Foods to eat at night. Why you can not eat at night, what you can eat in the evening. Applesauce with cinnamon

Almost everyone with the onset of night begins to experience terrible hunger. This is especially true for those who follow their figure and are on a diet. All day long holding on proper nutrition, in the evening you begin to experience hunger pangs that literally do not let you fall asleep. What to do in this case, and what can you eat at night so as not to harm your figure?

Eating or starving?

About evening reception nutrition opinions of nutritionists differ. Some say that the time of dinner should depend on the time when a person goes to bed, others believe that in any case, the last meal should be no later than 6 pm. In any case, it is recommended to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, because at night the body must sleep.

All physiological processes occurring in the body slow down at night, and therefore the food eaten at night lies in the stomach like a dead weight. Products begin to rot, and the poor stomach is forced to digest them in the morning. It is difficult for him to cope with this, so toxins begin to enter our body. As a result, immunity decreases, an unhealthy complexion appears, hair becomes dull and brittle. In addition, the calories produced are not burned, but are stored in reserve in the form of fat on the chest and abdomen.

However, evening It is also impossible for the body to arrange a severe hunger strike. If you eat for the last time at 6 pm, then until about 7 am the body remains without food. Long breaks in food are stressful, in which the body begins to create reserves in the form of body fat. At this time, the enzyme lipoprotein lipase is activated, which sends fatty acids to the fatty tissue under the skin.

So that the body does not require you to replenish your energy supply at 2 a.m., it is recommended to have a snack three hours before bedtime. If you want to eat just before bedtime, then you should choose foods with a negative calorie content. That is, those that require more energy for their digestion than they produce themselves.

Negative calorie foods

These products include mainly vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat kefir and flounder.

Beet. Salad from this vegetable, dressed vegetable oil, will contain a minimum of calories. In addition, beetroot contains curacamine and betaine, which contribute to weight loss. The pectin contained in the vegetable cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, regulates the intestinal flora, thereby normalizing bowel function.

Celery. Without harm to the figure, you can eat a celery root, which contains only a dozen calories. It can be made from fresh or light salad with carrots. Celery is rich in fiber and is a diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat a lot of it at night. In addition, it is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, with varicose veins and some diseases of the stomach.

Citrus. One fruit of an orange or tangerine contains no more than 40 kcal. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and fiber, they are able to normalize digestion, so they are allowed to eat before bedtime. However, with diseases of the stomach, it is better to refuse tangerines and oranges.

Apples. These fruits play an important role in weight loss, lower cholesterol, normalize the digestive tract, contain approximately 10% daily fiber. Kelly Osbourne, who eats half an apple every day before going to bed, believes that, along with the diet, it was apples that helped him lose weight. But, if you have stomach problems, then this fruit is contraindicated for you, because it helps to increase gas formation.

Bananas. 100 g of a banana contains about 90 kcal, however, one fruit before going to bed will definitely not harm the figure. Australian scientists have proven that bananas help improve sleep, and a cocktail of them can get rid of snoring. They contain the amino acid tryptophan, which produces the hormone of joy, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and helps you sleep.

Kefir. The calcium-rich drink is a natural sedative, so nutritionists advise drinking it as prophylactic for insomnia. The relaxing effect appears due to a small percentage of alcohol, which is part of kefir. In addition, the drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, as it is an easily digestible product. But do not abuse kefir if you have an increased acidity of the stomach.

Flounder. For 100 g of this fish, there are only 83 kcal and very little fat. But its amino acid composition is well balanced and it is rich in proteins, vitamins E and A, phosphorus, iron, sodium, nicotinic acid, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin. So a little flounder at night not only does not hurt, but also saturates the body with useful components.

All of these low-calorie foods can be consumed in small amounts before bed. But what if you want to eat something more substantial?

What can you eat before bed?

In some cases, simply drinking a glass of warm water, green tea, or chamomile tea is enough to satisfy your hunger. An infusion of rose hips will definitely suppress your appetite, which is also useful. From food at night you can use:

What can not be eaten before bed?

