The man's balls hurt. Why does the left testicle hurt and what to do? When is emergency medical attention required?

Pain in the testicles causes a man not only physically unpleasant thrills, but also psychological discomfort: fear (up to the fear of death), deprivation of will, etc.

Deep in the subconscious of men lies this pathological fear for the genitals, and for the testicles in particular. The fear of some men turns into a form of phobia, which is why they do not trust their precious organ even to the most beloved woman during sex. Usually, pain in the testicles does not carry any mortal danger for a man, but sometimes it really is a signal from the body that a failure has occurred in the genitourinary system in the form of a certain disease. Pain under the testicles or in them can be observed with prostatitis, varicocele, torsion and other serious diseases, which should be diagnosed and treated exclusively by a doctor.

Pain in the testicles: dangerous symptoms

The testes, or testicles, are the sex glands of men. Normally, every man has two testicles, which are located in the corresponding halves of the scrotum - right and left. The spermatic cords run to the top of each testicle. They consist of membranes, testicular arteries, veins of the testicular venous plexus, vas deferens. From the upper to the lower part of each testicle, along their lateral surfaces, there are appendages of the testicles, which in the lower part pass into the vas deferens. Healthy testicles are easily palpable through the scrotum. Normally, they have a rounded shape, elastic to the touch. The appendages resemble the shape of rollers. The testicles and their appendages have extremely important functions. So, the testicles perform the following functions:

  • reproduction male hormone testosterone;
  • reproduction of spermatozoa, due to which the female egg is fertilized.

Attachments are responsible for:

  • the passage of spermatozoa from the testicle itself into the vas deferens;
  • maturation of spermatozoa.

Testicular pain in men can occur at any age: in an adult, in a teenager or a child. In this case, the pain in the testicles can be different, depending on the reason why the testicles hurt. In any case, with pain in the testicles (regardless of whether one testicle hurts or both), a man should seek advice from a urologist.

Dangerous symptoms requiring medical attention

There can be quite a few reasons why testicles hurt in men. They also include chronic diseases, and diseases in the acute period, and injuries. What to do if testicles hurt in men? Regardless of the cause, you should seek immediate medical attention when you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • when touching one of the testicles or both, there is a sharp pain;
  • the testicles have become atypically different sizes, or the shape, structure of one of them has changed (it has become harder or, conversely, softer, etc.);
  • pain under the testicles (regardless of the nature of the sensations);
  • sudden sharp pain in one of the testicles;
  • dull pain in the scrotum that gets worse over time
  • pain in the scrotum is accompanied by other symptoms: vomiting, fever, nausea, etc.;
  • the scrotum was injured, which is accompanied by pain for more than 1 hour;
  • on one of the testicles there is a bulge that was not there before.

All these signs are a reason to pay an urgent visit to the urologist. The doctor will examine, diagnose, diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. You should not delay the visit, because any pathology is easier to eliminate at the initial stages of development. You should not hope that “everything will pass by itself”, because this can only waste precious time.

Pain in the testicles: causes

Urologists distinguish different causes of the disease. A lot of men turn to specialists with complaints of pain under the testicles or directly in them. At the same time, such pains can be of a different nature. So, all the reasons can be divided into several groups:

  1. Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. One of the most common reasons a man sees a doctor is because he has pain under the testicles or the testicles themselves hurt. For example, this can occur in a number of diseases: orchitis (when the testicle becomes inflamed), epididymitis (inflammation of the appendage), with prostatitis.
  2. Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis). With such diseases, it can hurt under the testicles or directly in them. Usually the sensations are dull, but constant. Until the root cause is corrected, the testicles will hurt.
  3. Scrotal injury. Sometimes a man can get injured in the scrotum, which is accompanied by pain. If, when you touch the damaged area, the pain persists even after 1 hour, this is a good reason to see a doctor.
  4. Hernia inguinal region. A hernia is accompanied by pain under the testicles or in their area if a large amount of intestine has fallen on the scrotum and presses on it physically. Tumors, as a rule, are not accompanied by pain (only in the most advanced stages).
  5. Varicocele, or varicose veins. This disease is invariably associated with pain under the testicles or in themselves. Varicocele responds well to treatment. At the first stage, the disease can be cured even by medication, but if you delay it to the last stage, you can not do without surgery or even prosthetics of the penis.

When testicular pain is a serious danger

In addition to the reasons listed above, there are some other pathological processes that can provoke pain. Such situations are very rare, but every man should be aware of them in order to have an idea how to behave if a similar situation occurs.

