How to reduce sexual activity in men. Ways to reduce potency in men (products and medicines). Increased male sexual activity. how to decrease sex drive how to decrease sex drive

Increased libido in women manifests itself in the form of hypersexuality. Sometimes increased sexual activity in women is called nymphomania. Such an increased sexual desire is not among the norm. Some men consider hypersexuality to be promiscuity, a trait of a vicious upbringing. But, this is absolutely not the case. Nymphomania is a serious sexual disorder that requires adjustment and treatment. Therefore, it is very important for a woman to consult a doctor in a timely manner. After all, sexual dissatisfaction leads to psychological disorders. There are a lot of methods for reducing female libido.

Increased libido is characterized by a constant need for intimacy, sex. This disorder is rare in women. More often, doctors diagnose frigidity - the complete absence of sexual desire. Both of these pathologies require treatment. For men, the increased libido of a woman causes a lot of inconvenience. A partner requires a lot of effort and energy. After sexual contact, the level of estrogen and testosterone in the girl's body is restored very quickly. In this regard, the need for sex arises again.

  • mental disorders;
  • Trauma and damage to the brain;
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • Defeats blood vessels brain;
  • Diseases of the pituitary and ovaries.

These factors are among the causes of acquired nymphomania. Congenital increased libido in women manifests itself from an early age, and is practically uncontrollable. Nymphomania occurs during menopause. This is due to both hormonal disorders and mental disorders against the background of the restructuring of the body. Experts distinguish imaginary nymphomania. A woman's hypersexuality arises from an inferiority complex, a desire to assert herself.

Increased libido is indicated by such signs: constant sexual fantasies, sexual desire in relation to different men, regular feeling of dissatisfaction in sex. In practice, there were cases when a woman could experience up to 20 orgasms per night. These signs are accompanied by sleep disturbances, loss of appetite. Many girls take hypersexuality as a character trait, temperament. Indeed, it is very difficult to recognize the pathology. And you need to consult a doctor.

To reduce libido in women, doctors often use certain medications. It is worth noting that women do not have special means designed to regulate sexual desire. For this purpose, drugs are used that, among the side reactions, have a decrease in libido. Almost all antidepressants, sedative pills have this effect. But, before using them, a woman must undergo a complete comprehensive examination. After all, a decrease in libido is not the only side effect.

The doctor may recommend the following medications:

  • Amitriptyline;
  • Phenelzine;
  • Moclobemide;
  • fluoxetine.

Very often, hormonal agents are used to reduce female libido. So, almost all oral contraceptives suppress sexual desire to some extent. Daily intake of funds affects the hormonal background, which reduces sexual activity. But, it is worth taking pills for a long period of time. Indeed, at the initial stage of admission, a positive result will not be observed.

Sometimes, against the background of oral contraceptives, the sensitivity of erogenous zones decreases, which also reduces sexual desire. May decrease vaginal lubrication. All these changes provoke increased fatigue, fatigue. Under such conditions, libido gradually decreases to a normal level. Oral contraceptives are selected taking into account the hormonal background of a woman. The specialist may suggest taking the following of them: Regulon, Novinet, Silest, Yarina, Janine, Belara, Marvelon.

Folk methods to reduce female libido

Oregano grass can reduce sexual desire in girls. To prepare the remedy, pour two cups of boiling water over one tablespoon of herbs. The drink should be infused for two hours. After that, the infusion is taken half a cup four times a day. It is advisable to drink the remedy half an hour before meals.

Water lily flowers can also reduce female hypersexuality. For one glass of boiling water, two tablespoons of raw materials are required. Infused folk remedy also two hours. It is recommended to take two tablespoons up to four times a day before meals. Hops have the same properties. To reduce female libido, you need to prepare such a remedy: one spoonful of hop cones is poured with a glass of boiling water, an hour is infused. Before use, the drug must be warmed up. Drink half a cup three times a day. The last dose can be taken before bed.

To reduce libido in both men and women, it is recommended to follow a certain diet. By eliminating certain foods from the diet, you can influence sexual desire. So, to reduce it, you must stop using:

  • spices;
  • Seafood;
  • Olives and olives;
  • spices;
  • Spicy food.

Physical activity is also important. Any physical exercise will help eliminate stress, slightly reduce sexual desire due to fatigue. But, you need to know the measure. After all, excessive loads can disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lead to dehydration. After a while, the level of libido will return to normal. In addition, a woman will get a beautiful body. So, high libido in women is quite rare. But, this deviation requires mandatory treatment. Only a qualified specialist will help you choose the most effective option for adjusting sexual desire.

There are men who by nature have a high level of sexual desire. And at such a high that all human thoughts are erotic and sexual in nature. This introduces certain difficulties in Everyday life making it difficult to concentrate on work. Increased desire can seriously tire the body, so you have to think about how to reduce libido in men.

Basically, people who already have families and children deal with such a problem. In this case, increased excitability can bring a lot of trouble, interfering with the implementation of the main life tasks. You can reduce libido on your own, for this we give you the most affordable ways.

Salt will help reduce potency

During scientific research it was found that a high content of sodium (salt) in the body leads to a gradual decrease in the production of the sex hormone testosterone. In this case, you need to eat more salty foods.


Some people have an increased craving for sweets. It is not surprising - the glucose in it is vital for sperm motility. However, to reduce libido, you should not eat sweet foods, namely sugar. Approximately 3-4 teaspoons per day.


If you drink a couple of cups of the drink, the nervous system will be excited and the libido will increase. But in order for it to decrease, you need to drink at least 4 cups of coffee, preferably instant. It will reduce the amount of male sex hormones.

How to reduce libido in men - the most popular methods: meat with hormones

Like coffee, it reduces the production of the necessary substances for the existence of libido. From meat, you need to choose chicken, pork and beef, which are sold in stores.


Lives in fatty meat. The substance disrupts the functioning of the glands that produce sex hormones.


Contains phytoestrogens in in large numbers(these are analogues of female sex hormones). If you use it regularly, the potency will decrease.

Reduce libido fast food

This product is able to replace several of the previous ones from our list. It contains all the components necessary to reduce libido.

Full fat natural milk

To achieve the result, you should consume at least one and a half liters of this milk per day.


Its components - yeast, sugar, acids - negatively affect sexual desire.

Vegetable oil

Corn, flaxseed or soy. Drink 7-8 spoons daily.

Energy and fizzy drinks

Contain the already mentioned sugar.

Alcohol is the most harmful for potency

The most important enemy of not only potency, but also of all health. Beer is the most harmful - it contains female sex hormones, which lead to a decrease in male ones.

