How to properly insulate the foundation from the outside. How and how to insulate the foundation from the outside: pile, columnar, tape. Exterior insulation technology with expanded clay

More recently, in the 80s of the last century, utility bills accounted for only 3-4% of the total family income. Today, the share of a communal apartment on average already reaches 10-15% of family income, and payment for heating - 30% of this amount. Not surprisingly, most Russian citizens prefer to keep a close eye on spending, and especially on heat leaks in homes. It has been established that the basement and foundation account for about 20% of heat loss, so the insulation of the basement of the house is just as important and necessary as it is. Properly performed insulation will not only save expensive heat, but also avoid moisture condensation on the walls of the basement, the formation and development of mold, and also protect the structure from freezing.

No. 1. Basement insulation: outside or inside?

The basement is called one of the most vulnerable parts of the house, because it bears not only a large load in the form of the weight of all walls and ceilings, but also often high humidity. A socle is called a continuation that rises above ground level and goes into. Simply put, it is a connecting and building wall, starting from the floor level of the first floor. It protects the house from the penetration of moisture and cold, and also plays a decorative role, since a house without a base looks somehow squat.

Theoretically, it is possible to insulate the basement of the foundation both from the inside and outside, but the efficiency will be very different. If carried out internal insulation , then to a certain extent it will be possible to achieve insulation of the room from low temperatures, but condensate will accumulate between the wall and the insulation, from which the basement will suffer. In addition, the latter will not be protected from the harmful effects of cold. The result will not be long in coming - the appearance of microcracks from freezing, their expansion, constant wetting, and later deformation and crumbling, and a decrease in strength characteristics.

External insulation allows you to protect both the room and the basement material from the cold, and the dew point shifts towards the insulation, which is much more resistant to moisture and low temperatures than the basement. As a result, we get an extension of the service life of the structure. Thermal insulation work is best done at the stage of building a house, but even after its construction, it is possible to perform effective insulation, although it will be a little more difficult to do so.

No. 2. Is it necessary to insulate the basement of the house?

The peculiarity of the domestic mentality is such that you want to save on everything. Hence and popular question: Is it always necessary to insulate the basement of a private house? Thermal insulation may not really be needed in such cases:

  • if the house is intended only for summer residence;
  • if the house does not have a basement, and the basement is small (0.5 m) and arranged in order to avoid flooding;
  • if the house is located in an area where there is no harsh winter.

In all these cases, you can do without. If the climate in the region is harsh, the house is used for permanent residence, and it is supposed to store food in the basement, equip it, a boiler room or other utility rooms, then you can’t do without insulation.

No. 3. Basement insulation materials

In the recent past, a mixture of clay and straw was used to insulate the basement of the foundation. Over the past few decades, many new, more advanced and convenient ways to perform thermal insulation have appeared. A series of requirements:

In addition, the insulation must be durable, vapor-permeable, resistant to and rodents.

Today, the following materials are used for insulation:

  • heat-insulating boards (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral wool);
  • polyurethane foam, which is applied by spraying;
  • expanded clay - the most popular option for bulk thermal insulation;
  • warm plaster;
  • thermal panels;
  • priming.

No. 4. Basement insulation with extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam - the most popular material for warming the basement of the foundation. Often it is also called penoplex by the name of the company that produces the material under the trademark of the same name. The insulation resembles the one we all know, but it is more rigid and durable, it withstands soil pressure well, does not wrinkle or sag.


Moreover, penoplex has soundproofing properties, and thanks to the impregnation with flame retardants, it receives resistance to fire. TO shortcomings include a large number of joints - minus all tile materials. Even the largest sheets of polystyrene foam do not allow you to create a monolithic insulation structure, and the joints will have to be carefully covered or foamed. It is better to take sheets with a lock, thanks to which they fit more tightly, reducing the risk of cold bridges. In regions with a harsh climate, it may be necessary to install foam in two layers, and the plates of the second layer should close the seams between the plates of the first.

In addition, the material, although not as fragile as polystyrene, can withstand decent loads, but crumbles when cut. Installation is simple, but requires accuracy and care, takes a lot of time. It is better to practice this summer, in warm, dry weather.

A more affordable analogue of the material is polystyrene foam, which is not obtained by extrusion. It holds heat well, but has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, it is fragility, therefore, to protect the material from soil pressure, a half-thick wall is built. Secondly, it is damaged by rodents. Moreover, the material is able to absorb moisture, so you can’t do without high-quality roll or bitumen-polymer, and the need to carry out all these works negates all the benefits of buying polystyrene foam, so the material is less and less used to insulate walls and plinth.

No. 5. Foamed polyurethane foam for basement insulation

No. 6. Mineral wool for basement insulation

No. 7. Expanded clay insulation

No. 9. Insulation with warm plaster

The best options for insulation, of course, are extruded polystyrene foam and foamed polyurethane foam, but, as you can see, under certain circumstances, other heat-insulating materials have the right to use.

In this article I will tell you how to insulate the foundation various types. This will allow you to independently make your home more economical and comfortable.

Do I need to insulate the foundation

Often, beginners ask on the forums what is the best thing to do, insulate - the foundation or the floor? In fact, the question is incorrect, since both operations are aimed at solving different problems.

So floor insulation prevents the penetration of cold into the room through the ceiling.

The thermal insulation of the foundation performs the following functions:

  • protects the base from moisture, as well as multiple freeze / thaw cycles, and other negative factors. Thus, the insulated foundation is more durable;
  • prevents cooling of the ceiling and walls as a result of contact with the frozen foundation, respectively, reduces the overall heat loss of the house;
  • protects the basement from low temperatures, if any. This allows you to store vegetables and other products in it.

