Do-it-yourself budget summer kitchen in the country. Summer kitchen with your own hands. Construction instructions. We decide on the design of the facade

Aren't you tired of cooking, preserving vegetables, getting ready for noisy and plentiful feasts with barbecue or barbecue inside a country house, where all the kitchen equipment is located?

It is quite possible to avoid being in a stuffy room and transfer all these processes to fresh air or to a separate, well-ventilated room. It is enough to build a summer kitchen in the country. The features of this process will be discussed in the material below.

Varieties of designs

Before embarking on the realization of your dream, it is advisable to consider all existing summer kitchen projects in the country: it is advisable to build not too expensive and complex structures with your own hands, otherwise you may not finish the construction at all.

All buildings for cooking in a suburban area are divided into two main groups:

  1. Open kitchen. Its distinguishing feature is the complete absence of walls. This allows you to achieve a feeling of spaciousness and freedom, as well as provide excellent air circulation. At the same time, everything necessary equipment- stove, table, sink, and so on - must be present without fail.

Some cottage owners, wanting to get as close to nature as possible, get rid of not only walls, but also.
This is not the best solution, as you will lose protection from both the sun and rain.

  1. Closed kitchen. Often this is not only a place for cooking. A small light building can serve as a guest or hunting lodge, a pantry or a workshop for those who like to do something with their own hands.
    For construction, you can use plywood, lining or other materials, the price of which is low. And summer kitchens for summer cottages, built of brick, foam or gas blocks, can be successfully operated for a long time throughout the year.
    Combining certain materials and summer kitchen projects in the country - with your own hands you can create original and original buildings that will become a highlight landscape design your suburban area.

In any case, do not forget to equip the summer kitchen with amenities:

  • plumbing;
  • sewerage;
  • stove or grill;
  • lighting and electrical outlets.

If you do not have the opportunity to bring electricity to the summer kitchen, renting a diesel generator to give will help out.
This device will provide power to all kitchen equipment.


The construction of a summer kitchen in the country begins with the search for a place where it will be installed.

This site must meet the following requirements:

  1. Convenient connection engineering networks. It must be possible to supply water, sewerage and electricity.
  2. Remoteness from economic and household buildings. Pets, publish bad smell which is out of place in the kitchen. Therefore, it is desirable to make sure that it is removed from the economic zone of the cottage as far as possible.
  3. The presence of a cellar. It’s good when the summer kitchen plan in the country includes a cellar under it or nearby. This provides access to products during cooking and the possibility of quick storage of homemade preparations.

If before building capital house for housing you use country houses from block containers, a place for building a kitchen must be chosen so that free and convenient access is subsequently provided to it.

Construction order

Step 1. Preparing the base

There are various projects of summer kitchens for summer cottages. Depending on the shape, materials and size of the building, the foundation is selected. The most common are strip and column bases.

The first type is used when it is planned to build a closed summer kitchen made of brick or other artificial stone. Open country summer kitchens or wooden houses can also be built on columnar supports. They can be made from cinder blocks or cast from cement mortar.

If you intend to install only a light canopy, then you can simply concrete the site right size, reinforcing it metal mesh or rods.

In any case, the sequence of actions for arranging the foundation is as follows:

  1. Excavation. According to a pre-made marking, a continuous excavation of the soil is carried out or holes are dug with dimensions of 30x30 and a depth of 70-80 cm.
  2. Pillow arrangement. For this, a sand-gravel mixture is used, which is poured onto the bottom of the pit with a layer 20 cm thick and carefully compacted.
  3. Pouring the foundation, platform or pillars. Depending on the type of structure and its dimensions, as well as the ambient temperature, it will take from a week to a month for the concrete to fully harden.
  4. Floor arrangement. In some cases, additional filling of the subfloor may be required. To do this, a layer of soil is removed from the site, then a layer of sand 15 cm thick is poured. Crushed stone is laid on top of it, after which the cement mortar is poured.

If the floor is subsequently to be tiled with ceramic tiles, ensure a smooth surface by cement screeding and sanding.

The floor of the open summer kitchen should rise 5-7 cm above the ground.
Otherwise, a heavy summer downpour will flood the site.

Step 2. Building walls

The presence or absence of walls depends on which design of the summer kitchen in the country you have chosen. In any case, you will need to install and properly secure the support posts that will support the roof or canopy.