  1. A very serious injury to the scrotum. Sometimes, with a very severe injury, the integrity of the testicles is violated, they are damaged. This injury has nothing to do with an ordinary blow (although this can also be a shock for a man). In case of damage or violation of the integrity of the organs, the sensations are so painful and strong that a man can even lose consciousness. Also, in case of injury with any sharp object, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment and prevent possible complications, up to infertility or removal of the testicle.
  2. Testicular torsion. This is an extremely rare situation, but very dangerous. Very often happens in a dream. Doctors are still arguing about what causes testicular torsion. The symptomatology of this problem is as follows: a man, in the absence of any diseases of the genitourinary system or trauma to the genital organs, suddenly experiences acute pain in the testicles. These feelings are simply unbearable. In this case, there is a high probability that a torsion has occurred. Normally, each testicle is suspended from the spermatic cord. It contains the vas deferens and blood vessels. Sometimes one of the testicles can change position, as a result of which the cord is twisted. This leads to the fact that the access of blood to the testicle stops, the vas deferens is squeezed. This situation requires urgent medical attention and treatment, otherwise the torsion testicle may die. This situation is more common in men under the age of 30.

When pain under the testicles is not dangerous

In addition to serious reasons, there is another factor that can lead to general discomfort in the penis, as well as provoke pain under the testicles and in their area. The problem is very common among young men and is associated with sexual overexcitation. In particular, this happens in cases where the onset of sexual arousal has not been satisfied. When a man has sexual arousal, it is accompanied by a rush and accumulation of blood. In this case, the process affects both the penis and the testicles, which swell. If for some reason a man does not receive sexual discharge through ejaculation, then this can provoke pain. There is no need to treat this problem, since it is easily and quickly solved in any of two ways:

  • sexual contact with a partner;
  • masturbation.

There is a third option - to wait a few hours, because the pain will not last longer than 4 hours. However, the problem also has the opposite reason, when pain, on the contrary, occurs due to too frequent ejaculation in a short period. Such pain also disappears within a few hours and does not pose any danger to men's health. However, this is one of the reasons why men are not advised to have sexual intercourse or masturbate multiple times a day.

Diagnosis and treatment of the problem

It is very important not to wait until the problem is solved by itself, but to act. IN this case a visit to a specialist is implied. Andrologist and urologist deal with the problem of men's health. Only a doctor will be able to identify the root cause of the problem, make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment, which will quickly bring an effect. And the sooner a man seeks help, the easier and faster the doctor will be able to solve the problem. Therefore, it becomes obvious that it is by no means worth postponing a visit to the doctor. It is very important not to take any painkillers before visiting the doctor, as they will greatly distort the real picture. The same applies to the delivery of tests and diagnostics.

The criterion by which a man can determine that medical attention is needed is pain symptoms that last several hours and are not associated with trauma or unsatisfied sexual arousal. During the consultation, the doctor usually carries out the following activities:

  1. Collects an anamnesis, that is, a general picture of the disease, based on the patient's complaints.
  2. Conducts a finger examination, which consists in probing the diseased organ.
  3. Other diagnostic methods, which include:
  • general analysis blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • spermogram;
  • ultrasound examination of the scrotum;
  • testicular biopsy;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Diagnostic methods depend on how informative the medical history, examination and test results will be for the doctor. These data may be enough to make a diagnosis.

Methods for treating the problem

Treatment depends entirely on what diagnosis the doctor makes. That is why in this case there can be no single recipe. Other factors also play an important role: the age of the patient, general health, the degree of the disease and the severity of its course, etc. Therefore, even within the same disease, different treatment can be prescribed for two patients.

Discomfort and pain in the testicles causes men great anxiety and at the same time fear to go to the doctor. That is why they are often referred to as "family jewels".

The testicles are delicate factories for the production of sperm and testosterone. For a certain reason, they are not located inside the body. This is explained by optimum temperature for sperm production is slightly lower than inside the body. And this, unfortunately, makes them more susceptible to injury.

For some reason, any anomalies in this area cause embarrassment for many brave guys, and as a result, a meeting with doctors is postponed. It is also reluctant to discuss the issue with friends, partners, and relatives, and delays in diagnosis and treatment lead to more serious, potentially life-threatening problems.

A recent wave of high-profile awareness campaigns has highlighted the problem of testicular cancer. It is based on the fact that this disease is the most common type of cancer that occurs in young people in the age group from 15 to 35 years.

The fact that this disease is relatively rare and successfully controlled, if noticed early in development, is somewhat reassuring.

More importantly, testicular pain itself is very rarely a sign of cancer. This is a painless neoplasm that primarily leads to a tumor.

So, ironically, the presence of pain, perhaps even excruciating pain, is in some ways a very positive sign.

Any pain and discomfort in the egg is not normal. And while most tumors are benign, it's always important to get checked out by a doctor, especially if they're painless.

The 8 Most Common Causes of Testicular Pain

There are many reasons. The important thing is that some of them are more common and some more severe than others. There are 8 main ones that everyone should know about.

1. Direct harm

Direct blows to the scrotum produce the dull aching pain characteristic of this condition.

Any person who has ever experienced such a blow will remember the sensation for a long time afterwards. Since the sensitive testicles are prone to injury, it is a good idea for anyone involved in contact sports to wear supportive underwear or special protection.