Basic principles healthy eating almost everyone knows, so you can not talk about products prohibited at night for a long time. Before going to bed it is not recommended to eat:

  1. Deep-fried, smoked and fried foods. You can not eat at night, even fried vegetables and fruits. Such food is too heavy for the stomach, so it may not be digested until morning.
  2. Fatty meat and fish are also heavy food for the stomach, so nutritionists categorically prohibit eating them before bedtime.
  3. Any quickly cooked food, which includes dumplings, hamburgers, sausages, is contraindicated at night.
  4. Mushrooms and cottage cheese are rich in protein, which is digested very slowly. Therefore, they are considered heavy food.
  5. Any foods with spices and garlic excite the appetite. As a result, you will eat more than you wanted. Therefore, snacks are best done with lean food.
  6. Canned, pickled and salted foods overnight are prohibited.
  7. Simple carbohydrates in the form of jam, condensed milk, sweets, cakes, ice cream and pastries should not be eaten categorically before bedtime. You can’t get enough of them for a long time, but you can sharply increase blood sugar levels. These foods that are useless for saturation are poorly reflected in the figure and can cause the development of diabetes.

In addition to the fact that you can’t eat at night, you need to remember that before going to bed It is undesirable to drink some drinks:

  • sweet fruit drinks, kissels, teas, lemonades;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • juices that are high in sugar.

To make the desire to eat at night disappear, you need to understand the reasons why you really want to eat before going to bed.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Some people are tormented by such a strong hunger, from which pain even appears in the pit of the stomach. After eating, the pain stops. The reason for this may be gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Without realizing it, people satisfy their hunger with products with low acidity, which include porridge, milk, white bread, kefir. After eating, a person falls asleep calmly, but the main problem is not solved. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

stressful conditions

Quite often, people under stress eat a lot, thus relieving nervous tension. Since there are many stressful situations in life, weight gain is guaranteed.

An unpleasant situation can occur at any time of the day, including shortly before bedtime. Most often, stress is seized by foods with a strongly pronounced taste. It could be cake or smoked sausage. To understand if nighttime snacking is an antidepressant for you, see if you want to eat at night if there are no stressful situations.

Daytime malnutrition

The most common cause of nighttime hunger is not eating enough during the day. Many people think that a small sandwich and coffee in the morning is a normal breakfast. At lunch, there is often no time to eat at all or you have to eat food on the go. As a result, severe hunger sets in in the evening, but one meal for dinner is not enough. Before going to bed, you may want to eat again.

Therefore, it is necessary to eat well throughout the day. Then in the evening the feeling of hunger will not worsen, and you don't overeat at night. Worst of all, if the wrong diet becomes a habit. You can control hunger only by not skipping meals.

Night gluttony leads not only to the deposition of fat and excess weight, but also to varicose veins, hypertension, diabetes. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, slim and look good, follow the recommendations written above.

Modern life and its hectic rhythm have made changes in nutrition. For many people who want to lose weight, the unspoken law of not eating after six is ​​practically impossible. In the evening, most people are at work or in traffic jams on their way home. Therefore, many are concerned about the question of what you can eat at night, adhering to the correct, dietary nutrition.

Late Dinner Principles

Most nutritionists are convinced that breakfast should be for two, lunch should be for one, and dinner should be given to the enemy. But it is not all that bad. It turns out that there are situations when a late dinner will be not only justified, but even necessary. In addition, the feeling of hunger is clearly not more beneficial for the body than a late dinner. Refusing food in the evening, the body is subjected to enormous stress., and this will also not benefit the general condition.

Having decided to eat at night, you need to correctly approach the choice of products. For people who are worried about the ideal body, low-fat cottage cheese is a useful product before bedtime. The portion should be small, about the size of a fist, about 50-60 grams.

The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

If a dry fat-free product does not seem like an attractive dinner, you can dilute it with kefir or unsweetened natural yogurt, and if desired, add a small amount of any fruit or dried fruit.

And if the portion of fruit is really moderate, carbohydrates will not have a negative effect on the body. However, the mood will improve and dinner will become much tastier.

If you have already had dinner, but you want something for the night, it is better to get by with a light salad, which includes cheese, tomatoes and other fresh vegetables, an egg and greens, and you can season it with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

If you go to bed at 11-12 pm, then try to have dinner at least two hours before bedtime.

All unnecessary calories will be used up and sleep will be calm and healthy, neither rumbling in the stomach, nor bloating or other unpleasant symptoms will disturb it.

What can you eat in the evening while losing weight?

Protein food is the best choice for dinner

Protein foods are suitable for late dinners, especially those that are quickly digested (1.5 hours).

