A house with a sauna under one roof - projects and construction. Project of a house with a sauna under one roof Projects of small baths are located close to the house

Typically, a bathhouse is built separately from a residential building, it has its own functional area with an additional set of communications. However, if the size of the suburban area does not allow you to turn around, you can build a single structure under one roof structure.

From an economic point of view, it will be even more profitable - you won’t have to spend money on organizing new engineering networks. The right project of a house with a bath under one roof is a whole complex in which not only it is comfortable to live, but also to take wellness treatments.

risk of fire or high humidity in living quarters are exaggerated. If all the nuances are taken into account, then even if steam enters the rooms, the humidity will increase by 1-2 hours. It is only important to organize steam and waterproofing.

How to build a house and a bath under a common roof


There are two options for building a bathhouse and a house under the same roof: at the design stage of a residential building or after its construction, as an extension to the wall.

The second option is more common. For him, with his own hands, using a shovel, a trench is dug and a monolithic strip foundation is laid.

It is preferable to build the external walls of the bath from the same material as the house - brick, timber, logs or foam blocks. This eliminates the need to make additional docking elements.

If you want to have a real Russian bathhouse made of logs, and the residential building is sheathed with siding, then this is not a problem. A heat-insulating layer of mineral wool is laid on the log, and it is also covered with the same siding on top.

What is important to consider if the project of a bath with a shed roof will be part of the house:

  • Proper calculation of the ventilation system - higher humidity can lead to the destruction of load-bearing structures;
  • High-quality waterproofing is needed - the bath should dry well after all procedures;
  • Use the kitchen as an adjacent wall, then it will be possible to make a common stove, in addition, this contributes to the faster elimination of excess moisture;
  • When the house has a centralized or autonomous sewerage, then it is permissible to combine a bath with a bathroom. This will save you from unnecessary expenses for organizing the removal;
  • It is possible to lay a common electrical wiring between the capital building and the bath.

The subtleties of combining a house and a bath in projects

There are three degrees of combining a bath with a house:

  • The location of the bath complex on the ground floor of a residential building, then the projects of the house and the bath under one roof are laid at the planning stage;
  • A full-fledged extension of the log house to one of the walls - then the steam room, dressing room and washing room are enclosed in their own four walls. At the same time, the roof structure of the house is extended, closing the newly acquired extension;
  • The third option assumes that the bathhouse has one common wall with the house, which greatly facilitates their docking and transition from one building to another.

She will be the link between them. The price of such a project is quite high, but in terms of ease of use it is significantly superior to other, simpler ones.

Arbor for a bath complex and a residential building

It is possible to combine three buildings, different in complexity and purpose, only after consultation with the architect. They require a special approach, especially when the projects of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof were not included in part of a residential building.

How to make a gazebo comfortable:

  • Since it will serve as a transition from the house to the bathhouse not only in summer, but also in winter, it should be made more closed and, if possible, glazed. Windows are made large for good natural light;
  • Floors should not be made of tiles or stone - the best solution is wooden planks. They are warm and not slippery;
  • If at the design stage, all three structures were supposed to be combined into one, then one system of heating, water supply and electricity is needed. And this is a significant savings - the gazebo will be warm, you can sleep in it or arrange summer kitchen.

Single monolithic foundation will serve as a good support for several buildings.
Therefore, when considering the construction of several buildings on a suburban area, it is better to do them in the same style and under one roof.

There is simple instruction how to make a bathhouse with a gazebo and a house safe and comfortable to use:

  • Arrange good ventilation to eliminate excess moisture;
  • Rational use of the land - perhaps the combination of residential premises and baths will be a better solution than connecting them with a gazebo;
  • projects of baths with a shed roof are well suited for joining the house, and it will not be difficult to attach a gazebo to them.

Now it has become much easier to create a beautiful and original architectural ensemble.


And if there is also a residential building and a gazebo nearby, then this will add joy from visiting the bathhouse. The video in this article will tell you more about modern bath complexes under the same roof as the house.

If you live in a country house, then organizing your own bathhouse for health and pleasure is easy for you. These are not the limited possibilities of a city apartment, where you have to be content with a bath or shower.

Moreover, if until recently a residential building and a bathhouse were supposed to be separate buildings, today you can afford a house with a built-in bathhouse or sauna. Good, modern materials and technology makes it possible. Of course, you can choose the classic version and build a separate bath on personal plot. But let's try to understand the benefits of a built-in bath.

Benefits of a home with a bath or sauna

The first benefit is the ability to save money. If you do not need to separately lay the foundation, build walls and a roof, then the gain is obvious. Add here more common with engineering networks. In total, the score is 2:0 - in favor of the built-in bathhouse.

And, besides, by implementing such a project, you will save space for a garden or playground. Agree, for those who own small plots of land, this is a very significant plus. Well, does it count? Then, 3:0.