Therefore, if you decide to insulate the house, it is highly desirable to insulate the foundation as well.

External insulation of the strip foundation

First of all, consider how to insulate the strip foundation, which is the most common.

There are two ways to insulate such a base:

  • thermal insulation outside it is this method that allows you to protect the base from freezing and other negative factors;
  • insulation from the inside - as a rule, it is performed in cases where there is a basement or basement under the house. This procedure allows you to make the room warmer and, accordingly, reduce heating costs.

Often, internal insulation is performed together with the external one. Next, consider both options for thermal insulation.

So the insulation strip foundation externally can be divided into five stages:

Preparation of materials

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of thermal insulation material. Usually, expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam is used for these purposes.

  • this material has a much higher strength than polystyrene - 0.2-0.5 MPa versus 0.07 MPa for polystyrene;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • durability is much higher than that of polystyrene;
  • has low thermal conductivity - 0.027-0.034 W / mK versus 0.037-0.043 W / mK for foam.

Density of extruded polystyrene foam for external thermal insulation must be at least 33 kg / m 3 so that it has sufficient strength. On sale you can find a special insulation for the foundation, for example, Penoplex Foundation.

The only drawback of expanded polystyrene is the high price, which averages 4500 rubles per 1m2.

In addition to thermal insulation, you will need the following materials:

  • liquid waterproofing, for example, bituminous mastic;
  • geotextiles for arranging drainage;

  • drainage;
  • glue-foam for penoplex;
  • rolled waterproofing, for example, roofing material;
  • materials for pouring the screed (needed to equip the blind area).

Excavation work

External insulation of the foundation of a private house begins with excavation, unless, of course, you are engaged in this procedure at the construction stage.

Earthworks are carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to dig out the strip foundation. To do this, dig a trench to the entire depth of the foundation, about one and a half meters wide. Thereafter the foundation should be left for a while so that it dries well;

  1. Next, you need to perform drainage. It is especially necessary if groundwater is located close to you or if rainfall is abundant in your area.
    To arrange drainage around the perimeter of the house, you need to dig trenches at a distance of half a meter from the foundation. The depth of the trench should be such that the drainage pipe is located at the level of the base of the foundation.;

  1. fill the bottom of the trench with sand and gravel. The thickness of the layers should be about ten centimeters;
  2. then the bottom of the trench should be covered with geotextile with a twist to the edges;
  3. after that they fit into the ditch drainage pipes. In this case, it is necessary to withstand a slope of at least 2 cm per meter. The drainage system should be connected to a storm sewer or diverted to a storm well;
  4. then fill the trench with crushed stone and wrap the pipes with the edges of the geotextile.

It is necessary to start excavation work in dry, warm work. Therefore, it is best to deal with the insulation of the foundation in late spring or summer.

The earthworks have been completed so far.

Foundation preparation

Now it is necessary to prepare the surface of the foundation for further insulation.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. the dried foundation must be cleaned of soil residues and other dirt. In this case, it is necessary to remove the chipping sections of concrete. To clean the surface, you can use a metal brush;
  2. protruding areas that will interfere with the installation of insulation must be removed. Try to keep the surface as even as possible, as the durability of the foundation depends on it;

  1. to improve the adhesion of the mastic, the foundation must be treated with a bituminous primer using a roller or brush;
  2. after the surface has dried, the foundation is waterproofed. To do this, apply bituminous mastic on its surface with a roller or brush. I recommend using a ready-to-use mastic that does not need the addition of a solvent or heating.

All recesses, cracks, etc. must be filled with mastic in order to form a continuous coating with a thickness of about 2-4 mm.

Now you need to wait for the mastic to dry, and you can start warming the foundation of the house.

Insulation installation

The installation instructions for the penoplex look like this:

  1. apply glue to the back of the insulation. Glue should be located around the perimeter of the plate, as well as in the center;
  2. then the plate must be applied to the surface of the foundation and lightly pressed down. Start pasting the foundation from the corner.

Try to place the tiles as close to each other as possible. Some types of extruded polystyrene foam have chamfers, due to which they are connected into a lock;

  1. as a rule, it is impossible to ideally paste over the foundation with insulation boards. Therefore, you need to inspect the walls and fill the existing gaps with adhesive foam.

This completes the heating process. I do not recommend additionally fixing the insulation to the foundation with dowels, since it will already be securely fixed with soil. In addition, when installing dowels, you will have to make holes in the foundation that will violate its integrity.

The arrangement of the blind area

Now you need to make an insulated blind area by doing the following:

  1. the pit along the perimeter of the house must be covered with earth so that a trench remains about 30 cm deep from the ground level;
  2. then fill the trench with sand about ten centimeters thick and carefully tamp;

  1. on top of the trench, roofing material should be laid close to the walls of the house. Joints of roofing material, which should overlap each other, glue with bituminous mastic;

  1. then foam is laid on the waterproofing;
  2. a screed is poured over the foam plastic according to the standard scheme.

This completes the insulation of the foundation from the outside.

Thermal insulation of the strip foundation from the inside

Warming the foundation with your own hands from the inside can also be divided into several stages:

It is possible to insulate the basement only after its thorough waterproofing, since the room must be dry.

Preparation of materials

To insulate the foundation from the inside, you will need the following materials:

  • slab insulation - you can use any, including polystyrene or even mineral wool;
  • glue for insulation;
  • dowels-umbrellas;
  • primer;
  • reinforcing fiberglass mesh.

Wall preparation

Before insulating the foundation of the house from the inside, it is necessary to prepare it:

  1. first of all, the walls must be cleaned of dirt and dust, as well as old peeling finishes, if any. To do this, they can be brushed and then wiped with a damp cloth;
  2. then the surface of the foundation must be coated with a primer. If the base is concrete, use an adhesive primer. In other cases, you can use a universal primer.