Let's take a closer look at its types.

Cottage cheese

The advantage of cottage cheese is the content of amino acids and milk protein - casein, which breaks down earlier than amino acids, but much more slowly. Curd in pure form no harm before bed and does not threaten with weight gain, you will get not only a restful sleep, but also great benefits for the body.


Before going to bed, you can drink 1 glass of the product, the temperature should be at room temperature. At night, it is better to use low-fat sour-milk kefir or with a content of 1% fat. It is recommended to drink in small sips or eat with a spoon.


Although low in calories, they take a long time to digest.

A late dinner from this product will not do much harm to your body, but on the condition that eggs or scrambled eggs do not become a dish that will be served at your table every evening.

However, nutritionists believe that eggs are not the best option for a late dinner. This opinion is due to the fact that eggs are very long and hard to digest.


low calorie yogurt without additives and sweeteners can be a great late dinner. Regular yogurt is not as healthy because a large number it contains sugar, dyes and various additives.


If a strong hunger is present before going to bed, then to suppress it, it is allowed to drink fermented baked milk, but in an amount not more than half a glass-glass. This is much more useful than snacking and bowel function will be normalized.

Fruit in the evening?

The general rule for losing weight: it is better to eat them before 16.00. When choosing fruits for a late dinner, you need to know that there are different fruits for fruits, and it is recommended to eat one that does not add extra folds on the stomach, but calms the treacherously rumbling stomach and saturates the body with vitamins. So, which fruits should you choose?


Despite its nutritional value, this fruit, on the contrary, helps to reduce extra pounds. It has a huge amount of vitamins, easily digestible fats, no sugar and cholesterol. Regular consumption of avocados allows you to speed up the process of burning fats and removing them from the body. Therefore, eating avocados for dinner is not only possible, but also necessary.


For dinner, grapefruit can be consumed. It reduces the feeling of hunger, and also during sleep, citrus breaks down fats and removes fluid from the body.


There is not a single experience that proves that pomegranate for weight loss can have any effect. However, using it at night will definitely not get better.

Increase in blood sugar levels after consumption pomegranate juice or grains of this fruit helps suppress hunger.


One ripe fruit contains about 2 g of dietary fiber. Kiwi at bedtime helps cleanse the body, reduces hunger and removes accumulated toxins in the intestines. All these points are important in the fight against excess weight.

A pineapple

Pineapple contains bromelain, a plant analogue of the human digestive enzyme. Bromelain improves digestion and reduces the time during which food is in the digestive tract. You can use it before bedtime, but remember that pineapples have a lot of acids, and they contraindicated with increased acidity of the stomach, with peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.


The fruit contains insoluble fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Pear promotes the removal of toxins from the body. But the removal of toxins is one of the conditions for losing weight. Experts unanimously allow to eat a pear before going to bed.

An Apple

Fruit is a source of fructose. It is sugar, that is, a carbohydrate that gives the body energy. At night, a person rests and does not need it. If the energy turns out to be superfluous, it will be deposited in fat, so you should not eat apples before bedtime.


Fats and proteins in the berry are completely absent, but there are a lot of carbohydrates that give the watermelon pulp its inherent sweetness. These carbohydrates are broken down almost instantly and used by the body immediately, without turning into body fat. However, you should not consume watermelon before bedtime, in the morning there is a risk of waking up with swelling.

Vegetables before bed?

Many people like to treat themselves to vegetables before bedtime. Consider their effect on the body at bedtime.

A tomato

The calorie content of this vegetable is minimal, only 22kcal per 100g, you can not be afraid to get better if you eat before bedtime. However, people with kidney disease should refrain from eating tomatoes before bed. The vegetable has a powerful diuretic effect, so the kidneys will work actively at night and frequent trips to the toilet cannot be avoided.


It is rich in vitamin A, necessary for losing weight. Exactly the lack of this substance causes various skin imperfections: stretch marks, loss of tone.

Carrots are one vegetable that won't hurt before bed.


The weight loss value is due to the high content of tartronic acid. According to this property, it is a leader among other vegetables. This acid reduces the conversion of carbohydrates into fat in the body, which makes it a real lifesaver for overweight people. However, this vegetable should not be abused at night, there is a risk of edema and unpleasant symptoms in the intestines.


