What are the functional styles of speech. Functional styles of speech (purpose, scope, design and language features)

Conversational style serves primarily for direct communication with the people around us. It is characterized by ease and unpreparedness of speech. It often uses colloquial words (young instead of newlyweds, start instead of start, now instead of now, etc.), words in a figurative sense (window - in the meaning of 'break'). Words in a colloquial style often not only name objects, actions, signs, but also contain their assessment: good fellow, dodger, careless, take a nap, be smart, cheerful. Colloquial style syntax is characterized by the use of simple sentences. Incomplete sentences are widely presented in it, since colloquial speech is most often a dialogue.

scientific style- this is the style of scientific works, articles, textbooks, lectures, reviews. They contain information about various phenomena of the world around us. In the field of vocabulary, the scientific style is characterized primarily by the presence of special vocabulary, terms (declension, conjugation, theorem, bisector, logarithm, etc.). Words are used, as a rule, in their direct meanings, since scientific speech does not allow ambiguity and must be extremely accurate.

Formal business style serves a wide area of ​​legal, administrative, diplomatic relations. Its main purpose is information, communication. This style is used when writing various documents, instructions, charters, etc. The words in it are used in their direct meaning in order to avoid their misinterpretation. In the vocabulary of this style, there are many words and stable combinations assigned specifically to this style: petition, statement, resolution, order, protocol, appeal, sue, initiate a case; We, the undersigned. Frequent in the syntax of this style are impersonal sentences with the meaning of necessity, order (it is necessary to urgently prepare, measures should be taken, etc.).

Journalistic style- this is the style of newspapers, speeches on current socio-political topics. The most common genres of journalism include an editorial, correspondence, essay, speech at a rally, meeting, etc. In the works of journalism, two tasks are usually set: firstly, a message, information about certain social phenomena or acts, and, secondly - an open assessment of the issues raised in order to actively influence the listener or reader, in order to attract the interlocutor to support the position taken and defended by the author.

The vocabulary of this style contains many words and phraseological turns of a socio-political nature: progressive humanity, the struggle for peace, advanced ideas.

Art style used in works of art to paint a picture, depict an object or event, convey the author's emotions to the reader. Statements of the artistic style are distinguished by figurativeness, visualization, and emotionality. The characteristic linguistic means of styles include words with a specific meaning, words in figurative use, emotionally evaluative words, words with the meaning of a feature, object or action, words with the meaning of comparison, comparison; completely verbs with the prefix for-, denoting the beginning of the action, the figurative use of forms of time and moods (Akim fall in love with this Dunyasha!), Emotionally colored sentences: Suddenly something broke in the stagnant air, the wind blew violently and , whistled around the steppe. Immediately, the grass and last year's weeds raised a murmur, and on the road dust swirled in a spiral, ran across the steppe and, dragging straw, dragonflies and feathers, rose to the sky in a black spinning pillar and clouded the sun (A. Chekhov).

The language of fiction is the most complete expression of the national language. In works of fiction, the artist of the word enjoys almost unlimited freedom in choosing language tools to create the most convincing, memorable images, for an aesthetic impact on the reader. Therefore, the language of fiction is able to include all the richness of the literary and popular language.

Conversational style used for direct everyday communication in various fields of activity: everyday, unofficial, professional, and others. True, there is one feature: in everyday life, the conversational style has oral and written forms, and in the professional sphere - only oral. Compare: colloquial lexical units - reading room, teacher, spur and neutral - reading room, teacher, cheat sheet. In written speech of professional content, colloquial vocabulary is unacceptable.

Colloquial speech- speech is not codified, it is characterized by unpreparedness, improvisation, concreteness, informality. Conversational style does not always require strict logic, sequence of presentation. But it is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of expressions, subjective-evaluative character, arbitrariness, simplicity, even some familiarity of tone.

In conversational style, the following genres are distinguished: friendly conversation, private conversation, note, private letter, personal diary.

In terms of language, colloquial speech is distinguished by an abundance of emotionally colored, expressive vocabulary, the so-called condensate words (evenings - “Evening Moscow”) and doublet words (freezer - evaporator in the refrigerator). It is characterized by appeals, diminutive words, free word order in sentences. At the same time, sentences that are simpler in construction are more often used than in other styles: incompleteness, incompleteness make up their feature, which is possible due to the transparency of the speech situation (for example: Where are you? - In the tenth .; Well, what? - Passed!). They often contain subtext, irony, humor. Colloquial speech carries a lot of phraseological turns, comparisons, proverbs, sayings. It tends to constantly update and rethink linguistic means, the emergence of new forms and meanings.

Academician L.V. Shcherba called colloquial speech "a forge in which verbal innovations are forged." Spoken language enriches book styles with lively, fresh words and phrases. In turn, book speech has a certain effect on colloquial speech: it disciplines it, gives it a more normalized character.

One more feature of the conversational style should be noted: for him great importance has knowledge of speech etiquette in both writing and oral. In addition, for oral colloquial speech, it is very important to take into account the specifics of extralinguistic factors: facial expressions, gestures, tone, environment. Takova general characteristics conversational style.

functional styles speeches

“A person who knows how to speak is one who can express his thoughts with complete clarity, choose those arguments that are especially suitable in a given place or for a given person, give them that emotional character that would be in this case persuasive and persuasive.

A.V. Lunacharsky

The Russian language, like any developed language with a long cultural tradition, provides speakers with the richest expressive possibilities, including stylistic ones. However, mastering these language resources requires knowledge, a developed linguo-stylistic sense and skills in using language units.

In modern Russian, according to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia, there are 5 functional styles of speech (historically established systems of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication).

scientific - the meaning is to give an accurate and clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bscientific concepts (for example, terminological vocabulary);

official business - official correspondence, government acts, speeches; vocabulary is used that reflects official business relations (plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution);

journalistic - characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving);

conversational - it is distinguished by a large semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness;

artistic - used in fiction.

Scientific and official business styles exclude the use of emotionally expressive coloring of words, so we will focus on other styles of speech: journalistic, colloquial, artistic.

Publicistic style serves to influence people through the media and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, appraisal, appeal.