As a rule, the worst effects of a direct blow are bruising and swelling. However, if they look alarming, it is better to promote healing. To do this, for several days you need to wear supportive underwear, take painkillers and take warm baths.

Bruising and swelling can also occur as a result of a vasectomy (surgery).

Injuries in cycling are not uncommon, not only from long-distance cycling in tight shorts on a hard saddle, but also from slipping and falling onto the frame.

2. Infection

Both the testicle itself and its appendages are prone to "> infection of microorganisms. Its inflammation is known as orchitis, and inflammation of the epididymis is known as epididymitis.

When both problems take place at once, and this happens often, the term epididymo-orchitis is used. These are the causes of pain in the testicles, which become tender, swollen and hot to the touch.

A typical bacterial infection often comes from the urinary tract and usually responds to a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Viral mumps infections are not an uncommon cause of orchitis in adult men. Nobody is immune from this. It usually affects one side, but sometimes both.

Orchitis in some cases is a complication of mumps. It is usually preceded by facial edema, which develops due to inflammation of the salivary gland located just below and in front of one or both ears. Since viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, it is based on pain relief and so on.

In a small percentage of cases, mumps (orchitis) can lead to infertility (if both testicles are affected). Corticosteroids are prescribed to minimize inflammation.

3. Varicocele, epididymal cyst and hydrocele

Each of these conditions results in discomfort around the testicle rather than actual pain in the testicle itself.

Just as with the veins in the leg, the veins that circulate blood through the spermatic cord from the gland in the scrotum can develop varicose veins. In this case, a varicocele is formed. It feels like a bag of worms in the upper part of the scrotum on the side of the lesion and the veins themselves, which become inflamed to the touch.

Supportive underwear will help prevent the growth of discomfort, which is aching in nature.

In moderate to severe cases, treatment is surgery to remove varicose veins.

In the appendages at the back of the testicle, one or more cysts sometimes form, which, as they grow, become painful. You will hardly notice small cysts. They go by themselves.

A hydrocele is a sac of clear fluid that forms in the membranes of the testicle and is the result of direct injury. Also, it happens spontaneously.

Small hydroceles usually go unnoticed and go away on their own. The larger ones, however, are drained and the remaining pouch is surgically removed (to avoid recurrence).

4. Inguinal hernia

A hernia occurs when there is weakness in the muscular wall of the abdomen, which allows a loop of bowel to push through to the outside of the groin. A large hernia may travel down into the scrotum.

The pain, which is usually felt in the abdomen rather than the scrotum, is usually aggravated by movement, coughing, and sneezing. Medical assistance - surgery (hernia repair) and elimination of muscle weakness.

5. Testicular torsion

The testicles are quite mobile structures, but they are tied to the scrotum (in order to limit their twisting in all directions).

Excessive torsion leads to blockage of the blood supply from above.

The testis swells and becomes acutely painful. Although sometimes the tumor allows everything to be corrected, a protracted problem is fraught with the fact that the testicle, without blood supply, dies after 6 hours.

The operation is carried out quickly enough and allows you to resolve the situation. However, if gangrene has occurred, the testis on the affected side will need to be removed. In this case, the man will still function perfectly normally, with only one testicle. This does not affect the ability to live sexually and have children.

6. "Blue balls"

Sexual arousal that does not end with ejaculation causes congestion of sperm in the cords (canals). As a result of this, there is a feeling of dull aching pain in the testicle.

This state is called "blue balls". Despite the inconvenience, it is completely harmless. This resolves within a few hours, although some men relieve the discomfort with masturbation.

7. Kidney stones

Stones moving from the kidneys down into the bladder and through the penis usually cause intense, sharp pains in the abdomen.

However, they also give down to the testicular region, intensely, suddenly and hard. In addition, there may be blood in the urine.

When the doctor does not find abnormalities in the scrotum with the presence of these symptoms, examination and treatment for kidney stones is prescribed.

8. Testicular cancer

It rarely causes pain and discomfort. Typically, cancer causes a painless swelling of one gland.

It is the most common cancer in young men aged 18 to 35. If neglected and left untreated, you risk your life. The same goes for lumps, abnormal growths in the scrotum. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Currently, testicular cancer is curable in more than 99% of cases, so there is no need to be afraid, promptly undergo examination and treatment.

The testicles (testicles, or eggs) are sexual, which are divided into lobules with partitions. Inside them are located where spermatozoa are born and mature for the subsequent fertilization of women. Through the vas deferens, sperm enters the epididymis, and then is transferred to the urethral ducts, ejaculation occurs. The structure of the testicles is complex, they are penetrated by a dense network blood vessels. Therefore, there are many reasons why a testicle hurts in men.

Discomfort in this area can occur in childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Feelings are divided depending on the intensity and the cause that caused them. A man feels discomfort, pain, burning and itching. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate, since qualified medical assistance is required. At the slightest indisposition, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a urologist and decide on the methods of correction so that in the future the person does not lose his reproductive ability due to complications.