The walls of the summer house for cooking can be made of various materials:

  1. Wood. All structural elements are fastened together with self-tapping screws or metal corners. material for outer skin it can be a board or siding, internal - drywall, grooved board or lining.
  2. Fake diamond. Given the purpose of the building, it is enough to build walls one brick thick (cinder block). If you intend, despite the name, to operate the kitchen in winter, you should take extra care of insulation and heating.

Step 3. Arrangement of the roof

The simplest and most inexpensive option is a flat pitched roof. It is easy to install, and the cost of construction is minimal. However, most summer residents prefer the gable version, considering it more attractive.

If you expect round-the-clock operation of the summer kitchen, you need to lay thermal insulation from basalt fiber, glass wool or polystyrene between the roof joists.

To prevent water from flooding the walls, it is necessary to provide for a long visor. This will extend the life of the structure.

Step 4. Interior decoration

The flooring in the summer kitchen can be made from ceramic tiles or decking ( terrace board). In the latter case, the surface is painted with one or another shade of paint or varnished.

It is advisable to cover the ceilings and walls with drying oil, which will protect the wood from the effects of negative environmental factors.

Original accessories made of ceramics, wood or other materials that organically fit into the dacha concept will help to give the kitchen interior an individuality.


When choosing a summer kitchen project, consider combining this space with a dining room or barbecue area. So, you can not only cook food, but also eat it in the fresh air, enjoying being in nature.

You can learn more about the arrangement of suburban areas from the video in this article.

Well, in what place else can you so fully gain strength and improve your health so well, if not in your own, albeit sometimes modest, but undoubtedly beloved suburban area? A special pride of summer residents is a summer kitchen, projects and photos of which can be found on various sites on this topic.

What could be better than organizing a barbecue or barbecue in the fresh air filled with the smell of herbs. Only Vacation home or a dacha gives you the opportunity to enjoy eating in nature. If you approach this task on a large scale, then a pretty country kitchen will surely grow on the site. In this case, the preparation of country delicacies will become a real pleasure.

Purpose and benefits

Summer cuisine in the country - a cooking area in the heat, when you don’t want to be in the house, and even fill it with the aromas of boiled or fried food. The summer kitchen in the photo is a kind of platform where there is a space for cooking and eating. Stove, dining table, chairs, benches, cabinets, shelving and everything that is in an ordinary kitchen. If at your dacha you want to achieve maximum comfort and fully enjoy your family vacation, it makes sense to think over the kitchen object in your summer cottage well and comprehensively and then start construction.


Summer kitchens are open and closed.


A lightweight canopy or a solid roof will protect you even from heavy rain, and replaceable bulkheads will save you from the wind, roller blinds or sliding wall structures. If a summer kitchen is being built with your own hands, then the easiest way is to cover a pitched roof. When the owner of the cottage entrusts this work to professionals, then there is no limit to the imagination.

To build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands, you will need a stone for the foundation and wood for wall cladding. For the construction of the roof use:

  • metal tile;
  • slate;
  • corrugated board;
  • polycarbonate;
  • bituminous tiles.


  1. Low construction costs.
  2. An uncomplicated construction method and the least number of calculations.
  3. Cooking lunch in the open air is a pleasure.
  4. The very process of eating in nature can be a very pleasant experience.
  5. The open kitchen in the country house in the photo below is quite suitable for receiving guests.
  6. In the gazebo, crumbs that have fallen on the floor or spilled soup are not terrible.


  1. Unable to use the room in winter.
  2. No protection from winds and insects.
  3. Moisture gets in from the outside.


For those whose summer season is not limited to the warm season, you need to take care of a more solid structure that will be comfortable in all weather conditions. Summer kitchens in a closed-type cottage, the photos of which you will see below, can become a multifunctional object. It is sometimes not a sin to place guests in them for the night, if necessary. As for building materials, everything is subject to the budget of the owners and the life of the kitchen house. Of the materials, drywall, lining or plywood can be useful, and if the construction is planned on long years, then it is better to use foam blocks, brick or stone.


  1. Reliable shelter from rain and wind.
  2. Temporary accommodation for guests.
  3. Absolute safety of things and products.


  1. A closed outdoor kitchen in the country will cost more, as more material will be needed for construction.
  2. A summer kitchen project of this type will require additional calculations.

Choice places

Outdoor kitchen can take up space on the site, both large and small. Therefore, a place for it must be selected immediately along with the preparation of a construction plan.

