Harmful goodies. The most dangerous sweets for children and adults. What threatens uncontrolled consumption of sweets

It seems to be good that no one deceives us: you buy, read and know what you eat. But on the other hand, these abstruse names hide such a substance as trans fats - this is a substitute for more expensive milk fats. It turns out that if you abuse products with trans fats, you can earn atherosclerosis, oncology, heart disease and diabetes.

Other components of harmful sweets are sugar substitutes and food colorings. The most dangerous synthetic dyes E102, E104, E110, E122, E124 and E129. If you see such substances in the composition of sweets, refuse to buy them, because they can cause allergies and even cause suffocation! Sweeteners are used in order to reduce the cost of production of sweets, while sugar substitutes are ten times sweeter than natural sugar. The most harmful to the liver are saccharin (E954), aspartame (E951) and cyclamates (E952).

List of dangerous sweets

1. Candy in bright colors

Violet, bright green, acid yellow, fiery red... Candies of these colors contain a huge amount of dyes and flavors, so bypass them and, of course, do not buy them for children.

2. Pop candy

In fact, the effervescent powder, just like it tickles the cheeks and tongue, can corrode the gastric mucosa.

3. Chocolate bars

You will be surprised, but there is almost no chocolate in them. The composition contains only palm oil, dyes, flavors, various chemical fillers and other harmful things.

4. Chewing gum

In general, this is a harmless thing designed to freshen your breath. For these purposes, it is better to choose sugar-free chewing gum and chew it for a short time, because different sweeteners and dyes do not work very well on the teeth.

5. Chewing gummies

These bright "jelly beans" contain a sufficient amount of chemical dyes and flavors.

6. Waffles with filling

The waffles themselves are harmless, but the cream contains flavors, margarine, acid, soy, and dyes.

Therefore, nutritionists advise buying a waffle iron and making waffles for your family at home.

How to replace harmful sweets?

We talked about harmful sweets, and now let's talk about what they can be replaced with!

1. Nuts, raisins, prunes, dried apricots in chocolate

Dried fruits and nuts contain many vitamins and minerals - just a vitamin bomb!

2. Marshmallow and marshmallow

They contain pectin (fiber) and other useful material. But before buying, study the composition anyway - to make sure that the marshmallow does not contain unnecessary additives and harmful dyes.

3. Ordinary marmalade

The lighter the marmalade, the safer it is. Natural marmalade is fruit juice, gelatin and sugar. By the way, marmalade is easy to make at home.

4. Lollipops

The ideal option is fruit juice with sugar. The composition should not contain flavor enhancers and dyes.

5. Chocolate

Cheer up in the morning and get a dose of endorphins will help a piece of natural dark chocolate (the higher the percentage of cocoa, the better). But it is better to refuse white chocolate - it is made from cocoa butter and sugar.

Recipe apple marshmallow

For apple marshmallow, it is better to choose sweet apples with sourness. Sugar and honey are not added according to this recipe - the sweetness is regulated only by the taste of the fruit.

Apples need to be cut into pieces and the core removed. Pour 3 tablespoons of water into the bottom of a thick cast-iron pan and lay out the apples. Cook covered for 15 minutes. Next, carefully knead with a crush and boil over low heat until thick.

Spread parchment on a baking sheet, put on it applesauce thin layer, turn on the oven at 100 degrees. Open the door slightly and dry the marshmallow until cooked.

The finished dessert should be soft, not break or tear, not stick to your hands. When the marshmallow is ready, it can be cut into strips or rolled up and stored in a glass jar.

Rospotrebnadzor told what sweets to give a child for New Year. "Correct" sweets should contain a minimum food additives and preservatives. Do not give sweets that are high in homogenized fats and oils, as additives in sweets often lead to children's allergies.

Doctors also remind that a baby can choke on a small candy. Do not give a child sweets if they contain more than 0.5% alcohol. The safest confectionery products for children are biscuits, marshmallows and marshmallows. At the same time, doctors say, the child's consumption of any sweets must be limited.

What sweets to buy for children, and which ones to avoid, MIR 24 asked a nutritionist - Elena Solomatina.

- Personally, what kind of sweets do you buy for children?