The primer is applied with a brush or roller in a thin layer. After the first layer has dried, the procedure is repeated.

Before insulating the foundation, you need to perform thermal insulation of the floor. This operation is performed in the same way as the thermal insulation of the blind area - waterproofing and insulation are laid, after which the screed is poured.

Insulation installation

After the walls have dried, we begin the installation of insulation:

  1. if a dry mixture is used as glue, it must be diluted in water to a mushy consistency;

  1. the adhesive is then applied to the back of the board with a notched trowel. If the surface of the walls is uneven, you can apply glue in lumps;

  1. then the plate is glued to the wall. At the same time, adjust its position using the level. According to this principle, the entire first row of insulation is pasted over;
  2. the second and all subsequent rows should be staggered so that the seams of the plates do not match. During the installation process, use the level and the rule to make the surface of the walls smooth;

  1. after the glue hardens, you need to drill holes and install the dowels. Each plate must be additionally fixed with five dowels. Slightly recess the caps of the fasteners so that they do not interfere with further finishing.

This completes the installation of the heater.


Reinforcement of the insulation is carried out as follows:

  1. fiberglass mesh sheets must be cut into strips of the desired length;
  2. then glue the prepared mesh to the insulation. To do this, apply the adhesive to the wall surface with a notched trowel. Then attach to the area treated with glue, and draw a wide spatula over it so that the mesh is immersed in the adhesive solution.

In this way, paste over the entire surface of the walls with a grid. At the same time, it is important to arrange it so that each subsequent strip overlaps the previous one by 10 cm;

  1. Apply a second coat of adhesive with a wide trowel after the first has dried. The layer thickness should be several millimeters.

This completes the work. Now you can prime the walls and putty them for finishing.

Thermal insulation of the pile type foundation

Now consider how to properly insulate the foundation of a private pile-type house. This work can be divided into 4 stages:

Preparation of materials

To insulate the pile foundation, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • insulation - the best option is extruded polystyrene foam;
  • materials for the frame - bars and boards, you can also make a frame from metal profiles;
  • antiseptic impregnation;

  • slab isolon;
  • expanded clay
  • material for covering the foundation, for example, basement siding.

Frame installation and insulation

When insulating a pile foundation, a big problem is heaving of the soil. If you place the skin close to the ground, then as a result of heaving it will be broken.

As a rule, this problem can be solved by the gap between the skin and the blind area. But it leads to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of thermal insulation. Therefore, I recommend performing insulation according to the technology I invented.

Work begins with the arrangement of the skin, which is performed as follows:

  1. around the perimeter of the house you need to dig a trench, which will be located above the skin. The depth of the trench should be 20 cm;
  2. then the trench must be filled with expanded clay. Due to this, when the soil is heaving, the skin will not break. On top, you can lay a layer of sheet isolon (foamed polyethylene) with a thickness of at least 50 cm, which will serve not only as a heater, but also as a damper;

  1. Now you can assemble the frame. To do this, bars or boards need to be fixed on piles around the perimeter of the house. To fix them, strips with holes for bolts are welded to the piles, you can also use clamps, and do without welding;
  2. to increase the strength of the frame, horizontal rails should be connected with vertical posts;
  3. all wooden parts of the structure must be treated with an antiseptic. If the foundation is insulated wooden house, also treat the wooden grillage and the lower crown of the structure with a protective compound;

  1. after that, the penoplex should be fixed on the frame. To do this, you can use ordinary nails and rivers, to which the panels will subsequently be attached;
  2. fill the gaps between the foam boards with foam;
  3. near the lower edge of the structure along the perimeter of the house, you need to install a starting profile for attaching panels. Make sure the punk is vertical;

  1. install corner profiles at all corners using self-tapping screws. Make sure the corners are vertical.

The arrangement of the blind area

The blind area is performed as follows:

  1. dig a trench around the perimeter of the house about 40 centimeters deep and 1-1.5 meters wide;
  2. cover the bottom of the trench with a layer of sand and gravel 10 cm thick. Each layer must be carefully compacted;
  3. then cover the surface of the trench with waterproofing;

  1. along the outer edge of the future blind area, make drainage according to the scheme described above;
  2. then extruded polystyrene foam is laid on top of the insulation, and a screed is poured on top according to the standard scheme.

Try to make the screed as close to the foundation as possible, so that after sheathing it, a gap of about 5-7 mm is obtained between the blind area and the foundation.

The blind area should have a slight slope from the house so that water does not accumulate at the base.

Frame sheathing

The foundation is done like this:

  1. the panels are brought into the starting bar with the lower part, with which they are connected into a hook. The extreme panels from the corner are inserted into the corner profiles. From above, the panels are attached to the crate with self-tapping screws, as shown in the diagram above.
    Thus, the entire frame is sheathed;

  1. an ebb is mounted above the casing, which allows water to be diverted to the blind area. The ebb must be of such a width that it covers the gap between the base and the blind area;
  2. at the end of the work, the gap between the blind area and the foundation sheathing should be filled with isolon. On top, you can apply building sealant. Thanks to this, water will not seep under the foundation.

This completes the process of warming the foundation.


From this article, you learned in detail how to insulate the foundation. I also recommend watching the video in this article. If you have any questions for me on this topic, leave them in the comments, and I will try to answer as soon as possible.

The foundation is the most important part of any home. The durability of the entire structure depends on its strength and correct manufacture. During the winter months, it is exposed to moisture and low temperatures. This leads to rapid destruction.

To solve this problem, the insulation of the foundation helps. You can carry out such work yourself. The main thing is to choose the right necessary materials, explore the technology.