The pain is of varying intensity, occurs in one or both testicles at once. Urologists divide the condition into several groups:

Group Characteristic

Pain occurs due to mechanical damage to the penis, testicles during impacts, injuries. The nerve endings that permeate the testes and penis are affected.

Traumatic pain occurs due to a number of reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheat;
  • self-satisfaction;
  • active friction during intercourse;
  • use of sex toys;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • chemical exposure
PhysiologicalA man's testicles hurt from excitement that did not end in ejaculation, for example, during abstinence. This is due to the overstrain of the testicular muscles, which leads to their spasm. Often this phenomenon is observed in adolescents. There is nothing pathological in this condition.
infectiousOccurs due to sexually transmitted diseases
Vascular pathological

Pain, burning causes blockage of arteries and veins that supply the body with nutrients. The cause may be vascular pathologies:

  • testicular torsion, which leads to necrosis if medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner;
  • varicocele - varicose veins on the testes, provoking pulling pain in the scrotum

Caused by diseases:

  • urethritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • prostatitis and others

If a man’s testicles hurt, it can be erroneously assumed that the cause was pinching or injury. This opinion is not always correct, since colds can cause complications and negatively affect the functioning of the testes.

Worried about pain in the balls, and in your head there are no worthwhile assumptions to combat it? Even if the cause is not known, the availability of complete information on the accompanying symptoms, a description of the general condition will make it possible to unravel what caused the pain in the testicles in a person, and also to suggest possible methods fight it.

Many men are concerned about why their balls hurt and how to fix it. Therefore, it is worth knowing what can cause pain in the testicles, how to suspect a particular disease based on concomitant symptoms, warn the testicles from pathological conditions, and much more.

Have you had a full medical examination in the last 5 years?



Consider some of the most popular causes of testicular pain in men.


Varicocele is one of the most common pathologies in men, which develops due to the expansion of the veins of the pampiniform plexus of the spermatic cord.

Varicocele can be asymptomatic, but often the pathology is accompanied by pain in the testicles of a stabbing, pulling or dull nature, along with a burning sensation. In addition to the pain syndrome, the following symptoms are revealed with varicocele:

  1. Decreased quality of sexual life, persistent violation of the reproductive system, which leads to infertility.
  2. Increased diuresis - the frequency of urging to the toilet increases throughout the day, and at night there are frequent cases of urinary incontinence.
  3. Fatigue, weakness.
  4. Decreased appetite.

For the diagnosis of pathology use:

  • data of an objective study (examination by a urologist);
  • dopplerography.

Surgical methods are used in the treatment:

  • operations on Ivanisevich, Palomo;
  • endovascular sclerosis;
  • laparoscopic surgery;
  • Operation Marmara.

To minimize the possibility of varicocele, one should be careful about professional sports such as wrestling, cycling, weightlifting and the like.

Spermatocele and hydrocele

Spermatocele refers to the cavity formations of the testis or its appendage, which is limited to the fibrous membrane. Its basis is seminal fluid, spermatocytes and spermatozoa.

Hydrocele or - accumulation of fluid in the cavity around the testicles.

Just like varicocele, they can develop without symptoms, however, when pathological formations reach a significant size, patients complain of the following symptoms:

  • an increase in the size of the scrotum;
  • discomfort;
  • heaviness;
  • pain during movement, walking, sitting, sexual intercourse.

The following methods are used for diagnostics:

  • palpation;
  • diaphanoscopy.

Treatment for spermatocele is possible only through surgical intervention, during which the cystic formation is removed through an incision in the scrotum.

If the patient suffers from a hydrocele, an operation is performed, the essence of which is the opening of the dropsy cavity with excision of its walls (to exclude the occurrence of relapse).

To avoid the occurrence of spermatocele / hydrocele, it is recommended to avoid injury to the testicles and scrotum, to treat inflammatory diseases that affect the genital area in a timely manner.


Inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, which has a polyetiological nature. The most common symptom is severe pain in the perineal region, which, with the progression of the pathological process, passes to neighboring areas, reaching the testicles. Other components of the clinical picture with prostatitis:

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Difficulty urinating.
  3. Deterioration of the general condition, weakness, decreased ability to work.
  4. No urine output.

The following signs will help distinguish prostatitis from other lesions in which the testicles hurt:

  1. Deformation of one of the eggs.
  2. Intense cramps in the testicles, which appear suddenly during the day.
  3. Neoplasms in testicles.

To confirm the diagnosis of prostatitis, the following methods are used:

  • digital rectal examination of the prostate;
  • laboratory study of prostate secretion.

To avoid prostatitis, remove the risk factors that include:

  • hypothermia;
  • malnutrition;
  • untimely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • excessive physical exercise;
  • passive lifestyle.