The last benefit concerns ease of use. If you are not a walrus, then you are unlikely to enjoy running through the entire yard from the bathhouse to the house in the cold or in the rain. And if there are elderly people or children in the family, then this is not only a matter of your personal comfort, but also care for family members. Another "pro" in favor of this option.

Let's sum up - 4:0 in favor of the project of the house with the built-in bath.

Bath location

It does not matter on which floor the bath or sauna will be located. The main thing is to be closer to the bathroom and the bathroom. This greatly simplifies the laying of engineering networks. And, therefore, it saves on installation and materials.

As a rule, a classic mini-bath consists of a steam room, a changing room and a shower room. But, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer, it can be supplemented with a bathroom, a rest room and a bathroom. But then it will already be more like a bath plant.

Features of the implementation of the project at home with a bath

When choosing a house project with a bath, you need to pay serious attention to the laying of engineering networks. Our company offers projects where the following standards are strictly observed:

  • For high-quality waterproofing of the floor, it must be remembered that first several layers of special insulation, insulation, and tiles are laid on top.
  • thermal insulation . The steam room should be sheathed with wood. If for wooden houses this goes without saying, then in houses made of aerated concrete or brick, this, although additional, is not necessary condition: wood holds heat well and protects from heat. Moreover, for cladding, you need to use high-quality wood to avoid the appearance of fungus. But you should not forget about the special insulation of walls and ceilings either.
  • Ventilation should provide high-quality heating of the steam room, while removing excess moisture and preventing the formation of condensate. Therefore, it is worth taking care to select equipment capable of changing the air in the room at least 6 times per hour.

One more important point which must be taken into account is fire safety.

Firstly, all wooden parts must be treated with special flame retardant impregnations.

From this article you can find out what advantages and disadvantages the owner of a summer cottage will have to face when building such an object as a bath house: projects and drawings of structures combined into one design, variability of internal layouts, the most successful and popular examples of combinations, descriptions and photos , average prices for professional services - the answers to all these questions are contained in this publication.

Projects in which a house and a bathhouse are combined into one structure are in high demand among land owners. This trend is due to the high functionality of the building and the comfortable conditions that it has.

In most cases, bath projects with a living room involve the construction of this structure separately from a residential building, since a separate communications system is required to equip a steam room. This approach is more familiar, but not always convenient.

Note! If the summer cottage does not allow compact placement of two buildings, you can use the only right solution - to combine the bathhouse and the house under one roof. Thus, you can significantly save space on the territory.

Advantages of house projects with a bathhouse under one roof

Many owners of summer cottages resort to building a bath with their own hands; projects, photos and detailed descriptions enough on the net to be able to handle this task on your own. However, like any construction project, a steam room combined with a residential building has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of houses and baths built under one roof:

  1. Convenient operating conditions. You do not need to wear warm clothes to visit the bath.
  2. Reduces the risk of colds. The bath can be used for preventive purposes, and the absence of the need to go out into the cold after the steam room reduces the likelihood of catching a cold.
  3. Affordable cost. Building a bath in a house will cost much less than building it as a separate structure. In addition, work on the installation of engineering networks is simplified.
  4. Space saving. If the area of ​​the site is less than 10 acres, it is inappropriate to place several buildings on it.
  5. No additional maintenance costs.

The advantages of such projects are obvious, but they are not without their drawbacks.

What are the disadvantages associated with the construction of a bath-house

The main difficulties that developers have to face are in compliance with rules and regulations. The material on the basis of which a house with a bathhouse is being built, as well as the construction zone, must comply with fire safety requirements.

If you ignore the mandatory rules and SNiPs, you can attract the attention of inspection agencies. Fire, sanitary, electricity and other services may simply not issue a permit to put the facility into operation. In such a situation, the use of the bathhouse is considered illegal and can lead not only to fines, but also to the disconnection of communications.

If you do not comply with engineering and technical standards, you can violate the microclimate of residential premises. The problem of high humidity is especially relevant for the projects of houses-baths made of logs and timber, since the wood under its influence is deformed and destroyed, covered with fungi and mold.

Useful advice! Arrangement of quality ventilation system in the bath, and right choice and installation of steam and waterproofing materials avoid problems associated with high levels of humidity in residential premises.

In addition, the bath needs a separate sewer. If this is not done, draining the water from the steam room into the common pipe will significantly increase the load on the system, due to which it may fail prematurely. If it is intended to take out insurance on the house, companies consider such structures as objects with increased risks. In this case, the terms of the insurance policy will be less attractive, and the amount of payments will be much less.

Features of the construction of the bath: photos inside and outside

The construction of housing combined with a sauna under one roof has certain features.

The projects of baths in the house shown in the photo, which can be found on the Internet, have several variations:

  1. The bath is located on the first floor of a residential building. In this case, the layout of both structures is drawn up at the stage of project development.
  1. The construction of a full-fledged log house as an extension to the wall of a residential building. To close the bath, it is necessary to lengthen the roof of the building.
  2. The bathhouse and the residential building are connected through one wall. This project greatly simplifies the scheme of connecting the bath and the house into one complex, and also facilitates the transition from one part of the structure to another.