Drugs that reduce libido

Please note that some drugs have the ability to negatively affect male potency. However, this does not mean that they need to be specifically used to reduce a high level of sexual desire. Just by taking them to treat other diseases, you can simultaneously reduce potency.

Do not forget that the decrease in sexual desire is a rather complicated and even dangerous process. Uncontrolled use drugs can lead to serious complications, as a result of which health will be damaged. Therefore, before using drugs that can weaken libido, you should always consult with a specialist.

So what are these drugs that reduce potency?

Pills designed to lower blood pressure can do this:

  • Nifedipine;
  • felodipine;
  • Methyldopa;
  • Pindolol;
  • Clonidine.

The fact is that these funds reduce the volume of blood supplied to the genitals of a man. This negatively affects the mechanisms of erection formation, which leads to a weakening of sexual desire. It is impossible to use these drugs on your own, so as not to cause serious harm to health.

Sedatives and antidepressants negatively affect sexual desire:

  • Chlorpromazine;
  • Phenelzine;
  • Haloperidol;
  • Phenozepam;
  • Amitriptyline.

They inhibit the activity of the nervous system, resulting in a decrease in the level of libido. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the result will be noticeable only after prolonged use of such drugs.

Hormonal drugs can reduce libido:

  • Cimetidine;
  • Digostin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Famotodin;
  • Cyproterone.

Their action is aimed at reducing the level of testosterone in the blood. Such medicines can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Their independent use is strictly prohibited, because side effects can easily cause irreversible health effects.

Anabolic steroids have a negative effect on sexual desire:

  • Turinabol;
  • Oxymetholone;
  • Trenbolone;
  • Boldenone;
  • Nandrolone.

They are very effective for increasing muscle growth. But almost all athletes note that the use of anabolic steroids reduces libido. This happens under the influence of synthetic hormones that are part of these drugs. Hormones inhibit the production of your own testosterone in the body.

Remember that these drugs can quickly reduce potency, but it will be more difficult to restore it.

How to reduce libido using folk methods?

Certain herbs have a sedative effect and can reduce sexual desire. The most effective of them include:

  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • liquorice root;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian.

They can be used to make decoctions and tinctures. But you need to use them regularly for several weeks in order for the effect to appear.

Thus, the above tips to reduce libido can cause serious harm to the body. Much more serious than a high level of sexual desire. You can deal with the latter in a much safer way.

For example, instead of lowering your libido, start running or engaging in other physical activity. Sex drive is nothing but a form of energy. And the basic law of physics says that energy does not disappear anywhere, it goes into another form of energy.

You can reduce libido with the help of regular activities ... sex

Sports activities reduce the desire for sex. And it would be best to have a regular sex life so that the body develops its own rhythm. Not forgetting to turn to sports in parallel with this. In extreme cases, you can visit a sexologist who will prescribe certain drugs.

The word "libido" was first used as a medical term by the genius of psychoanalysis Z. Freud. It was used as a synonym for sexual desire arising from the background of sexual instinct. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity suffer from a decrease in the level of attraction to opposite sex. However, there are people with the opposite problem. Increased sexual excitability does not allow them to concentrate on solving vital issues. They are constantly looking for new ways to satisfy their own sexual needs, and this takes a lot of strength and energy from them, and also harms their mental health. There are many different methods to reduce libido in men who are highly sexually active.

In the article we will tell:

Causes of hypersexuality

The presence of a strong sexual desire in adolescent boys is considered quite acceptable, from a medical point of view. At the same time, the level of potency of a sexually mature man should be within certain indicators. Any deviation, up or down, indicates the presence of pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Usually, the signs of hypersexuality are:

  • constant sexual tension;
  • the desire to have as many sexual partners as possible;
  • a feeling of dissatisfaction (may appear almost immediately after the act of intercourse);
  • sex seems to be the concentration of all the mental processes of the patient.

The main reason for the increase in male libido is the hormone testosterone. He is involved in the regulation of erectile function, and is also responsible for the ability to procreate.

There are a number of factors that increase the production of this androgen:

  • food rich in fats and cholesterol;
  • an excess of vitamin D;
  • the use of whey proteins.

Some foods affect the production of seminal fluid by activating the prostate gland. They must contain a large amount of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), fatty acids, protein and vitamins.

These food aphrodisiacs include:

  • strawberries;
  • avocado;
  • nuts;
  • ginger;
  • seafood (especially oysters);
  • red meat.

A sharp increase in libido occurs after suffering a traumatic brain injury, as well as due to disturbances in the work of the head vessels and the pituitary gland. This is due to the incorrect functioning of the parts of the brain that are responsible for sexual arousal. Similar phenomena are characteristic, including in diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).

To curb the instincts laid down by nature itself is the most difficult thing. To do this, doctors use potent drugs. Often, such patients are isolated from society, due to their criminal inclinations on the basis of a psychosexual disorder.

Why lower libido?

High sexual potential, according to society, should be a source of pride for any man. As a rule, from the outside, everything looks much better than it actually appears.

Too active male libido can be a source of moral and physical suffering for its owner. In some cases, potency reduction is used as a mandatory medical procedure.

When is it necessary to lower libido:

  1. Injuries of the male genitals, as well as postoperative rehabilitation of the genitourinary system. For normal tissue repair, rest is necessary. Increased sexual excitability can greatly slow down the course of recovery. An erection can cause pain that persists for a long time.
  2. Lack of regular sex life. The impossibility of realizing a high libido brings a lot of psychological and everyday inconvenience. The level of potency of some adult men is so high that they can experience a spontaneous erection. Even a slight excitation causes a strong tension in the penis. The impossibility of timely satisfaction of sexual needs often leads to discomfort in the genital area, and also provokes stress and the occurrence of mental and psychosomatic diseases.

Methods for correcting hypersexuality

If there is a need to reduce the level of libido, then the first thing to do is to seek help from a competent urologist-andrologist. The male genitourinary system has complex structure. In this regard, in order not to worsen the situation, you should consult with a specialist.

At the first stages, in order to reduce sexual desire in men, methods are used to change the patient's lifestyle.

This allows you to adjust the worldview and remove some of the accumulated psychological stress:

  1. Changing the daily routine.
  2. Change in diet.
  3. Increased mental and physical activity.
  4. Correct implementation of free time.
  5. The emergence of new hobbies.
  6. Strict control of sexual life.

After a diagnostic examination, the doctor determines the actual cause of the deviation. Depending on the nature of its origin, the specialist applies:

  • hormone therapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • psychoanalysis sessions;
  • surgical intervention.

