department with high quality. The question arises of how to finish the washing in the bath if traditionally it is built of wood. And as you know, the combination of wood and water is bad. About what material is suitable for facing the washing, we will consider together with the readers.

What should be the washing in the bath

The washing compartment in the bath should be at least 4 m². Regular bathroom sizes, as in an apartment, will not work. They use the washing room not only as a shower room, but also as a place for massage or applying various cosmetic masks. Not bad if there are 1-2 benches in the room. In order to save money, you can make a bench in the washing room with your own hands from natural wood. The length of the benches should be at least 180 cm, so that the tallest member of the family can fit on it lying down.

In large baths, the washing department is combined with a pool. In this case, several cabins are installed, and the pool is used for relaxation and diving after the steam room. It is convenient to have the exit from the steam room directly to the washing room, only from there to the rest room. They take a shower not only to wash themselves, but also to wash off the sweat and cool off after the steam room, before relaxing and drinking tea.

There will not necessarily be a shower in the washing section of the bath. You can hang several tubs for running in cold water. But in this case, it is necessary to equip a separate place for placing basins for washing.

AT small baths washing can be combined with a bathroom. In such a sink, you can install a regular shower stall. In this case, the water will not be in such contact with the wall decoration.

The material for finishing the washing room is chosen based on the main design in the bath and a number of other criteria, which we will discuss below.

Features of the material for washing

The washing compartment is not exposed to high temperatures, but constant contact with water makes it unfavorable for wood. If, nevertheless, the overall design of the bath is a tree, and you don’t want to break it, then they use a lining or imitation of a bar made of larch or aspen. But the material is not cheap.

Finishing materials for the bath are selected according to the following criteria:

  1. High moisture repellency.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. Washing facility design.
  5. Price.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a combination of all indicators. Among the most commonly used are: ceramic tiles, natural or artificial stone, wood, water-repellent paint and plastic panels. According to their purpose, they are subdivided: for facing the ceiling, walls and floors. Each of the options has positive and negative qualities, we will consider them in more detail.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are moisture-repellent materials. It is used for finishing floors and walls of the washing department. If the walls in the bath are wooden, then before facing it is necessary to lay waterproofing and level the walls. Glue is taken tiled moisture resistant. The size and color scheme are chosen individually, and a large assortment in hardware stores makes ceramic tiles available for any budget.

For floors, ceramic tiles are most often used. In the washing department, it is important to properly organize the drain and perform the screed. The floor should have a slight slope towards the drain, which is taken out under the bath or into the general sewer.

The advantages of ceramic tiles include:

  1. Doesn't let water through.
  2. Durability.
  3. Does not lose strength over the years.
  4. Does not change color.
  5. Environmental friendliness.
  6. Ease of maintenance.
  7. The price starts from 120 rubles / m²
  8. Over 200 color solutions.

The cons are mostly taken from user reviews:

  1. The floors in the washroom are slippery and it is easy to get hurt.
  2. The walls stop breathing.
  3. Do-it-yourself installation without a certain skill is difficult.
  4. May shatter upon impact with a heavy and hard object.

If the floors in the washing room are tiled, overlap the walls with at least 40 cm, so that water does not get to wooden structure walls. Above the tiles, you can use a natural-based water-repellent paint.

Wood - for and against

Wood in the finish of the sink is used for walls. If all other rooms are finished with imitation timber, clapboard or block house, then the washing room can also be finished with this material. But use better facing from coniferous varieties wood. A high resin content will make the walls more resistant to moisture.

Larch and aspen are considered the most resistant, but the price of panels made of this wood starts from 350 rubles.

Pine and spruce can be coated with water-repellent compounds and their service life will increase. As a water-repellent composition, use:

  1. Natural oils.
  2. Wax.
  3. Water based paint.

A tree with good processing will excellent finish in the washing bath.

Oils are impregnating compounds and penetrate deep into the wood. Before application, the surface is ground and cleaned of dust and dirt. It is necessary to apply oils in the washing room in 2-3 layers. After complete drying, the walls will become less susceptible to moisture. The resistance of an oil coating is less than, for example, wax.

Wax is one of the most expensive wood finishes. It is applied with rubbing movements with a special soft cloth. Wax creates a film on the surface of the wood, which reliably protects the wood, but does not block the penetration of oxygen inside. At the same time, the appearance of wood only improves, the pattern becomes more expressive, and the shade is deeper.

The paint is taken only on a natural basis, but water-repellent. It can be matte or glossy. In this case, the color scheme depends only on the imagination of the owner. Apply with a brush or roller in 2 layers. Dries within 12 hours. The only negative is that the surface wears out quickly, so it is necessary to repeat the treatment once a year.

Wood finishes with natural or artificial stone will match well.

Washing stone

You can use stone for finishing walls and floors in whole or in part. They combine the walls, laying out the place where the shower is located with an artificial or natural stone. Natural stone is expensive and has a number of advantages:

  1. Eco-friendly.
  2. Beautiful appearance.
  3. Durable.
  4. Not afraid of mechanical influences.
  5. Doesn't let water through.

The main disadvantages include:

  1. Heavy material.
  2. It is difficult to do the finishing with your own hands.
  3. A flat surface is required for installation.
  4. High price.

But the disadvantages can be compensated by using an artificial stone. It is not as environmentally friendly, but lighter. And if you take the correct form, then it is no more difficult to install a tile. The price of artificial turf is 2-3 times lower than natural.

Plastic lining and panels

The most economical way to finish the sink is to use plastic panels. Moreover, they are wide with a spike and a groove, which makes it possible to create the most hermetic finish. Color solutions are different. The use of thin plastic panels resembles externally painted wooden lining. used for wall and ceiling cladding. The main advantages of the material include:

  1. Simple styling.
  2. Lightweight material, so it is easy to mount on a lightweight crate.
  3. Price from 70 rubles/panel.
  4. Does not absorb water.
  5. Aesthetic appearance of the walls after finishing.

The cashing in question has a number of negative qualities that users repeatedly mention in reviews:

  1. Afraid of mechanical influences.
  2. Not environmentally friendly.
  3. Prevents oxygen from entering.

If you purchase low-quality material, it will emit a pungent, persistent odor.