The easiest way to move between buildings is if the steam room is attached directly to the building.

In this case, several options for baths are offered:

  • if the building is multi-level, it is possible to place a steam room on the basement floor;

  • the bath can be used as an auxiliary room or a continuation of a residential building;
  • the steam room can be combined with a bathroom and a bathroom.

These options for placing a bath are considered the most popular, but this does not mean that the project of a multi-level or one-story house with a sauna cannot look different.

Note! If the house and the bath are a single complex, there is no need to equip an additional rest room. For these purposes, a living room or other room in a residential building is suitable. Itself can include only a dressing room and a steam room.

The choice of the optimal project of the house-bath and the price of ready-made solutions for summer cottages

If the owner does not seek to build a non-standard structure on his site, you can get by with a ready-made turnkey bath project during the construction process. The simplest layouts involve arranging a sauna or steam room in a separate room. Using an electric boiler to heat the room eliminates the need for firewood and improves safety.

It will not be superfluous to organize a separate exit to the veranda or street from the bath room. If there is a veranda, it remains possible to install directly between the bathhouse and the residential building. In this case, the owner of the site also saves money on, since it becomes possible to build one less wall. At the same time, the steam room remains separate from the common building.

The cost of projects of houses-baths from a bar (without finishing):

Building dimensions, m Total indoor area, m² price, rub.

The cost of turnkey frame bath projects

Construction of a bath in the house: projects and layouts

The most important stage of the construction process is the design stage. From the competent choice of planning depends on how comfortable and practical housing will be. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the placement of the bath. You can combine it with a bathroom or equip a separate steam room.

There are other layout options, where the bath room is created separately and is divided into several functional areas:

  • washing;
  • steam room;
  • rest room.

Note! For safety reasons, it is desirable to use the same material during the construction process. If a residential building is made of brick, then from the outside the bath should also be decorated with it.

Overview of interesting projects of houses with a garage and a bath

Classic projects, where the bathhouse is located separately from the building, are gradually losing their popularity, while cottages with built-in steam rooms, on the contrary, are becoming more popular among developers. Such structures may include additional components, such as a garage. The main advantage of such projects is their variability.

Garage and sauna can be located on the ground floor, i.e. in the basement. In this case, the first floor is allocated for the arrangement of residential premises. In the projects of one-story houses with a bath, all rooms are on the same level. Bath and house, united under one roof, may have different entrances. At the same time, the buildings are connected using a transition that allows you to get from the steam room without using the main entrance to the residential building.

If it is planned to develop a project for a two-story bath house, then there will be even more options for placing a steam room. Many developers prefer buildings " one and a half size", having an attic.

On the attic floor you can equip:

  • billiard room;
  • workshop;
  • children's;
  • bedroom
  • office, etc.

In addition, you can change other parameters. For example, the size of the garage is selected taking into account the dimensions and the number of cars that will be in it. Depending on their preferences, the owner of the summer cottage can increase or decrease the size of the bath, equip it with a rest room, a bathroom and other premises.

The project of the frame house-bath: space saving with corner design

For a combined project, the layout of the house in the form of the letter "L" is ideal. In this case, the area of ​​​​the territory is used to the maximum. In corner rooms you can create comfortable conditions for the owners. To accommodate such a house with a garage and a bath, an area of ​​​​10x12 m will be enough. If necessary, this space can be increased if the size of the summer cottage allows it.

To the project wooden house with a bath, you can include other elements:

  • terrace;
  • attic;
  • fireplace;
  • summer kitchen with a canopy;
  • area for the installation of barbecue and barbecue.

Related article:

Device types. Calculation of the dimensions of the shelf in the bath. Do-it-yourself assembly and installation of a bath structure. Care tips.

It is quite interesting to look at the photo of the house-baths measuring 9x15 m. Such layouts are in high demand among land owners. If the territory is not so large or the construction of a house with a large number of elements is beyond the budget, you can stop at the 8x8 m project. This option is considered average and allows you to create all the necessary conditions in the house for a small family to live, but only on condition that the layout will be well-written.

Buildings 6x8 m in size are considered the most budgetary option. In this case, the layout is thought out especially carefully, otherwise it will be crowded inside. Such solutions are usually used as projects for guest houses with a bath.

Useful advice! Maximum space savings on the territory can be achieved by designing a small house with two floors or. Freed up area suburban area can be used to create a greenhouse, vegetable garden, conservatory or flower beds.

Guest house projectwith entertainment elements

For guest house a wooden cottage with a corner structure is suitable. Such a building can have a classic setting with all the necessary amenities, or, conversely, be used solely for entertainment purposes for receiving guests.