Many people think why protect the base of the building on the street, if you can do it from the inside. In fact, the insulation of the foundation of the house from the outside - important procedure, which is carried out by skilled workers at the construction stage. But it can also be done for old buildings.

This helps solve several problems at once:

  • reduce the heat loss of the building, reduce heating costs during the cold months;
  • prevent cracks in the foundation of the house;
  • avoid dampness in the basement;
  • eliminate the likelihood of mold under the floor of the first floor.

Insulation allows you to extend the life of the structure. Properly selected materials protect the foundation from moisture and frost.

Important! Building codes do not directly indicate the need to insulate the base of buildings that do not have a basement. but reinforced concrete structure still needs protection. Therefore, such structures also need to be insulated, but this can only be done at the construction stage.

Key requirements for insulation

The choice of insulation for the foundation must be approached responsibly. Use for this purpose the mineral wool left over from interior decoration, it is forbidden. Water will accumulate in it, which will lead to the rapid destruction of the entire structure.

The material must meet the following requirements:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • sufficient mechanical strength;
  • resistance to aggressive environmental influences;
  • waterproof.

Vapor permeability does not play a big role. But it is better to give preference to materials with low bandwidth. Do not pay attention to the flammability of the insulation, as it will be covered with soil.

Choosing insulation for the foundation

The answer to the question of how to insulate the foundation of the house from the outside is ambiguous. Modern stores offer a wide range of materials. When choosing, they are guided by the type of soil on which the building is erected, the climatic conditions of the region, as well as the degree of load on the structure. There are five heaters that have an optimal price-quality ratio.


Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is an inexpensive, practical material. It is widely used for thermal insulation of various structures, including foundations.

Among its advantages are:

  • ease of installation;
  • light weight;
  • excellent thermal insulation qualities;
  • polystyrene does not absorb moisture;
  • does not shrink during operation;
  • does not lose its properties under the aggressive influence of salt or chlorinated water, acids, alkalis;
  • its combined use with mastics, lime, plaster and other materials is possible.

Expanded polystyrene is produced in the form of large rectangular sheets. It can be easily cut with a regular knife. Therefore, even a novice master will cope with his styling.

A significant disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is its low strength. It is damaged even with minor mechanical stress. Therefore, such material needs additional protection, for example, brick lining.

For heat and moisture insulation of the base of houses, it is better to purchase foam plastic with a thickness of at least 50 mm. Its average price in the country varies from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles per cubic meter. Service life - up to 40 years.

Important! With strong heating, the foam releases substances harmful to health into the air. Therefore, if a sauna is located in the basement of the building, it is better not to use such material.

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) is a type of polystyrene foam. During production, one more is added technological process- extrusion. This improves the properties of the material.

EPPS has the following properties:

  • high density;
  • complete impermeability of moisture and steam;
  • sufficient strength;
  • chemical and biological inertness.
  • light weight.

To insulate the foundation, an XPS plate 40 mm thick is sufficient. It is mounted using adhesive or dish-shaped dowels.

most popular trademarks XPS steel Penoplex and TechnoNIKOL. The cost of a cubic meter of such material varies from 4500 to 5000 rubles. The service life, subject to the installation technology, is 50 years.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a liquid insulation that is applied to the base using a special sprayer. It dries quickly, forming a durable coating.

Compared with foam and XPS, it has the following advantages:

  • when using polyurethane foam, a continuous surface without joints is obtained, which increases the thermal insulation characteristics of the material;
  • the tool fills the cavities and cracks that are in the concrete foundation, which prevents its destruction;
  • easy to apply on surfaces of complex shape;
  • has high adhesive properties.

PPU is resistant to aggressive environmental conditions. It withstands sudden changes in temperature, does not deform, does not emit toxic substances into the air.

The price for two canisters of PPU components weighing 50 kg each, on average, fluctuates around 25,000 - 30,000 rubles. With a layer thickness of 5 cm, this is enough to process about 40 square meters surfaces. The service life of PPU is up to 40 years.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is a material obtained from remelted clay. IN Lately it is rarely used, since according to its characteristics it significantly loses to PPU, PPS and EPPS. Its main advantage is its low price. 1 cubic meter costs about 1500 rubles.

Expanded clay is distinguished by its environmental friendliness. Since only natural ingredients are used in its manufacture, it does not emit any harmful substances into the air. harmful substances. The service life of such material is more than 50 years.

Brittleness is its main disadvantage. If the manufacturing technology of the insulating layer is violated, expanded clay granules crumble. This degrades its thermal insulation properties. The downside of expanded clay is also the need for a blind area when laying it.


Mastic is a liquid multicomponent composition based on bitumen. More often it is used as a base layer before laying other materials, since its thermal insulation properties are very low.

To achieve a positive result, it must be applied in three to four layers.

Mastic well fills the cracks and voids existing on the base, which increases the strength of the structure. It reliably protects against moisture.

Styrofoam insulation technology

The cheapest and fastest way to insulate the foundation is to use expanded polystyrene. For its installation, a minimum set of tools is required: a knife, a puncher, a construction mixer. It will also be necessary to purchase glue for PPS, a primer, plaster, construction mesh, dish-shaped dowels.

The work is divided into several key stages:

  • If the house is already built, then its foundation will have to be dug out. To do this, a trench about a meter wide and equal to the foundation is made along the perimeter of the building. Soil residues are removed from the surfaces. Leave for a week to evaporate moisture.
  • Surfaces are primed with a latex-based composition. This will help protect cracks and cavities from moisture. For this purpose, you can use mastic.
  • Using glue, sheets of expanded polystyrene are attached. You need to press them to the surface with your hand lightly so as not to damage the material. In areas of the foundation located above the ground level, the sheets are fixed with dish-shaped dowels. Under them, you will first have to drill holes with a puncher. The sheets are very light, so the insulation of the foundation of the house with polystyrene foam from the outside can be carried out alone.
  • The seams formed between the PPS plates are sealed with mounting foam or rubbed with glue.
  • The last step is backfilling the trench with soil. The soil is carefully compacted.