To prevent a meeting with prostatitis, the normalization of sexual life will help (both too little and too much activity negatively affect the condition of the prostate gland).

Fournier's gangrene

Fournier gangrene is a rapidly progressive necrosis of the genital organs and perineum as a result of infection of injured tissues by various pathogenic microorganisms (most often streptococci or anaerobic bacteria).

This disease is very dangerous and has a high mortality rate - 40%, which increases by 2 times with a significant spread of necrosis.

The pain of the testicles and other affected areas does not appear immediately, but along with other signs of inflammation:

  • hyperemia;
  • temperature rise;
  • ejaculation disorder.

The following methods are used in the diagnosis of Fournier's gangrene:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • radiography of the pelvic organs;
  • bacteriological examination to determine the pathogen;
  • histological examination of the affected tissue;
  • objective research data.

The only cure is by surgery. The operation is performed immediately after the patient enters the department. Excision of dead tissues is done with a part of healthy ones (since the process may be present in them, but it is not pronounced). The remaining tissues are cleaned of pus and detritus, after which all cavities are scanned and, if necessary, cleaned.

The following measures are used to prevent gangrene:

  1. Careful hygiene of the genitals.
  2. Timely detection and treatment of urological, proctological diseases.
  3. Correction of blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Refer to systemic lesions of the vessels of the skin, joints, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. With damage to the vessels in the genital area, it manifests itself as a red rash, the elements of which merge, forming continuous fields. The testicles are affected mainly in young boys, with swelling observed, testicles become painful. Characteristic features of hemorrhagic vasculitis:

  1. A rash, the elements of which are prone to merging.
  2. It first affects the lower extremities and spreads higher up the body (the abdomen, back, and arms are rarely affected).
  3. It develops after suffering ARVI, tonsillitis, influenza, scarlet fever, and other infectious diseases.
  4. Pathology is accompanied by articular syndrome, in which the affected joints swell and hurt, and abdominal pain in the abdomen.
  5. It can affect the lungs and nervous system (patients complain of a cough with sputum and streaks of blood, shortness of breath, irritability, headache and dizziness).

Hemorrhagic vasculitis can occur after vaccinations, allergic diseases, trauma, hypothermia, and insect bites, but this is extremely rare.

When diagnosing a disease, they rely on characteristic symptoms (at least 2 are required), as well as:

  1. Blood test.
  2. Endoscopic examination (in the presence of abdominal syndrome).
  3. Biopsy of material taken from the affected areas.

To cure a patient with hemorrhagic vasculitis, patience and strength will be required, because the treatment is complex and includes:

  1. A diet that excludes citrus fruits, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, strawberries, strawberries and foods to which the patient is allergic.
  2. Bed rest.
  3. Drug therapy (anticoagulants, fibrinolysis activators, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressants are prescribed).

Subject to all elements of therapy, the prognosis is favorable.

You can avoid meeting with hemorrhagic vasculitis, but for this you should treat infectious diseases in time, strengthen immunity thanks to proper nutrition and lifestyle in general, prevent encounters with allergens, use carefully medicines.

Diabetic neuropathy

This is a specific lesion of the peripheral nervous system, which is caused by metabolic disorders in diabetes mellitus. In men, this complication causes a violation of the pain innervation of the testicles.

Most often, this condition is accompanied by complaints about the development of cystitis, pyelonephritis, paresthesia, numbness of the extremities, tachycardia, dysphagia, and hypotension.

To detect pathology determine:

  • blood glucose level;
  • insulin;
  • C-peptide;
  • glycosylated blood hemoglobin;
  • pulsation in the peripheral arteries;
  • blood pressure level.

A consultation with an endocrinologist, neurologist and urologist or andrologist will help to make a diagnosis, who will prescribe additional research methods.

To treat complications, diabetes mellitus, as the root cause, should first be compensated. The course of treatment includes:

  • neurotropic B vitamins;
  • antioxidants (alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E);
  • trace elements (Mg, Zn).

If the patient is concerned about severe pain, analgesics and anticonvulsants are prescribed.

Urinary tract infections

The pathological process involves both exogenous (foreign) and endogenous microorganisms (contained in the body in normal conditions, but against the background of antibiotic therapy, a decrease in the tone of immunity from opportunistic pathogens become pathogenic).

Urinary tract infection most often manifests itself:

  1. enuresis.
  2. Swelling under the eyes, pallor.
  3. Vomiting, nausea.
  4. An increase in body temperature (usually remains at a subfebrile level - up to 38 degrees).

In children, pathological microorganisms can provoke the occurrence of edema of the lower extremities.

Pain in the testicles is usually provoked by the widespread infection, lack of therapy.

For diagnostics are used:

  • general urine analysis;
  • sowing urine on a nutrient medium;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys (if an infection is detected during sowing).

For treatment, antibiotics are used, more often penicillin, macrolides.