The artistic style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality, and concreteness of speech. The emotionality of the artistic style differs significantly from the emotionality of the colloquial and journalistic styles. Emotionality artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

The colloquial style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

The stylistic characteristic of a word or form is made up of elements that are heterogeneous in origin, meaning and function. In addition to the fact that stylistic shades differ in a greater or lesser degree of generalization or specificity, they are also distinguished<качественно>: in some, the intellectual logical element predominates (indicates the sphere of use of the language unit), in others, the emotional-evaluative moment comes to the fore, i.e. the coloration is often biplanar. The first type of stylistic characteristic - the stylistic coloring of a word or grammatical form - arises on the basis of their functional and semantic connections. Stylistic coloring is, as it were, an imprint, a reflection of the speech style in which a given word or form usually lives. When using a language unit in its usual stylistic environment, the stylistic coloring merges with the general coloring of the speech style. When transferring a word or grammatical form into an unusual speech<обстановку>stylistic coloring appears with particular distinctness. Stylistic coloring and additional stylistic shades of words and forms are opposed by very diverse emotional and evaluative meanings of language units. So, the word-formation system of the modern Russian language has numerous suffixes and prefixes of subjective assessment (emotionally expressive): - ok (-ek) knot, stump; - points (-chek) friend, stumps, - onk - (-enk-) dove, daughter, pretty, small; - seek - dirt, hands, strength; - un - talker, fighter; - akzevaka, krivlyak, reveler, etc.

Bookish, colloquial and colloquial linguistic elements can be correlated with neutral (N), not assigned to any specific area of ​​communication and having zero stylistic coloring, which stands out only in comparison with stylistically marked units of the language. Thus, the word deceit is neutral when compared with book hoax and colloquial swindle; really when compared with the book really and colloquial really.

The basis of the modern Russian literary language is made up of commonly used and neutral language units. They unite all styles into a single language system and serve as a background against which stylistically marked means stand out. The latter give the context a certain functional and stylistic shade. However, in the context, the nature of the stylistic coloring can change; for example, an assessment of endearment turns into an ironic one (sissy), swear words can sound affectionately (you are my dear robber), etc. Functionally fixed language units in the context are capable of acquiring an emotionally expressive coloring. So, the words to praise, ornate, loud, named, exude, marked in the dictionaries as book obsolete, in the language of the newspaper acquire an ironic coloring.

Depending on the meaning and peculiarities of use, the same language unit can have several different stylistic connotations: A hunter shot a hare (neutral) In winter, the hare changes its color (scientific) He rode the bus as a hare (colloquial, disapproved).

Polysemantic words in one sense (usually in the literal sense) are stylistically neutral, and in the other (usually in the figurative sense) they have a bright emotionally expressive coloring: A dog scratched and whined outside the door (K. Paustovsky) “Why does he need your hare sheepskin coat? He will drink it, dog, in the first tavern ”(A. Pushkin), An oak tree stood on the edge of the road (L. Tolstoy) “You, oak, are not going there” (A. Chekhov).

Let us pay attention to how it is possible to divide the commonly used vocabulary, which is not fixed in a functional and stylistic sense, and the historically established and socially conscious system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication.

In the most in general terms functional-style stratification of vocabulary can be depicted as follows:

word vocabulary speech linguistic stylistic

In three styles - journalistic, artistic and colloquial, one way or another, they use emotionally colored words and expressiveness of speech. The concepts of emotional coloring and expressiveness of vocabulary are not identical, although together they give rise to expressiveness, colorfulness, and imagery of speech.

At the same time, it should be noted that the expressive types of speech are not well studied, and there is no clarity in their classification. In this regard, the definition of the relationship between the functional-style emotional-expressive coloring of vocabulary also causes certain difficulties. Let's dwell on this issue.

The emotionally expressive coloring of the word, layered on the functional, complements its stylistic characteristics. Emotionally-expressive neutral words usually belong to common vocabulary (although this is not necessary: ​​terms, for example, in emotionally expressive terms, are usually neutral, but have a clear functional fixation). Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book, colloquial and vernacular vocabulary. A feature of the emotional-evaluative vocabulary is that the emotional coloring is “superimposed” on the lexical meaning of the word, but is not reduced to it, the purely nominative function is complicated here by evaluativeness, the speaker’s attitude to the phenomenon being called.

Functional, emotionally expressive and other stylistic shades can intersect in a word. For example, the words satellite, epigone, apotheosis are perceived, first of all, as bookish. But at the same time, we associate the word satellite, used in a figurative sense, with the journalistic style, in the word epigone we note a negative assessment, and in the word apotheosis - a positive one. In addition, the use of these words in speech is influenced by their foreign origin. Such affectionately ironic words as sweetheart, motanya, zaleka, drolya, combine colloquial and dialectal coloring, folk poetic sound. The richness of stylistic shades of Russian vocabulary requires a particularly careful attitude to the word.

The emotional and expressive coloring of a word is influenced by its meaning. Thus, such words as fascism, Stalinism, and repressions received a sharply negative assessment from us. A positive assessment was attached to the words progressive, peace-loving, anti-war. Even the different meanings of the same word can diverge noticeably in stylistic coloring: in one meaning, the word acts as a solemn, lofty one: Wait, prince. Finally, I hear the speech of not a boy, but a husband (P.), in another - as ironic, mocking: B. Polevoy proved that the venerable editor enjoys the fame of a learned man (P.)

Language means with emotionally expressive coloring expressing a positive attitude (assessment) to what is being expressed (enthusiast, delightful, inflexible, spiritualized), are called ameliorative, and pejorative ones express a negative attitude (leader, conciliation, white-handed, servile, indulge, boast). Combining words close in expression into lexical groups, we can distinguish:

words with a positive color (somewhat joking):

sublime, solemn, rhetorical - indestructible, selfless, power, aspirations, hoist;

approving - amazing, magnificent, wonderful);

affectionate - daughter, dove, lamb, etc.

negative words:

scornful - a liar, a pharmacist, a doctor, a talker, a slut, a herd of sheep, staring like a sheep at a new gate, painting, pettiness;

contemptuous - anonymous, bourgeois, bazaar woman, slander, servility, sycophancy;

disapproving - couch potato, grouch, trudge, pretentious, mannered, ambitious, pedant;

ironic - to kill a beaver, to be deceived in calculations, to spill balm on something, caliph for an hour;

derogatory - skirt, squishy;

vulgar - grabber, lucky;

abusive - a swindler, a bastard, a viper about a person, a bureaucrat, a rogue, a boor, a fool, etc.

But the fundamental rejection of the use of words denoting unpleasant realities is assessed as mannerism of speech, a kind of hypocrisy, and therefore negatively affects the ethical assessment of the image of the rhetor. Therefore, if we are talking, for example, about the lack of conscience of a politician or journalist, then it would be correct to say directly: "frequent and shameless use of the word."

In the example, the synonymic series (ailments, diseases, ailments, ailments, infirmities, suffering) opens the author wide opportunity complain about your ailments, but with the ironic use of a rather colloquial form of the word "disease" - "dashing pains."

The emotionally expressive coloring of words is clearly manifested when comparing synonyms:

The development of expressive shades in the semantics of the word is also facilitated by its metaphorization. So, stylistically neutral words used as metaphors get a vivid expression: burn at work, fall from fatigue, flaming gaze, blue dream, flying gait, etc. The context finally shows the expressive coloring of words: in it, stylistically neutral units can become emotionally colored, high - contemptuous, affectionate - ironic, and even a swear word (scoundrel, fool) can sound approving.