Drugs that depress libido and potency

There are many drugs that reduce potency. However, these tablets do not have a directed action. A decrease in libido occurs as a side effect in the treatment of the underlying disease.

Most clearly, this property is expressed in the following drugs used in drug treatment:

  • antihypertensive agents;
  • means to equalize the hormonal background;
  • antidepressants;
  • benzodiazepines (tranquilizers);
  • normotimics (timizoleptics);
  • bromine preparations.

Antihypertensive agents

Medicines to lower blood pressure. When they are used, there is a decrease in male sexual activity, due to a decrease in the volume of blood flowing to the genitals.

The most effective are drugs with names such as:

  • Nifedipine;
  • Pindolol;
  • Methyldopa;
  • felodipine;
  • Clonidine.

Drugs that affect hormonal balance

We are talking about pills, the action of which is aimed at lowering the level of testosterone in the blood. It is strictly forbidden to take these medicines without a doctor's prescription. This hormone is responsible for correct work prostate gland and the direct ability of a man to conceive healthy offspring.

Fluctuations in the amount of testosterone in the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity, most often, have Negative consequences. High rates provoke the development of prostatitis, adenoma, and also contribute to the activation of cancer cells. Low androgen levels are fraught with infertility and impotence.

To reduce the level of male hormone in the blood, apply:

  • Cyproterone;
  • Famotodin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Digostin.


Have a depressing effect on nervous system that reduces sexual desire. This medicine has a cumulative effect, and the effect may not appear immediately. Antidepressants can be taken in secret from a partner, along with food or, not too hot, drink.

However, do not forget that the abuse of drugs of this class is unacceptable. The reason is that they reduce alertness and cause drowsiness.

In case of an overdose, cardiac arrest is possible. Priority positions are occupied by light sedative preparations on a plant basis, as well as those containing bromine.

The most common are:

  • Chlorpromazine;
  • Phenozepam;
  • Haloperidol;
  • Phenelzine;
  • Amitriptylite.

Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers)

They belong to psychotropic drugs of classical action. By correcting the work of the nerve centers of the brain, it reduces the feeling of anxiety and fear, reduces the number of involuntary muscle contractions.

In the process of application, there is a decrease in erectile function and sexual desire. The effect of tranquilizers on male potency is ambiguous. In some cases, patients experience suppression of sexual function, in others - vice versa.

The list of medicines containing benzodiazepines includes:

  • Alprazolam;
  • Tofisopam;
  • Gidazepam;
  • diazepam;
  • Chlorasepat.

Normotimics (thymoisoleptics)

Used in the treatment mental disorders moods. The active components of the drug are lithium salts and "small" anticonvulsants. Normotimics reduce irritability and irascibility, and also prevent sudden attacks of aggression and anger.

For men with increased sexual excitability, the use of such pills will help to establish self-control, which will allow you to refrain from rash acts.

The following drugs are classified as thymoisoleptics:

  • Lithium oxybutyrate;
  • Valopixim;
  • Depamid;
  • Carbamazepine;
  • Sedalite.

Bromine preparations

Sedative drugs with hypnotic effect. They do not affect the male function, but help to cope with excessive arousal. The main disadvantage of using bromine-containing drugs is that it accumulates in the body. Its prolonged use leads to severe poisoning.

The most popular, among the medicines of this group, are:

  • Bromocamphor;
  • Potassium bromide.

Folk remedies

At the heart of the treatment folk remedies lies the use of various soothing teas, decoctions and tinctures. They reduce excitability, which helps to improve self-control and has a positive effect on the quality of sleep.

However, herbal medicine has its downsides. When using them, you can not get an instant effect. The first positive manifestations occur 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment.

The use of folk remedies requires regularity and diligence. Only in this case, the maximum result will be achieved.

The most effective natural sedatives include:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • oregano.

There are herbs that directly affect the male genitourinary system:

  • mint (reduces the production of seminal fluid);
  • St. John's wort (use in large quantities leads to impotence);
  • licorice root (reduces testosterone production).

Diet "from libido"

Food occupies an important place in the life of any representative of the strong half of humanity. A well-fed man, most often, is kind and calm. For this reason, a change in diet has a strong effect on the body, including libido.

It is known that there are a number of products that have a positive effect on potency. They are called aphrodisiacs. Their number is quite large, many of them people consume daily, without even thinking about the properties of these food objects.

The strongest effect is:

  • coffee;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • oysters;
  • chicken eggs.

To reduce sexual excitability, you need to form your menu in such a way as to avoid the use of any kind of aphrodisiacs. At the same time, you should minimize the amount of animal protein in the diet, as well as eliminate confectionery and sugar.

Increased sexual excitability in men is a serious problem. It can become a source of a large number of domestic inconveniences, as well as cause considerable physical and moral suffering to its owner.

If the first signs of unusual behavior appear, as well as a sharp increase in the need for sexual activity in adult men, you should immediately go to the hospital and undergo a comprehensive examination by a urologist-andrologist.

Male libido is sexual attraction to the opposite sex, which is inherent in nature at a subconscious level. Helps to ensure the continuation of the family. Depends on the level of the male hormone testosterone. A decrease in libido entails problems of a sexual nature and depends on physiological and psychological factors. To identify the cause of a decrease in sexual desire, you should consult a doctor who, using diagnostic methods, will help identify violations and prescribe a set of therapeutic and preventive measures.

Reduced libido is a problem faced by men of various age categories. It is characterized by a decrease in sexual desire and, as a rule, associated with lifestyle and health. In particular, the following factors affect libido:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which lead to a violation of blood flow to the brain and its areas responsible for sexual desire.
  2. Pathologies of the endocrine system, disrupting hormonal balance and reducing testosterone levels.
  3. Nervous system dysfunction and the brain, which leads to a decrease in the rate of transmission of impulses and the synthesis of the male sex hormone.
  4. Decreased immunity and frequent infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  5. Injuries and surgical manipulations in the pelvic area.
  6. Excessive exercise.
  7. Sedentary lifestyle.
  8. Improper nutrition and the use of products that reduce libido. Fatty, fried, canned foods, carbonated sweet drinks and energy drinks, hard cheeses, spices (cilantro, coriander, mint), chips, coffee, cocoa products, white bread, sunflower oil and corn flakes have a negative effect on male sex drive.
  9. Availability bad habits : excessive use of alcoholic products, narcotic and psychotropic substances, smoking.

