Rules for connecting fire dampers to power shields. Operating conditions of fire dampers as part of ventilation systems. What does the system consist of?

Fire dampers for ventilation systems are special devices that are designed to prevent combustion products from entering the ventilation system and cut it off from the source of ignition. These are made mainly from materials capable of withstanding exposure to significant temperatures for a long time.

Classification by design features

The main regulatory document that regulates the areas of their use in fire ventilation systems is SNiP 41-01-2003. According to this regulatory document, the following types of devices are produced:

    Valves open normally. Mounted on exchange air ducts of conventional ventilation systems, in air exchange and air conditioning systems, as well as in air heating networks to prevent toxic combustion products from entering the system. And for supply and exhaust air ducts for rooms equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems, with gas or powder filling. Such devices are triggered by closing to form a sealed space in the room, filled with fire extinguishing agent to increase the efficiency of fire extinguishing. They operate automatically at the command of the fire extinguishing system.

    Operation of a normally open fire damper using the PSUM 90 MANDIK model as an example:

    The normally closed damper is installed in specialized ventilation systems to remove smoke and spent fire-extinguishing gas from the premises. They are opened in manual mode or on command by fire dampers, after the complete elimination of the source of ignition.

    Operation of a normally closed fire damper using the MANDIK PKTMIII 60 model as an example:

  1. Double-acting devices are used in air ducts of a similar purpose, which are used both for ventilation of a building and for cleaning a building from fire combustion products. They can be controlled automatically from the fire extinguishing installation or have their own control device if the room is equipped with autonomous gas fire extinguishing modules.
  2. Smoke dampers for smoke exhaust systems are smoke exhaust devices, which are shut-off and adjustable equipment.

    The devices are mounted at the intersection of pipelines of the smoke exhaust system and interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions. Typically, such devices are equipped with two types of controls:

    • The electromagnet is economical, which is in a normally closed standby state. When a fire is detected, an impulse is applied to the electromagnet, which removes the blockage. The lid will lift due to the mechanical force of the spring. In the reverse - the security state of the damper is returned manually.
    • The electric actuator is in a standby state of closing and is de-energized. When necessary, electrical power is supplied to the damper, which opens the electric motor. The device returns to its original position automatically on command from the fire extinguishing system or control cabinet.
  3. Explosion-proof valves are of two types. Normally open and closed. Their use and installation in air ducts for various purposes regulated by regulatory documents SNiP 41-01-2008 and SNiP 21-01-97. Such devices are equipped with industrial exhaust ventilation systems in hazardous and aggressive industries. Their strength and performance indicators significantly exceed conventional devices. Operating temperature range is -30°С to +40°С.

For long-term operation of devices, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules in accordance with GOST 15150-69:

  • Observe the temperature regime;
  • Protect the main control units and the body of the device from the negative effects of atmospheric moisture and direct water ingress;
  • Eliminate condensation or other type of moisture on the damper of the device;
  • Do not use conventional (non-protected) devices in air supply or exhaust systems that have a dual purpose and are used to extract aggressive substances from the place of production. Or in the environment of aggressive gaseous substances, fumes of acids and alkalis, the limiting concentrations of which reduce the corrosiveness of the body.

bug 1

The fire damper KLOP 1 blocks the ingress of smoke and its spread through the ventilation ducts used in air heating and central air conditioning systems. Can be used in both public buildings or industrial buildings for various purposes, as well as for ventilation systems arranged in a private house.

A channel-type device with a control system equipped with two flanges and an electric power drive located outside the air channel is being produced. The fire resistance limit depends on the materials from which the body and damper of the device are made. The most popular models IE60 and IE90 are able to withstand 60 and 90 minutes of direct exposure to fire.

Various modifications of the KLOP 1 product can be equipped with:

  • Automatic thermal blocker, triggered at 72°C;
  • Power unit on coils activated by a temperature sensor at 72°C;
  • Mechanical lock with a spring drive, activated by a thermal sensor 72°C or 141°C, equipped with a microswitch between modes.


Fire damper KPU 1M - in standby mode, the device is energized in a normally open state. It is completed with a built-in return spring, pre-charged into working condition, and an activation electric drive (BELMO). When the device is de-energized, the spring works, setting the damper to the closed position.

The device is triggered in the following cases:

  • When the power is turned off;
  • Upon receiving a command from automatic system fire suppression or a separate valve control module;
  • Upon reaching the threshold value of the critical temperature in the duct 72°C;
  • In the extended configuration, it is possible to install an additional thermal relay to determine the temperature in the room - operation upon reaching 72 ° C.