The semantic basis of the emotionally colored vocabulary is a few shades of diminutive-petting and magnifying-pejorative meanings transmitted with the help of the corresponding suffixes: hand - pen - hand - hand - hand.

Emotions in speech are also expressed with the help of interjections and (to a much lesser extent) words with an emotionally expressive connotation. The stronger the expressive-evaluative component of meaning in a word, the more indefinite its denotation, i.e. substantive meaning (cf. ehma!, devil, sweetie, zhlobsky, opupet, etc.). Interestingly, the emotional side of speech is associated with the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. With right hemispheric disorders, the patient's speech becomes monotonously monotonous. Speech perception is also impaired in a specific way: "A patient with a disorder of the right hemisphere usually understands the meaning of what is said, but he often cannot determine whether it is said angrily or jokingly" (quoted from work: Jacobson 1985, 276). On the contrary, with damage to the left hemisphere (dominant in speech activity, responsible for the logical and grammatical organization of speech) and the safety of the right patient, the patient may not understand the statement, but often he is able to recognize the emotional tone with which it was uttered.

As part of the emotional vocabulary, the following three varieties can be distinguished:

  • 1. Words with a bright evaluative meaning, as a rule, are unambiguous; “the evaluation contained in their meaning is so clearly and definitely expressed that it does not allow the word to be used in other meanings.” These include the words “characteristics” (forerunner, herald, grumbler, idler, sycophant, slob, etc.), as well as words containing an assessment of a fact, phenomenon, sign, action (purpose, destiny, business, fraud, marvelous, miraculous , irresponsible, antediluvian, dare, inspire, defame, mischief). Vivid expression highlights the words solemn (unforgettable, herald, accomplishments), rhetorical (sacred, aspirations, announce), poetic (azure, invisible, sing, incessant).
  • 2. Polysemantic words, usually neutral in the main meaning, but receiving a bright emotional coloring when used metaphorically. So, they say about a person: a hat, a rag, a mattress, an oak tree, an elephant, a bear, a snake, an eagle, a crow; in a figurative sense, verbs are used: sing, hiss, saw, gnaw, dig, yawn, blink, etc.
  • 3. Words with subjective assessment suffixes that convey various shades of feeling: containing positive emotions - son, sun, granny, neatly, close, and negative - beards, kid, bureaucracy, etc. Since the emotional coloring of these words is created by affixes, the estimated meanings in such cases are determined not by the nominative properties of the word, but by word formation. Many affixes give words a functional and stylistic coloring. For example, suffixes - k- bring in a touch of colloquialism: motorboat, pearl barley, washing; - ik, - nick: evening, eyeball. It is possible to note a number of suffixes characteristic of scientific and scientific-technical, as well as professional speech. So, with the help of the already named suffixes of book origin, scientific terms are constantly formed: -ost - fusibility, malleability, resistance; -sv- Hegelianism, Kantianism, Tolstoyism; -ism - idealism, feudalism, materialism; -atsi(ya) (-yatsi(ya)- acclimatization, vulcanization, argumentation; -fikatsi(ya) (-ification(ya)-electrification, gasification; -thor-isolator, communicator; -it (mainly medical terms) -bronchitis , sinusitis, pleurisy; professionalism: -k- pasting, layout, winding; -age - footage, type, tonnage, displacement; -chat- cranked, stepped; -chik (-shchik - transmitter, counter, minesweeper; -un - connecting rod , cleaver, -flax (ya) - ironing, smokehouse, etc.

A special expression is distinguished by the words playful (believing, newly minted), ironic (deign, don Juan, vaunted), familiar (not bad, cute, moo, whisper).

Many words not only name concepts, but also reflect the attitude of the speaker towards them. For example, admiring the beauty white flower, you can call it snow-white, white, lily. These adjectives are emotionally colored: the positive assessment contained in them distinguishes them from the stylistically neutral word white. The emotional coloring of the word can also express a negative assessment of the concept called (white-haired). Therefore, emotional vocabulary is called evaluative (emotional-evaluative). However, it should be noted that the concepts of emotional words (for example, interjections) do not contain evaluation; at the same time, words in which the assessment is their very lexical meaning (and the assessment is not emotional, but intellectual) do not belong to emotional vocabulary (bad, good, anger, joy, love, approve).

The image of feeling in speech requires special expressive colors. Expressiveness (from Latin expressio - expression) - means expressiveness, expressive - containing a special expression. At the lexical level, this linguistic category is embodied in the "increment" to the nominative meaning of the word of special stylistic shades, special expression. For example, instead of the word good, we say beautiful, wonderful, delicious, wonderful; I can say I don't like it, but stronger words can be found: I hate, I despise, I abhor. In all these cases, the lexical meaning of the word is complicated by expression. Often one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of emotional stress (cf.: misfortune - grief - disaster - catastrophe, violent - unrestrained - indomitable - frantic - furious).

At the same time, emotional appraisal correlates differently with the nominative meaning, additional stylistic shades, etc. stylistic coloring of a word or grammatical form. In this regard, the ways in which evaluative expression itself arises are also different. First, the emotional-evaluative meaning may be the only content of one or another sound complex; an example is interjections and modal words, which are either completely devoid of nominative meaning, or retain it partially. Secondly, the emotional-evaluative meaning can be generated by the very meaning of a word or another linguistic unit (cf. such words as hero, handsome man, coward, etc.). At the same time, evaluative expression can suppress the main meaning (cf. exclamations: Damn! Well done!, etc.). Thirdly, evaluative meaning may arise on the basis of rethinking additional stylistic shades of a word or grammatical form. Through such additional semantic associations, not only nationwide evaluative expression is transmitted, but class assessments<...>professional, social, just individual.

There are emotional-expressive (evaluative) and functional-stylistic varieties of stylistic connotations.

Emotionally expressive connotations are associated with the expression of attitude to the subject (in the broad sense of the word), its assessment: a hare, a twig, an old woman, a director, a fox, a hare, a bear (about a person), grandiose, future, hard worker, administrative-bureaucratic system.

Functional and stylistic connotations are due to the predominant use of a language unit in a particular area of ​​communication.

Colloquial language means can express familiarity, contempt, affection, neglect, etc., bookish solemnity, elation, poetry, etc. For example: dunce (colloquial and contempt.), market work (colloquial and scornful), hide in the bushes (colloquial and ironic), pedant (book and disapproved), forum (book and trade). However, not all linguistic elements, fixed in a functional and stylistic sense, have an emotionally expressive coloring. So, scientific terms and official business vocabulary do not have an emotionally expressive coloring: anesthesia, hypertension, adding machine, vector, molecule, affixation; tenant, investigation, law enforcement, sanction, etc. Deprived of emotional and expressive coloring are also some colloquial words: progressive, nickel, reader, current, instantly, in my own way, Herod, hardly, etc., colloquial and bookish or neutral grammatical forms: holidays, holidays, a piece of sugar sugar, grams gram, etc.