Urologist Izmakin Igor Anatolyevich about the reasons for the decrease in libido

  1. Violation of the regime rest and wakefulness.
  2. allergic reactions.
  3. Overweight, which negatively affects the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, increases the synthesis of estrogen - the female sex hormone.
  4. Constant stress, depression, emotional overstrain, fears and insecurity, the presence bad experience in past.
  5. Childhood upbringing, which was aimed at suppressing sexual desire and indicating the obscenity of sexual relations.
  6. Partner behavior.
  7. Continuous sexual abstinence, the monotony of sexual life.
  8. Uncontrolled intake of certain medications, including antidepressants, hormonal and antibacterial drugs. It is not uncommon for sexual problems to occur after a course of steroids.
  9. Age. Male libido is directly related to the level of the sex hormone testosterone, which, in turn, is closely related to age. So the peak of its concentration falls on 20-25 years, after which it begins to gradually decrease, and after 40 it begins to fall sharply.

Symptoms of decreased libido

Recognizing the first symptoms of a decrease in libido is quite difficult, because often men write off sexual “mistakes” and lack of interest in the opposite sex as fatigue and a bad mood.

The first sign of a decrease in sexual desire in men is. Such a phenomenon may have isolated cases and be of a short-term nature. However, if the situation repeats itself repeatedly, this is a reason to seek advice from a specialist (urologist or andrologist).

Next a symptom of a decrease in libido is a lack of interest in a woman and avoidance of sexual intercourse. After that, problems of a sexual nature appear, which end - the absence or premature ejaculation.

After stage decrease sexual attraction a man the desire disappears completely and there is a complete aversion to sex (aversion), which appears:

  • Fear of sexual contact;
  • Unexplained panic and anxiety that lead to diarrhea, nausea;
  • Change in the timbre of the voice;
  • Decrease in the amount of hair on the body;
  • The appearance of fatty deposits on the buttocks, thighs;
  • Swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands, which indicates an increase in estrogen and a low level of testosterone in the blood;
  • excessive sweating;
  • Tachycardia.

As a rule, a complete lack of sexual desire is the result of psychological trauma of childhood and sexual nature (parental belief that sex is bad, unsuccessful first sexual contact, coercion to have sex, inability to satisfy a partner).


If a man is missing, you should consult a urologist-andrologist who will prescribe a set of diagnostic measures that will help identify the cause of the disappearance of the sexual instinct. Usually, examination includes a conversation, during which it is necessary to identify the time of occurrence of sexual problems, their duration, as well as the presence of suggestive factors.

  1. Free and total testosterone.
  2. Estradiol, prolactin and progesterone.
  3. Globulin that binds the sex hormone.
  4. Follicle stimulating hormone.
  5. luteinizing hormone.
  6. Thyroid hormone (TSH).

With a decrease in the level of sex hormones, hormone therapy is prescribed. In the absence of deviations, it is necessary to pass general analysis blood and urine to detect diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious etiology. The presence of inflammatory pathologies is indicated by the presence of leukocytes in the blood, a decrease in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In urine, the level of leukocytes, protein, erythrocytes increases, mucus and pus may appear.

Also consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary to exclude psychological problems and a sexologist. A phlebologist should be consulted if there are pathologies of the vascular system.

Additional methods for studying a decrease in libido include instrumental diagnostics - ultrasound, dopplerography, X-ray, CT and MRI of the testicles and pelvic organs. If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, the biological material of the testicles and prostate gland is taken for a biopsy.

How to increase libido

Treatment for low libido is based on the identified cause. and includes:

  • Normalization of metabolic processes, which will help restore the functioning of the endocrine glands and in the blood;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Active lifestyle;

Urologist Ekaterina Makarova tells how to increase sexual desire in men

  • Taking antidepressants;
  • Psychotherapist consultations;
  • Taking drugs to increase erection;
  • Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Massage.

Preventive measures

The most effective way to treat decreased libido is to prevent which includes the following areas:

  1. Timely diagnosis of health status and therapy of identified problems.
  2. Proper nutrition.
  3. Lifestyle change.
  4. Reducing stress.
  5. Taking medication.
  6. Use of funds traditional medicine.

Diagnosis and prevention of diseases

Men's health is affected by the general condition and performance internal organs and systems. In violation of the functioning of the heart muscle, vascular system, endocrine glands, organs of the urinary system and digestion, a gradual decrease in libido occurs, which is manifested by erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual desire and impaired ejaculation.

To prevent health problems, you must:

  • Annually undergo a medical examination by a urologist-andrologist. Especially attentive to health should be men over the age of 45-50;
  • In a timely manner to treat pathologies of the organs of the urinary and reproductive system;
  • See a therapist if you have health problems and do not self-medicate;
  • Carefully monitor blood pressure and control lipid and glucose levels in the blood.

Timely detection of pathologies of various etiology and localization helps to carry out correct treatment at the initial stage of the development of the disease and prevent the occurrence of complications that affect male libido.

Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes, ethanol found in alcoholic beverages, as well as psychotropic and narcotic substances have a negative effect on the vascular system, disrupting blood flow and brain function, whose cells gradually atrophy.

As a result, there are problems with erection and sperm quality, the process of testosterone synthesis is disrupted, and libido is reduced.

In addition, the presence of bad habits increases the risk of developing other diseases that violate sexual life men. These include hypertension, heart attack, stroke and other pathologies of various etiologies.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition helps not only to cope with excess body weight, but also to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals that are responsible for testosterone synthesis and sex drive in general.

Responsible for libido:

  1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant and has protective properties, improves immunity, improves the condition of blood vessels. Contains a large amount in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs.
  2. Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid is involved in metabolic processes, in particular, in the process of carbohydrate metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Contained in seafood, any kind of nuts, legumes and beef liver.
  3. Vitamin E or tocopherol - an antioxidant that has a direct effect on the endocrine glands and stimulates the production of testosterone. Vitamin E rich in nuts, fish, spinach and oat and barley cereals.