The vegetable reduces hunger, due to its volume it stretches the walls of the stomach, and there is a feeling of fullness. But cucumber is a strong diuretic, so it is better not to use it before bedtime.


This vegetable contains a unique vitamin T, which has the ability to speed up the metabolism, preventing the deposition of fats and reducing the risk of obesity, as well as improving the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of pumpkin juice.

Nuts or seeds?

Healthy fats help you lose weight. They are involved in the secretion of hormones and contribute to the rapid saturation of the body. Consider some foods containing fats.


One cup of unshelled seeds energy value comparable to a fairly heavy dinner. Therefore, being on a dietary, regimen diet, it is not recommended to use them at night.


The product is rich in proteins and calcium. But this high-calorie product, therefore, not everyone is useful to eat cheese with a diet. A few slices of low-fat cheese before bed will not harm the figure.

From foods high in fat at night, you can get better.


They are the richest source of healthy fats and proteins. People call nuts analogues of meat - the calorie content of hazelnuts, walnut or an almond is insanely large. In small quantities, nuts at night can and should be.

Carbohydrates at night

Simple carbohydrates as a meal at night are not suitable. The energy that the body will receive from them cannot be spent, which means it will be deposited by the body in extra folds on the sides and stomach. Let's take a closer look at carbohydrates.


It is better to use buckwheat at night in a steamed form without adding salt, oil or sweet additives.


It is much easier to reduce weight by eating bran than with cereals. Bran fills the stomach and reduces hunger, low-calorie - about 165 kcal per 100 grams. It is known that they have an adsorbing effect. Bran works when there is enough fluid to swell, so when consumed before bedtime, drink a glass of raw water.


Nutritionists advise those who decide to eat honey at night to use it with diaphoretic herbal decoctions. With their help, you can sweat and provide deep sleep, which is important when losing weight.

Is it possible to drink water at night while losing weight?

Doctors believe that about 1.5 liters of water should be consumed while you are awake. If this volume was not drunk during the day, there is no need to catch up before bedtime, there will be no benefit, but a glass of liquid before bedtime will not do any harm.

The best way diet dinner.

For a late dinner, you can afford a small piece of chicken or turkey. These products will reduce hunger, and thanks to the peptide hormone found in white meat, increase blood sugar levels and reduce the conversion of incoming fats and carbohydrates into energy.

So, if a late dinner is unavoidable, try to eat foods that are easily absorbed by the body, relax muscles and help you sleep peacefully.

You often hear from nutritionists that for effective weight loss at night it is better not to eat anything. But not everyone can afford to refuse a snack in the evening. Therefore, you should not give up snacking, you just need to choose foods that are useful to eat before bedtime. So what foods can you eat at night to satisfy your hunger, but still keep losing weight?

What can you eat before bed

First of all, think carefully - are you really? You can drink a glass of water - this will ease the feeling of hunger. If this didn't help you, then you need to think about what to eat in order to lose weight. Of course, the list of allowed foods is not that long, but still, such a snack will do more good than harm.

Unfortunately, many work late, they do not have the opportunity to eat three hours before bedtime. Don't skip dinner? You have to eat at night. Here it is worth making dinner the main meal, although it should be light. . You can cook yourself a small portion:

In this way, you can avoid many digestive problems without giving up a nutritious dinner. After all, you can not exhaust your body.

Cottage cheese is a healthy and safe product. It absorbs fairly quickly. The body spends an average of an hour and a half on its digestion. For nighttime snacks choose a product with a reduced fat content. It is very useful for athletes to use cottage cheese, because it contains a lot of protein. Protein, in turn, supports the muscles for two hours.

There is an opinion that nuts should always be present in the diet. Why, what's the use of them? In a small amount, they will fill the body with energy and vitamins. But remember that the product is high in calories. If you decide to eat a whole bag late at night, then you can forget about losing weight. The optimal snack is a small handful of peanuts, cashews or almonds. But it is better to refuse walnuts, they are difficult to digest.

Cabbage is a "negative calorie" vegetable. The body spends more calories to digest such a product than it receives from the product. Therefore, thanks to cabbage, you can increase muscle endurance, activate the process of losing weight. You can drink cabbage juice before going to bed - it will also help to improve the juice.