Children, sensitive individuals are prescribed nitrofurans, which are the most benign group of drugs.

Prevention includes hygiene, maintenance of tone immune system.

mumps and orchitis

Mumps refers to acute infectious diseases that provoke non-purulent lesions of the salivary glands, pancreas, testes and central nervous system. Called paramyxovirus. The testicles in men are rarely affected, and even more rarely before puberty.

Orchitis is an inflammatory disease of the testicles that often occurs as a complication of mumps and practically does not develop by itself.

These pathologies are characterized by common symptoms, including:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • swelling of the testicles;
  • soreness of the testicles;
  • symptoms of general intoxication (nausea, vomiting, headache).

Pain in these conditions is usually of a pulling nature.

To make a diagnosis, data from a physical examination by a urologist, a history of diseases or testicular injuries are used. If the pathological process is accompanied by reactive dropsy of the testicle, periorchitis, ultrasound is prescribed, testicular biopsy.

Treatment includes antibiotic therapy:

  • fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin);
  • macrolides (erythromycin, clarithromycin).

The patient is prescribed bed rest, a bandage that provides an elevated position of the testicles. With severe inflammatory processes, Diclofenac, Piroxicam and other drugs are used.

If the patient develops purulent, purulent-necrotic processes, surgical intervention is performed.

This is an inflammatory lesion of the epididymis, which occurs due to:

  • trauma;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • careless sexual life, frequent sexual intercourse;
  • genital tract infections.

Epididymitis can develop as a complication of urethritis, vesiculitis. It differs from orchitis in that the testicles will be swollen and not tense, the pain is dull in nature.

With epididymitis, in addition to the above symptoms, there are other clinical manifestations:

  • feverish state;
  • pain during ejaculation in the groin, discomfort in the lower abdomen and / or pelvis.

Diagnosis, prevention and treatment tactics correspond to those in orchitis.

undescended testicle

Cryptorchidism is a congenital anomaly in which, at the time of birth, one / both testicles in a boy are absent in the scrotum due to a delay in their descent through the inguinal canal from the retroperitoneal space.

The exact reasons are still unclear. It is suspected that a violation of the process of lowering the testicles is caused by endocrine, genetic, mechanical factors.

The main manifestation is the absence of one / two testicles in the scrotum, which looks underdeveloped, flattened, asymmetrical. With cryptorchidism, there is pain in the groin, abdomen (corresponding to the location of the testicles) of a aching, pulling character.

Diagnosed by palpation and confirmed by ultrasound. If the latter method is not informative, MRI / CT is used, in difficult cases - diagnostic laparoscopy.

False cryptorchidism does not require treatment. With the true form of the pathology, therapy begins at 9 months of age (until this time there is hope for spontaneous testicular descent) with the use of human chorionic gonadotropin, administered intramuscularly, or gonadorelin for nasal use. The ineffectiveness of the conservative method of treatment is a direct indication for orchidopexy - the surgical reduction of the testicles into the scrotum.

Untimely treatment often leads to the development of infertility and testicular cancer.

testicular cancer

A malignant tumor that develops from the tissues of the testicle most often occurs in young people aged 20-40 years, especially if the man suffered from cryptorchidism in childhood.

At the beginning of the development of pathology in the scrotum, a dense, sometimes painful formation is palpated. Considering that tumors metastasize mainly in the retrograde lymphogenous way, the retroperitoneal lymph nodes are affected, which is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region, and the lungs - leading to hemoptysis, coughing. Pain in the testicles in cancer of a predominantly blunt nature.

Diagnosis includes a phased implementation:

  • physical examination;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • ultrasound of the scrotum;
  • studies of tumor markers;
  • testicular biopsy.

Treatment is complex, including orchiectomy (surgery to remove the testicle/testicles), radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Prevention of testicular cancer consists in the timely elimination of cryptorchidism, the prevention of scrotum injuries, and the exclusion of genital irradiation.

Mechanical impact

Mechanical trauma can cause pain syndrome of incredible strength, in which a person can lose consciousness. Damage often leads to bleeding, and sometimes - disruption of the functioning of the testicles.

It should be borne in mind that wearing tight clothes, tight underwear is also a mechanical effect that causes pain in the testicles. In this case, the pain syndrome is less pronounced, but appears with greater frequency.

Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia is a condition that is characterized by going beyond the anterior abdominal wall through the inguinal canal of the abdominal organs. Distinctive feature- the appearance of a tumor-like protrusion in the inguinal region in a sick person.

The testicles with an inguinal hernia are edematous, the pain in the scrotum has a burning character.

Other symptoms:

  1. Asymmetry of one of the sides of the scrotum, one of the testicles is larger than the other.
  2. Discomfort and pain in the groin, which disturb the patient when walking.
  3. Weakening of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. Expansion of the venous vessels of the scrotum, congestion in the testicular vein.
  5. Bloating, frequent constipation.