Nuts are not only an excellent aphrodisiac, but also help to replenish the supply of minerals and vitamins, ensure the health of your blood vessels, and help the heart to facilitate its work.
  1. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium, which contributes to the release of testosterone from the building function in the body. In addition, with an excess of estrogen, it converts it into less active forms. Synthesized under the influence of sunlight. It also enters the body with sea fish, egg yolk, liver and dairy products ( butter, sour cream) .
  2. Selenium- a microelement that is used to treat and prevent diseases of the vascular system, normalizes the functioning of the prostate, improves the quality and increases the amount of sperm. selenium liver, natural cheeses, legumes, lamb, pork are rich.
  3. Omega 3 fatty acid have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sex glands, stimulating the production of the male sex hormone, improve metabolic processes and stimulate the flow of blood with nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the organs. Fatty acid found in seafood and vegetable oils.

most efficient and popular aphrodisiacs natural origin to stimulate sexual desire are:

  • Honey- contains glucose, phytoncides, alkaloids and many other useful components that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs;
  • Ginger- improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, enhances sexual desire;
  • Seafood(shrimps, fish, oysters) are rich in amino acids and vitamins that stimulate the synthesis of male sex hormones, which helps increase libido;

  • Bananas a source of B vitamins and potassium, which help to improve sexual desire, due to the effect on the circulatory system;
  • Avocado rich in vitamin B, potassium and folic acid, which are involved in the process of protein metabolism;
  • bitter chocolate promotes the production of the “happiness” hormone - endorphin, which helps to improve mood and general condition;
  • nuts- a source of fatty acids that are necessary for the production of testosterone.


If a man's libido gradually falls, it is necessary to change his lifestyle. First of all, you need monitor body weight, after all, excess adipose tissue in the flanks, abdomen and chest indicates an increase in the amount of estrogen and a decrease in testosterone, which has a direct effect on male libido. To combat this problem, you need to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle.

Helps in the fight against overweight normalization of the regime of work and rest. Normally, a man should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Healthy rest helps prevent the development of many diseases, helps restore metabolic processes, and stimulates sexual desire.

In addition, it should abandon a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of movement leads to congestion in the pelvis, resulting in erectile dysfunction. An excellent tool in the fight against congestion is physical activity: walking, running, Kegel exercises, exercises in the morning and before bedtime, and other activities that help to disperse the blood throughout the body.

Urologist Ekaterina Makarova about the benefits and rules for performing Kegel exercises for men

Stress avoidance

Nervous strain at work, lack of understanding in the family, the predominance of negative emotions, excessive physical activity form stress, which has a negative effect on sexual desire and the general condition of a person.

To restore libido, you need to change your lifestyle and protect yourself from stressful situations as much as possible, restore good relationships in the family. If for some reason it is not possible to avoid nervous strain, you can use medications that will help to significantly reduce the impact of negative factors. For this purpose, it is necessary to consult a doctor. who will prescribe natural remedies with a sedative effect.

The most effective are bromine preparations that help calm the nervous system and restore sleep. Contrary to beliefs, bromine does not have a negative effect on libido, but, on the contrary, improves the quality of the male seed.

Medication use

Sometimes a man cannot always eat right and have a good rest to prevent a decrease in libido, in this case they can help vitamins and biologically active additives , which will help compensate for the lack of nutrients.

Will help restore libido pills containing:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids, which have a direct effect on the synthesis of sex hormones and help improve metabolism, stimulate blood circulation and improve the quality of ejaculate.
  2. Alpha-lipoic acid, which is involved in the metabolism of fats and enzymes, improves the functioning of the vascular system.
  3. Vitamin E - male vitamin which stimulates the production of testosterone.

Price in pharmacies of the Russian Federation from 31 rubles.


An important role in the prevention of a decrease in libido is played by traditional medicine, which has in its stock a lot of tools that not only have a beneficial effect on sexual desire, but also help improve overall health.

The most effective for improving sex drive is combination of honey and nuts. To prepare the recipe, mix everything in equal proportions (chop the nuts). Take 25 g twice after meals with herbal tea.

No less effective for increasing libido is combination of honey and wine, which should be mixed in a ratio of 1: 2, add 0.5 parts of aloe juice and a few parsley seeds. Leave for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

In the fight against the deterioration of sexual desire, herbal teas with thyme, lovage, nettle help, which should be replaced with purchased tea leaves. To obtain a healing drug, it is enough to pour 1-2 tbsp. l. plants 300 ml of boiling water and drink after meals 3-4 times a day. These herbs can be used alone or in combination. To improve taste and medicinal properties you can add honey.


Proper nutrition, physical activity, lack of stress, giving up bad habits, taking vitamins and minerals help prevent a decrease in libido at any age.

Site Expert

Bozhko Svetlana Igorevna

Experience in medical practice 23 years.

The question of how to reduce libido in women is sometimes asked not only by the fair sex, but also. It is widely believed that increased sexual desire in women is only the privilege of a young lady. In fact, everything is not so.

Is it necessary to treat increased libido in women?

Women with increased libido are just as sick as patients diagnosed with frigidity. Hypersexuality creates problems in personal life. A woman cannot get complete satisfaction, i.e. enjoy sex. Her increased sex drive can ruin a relationship with a man. Nymphomaniacs, as women with increased libido are now called, constantly demand intimacy from their partners. In addition, their fantasies about sex take up almost all the time. Constant desire can affect sleep, cause insomnia.

There are several reasons for the occurrence of this pathology. Some of them are congenital and others are acquired. There is also an imaginary increased libido.

Treatment of excessive sexual desire is necessary, even if a woman does not experience discomfort, as she has many sexual partners. First of all, a promiscuous sex life is dangerous by the appearance of a venereal disease. One man cannot satisfy a nymphomaniac. Another reason why a woman should definitely see a doctor is the search for the source of the problem.

A promiscuous sex life threatens with venereal diseases!

Sexual disorders can be caused various factors, but they are definitely associated with another pathological process that is present in the body of a nymphomaniac. Some of the diseases can pose a serious danger, so you should not ignore your increased sexual activity.

Increased libido may be a derivative of one of the following pathologies:

  • trauma to the head (brain);
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • mental disorders;
  • damage to blood vessels in the brain;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • menopause;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland and ovaries.

In order for the treatment to give a positive result, it is initially necessary to find the source of the problem and try to get rid of it. Symptomatic treatment will not relieve increased libido, but only for a short period of time will relieve sexual tension.

Medical solution to the problem

The decrease in female libido is carried out with medication. For this, sedatives are used. It should be understood that there is no cure for increased female sexual desire. Patients are prescribed medications that in the list of their side effects have such a line as a decrease in hypersexuality. Such medicines include:

  • Phenelzine;
  • Moclobemide;
  • fluoxetine;
  • Amitriptyline.

What kind of drugs a woman should take, the doctor prescribes. The full clinical picture of the patient is taken into account. You should not take medicines on your own without a prescription. It should be taken into account the fact that medications have other side effects that can adversely affect the underlying pathology that increased female libido.

Drugs to reduce libido can only be prescribed by a doctor!

Hormonal oral contraceptives have a reducing effect on sexual desire. They are selected on an individual basis on the basis of certain tests. To notice positive results, some time must pass, i.e. these pills do not give an instant effect.