E.S.: I try natural, those that contain. It also depends on the age of the child. If the child is small, then milk chocolate. The less cocoa powder in chocolate, the better. Here cocoa butter should be present, and cocoa powder should be smaller. But this applies only to children, adults can have any chocolate.

Now let's discuss the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor. The first is to strive to ensure that the content of food additives and preservatives in confectionery products is minimal. What sweets are we talking about? What does the department advise not to buy?

E.S.: These are cheap sweets, caramels, which contain many dyes. It can be "healthy" (many actually find it healthy) marmalade. It would be useful if it was made without additives and flavorings. These are other cheap candies that are also very harmful to children.

Everyone likes sweets, but only taste should not be trusted - not all sweets are equally useful. Or rather, almost all of them are harmful, but some are more harmful than others.

Sweet corn sticks

Crispy sticks can provoke an allergy not only in an adult, but also in a baby who receives allergens from mother's milk. If you treat a child under 3 years of age with corn sticks, individual intolerance may occur for life.

A highly allergenic product, which are sticks, can worsen the condition in chronic dermatological diseases.

Sticks are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • gastritis and ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • overweight and obesity (due to excess calorie intake);
  • tendency to constipation (sticks do not contain dietary fiber).

Pop candies and lollipops

Pops and lozenges contain sweeteners, of which saccharin, aspartame and cyclomates are the most dangerous for the liver. Bright candies (green, red, purple) contain dyes that can cause allergies and asthma attacks. Effervescent sweets, due to the presence of acids in them, corrode the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Chocolate bars

There is practically no natural chocolate or cocoa butter in the glaze covering the bars, the content of these natural products does not exceed a few percent by weight. But they contain genetically modified products, palm oil, dyes, chemical fillers and fragrances.

Delivering energy and “empty calories” to the body, the bars contain very few vitamins, below human needs. A large amount of fats and carbohydrates overloads the pancreas beyond measure, which can provoke diabetes, a decrease in the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin, and after eating a bar, hunger quickly returns. The presence of simple sugars, caramel and nougat can provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases, lead to the development of pathogenic flora in the oral cavity and the destruction of tooth enamel.

Some components of chocolate bars are strong allergens. Saturated fats slow down the work of the brain, and the combination of saturated fats with fast carbohydrates is unfavorable for the heart and blood vessels, which can lead to atherosclerosis. Bars lack the fiber needed for proper bowel function and nourishment of beneficial bacteria in the colon.

Cupcakes and rolls of long-term storage

These pastries are different long term storage, they do not deteriorate, do not become stale and do not dry out. This is due to the fact that they, especially inexpensive ones, contain a large amount of texture stabilizers and preservatives. Baking agents, flavors, emulsifiers are added to the rolls, and antioxidants and other additives are added to the filling.


Carbonated drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and carbon dioxide. Gas promotes rapid distribution throughout the body harmful substances. The concentration of sugar in sugary drinks is very high - up to 4-5 teaspoons in a glass. Such a drink does not quench my thirst at all. If, instead of sugar, a sweetener is added to the soda, then all sweeteners have a choleretic effect. In people with diseases of the biliary tract, these drinks exacerbate the course of the disease. Harmful sweeteners and for the prostate gland.

Jelly Bean

Chewing marmalade contains a lot of synthetic colors and flavors. Of all the treats, gummies are the most harmful, although many parents believe that they are healthier than chocolate. Accustomed to chewing sweets, children often suffer from tooth decay.

Oriental sweets

Real oriental sweets (halva, nougat and Turkish delight) have many useful ingredients, but dishonest manufacturers replace natural ingredients with synthetic additives in order to maximize profits. All oriental sweets are very high in calories and do not satisfy hunger, so their regular use is undesirable for overweight people.

Sugar added in excess to sweets provokes diabetes, leads to dysbacteriosis, acne and accelerated aging of skin cells. With their constant use, teeth will suffer, since this is a good environment for the development of caries.

There are contraindications to the use of oriental sweets:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance (allergy).

A special attitude should be to halvah. Sunflower seeds, from which halvah is made, can accumulate cadmium, and GMO sweeteners may also be present in halvah. For young children, halva is definitely harmful - particles of halva can damage the delicate mucous membrane of their mouth.