Carrots, which are fighting extra pounds, will also help satisfy hunger. You definitely won't get tired of it! But it must be fresh or in the form of freshly squeezed juice. You can drink carrots with a glass of kefir. Such a tandem will be useful for the whole organism.

If we are talking about kefir, then it should be included in your diet as often as possible. It improves sleep and bowel function. It perfectly interrupts the appetite. If you have a late dinner, then cook soup based on kefir. This will require a liter of fermented milk product, two cucumbers, a bunch of dill and fresh garlic to taste. It is enough to grind all the ingredients and mix with kefir - and digestion will be normal, and a fairly satisfying dish is obtained. Milk, low-fat yogurt or yogurt- an alternative to this drink. With one of these ingredients you get tzatziki, a Greek dish.

Cheese before bed can be consumed, but low-fat. There are no carbohydrates in this product, so it is not dangerous for weight loss. But choose varieties with a minimum of fat. Combine cheese with vegetables (cucumbers, broccoli, celery) - this will lower its calorie content even more.

What fruits can you eat at night

Many people believe that fruits contain only fiber, and fats are completely absent. And this is true, but only in most cases. Sometimes fruits at night can greatly affect your figure. Not all fruits will be equally useful.

Even at night, you can safely consume citrus fruits - grapefruits, oranges, tangerines. Do not give up apples, pears, kiwi, pineapples, mangoes. But bananas and grapes must be abandoned - they are not on the list of allowed products.

If you can't sleep because of hunger, you can have an apple snack. Choose a green fruit for this, yellow and red ones contain more sugar. It is advisable to peel it from the peel - so the body will digest this dish faster. If apples whet your appetite, then you can bake them in the oven without adding any other products.

Why can't you eat a banana at night? They are so tasty! That's just the calorie content of bananas is very high. His chemical composition is able to relieve fatigue, cause cheerfulness - and this is not the effect that must be achieved before going to bed. If you do not have problems with excess weight, then you can eat a banana at night, but know the measure. It is better to make a cocktail from this delicious fruit. To do this, mix a banana with carrot juice and milk. You can sweeten it with a spoonful of honey. But you can drink such a drink only two hours before bedtime - no later!

But oranges have a low calorie content, and there is a lot of fiber in the composition. Therefore, they can be categorized as bedtime treats. Only in some they cause an appetite, if you are one of these people, then it is better to replace citrus fruits with something else.

What not to eat at night

Unfortunately, the list of prohibited products is longer. Many products, when they enter the stomach, remain there until the morning. Therefore, in the morning you feel lethargic, tired. Immunity weakens from this, and the appearance of extra pounds does not take long.

The following foods should not be consumed before bed:

It is better to beware of all the listed products if you do not want to gain extra pounds, which are not so easy to get rid of later. Watch your diet, choose fresh and healthy foods so that your figure does not change, and the body remains healthy.

Attention, only TODAY!

After a busy day, in the evening we all want to relax and unwind. It is in the evening that you especially want to have a bite to eat, despite a hearty dinner. In the evening, it is better to have a snack with something tasty and healthy, you should not exhaust yourself and starve, because you can choose something suitable from a variety of products without harming your figure.

For those who dream of a beautiful, slim figure without extra pounds, dinner is a mandatory daily process. If you decide not to have dinner, then after a while you may notice that a couple of extra kilos have disappeared somewhere, but keep in mind: this is a short-term effect. Soon the body will get used to the lack of food in the evening and, anticipating it in advance, will store fat "in reserve".

People who want to quickly reset excess weight and say goodbye to the hated kilograms, very often they make a big mistake - they refuse dinner. Nutritionists and gastroenterologists say with one voice: you need to have dinner! But it is necessary to carry out the evening process of eating according to the rules, approaching it with all responsibility, because indeed, it is better not to eat at all than to dine incorrectly. Another negative moment when refusing a healthy and complete dinner is breakdowns that will happen sooner or later. Thoughtlessly limiting yourself in the food necessary for the body, you are detrimental to your health.

So let's take a look at the most important points concerning the evening meal.

1. Serving size and quantity of products

The usual, normal portion of food for a losing weight person is as much as fits in a handful (a pair of palms folded together). By the way, this is quite a lot, as it might seem at first glance. The average male handful holds about 350 grams, and the female - about 250 grams. One more thing the most important rule: make sure that there are 2 times more vegetable products and greens on your plate than protein foods.