When using oral contraceptives, sexual desire is further reduced due to partial loss sensitivity in erogenous zones. The amount of vaginal lubrication produced as a result of arousal decreases. The woman begins to tire more quickly.

Your doctor may prescribe the following oral tablets:

  • Jeanine;
  • Belara;
  • Regulon:
  • Silest;
  • Marvelon;
  • Yarina;
  • Novinet.

Regardless of what medicine will be prescribed to a woman, its dosage should not be exceeded. If you use more than prescribed, the consequences can be dangerous.

Folk methods of treatment

Sexual desire is reduced by physical activity. A woman needs to keep herself busy, and a tired body will experience less craving for sex. But you can’t overexhaust your body either. Against the background of reduced libido, other health problems may additionally appear, for example, disruption of the heart muscle. It is recommended to sign up for a gym and exercise with a trainer. Such actions will not only allow you to get rid of your excessive sexual activity, but will also make it possible to get a beautiful body.

Food in the issue of high libido is not the last role. You need to understand that some food can activate a woman's desire, while another can suppress it.

Not the last place in the matter of libido is occupied by food!

Libido levels are controlled by estrogen. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that stimulate its production in the body. Strengthen the desire of a woman can:

  • Bay leaf;
  • juniper;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • olives and olives;
  • spices;
  • spicy food;
  • garlic;
  • seafood.

Additionally, an infusion of water lily flowers can affect excessive sexual desire. Oregano herb also has similar properties. It is poured with boiling water, insisted and drunk about half an hour before meals.

Regardless of which traditional medicine is chosen, before you start using it, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Action medicinal herbs does not always give a positive result. If you exceed the dosage or the woman has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, then a severe allergic reaction may develop.

In the human world, smell is not as significant as it is in the animal world. But the aromas of various herbs or essential oils can increase or decrease libido. On a subconscious level, they make a person surrender to the will of feelings and emotions. Increases sexual desire almonds. It must be completely excluded, since it is this product that is the female libido stimulant that can affect the body even with its smell.

Pills to reduce potency are actively used by young people during adolescence. For them, frequent erections, which occur up to 10 times a day and are uncontrollable, are a big problem. It would seem that they should rejoice at such sexual power, but an erection sometimes comes at the wrong time and in the wrong place.

Some older men also experience increased sexual activity. There are families where the husband wants sexual intimacy every day, and her wife is enough several times a week. To keep marriage and scandals to a minimum, a strong half of humanity begins to look for drugs to reduce potency.

Increased male sexual activity

The reason for excessive sexual activity in men is an increase in blood testosterone (male sex hormone). It is produced in large quantities in young people during puberty, in men leading an active and correct lifestyle or using aphrodisiacs (products).

How to reduce potency in men is constantly faced in male communities of a closed type. For example: soldiers are given drugs in the army that reduce potency, prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty, patients suffering from a serious cardiovascular or neuropsychiatric disease.

How can you reduce your potency?

There are the following ways that lead to a decrease in sexual desire in men:

  • Reviewing your diet. It is necessary to exclude seafood, nuts, spices, dairy products, spices, lean meat (poultry) from the menu to reduce potency. And vice versa, try to use more salt, beer, sugar, smoked meats (they interfere with the production of testosterone). You can add soy to your diet, it contains substances similar to female hormones.
  • Periodically drink alcohol, it will dull sexual desire. They lead to psychological and physical condition. But they will have a strong negative effect on the liver, nervous system and heart. Alcohol and drugs are dangerous because they are addictive.
  • You can exercise regularly in the gym. Severe fatigue is negative, leading to the depletion of energy reserves.
  • Use special preparations. In pharmacies, you can buy potency pills, there are several types of them.

You can not take pills on your own from potency. Only a doctor should prescribe them, otherwise you can cause serious harm to your health.

Drugs that reduce potency

List medicines reducing potency in men:

  • Hormonal preparations. They contribute to the release of prolactin, which can lead to a decrease in sexual desire and even impotence. It is very difficult to recover after taking such pills. The following drugs are mainly used for potency: Cimetidine, Ranitidine.
  • Medicines that help lower blood pressure. They help prevent an erection, blood does not enter the male genital organ. The name of these drugs is Metoprolol, Clonidine, Methyldopa, Pindolol. More gentle effect on male body have enalapril, captopril.
  • Antidepressants. They suppress the production of male hormones. From potency take drugs Thiotixen, Imipramine, Nortriptyline, Perphenazine, Chlorpromazine, Desipramine, Imizin, Elavil. It is quite difficult to buy them in pharmacies, because they have a detrimental effect on the body.
  • Sedatives. They help reduce erection, depress the central nervous system. The most affordable drug is valerian, but you need to take it constantly, a single dose will not bring results. Serax, Meprotan, Librium, Nozepam, Miltown will also help to achieve a decrease in male desire. The body recovers after stopping the use of these drugs for a short time and almost without consequences.

Before taking medicines, you need to consult a doctor, he will tell you which pills for potency are the safest.

The most accessible, popular effective remedy bromine is considered to reduce male sexual desire. As well as medicines made on its basis. Before using them, you need to find out how bromine affects the male body as a whole.

Bromine and what is its effect on potency

Bromine is a brownish liquid with an unpleasant odor. It is toxic and even poisonous non-metal. But at the same time, it surrounds us at the sea, lake, is in the body in the thyroid gland, blood, kidneys.

There is a popular opinion among the people that it reduces sexual desire, but there are no exact medical results about the effect of bromine on potency. Therefore, as the effectiveness of this substance has not been proven, it is not known how it will affect the body as a whole. It is known that bromine has a negative effect on the thyroid gland and the nervous system of a man, but it does not lead to impotence. Any means that depress the work of the central nervous system work against a man's erection.

When using bromine to reduce potency, you need to follow a certain diet. Reduce the amount of salt in food, remove smoked meats, semi-finished products, sweets, fried foods from your diet.

Preparations with bromine on the body have a sedative effect. They are appointed at nervous disorders, sleep disturbance. They are also used to treat the cardiovascular system and the digestive system.

The most famous bromine-containing remedy for reducing potency:

  • Adonis bromine. It is made on the basis of adonis extract and with the addition of potassium bromide. This drug calms the male body.
  • Androcur. Already at the first stages of treatment, there will be a noticeable decrease male potency. But there are also side effects in the form of gynecomastia, osteoporosis and weight gain.

The following symptoms indicate an overdose of bromine: cough, lethargy, runny nose, insomnia, bronchitis, gastrointestinal disorders, rash.
If there are health problems, adverse reactions of the body are observed, it is necessary to avoid taking medications in the future. It is important to observe the dosage, take the bromine-containing drug from potency only for the period indicated by the doctor.