The KPS fire damper can be used in combined and combined dual-purpose air ducts, as it works normally both in the open and closed state. And it can be applied as an anti-smoke or fire-retardant device.

Various models can be equipped with electromechanical locks of both domestic and foreign production (Siemens). And also be equipped with an electromagnetic or spring lock with or without additional activation thermal sensors.

The use of fire dampers will increase. In addition, choosing a reliable model can make the smoke extraction system more reliable, eliminating delays in operation.

Operating conditions of fire safety valves inside ventilation systems

B. B. Kolchev, Deputy Head of Department for fire resistance of building structures and technical equipment – ​​head of the sector of fire resistance of technical equipment and smoke control inside buildings and structures of Scientific research Center for Fire and Emergency Situations Prevention of the Federal State Budget Institution of the All -Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fire Safety of Russia

keywords: fire safety valve, smoke control ventilation, ventilation channel

High construction density in big cities of Russia makes it necessary to build large construction projects containing fire protection systems of substantial complexity. According to the statistical data, up to 85% of casualties during fires are caused by hazardous combustion products. In order to reduce smoke concentration inside buildings during fire the smoke control systems need to be designed, and their efficiency is substantially dependent on the reliability of fire protection valves.


The high building density in large cities of Russia creates the need for the construction of large construction projects containing complexly configured fire protection systems. According to statistical According to data, up to 85% of deaths in a fire occur from the damaging effect of the products released during combustion. To limit smoke in a building during a fire, smoke protection systems are designed, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the reliable operation of fire dampers.

Operating conditions of fire dampers as part of ventilation systems

B. B. Kolchev, deputy Head of the Department of Fire Resistance of Building Structures and Engineering Equipment - Head of the Sector of Fire Resistance of Engineering Equipment and Smoke Protection of Buildings and Structures of the Research Center for PP and PChSP FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, [email protected] website

The high building density in the large cities of Russia creates the need for the construction of large construction projects containing complexly configured fire protection systems. According to statistics, up to 85% of deaths in a fire occur from the damaging effects of released combustion products, the intensive spread of which is accompanied by the rapid transfer of toxic components throughout the building. To limit smoke in buildings during a fire, they are designed, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the reliable operation of fire dampers.

According to its purpose fire dampers are divided into two main groups - normally closed (hereinafter - NC), incl. smoke, used in supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems, and normally open (hereinafter - NO) used as part of general ventilation systems.

Currently, in the practice of designing and installing general ventilation systems, there are several wiring diagrams for installing NO fire dampers. Let's list them. The first scheme (Fig. 1) provides for the installation of the product directly in the section of the building envelope with a standardized fire resistance limit with its location on the ventilation duct.

Today, valves are also installed in building structures with a rated fire resistance limit without connection to ventilation ducts - to ensure air flow. In fact, in this case, the mode of operation of a closed valve during a fire is in many respects similar to the mode of operation of a fire door (hatch). The specified scheme can be classified as the third wiring diagram (Fig. 3). Let's dwell on it in more detail.

Figure 3

The products (valves) in question are subject to mandatory certification for compliance with the requirements in accordance with the method set out in. The loss of heat-insulating ability of fire dampers is characterized by an increase in temperature by an average of more than 140 °C or locally by more than 180 °C, from the unheated side on the outer surfaces of the damper body at a distance of 0.05 m (at least at four cross-sectional points at a specified distance ) and the seal assembly of the valve body in the opening of the enclosing structure. Regardless of the initial temperature of these surfaces, the local temperature value should not exceed +220 °C at any point (including where local heating is expected - joints, corners, heat-conducting inclusions). In other words, the standard, along with the determination of density (tightness), provides for temperature measurement only on the valve body; obviously, it is assumed that the damper is located in the area of ​​the ventilation duct (the first and second wiring diagrams), thus there are no requirements for measuring the temperature on the leaf surface (according to the third wiring diagram).

The new edition of the set of rules, which is currently undergoing the approval process, will oblige manufacturers to provide a thermally insulated damper in their products, however, today this requirement is absent in the current regulatory legal acts, which allows some manufacturers to simplify the design as much as possible, releasing relatively low prices on the market products. VNIIPO is systematically working on revising the standard, by the end of this year a meeting of TC 274 (one of the members of which is the institute) should be held, at which, among others, the revised standard will be considered and, I hope, approved. The new edition will oblige testing laboratories as part of accredited certification bodies to measure the temperature on the unheated surface of the damper leaf (flap), simulating its operation in a fire without a ventilation duct.