In the second case, the project of a guest house with a bathhouse with a total area of ​​133.3 m² may include:

  • terrace with barbecue oven;
  • steam room;
  • billiard room;
  • swimming pool;
  • dressing room.

Even if the guest house will be used for entertainment purposes, we must not forget about the residential part.

On 25 m² you can compactly place:

  • bedroom
  • kitchen;
  • living room;
  • cabinet.

IN this case The most practical way to beat a limited space is to get rid of partitions. The division of the residential part into functional zones can be conditional, as in small studio apartments. In such a project, it is recommended to add a second floor or attic in order to increase the internal space.

Bath project with a lounge and a kitchenfor a big family

One building can combine a garage, a sauna, and a dwelling. Some developers go even further by creating an additional basement floor. The 230 m² building project has everything you need for a large family.

This area is quite enough to organize:

  • living room (common room);
  • three bedrooms;
  • hallway;
  • three bathrooms;
  • steam room;
  • large terrace;
  • additional rest room.

For the construction of a modern bathhouse and a house, it is desirable to use profiled timber. This material is suitable for the construction of one-story and two-story buildings with different layouts. As for the interior decoration of the bath, this item, as a rule, is not prescribed in the project. The owner can do the development of design on his own, showing his imagination.

Useful advice! It is not necessary to take one type of wood as a skin. The combination of several types of finishes will give the bath an original appearance. Of course, in the process of choosing a skin, the properties of the materials should be taken into account in order to avoid disappointments in the future.

How is the construction of a bath for a summer residence

When choosing a project for the construction of a bath, you need to carefully consider all the nuances. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to entrust the development of the object to professionals who will perform all the necessary measurements and calculations.

Advantages of house projects with a bath, which are developed by specialists:

  • the design of the building is drawn up on the basis of data obtained by carefully studying the conditions that the site has;

  • compliance with technical standards;
  • full compliance of the project with the wishes of the owner;
  • preliminary calculation of construction costs;
  • assistance in choosing the best option and making adjustments without compromising reliability and practicality;
  • high quality performance construction works.

A whole team of professionals is working on the creation of a project in a construction company. Designers, planners, engineers with construction specialization take part in the development. Thanks to this, projects wooden baths and buildings made of other materials are durable, comfortable and cozy, as well as technically correct. The high accuracy of the drawings allows you to speed up construction, as well as eliminate the possibility of errors.

Features of working with projects of country houses with a bathhouse: building a foundation and walls

In the construction of any building, and a full-fledged complex in particular, the most important stage is the manufacture of the foundation. The durability and reliability of the entire structure depends on how well this element is made. If the bath and the house are under the same roof, you should definitely take into account such a nuance as air humidity. In such conditions, it is more expedient to lay the foundation of the house and the bath separately.

The type of foundation and its parameters are selected taking into account several factors:

  • type of material used for construction;
  • structures of walls and partitions;
  • degree of bearing loads.

In the process of carrying out work on laying the foundation, the installation of a sewer system is carried out. The parameters of all communications are thought out at the planning stage. The approach to the construction of walls also depends on the chosen material. If it is intended to use wooden beam, be sure to remember about such a phenomenon as shrinkage.

Important! If the bath is made as an extension to the main building, special attention must be paid to the connection between the structures. Otherwise, the bath may be deformed, which will cause many problems in the future.

In the projects of one-story baths, there must be windows that will not only guarantee comfort, but also provide access to natural light to the premises. The presence of vents in such structures is highly desirable.

Proper insulation of the house with a bath and roofing work

If the bath is made in combination with a residential building, the roof structure must be integral. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in destruction. The roof project is created separately, since its surface will be large, which means that many nuances will have to be taken into account.

Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • height calculation;
  • development of a drain system;
  • placement of ventilation and hoods;
  • chimney system.

After that, it is necessary to insulate the building. On the market you can pick up a lot of quality materials suitable for these purposes. Mineral wool, which has many advantages, is in high demand among developers.

Useful characteristics of mineral wool:

  • resistance to fire;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • affordable price;
  • simple mounting system.

Thermal insulation materials provide protection of the building both from the inside and from the outside. They prevent heat leakage from the premises. When the insulation work is completed, you can start finishing.

Bath design with a relaxation room: photo insideHouses

The choice of finishing material sets the overall tone for the setting. In addition to the decorative function, sheathing can perform other tasks:

  • waterproofing and insulation of the room;
  • extension of the service life;
  • providing a healing effect on the human body (some materials, under the influence of high temperatures, release useful substances into the air).

It is best to use pine as a finish for the rest room and dressing room. It is affordable, easy to process, has an interesting structure. For a steam room, this material, on the contrary, is not at all suitable. Under the influence of high temperatures, pine emits resin, which creates many inconveniences.

Important! It is not allowed to use linoleum and chipboard for surface finishing in the bath. These materials are not classified as fireproof. Linoleum, when heated, releases toxic substances into the air.