Traditionally, language means with functional and stylistic coloring in the Russian literary language are divided into:

book (K): homeland, intellect, notice, excessive, extremely, highly, reading, Achilles' heel, tantalum flour, without hesitation;

colloquial (R): reader, buddy, sarcastic, joke, tell stories, put on your feet, gram (in the genitive plural), on vacation.

Conversational units are used mainly in oral speech, in casual everyday communication. Their use in writing is limited to fiction and journalism and has certain artistic and expressive goals - the creation of a verbal portrait, a realistic depiction of the life of a particular social environment, the achievement of a comic effect, etc. Pavlov's wonderful speech is an example of this. The scientist strove to be understandable to the listeners, strove to convey his thoughts to them in the most popular, accessible and effective form. Professor E.A. Neits, student of I.P. Pavlova writes:<Речь Ивана Петровича была удивительно простой... Это была обычная разговорная речь, поэтому и лекция имела скорее характер беседы. Очень часто, как бы самому себе, он ставил вопрос и тотчас же отвечал на него...>. In lectures, the scientist widely used the means of spoken language. It is colloquial speech that gives I.P. Pavlova's brightness, imagery, persuasiveness. His speeches for a wide audience are not only conclusive, but also have an emotionally expressive coloring, which brings a special contrast to a scientific lecture. When colloquial elements are transferred to a scientific presentation, their stylistic coloring comes out with the greatest clarity, they stand out sharply in a scientific style, creating a certain emotionally expressive tone of the speech.

Colloquial vocabulary and phraseology sounds especially figurative and emotional in those parts of the lectures where I.P. Pavlov enters into discussions with his scientific opponents:<Невролог, всю жизнь проевший зубы на этом деле, до сих пор не уверен, имеет ли мозг какое-либо отношение к уму>; <Закрыть глаза на эту деятельность обезьяны, которая проходит перед вашими глазами, смысл которой совершенно очевиден... - это чепуха, это ни на что не похоже>. The desire to convey the expressive intonations of colloquial speech leads the scientist to use in lectures various types connecting constructions, i.e. those that represent a syntactically connected text divided into separate parts. For example:<Следовательно, физиолог должен идти своим путем. И этот путь намечен уже давно>. A.V. Lunacharsky, himself an excellent orator, wrote:<Человек, который умеет говорить, то есть который умеет в максимальной степени передать свои переживания ближнему, убедить его, если нужно, выдвинуть аргументы или рассеять его предрассудки и заблуждения, наконец, повлиять непосредственно на весь его организм путем возбуждения в нем соответственных чувств, этот человек обладает в полной мере речью>.

In common speech, words are used that are outside the literary vocabulary. Among them, there may be words containing a positive assessment of the concept being called (hard worker, brainy, awesome), and words expressing the speaker’s negative attitude towards the concepts they denote (crazy, flimsy, vulgar). AT scientific literature, in official business documents they are inappropriate.

Conversational style - opposed to book styles, serves the sphere of everyday and professional (but only unprepared, informal) relations; its main function is communication; manifested orally; It has two varieties: literary-colloquial and everyday-everyday speech. Its vocabulary and phraseology is characterized by the presence of a large layer of commonly used, neutral words, colloquial words with emotionally expressive and evaluative coloring, colloquial phraseology. Colloquial vocabulary includes words affectionate (daughter, dove), playful (butuz, laughter), as well as words expressing a negative assessment of the concepts called (small, zealous, giggle, brag). Colloquial (or colloquial) and bright emotionally expressive coloring is possessed by nouns na - tie, - nye, - ota, - nya, - take away, - sha: life, running, running around, fussing, cashier.

The book vocabulary includes lofty words that give solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive words that express both positive and negative assessments of the named concepts. In book styles, vocabulary is ironic (beautifulness, words, quixotic), disapproving (pedantic, mannerisms), contemptuous (masque, corrupt). Verbs with suffixes - irova-, - izirova- have a book coloring: to debate, stimulate, intensify, militarize, fetishize, as well as the corresponding nouns - irovanie, - izirovanie, adjectives and participles na-irovannyy, - izirovannyy; formations with prefixes co-, bottom-, out-, voz-, etc.: complicity, commonwealth, exalt, overthrow, experience, with suffixes - awn: power, agreement, unreality; - ation: melioration, acclimatization; - IT: bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

Thus, the stylistic coloring of the word can, on the one hand, indicate the scope of use, on the other hand, the emotional and expressive content of the word. Therefore, it indicates both the functional-stylistic stratification of vocabulary and the evaluative function of the word, its expressiveness and emotionality. All this creates a two-dimensional stylistic coloring of the word. From all of the above, we can conclude that without the use of emotionally expressive vocabulary, our speech would be poor, clumsy, insignificant. Many literary works would not be so exciting and readable. Speeches and lectures would become monotonous. And a Russian person, no matter how rich and powerful the Russian language is, always lacks ordinary words to express his feelings and emotions.

List of sources used

  • 1. Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian language. M.: Iris-Press, 2002.
  • 2. Yu.S. Sorokin. To the question of the basic concepts of stylistics.
  • 3. Social linguistics. Mechkovskaya N.B.
  • 4. Culture of Russian speech. Vinogradov S.I.
  • 5. "Good speech." ABOUT. Sirotinina, N.I. Kuznetsova, E.V. Dzyakovich and others // Ed. M.A. Kormilitsyna and O.B. Sirotinina (Saratov, 2001).
  • 6. Volkov A.A. Course of Russian Rhetoric.
  • 7. A.V. Dudnikov. Modern Russian language.
  • 8. Leather. Stylistic resources of the Russian language as a subject of research in linguistic stylistics.

In each language, depending on the situation, words of a certain style of speech are used. Functional styles of speech and their characteristics are divided into areas of application. There are 5 of them: artistic, colloquial, journalistic, scientific, official.

In short, the characteristics of styles differ from each other in their terminology, the way information is presented, the acceptable words (speech means of expression) for use for communication purposes.

The classification of speech styles occurs according to their purpose and place of use, they are also called "language genres". Functional styles of speech are divided into 5 types according to the conditions and goals of communication:

  1. journalistic;
  2. scientific;
  3. official business;
  4. art;
  5. colloquial.