Above, we mentioned a number of sweets that are recognized as the most harmful to the body. It is better to refuse their use. If you appreciate them for their special taste, then choose fresh products from trusted manufacturers and limit yourself to eating once a week.

Be sure to read about it

Foods with a high sugar content are attractive to most people - this is a scientifically proven fact. This is not a matter of intemperance or licentiousness: sweet food from infancy, we associate with a sense of peace and security - a baby experiences it when he absorbs mother's milk. In addition, when it enters the body, sugar enhances the production of “hormones of happiness”, which we all need so much. But the life of a sweet tooth is rarely cloudless: their favorite dishes cause too much damage to their health and appearance. Fortunately, the negative impact can be minimized. You just need to understand which sweets are the most harmful and how to replace them.

Sticky "goodies"

Traditionally considered childish, gummies, fudges, toffees and caramels with liquid fillings are much more harmful than other types of treats. It is their caring mothers and grandmothers who most often buy babies, mistakenly believing that such sweets are more useful than chocolate ones. Actually it is not. There are practically no natural ingredients in the composition of toffees and sweets, but there are many synthetic additives that not only have a bad effect on digestion, but are also addictive. For tooth enamel, there is nothing more harmful than the remains of a sticky "sweetie" - the most favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens. Experts say that children accustomed to such sweets become victims of caries much more often than their peers, whose parents were more careful in choosing sweets.

Source: depositphotos.com

The use of cookies, cakes, sweet rolls and cakes causes irreparable harm to the digestive organs, causes metabolic failures, worsens the condition blood vessels. For fans of such products, the risk of developing hypertension, obesity, diabetes the second type, liver damage and many other serious ailments. At the same time, sweet flour products of industrial origin are the most dangerous. In an effort to get the maximum benefit, manufacturers use harmful components for their manufacture, replacing butter cheap margarine and other vegetable fats. In combination with sugar, these substances are a real time bomb, gradually destroying the internal organs.

Source: depositphotos.com

Intrusive and misleading advertising is largely to blame for the harm that these kinds of treats can cause. Informing that bars are an excellent product for quickly satisfying hunger, she misleads the buyer. Eating another Snickers, a person really gets a significant portion of calories, but they are all contained in sugar (that is, they are fast carbohydrates) and in large numbers bad fats. As a result, hunger quickly returns, and a lot of completely unnecessary substances enter the body. Many bars contain caramel and nougat, the use of which contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel. And the word "chocolate" in this case hardly corresponds to reality: the icing covering the bars contains almost no natural chocolate.

Source: depositphotos.com

Our favorite prunes, dried apricots and other dried and dried fruits are also not entirely harmless, especially when consumed in large quantities. Of course, the vitamins and minerals that make up their composition are useful. But we must not forget that all substances, including sugar, are contained in dried fruits in high concentration. For example, dried dates are rightfully considered one of the sweetest foods on Earth. In addition, manufacturers often use preservatives and other additives that improve appearance products of this kind. Therefore, dried fruits should be chosen carefully and consumed in moderation. Their uncontrolled use instead of the expected benefits can be harmful to health.

Source: depositphotos.com

What to do if you still want sweets? It is worth replacing harmful “snacks” with safer ones. Nutritionists advise, for example, to buy sugar-free lollipops. They may contain sorbitol or other substitutes, but in small quantities, and the main ingredients are natural fruit and berry juices.

It is better to prefer bar chocolate of dark and bitter varieties to chocolate bars and sweets. It contains natural antioxidants and other beneficial substances, and there are very few harmful fats in it.

Some fruits (bananas, persimmons) also help to quench the thirst for sweets. In addition, bars sold in pharmacies and containing muesli, honey and dried berries are considered harmless. They possess good taste and low calorie content.

Before the holidays, when it is difficult to do without sweets, it makes sense not to skimp and give preference to products that are more expensive, but of high quality. When choosing pastries or a cake in a well-known confectionery, you can accurately find out their composition and enjoy it calmly, without the risk of eating a huge portion of fats of dubious origin. But the most preferable is the use (of course, moderate) of homemade cakes, tasty and safe.

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Comments on the material (12):

Quoting Alexander:

I agree with you in essence, but in fairness I note that the article tells how to pamper yourself, excluding forbidden delicacies.