It should be noted that for the majority of foreign manufacturers, such as TROX GmbH, etc., as well as for a number of domestic manufacturers, this innovation will in no way affect the products manufactured, because. already today they provide in the design of their dampers the thermal insulation of the leaf with high-performance materials. Others will have to significantly refine their design, forced to increase the cost of manufactured products. Ultimately, it is obvious that the introduction of this requirement into the system of regulatory documents will improve the level of fire safety in newly erected and reconstructed buildings in Russia.


  1. Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements".
  2. SP 7.13130.2009 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements.
  3. GOST R 53301–2009 “Fire dampers for ventilation systems. Fire safety requirements.
Calculation of parameters of smoke protection systems for residential and public buildings

The program is designed to determine the parameters of smoke protection systems for residential and public buildings.

The program contains methods for calculating various types of smoke exhaust systems and air overpressure:

  • smoke removal systems from rooms and/or corridors in case of fire,
  • systems for removing smoke and gases after a fire,
  • smoke-free systems for stairwells,
  • systems for pressurizing air into elevator shafts, stair-lift, stair and elevator halls, vestibules and security zones
    1. Safety zones in case of fire should be considered as a vestibule-lock, working in case of fire with closed doors for heating and working in case of fire with one large open door leaf for filling and rescue. It should be taken into account that if the security zone is intended for low-mobility groups of the population, then the specific characteristic of the resistance to gas permeation closed doors the tambour-lock (m 3 / kg) should be at least 180000. The second point is that the air temperature of the backwater must be at least 5 degrees and at high negative temperatures of the outside air, it is necessary to take into account the heating of the air of the backwater.
    2. In high-rise residential buildings over 75 m and public buildings over 50 m, when calculating the backwater in a smoke-free stairwell of type H2, it is necessary to organize a vestibule-locks at the exit to the corridor. The air supply is carried out here and there.
    3. For fire elevators, as well as elevators for people with limited mobility, it is necessary to provide a vestibule-lock, the doors of which must have specific characteristic resistance to gas permeation not less than 180,000 m 3 /kg. The backwater must be carried out both in the elevator shaft and in the vestibule-lock.

The program meets the requirements of the joint venture

Civil and industrial building equipped with ventilation systems, which, for the purposes of fire safety, must be prepared for fires. One of the components of protection is a fire-retardant valve, its purpose is to prevent the spread of fire and heat flow through communications. This device is triggered when a fire signal is received, and, depending on the design, is able to contain the flame for up to an hour and a half. The presence of these components in the ventilation lines must be laid at the design stage of buildings and structures.

This fire-fighting element of ventilation systems is a valve that closes or opens channels, depending on the circumstances at the facility. Installation of fire dampers is carried out inside communications, including mines. Depending on the design features these devices can perform several functions:

  • in the open state, it maintains the ventilation in normal mode;
  • when closed, the device closes the channel and prevents the spread of hazardous media;
  • valves can also enter, forming a vent from the premises of burning and smoke;
  • in the same way, valves are used both for shutting off the system in emergency situations, and for removing burning, smoke and fire extinguishing agents from the premises.

This mechanism is a separate working module; fire dampers are assembled from metal parts. In the standard version, the component is completed with a sensor and a control mechanism. The electric drive can be located both directly on the device and in a place close to it. Fire dampers have high performance for fire resistance.

On a note! Only half of its efficiency depends on the quality of the equipment, the other 50% depends on proper installation. Installation should be ordered from companies that specialize in these works, having licenses and approvals.


Today, there are various types of devices for locking ventilation systems on the market. You can purchase a fire-retardant damper with an electric drive:

  • Normally open. Devices that close when a signal is received from the detector about the detection of fire, smoldering or smoke. This is the most requested modification. It is installed in the air ducts of air conditioning and ventilation systems. There are models designed for use on explosive sites.
  • Double action. These products close when a danger signal is received, and open to remove combustion products and fire extinguishing agents.
  • Universal. Devices can be elements of smoke protection and general ventilation system. They are not elements capable of containing fire. Their assembly is carried out from materials with lower requirements for PPB, and the price is more affordable.

Installation requirements

The installation of fire dampers in accordance with the regulatory document is carried out by companies that have licenses from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and approvals. Main requirements:

  • in buildings of categories G1 and G2 - on prefabricated air ducts and places of their connection to the collector;
  • in buildings of categories A, B, C1, C2 and C3 at the intersection of communications with fire ceilings;
  • on any prefabricated transit ventilation lines serving several rooms with an area of ​​​​more than 300 m2 in buildings of category A, B, C1, C2 and C3;
  • the fire damper drive must be placed in such a way that there is no risk of damage;
  • the electric drive must operate from a network of 220-230 V;
  • if there is an obstacle, the valve should be installed next to it on any side;
  • if it is not possible to install gates on different communication lines, then it is forbidden to combine them into one system.