For the diagnosis of inguinal hernia, the following methods are used:

  • objective research;
  • herniography;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • cystography;
  • cystoscopy.

Treatment is only surgical - hernioplasty is performed (consists of hernia repair and actual plastic surgery).

To protect yourself from meeting with a hernia, you should:

  1. Correctly calculate your strength, prevent the lifting of disproportionate weights.
  2. Watch out for injury.
  3. Eat right, play sports (without fanaticism), keep the weight within certain limits so that it does not succumb to significant changes.
  4. Timely treat inflammatory processes in the groin, scrotum, varicocele, hydrocele.

Torsion of the spermatic cord

Or testicular torsion - a pathological condition in which the testicle rotates relative to its normal position (around the horizontal / vertical axis), due to which the vessels and nerves that make up the spermatic cord are compressed.

The condition is characterized by:

  • acute pain syndrome;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • collapse;
  • swelling, hyperemia or blanching of the scrotum on the affected side.

Painful cider is so pronounced that nausea and vomiting are provoked by it, and not by general intoxication of the body.

For the purpose of diagnosis, a specialist conducts palpation and examination of the affected area, referral for additional examination, including:

  • diaphanoscopy;
  • puncture of the scrotum.

When establishing the diagnosis of torsion of the family cord, the identification of Pren's symptom is of considerable importance - when trying to raise the testicle even higher, an increase in pain syndrome is observed.

Treatment in the first hours after the development of the pathology is conservative and is called detorsion (untwisting) of the testicle. In the later stages and with the ineffectiveness of the external method, a surgical operation is performed.

To prevent the development of testicular torsion, one should beware of scrotal injuries, use protective equipment when playing sports.

Kidney stones, renal colic

This is one of the most common manifestations urolithiasis, in which salt calculi, actually stones, are formed in the kidneys.

The most common symptoms in the development of the pathological process:

  1. Pain in the lower back.
  2. The spread of pain to neighboring organs (this is how pain in the testicles appears in men, which has a dull character, becomes exhausting over time).
  3. Attacks of renal colic.
  4. Frequent and painful urination.
  5. Changes in the properties of urine (it becomes cloudy, may contain blood).
  6. Elevated temperature, blood pressure.
  7. Urinary retention.

The renal colic itself is a complex of symptoms that occur when urine is difficult or impossible to pass from the kidneys. Pain with colic is paroxysmal, unexpected, sharp. It starts in the lumbar region, in the side, after which it changes localization, moving to the lower parts of the body.

Most often, the lower the pain syndrome falls, the more intense it is.

In the diagnosis of pathological processes, an important role is played by:

  1. Patient history data.
  2. Clinical manifestations.
  3. Data of instrumental and laboratory examination (includes X-ray - survey urography, pyelography, emergency urography).
  4. Additional research methods (MRI, CT, radioisotope nephroscintigraphy).

Treatment can be conservative - for small stones, it includes drugs that prevent the formation of new stones (there are no drugs that completely dissolve existing stones). In other cases, surgery is used.

  • normalize nutrition healthy diet(less sweet, animal protein, fat, salt);
  • timely treat infectious and inflammatory phenomena of the genitourinary system.
  • mucopurulent discharge from the urethra.

Diagnosis consists in bacteriological detection of the causative agent of the disease in smears after their Gram stain or in fresh preparations. The polymerase chain reaction is also used.

Treatment includes abstinence from sexual activity, prescribing drugs (antibiotics Metronidazole, Fazizhin) for all sexual partners of the patient.

The most reliable method of prevention is the use of contraceptive methods.


In rare cases, there is a complication of influenza, SARS in the form of a sensation that twists or reduces the testicles. Occurs at any time of the disease and disappears on its own as well as without a trace, as it began.

Sexual arousal without ejaculation

Pain in the testicles in this condition occurs due to stagnation of blood from a prolonged erection. In this case, the pain will pass with time and does not require additional measures.

Other reasons

Testicular pain can also be caused by:

  • deferentitis - local inflammation of the vas deferens (treatment, diagnosis is similar to orchitis, epididymitis);
  • hypothermia of the external genital organs (the pain syndrome is not pronounced, it can be unilateral / bilateral, it passes on its own);
  • prolonged sexual abstinence (pain occurs as a result of congestion, has a pulling and squeezing character).

Why do balls hurt after sex?

The cause of pain in the testicles after intercourse can be:

  1. Dissatisfaction with sexual intercourse.
  2. Prolonged excitement with incomplete ejaculation.
  3. Diseases of the male genital area.
  4. Mechanical damage to the scrotum.

First aid for pain

Basically, first aid is relevant for mechanical influences. It consists in.

Modern medicine has a whole arsenal in store effective methods treatment of almost any urological disease, without subsequent complications. This article presents the main pathologies in which pain syndrome is possible. How better man understands the mechanism of the development of his own disease, the more meaningful he goes for treatment and eventually gets a good result.