To understand the topic, you need to consider the styles of speech in more detail.

scientific style

The scope of this genre of language is scientific activity. Used to convey information to learners. The general characteristic of the scientific style is as follows:

  • It is used in natural, exact and humanitarian sciences.
  • It is used for writing and printing articles, textbooks, abstracts and other research or narrative works.
  • All statements are conducted from one person, as a rule, from the researcher.
  • There is a small set of language tools to use.

AT scientific papers certain terminology is used, as a rule, it is taken from obsolete and unambiguous languages, such as Latin, Greek, etc. In them, all words have the same meaning and do not allow inaccurate perception of information.

The scientific functional style of speech always has precise names and is additionally enriched with graphs, drawings, formulas and well-established symbols (chemical, geometric, algebraic, etc.).

Distinctive syntactic features:

  • All sentences have an unambiguous, emphatically logical meaning. There is no figurativeness, but the information richness of the sentences prevails.
  • Frequent use complex sentences connected by unions (as a result of this, therefore);
  • Interrogative sentences are used to draw attention to information (why does lambdacism occur?).
  • The text is dominated by impersonal sentences.

Lexical features:

  • The text often contains scientific terminology (energy, apogee, rotacism, etc.).
  • Abstract words are used: energy, projection, point. They cannot be visually represented in the real world, but they are actively used in terminology.
  • The use of nouns ending in -tel meaning a source of action, a tool or an auxiliary tool (engine).
  • Nouns with -nick, -ie, -ost are used to mean a sign of something (inertia, particularity, construction).
  • Use of prefixes mini-, macro-, graphic, etc. (macrometer, millimeter, polygraph).
  • Application of an adjective with -ist. Means the use of something in a small amount in a mixture (watery, clayey, etc.).
  • introductory and clarifying constructions;
  • short passive participles;
  • short adjectives.

When conducting any scientific research, a person sets himself the goal of obtaining new knowledge and telling the society or other associates about it. The most reliable way to save the acquired knowledge is to write it down in the form of a report or other printed material. In the future, such works can be provided as a reliable source of information.

Journalistic style

The scope of this genre is informational and impactful texts. They can be found in news articles, posters, announcements, etc. The purpose of such material is to attract public interest in something (product, action, incident, etc.).

Thanks to journalistic texts, public opinion is formed and various effects on a person are produced, suggesting the correctness of the actions of the accused, etc.

The lexical features of the journalistic style are the use of:

  • a small number of words of a negative nature (disgusting, disgusting, etc.);
  • socio-political terminology and vocabulary (society, privatization, freedom of action, etc.);
  • speech stamps that give the text an official style (at the current stage, in the period from ... to). They give the event a certain time frame.
  • motivating words and phrases “for the good of the future”, “die, but do not betray the Motherland”, etc.

Morphological features include the use of:

  • complex words and abbreviations (UN, JSC, CIS, highly effective);
  • suffixes and prefixes -ultra, -shchina, -ichat. They betray the word emotional expressiveness (important, fierceness, ultra-power);
  • personal pronouns 1 and 2 persons (I, you, we, you);
  • singular in the plural meaning (cherry is a resinous tree).

Syntactic characteristics, sentences are used in the text:

  • exclamatory, homogeneous;
  • with rhetorical questions, introductory words;
  • with the reverse order of parts of speech;
  • one-component;
  • clear and emotionally enhanced.

The text has a monologue presentation with clear and understandable information for all readers. After all, the main task is to inform a person of important information and involve him in active participation in something (the life of the country, the purchase of goods, assistance to the project, etc.).

In order to interest the reader, the journalistic text has a good emotional coloring to play on the feelings of the reader. The most obvious example is information about a child's illness with a request to send money for treatment.

There are four sub-styles of the journalistic genre, divided according to the more specific purpose of using information:

  1. propaganda;
  2. political and ideological;
  3. newspaper and journalistic;
  4. mass political.

The propaganda sub-style was actively used during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It had a patriotic character and motivational text. For enhanced emotional impact, it was additionally equipped with a photograph or drawing.

Formal business style

It is important to know the definition of this genre of language and apply it correctly. It is most often used in the preparation of business papers, contracts, official documents.

It is used during the trial of the defendant, when communicating between entrepreneurs or government officials, etc. It is most important for administrative, public and legal figures.

The lexical characteristic of the official business genre is the use of:

  • speech stamps (after the interval, on the basis of an agreement, etc.);
  • archaisms (obsolete words);
  • professional terminology (alibi, legal capacity, solvency, theft, etc.).

The material is narrative in nature, and all information is confirmed by verified or official sources (criminal code, constitution, etc.).

Morphological features, frequent use:

  • compound unions;
  • verbal nouns in -eni (confirmation, assurance, application);
  • numerals;
  • compound words with two roots;
  • phrases in the infinitive (wait for the verdict, consider the situation).

There is also a predominance of the noun over the pronoun in the texts.

Syntactic features, sentences have:

  • direct word order;
  • complex syntactic construction;
  • frequent participle turnovers;
  • many homogeneous members;
  • phrases in the genitive case;
  • many passive constructions (fees are charged, money is deposited).

Such features of the genre are determined by the purpose of the business style. In it, the main condition is to accurately convey the meaning without ambiguity. At the same time, language and speech do not have an emotional or figurative color. All information for readers and listeners is presented in a dry and concise form without unnecessary information.

Art style

Used in fiction. The main task of the text is to create accurate visual and emotional images for the reader when reading the material.

Divided into sub-styles:

  1. prosaic;
  2. dramatic;
  3. poetic.

All of them are characterized by the following morphological features:

  • expressiveness;
  • the use of many tropes (metaphor, epithet, etc.);
  • the use of figurative phrases.

Syntactic features include the use of:

  • deviations in the structuring of the proposal;
  • many figurative stylistic figures;
  • all kinds of syntactic means of expression;
  • verb speech studies (each movement is described in stages with the creation of tension in the situation).

It is used for description, reasoning and narration. They can occur simultaneously in one text, changing through a paragraph. It is considered the most free for writing, as it does not have a strict text structure, like official business, scientific or journalistic styles of speech.

Conversational style

Is the most common. It is used more in oral speech for communication between two or more people. This style of speech uses all language structures (phonetic, lexical, phraseological, morphological, etc.).

Morphological means:

  • the predominance of the verb over the noun;
  • frequent use of pronouns, interjections, particles and conjunctions;
  • use of the prepositional case;
  • the use of the genitive plural of nouns (potatoes, tangerines).

Lexical means:

  1. the use of suffixes -ishk, -ach, -yag, etc. they give words a colloquial everyday sound (bearded man, town, poor fellow);
  2. the use of verbs with -nichat (beg);
  3. -pre (unpleasant, kind) is added to adjectives.