When installing plastic panels, you need to install a thorough waterproofing of the walls and ceiling. To do this, a foil film is attached to the surface or, as a savings, PVC. Between the panels and the waterproofing, it is necessary to leave a gap of 1-2 cm, otherwise condensation may accumulate under the panels and the walls will begin to rot.

Installation of plastic panels in the washing department is only permissible after the house has completely shrunk. Otherwise, they may warp and the tightness will be broken, and in rare cases the finish will crack.

Washroom finish paint

The easiest way to finish washing GVL and paint with water-repellent paint. But this method is short-lived and it is necessary to carry out repair work once a year. In addition, when installing GVL, part of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is lost. This method is not the best, as it is recommended to use it if a separate closed shower stall is installed in the washing room.

Paints can only be taken on a natural basis, and their main disadvantage is fragility.

Any of the listed finishing materials can be used for interior decoration of the washing room in the bath. But choosing the right material is only half the battle, it is important to correctly and efficiently carry out the installation. If experience is not enough, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

How to finish the washing in the bath: Tips from the masters

We choose how to finish the washing in the bath. What are the pros and cons of tiles, natural and artificial stone, plastic panels, paint.

Washing room: a separate room in the bath

Today, many people dream of relaxing in the bathhouse, so their construction is becoming more and more popular. A separate area that requires special attention is a washing room - a room that must be present in a sauna or bath. You can make it with your own hands, there is nothing complicated about it.

The option of organizing a washing in the bath

Benefits of a separate sink

The washing room should be organized according to the norms in a separate room, closed from the rest room and the steam room. It is possible, if space does not allow, to combine these zones, but make a small fence to make the interior more comfortable. The basis of finishing in the bath is wood, but the washing device requires additional materials– tiles and protective curtains.

Organically looks washing, trimmed with wood

It is important to remember that a combined washing and steam room saves space, but the design is less comfortable. The interior of the bath as a whole begins with a washing room, as it is located immediately near the entrance.

Advantages of a separate sink:

  • allows you to create a comfortable interior and beautiful design;
  • if the room allows, then you can accommodate a large group of people;
  • the shower cabin does not spoil the overall atmosphere with its unusual appearance for this room.

In turn, the combination will save money on materials and firewood, since there will be no need for additional heating of the sink.

Advice: shower cabin and tank hot water(boller) can be decorated, for example, stick a film with a wood pattern. This is especially true if the washing room is not insulated. The arrangement of this part of the bath or sauna requires some skills and knowledge, since it is in the shower that the humidity is much higher than in the rest of the room.

Washrooms often use materials other than wood

It is important to remember that high-quality and powerful ventilation is needed here, so it needs to be given maximum attention. For comfortable accommodation in a common room with a steam room, it is recommended to equip them at different levels. For example, a shower will occupy the lower zone, and a shelf for relaxation will be placed at the top. Most often, the washing and steam rooms are connected if the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building is less than 16 m2.

Arrangement of walls and floors

Fine finishing in the bath suggests that most of the interior will be wooden elements, but the washing department allows the floor and walls to be finished with tiles. The cabin in which the shower will be located can be either plastic or made with your own hands from the same wood, which will look stylish, and the interior will be completely harmonious. It is important to remember that the arrangement of the washing room is carried out exclusively with moisture-resistant wood species.. Cedar will perfectly cope with the task. It is used both for wall decoration and for flooring, if the use of tiles is not provided. Design and interior in this case also win. For wooden finish linden, larch and abachi are also suitable.

The floor in the sink is tiled and the walls are natural wood.

The lining can be fixed in different directions:

Today it is very fashionable to place it diagonally or by combining directions.

In order to create a sink, you will need to create a frame, which is then sheathed with clapboard, which creates not only a pleasant design, but also fills the entire room with a pleasant woody aroma. Fastening is carried out both with the help of nails and self-tapping screws.

Do-it-yourself floor installation in the washing room is also not difficult to do. It is important to ensure that it does not end up being slippery.. If you want to move away from the usual and make a modern floor, then experts advise paying attention to ceramic tiles that do not have glaze. Its installation is carried out directly on the concrete floor (rough).

Advice: it is best to ensure a good drainage of water. For this purpose, special structures called ladders should be used. You can make them with your own hands from wooden slats. Ordinary rubber mats will also help get rid of slippery floors and excess moisture. Do not use toxic materials for arranging the floor.

Modern version of the finish of the washing in the bath

In addition, do-it-yourself floor installation requires taking into account the fact that the soil cushion, heat-insulating material, as well as the floor screed cannot be connected to the foundation in order to prevent warping and shrinkage.

Water supply system and ventilation

In a modern bath, it is necessary to make not only a good shower, observe the design and interior, but also carry out ventilation and ensure the supply of water in an uninterrupted mode. This concerns the washing room in the first place.

Ventilation is necessary to remove water that may accumulate under the floor, especially where a shower is installed. The blowing device will prevent rotting, and will also ensure a stable air temperature. The device of the ventilation pipe joint with the stove will keep the floor warm.

In the washing room it is practical to mount a bathroom

In the bath there is a natural and forced system pumping air masses. Natural ventilation occurs due to the difference in air pressure inside the room and outside it. The interior will not suffer damage, since special devices that spoil the appearance will not need to be purchased. Forced ventilation, the device of which is especially important for large rooms, involves the use of ventilation and filters.

The water supply in the sink and the bath as a whole must be made reliable so that there is both hot and cold water. A separate heater can be installed in the shower.

A shower stall in a washroom can look very organic

Advice: to save resources, a preliminary calculation can be carried out to determine the optimal amount of water per person.

Then the piping is carried out. To ensure that the washing room is fully supplied with hot and cold water, a gas or electric heater can be used as an addition or alternative. The shower can be made joint or separate, then you need to consider the number of heaters in advance.

Washroom can be fully tiled

There are times when water is limited, as there is no way to ensure its flow to the site. Then the water supply device looks like this: calculations are made in liters for the number of people, after which, using buckets, water is delivered to containers - in this case, it is most practical to install one shower. After heating hot water- up to 90°С. Cold water is stored separately. Approximately one adult has 40 liters of water, of which at least 10 liters is hot.