2. Calorie per serving

If we talk about the evening meal, then dinner should not contain more than 400 kcal, even for ordinary person not suffering from overweight. For actively losing weight, the calorie content of dinner cannot exceed 350 calories. Meals in the evening should contain optimal balance proteins, fats and carbohydrates and be low in calories. It's best to distribute your daily ration so that dinner contains only 20% of calories from the total daily weight.

3. Dinner time

Of course, it is rather difficult to accurately indicate the time of a meal in the evening: for each, this indicator is individual and has a direct dependence on the daily routine. But you must follow the rule: dinner should take place 3-4 hours before going to bed, no later. For example, if you go to bed around 10 pm, then it is better to have dinner from 6 to 7 pm, if you go to bed closer to midnight, then you can have dinner at 20:00

A well-known proverb says that "dinner must be given to the enemy." But this is the case if your plate literally sags under the weight of fried potatoes, fatty pork cutlet, salad with mayonnaise and a piece of cake for dessert. Such food certainly will not help to get a wasp waist, and even spoil your health. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to have dinner with cereals (the exception is buckwheat), fried meat, potatoes, corn flakes, any varieties of legumes, and you should not add salted nuts, ketchup and mayonnaise to your evening diet. Among other things, in the evening you should not eat pasta and dumplings, any bread and, of course, sweets and other similar desserts.

Healthy dinner options: what can you eat?

The reason for the need for dinner is very logical. If the body has not received enough food during the day, including in the evening, the next day it begins to literally demand an additional portion of food to fill the gap. Overeating in this case is almost inevitable.

Therefore, you need to have dinner, but before eating, you need to analyze its composition, and also drink a glass of water 10-20 minutes before eating.

An ideal option for the evening is an easily digestible high-fiber protein meal. If you decide to treat yourself to dessert before bed, then choose moderately sweet and light foods. Let's talk more about what dinner should be like.

In the evening, the metabolic processes of the body slow down significantly, our physical activity decreases; accordingly, the need for carbohydrates disappears. Therefore, fruits and carbohydrates are advised to be consumed before 17 hours. In fact, a proper and healthy dinner should consist of a combination of protein (meat/fish) and fiber (vegetables).

If we consider in more detail, then the following options for a proper dinner are possible:

A healthy dinner is very easy to fit into yours.

Proper dinner is the basis for weight loss

The main component of successful weight loss is a clear control over the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body with food, and the calorie content of foods. It is best to keep a small notebook, the so-called "food diary", and record all the data on meals in it. If you write down what and in what quantities you ate during the day, it will be very easy to understand how much more you can eat in the evening so as not to go beyond the norm.

For those who find this calorie counting option too complicated and boring, you can make a recommendation to focus on the contents of the plate. Evening meals should be almost carbohydrate-free. Of course, carbohydrates can be present, but in a minimal dose.

The correct ratio would look like this: 2:1:1 (fiber proteins:carbohydrates). This combination is perfect. It will allow you not to feel hungry until it's time to sleep, so in the morning there will be no overwhelming desire to pounce on food. Fat may also be present, but only of plant origin.

The meal should be as light as possible, but one apple or a glass of kefir will not be enough. Include in your evening diet foods that can saturate the body with protein, vegetable crops and berries. Losing weight will benefit from any variety of cabbage: from white cabbage to Brussels sprouts. It will be a great addition to dinner. sea ​​kale, which will enable the body to get rid of the feeling of hunger for a long time. And sauerkraut will save you from problems with the digestive system.

If you can tolerate hot spices and seasonings well, then it will be good to add them to dinner dishes. Ginger, mustard, horseradish, cardamom, garlic can be used as flavoring additives. These products have a beneficial effect on digestion, accelerate metabolism, as a result of which the body gets rid of fats and toxins at an accelerated pace.

And a few more recommendations for losing weight: you need to eat slowly, chew food thoroughly and measuredly. Refrain from watching television while eating. It's best if the plates you use to serve your food are blue or black.

Spice up your meals with simple, natural spices. Salad dressings should be olive oil or light, natural yogurt. If after an evening meal there is a desire to treat yourself to something sweet, brew yourself herbal tea with honey or rose hips.