Syntactic means are characterized by the use of:

  • interrogative and exclamatory sentences;
  • incomplete offers;
  • pauses in speech;
  • frequent use of introductory words and phrases that do not make sense;
  • repetition of the same words and letters (ahh, yes, yes, yes).

The text takes the form of a dialogue, when one person asks and the other answers him. Also, in a colloquial style of speech, stress can be used incorrectly, which is unacceptable in other functional styles of speech.

It is important to know the Russian language well and use its genres and functions correctly for the most accurate transmission of information for the reader and listener. The features of each functional style make it possible to most accurately convey the intended meaning of the author.

functional style

Variety literary language, due to the difference in the functions performed by the language in a certain area of ​​communication. The concept of "f. s." is central, basic in the differential division of the literary language, a kind of starting point for such concepts correlative with style as understyle, speech genre, functional and style sphere. Compositional-speech structure of texts f. with. (i.e., the totality of linguistic elements in their relationship with each other and with the compositional structure of texts that are most characteristic of a given variety of literary language) is determined communicative intentions creators of texts, conditions of communication and other style-forming factors. Synonyms of the term "f. s." more general nominations are often made style 2 , functional variety, functional option, functional type language. The specifics of a particular f. with. consists in the peculiarities of correlation, methods and techniques of combination, combination of language means (which in other styles can be presented in other combinations), their specialized use. The totality of all f. with. forms functional style system given literary language in a given historical period. F.-s. with. of the modern Russian literary language is multidimensional, since it is often singled out for various reasons. For example, scientific, official business, journalistic styles stand out when oriented to the relevant areas of human activity (science, legislation and office work, politics), which they "serve". The main criterion for selection oral public speech that performs functions similar to the named styles is its "orality". In addition, the components of the f.-s. with. language f. with. are not the same in their significance and in their coverage of linguistic material.

The general basis f. with. is a set of basic parameters (for each f.s. acting in one or another combination):

1) the social task of verbal communication,

2) the situation of verbal communication (formality / informality),

3) the nature of communication (mass, group, interpersonal),

4) form of implementation (oral, written).

At the heart of each f. with. lies a single constructive principle, or a style-forming factor of an extralinguistic nature.

Functional and style sphere combines a number of f. s., characterized by a set of social tasks of verbal communication (for example, the f.-s. sphere of book speech combines the texts of scientific, official business, journalistic f. s., texts of fiction and epistolary texts and intersects with the f.-s. sphere of influencing speech, which combines the texts of radio, television, film speech, fiction and oral public speaking.The modern Russian literary language is realized in the following nine forms, presented in Table 1 "The functional-style system of the modern Russian literary language."

Educational dictionary of stylistic terms. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University. O. N. Laguta. 1999

See what "functional style" is in other dictionaries:

    functional style- Functional style is a kind of literary language in which the language appears in one or another socially significant area of ​​social speech practice of people and the features of which are determined by the peculiarities of communication in this area. The presence of F. s. ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    functional style- A kind of literary language in which the language appears in a particular area of ​​public speech practice of people. The allocation of functional style is based on taking into account the purpose of the statement, which is understood in sociolinguistics as unconscious ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) A historically established, socially conscious speech variety that has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special principles ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    functional style- (functional variety of language, functional type of speech) A historically established, socially conscious speech variety that has a speech system, a specific character that has developed as a result of the implementation of special ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    functional style- the main category of functional stylistics, which studies the systemic relations of language means in the process of their functioning, depending on the spheres, conditions and goals of communication, as well as the corresponding conditions for the choice of language units and their organization in ... ... Pedagogical speech science

    functional style- 1. Differentiated (selected) in accordance with the function of the language in a particular area, situation and topic of communication, message and impact. 2. A language subsystem that has its own phonetic, lexical and grammatical characteristics and ... ...

    functional style- according to M.N. Kozhina. The peculiar nature of the speech of one or another of its social varieties, corresponding to a certain area social activities and the form of consciousness correlative with it, created by the peculiarities of functioning in this area ... ... Morphemics. Word Formation: Dictionary Reference

    Functional style of speech- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    Functional style, or functional type of language, functional type of speech- - this is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a specific character (its own speech system - see), resulting from the implementation of special principles for the selection and combination of language means, this ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    functional language style- 1. The historical emergence of a literary (normalized) national language, which is a subsystem that is characterized by the same directed features of using the means of the national language and is adapted for ... ... Explanatory Translation Dictionary


  • A course of lectures on the stylistics of the Russian language: General concepts of stylistics. Colloquial and everyday style of speech, Vasilyeva A.N. This book is part of a course of lectures on the functional style of the Russian language. It provides a general description of functional styles, their relationships and relationships, ...


on the subject “Russian as a means of communication”

on the topic: “Functional styles of the Russian language”

Prepared by the NST

gr. DBS-22 Sviridova O.N.

Teacher: Matveeva L.V.



Speech styles.

Functional style of the language.

Styles of the Russian literary language.

conversational style.

Journalistic and artistic styles of speech.


Speech styles.

Word style comes from Greek stylus - wand. In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, they wrote with a rod made of metal, bone, wood. One end of the rod was pointed, they wrote (on damp clay tiles, on waxed boards, on birch bark); the other - in the form of a spatula, by turning the rod - “style”, they “erased” unsuccessfully written. The more often they turned the style, the more often they erased what was unsuccessfully written, that is, the more demanding the author was to his work, the better, more perfect it turned out. Hence the expression “Turn the style often” (Horace), that is, correct, “finish the essay” (N. Koshansky).

Origin of the word style clarifies the essence of style. Namely: style is always associated with the problem of choice. One and the same thought can be expressed in this way, and in a different way, and in a third way ... And what is better? The search for the best, optimal way of expressing thoughts (in given specific conditions) is taught by stylistics - the science of styles.

Word style ambiguous. Let's try to determine in what meanings it is used in the following phrases.

1. Style of L. N. Tolstoy; the style of the story “After the Ball”, the style of the feuilleton, the style of romanticism. Here style is a set of methods of using the means of language, characteristic of any writer, poet, work, genre, literary movement.

2. Solemn style. ironic style. Here style is a kind of language, which is characterized by certain expressive means.

3. Functional style. Function - in a different way, purpose, purpose. People use language for different purposes. In some situations, language is used to simply exchange thoughts, impressions, observations. Let us recall, for example, our conversations with friends, relatives, family members, our correspondence with them. In these and similar situations, the function of language is communication. In other situations, language performs other functions: communication and impact. Styles that are distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language associated with a particular area of ​​human activity. called functional.

Functional styles are primarily colloquial and bookish, and book styles include scientific, official business, journalistic and, and the style of fiction is especially worth it.

Each functional style is characterized by certain; language means: words, their forms, phraseological units, phrases, types and types of sentences. Moreover, the belonging of these means to one or another style is realized when they are compared with neutral means (from Latin neutralis - not belonging to either one or the other genus, middle), i.e. commonly used. It is these means, which are interstyle, that create the unity of the literary language.