If you are thinking about how to make a summer kitchen, here is what you should focus on when designing:

  1. Consider the remoteness of the object relative to the house, garden, utility yard.
  2. It is allowed to build a kitchen in the shade of trees, but so that the garden kitchen is warmed by the sun for at least a few hours.
  3. It is necessary to investigate the terrain where you intend to build, the groundwater level in the country, vegetation, distance from neighbors and other landscape features.
  4. The proximity of communications should be taken into account, because it will be necessary to carry out water and lighting. Therefore, it is best if the summer kitchen in the country is not far from home.
  5. You can not choose a place for a veranda in a lowland - the floors here will be saturated with moisture.

Material selection

Organically fit into the design of the kitchen in the country natural materials- stone, wood. Lightweight and durable materials are also supplied to the markets, which have won the approval of consumers for their durability and practicality - PVC, aluminum, polycarbonate, polystyrene foam, etc.


The floor and walls can be faced with stone - marble, slate, granite, limestone. A stone-covered (or stone-styled) authentic or decorative fireplace. A tile is well suited, which perfectly withstands not only bad weather, but also the usual pollution for this room, rubbish. We offer you to see what a brick summer kitchen looks like, the photo of which is below.


Wood is much more economical than stone. It is easier to process wood, and the buildings made of it look lightweight, beautiful, and have a pleasant smell. However, without specific treatment, it is subject to deterioration, deterioration, infection with a fungus.

Other materials

It can be lining, plywood, drywall. Parquet, laminate, linoleum are used for flooring. Interior decoration summer kitchen is a tile, wallpaper different types. Siding can be used for exterior finish; corrugated board and metal tile - for roofing.

Design Choice

The main rule is that the design of the summer kitchen must harmoniously fit into the concept of the entire site. In designing a stone veranda, details made of wood or compositions with other natural materials are applicable and even necessary.

Often, verandas in the country look like fabulous houses or gazebos. It is very easy to organize such a summer kitchen design: you just need to hang lanterns, carve and decorate climbing plants.

Filling and furniture

Country furniture is now easy to buy in every furniture store. It is possible to purchase ready-made sets or order a kitchen interior from a professional designer. The furniture and the entire design of the summer kitchen in the country, the photos of which can be seen in the article, look extremely beautiful, your eyes run wide from ideas and projects, but you need to equip your own kitchen.

When thinking about furniture, it is useful to come up with an image of your kitchen: capital or simple portable. In the first case, all furniture items are fixed at the right points and are not subject to movement around the perimeter. This version may be relevant for a completely open floor plan.

The countertop should have such dimensions that it can comfortably accommodate the necessary appliances and food during cooking - this is at least 90x60 cm. Add ergonomics and a cabinet under the countertop. It is good to arrange pots, plates, pans and necessary cutlery in it.


Wood decor looks great on the veranda, but it must be treated with high-quality varnish that can protect the tree from rain and sun if the room is open. Summer kitchen in the country - projects, photos of which can be found in abundance on the Internet, will surprise you with a variety of decor and content.

Do not forget about accessories in the interior. On hinged shelves, you can beautifully arrange decorative dishes, vases with bouquets of summer flowers, various containers with the necessary spices.

Popular Ideas

Let's move on to the main thing - the kitchen in the country: ideas and tips for their implementation.


Arbors are convenient for barbecue, barbecue or oven.

Frame racks are made of timber, brick, stone in the corners, and the whole structure is fixed with a roof made of simple roofing material (ondulin, bitumen sheets).

The gaps between the racks leave or sheathe one of the walls in order to hang shelves or kitchen cabinets.

Openings can be decorated with curtains, openwork wood paneling, which will be able to braid subsequently weaving plants. To make the room comfortable in any weather, you need to put sliding removable fences or roller blinds.

small house

Country kitchen in the form of a house looks like a real home. But much more work will be required for its construction, whether it is laying the base (preferably monolithic) or installing windows and doors.

Most functional gable roof. Powerful showers and snow caps will not be a problem with such a roof. A good cellar does not hurt at all, in this case the construction must begin with digging a pit. It is in the house that the summer kitchen with a veranda as a dining area will look beautiful.


If you decide to equip a summer kitchen on the veranda, then remember that it should be in good harmony with the whole house. Construction begins with a foundation, the depth of which should be commensurate with the depth of the foundation of the house.

Better if country house and the veranda have one common roofing. To make the room bright, put large swing windows or glaze the entire wall.