Thus, a device in a washing bath is a matter that can be easily done with your own hands, without spending money and the help of specialists. Design, interior, furniture - all this is chosen by the owner, but water supply and ventilation should be arranged according to the rules and regulations. The shower in a modern bath can be supplemented with a separate tank - a water heater for comfort and better, good rest.

I have long been interested in the issue of arranging a separate washing room. Thanks to this article, I learned everything that interested me. Thank you!

I used it for the floor in the washing tile, but for other safety, as the author advised, I put rubber mats. The material is good, a lot of useful information.

When I equipped the washing room, it turned out that the existing ventilation was not enough. Therefore, I advise everyone to think about high-quality ventilation in advance!

Washing in the bath (photo)

The advantages of a separate washing in the bath. Features of the arrangement of walls and floors. Options and nuances of water supply systems and ventilation.

Wash bath finish

Interior decoration washing bath should be carried out taking into account the operating conditions of the room. First of all, you need to decide on design features. The room can be separate or combined with a steam room. The second option is much less common and imposes more stringent restrictions on the choice of materials.

Washing room in the steam room

In this case, the facing material will have to face higher temperatures. The washing room becomes a continuation of the steam room, so the heat will also affect the finish of the washing compartment of the bath. To avoid problems during operation, it is recommended to choose softwood as a material, both for wall cladding and ceiling. But you can also choose hardwoods that are resistant to moisture, such as oak or cedar.

Finishing work is started after shrinkage of the wooden frame. This rule is not relevant when building a bath of brick or lightweight concrete.

Finishing the washing in a wooden bath begins with the outer and inner caulking of the walls. It must be done with high quality to prevent cold and drafts from entering the room in the future. For cladding, wooden lining is most often used. Work is performed in the following order:

  1. Wall alignment.
  2. Fastening the frame for finishing. Lathing slats are placed perpendicular to the lining. If you plan to fix the facing material vertically, but the frame will be horizontal. The same rule applies to the ceiling. The step of the frame rails is taken equal to 40-50 cm. The thickness of the crate is usually 40 mm.
  3. Checking the evenness of the frame. To do this, use the building level or plumb.
  4. A heat-insulating material 5-10 cm thick is fixed between the rails. To protect the insulation from moisture from the room, foil vapor barrier is used. It will also become an additional barrier to cold air and will reflect heat into the building.
  5. At the next stage, the lining is attached to the crate. Self-tapping screws, nails or clamps are used as fasteners.
  6. Wood finishes are treated with antiseptics to prevent mold and rot, wax or a water-repellent solution.
  7. Lastly, platbands are mounted on doors and windows.

Separate washing

In this case, the list of possible materials is significantly expanded. Just like in the previous case, you can use wood. The technology for performing the work remains the same. Three more options are added to the lining:

  • ceramic tile;
  • natural or artificial stone;
  • plastic panels.

When choosing a cladding method, it is important to consider several requirements for the material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • security.

Facing with ceramic tiles

Finishing the washing in the bath tiles is performed only for the walls. The advantages of this material include high strength, durability and resistance to high humidity. Now manufacturers offer a wide range of different colors and textures, from which it is easy to choose suitable option. The disadvantages will be the complexity of the work and the large volumetric weight of the tile.

Wall tiles are used in both brick and wooden baths. Before starting work, it is required to carefully select the adhesive solution. It must be designed for wet areas. When choosing tiles for a wooden building, you should carefully consider the bearing capacity of the walls. If they are of small thickness, it is recommended to choose a lighter lining.

The work is done in this order:

  1. Preparation of walls, their caulking, leveling, treatment with antiseptic compounds.
  2. wall cladding waterproofing material. For this, roofing material is often chosen. You can also consider more modern analogues, for example, linokrom or hydroisol. The waterproofing is fixed with an overlap of at least 10 cm using a construction stapler.
  3. A fine mesh netting is sewn over the waterproofing. A layer is applied over it cement mortar. It must completely cover the grid.
  4. Installation of tiles begins with the lightest corner. For wall cladding around the perimeter at floor level, they nail wooden beam or metal profile. Its evenness is checked using the building level. This beam will become a support for the first row of ceramics.
  5. The tile is laid from below on the adhesive, which is applied to the reverse side of each element. For the evenness of the seams, special crosses are used.
  6. After finishing, all seams are rubbed with a hydrophobic compound.

Facing stone

Finishing the shower in the bath with natural stone is highly labor-intensive and costly. Recently, the artificial version is gaining more and more popularity. The technology of work is very similar to the installation of ceramic tiles. The order of work looks like this:

  • ground preparation;
  • waterproofing;
  • cement screed on the grid;
  • applying glue to stone and wall;
  • gluing the finish with a level check;
  • grouting.

PVC panels

Finishing a shower room in a wooden bath with plastic panels - possible variant. This is also true for buildings made of brick or concrete. But before making a final decision, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The advantages of plastic panels include:

The disadvantages include:

  • fragility;
  • low strength;
  • the seams begin to darken after half a year.

If you buy low quality PVC panel, she can distinguish bad smell when heated. This effect indicates the use of low-grade raw materials for the manufacture of finishing material.

Plastic is used for both wall and ceiling decoration. The installation order is as follows:

  • preparation of the base (when finishing the ceiling - plaster);
  • fixing waterproofing;
  • installation of the crate (same as for wooden lining);
  • installation of panels using the tenon-groove system.

Floor finish

As floor coverings synthetic materials are not recommended. In this case, ceramic tiles or wood are used. The texture of the tile should be chosen so that it prevents slipping. Also, to avoid injury, wooden gratings can be laid on the tiled floor.

The wooden floor is necessarily treated with an antiseptic composition and protected from moisture. To improve water repellency use:

  • varnish for wood (updated every 5-7 years);
  • toning (every 2 years);
  • oil (once a month).

To extend the life of wall, floor and ceiling finishes, it is worth taking care of ventilation. If a natural ventilation insufficient (when used as cladding tiles, plastic, stone), a forced system (hood) can be used. This option will require additional financial investments, but will provide a comfortable microclimate and prevent frequent repairs to the finish.