The testicles are a paired male organ located in the corresponding halves of the scrotum - the right and left testicles are separated by a fairly dense septum, which does not allow one-sided localization of the pathological process. The spermatic cord is located at the upper pole of each testicle., consisting of two veins, an artery that feeds the organ, a ligamentous apparatus, a vas deferens and nerve endings.

The genital organ, together with the appendages, is perfectly palpable through the skin of the scrotum in the form of a densely elastic round formation. The main function is spermatogenesis (the formation of germ cells) and the synthesis of male sex hormones that provide fertility, sex drive, the development of muscle and skeletal tissue, affect metabolism.

Therefore, in men, testicular pain is a strong indication for seeking help from the appropriate doctor.

The appearance of the first symptoms

Even with minor pathological changes in the tissues of the testicle, men can feel incredibly sharp and severe pain, sometimes even unbearable. That's why you should immediately consult a urologist even with minor pain.

You should not take risks in such a matter - the sooner you seek qualified medical help, the greater the likelihood of successful treatment and prevention of all kinds of complications.

1. Mechanical impact on the testicles

Acute or gradual pain may develop as a result of an organ injury of varying severity. A slight bruise, without tissue damage - may present with mild soreness, which resolves shortly. With a sharp and strong blow, even a painful shock and a strong deterioration in the general condition are possible.

Rarely, but there are also stab, incised wounds - they are extremely dangerous due to possible bleeding, infection, the development of inflammatory and necrotic changes. Soreness, which is constantly growing for a long time, may indicate the development of chronic injury to the tissues of the organ.

2. Inflammatory process of the appendages

Epididymitis is an inflammation accompanied by severe pain and caused by bacterial flora. The appendages are affected, as a result of the return of non-sterile urine with microorganisms. Urine reflux is possible with an increase in its pressure in the urethra due to erection or prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland, more often in older men).

3. Testicular torsion

As noted above, each testicle is approached by the spermatic cord, when clamped, the most acute ischemia of the parenchyma of the organ develops and, as a result, necrotic changes. emergency condition and if not done on time surgery, then the man may well lose the affected testicle. The exact cause of this pathology is not known. Torsion usually occurs during sleep.

In no case should you put off going to the doctor and endure the pain!

4. Inflammation of the testicles

Orchitis is rare. Usually, painful sensations are preceded by a clinic of acute mumps - swelling of the parotid glands, fever, chills, weakness, pain when chewing, intolerance to sour foods. This complication of a viral disease occurs only in 10-15% of cases and usually ends well.

5. Referred pain

The cause of pain in the testicles can be a pathological process in nearby organs - with cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, paroproctitis, systemic diseases of the connective tissue, tuberculosis. The penis itself in this case will not be changed. To establish a diagnosis, it is extremely important to comprehensively examine the patient.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of urination disorders - pain, burning, feeling of incomplete emptying Bladder, involuntary acts of urination.

Rare pathologies

Sometimes, pain in the testicles can occur due to quite rare diseases:

  • oblique inguinal hernia, when the intestines and peritoneum through the inguinal ring enter the scrotum and can squeeze
  • the parenchyma of the organ and contribute to the appearance of aching pain;
  • varicocele - expansion of the venous plexus of the organ with impaired blood flow;
  • hydrocele - accumulation a large number serous fluid between the sheets of the testicle, which can
  • significantly increase in size;
  • tumors and metastases.

Is it always worth going to the doctor?

Medical workers have a lot of work and naturally in each case there must be a need and expediency to go to a doctor.

Cases when you are obliged to contact a urologist, andrologist, surgeon:

  • Painful sensations in the testicles of any intensity at the slightest touch to them;
  • When the testicles hurt unbearably, causing a violation of the general condition;
  • In the presence of persistent pain after traumatic injury to the organ;
  • Pain in the scrotum that does not go away and radiates to neighboring organs;
  • Discomfort in the testicles, which is not stopped by anything.
In these cases, you can not hesitate and debug a visit to the doctor for later.


When contacting a highly qualified specialist, he must first interview you well, examine and palpate, sometimes a rectal examination is also done.

Further diagnostic methods are assigned. These are, first of all, a general blood test, a clinical urinalysis, a three-glass test, a spermogram, a culture from the urethral canal, a study of prostate secretion, PCR, serological diagnostics, and a study of feces. Ultrasound is also important. allowing visualization of many pathological changes.

After conducting a study and establishing a nosology, you may be referred to a proctologist, neurologist, surgeon or urologist.


The only thing you can do is to apply a cold compress to the testicles after an injury to reduce pain. After establishing the reason why a man's testicles hurt, appropriate treatment is prescribed. Most often, antibiotics, non-specific anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics are required.

Self-treatment should not be done in any case!

During therapy, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse. In some, more often urgent situations, surgical intervention will also be required - for example, when suturing the scrotum, removing cystic formations, inguinal hernia repair, and testicular torsion.

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