The summer kitchen project with a terrace is shown in our article. Support beams are placed along the walls of the house, covered with a roof under a roll. On a well-leveled area where water does not accumulate, the floor can be arranged simply on the ground. Excellent material for him will be paving slabs.

Cooking in a small kitchen is no fun. Hot air, tightness, constant lack of free space make the cooking process difficult and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country house, where there is enough space not only to accommodate the working, but also the dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. About which summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself using standard projects and a regular photo, later in our article.

What is a summer kitchen

The summer kitchen in the country is an attached to the house or a separate building designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of construction of the summer kitchen can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are completely or partially absent. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has solid walls and windows that reliably cover the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a canopy from the rain over the summer kitchen

A summer kitchen with a simple project can be safely built in just one summer. This will require basic skills. construction works, necessary material and tool. Well, for safety net, it is desirable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be carried out at height.

Important! Before you start building an object, you should choose a suitable place for it. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue will depend on how correctly this will be done.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all, you need to consider that the kitchen should not be too remote at home. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that every day it is not very convenient to go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site.

In addition, next to the summer kitchen, there should be no sources that have an unpleasant odor. These include animal sheds and cages, fertilizer pits, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Having your own outdoor kitchen is every housewife's dream.

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in the immediate vicinity of it. On hot days, a table and chairs can be placed under its dense crown. It's no secret that breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, carried away by the planning of the future building, do not forget about the fire safety rules, the neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in the summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

We decide on the kitchen project (photo)

In order for the cooking extension to be practical, functional and comfortable, and also to have an attractive appearance, it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all the nuances and design features will be painted to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen organically fit into the overall building and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. So you will achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have noticed, many summer kitchen projects whose photos are posted in the article have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Building a building on your own

When the place and project for the summer kitchen are chosen, you can safely proceed to its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Marking the site and pouring the foundation.
  2. The erection of walls (if provided for by the project) or supporting pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and external finishing.


Since this building is relatively light, there is no need to pour a capital foundation. It is quite possible to get by or, most importantly, to be carried out in compliance with the technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor device, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass - the foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, a markup is made on the site, which is marked on the plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a foundation pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which formwork from boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, in order to avoid heaving of the soil, a backfill is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before concrete is poured, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must stand for at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • monolithic foundation. Having previously marked the site, a foundation pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Further, the sand is well leveled and tightly compacted by a tamping machine. It remains to put the formwork, tie the reinforcing cage, pour the concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for the summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, it is recommended to make a slab from a monolithic foundation with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º so that rainwater can flow down it on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. Large (support) racks are installed in the corners - 200 × 200 mm in size, and additional ones between them - 150 × 150 mm in size.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for installing the rafters.
  3. After the rafters are installed, from bars measuring 50 × 50 mm. a crate and a counter-lattice are made.
  4. Further, the entire structure is treated with a special compound from fungus and mold, after which installation is carried out.

Often, rounded logs, bricks or stone are used as wall material, which is ideal for this type of building. With such walls, the building can be used year-round, the main thing is to produce them of high quality.

Another undeniable advantage is that facade of the summer kitchen from a log facing brick or decorative stone does not require additional finishing. Extra costs come down only to the fact that wood is needed and, and stone and brick.

We decide on the design of the facade

When choosing a summer kitchen project from photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the building. For a summer residence, it is very important that the style of the outbuildings correspond to the general layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

Particular attention in the summer kitchen should also be given to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. Properly organize the space will help you placed below photo of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how beautifully and correctly design various zones.

The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to keep it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Use upholstered furniture in the open summer kitchen best idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. It also fits well into the interior. different kinds wicker furniture, which goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a wicker chair will look very nice. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of fancy should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting of the summer kitchen in the country, regardless of its size, is an important step repair work. A chandelier suspended in the center or a single lamp cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all zones, it is desirable to use more than one type of lighting. Above the working area, it is appropriate to place spotlights in tandem with, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you to competently approach the issue of choosing the right project for your summer kitchen. As you can see, there are plenty of sources for inspiration and fresh ideas for the implementation of our plans. Good luck with your construction.

In the warm season, especially during the conservation period, the presence of a summer kitchen greatly facilitates the cooking process and makes it more enjoyable. For construction, it is not necessary to hire specialists - all stages can be completed independently. If you choose the right materials, the summer kitchen will not cost too much, which for an economical owner has great importance.