It is desirable to sheathe the steam room and washing room with larch or linden. Even with significant heating of these materials, a person who touches their surface will not get burned. Both of these types of wood throughout long term retain their decorative properties.

Other breeds are also suitable as finishing for the steam room:

  • Birch tree;
  • alder;
  • cedar;
  • aspen.

All of the above materials have a low level of thermal conductivity, so they are not exposed to strong heat. Among useful properties these breeds also have a tendency to dry out quickly after bath procedures. Other materials can be used to finish surfaces in the bath. The main thing is to avoid the use of chemical coatings, which, when heated, can release toxic substances into the air.

To increase the level of tightness for wall decoration, lining is often used. It is fixed over a layer of insulation, consisting of mineral wool and aluminum foil, used as a reflector. Siding (metal or vinyl), timber imitation, wooden or plastic lining, as well as a block house are suitable as cladding for the facade of the building.

The service life of the entire building will depend on how well the project is drawn up. In turn, the owner can create any design and conditions inside the premises that will ensure the comfort of operation.

You can find many on the web interesting ideas to create a unique environment, for example, to equip a washing jacuzzi or a small pool under a removable floor, install a font made from a barrel in the room, replace the shower with a beautiful imitation of a waterfall, etc.

Many people who are planning to build a private house and who love a bath often have the idea of ​​connecting these premises. And it happens that the site is small and there is simply no place on it to accommodate a separate bathhouse. What are the options for combining a bath with a house?


Like any other construction project, the house and the bath, built as a single complex, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's talk about the pros first.

  • Convenience for owners. There is no need to put on warm clothes to get to the bathhouse and come back.

If it is customary in the family to visit the sauna with children, it is even more comfortable.

  • Reducing the risk of colds. In the case of using a bath as a prevention of colds, it is logical that after it steamed people do not go out into the cold, risking catching this very cold disease.
  • Project budget. Equipping a steam room in the house is much cheaper than building it separately. In addition, it is easier to equip engineering networks - they will be combined with the networks of the house.

  • Space saving. This is very convenient when the plot of land is small (less than 10 acres) or it is not practical to place additional buildings on it.
  • The sauna, equipped inside the house, does not need large maintenance costs, as if it were a separate structure.
  • In the bath, if it is part of the house, you can dry, for example, linen. Or design a laundry room with drying during construction.

As you can see, there are many advantages, and they are quite significant. Now let's look at the disadvantages.

  • The main inconvenience of such a project is the need to comply with and comply with fire regulations and norms. The material from which the house is built, and the place where the bath is located, must fully comply with them. For houses with baths, rebuilt from wood, the requirements are especially serious.
  • Ignoring SNiPs and other mandatory rules during construction will lead to the fact that the relevant services (this includes sanitary, fire, electricity and others) will not issue a permit to put the facility into operation. Accordingly, such an object will be operated illegally. If you do not report that a bathhouse is equipped in the house, you can seriously suffer - large fines will be issued and engineering networks will be turned off.

  • If engineering and technical norms and rules are not observed, for example, you can pay with high humidity inside the house (this is especially true for wooden buildings). And from this it is a stone's throw to such troubles as mold or fungus, which destroy and deform all structures in the house. Therefore, it is imperative to be puzzled by the correct hydro and vapor barrier, as well as to ensure good ventilation in the bath.
  • The sewerage in the bath will have to be done separately, since it is impractical to drain all the water from the steam room into a common pipe - too much load.
  • If a wood-burning stove-heater is installed in the bath, then it is necessary to properly adjust the draft so that soot does not settle on the walls and ceiling.
  • For insurance companies, houses combined with a bathhouse are objects of increased danger. Accordingly, the sum insured will be much lower, and the conditions of the insurance policy will be much tougher.

You can place a bath either in the basement or basement (if any), or next to the bathroom and toilet.

Building drawings

A house and a bathhouse located under the same roof can be built in two ways:

  • the project was originally designed for the construction of the complex;
  • the bathhouse acts as an extension to an already rebuilt house.

The second option is more common: first they build a house - a country house or for permanent residence, and after that thoughts about a bath appear. You can use ready-made projects, or you can develop it yourself.

There is currently a decline in popularity classic layout private houses with separate buildings: a bathhouse, a garage, a gazebo, a summer kitchen. Modern designs of large houses and cottages are becoming more and more widespread, under the roof of which rooms of various purposes are combined: rooms of the house, a garage and a bathhouse. Since there is a huge choice on the building materials market now - from brick to aerated concrete, it is not difficult to implement these projects.

The projects of cottages with built-in sauna and garage have a lot of advantages.