Bromine can be found not only in medicines, but also in foods that will help reduce potency. It is found in large quantities in dairy products, peas, peanuts, wheat, hazelnuts, almonds, lentils, sea fish.

Folk methods to reduce potency

In addition to pills, you can reduce potency with folk remedies. There are herbs, plants that lower male desire:

  • Hypericum decoction. The course of taking the decoction should last no more than 2 weeks. You need to consume 1 cup 1 time per day. It is impossible to exceed the dosage, otherwise it will be impossible to return the potency at all.
  • Mint. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, lowers blood pressure and affects the male genital organ. Mint can be added to tea or made into a decoction.
  • Oregano. It is not a drug for reducing potency in men, but it still reduces sexual desire.
  • Licorice. In medicine, it is widely used to treat coughs. And few people know what she is a good remedy from potency for men.

It is advisable to avoid the use of potency pills. It is better to start by trying to reduce desire by changing the diet. Consult with a psychologist, they can help to cope with the existing problem. Indeed, in the future, due to a rash decision to use drugs, you may need the help of drugs that, on the contrary, increase male power.

Do you have serious problems with POTENTITY?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

When is it time to think about how to reduce potency? If sexual desire becomes too obsessive and constant, of course, you should look for the answer to this question. By the way, the topic raised here is not as rare as many people think. Let us examine in detail how you can get rid of the obsessive call of the flesh and reduce attraction to the opposite sex.

The essence of the problem

This deviation from the norm is inherent in both young people with frequent erections, and in adulthood and at a respectable age, when men constantly want to have sex. It is necessary to reduce tension and eliminate such a condition that is difficult to control, as it leads to disagreement between partners. A high potency is not always good for a man, and sometimes it is necessary to lower it.

For example, men may feel the need for intimacy 3 or more times a day, while a woman needs 2-3 times a week. The discrepancy between tastes gives rise to betrayal, and subsequently leads to the breakdown of marriage. There is only one way out - to lower the potency or to be known as an "eternal walker".

Main reasons:

  • Hyperpotency primarily depends on the main male sex hormone - testosterone. Here is the main engine of desire for sex. When there is too much of it in the blood, the libido rises significantly, and you need to lower it.
  • It is produced very actively at a young age, when puberty occurs. But testosterone also rises in mature men with actively lives that lean on aphrodisiac foods. Shrimps and fish caviar, avocados and nuts, onions and garlic, chocolate and spices have the highest stimulating potential. In this case, you just need to reduce the consumption of such products.

Reference Information. Aphrodisiacs are in Greek those means that increase vitality, body strength, sexual ability. They were named after the goddess of love, that is, Aphrodite.

Healthy Ways to Deal with Hyperpotency

Of course, the easiest way to reduce potency and get rid of the problem is to use alcohol and nicotine, as well as laziness and lying on the couch. And low sexual activity is guaranteed to you, as testosterone will drop to a minimum.

Excessive use of spices and spices increases potency.

You can try to masturbate, which, of course, will relieve tension, but it will not be able to solve the problem as a whole. But our task is to lower libido without losing health. And for this, medicine has several special offers.

Diet is the main helper. With a change in diet, testosterone will decrease, and hence potency too.

Prohibited Products:

  • Spices and spices.
  • Seafood and nuts.
  • Milk products.
  • Lean meat.
  • Protein food.

Of course, meat is a healthy food. But in this case, it should be fatty, since cholesterol suppresses the effect of sexuality in men.
Featured Products:

  • Salt is not below the established norm.
  • Sugar to produce insulin, which fights testosterone.
  • Soy as an analogue of the female plant hormone.
  • White bread and delicious smoked meats soothe the glands.
  • Potatoes, eggs, coffee.
  • Beer and cola.

These products will have a positive effect on the sexual function of men who want to lower libido and remove excess sexuality.

Tablets are an extreme measure, which should be resorted to only after consulting a doctor.

Competent opinion

All of the listed products, which will help get rid of overexcitability and reduce potency, can harm your health if you overeat them. Use them wisely, not to fanaticism, so as not to shake your health. Be careful!

  • Medicines. Of course, this is an extreme measure, but it is sometimes needed for men. You need to use them after consulting a doctor and passing a series of tests. Only a specialist will determine the need for tablet treatment. If this problem is psychological in nature, then a doctor of this profile can help.
  • Chemical substances:
  • Antidepressants - affect libido through the central nervous system, block arousal.
  • Drugs that act on the places where neurons and effector cells come into contact.
  • Hormonal drugs that normalize testosterone levels.

Here it is important not to overdo it, because with age, the forces that reduce male activity, on the contrary, become stronger. Think about it, maybe the constant desire for intimacy with your beloved speaks of a strong marriage? If you are a bachelor - get married or use civil marriage. Most importantly, do not torture yourself, because it is harmful for both the body and the psyche.
The conclusion is obvious: use the natural options described above. First of all, products that will make it possible to get rid of the problem. Remember that the overall strength of the body will help to relieve excessive desire.

Usually it becomes a source of sadness for men and another appeal to medical specialists to eliminate the symptoms of the disorder, but increased sexual desire also does not always cause joy among the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Over time, excessive sexual desire in males ceases to be controllable, in the future it all leads to various serious disorders in the human body. This disease is commonly called erotomania or satyriasis, as well as sexology. If there is no proper treatment process, then in this situation, not only the man suffers, but also his environment. Promiscuous sexual relations can lead to negative consequences - the destruction of marriage, various psychopathologies, the appearance of sexual infections, etc. Therefore, already at the first symptoms of a pathological change in desire, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Excessive sexual desire in males can change their behavior - there is a need for a large number of sexual contacts, hypersexuality dominates other areas of human existence. Increased sexual desire is expressed in the constant desire to change sexual partners, participate in various orgies, demonstrate one's intimate life. Hypersexuality is also characteristic of women, it is usually called nymphomania. How to get rid of increased libido?

Usually, psychological disorders are recognized as the causes of increased sexual activity in representatives of the strong half of humanity, they are based on a feeling of inferiority, fear, insecurity in sexual strength.

Often this happens as a result of an unsuccessful first sexual contact, which is why a man then tries to regularly have sexual intercourse with different partners to confirm his sexual viability.

Hypersexual male representatives do not experience satisfaction from intimate relationships, so they are in search of new sexual partners. Men can feel the state of sexual satiety with this diagnosis not previously performed 3-4 sexual intercourses in a short time period.