Types of summer kitchens

Summer kitchens can have a closed and open design. Both species are widely used in suburban and suburban areas. To decide which type to opt for, you should study all the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings.

Closed kitchen

This kitchen has windows, doors and a roof like a complete home. There are options combined with a bathhouse or a summer shower, a cellar, a workshop, with an attached veranda for eating and relaxing. Usually, light materials are chosen for construction and they do not insulate the building, so the room is not used in winter. At the same time, there are kitchens made of bricks and foam blocks, which are more durable and can be insulated if necessary.

Advantages of closed structures:

  • a closed kitchen requires more materials, so it is more expensive;
  • the project will require additional calculations;
  • the construction process is more laborious and lengthy.

This option is more suitable for country houses where the owners live permanently. But in the country, which is empty in winter, the construction of a closed kitchen is not always justified.

Open kitchens are built according to the principle: a concrete or tiled base, supporting pillars along the perimeter, a canopy roof. An oven is installed under a canopy, kitchen table, shops. Sometimes the kitchen is made without a canopy if it is used exclusively for cooking on vacation on clear days. building material for an open kitchen, wood, brick, natural stone are most often used.

Summer kitchen - a project with a barbecue


  • do not use the room during the cold period;
  • no protection from wind and insects;
  • poor protection against rain and dampness;
  • no food left.
  • all the furniture that will be there must be hidden for the winter in closed, dry rooms, otherwise it will quickly rot.

Where to build

The location of the kitchen matters a lot. Khozdvor, and cesspools should be as far away as possible, but communications, on the contrary, are closer. You will have to supply water to the kitchen, connect electricity, so it is best if the building site is near the house. You can not choose a place in the lowland, otherwise the floor will be damp. A closed kitchen can be attached to the house, and it is better to place an open one in a garden or near a pond, away from the road.

Construction of an open kitchen

There are many options for building an open kitchen, but the main stages are always the same: marking and preparing the site, laying the foundation, installing load-bearing supports, installing the roof and interior design.

For work you will need:

  • level;
  • shovel;
  • pegs and twine;
  • tape measure; sand and gravel;
  • cement mortar;
  • pieces of reinforcement;
  • timber 150x150 mm;
  • Circular Saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal squares;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • primer.

Step 1. Markup

The selected area is cleared of all unnecessary and the sod is removed. One of the corners of the building is determined and a peg is driven into the ground, and then the width and length of the platform for the kitchen are measured from it. Beacons-pegs are placed in each of the corners and a twine is pulled between them. Check the correct markings on the diagonals - they must be the same length. After that, inside the markup, the soil is selected to a depth of 15-20 cm, leveled and rammed.

Step 2. Foundation pouring

The bottom of the pit is covered with an even layer of sand, leveled, well compacted. If necessary, communication pipes are laid along the bottom, crushed stone is poured from above. A reinforcing mesh is laid, metal rods 20 cm high are inserted at the corners of the site, formwork from boards is installed around the perimeter. The height of the formwork above the ground should be about 10 cm; using a level on the inside of the formwork, mark the line for pouring the solution so that the site is even. Knead and pour it into the formwork, guided by the markup. The communication pipes are closed with plugs, otherwise the solution may get inside. The surface is leveled with a rule, after which the foundation is left until it dries completely.

Also, the foundation for the kitchen can be made of a columnar type using bricks. Markup is done in the same way monolithic foundation, after which they dig square-shaped pits up to 50 cm deep. The bottom of the pits is covered with sand and tamped, then a metal bar is inserted, around which brickwork. The height of the foundation columns is checked by level. If necessary, the columns are leveled with an additional layer of cement.

The lower trim of the timber will be attached to the reinforcement bars, which is joined using the “paw” method. The beam is laid on roofing material, previously glued with bitumen to each column. Subfloor logs from edged board.

Step 3. Installation of bearing supports

In the lower ends of the timber, holes are drilled for reinforcing bars protruding from the foundation. The front racks are made 20 cm higher than the rear ones, so that it is more convenient to mount the canopy. The bars are installed at the corners of the site, leveled, and then fixed to the base with metal plates on anchor bolts. Along the upper edge, the pillars are connected with a strapping of timber, and horizontal jumpers are mounted at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor.