Washing room - the main room in the bath

Washing room in the steam room

When building a bath with their own hands, every owner wants it to be not only functional, but also aesthetic. Therefore, even at the design stage, various options for arranging and decorating the premises are considered. Until recently, the bath was used only for hygienic purposes. Today it is a place of relaxation with friends, an opportunity to relax, relieve stress. But the main thing is to get the maximum charge of vivacity, improve your body and lose extra pounds.

Now three or even four rooms are necessarily arranged in the bath:

The most important are the steam room and washing. The arrangement of these objects is given special attention, especially if you do everything yourself. There can be no trifles here. If after the steam room the visitor feels comfortable, then the washing room is arranged correctly. It must maintain optimally low temperature and humidity. In such conditions, a person can stay indoors for a long time.

What should be in the washing room?

A shower is required in the room. If the bath is designed for the fact that several people will visit it at the same time, there can be two or three showers. The main thing here is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sauna, as well as the desire of the owner, who builds the object with his own hands.

The effectiveness of the procedures carried out in the bath, including cosmetic and hygienic ones, depends on the arrangement of the washing room.

If a we are talking and traditional way washing, then most often wooden tubs are installed indoors at a height. A special device feeds them cold water, and the visitor, pulling the rope, can douse himself with life-giving moisture. This method of cooling after the steam room is especially pleasant.

If the size of the bath allows, you can build a small pool with your own hands. Diving into it is a real pleasure. When the sink is not so big, install a wooden trough with cold water in it. Before entering the steam room, you can soak a broom in it, and after visiting the sauna, sit in this container, feeling how cold bubbles pleasantly pinch your hot body. It is also recommended to drop aromatic oil into the water.

Another required attribute washing are benches. There should be several of them so that there is enough space for everyone who wants to carry out wellness procedures, for example, such as rubbing the body with various compounds. It helps to lose weight or get rid of cellulite, heal the skin. Some do cosmetic body wraps, which also require benches where you can lie down later.

It is in the washing room that massage is done, so it is worth installing a massage trestle bed here. It should have dimensions of 180 by 65 cm. On a bathing day, the bench is usually set up so that it can be approached from all sides, and in any other it can be moved up to the wall. Therefore, the trestle bed should be made of lightweight material. Of course, the arrangement of the washing is an individual matter. Each owner himself determines the set of accessories necessary for himself, often creating them with his own hands.

The best finish is wood

During the construction of a bath, the decoration of walls and floors is usually thought out in advance. The choice depends on the properties of the material, as well as the financial capabilities of the owner. Most often, wood is used as a natural finish, which is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The tree easily absorbs moisture, increasing, and then just as easily takes its former form after drying.

wood trim

It is best to use deciduous trees:

In the conditions of the Russian climate, linden is most often used. The walls, upholstered with clapboard made of this material, keep heat very well, they are not dangerous for high humidity, which is inevitably present in the washing room. In addition, lime lining does not emit resin and cannot burn, because it does not heat up to a high temperature. Another advantage of linden is the smell that the wood exudes when heated, and the essential oils it releases.

If possible, try using abash. Truth, square meter this wood is worth a lot. Therefore, most often benches are made of it, a canopy in a steam room, but the walls are still sheathed with linden. Aspen, on the other hand, has one significant drawback: latent rot can only be detected after exposure to steam.

When choosing a material for wall decoration, one should take into account the efficiency of its operation.

You can finish the walls ceramic tiles. It washes well and lasts for many years. However, this material is cold; it is rarely used for a home bath. Some tile not to the full height of the walls, but to about 1.8 meters, and then paint the walls with water-repellent paint. This is a budget option finishes. But in any case, the ceiling is best made of wood. Then condensation will not accumulate on it.

If you decide to use wood for finishing, you should process it in advance. To begin with, sandpaper is carried out through the forest, and an antiseptic is applied to a smooth surface. The board must be processed on both sides, this will protect the lining from mold. It is important that the impregnation has a water base.

What should be the gender?

Particular attention in the washing should be given to the floors. It should be understood that water affects them especially intensively, therefore it is not advisable to make them from wood. The wood will quickly rot, and the flooring will have to be replaced. Experts recommend using one of two materials for finishing the floor:

When constructing the floor in the bath, the main technological requirements must be observed. We are talking about the rapid flow of water and the ease of cleaning the flooring.

Concrete floor covered with tiles

When constructing the floor, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the soil on which the structure is erected. When the soil is sandy, easily absorbing moisture, the floor can be made with a slope to the pit, which is dug in the washing room and then filled with rubble, sand, broken bricks. Water will perfectly leave such a floor. If the soil is clayey, make a pit where the water flows through the drain pipe. Both bases are then covered with a layer of concrete.

If the bath is built in an area with a cold climate, then the concrete floors should be insulated. To do this, the solution is mixed with expanded clay. When pouring concrete in layers, insulation should be laid between them. It can be mineral wool or building felt, which must be soaked in advance with hot bitumen. And in the place where the floor connects to the wall, it is necessary to fill in bitumen. This will help protect the floor from moisture.

You can leave in the sink and concrete floor, but build wooden crates on top. The benefits of such a floor are obvious. First, the wood will protect against slipping. Secondly, the gratings can be periodically taken out to dry outside. Thus, the floor will last a long time.

Another option is to lay ceramic tiles on concrete. This type of coating is certainly more aesthetic than wooden crates. However, the tile under the influence of water becomes slippery, you can easily fall on it. Therefore, rubber mats or the same crates from the forest are laid on the tiles, on the legs of which rubber bands are stuffed.

The washing room in the bath must be provided with good ventilation, otherwise there will be little pleasure from being in the room. Air circulation affects the visitor's condition. If it does not work properly, in a few minutes there will be practically nothing to breathe in the bath. It is important to create a system so that the exhaust air leaves the room without hindrance, and fresh flows take its place.

In the absence of ventilation in the washing room, high humidity is felt. In this case, the body cannot be wiped dry. Over time, the sink becomes overgrown with mold and fungus. The fact that ventilation is not coping with its task will be indicated by other signs:

  • condensation on the ceiling and walls;
  • bad smell;
  • no traces on the hood.

Typically, a forced ventilation system is used in the bath. It implies the presence of supply and exhaust pipes. And they must be the same diameter. They must be equipped with valves that regulate air circulation. Ventilation should be installed so that the air flows are directed to secondary rooms. For example, from washing to vestibule.