Quoting Alexander:

That's it, life is over!)) Almost all my delicacies are listed. How to pamper yourself? Turnip parena? :)
Friends, don't take this advice on faith just so seriously. There are many known sweet tooth who lived to a respectable age. True, there is one caveat. You can pamper yourself with anything if you do not sit on your butt 24/7 days, but work actively and know the way to the stadium. Quote: "I'll give any cutlet for a chocolate bar!" - V. Alekno, coach of the volleyball team.

Everything stated in the article is true as two times two equals four. If, after eating sweet and carbohydrate foods, you experience significant thirst and drink and drink and at the same time constantly run around small, then this is already a disease caused by these foods and their uncontrolled consumption.

Quoting Alexander:

That's it, life is over!)) Almost all my delicacies are listed. How to pamper yourself? Turnip parena? :)
Friends, don't take this advice on faith just so seriously. There are many known sweet tooth who lived to a respectable age. True, there is one caveat. You can pamper yourself with anything if you do not sit on your butt 24/7 days, but work actively and know the way to the stadium. Quote: "I'll give any cutlet for a chocolate bar!" - V. Alekno, coach of the volleyball team.

Everything is good in moderation :-) dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits - this is what you need! I dare say - if you immediately drink liters of heels of spring water, a fatal outcome is quite possible. :-). Toffees and Snickers, of course, are chemicals, but just wash dried fruits and move on. Life is motion!

Tatiana / 04 Feb 2017, 04:24

Quoting Gregory:

Have you checked your blood sugar levels on an empty stomach and throughout the day? Sounds like you have symptoms of diabetes. By changing the diet you have reduced their manifestation. However, I recommend checking your blood sugar.

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days already, I replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and 30 minutes walk from the metro - easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

one hundred%! WELL DONE!

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days already, I replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and 30 minutes walk from the metro - easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

Eating fructose regularly in the absence of diabetes is extremely harmful. Sugar is less harmful to a healthy person.

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days already, I replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and 30 minutes walk from the metro - easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

And I'm sugar free! And I'm cool! You look different right now! And by the way, those who don’t eat sugar look younger, so sweet lovers, if you don’t care about your appearance, take it easy, and at 70 I will look 45, like an Australian who hasn’t eaten sugar since 27 (who interesting google on the Internet). And I'm not yet 27, and I've already given up on it. Sugar is evil, it destroys the vessels of the brain and leads to aging, and worse than cocaine. The strongest drug in the world, so it's hard to give it up.

Quoting Annie:

Quoting Gregory:

And I gave up sweets. I have sugar = drug - my hands are shaking without it and my head is spinning, I walk all broken, depressed, and so on for 10 years. I haven’t eaten sweets for 5 days already, I replaced everything, even removed white bread and flour - the mood now appears from ordinary communication or from a beautiful sunset, I live life, I can even run to the bus, and 30 minutes walk from the metro - easy! So much time for a hobby, I began to cook all sorts of vegetables for a couple, then I’ll boil it, I bought honey for everyone, oatmeal fructose cookies, for the first time in my life all this lay for more than 1 day. So I advise everyone who has depression for no reason* and constant fatigue for no reason*, feel free to change your life, otherwise you are slaves to the refined sugar industry, which is killing you psychologically. Oh, well, I had 3 more teeth by the age of 17 fell out, but this is fixable :)

And I'm sugar free! And I'm cool! You look different right now! And by the way, those who don’t eat sugar look younger, so sweet lovers, if you don’t care about your appearance, take it easy, and at 70 I will look 45, like an Australian who hasn’t eaten sugar since 27 (who interesting google on the Internet). And I'm not yet 27, and I've already given up on it. Sugar is evil, it destroys the vessels of the brain and leads to aging, and worse than cocaine. The strongest drug in the world, so it's hard to give it up.

As I understand it, people who write here: "refuse sweets" are ordinary trolls. The people have less and less money, we cannot afford much, and hence the anger at the rulers. This is where pseudodoctors appear, who consider almost all products to be harmful and dangerous.)) Toffees are made from milk and sugar - this is "very harmful", which means that milk and sugar are also harmful! Eat grass, you don't need money at all!

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