Easy Recipes for a Healthy Dinner

Recipe 1. Chicken Casserole


  • Chicken fillet
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes
  • Sour cream


Cut in small pieces chicken fillet, salt and pepper it. Beat eggs with sour cream, salt. Transfer the chicken to a baking dish and pour over the mixture. Place chopped tomatoes on top. Preheat the oven to 200 C, put the chicken in the form and cook for 30-40 minutes. For garnish - greens or salad.

Recipe 2. Salad with chicken fillet


  • Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Quail eggs - 2 pcs.
  • lettuce leaves
  • Apple - 1/2 pc.
  • Olive oil, vinegar (optional)


Chicken fillet and cucumber cut into strips, eggs and an apple into cubes. Mix oil with vinegar. We put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt, season. Mix and put on a plate with lettuce.

Recipe 3. Salad with squid


  • Squids - 200-250 g
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Yogurt


Peel the squids and boil in salted water for 1-2 minutes. Cut squid and tomatoes into strips. Crush the garlic, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix the ingredients and season with yogurt.

Recipe 4. Cottage cheese and strawberry mousse


  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 150 g.
  • Strawberries frozen -200 g.


We put the cottage cheese in the blender and pour the pre-thawed strawberries there, along with the juice that has turned out, so that the mass is sufficiently homogeneous. We put the resulting mousse in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, so that it cools down and reaches readiness. Bon Appetit!

Snacks before bed: is it possible or not?

In addition to the main evening meal, provided that you go to bed late and you have a long enough break between dinner and bedtime, you can also have a small snack or even a second dinner. The following psychological moment is important here: it is better to eat something healthy if you are really hungry than to endure, and then break loose and eat sweet or flour instead of low-calorie and healthy food.

Especially for you, we have selected a list of products that can be consumed in the evening.

If you are very hungry (even after a light dinner) and you go to bed no earlier than 22:00-23:00, you can eat two hours before bedtime:

  • Dairy and sour-milk products with a fat content of up to 5%
  • Eggs in any form
  • Oatmeal 100-150 g (possible with a spoonful of honey)
  • Meat, fish and seafood
  • Dried fruits - figs, dates, pear
  • Chicken or vegetable broth
  • Orange, kiwi or apple
  • Vegetables (except potatoes and corn)
  • low fat cheese
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetable salads with light dressing (olive oil)
  • Curds, cottage cheese casseroles

As a small snack, you can also consume no more than 100 g of the following products:

  • Almonds (about 20 nuts). However, it should not be fried or salty.
  • Strawberries (1 cup) or Raspberries (1 cup)
  • Grapefruit (half)
  • Tangerines (2 pcs)

If you do not follow the regime, but do not want to gain extra pounds, three hours before bedtime you can eat:

  • Protein (meat, fish, wild or red rice, buckwheat)

In the evening, everyone, without exception, who watches their figure, needs to exclude fast carbohydrates: cereals, fruits, sweets, starchy foods.

To make an independent decision about proper evening snacks, it is very important to know the rules for digesting foods:

  1. Liquid juices and juices of medium density 20-13 minutes;
  2. Fruit on average from 30 minutes to 60;
  3. Vegetable salads with a light dressing will take 30 to 40 minutes to digest;
  4. Sour milk drinks 60 minutes;
  5. Kashi (oatmeal, buckwheat) up to 90 minutes;
  6. Potatoes - from 1.5 to 2 hours;
  7. Cottage cheese is digested for about 2 hours;
  8. Fish - 2 hours;
  9. Chicken meat and turkey meat are digested for 2-3 hours;
  10. Nuts - 3 hours;
  11. Pork 4-5 hours.

A proper, balanced dinner will provide you with sound sleep, excellent health and excellent well-being. And you need to remember: it is not only the composition of the food that matters, but also the mood with which you eat this food. Even the healthiest food won't do any good if you eat it in frustration, constantly beating yourself up about the extra 50 calories on your plate.

Dinner should be tasty, satisfying, healthy and with pleasure. Only in this case the dream of an ideal figure will become a reality!

Night snacks: harm to our body

Night snacking is a bad habit, and you need to get rid of it. Most often, night hunger occurs due to a disturbed diet. If you don’t have breakfast, you dine somehow - that’s why the biological schedule of eating is shifted to the night hours. Another common reason for reaching for the refrigerator in the late hours is the so-called tidbit syndrome that has been left in the refrigerator since the evening. That's what won't let you rest. Of course, most often this refers to psychological.