The exhaust pipe is installed above the roof, so the air will exit more efficiently. The inlet is located about two meters above ground level. Sometimes it is advisable to build forced ventilation. It is powered by an electric motor, it can be connected to the electrical wiring. In this case, the ventilation system in the bath will work every time the light turns on.

Water supply - which type to choose?

In washing you can not do without water, it is necessary both cold and hot. Well, if you can easily carry out centralized water supply to the bath. Then the task will be greatly simplified, it will only be necessary to equip the water supply in the bathhouse.

Another option involves the flow of water from a well. It is necessary to dig a trench from the source to the room, it should be located at a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Water supply pipes are laid in the trench. A system should be installed in the bathhouse, which includes two pumps, a cleaning structure and a tank where water will accumulate. One of the pumps supplies water to the bath, the other distributes it throughout the premises.

Some make a bath the old fashioned way: a container is placed on the stove into which water is poured. And yet today, most people prefer to use water heaters. Water must be in the sink. In the steam room, it is enough to install a container with a ladle.

How to build benches?

An indispensable attribute of the washing are various benches and deck chairs. Doing them yourself is a very exciting activity that almost everyone can handle. It is necessary to follow the elementary rules to make the furniture multifunctional, beautiful and safe.

It all starts with the choice of wood. Usually prefer deciduous trees, such as linden. It has a number of advantages, and there is only one drawback - over time, the wood darkens under the influence of steam and high temperature. Before use, the board must be treated with antiseptic agents. It is impossible to cover them with varnish or paint. At high temperatures, such a tree releases hazardous substances.

It is quite simple to build benches for washing with your own hands. You will need wooden bars, planks of boards and fasteners. All shops are the same. First, the bars are assembled into a frame, on which the planks are then stuffed. The distance between them should be such that air can circulate freely. If the forest is fastened with nails or screws, they must be sunk deeper into the wood. And even better putty on top. So visitors will not get burned when in contact with heated iron. A do-it-yourself washing room will become a real pride of the owner.

Interior decoration of the washing room in the bath with panels, tiles or stone

To finish the premises of a bath or sauna, it is necessary to use only environmentally friendly, natural materials. But when it comes to the washing compartment, the resistance of the material to moisture is first of all important. Water during washing can get on the walls, ceiling and, choosing the wrong material, repairs will have to be done at least once every three months. The interior decoration of the washing room in the bath, the material and its features, we learn and choose together with the readers.

Interior decoration of the washing room in the bath: choose the material

To decorate the walls of the washing compartment, you can use any moisture-resistant material, and you should not be afraid of high temperatures. If the washing room is planned separately from the steam room, then it does not exceed 45º. What basic requirements should the material for finishing the washing room meet:

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • easy to mount (in the case of do-it-yourself work);
  • It has affordable price and high quality.

Is wood suitable for finishing the sink?

Wood is considered the best material for finishing a sauna or bath. But, when choosing a material for a shower room, the characteristics of the wood species are taken into account. For a steam room, they take linden or oak, since at high temperatures the resinous wood begins to cry with drops of resin. For the washing department, on the contrary, it is necessary to use a lining with a high resin content, since it is less afraid of moisture. Lumber from aspen or larch is suitable for finishing, on the contrary, when moisture gets on them, they only become stronger.

Aspen or larch have one big minus, the price for lining or imitation of timber from these types of wood is high. You can use pine or spruce, but after sheathing, the walls are covered with protective compounds, such as varnish or wax. They form a thin protective film on the surface, which will prevent moisture from getting inside the wood.

If you choose the right wood for finishing the washing room, protect the walls and ceiling from moisture, then the finish will last at least 1-2 years.

For a durable finish, you should pay attention to ceramic or plastic materials.

Tiles in the washroom

Tiles have been used to decorate baths for several decades. The material perfectly withstands moisture, quite durable. Modern tile available in various designs, you can pick up at a price of 100 r / m².

When choosing ceramic tiles for finishing your shower room, you should not forget that the floor covered with material will be quite slippery. To prevent injury, wooden gratings are laid on top of the tiles. After each shower, the grates are dried, otherwise they will quickly darken and begin to rot.

You can put together gratings with your own hands, but difficult nails are taken as fasteners, but galvanized or brass ones. Simple iron ones are subject to corrosion.

Among various ceramic tiles, it is more practical to use glazed. The coating on top will betray additional protection against moisture and the material is more aesthetically pleasing.

Granite or marble in the decoration of the bath

Granite or marble tiles are the most expensive of all finishing materials. Do not forget that the stone is heavy, so it is not recommended to mount it on the ceiling. As an economy, walls can be finished with granite or marble mosaics up to half or 40 cm from the floor.

Natural stone looks rich in the interior, but laying out the material with your own hands, without experience, is difficult. We recommend that before fixing the stone to the wall, lay out a drawing on the floor, only then fix each element in its place. The work is painstaking, requires a lot of time and perseverance.

The price of granite, marble is high from 1200 m2, but the finish will last from 30 years or more.

Plastic panels in the finish of the washing bath

The most inexpensive option is to trim the shower with plastic lining, panels. Modern panels have a different pattern, for example, under the tile. Can be combined Wall panels with tiled floors. It is not difficult to mount the panels, so all the work is easy to do with your own hands. Plastic is not afraid of moisture, easy to clean.

The main disadvantage of plastic panels is fragility. The material is afraid of mechanical and chemical influences. The seams darken over time, as it is quite difficult to clean them. But the price of plastic is low.

Another negative point concerns inexpensive Chinese plastic panels. A room finished with such material has an unpleasant synthetic smell that does not disappear for a long time. When choosing plastic for finishing the walls and ceiling of your washing bath, buy only high-quality material from reputable manufacturers.

Choosing how to finish the washing in the bath, start from your capabilities and preferences. You can make plastic trim, but repairs will have to be done more often. Wood and ceramic tiles are in the middle of the price-quality ratio. But there are some nuances that must be taken into account. So, wood without an additional moisture-resistant coating will not last long, with the exception of expensive aspen and larch.

Granite and marble are considered the most durable and environmentally friendly, but the price of the material is high. Do-it-yourself decoration with stone is problematic, so you have to fork out and pay for the work of professionals.