Table. Roof slope depending on the coverage

Roof materialWeight sq. m (without base), kgApproximate durability, yearsRoof pitch, deg.
Sheet black steel3-5 20-25 16-30
Galvanized steel3,5-6 30-40 16-30
Ruberoid4-13 13-15 4-27
Roof tiles40-50 60 and over30-45
asbestos cement14-20 40-45 27-50

Step 4. Mounting the canopy

The boards treated with a primer are nailed to the upper harness along the width of the structure every 50 cm. The internal joints must be reinforced with metal squares so that the canopy does not disperse in strong winds. A waterproofing material is laid on top of the boards, thin slats are stuffed and sheets of slate or

Step 5. Floor arrangement

The best solution would be tiling. It is not afraid of moisture, is easily cleaned of dirt, easily tolerates temperature changes. wooden flooring in an open kitchen, it quickly becomes unusable under the influence of atmospheric moisture, cracks from the sun, is damaged by insects, and therefore requires regular maintenance. So, take the tile, tile adhesive, notched trowel and start laying the floor. Lay out the tiles from the corner: apply a little solution to the back surface, apply to the floor and level.

In the photo - porcelain tiles for the street

To make the seams as even as possible, special plastic crosses are used, which are inserted at the joints. Laying is constantly controlled by the level, otherwise the coating will be uneven. If installation or a barbecue is planned in the kitchen, it is not necessary to veneer the floor under them. After completion of work, the seams are cleaned of dust and residues of the solution, and then rubbed with a special mixture.

Step 6. Arrangement of the kitchen

For greater comfort, the space between the floor and horizontal lintels can be sheathed with boards or closed with wooden curly grates, leaving the doorway free. They install a stove, benches and a table, supply electricity and water. In conclusion wooden surfaces covered with stain and varnish or painted, protecting the wood from environmental influences.

Prices for different types of building boards

Building boards

Construction of a closed kitchen

Closed kitchens are also very diverse, but the most convenient and easiest to implement is a frame structure made of timber on column foundation. For sheathing, it is recommended to use clapboard or OSB boards.

In the process of work you will need:

  • Circular Saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • dry planed timber 100x100 mm;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • long cord and pegs for beacons;
  • ruberoid;
  • cement mortar;
  • building studs;
  • working out;
  • nails and screws;
  • sand.

Step 1. Marking the site

The selected site needs to be prepared: level the hills, remove tall grass, stones, debris. Now you need to determine where the facade line will be located, and put 2 beacons on it. The distance between the pegs is equal to the length of the facade. Perpendicular to this line, the length of the side walls is measured from each beacon and marks are also placed. A cord is pulled between the beacons, and diagonals are measured in the resulting rectangle. If they are equal, the markup is correct. In the center of each side of the future kitchen and at the intersection of the diagonals, it is also necessary to drive in pegs - these are marks for intermediate pillars.

Step 2. Foundation preparation

They dig holes with a shovel in places marked with pegs to a depth of 40 cm; the dimensions of the pit should correspond to two cinder blocks laid flat. The walls and bottom of the pits are leveled, a 10 cm layer of sand is covered and rammed. 2 lower cinder blocks are laid on the sand, covered with a solution, a construction pin is inserted in the center so that it rises about 25-30 cm above the soil surface. Then the second row of the cinder block is placed on top across the first, again the solution and the third row. Finished poles must have the same height and be located on the same level.

Step 3. Mounting the bottom trim

The lower harness consists of two rows of timber, knocked together. All bars are generously coated with used oil, paying special attention to cuts, and then dried. In the beams of the lower row, you need to make holes for the studs, and in the upper row, cut grooves for the floor beams. The depth of the grooves corresponds to half the thickness of the beam, and the width is equal to the thickness of the crossbar.

Pieces of roofing material are laid on top of the pillars, putting them directly on the studs. The lower bars are applied to the pillars, the location of the stud is marked, holes of the appropriate diameter are drilled. Then they are laid on the foundation, the studs are threaded into the holes and the nuts are tightened. The ends of the studs should not protrude above the surface of the beam, on the contrary, it is better when they are slightly recessed into the tree. Check the strapping with a level around the entire perimeter to avoid distortions. Now you need to lay the top row of beams, nail them, insert the floor beams into the grooves. For greater reliability internal joints it is better to strengthen with metal plates with screws.

Step 4. Summer kitchen - log house

This summer kitchen is wonderful appearance, environmentally friendly and retains heat well indoors. However, it is extremely important to treat the material with fire-retardant impregnation in order to exclude the possibility of wood damage by insects.