  • a bathhouse and a garage can be located in the basement (basement), living rooms - on the ground floor;
  • if the house is one-story, then, of course, all the premises will be located on one floor;
  • you can make a bathhouse and a house under the same roof, but with different entrances, connecting them inside with a passage, then you can get into the bathhouse without entering the house;

  • if the building is planned to be two-story, there are even more options - 2 floors will allow you to plan the location of the rooms as you like;
  • there are also many so-called "one and a half-story" houses - with an attic, in which there can be a workshop, an office, a billiard room or a nursery;
  • the size of the garage can also be different: for one or two cars, 6x8 m, 6x6 m, the dimensions of the bath can also vary - 6x8, 6x9 m, it can be with or without a rest room, together with a bathroom or separately from it.

One of the main advantages of the joint object is the convenience of the owners. Put the car in the garage - and you are already in slippers. Also a bath - no need to go through the frost through the entire area and back. The hostess can make face masks and, without being afraid that prying eyes will see her, calmly walk around the house, then return to the bath again and finish the spa treatments.

The owner can combine soaring in Finnish sauna with friends with a friendly billiards match.

The house, garage and sauna combined together save a huge amount of space in the country house. On it you can create beds, greenhouses, a greenhouse or such interesting design solutions like an alpine slide or rockery. Most space is saved if the house is small, but two-story. Then in the garage, for example, you can install a boiler for a bath, and replace the rest room in the bath with a kitchen in the house. You can place the grill on the terrace near the bath. The sauna stove can become an additional source of heat for the whole house. In addition, communications are much easier to mount once than to bring them to each building separately.

The layout of the house with the letter "G" is also very interesting option for the combined project. You can make the most of the entire area by beating the corner rooms and arranging them as conveniently as possible for the owners. The optimal area for a fairly comfortable accommodation of a house with a bathhouse (and a garage) is 10x12 m. Everything can be “embedded” in it - an attic, a terrace, a summer kitchen with a canopy, a fireplace, and a brazier. The layouts of houses 9 by 15 are also interesting, they are one of the most popular among the owners. country houses. If there is not so much space on the site, or the above options are not so budgetary, there are also 8x8 houses. This the average size, which can be no less comfortable for a family, subject to a successful layout. Most a budget option- this is a 6x8 house, but it requires a very careful drafting of the project so that it is not crowded in it.


The basis of the bath is the walls, they determine the reliability of the construction, the quality of thermal insulation and, to a large extent, the comfort inside.

Most often, the walls of the bath are erected from:

  • bricks;
  • foam concrete, aerated concrete;
  • wood concrete;
  • tree.

brick walls very hard to put down. They have a high thermal conductivity, so you need to strengthen the thermal insulation. Under the brick walls it is necessary to lay the foundation.

Wood concrete is a mixture of cement with organic aggregates. mainly shredded wood. Its properties are similar to foam concrete, it is also made in the form of blocks. You can make it yourself right at the construction site, the technology is very simple. The main drawback is one - low resistance to moisture.

Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks have much higher thermal insulation qualities, besides, they are much lighter and do not require a massive foundation under them.

The size of a standard wall foam block is 20x30x60 cm, and it alone is equal to 13 silicate bricks. It is not difficult to build walls from foam blocks yourself.

If you build walls from wood concrete, they need to be upholstered with a protective coating.

Wood is most often used for the construction of baths in our country. There are enough wood species suitable for this; experienced builders distinguish larch, pine, and cedar.

To raise the log cabin of the bath, the following materials are suitable:

  • logs (solid or round);
  • sawn timber with a rectangular section;
  • profiled timber;
  • glued profiled timber.

You can use both wet material and dried. For a log house, the first is better. The more moisture in the material, the more the frame will shrink. Glued laminated timber practically does not need shrinkage. A log cabin takes longer and more than the rest. Needless to say, wood is the most eco-friendly material, so for the construction of a bath is best suited.

Interior Design

If speak about interior decoration baths, then finished projects it usually doesn't get stuck. Architects develop only a project, and then the fantasy of either the owner or the designer invited by him comes into play.

The fundamental step is the choice of material for finishing. It is not necessary to take one type of wood, their combination will give the bath originality. Of course, you need to take into account the properties of the material you have chosen, otherwise you will be in for a lot of disappointment.

The interior finishes a large number of functions:

  • bath insulation and waterproofing;
  • extension of its service life;
  • effect on the body through excretion useful substances into the air at high temperatures;
  • decorative function.

Dressing rooms and rest rooms are well decorated with pine. It is inexpensive, easy to process and has an interesting structure. Pine is not suitable for the steam room, because when the air temperature rises, it releases resin, which will cause a lot of inconvenience. No chipboard and no linoleum are allowed - these are combustible materials, moreover, the latter emits when heated different kind substances that are of little use to humans.

Linden or larch is better suited for finishing the steam room and sink. There will be no burn from touching these rocks when the air is heated. In addition, both types of wood do not lose their attractive appearance for a long time. It is also good to finish the steam room with alder, birch, aspen, cedar. These types of wood do not conduct heat well, so they do not heat up much. In addition, they dry out very quickly at the end of the bath procedure.

No chemical coatings can be used in the steam room, because all of them, when heated, evaporate toxic substances.