Plastic is suitable for washing walls and ceilings, but you need to choose the material carefully.

Another nuance that must be taken into account when choosing materials is what the walls, floor and ceiling of the washing room are made of. It is easier to finish a bath made of timber or round timber with clapboard, from gas blocks or bricks with tiles or stone.

Whatever material is chosen, it is necessary to take care of the ventilation of the shower compartment, since after each procedure the premises must be dried and well ventilated. Otherwise, any material on the walls, floor, ceiling will be moldy and the finish will quickly become unusable. The interior decoration of the washing bath must be done correctly, otherwise repairs will have to be done often.

Remember, a bath should give pleasure and bring health, which means that any room, and especially a washing room, must be kept clean in it!

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the washing room in the bath - DIY

Do-it-yourself Interior decoration of the washing room in the bath with your own hands You can read reviews here Interior decoration of the washing room in the bath with panels, tiles or stone For finishing the bath or

Bath - a specific building, characterized by increased humidity and temperature conditions, as well as the specifics of its operation. These factors determine the choice of finishing materials for its premises. In the steam room, wood paneling is preferred and traditional. In the sink, the choice of finishes is much wider and is limited mainly by conditions of high humidity.

room wall material

At the moment, baths continue to be built mainly from wood, often there are buildings made of bricks and blocks. The enclosing structures of the washing room, as a rule, are the outer walls of the structure and the partitions between it and other rooms, in particular, necessarily a steam room. Special requirements are imposed on this neighborhood due to the presence of high temperatures when using the bath and the danger of toxic substances being released when heated.

Material for internal structures is usually used similar to external walls, but other options can be used:

  • The log house must be built simultaneously with the main structure in order to perform dressing with outer walls, since later it is practically impossible;
  • Beam in one row or in the form of a double structure with an air gap;

Advice! When the partition is located parallel to the main load-bearing structures of the floor, it is required to install an additional beam under it.

  • Gas and foam concrete can be used in brick or wooden buildings, provided that the foundation for the partition has been built in advance;
  • Brick, preferably red, characterized by high fire resistance and good heat retention capacity;
  • Glass is the most effective option, but it requires an order to manufacture a structure from a heat-resistant type of material for specific dimensions.

Important! Finishing of the partition adjacent between the sink and the steam room is carried out only with heat-resistant materials! If there is a stove protruding into the room, its cladding and adjacent sections of the walls are tiled that meets special requirements (see "Tiling the walls in the bath with tiles - types of material and instructions for doing work").

The choice of finishing material for the sink

Features of the processes taking place in the bath, and the specifics of its operation dictate a number of requirements for the design of the room:

  • Resistance even to extremely significant temperature differences;
  • Immunity to long breaks in active operation;
  • High resistance to permanent exposure to moisture;
  • Compliance with all modern sanitary and hygienic requirements.


It is preferable to use conifers, because due to the content of resins they have high moisture resistance. Cladding made of aspen and larch is considered the best, but these are quite expensive materials. Installation is carried out in horizontal, vertical or diagonal directions, as well as their combinations.

Most often, spruce or pine finishes are used with their processing to increase durability with water-repellent compounds:

  • Natural oils - deep penetration impregnation, which is applied in 2-3 layers on the cleaned and polished surface.
  • Wax is the most effective and expensive remedy. After treatment with it, a water-repellent, but breathable film is formed on the surface of the wood, which at the same time makes the shade of the material richer and the texture more expressive.
  • Paint with a water-repellent effect and an exclusively natural base is applied in 2 layers. Requires renewal annually.

Important! Varnishes should not be used for wood processing in the washing room, since when heated they release into environment toxic substances!

Ceramic tile

The material is characterized by high moisture resistance, durability, ease of maintenance, a huge range of colors and shapes, the possibility of implementing non-standard design solutions. Disadvantages - fragility, the need for certain skills for high-quality styling and air tightness.

Important! When tiling wooden walls preliminary waterproofing is required, fastening metal mesh and plastering the surface with cement mortar.

Natural or decorative stone

Due to the high cost, complexity of installation and the severity of products, natural rocks are rarely used for full wall cladding - usually this extremely durable, moisture-resistant, beautiful and durable material is combined with ceramic tiles or wood. Decorative stone has properties similar to natural, but has less weight and a fairly affordable cost, it is easy to install, which can be done independently.

Plastic panel lining

The most budgetary and easiest way to finish washing. moisture resistant and lightweight material mounted on a crate. Visually, plastic lining is almost indistinguishable from natural wood, and the panels are produced in a wide range of design solutions. Significant disadvantages of such a cladding are the ease of causing mechanical damage, airtightness, environmental friendliness, and the ability to release toxins in some cases.

Advice! The installation of plastic panels requires careful waterproofing of foil or PVC. At the same time, it is necessary to provide an air gap of 1-2 cm between them to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

Washing room wall painting

Only water-repellent paint on a natural basis can be used. Previously, the walls are sheathed with drywall sheets along the frame, but these preparatory measures reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. This is the simplest and most short-lived finishing method, the use of which is possible only if installed in a washing shower cabin.

Important! It is forbidden to use chipboard, fiberboard and impregnated wood that produce toxic fumes when heated!

Principles of work

Finishing is carried out according to the technology of laying the selected material, but for washing there are several main points:

  • Device for high-quality insulation of external structures;
  • Carrying out measures for thorough vapor barrier of walls;
  • Wood must be treated with an antifungal compound.

A competent choice of finishing material for washing and compliance with the technology of work is a guarantee of a long and comfortable operation of the bath.

One of the main premises of the bath, if not the most important, is the washing room, so the finishing of the washing room in the bath should be carried out with the utmost care and thoroughness. Bath is a place of relaxation for almost every person. However, not every person who has conceived the construction of a bath complex on his site has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the finishing of the washing section of the bath is carried out.

How to finish the washing compartment in the bath?

When arranging the washing department, you should think through everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, before finishing this room of the bath complex, you should study all the features and nuances that are characteristic of these rooms.

The modern structure of such a structure as a bath complex includes several rooms that differ in their purpose and, accordingly, have different interior decoration. The main premises of the bath complex are:

  • dressing room;
  • restroom;
  • dressing room;
  • steam room;
  • washing room;
  • toilet;
  • and some others.