Functional language style - this is its variety that serves one side public life: everyday communication; official business relations; agitation and mass activity; science, verbal and artistic creativity. Each of these spheres of public life uses its own kind of literary language. Let us present in the form of a table the spheres of communication and the styles of the literary language serving them.

Styles of the Russian literary language.

Sphere of communication

functional style

Communication of people in everyday life

Conversational (household)

Communication of citizens with institutions and institutions among themselves

Official business

Agitation and mass activity


Scientific activity

Verbal and artistic creativity

Artistic style (fiction style)

Each style is characterized by the following features: the purpose of communication, a set of language tools and forms (genres) in which it exists.

conversational style.

The colloquial style is characterized by such syntactic means of the language as dialogue, inversion, one-part sentences, incomplete sentences, connecting constructions, etc.

Example: a book whose title immediately became winged: “The war has no woman's face”. Its author is S. Aleksievich. The basis of the book is the memoirs of the participants of the Great Patriotic War. S. Aleksievich met with them in a relaxed atmosphere, talked in a friendly way and recorded the conversations on a tape recorder. The work lasted for four years, hundreds of stories were recorded. The most important, valuable of them, S. Aleksievich, without changes, as they say, in a living form, included in the book.

From the memoirs of N. Ya. Vishnevskaya, medical instructor of a tank battalion

The soldiers, seeing that we were such young girls, liked to play a trick on us. Once they sent me from the medical platoon for tea. I come to the chef. He looks at me:

What came?

I'm talking:

For tea.

The tea is not ready yet.

And why?

The cooks wash themselves in the cauldrons. Now they will wash themselves, we will boil tea.

I took it quite seriously, took my buckets, I'm going back. Meet the doctor

Why are you going empty?

I answer:

Yes, cooks wash themselves in boilers. The tea is not ready.

He grabbed his head.

What cooks wash themselves in boilers? ..

He returned me, gave me a good deal to this cook, poured me two buckets of tea.

I bring tea, and the head of the political department and the commander of the brigade are walking towards me. I immediately remembered how we were taught to greet everyone, because we are ordinary fighters. And they go two. How can I greet them both? I go and think. We caught up, I put the buckets, both hands to the visor and bow to one and the second. They walked, did not notice me, and then they were dumbfounded with amazement:

Who taught you to give honor like that?

The foreman taught, he said that everyone should be greeted. And you two go together...

From the memoirs of Claudia Grigorievna Krokhina, a former sniper

... I went to the front line like a village. And suddenly I see: a foal is in neutral. He's so handsome and has a fluffy tail. He walks calmly, as if there is nothing, no war ...

From the story of the former blockade survivor Ivan Andreevich Andreenko

As for the sale of food, I have such a case. The bread truck was coming. A shell hit the car. The driver was killed. It really was. Dark. The people have gathered - grab and run! But they didn’t do this, they kept everything to the crumbs. They called the police, they loaded everything and drove away.

In the dictionaries of the modern Russian language, words characteristic of the colloquial style have a stylistic mark unfold In colloquial style, vernacular is also used. They also have a stylistic mark - simple.

Conversational style is used both in oral and written form. For example, the memoirs of participants in the Great Patriotic War, as well as the former siege survivor, were heard orally, and then, using a tape recording, they were printed and included in the book.

Friendly letters are usually written in a conversational style. For example, fragments of a letter from A. Vertinsky to his wife.

Dear Lily!

Yesterday I had a day off. And Alyosha and I went to see Pushkin's apartment. It made a huge impression on me. Even today I can't get rid of it. It's terribly sad. The sofa on which he died, the pen with which he wrote on the last day, the letter to his wife - “do not flirt with the king”, the library.

There was some scientist from the Academy. She told us a lot - not everything in the apartment is authentic, his personal. A lot is gone. But replaced by things, the same, of the same era, only he did not touch them. All the books have been replaced with exactly the same ones, and the real ones are kept in the safes of the Academy. The portraits and watercolors are authentic. His cane, the saber that he gave him in Arzrum... The apartment is modest. And it was all so recent. It was as if he had been killed yesterday ... I walked from room to room, and I wanted to cry

The weather is still warm. I'm already tired here and bored without you and the children. Yesterday I was at a Gilels concert - he plays like a beast, what a power! Shoots the crowd exactly at point-blank range! I saw our "Anna" - Larionova. She came to audition for Shakespeare's "12th Night" for two days.

On the 9th at night I get into a diesel engine and on the 10th in the morning I will be at home. It's disgusting that I have to cut myself. Well, to hell with him! ..

I kiss you, honey.

Scientific and official-business style of speech.

Signs of scientific style: terms, definitions of concepts and others.

Before us is an excerpt from the popular science book by A. A. Leontiev “What is language”.

Do you speak Russian?

Do not rush to answer this question in the affirmative. It all depends on what you mean by "mastery" of the language.

Let's start with the fact that no one knows the Russian language in all the richness of its grammar and especially the dictionary. The number of words in the modern Russian literary language is approaching 120 thousand. But if “we take the number of words used by even the largest Russian writers, then it will far from reach this number. For example, A. S. Pushkin, for whose works a complete dictionary has now been compiled, used “only” 21 thousand words.

It's not even that. To master a language means to make the most of all the expressive possibilities hidden in it;

be able to put into even the smallest stock of words, expressions everything that can be put into it; be able to understand what was said the way it was said. All this is not so simple.

Below is an excerpt from the popular science book by D. E. Rozental and I. B. Golub “Entertaining style”.

Stylistic use of synonyms

Brave, courageous, courageous. That's what they say about a hero. And more can be said about it fearless, fearless, fearless, daring, dashing. All these words have a common meaning: “fearless”, and the differences between them are barely noticeable. For example, intrepid(book) - “very brave”, daring(folk poet.) - “full of daring”, dashing (colloquial) - “bold, risk-taking”. Words that are close or identical in meaning, but differ from each other in semantic shades or stylistic coloring, are called synonyms.

Synonyms form nests, or rows: spin, spin, spin, revolve, twist; indifferent, cold etc. In the first place in dictionaries, they usually put the “main” synonym, which expresses a common meaning that unites all the words of this series with their additional semantic and stylistic shades.

The same words can be included in different synonymous rows, which is explained by ambiguity. For example: cold look - passionless, indifferent, indifferent; cold air - frosty, icy, chilling", cold winter - severe, frosty.