Important! The device should normally be open. The valve comes into action and closes the opening when a fire signal is received. In the package of accompanying documentation, there must be a safety certificate, and for explosive models also a certificate for this characteristic.

Control of locking devices

The valves are controlled from a special cabinet. It is served in several modes:

  • operator manually;
  • automation;
  • remotely.

The cabinet may have additional options, from it they check the performance of the system and its elements, control by zones and other options. It also monitors the current state of the equipment, including parameters electric current, serviceability of drives and so on.

Fire damper regulations

In addition to the profile purpose, the devices also have an additional one: quality control of the removal of combustion products and fire extinguishing agents. The components of the FSP system are regulated by the following standards:

  • SP60.13130.12 - on ventilation in public and industrial premises;
  • SP7.13130.13 - on fire safety requirements for ventilation;
  • NPB241.97 - on the procedure for checking valves;
  • GOST R53301.13 - on testing valves for fire resistance.

These regulations establish requirements for any type of device, up to the parameters of density loss with fire resistance.

Valve range

There is a wide range of electrically operated fire dampers on the market today. various views and trademarks. You can buy Russian and imported models. Products are in high demand: Belimo, Klop, KPU. Devices are not only standard according to the type of damper, but also multi-stage. They are characterized by a minimum reach outside the body, that is, they can be installed in a confined space. Products with different geometries differ: cylindrical and rectangular. The device may have one or more sections connected through a heat-insulating material; the overall fire resistance of the structure depends on its parameters. The equipment uses electric drives of various types:

  • fusible insert;
  • electromechanical drive;
  • thermal lock;
  • electromagnetic electric drive;
  • reverse device.

This module allows the valve to work offline. Devices with a manual drive operated from the operator's console are in high demand. Equally popular are models where the damper operates on several signals, for example, from a thermal lock and a reversing drive. The following models are mainly installed at Russian civil and industrial facilities: 125 OKS, 230-T, BLF, BLF-230, BLF230, L-BF230-T.

Note! Fire-retarding components of fire safety systems at any facility, according to regulatory requirements, must undergo regular Maintenance. All problems identified during the checks must be immediately eliminated, since they depend on it. human lives and safety of property.


For detailed information about fire dampers, requirements for the products themselves and installation, you can

Since May 1, 2009, new regulatory requirements have been introduced in Russia for fire damper drives in ventilation and smoke protection systems!

Part 2 Art. 138 of the "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" prohibits the use of fire normally open (formerly called fire-retarding) dampers with a spring drive and a thermal lock (fusible link) in ventilation and air conditioning systems, since such a drive cannot be controlled remotely and a thermal lock as part of the drive is the main temperature-sensitive element, and not a duplicate, as required by the regulations.

According to SP 7.13130, actuators (actuators) of normally closed fire dampers (including smoke dampers) of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems (should maintain the preset position of the damper flap when the actuator is turned off. Distinctive feature of these systems, which include several dampers with address control, is the presence of two predetermined damper positions - “open” (for example, on the fire floor) and “closed” (on other floors), which the drive must ensure in case of any options for disconnecting the power supply circuit, in including emergencies.

This requirement actually prohibits the use of electromechanical actuators with a return spring on fire
normally closed and smoke dampers, since when the voltage is removed from them, only one preset damper position is provided - “open”. This requirement is met by normally closed (including smoke) fire dampers with an electromagnetic drive or a reversible electric drive, the control signal for which
is the voltage supply to the drive. These actuators provide the preset “open” and “closed” positions of the damper when the power is turned off.


Section VI. Fire safety requirements for general purpose products

Chapter 31 . Fire safety requirements for building structures and engineering building equipment, structures and buildings

Article 138. Fire safety requirements for the structures and equipment of ventilation systems, air conditioning systems and smoke protection.

part 2. Normally open fire dampers must be equipped with automatic and remotely controlled actuators. The use of temperature-sensitive elements in the composition of such drives should be provided only as redundant ones. For normally closed fire dampers and smoke dampers, the use of actuators with temperature sensitive elements is not allowed. The density of adjoining the structures of fire and smoke dampers of various types to each other should provide the minimum required resistance to smoke and gas penetration.

You can get acquainted with the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" on the website of the RG

The increase in the density of urban development forces the construction of multi-storey buildings. According to modern regulatory requirements, all of them must contain fire protection systems. This applies not only to residential buildings, but also to public and industrial buildings.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that, according to statistics, about 85% of deaths in a fire occur from the effect of combustion products on the body. Their distribution depends on the speed of movement of air masses from one point of the building to another. To reduce smoke in the entire structure during a fire, smoke protection systems are developed and installed, which include fire dampers for ventilation systems.