The design of each of the premises depends entirely on the wishes and financial capabilities and personal preferences of the owner of the bath complex. Each owner strives to equip the premises for himself to the maximum extent possible, however, there are General requirements, which are required to be completed during the finishing process so that the room can normally perform the functions assigned to it.

The decoration of the washroom in a wooden bath is different from the decoration of this space in a bath complex built from a different material. The main requirement that must be met when finishing the bath space is quality to preserve maximum number heat and maximum reduction of heat losses. To reduce the degree of heat loss, the bath should be insulated both outside and inside. For these purposes, a huge variety of heaters are offered in hardware stores. For maximum heat retention indoors, it is recommended to apply a layer of foil to the walls.

Building materials used in the decoration of the bath complex

At the moment, there is no shortage of finishing and building materials, and manufacturers are constantly developing new types of such building materials and offering them to consumers. When conducting finishing works in the premises of the bath complex, it is recommended to give preference to environmentally friendly building materials. The most suitable building material for finishing inside the bath complex is wood. This natural building material fully meets the necessary building requirements. Finishing building materials today are made from a wide variety of wood species, which allows you to create your own unique design in each separate room of the bath complex.

Not everyone is suitable for finishing work in the room. When choosing a material for finishing work, you should pay attention only to that construction material which is made of moisture resistant and durable wood. The most popular types of wood are the following:

  • cedar;
  • larch.

In addition, the wood of the abachi tree has become popular today.

The best option, which is suitable for decorating the walls of the washing room, is linden wood.

During the heating process, this material releases oils into the surrounding atmosphere, which give the surrounding air a pleasant aroma and have a beneficial effect on human body. Another advantage of the finishing building material made from linden is the absence of changes in the structure and color of wood when it is heated to a high temperature and exposed to high humidity.

Cedar wood, like linden, is excellent, suitable, for example, for finishing a washroom in a log bath. The advantage of lining made of cedar is that this wood does not heat up much under the influence of high temperature, the degree of heating in some cases is even lower than that of linden. The disadvantage of lining from cedar wood is that it has a higher cost.

In the process of finishing the room, larch wood can be used. The lining made of this building material has a beautiful cut and a high degree moisture resistance. Larch wood in the process of heating gives off a pleasant aroma, which is an undoubted advantage of this finishing building material.

Floor installation and installation of lining on walls

Before finishing the walls, you need to prepare the floor in the room. Floor finishing should also be approached with all responsibility. The most optimal option for finishing the floor of a washing room in a modern bath is a tile finish.

To prevent falling on the floor in the washroom, it is recommended to make a special ladder from processed rails. As a material for the ladder, you can use wood of the same species as for wall decoration.

Finishing the walls of the bath with the help of lining is carried out in the same way as in other rooms, however, there are differences in the method of fixing the material and placing the planks.

Wooden lining in the process of finishing can be located both in a horizontal direction, and vertically and diagonally. In addition, the lining can be combined by placing the slats in different directions. Depending on the chosen direction of installation, the frame of the bars is also located differently.

Fastening the lining is carried out in several ways.

The kleimer method is used when carrying out decorative finishes premises. However, it is worth noting that this method of attaching the finishing material causes difficulties when used by a beginner. This method of installation is quite laborious and complicated.

In the case of finishing shelves and seats, you can use the through method of mounting strips of material.

When using the through method of fastening, the self-tapping screw is screwed directly into the bar through the bar.

Very often, when carrying out finishing work, inexperienced builders make mistakes in finishing and decorating the premises. The most common mistake during work is saving on materials that provide vapor barrier and thermal insulation of bath rooms. This approach to finishing leads to the appearance during further operation of a complex of inconveniences associated with a rapid loss of temperature in the room. If such problems are identified already in the process of operation, it will be necessary to invest significant financial resources and materials to correct the situation.

Very often there are problems during the installation of the ventilation system. As a result, mold may appear in the washroom.

For interior decoration, you should not use a grooved board, as it dries very slowly, which leads to the appearance of fungi on its surface.

For high-quality waterproofing of the room, the material is laid in 2 layers. A layer of insulation is also laid on the surface of the waterproofing layer in two layers.

A vapor barrier layer is laid on top of the thermal insulation. At the last stage, the installation of finishing material - lining is carried out.

The ventilation system in the room must function constantly. This will avoid the appearance of excessive dampness and, accordingly, prevent the appearance of mold fungi and microorganisms.

More recently, bath procedures were used only for hygienic purposes. However, today a bathhouse is both a massage and beauty salon, and a place for joint relaxation with friends, and even a kind of psychological relief room. We can say that the bath is visited to relieve stress, improve health or just to lose weight. excess weight. This article will discuss how to make a sink in the bath, which will provide you comfortable conditions during bath procedures.

Features of the washing department

It is important that the washing compartment is thought out at the design stage of the bath. The main thing in the washing equipment is the hot / cold water system and drain. Considering the fact that humidity is always high in the washing room, it is important to properly equip ventilation. With its help, you can prevent the formation of pathogenic bacteria, mold and fungus.

The approximate area per person is 1 × 1.2 m, but it all depends on your financial capabilities. For finishing work, it is best to use natural materials:

  • Ceramic tiles are environmentally friendly, durable and do not require special care. A variety of color palettes, shapes and textures allows you to experiment with the design of the finish. The only drawback of the material is the slipperiness of the finished surface when laid on the floor and the complexity of installation. But if the tile floor is covered with a rubber mat or a wooden ladder is laid, then there is no shortage.
  • Wood is quite suitable for finishing the sink. There are no such high temperatures as in the steam room, so even coniferous woods are quite suitable. The resins contained in the needles improve the moisture resistance of wood. However, with all this, before finishing work, all wooden elements should be coated with wax or natural oils to increase their service life.
  • Natural stone is not often used for complete sink finishing. It is usually combined with wood and tiles. The material is durable, natural and very durable. However, it is not so easy to make stone cladding on your own without knowledge and skills. Artificial stone is characterized by light weight and ease of installation. Its price is much lower.