To seal the room, often the walls are trimmed with clapboard, under which there is mineral insulation and aluminum foil.

If there are no other finishing options in the steam room, except for wood, then in the washing room and especially in the rest room there is where to roam about the design and realize all the interesting ideas. If space and finances allow, a removable floor can be made in the washing room, under which there is a small pool or jacuzzi. There is no place for a pool - it does not matter, you can make a font from a barrel and relax in it. A waterfall instead of a shower and a natural “wild” style are an original solution for a home bath. Whatever finds the designers will not surprise - what is worth only a shower in the form of a huge watering can or furniture made from barrels in the dressing room.

Excellent layout - with two lounges: a small tea room, finished with wood, next to the steam room, and a large one, for example, with a billiards table. And the lamps hidden under supposedly torn boards along the walls will add modernity to the interior. Outwardly, such a building with a house can be designed as a tower or a fairy-tale palace.

Exterior finish

aim exterior finish baths is the insulation of its facade. If you make it ventilated, then the settling of drops of moisture on the walls will be excluded. This will extend the life of the bath. When choosing any material, you need to remember that it must be combined with the decoration of the whole house, since these rooms will be combined. Or you can finish the bath with the same material that the house itself is lined with, without highlighting its walls against the background of the main structure.

The following materials are suitable for finishing:

  • siding (vinyl or metal);
  • lining (wood, plastic);
  • timber imitation;
  • block house.

Metal siding is not combustible and is great for finishing a bath. Siding panels are available in widths from 0.2 to 1.2 m, the color has more than 15 shades. There are many manufacturers both in Russia and abroad.

Combining a bathhouse and a house under one roof is now a popular way of organizing life in a country life. Combining two functions in one building solves many problems and provides certain advantages. And when there is very little space to place a bathhouse and a residential building on the site, the two-in-one building turns out to be the only possible option construction.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to saving space, the house-bath has other advantages:

  • Creates domestic comfort. To wash and return from the bath, you do not have to leave the house, outside of which it can be cold and damp. This is doubly true for people who often suffer from colds, whose condition is affected by temperature changes in the most unpleasant way, and also when we are talking about washing children. Taking them in the cold from the bathhouse to the house is not the most useful thing to do.
  • Building a bathhouse under the same roof with a house is financially beneficial. In this case, there is no need to create a separate rest room for the bath building, since it already exists in the house. It is no coincidence that such projects often provide for the arrangement in a single complex of only a dressing room and a steam room as elements of the washing part.

  • The solution to the issue of creating engineering networks is simplified, as well as the material costs for this.
  • The construction of a single complex is going faster.
  • Reduced maintenance costs for two different buildings, especially taking into account the fact that a detached bath building quickly becomes unusable due to large temperature fluctuations. And when it is located in a single complex with housing, the overall microclimate is quite stable.
  • For the same reason, it is always faster to prepare a bathhouse for work if it is combined with a house.
  • It is convenient to use some bath rooms inside the house for drying things, including washed clothes, which is important for any housewife.

The other side of the bath house promises certain problems:

  • Fire safety issues in such a structure have to be given increased attention. What matters here is the material chosen for construction, the location of the building, and so on. If the bath house is built of wood, fire safety requirements will be especially stringent.

In case of non-compliance with the relevant rules, it is impossible to obtain permission to put the house into operation, and if this issue is not taken care of, sooner or later the relevant authorities will impose a fine. In addition, electricity and gas will be turned off.

  • Since houses combined with baths are considered objects of increased fire danger, their insurance is more expensive than ordinary houses.
  • If the construction technology is violated, the bath house will suffer from high humidity, which, in turn, can lead to the appearance of fungus and the spread of mold, with all the ensuing consequences.
  • Large bathhouses require careful study of the heating system. Here you will need a powerful electric or gas boiler so that you can heat both parts of the building without any problems. You will have to pay a lot for the use of consumed resources.

Material selection

You can build such a house from different materials depending on the preferences of the owner and, for example, his desire to build a building with his own hands. Many people opt for wood, aerated concrete, foam concrete. But if a person who has only small skills in such a matter can build a structure from a bar, rounded logs or blocks, then it is better to attract high-level specialists for brick construction, since a violation of the work technology will be too expensive.

Also, when choosing a material, one must be guided by the financial costs that lie ahead for the implementation of the project. Obviously, the construction of wooden houses-baths will be cheaper than the construction of brick ones.

The financial side also plays an important role when choosing a roofing material. It is advantageous to use a galvanized profile, a metal tile. Under their laying, it will be necessary to organize an ordinary frame made of wooden logs.

But fashionable for some time andulin roofs will require the work of professionals. It is justified by spectacular and respectable appearance finished roof.

Design subtleties

You can combine a bath and living space in different ways. If private house is built, for example, in 2 floors, the bath "share" can be allocated a place in the basement or basement. Also, a separate room or several on the ground floor are allocated for it (steam room, washing room and dressing room). Then it's just extra rooms inside the house.