PPS, which is located above ground level, does not look aesthetically pleasing, so it will have to be plastered. Before that, a construction grid is applied to it. The drying time of the layer is 2 days.

Features of applying polyurethane foam

Insulation of the foundation base from the outside with polyurethane foam requires special equipment. Acquiring it for finishing a private house is often not advisable. It is better to turn to professionals for help.

The work is divided into several stages:

  • A trench is dug around the perimeter of the building. The foundation is cleared of contaminants. It is not necessary to apply a primer or mastic on it. Liquid PPU will fill all cracks and voids on its own.
  • The surfaces are dried. Remove crumbling fragments.
  • Apply polyurethane foam. The thickness of the coating is maintained in the range from 3 to 5 cm. In some cases, it is allowed to apply a second layer of polyurethane foam.
  • Wait for the complete drying of the insulation. After that, a trench is buried. On the foundation sites, towering above the ground, finishing work is carried out.

If the surface to be treated has a small area, then you can use PPU, produced in cans. It resembles mounting foam, it is applied in a similar way.

Backfill method of insulation

Insulation of the foundation from the outside with expanded clay does not reliably protect surfaces from moisture. The moisture absorption coefficient for this material reaches 20%, while for PPS it is about 4%. Expanded clay is many times cheaper, and therefore it continues to be used.

The installation process is divided into several stages:

  • A trench at least half a meter wide is being dug around the building.
  • A layer of waterproofing film is laid on the bottom and walls of the resulting pit.
  • Fall asleep expanded clay, level it.
  • Top with a layer of film.
  • Pour a layer of sand.

The final stage is the blind area device. This is an additional protection of the foundation from low temperatures and moisture. In addition, it performs a decorative function.

How to organize the drainage of water from the basement?

Melt water and rain water eventually lead to the destruction of the foundation. Often even proper insulation cannot be saved in such a situation. Therefore, it is important to organize the drainage of liquid from the base of the house. For this purpose, they make drainage system open or closed type.

It is easiest to make open drainage on your own. It consists of ditches about 0.5 meters wide and 1 m deep, dug along the entire perimeter of the building. The walls of such a trench are beveled at an angle of 30 degrees for better water flow. Fluid from the pits should move into drainage well. Therefore, the effectiveness of such a system is much higher if the site has a slope.

Closed drainage has become the most popular recently. It consists of pipes that are dug into the ground outside the building around the perimeter. They are laid at an angle for independent flow of water into a drainage well. Pipes must be wrapped with geotextiles.

Warming of various types of foundations

The choice of materials and methods of work will depend on the type of foundation of the house. There are three main options.


The strip foundation consists of a closed system of beams placed under all walls of the building. They are made of reinforced concrete, rubble stone or brick. Frame buildings are often built on this basis.

In this case, the choice of ways to insulate the foundation of the house is the widest. You can use any materials: PPS, EPS, PPU, expanded clay.

When carrying out work, the following sequence of actions is observed:

  • Dig a trench around the perimeter of the building. If the foundation is shallow, then this can be done manually with a shovel. Otherwise, it is better to involve special equipment.
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with layers of sand and gravel for better moisture removal.
  • All foundation surfaces are cleaned. Leave to dry for a week.
  • Apply a layer of waterproofing. It is better to use polymer or bituminous mastic. If the insulation will be carried out with liquid PPU, then this step can be skipped.
  • After drying the waterproofing layer, proceed to the installation of insulation. The material is laid from top to bottom in horizontal rows.
  • The design is left for several days to dry completely. After that, it will be possible to dig a trench. If necessary, finishing work is carried out in the above-ground part of the foundation.

Your home should not only be beautiful, warm, but also safe. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of materials used. Purchase all goods only in specialized construction stores. Always check that the seller has certificates, other accompanying documentation for products.

Column and pile

Column and pile structures are a system of free-standing supports. Later on, a grillage is laid on them - a frame on which the pressure of the bearing walls of the building is distributed.

Both types of such a base are similar, but have a number of differences. The pile is buried at a distance of 5 meters or more. It has a smaller cross section. It can be screw or driven. It has a sole and a lateral surface. The pillars are dug in just below the freezing point of the soil. They have a large cross section, rest only on the ground with their lower part.

Warming the foundation is longer and more difficult than the others. First of all, you need to create a foundation wall, which is called a fence. It is on it that the insulation will subsequently be attached. It can be made of brick or metal profiles, on which a wooden board is laid.

An important stage of work is the isolation of each pillar or pile from moisture. To do this, each support is wrapped with roofing material. Metal constructions it is good to coat with mastic, and wooden ones with a special solution that prevents rotting. It is also necessary to process grillage beams. The further process of insulation will be similar to the strip foundation.


The slab foundation is a monolithic reinforced concrete structure. It is the most reliable and durable. It is erected on any types of soil.

Insulation of such a base from the outside is possible only at the construction stage. There is no way to do it later.

The process is divided into several stages:

  • The soil at the base of the excavated pit is rammed.
  • A geomembrane is laid to protect against groundwater.
  • A pillow is made from a mixture of crushed stone and sand. This will improve the bearing capacity of the soil.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid. For this, any roll material is used.
  • Sheet insulation is laid. It is better to use PPS or EPPS.
  • The plate is being made.