Among the artificial materials often used for finishing the washing, the leaders are PVC panels and lining. They are easy to mount, they are affordable and have high moisture resistance. The disadvantage of such a finish is instability to mechanical damage, toxicity.

Note! The use of impregnated wood, chipboard and fiberboard for arranging a washing room is prohibited. At elevated temperatures, which are observed in the bath, these materials emit toxic fumes.

In the process of bathing procedures, about 40 liters of cold and 8 liters of hot water fall on one person. With the active use of the bath, the water consumption will be appropriate, which implies the need for a high-quality drain.

The algorithm of actions for arranging the drain is as follows:

  • At a distance of 0.5 m from the foundation, you need to dig a trench with a depth below the freezing of the soil inside the washing room.
  • Also dig a trench from the street. The length from the wall to the drain well must be at least 2 m. The volume of the well is from 1.5 m 3. When digging a trench, a slight slope should be made, which is 2 cm per meter. This will prevent stagnation of water in the sink.
  • Lay a sand cushion 20 cm thick at the bottom of the trench. This is necessary to reduce soil pressure on the drain pipes.
  • Now it's time to lay the pipes. You can use one of the following plastic pipes which are the most popular nowadays.
  • At the junction of pipes, make manhole, allowing, if necessary, to clean the blockage of the drain or repair it.

As a drain well, a conventional cesspool or septic. However, you can not place a pit near the bath to avoid the accumulation of dampness.

Washing baths are rarely equipped with separate showers and trays.

Usually a ladder is used to drain the water. So, the ladder set consists of the following parts:

  • A siphon with a water seal that blocks unpleasant odors that can enter from the sewer.
  • The decorative grille is mounted on the body of the ladder and rests on it. The surface of the grate and the side of the ladder must be on the same level.
  • The drainage ring is designed so that when the waterproofing breaks, water flows back into the drain through the hole in the ring.
  • A steel clamping flange is used to ensure the tightness of the waterproofing connection with the drain body.
  • Ladder body.

The place for installing the ladder is determined even when designing the washing room. This is due to the fact that the equipment will be mounted in the floor. It directly depends on how to make the floor in the washing room. After arranging the drain, care should be taken to connect it to the ladder. To do this, you will need to install a pipe with a slope of at least 3 °.

Note! The floor should also have a slight slope towards the ladder, which will prevent the accumulation and stagnation of water in the washing room.


To install a ladder, you need to prepare:

  • cement;
  • sifted sand;
  • heat and sound insulating material;
  • mastic / adhesive composition;
  • waterproofing membrane;
  • finishing material for arranging the floor.

Installation technology

First you need to lay the heat-insulating material, in our case it will be foam. Its thickness should be 4 cm or more. In this case, the foam must be of high density, which will provide good rigidity.

Note! To maintain the slope of the floor to the place of the drain, check each step with a level. Make a cutout in the foam sewer pipe and ladder.

When preparatory work completed, you can fill the floor with sand-cement mortar, so you fix the ladder. Pre-treat the ladder with a solvent. With all this, the screed must be laid taking into account the slope necessary to direct the water to the drain. Make sure the drain is tight.

Note! After the screed has dried, use silicone sealant process the joints of the ladder. Remember, water from the sink should only drain through the drain.

Waterproofing and finishing

You also need to perform waterproofing, in which you should drown the fiberglass seal. Waterproofing should be applied along the perimeter of the wall to a height of 10-15 cm, and then a fiberglass mesh should be glued onto it. After that, a second layer of screed should be poured.

After the screed dries, you can start finishing the ladder. An adhesive composition is applied to the screed and tiles / mosaics are laid. In this case, the grate of the ladder should be on the same level with the finishing material. At the end of the finishing work, all seams should be sealed with a moisture-resistant grout. By the same principle, tiles are laid on the walls, but this will be discussed further.

Note! If you plan to lay a plank floor, then lay the roofing material on the base, and then install the crate.


In order for bathing procedures to be enjoyable, it is important to ensure sufficient air circulation in the washing room. To do this, install in it a supply and exhaust ventilation system. It can help reduce the level of humidity in the air.

Install a chimney into the wall and lead it over the roof. So, the air will be cleaned more efficiently. Install the supply pipe at a height of 2 m from the ground.

Note! Forced ventilation will be more cost effective. It needs to be made so that it works when the electricity is turned on.

At this stage, plumbing should also be carried out. It is easier to do this through a centralized plumbing system.

Note! To provide washing with hot water, install a boiler.

There is no way to connect to a centralized water supply? Then you need to make an alternative decision. Provide bath water from a well. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • Dig a trench below the freezing level from the spring to the sink.
  • Make a sand cushion in the trench 20 cm.
  • Lay pipes in it to provide water supply.
  • In the bath, install two pumps - for pumping water from the well and circulation. You will also need to install a storage tank for water. Connect a water heater to this system already.


There are several ways to organize heating in a washing room:

Wall and ceiling decoration

As a facing material for walls and ceilings, you can use marble / ceramic tiles, wooden lining or a natural stone. To save money, tiles can be laid 1.5–1.8 m from the floor. The remaining space of the walls and the ceiling can be painted with paint that is resistant to water and moisture.

  • On the wall bordering the steam room, you can immediately lay the finishing material without waterproofing. If we are talking about wooden lining, then the slats must be tightly fixed to each other and to the wall.
  • If you decide to use tiles as a finish, then lay it in the same plane. The level will help you with this. The seams should be wiped with an antifungal compound.
  • A waterproofing layer must be applied to the walls of the shower room before laying the cladding.
  • In the classic version, the ceiling, as well as the walls, are sheathed wooden clapboard. If tiles were used as wall decoration, then the ceiling must be opened with water-repellent paint.

Note! Before finishing the ceiling, it must be insulated. To do this, use foil, soft clay, wax paper, sawdust and mineral wool. The brick ceiling should be pre-plastered, and plank flooring 6 cm thick or more should be laid on the wooden floor.

Based on the size of the steam room and your wishes, the washing room can be made as a separate room or combined with a steam room. By following the instructions in the article, you can make a functional washing room. If you have questions on the topic, then ask them to our specialist. Do you have experience with car washes? Share it with us and our readers in the comments.


See an overview of the finishes in the bath:

A photo