It is worth remembering that the log house will shrink for several years, so it is not recommended to additionally sheathe the walls of the summer kitchen.

In order for the walls to be even inside the room, each log along the entire length is hewn with a planer or grinder. At the ends of the logs, grooves are cut for joining (the "paw" method). This method was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the logs will be used without residue, and secondly, even if the corner joint has a small gap, this will not affect the functionality and convenience of the summer kitchen.

To build a mortgage crown, we lay two logs opposite each other. We put two more perpendicularly on them. We adjust this square to a single plane so that it lies clearly horizontally on the lower trim of the future summer kitchen. Next, the following logs are marked, cut down and laid, between which we lay a heater, for example, moss or felt.

The openings for the doors and windows of the summer kitchen will be cut down in the future. The double-glazed windows themselves Entrance door together with accessories will be installed after the completion of the roof installation process. We bring to your attention a photo report of the construction of a summer kitchen 7x3 m.

Video - Cutting "in the paw"

Step 5 Mounting the roof

Roof trusses are knocked down from boards with a section of 150x50 mm, they are strengthened inside with spacers and mounted to the upper harness. The ends should protrude beyond the perimeter of the walls by 10-15 cm. The distance between the trusses is approximately 1.5 m. The roof elements are fastened to the trim using metal plates and bolts. After installing the rafters, a ridge is stuffed along the trusses, and then the roof frame is sheathed with boards. On the crate lay corrugated board, slate or other roofing material.

The roof is covered with ondulin

How Wrong Windows Installed

Summer kitchen 7x3 mProject
Kitchen heightHeight from floor to ceiling: 2.15 m. (+-5 cm). Skate height: 1.5 m (+-5 cm)
Support-columnar blocks (one bedside table measuring 400x400x4000 mm consists of four cement blocks measuring 200x200x400, interconnected by a sand-cement mixture).
Base bindingUnplaned timber with a section of 100x150mm. The harness is laid in 1 row on the edge.
Sexual lagsUnplaned timber 40x150 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
log cabinProfiled timber with a section of 90x140 mm, natural humidity
Log house assemblyThe log house is assembled on metal dowels (nails 200 mm).
Assembly of log cornersAssembling the corner into a "warm corner"
Mezhventsovye warmingA flax-jute cloth is laid between the crowns
PartitionsPartition timber 90x140 natural humidity.
FloorDouble floor: draft floor: edged board 20 mm; finished floor: grooved batten 36 mm. (chamber drying).
It is insulated with KNAUF mineral wool 50 mm., ONDUTIS insulation is laid in 2 layers.
Ceiling beamsUnplaned timber 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
CeilingThe ceiling is hemmed with clapboard of coniferous species (chamber drying). The ceiling is insulated with 50 mm KNAUF mineral wool, ONDUTIS insulation is laid.
truss structureBar 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 1000 mm.
roof lathingThe crate is made from a 20 mm edged board. (through the board).
According to the project of the kitchen - gable.
GablesSheathed with clapboard of coniferous species (chamber drying). Ventilation grilles are installed in the kitchen gables (prevent the formation of condensate).
Celestials and cornices (roof overhangs)They are sewn up with clapboard of coniferous species (chamber drying). Overhang width: 350 - 450 mm (4 linings).
roofing materialOndulin, color to choose from: red, brown, green.
WindowWooden with double glazing, installed according to the project. The size of window blocks is 1x1.2 m. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
doorsPaneled. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
Room decorationAll corners and joints in the kitchen are sealed with plinth; window, doorways are surrounded by a platband.
TerraceSupport poles are installed with compensation lifts (jacks) for shrinkage. Terrace finishing: railings - carved, balusters - chiselled. Steps are installed at the entrance.

Step 6. Arrangement of the kitchen

When the basic processes are completed, you should come to grips with interior arrangement kitchens. The walls can be sheathed with plastic or, since the frame sheathed with plywood does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Then they install a stove, a sink, connect electricity and water, and arrange kitchen furniture. On this, the construction of a closed kitchen can be considered completed.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video - Do-it-yourself summer kitchen

Cooking in the summer in a hot and cramped kitchen is a very dubious pleasure. And if the residents of high-rise buildings are deprived of a choice, then the owners of private houses or summer cottages can take the cooking process outside the house in the summer - into the summer kitchen. And the house will get rid of excess fumes during the season of active conservation. Well, food cooked outdoors is always tastier than at home. In addition, summer kitchen, without much cost, you can make it roomy enough to turn it into a place for evening gatherings and meetings with friends.