If no insulation was performed at the construction stage, then the only option is to lay the material under the floor screed on the first floor.

Insulation of the foundation of an old wooden house

The choice of methodology on how to strengthen the foundation of a house from the outside with your own hands depends on the type of foundation. In older buildings, it often turns out to be wooden piles. In this case, the treatment of the structure with protective compounds that prevent decay becomes an important step.

Wooden poles or piles quickly collapse, so it is better to strengthen them by overlaying them with bricks. It is possible to build new ones made of metal or reinforced concrete next to the old supports. The further process of warming the foundation is no different from that described above.

Protecting the base of the building from cold and moisture is an important procedure. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. Only in this way will you keep your home intact for many years to come.

Insulation of the basement of the foundation from the outside should be considered as a stage of general work on the thermal insulation of the building. Each enclosing surface has its own characteristics in terms of the nature of operation, the physics of heat transfer and the influencing factors. This affects the choice of materials and methods of insulation. What works well on a roof or attic is completely unsuitable for the foundation and its visible part - the basement.

The general scheme of complex insulation of the base of the house Source

Why is it necessary to insulate the basement

IN " pure form» the plinth is insulated if the house stands on a pile or screw foundation. At the tape or slab foundation It is customary to carry out thermal insulation of the entire base of the house. The effect of warming only its visible (aerial) part in the conditions of central Russia is purely decorative.

If you look at the map of the depth of soil freezing, you can see that from the western border to the Urals it lies in the range from 1 m to 1.8 m. And in the Moscow region, the soil freezes up to 1 m 40 cm.

It looks like a map with isolines of freezing depth Source

It turns out that any shallow foundation for several months a year (up to six months, depending on the "severity" of the season) is entirely exposed to negative temperatures. Even the full-length foundation is mostly located in this zone. And this is bad for several reasons:

    Thermal conductivity monolithic reinforced concrete is quite high, and the mass and area of ​​contact with cold air and earth is large. It turns out that the entire foundation is a large heat exchanger that is in direct contact with the ceiling and bearing walls. And if the walls are made of brick, and the floor is a reinforced concrete slab, then the heat loss is quite significant - up to 20%.

    In the underground of the house pass engineering Communication- plumbing and sewerage. When they "rise" from the ground, they have to cross the freezing zone. Not to mention those cases when horizontal laying of communications on the first floor is carried out in the subfield. Cold plinth and foundation do not create Better conditions for this part of the water supply and sewerage.

It is even possible to lay pipes along the plinth Source

    And with reliable waterproofing in the micropores of concrete, and even more brick, there is always some moisture. When freezing, it expands, microcracks appear, which increase in size during the next thawing / freezing cycles. The number of such cycles that the material transfers without destruction determines the frost resistance index. No matter how great it is, there comes a point when this fortitude ends.

And the insulation of the foundation basement from the outside reduces heat loss, creates more “comfortable” conditions for the basement and engineering networks passing in the subfield, moves the dew point from the wall to the insulation (thereby extending the life of the foundation). It is only important to choose the right way to insulate the basement of the house from the outside.

The pile foundation is not such a powerful heat exchanger, but its insulation will increase the overall level of protection of the house, and especially the first floor, from exposure to cold air.

Video description

Why it is generally necessary to insulate the foundation, as well as other necessary measures, is described in the following video:

The choice of insulation for the basement

The choice of materials for the thermal insulation of the base is not as great as for the walls. Due to its proximity to the ground, its operating conditions are more extreme than near the walls.

When calculating wind loads, it is taken into account that they are significantly lower near the ground. This means that the conditions for weathering excess moisture from materials are worse. Source

Almost always there is a higher level of intrinsic moisture content of materials. Rain and snow melt have an effect. There is also a capillary rise of water through micropores in concrete, in brick or in the plaster layer of the finish - it is not in vain that they carry out horizontal waterproofing of the basement before building walls. And the conditions for weathering excess moisture near the base are worse than near the walls - the wind speed and pressure are lower near the ground. Therefore, the use of mineral wool for insulation of the basement is eliminated both by the “wet facade” technology and by the ventilated technology.

Insulation for the basement of the foundation choose from three types of foam:

    expanded polystyrene;

    extruded polystyrene foam (EPS);

    sprayed polyurethane foam (PPU).

Note! Usually, “in everyday life”, polystyrene foam means polystyrene foam, but this is a whole class of cellular plastics from different polymers and varying degrees of rigidity.

In practice, extruded polystyrene foam is most often chosen. Conventional expanded polystyrene and hardened polyurethane foam have lower resistance to mechanical stress, higher water absorption coefficient and higher thermal conductivity.

The thermal conductivity and operational humidity of XPS is better than that of conventional foam Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer foundation repair and insulation services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

basement insulation technology

There are several ways to insulate the basement of a house, depending on its design and finishing method.

Insulation of the basement strip foundation

If we draw parallels with the insulation of the facade, then the basement of the strip foundation is insulated and finished in two ways - using the technology of a “wet” or hinged facade. But of course, the course of work has differences, ranging from the preparation stage to the decorative finish.

Preparatory stage

As mentioned above, the basement is the visible part of the foundation, and it must be insulated in combination with the underground part. This is best done during the construction phase before backfilling. If insulation is carried out separately or during reconstruction, then the foundation must be dug up to the sole and a full range of waterproofing and insulation should be carried out.

Important! Unlike the facade, the waterproofing of the plinth is included in mandatory list work before insulation.

The width of the trench must be sufficient so that a person can freely work in it.

Carrying out thermal insulation work for the basement of an already standing house is more difficult than during construction Source

Work procedure this stage is the following:

    surface carefully cleared from the earth. Give it time to dry.