Also, a bath can be built along with a bathroom, including a bathroom and a toilet.

In the event that there is already an operated residential building, it is easy to create a bathhouse as an extension. Between the two parts of the building there will be a common wall and roof. It is believed that it is best to choose a place for such an extension from the kitchen. Then it will be possible to make a common stove for the bath itself and the kitchen.

Another option is when the bath has four walls, but it is connected to the house by a passage. Thanks to this, when moving from one part of the building to another, you do not have to go out into the open air.

For cottages that are not limited in area, it is quite appropriate to create a full-fledged bath complex with a washing room, a steam room and an independent rest room.

It is not difficult to arrange a bathhouse in the house to the taste of the owner of a summer cottage or a land plot in the village. In this matter, it is easiest to rely on standard projects. You can build a one-story or two-story house with a sauna, a garage and a terrace where a grill is installed. There are projects that allow you to build a small modest house with a bathhouse on a small piece of land.

A good option- a two-story house that will take no more than thirty square meters on the land. On the ground floor, you can place a bathhouse with a shower and a steam room, as well as a dressing room, where it is convenient to stack firewood. If the area of ​​​​the house allows, on the ground floor you can allocate space for a small pool and a relaxation room, for example, with a billiards.

A billiard room can also be arranged on the second floor. As a rule, there is also a bedroom, or even several.

Even if the basis is standard project, it is better to entrust its completion to a professional architect. No matter how good the finished version is, it must be tied to the place and, possibly, adjusted to suit the wishes of the customer. It is also better to entrust the development of ventilation and sewerage systems, electricians to a specialist.

In the house-bath, water is drained through two separate pipes. If there is no main sewerage, for the bath part you will need an independent cesspool . It is also better to use a separate pipe for plumbing in the bath. All this should be reflected in the project, taking into account the specific situation.

Having worked together with a professional architect, you can get a bath house that not only completely suits the owner in terms of functional qualities, but is also very attractive in appearance. There are a huge number of interesting exterior solutions for such buildings.

For example, the corner option looks unusual. But even a house of a traditional form can be given individuality with the help of certain architectural elements.

Construction features

Whatever construction option is chosen, in order to start it, it is necessary to prepare the site. The scale of these works will depend on the type of soil to be dealt with, how waterlogged it is, and how close to the surface the groundwater is. If we are talking about loam, black soil or sandstone, then here everything can come down to just a thorough mowing of grass and uprooting stumps. If the site is swampy, it is partly necessary to change the soil and ensure water drainage.

The area of ​​the house-bath itself can be any - 6x8, 6x10 and so on, depending on the size of the site and the wishes of the owner. When building a country house or an ordinary house, combined with a bathhouse, special attention should be paid to the construction of the foundation and sewerage.

How they will be arranged in a particular case depends on what materials the bath house is built from, what load is expected on sewer system. All this is calculated before the start of construction work. A win-win solution is the construction of a tape monolithic foundation.

For a one-story wooden bathhouse, for example, it is enough to have a depth of only 0.5 m and a width of 30 cm. A block or brick building creates a greater load on the base, so the foundation here should be more powerful.

The work on pouring the foundation under the house itself should be carried out in the warm season - after the completion of the process, the foundation dries for another three weeks, so the weather should be suitable. AND only after the expiration of the exposure period, you can proceed to the next stage.

If construction starts in winter, then here you can deal with screw piles, which will become the basis for the future bath house.

If as the main material for its construction is selected traditional timber, it should be borne in mind that such a building gives a noticeable shrinkage. Other materials have their own characteristics. You need to ask about them in advance.

Often a bath is attached to a finished residential building. In this case, you need to take care of the competent docking of the two parts. If the construction technology is not followed, the extension will eventually “move away” from the wall of the main building, which will create many problems, starting from the fact that it will look ugly from the outside. Ideally, the bath should "grow" to the house, representing a single whole with it.

To successfully resolve this issue, often use reinforcing bars, with which they “tie” two buildings into one. Holes are made in the wall, reinforcing bars are driven into them so that at the other end they, if, for example, a brick building, are mounted into the walls of the attached bath.

When creating a roof, it is necessary to carefully observe the arrangement of hoods and chimneys so that through a short time did not need to be repaired. In a combined house there should be two chimneys - one for the residential part, the other for the washing room.

When it comes to the simultaneous construction of residential and bath components, the roof over the structure should initially be a solid structure. In the case of an extension, the roof from the house is “extended”. For a house-bath, a two- or four-pitched roof is suitable.

Compliance with insulation technology is important. Even with an excellent layout of the bath, it will be inconvenient to use it if it is cold in the dressing room in a dressing gown and slippers.

Warming is carried out both inside and outside, which ensures proper thermal insulation.

As for the decoration of the part of the house where the washing will take place, it is necessary to use only natural materials. It is better if it is a tree.