There are many options for a summer kitchen for a summer residence:

  • from veranda adjoining the house
  • with barbecue area
  • from pergola
  • with a separate gazebo (pavilion)

In general, summer kitchens are usually divided into two types:

  • open - canopy, open on one or more sides, sliding structures, tarpaulin (fabric), roller blinds or removable partitions can be used as wind protection. Comfortable in such a kitchen will be the whole summer season - from late spring to early autumn
  • a closed kitchen is actually a “kitchen house” that reliably hides from all the vagaries of nature, but at the same time a significant part of the unique charm of a summer kitchen is lost.

Since structurally this is a fairly simple structure, it will not be excessive effort to build a summer kitchen with your own hands.

We select a place

An important stage in the creation of a summer kitchen project is the choice of a place, from right choice which depends on both the simplicity and speed of construction, and the convenience of further operation.

There are several factors to consider here:

  • availability of communications - proximity and ease of supply of water, electricity, gas, organization of drainage
  • distance from the roads - exhaust gases, dust and noise are not the best background for a relaxing holiday and cooking
  • distance from toilets, cesspools and compost pits, barnyards and other places with a characteristic pungent odor
  • fire safety - if the kitchen is supposed to use an open fire ( brazier, barbecue), at least within a radius of 10 m there should be no flammable buildings
  • the presence of trees - crowns will give shade and keep cool, limiting the ingress of the scorching rays of the sun. Cooking food on a hot stove and even under the hot sun is a dubious pleasure.
  • remoteness from home - the construction of a summer kitchen that has a common wall with the house (in the form of a veranda or extension) will significantly reduce the cost of the project. But on the other hand, smoke and fumes from the stove will enter the house, and the main idea of ​​​​the summer kitchen is to rid the house of side effects cooking. At the same time, if you move the kitchen away from home, in bad weather there will be problems with the delivery of food to the house.

Laying the foundation

Quite often, on thematic sites, the option is considered when the interior of the kitchen has its own cellar. The option is quite controversial, because in this case the cost of construction increases dramatically. In addition, if the kitchen is open, then in winter such a cellar will require additional insulation. And to get to it, you will have to additionally rake snowdrifts. So, we will still consider the cellar as an attribute of the house, and we can safely proceed to marking and laying the foundation.

If the construction of capital (brick, stone, foam concrete) walls is not foreseen, then there is no need to lay a full-fledged foundation. To do this, a pit (depression) of 10-15 cm is torn off in the ground over the total area, which is covered with screenings or sand and rammed. From above, you can lay tiles or boards for the future floor of the summer kitchen. In this case, the floor should be raised 15-20 cm above the ground to avoid rainwater flows.

In the presence of a foundation, the foundation is laid wooden frame from a bar, in places of attachment to the foundation, it is fixed with metal corners. In the future, the construction of the frame repeats the process described above.

When building a closed kitchen, brick, foam blocks or stone are used to build walls. In this case, the thickness of the wall in half a brick will be quite enough. Inside, the walls can be sheathed with drywall, plastic, clapboard or plastered - only the frost resistance of the selected material can be a limitation, because in winter the room will not be heated regularly.

For the summer kitchen, the arrangement of a shed will be justified. roofs, for which it will be enough to build one wall of the beam structure a little higher than the opposite. When choosing a roofing material, it is important to consider the strength of the frame. If there are practically no restrictions for a closed kitchen (slate, metal tiles, composite tiles, bituminous tiles, corrugated board, seam roofing, polycarbonate), then for an open kitchen you need to choose a lighter material, for example, polycarbonate or bituminous tiles.

Summer kitchen in the country: design and decoration

The main thing that fate follows when choosing a summer kitchen project for a summer residence is its compliance with the overall design and style of the entire site. To create a unique bright kitchen, especially if the kitchen is visually close to home, the decision on its design and interior must be made in the same way so that common stylistic touches can be traced.

A few finishing tips:

  • bake- the main element in the interior, but do not forget about the main purpose of the kitchen - cooking. Brazier or barbecue, of course, is good, bright and aesthetically pleasing, but for daily needs you can not do without a gas, electric or wood stove. And also you can’t do without a sink, countertops, all kinds of drawers and other kitchen utensils