    Clean up concrete spills("folds" from the irregularities of the formwork) or remove the remnants of the masonry mortar, if the base is made of bricks. Cleaned from dust.

    Deep chips and gouges sealed with repair mortar. To do this, use special mixtures, which include modifiers that accelerate the hardening of the solution.

    The walls are primed bituminous primer and wait for it to dry completely.

    Cover the foundation to its full height roll waterproofing. The work goes from the bottom (from the sole) up, with the overlap of the strips along the horizon, and when building up along the length - vertically. Fixation to the wall occurs with the help of a gas burner, which heats the bitumen on the inner surface of the waterproofing strip. For reliability, the joints are additionally treated with bituminous mastic. And if the house stands on wet soils with a high level of top water, then pasting is carried out in two layers.

Waterproofing must pass in a continuous layer from the sole of the base and to the entire height of the base. Source

Insulation with expanded polystyrene and EPS

The fundamental difference between how to insulate the basement of a house from the outside with polystyrene foam or EPS and how to insulate the underground part of the foundation lies in the method of attaching the plates.

The slabs are fixed to the surface of the underground part of the foundation exclusively with the help of an adhesive solution. The use of mechanical fasteners will damage the waterproofing, which is basically unacceptable.

As an alternative, you can use fixing the slab to the wall on the molten bitumen of the top layer of rolled waterproofing. But the method itself is quite risky and requires verified accuracy in handling the burner, and in order for the fastening to be reliable, the surface itself must be as even as possible.

Attention! Use cold bituminous mastics to isolate joints or fasten insulation boards, it is necessary to be extremely careful. Some types of ready-made compositions contain components that are aggressive towards polystyrene.

It is easier to fix the plates with a conventional adhesive solution, a layer of which allows you to compensate for small irregularities in the base. And this is the only way of fastening when the insulation is carried out in two layers.

Two-layer insulation is necessary for the basement floor Source

The fastening of the insulation to the above-ground part of the foundation takes place in a combination of glue plus mechanical fasteners (plastic dowel-umbrellas). If the backfill presses the insulation in the underground part, then on the surface the adhesion forces of the adhesive will not be enough for reliable fixation. In addition, there is no water pressure on the surface, which means that there are no conditions for its penetration through the fasteners into the materials from which the base is built.

After the expanded polystyrene plates are fixed over the entire surface of the foundation, backfilling is carried out and a blind area is equipped (insulated if the soils are heaving).

Video description

Once again about the choice between foam and XPS. It is better to choose extruded polystyrene foam. And why - well explained the author of the following video:

Finishing work

There are two types of finishes for the insulated basement of the strip foundation:

    Plaster or tile. A layer of adhesive (approximately 3 mm) is applied to the surface of the expanded polystyrene and a fiberglass mesh is pressed into it. Apply another layer of the same thickness of the solution and level the surface. After the base has dried, the base is plastered or tiled.


    hinged facade. A crate is mounted from a metal profile. To reduce heat loss, the brackets are blown with mounting foam. Sheathe the frame with panels.


Insulation of the base of the pile foundation

In this case we are talking about the construction of a small closed subfloor under the floor of the first floor.

There are two types of insulation - external and internal.

External insulation is resorted to when a small wall of ordinary brick is built along the outer perimeter of piles (reinforced concrete or screw). For it, they can even cast a small reinforced concrete foundation. And in this case, the insulation technology is the same as for the base of the strip foundation.

A brick fence on a concrete base does not differ from a wall on a shallow foundation Source

Internal insulation is carried out when the base (or pick-up) is made in the form of sheathing piles on a wooden or metal frame.


Insulation of the basement from the outside is carried out as part of the complex work on the hydro- and thermal insulation of the foundation. To do this correctly, and not “by eye”, it is necessary to carry out calculations and develop a full-fledged project, taking into account the characteristics of the region, site and foundation design. And this is a task for specialists. However, as well as the performance of the work itself.

During the operation of the house, many people often neglect the installation of insulation on the foundation, and it is this area that accounts for 1/5 of all heat loss in the house. The neglect of foundation insulation lies in the fact that many simply do not use the basement. Also, people think that it is unprofitable to insulate this part of the house. In fact, if you insulate the foundation, you can significantly reduce not only heat loss, but also reduce humidity, which will significantly increase the life of the housing. Basically, it is the foundation and walls that can last the longest without restoration work.

Why is the foundation insulated from the outside?

The insulation of the foundation, no matter how absurd it may sound, is always carried out, but only from the outside of the basement. Such actions can only slightly reduce heat loss, but we must not forget that the material inside the foundation quickly collapses under the influence of low temperatures and water. Further, moisture is absorbed into the chips or cracks in the foundation, freezes and destroys the material. In a few years, the lower part of the house will become unsuitable for further existence and serious repairs will be required. The entire lower part of the house will simply begin to crumble, lose its quality, which will subsequently negatively affect the walls and roof of the housing.

If you insulate the foundation from the outside, then there is every chance to significantly increase the safety of heat and reduce the effect of moisture on concrete. The thing is that the dew point, which deforms the materials of the wall and the lower part of the house, shifts towards the side of the insulation, and it resists moisture better, unlike concrete. In addition, such basement insulation is easy to replace.

Foundation insulation methods

Of course, due to a large number various building materials there are several ways that can help make good insulation plinth. For this, ordinary gravel, sheets for insulation can be used, but it is recommended to use polystyrene for do-it-yourself work. This method is quite simple, does not require large expenditures in terms of money and time.

When using polystyrene, one can distinguish such advantages as:

  • ease of fastening and installation;
  • resistance to moisture and external factors;
  • durability and high strength;
  • due to high strength, low chance of damage by rodents;
  • the lightness of the material allows for do-it-yourself installation using conventional tools;
  • polystyrene plates due to their density can take on the weight of the soil;
  • acceptable price.