There are few completely unambiguous words in the language: here - here, because - so. as, linguistics - linguistics. Usually there are minor, often very subtle semantic differences between synonyms. Synonyms that have different shades of meaning are called semantic (semantic, ideographic). For example, storm, hurricane, storm. Having a common meaning (“strong, destructive wind”), they differ in its shades: Hurricane - it is not just a storm, but a storm of unusual strength; storm- it's a storm on the sea. Or: words cheerful and glad", both of them indicate an outward manifestation Have a good mood. But a person can be cheerful without a special reason, and a joyful person usually has some reason for fun. Word cheerful can denote a permanent feature of a person, and joyful - only a temporary state. Another example: look and look - words that are very close in meaning, but the verb look indicates an action that is performed more attentively, more concentrated than the verb look. Therefore, it is impossible to say “looked through a microscope”, but N. A. Nekrasov - Don't look longingly at the road... Or A. S. Pushkin:

On the shore of the desert waves He stood, full of great thoughts, And looked into the distance... Semantic synonyms, thanks to a variety of semantic shades, can convey the finest nuances of human thought.

Other synonyms differ in stylistic coloring. For example: sleep-rest-sleep. The first can be used in any style, the second - only in a book style, and will give an archaic tone to the speech (after all, they used to say so in the old days!), And the third is better not to use at all, because it sounds rude. Such synonyms are called stylistic, they require no less attention than semantic ones.

To make our speech correct and not seem ridiculous, we try to accurately use synonyms that differ in stylistic shades. After all, you will not say to a girl who has come running from the cold: “How your cheeks are burning!” Do you remember how A. Fadeev describes Ulya Gromova? She didn't have eyes, she had eyes. He even contrasts the neutral word with its poetic synonym. In such cases, the appeal to synonyms that stand out for their stylistic coloring is fully justified.

As an artist takes not just the seven colors of the rainbow, but also their countless shades, as a musician uses not only the main sounds of the scale, but also their subtle overflows, semitones, so the writer “plays” on the shades and nuances of synonyms. Moreover, the synonymic wealth of the Russian language does not make it easier, but complicates the writing work in this case, because the more words that are close in meaning, the more difficult it is in each case to choose the only, most accurate one that will be the best in the context. Purposeful, careful selection of synonyms makes speech accurate and vivid.

Word official means "government official". “The language of laws requires, first of all, accuracy and the impossibility of any misunderstandings” (L. V. Shcherba). Therefore, in official documents, words with a figurative meaning, as well as emotionally colored and colloquial vocabulary, are uncommon. The official style is characterized by precisely those specific words, set phrases and phrases that are commonly called clericalisms. For example: pursuant to a decision, in order to avoid accidents, I enclose the application, present a certificate, place of residence, according to the order, state, annul, make an offer (s), give preference, after the expiration of the contract, after graduation etc.

The form of each type of document is also stable, generally accepted, standard. Remember, for example, the application form, certificates, receipts, powers of attorney, etc.

A stamp in an official style is justified, appropriate: it contributes to an accurate and concise presentation of business information, facilitates business correspondence.

It is characteristic that even the implacable enemy of clericalism, K. Chukovsky, in his book on the language “Alive, Like Life,” wrote: “... with official relations of people, one cannot do without official expressions and words.”

But at the same time, he advised the compilers of the Business Papers manual to end the book with a stern warning:

Remember once and for all that the forms of speech recommended here should be used exclusively in official papers ... And in all other cases - in letters to relatives and friends, in conversations with comrades, in oral answers at the blackboard - it is forbidden to speak this language.

For example autobiography: Word autobiography in its origin it is connected with the Greek language and consists of three elements: autos - myself, bios - life, grapho - I write. Autobiography - this is a description of my life.

As an official document, an autobiography has the following structure

a) the name of the document,

b) the text of the biography (it indicates, if possible, the exact dates of the events);

d) date of writing (under the text on the left) In the text of the biography, the writer indicates his surname, name, patronymic; date, month, year and place of birth, social affiliation of the family; reports on education, labor and social activities.

In the collected work of S. Yesenin, the text of the autobiography is given. Can it be considered as an official document.

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich, son of a peasant in the Ryazan province and district, the village of Konstantinov, Kuzminskaya volost. Born in 1895 on September 21.

He was educated at a teacher's school and listened to lectures at the Shanyavsky University for two years. He began writing poetry at the age of 8. He began to print at the age of 18. The book came out a year later, as poems appeared, called “Radunitsa”, ed. Averyanov 1916

Write your choice of a) an autobiography in a formal business style, b) memories of individual episodes from your life (perhaps in the form of a friendly letter with elements of humor).

Journalistic and artistic styles of speech.

In Latin, there is a verb publicare - “make public, open to all” or “explain publicly, make public”. The word is connected with it by origin. journalism. Journalism is a special type literary works in which topical issues of socio-political life are highlighted and clarified, moral problems are raised. The journalistic style combines the function of a message with the function of influence, i.e. opens up the possibility of evaluating what is said in order to influence the thoughts and feelings of readers.

The most famous genres of journalism: information, critical note, reportage, interview, article, review (on a new book, film, play), sketch, essay, feuilleton.

Example: a statement by a famous Russian philosopher and literary critic.

A journalist is first and foremost a contemporary. He owes them to be. He lives in the realm of issues that can be resolved in modern times (or, in any case, in the near future). (M. M. Bakhtin.)

An example of an artistic style: An excerpt from the autobiographical story “The Last Bow” by V. Astafiev

Soon the grandmother died.

They sent me a telegram to the Urals with a summons to the funeral. But I was not released from production. The head of the personnel department of the car depot where I worked, after reading the telegram, said:

Not allowed. Mother or father is another matter, but grandmothers, grandfathers and godfathers ...

How could he know that my grandmother was my father and mother - everything that is dear to me in this world! I should have sent that boss to the right place, quit my job, sold my last pants and boots, and rushed to my grandmother's funeral, but I didn't.

I had not yet realized the enormity of the loss that had befallen me. If this happened now, I would crawl from the Urals to Siberia, to close my grandmother's eyes, to give her the last bow.

And lives in the heart of wine. Oppressive, quiet, sad. Guilty before my grandmother, I am trying to resurrect her in my memory, tell other people about her, so that in their grandparents, in loved ones and loved ones they will find her, and her life would be boundless and eternal, as human kindness itself is eternal, - yes from the evil one this work. I have no such words that could convey all my love for my grandmother, would justify me before her.

I know my grandmother would forgive me. She always forgave me everything. But she is not. And never will.

And no one to forgive.

The style of fiction may include elements of other styles, however, not in their own function, but in an aesthetic one, as a means of expressiveness of speech.


1. Grekov V.F. and other Handbook for classes in the Russian language. M., Enlightenment, 1968.

2. Nikitina E.I. Russian speech: Proc. A guide to the development of coherent speech for grades 8-9. general education institutions / Scientific. ed. V.V. Babaitsev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1995. – 192 p.


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