Sexual desire in men: reinforcing factors

Male libido is sex drive. Increased libido in men causes many different negative aspects to their lives, often causing negative consequences for marriage, work, normal existence. In youth age period increased sexual desire is considered an independent violation, but in adulthood it is a secondary sign of the development of pathology in the human body.

Experts identify various factors as the causes of hypersexuality:

  • Psychological disorders - fear, insecure state, feeling of inferiority;
  • Hormonal failures, hyperfunctioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • Failure of the hypothalamus, the brain system due to meningitis, encephalitis;
  • Drug intoxication;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Personality disorders, schizophrenia, manic disorders;
  • Injuries, vascular lesions of the brain, the development of tumor-like neoplasms.

Reduced Sexual Activity: The Treatment Process

How to suppress libido? Suppression of sexual desire is possible - there are different ways, the most common of them are the following:

  • The correct mode of the day;
  • Increase in labor, sports loads;
  • Adjust your hobbies.

To eliminate general neurotic symptoms, various medications, physiotherapeutic methods are used.

Hypersexuality in adult males needs treatment. Based on the root cause of the pathology, methods of cure are determined:

  • Surgical intervention;
  • hormone therapy;
  • Medical treatment.

A decrease in libido is facilitated by the intake of sedative decoctions made with the help of medicinal plants, as well as the absence of stress, depression, conflicts.

  • An excess of free time contributes to the development of increased libido in a man, which provokes the process of learning the forbidden, a person gets to know new sexual partners, seeks fresh sexual pleasures;
  • That is why it is so important to take free time a person suffering from hypersexuality - there are many different options for a useful pastime, experts recommend devoting yourself to creative pursuits;
  • Increased sexual activity is often inherited genetically. In this situation, psychologists can help resolve issues related to hypersexuality;
  • Irritants of the outside world - pornographic films, photographs with naked male / female bodies can increase libido. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the viewing of such information;
  • Surrounding phenomena can have a negative impact. Increased sexual activity may well arise in adolescence, when acquaintances and friends are interested in different aspects of intimate life. As a result, a person may subconsciously form an erroneous stereotype about the correctness of a strong libido;
  • Suppression of personality can provoke the manifestation of increased libido. In his writings, Freud argued that with the constant suppression of the child, as a protest, a strong libido may later appear in him;
  • Suppression of sexual desire is possible when playing sports. Physical exercise will take a lot of free time, as well as the strength of a man with increased libido;
  • It is necessary to understand the causes of increased sexual desire, a married couple can turn to a sex therapist who will identify the sources of the problem, prescribe certain treatment, including medication.

Drug and folk methods to reduce sexual desire

How to get rid of increased libido? Only a doctor will be able to correctly determine the anti-erection pills necessary for a patient with increased libido. It is absolutely impossible to engage in self-medication in this situation, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your genital area. To reduce sexual activity, the following means are used:

  • Bromine - its effect against erection has long been known, it is taken in small doses together with ordinary liquid;
  • Androkur - helps to reduce sexual activity in intimate life, but has side effects, for example, a negative effect on liver function, breast enlargement is also possible;
  • Antidepressants - weaken the potency in males, but often their intake leads to negative consequences;
  • Drugs that lower arterial pressure- are recognized by experts as harmless means, with practically no adverse reactions;
  • Famotidine - a drug whose action is directed against erection, is often prescribed by doctors to patients with increased libido;
  • Various hormonal drugs, anabolics, which athletes take, also reduce increased libido.

Folk remedies can help a man with hypersexuality:

  • Mint - the menthol contained in it lowers the activity of spermatozoa;
  • St. John's wort - its long-term use can lead to impotence;
  • Melissa, oregano - the action of these herbs is directed against erection in men;
  • Motherwort, valerian - have a calming effect, both in the psychological and sexual spheres;
  • Licorice root - reduces the production of testosterone.

Coping with involuntary arousal can be difficult. Because of it, you can find yourself in an uncomfortable situation or experience a feeling of embarrassment. If you are looking for ways to get rid of a strong desire at a certain moment, try to distract yourself or turn to mental practices. You can also use relaxation to release tension instead of storing it up inside yourself. If you're a man with a high sex drive, consider taking herbal or prescription drugs to lower your testosterone levels, and make a couple of smart lifestyle changes.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any medicines consult your doctor.


Dietary changes

    Take herbal preparations. Since ancient times, people have been using medicinal plants to cope with physical, mental and emotional problems. For example, the berries of the chaste tree, also known as the sacred vitex, have helped monks observe celibacy for centuries. In addition, some people use licorice to lower testosterone levels. Licorice is an antiandrogen. This means that it can block or suppress the production of testosterone, thereby weakening the sex drive. Lacquer tinder (red reishi) and Chinese peony are also foods to add to your diet to lower testosterone levels.

    • Consult a physician or herbalist before taking any dietary supplement or herb.
    • You may want to speak with a herbalist for more information on the safe use of herbal preparations.
  1. Drink tea. Some teas help lower testosterone levels and libido. Mint tea or licorice tea are herbal teas that will help reduce testosterone levels. Buy a quality herbal tea and brew it as directed on the package.

    • And while grocery store teas may also have a small effect, they are still not as effective as specialty teas sold in pharmacies. Carefully choose the tea that suits your needs, or ask a connoisseur about healing teas.
  2. Watch your fat intake. Pay close attention to your diet and saturated fat intake. A diet low in saturated fat with LDL (low-density lipoprotein) can positively influence libido and testosterone production. Get blood tests to check your cholesterol levels and make some dietary changes if necessary. But be that as it may, do not eat too many cheeseburgers and other fatty foods, as this can harm the arteries and lead to heart failure in the long run. Find a balance that can affect your sex drive without causing long-term damage to your health.

Lifestyle changes

Consultation with specialists

    Talk to a psychotherapist. If high sex drive makes you feel ashamed, guilty, fearful, anxious, or has other disturbing emotions, psychotherapy may be effective for you. A therapist can help you sort through your emotions and analyze them. It will help you express and experience a healthy sex drive. In addition, a specialist will outline safe and healthy boundaries for you to have sex. While talking to a therapist may be awkward at first, it's helpful to work through any difficult or lingering emotions that may be affecting your libido.

    Lower testosterone levels with medication. It is possible to take certain medications to lower testosterone levels, and thereby weaken the sex drive. Discuss with your doctor which options are right for you. While medications can effectively lower testosterone levels, they can also have side effects. For example, statins (lipid-lowering drugs) can cause muscle pain and damage, as well as liver damage and neurological side effects.