There are other ways to insulate the basement or foundation of a private house. You can even use special foam, but each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are better to know in advance.

Insulation of the foundation from the outside with polystyrene

Before starting work on the insulation of the basement from the outside, it is important to carry out calculations. Polystyrene plates count and change their thickness. To insulate the foundation, an ordinary middle strip with a thickness of 5–8 cm is enough.

For work such tools may be required, how:

The whole technology of laying polystyrene sheets can be divided into several stages.

If the construction of the house is only underway, then the laying of insulation boards is started immediately after the foundation is laid and the slabs with overlap are laid. basement. If the installation of insulation is carried out on a building that has already been built, then need to dig the foundation around the perimeter of the entire house. The depth of the pit should be about a meter. The depth of the trench should be the full height of the foundation.

After that, all dirt and soil residues are removed from the walls of the foundation of the house. In addition, the surface must be dried and blown.

It often happens that private house can stand on groundwater, which lie close enough to the foundation. In this case, you must first lay the drainage system at the bottom of the trench, which was dug around the perimeter. After that, river sand is laid at the bottom of the trench, and a geotextile sheet is placed on top. A layer of gravel is laid out on the geotextile, but within reason, so that there is enough space for perforated pipe installation with a diameter of 10 cm or more. After installing the pipe, it is further poured into gravel, a geotextile sheet is laid and river sand is poured. Such a simple drainage is able to qualitatively remove all water from the walls of the foundation for a long time, which will significantly increase its service life.

The surface of the plinth must be coated with a primer, which includes a latex base. The primer allows you to fill all the cracks and chips through which water can enter in the future and begin the destructive effect of the concrete base. After that, the primer is also supplemented with a material with an adhesive waterproofing base, which is installed using a solid roller, which runs along the entire length of the surface. All joints are then treated with sealant.

On the surface of the installed waterproofing, mounting polystyrene sheets. Installation is carried out using a special adhesive, which is applied in broken lines on the edges of the sheet. The indent between the lines should be about 1–2 cm. For high-quality adhesion of sheets with a primer, apply glue at several points in the center of the sheet. Further, sheets of polystyrene are quickly applied to the surface of the base, and pressed well.

The following sheets are installed in the same way, but they must already be connected using special grooves at the joints of the sheet. The material can be installed in different order. For example, if the height of the foundation is large enough, then the polystyrene sheets are stacked in a checkerboard pattern. This type of installation is recommended in order to reduce the chance of vertical seams.

After installing all the plates, gaps are foaming although regular adhesive or sealant can be used. This method is used to reduce the formation of cold bridges.

Many people think that polystyrene sheets need to be firmly attached to the walls of the basement, but in fact this is not necessary, because after filling the soil, it presses the material well to the surface. They fall asleep mainly in the trench, using dry coarse sand. Gravel is also added, but closer to the backfill of the top layer. Gravel is needed in order to create an insulating cushion of the soil layer.

Polystyrene plates, which are installed above the soil level, are no longer fixed with glue, but with the help of special dowels that have a dish-shaped cap. Such dowels are made of plastic, so the chance of cold bridges is minimal. To fasten them with a drill, holes are made in the slabs so that the depth in the concrete is at least 5–7 cm. After that, the dowels are hammered with a simple hammer. One slab has 4–5 fasteners.

After that, you need to start finishing work, and, more precisely, to plastering with glue. In order to give strength to the plaster, which is applied to the insulating material, a reinforcing mesh is used for outdoor work. It is not installed in advance, but is clamped into the already applied layer of plaster. After finishing work, the plaster must be allowed to dry, and this may take 2-3 days.

As soon as the plaster dries on the surface of the plinth, they immediately begin to prepare formwork from planed boards for the blind area, which should be about 60 cm wide. Further under the blind area, on a pillow of gravel-sand material, additional insulation from polystyrene plates, reinforcing mesh are laid with mesh size 10 cm, and then the formwork is simply poured with concrete. After the concrete mortar dries, you can proceed to finish the basement with any decorating material.

Insulation of the foundation outside with expanded clay

How to insulate the basement of the house from the outside? Although one method has already been presented using polystyrene boards, this is not the only way to increase the durability of the walls and foundations of a private house. Basement insulation can be done using expanded clay. Work when using this material proceeds quickly and does not have to be spent much.

Expanded clay was used as a heater long before the invention different kind boards made of polystyrene or polyurethane. The bottom line is that expanded clay made from clay, which means that the material can keep the temperature normal and at the same time not succumb to moisture, and this minimizes its destruction. Expanded clay is obtained in special tanks, which simultaneously swell and harden the clay. Such a simple process significantly reduces the cost of this material, but its installation is quite expensive. In general, all the same, the cost is such that it allows you to save on the background of the use of polystyrene plates.

The material, as mentioned above, can hold back the temperature, but still has a high degree thermal conductivity. This can only be corrected by using a large amount of expanded clay. In addition, we must not forget that waterproofing will be required. Together, these two requirements make it necessary to carry out large earthworks, and this increases the amount of money and time spent. That is why in our time expanded clay is used as an additional means of warming the foundation of a private house.

Foundation with expanded clay insulated in several stages.

As you can see, unlike the first option with polystyrene plates, there is nothing complicated here.


It is worth warming houses with your own hands, because not only the safety of heat depends on this, but also house lifespan. Holding simple jobs with their own hands, they can significantly increase the comfort component in a private house, as well as protect the walls and the lower part of the building from moisture deformation. The main thing when warming the foundation is to follow all the rules and use high-quality material.