What are these elements of the ventilation network? Let us consider in more detail what types of valves are, how they are selected and how they are installed.

Purpose of fire dampers

In accordance with regulatory documents, a fire damper for general ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems is a device for preventing combustion products from entering rooms or removing them from a fire.

The fire damper for ventilation in some modifications is used to remove smoke, gas, or combustion products from residential and public buildings, vestibules, corridors, elevator shafts and other places.

In general, according to the technical literature, a fire damper is a remotely or automatically controlled device for blocking ventilation ducts or openings in building envelopes. How are valves classified and what are they?

Classification of fire dampers

Fire dampers, which are produced for use in modern systems ventilation are classified into two main categories. Each of which is designed for its scope of application and differs in design and location. Valves are:

  1. NC (normally closed), which include smoke and used in supply and exhaust systems smoke ventilation. Their purpose is to remove smoke and gases after a fire. In the normal state, the valve in them is in the closed position and air does not pass through the valve. After a fire breaks out and a fire alarm is triggered, the damper opens under the action of a servomotor or any other control devices and smoke is removed through it with the help of ventilation.
  2. NO (normally open). The fire damper from this group is designed for installation in general ventilation, air heating or air conditioning systems to protect against smoke ingress. In the normal state, the valve in it is open and air moves freely through the ventilation system. After the alarm is triggered, the valve closes, which prevents the possible ingress of smoke from the fire into neighboring rooms. One of the most popular devices of this type is the fire damper KLOP-1.

There are also double acting valves. They combine the characteristics of the two considered groups. The device closes in the event of a fire to prevent smoke from entering neighboring rooms, and automatically opens after a fire. Normally closed valves are also called smoke valves.

One of the characteristics of all valves is the fire resistance limit, which characterizes the time of maintaining its integrity when exposed to fire.

Valves are also produced and divided according to climatic modification. For example, there are frost-resistant devices that are designed to operate at low temperatures. There are devices and marine versions, which are designed to function in the conditions of aggressive humid sea air.

Also, valves are classified according to the method of installation on:

  • wall;
  • channel.

The difference is indicated in the name itself: the wall is installed directly in the enclosing structures without being connected to the ventilation network, the channel ones are connected to the air ducts.


Servo drives are now used to regulate the position of the dampers. They are controlled by applying voltage to the device. They are produced in several types with different modifications. Not all of them are suitable for fire and fire-retarding ventilation.

It should be noted that previously a normally closed valve, which was called a fire damper fire-retardant, allowed the use of spring drives with a thermal lock and a fusible link. It worked when the temperature rose, when the fusible link was destroyed and the valve slammed shut. But due to the fact that it cannot be controlled remotely, their use is not allowed in today's current regulatory documents.

Valve selection

There are several characteristics to consider when choosing a valve:

  • type and purpose - smoke damper or fire damper;
  • fire resistance limit, which is the main characteristic that determines the fire and technical properties of the device; it can be found in the documentation for a particular product;
  • dimensions that depend on the duct, installation location and air velocity;
  • type of actuator that drives the valve flap;
  • resistance;
  • price.

All characteristics are selected during design based on many factors. Also, do not forget about the resistance on the fire damper, on which pressure losses in the network depend and, as a result, the need to choose more powerful fan. The resistance is calculated according to the same principles as for other devices in the ventilation network.

Each product is distinguished by a coefficient of local resistance, which is used in the calculation. The aerodynamic characteristics of each type of valve is different. This is also one of the factors that influence the choice. All data for each valve is usually indicated in the manufacturer's catalogs, which must be consulted during design.

Where are fire dampers installed in the ventilation system?

To determine the location of the valves, there are regulations and requirements. The location of the device depends on its purpose. Normally open dampers that act as fire barriers are usually located in or near the building envelope. There are three installation schemes for fire dampers:

  • directly in the wall or other enclosing structures, while air ducts are connected to the device;
  • at some distance from the enclosing structures, but at the same time, the section of the air duct from the damper to the wall or other element must have a fire resistance limit of at least the damper itself;
  • in a building structure without connection to air ducts, such a valve provides air flow between adjacent rooms.

Normally closed (smoke) valves are most often installed in smoke ventilation ducts. They must also have the required level of fire resistance, and outer part, which is visible from the room can be covered with decorative grilles or other elements.

The selection of fire dampers during design is an important part of building safety. Choosing the right and high-quality equipment can save lives and preserve property during fires.