To unlearn eating at night, you first need to have a hearty breakfast and lunch, and dinner in moderation. Between main meals, always have snacks with the right products. Ideally, these are fruits, nuts, dairy products. When a person sits at a computer or in front of a TV screen for a long time, then most often a surge in appetite is not due to physiological natural hunger, but to a simple habit of chewing and eating something. Often such blitz portions are sandwiches, chips, crackers and fast food.

It also happens that the daytime stress does not allow you to fall asleep, and you are just trying to seize the stress. In this case, after a hard day, it is recommended to brew a relaxing tea - with mint, lemon balm and ginger. Ginger has a warming and relaxing effect, mint and lemon balm soothe. If you are hungry - then you can brew green tea with milk - after it you will feel full.

You should pay attention to your evening needs that do not concern food - relax, make tea and read your favorite book or magazine, watch an interesting movie.

Attempts to stop nighttime snacking can be argued with alarming facts that should act on you like a cold shower:

  • First, eating at night can cause heartburn, swelling, nightmares, and obesity. If this does not bother you, then continue in the same spirit, but still think about it. Motivate yourself with the fact that you will look bad with puffiness on your face if you allow yourself some yummy.
  • If a person eats something salty or sweet at night, then he is guaranteed thirst. People who constantly eat at night may notice an increase on the scale in the morning. Unprocessed glucose in our body turns into body fat, and if you have a habit of snacking at night, then sooner or later you will be obese.

At night, our body must recover and rest - rest is also required for our digestive system. Therefore, try to dine measuredly, beautifully decorating the dish. If, nevertheless, hunger does not recede, and strictly 2-3 hours before bedtime.

For those who have not had dinner yet, we offer you a video recipe for hearty pasta with meatballs and mustard - simple, fast and delicious!

The myth that you can’t eat at night has a clear origin: at night we cannot control our body, and as soon as we fall asleep with a gastrointestinal tract full from the third dinner, how its contents (without your personal control!) begin to harm you, arrogantly deposited in the form of fat or lies and deteriorates right inside us, because at night the intestines do not work, it is dark.

“12 duodenal” gut and SEO pests

The Internet is filled with texts forbidding people to eat at night. In them you will not find references to scientific research, but there is where the authors' fantasies unfold.

Here is an example of a typical wrecking text (from the site The spelling and transcription of the site address are saved): “as I said, food at night is simply not digested normally, since the duodenum is also in a sleepy, sluggish state during sleep. But the stomach then works, filling it with food, as a result of which it is greatly stretched, and gastric juice hardly penetrates into this mass, which lies in the 12th duodenum until the morning. And also worse than that, bile from the gallbladder, often cannot break through this congestion at all, and remains to thicken in the gallbladder until the morning, subsequently forming stones and inflammations, as a result of which operations are naturally required to remove them.

And here is a little blizzard from the site “ If you eat at night and go to bed, the muscles cannot process sugar and glucose enters the liver, where, under the influence of enzymes, it turns into fat.“.

Yes, in general, you can see for yourself in any site that appears after a query in a search engine “Why you can’t eat at night.”

Do I need to add that there is not a single reference to research. It is curious how the fantasy of such SEO writers, whose goal is to promote search links inside the text, beats the key to the heads of poor readers. But enough about humor, let's turn to experts and science.

Why can you eat at night. Scientific approach

Let's turn to science. Dmitry Pikul will help us with this (LJ user znatok-ne , we have already published its scientific rationale).

Common sense from both reviews scientific research like: yes, of course during sleep, there is a decrease in salivation, swallowing frequency, pressure of the upper esophageal sphincter decreases, and the number of primary contractions of the esophagus, but all this is not in any way pathological, so that we can say that the gastrointestinal tract is not able to cope normally at night with food entering the stomach on the eve of sleep .

With regard to gastric emptying, this characteristic depends more on individual circadian rhythms, and not on the very fact of the presence or absence of sleep as such. There is evidence that gastric emptying during REM sleep increases and slows during deep sleep, and there is evidence that gastric emptying slows during both phases of sleep. Experiments with solid food have shown that at night the emptying of the stomach occurs faster than in the morning.

On average, the highest secretion of gastric juice is observed between 22 o'clock and 2 o'clock in the morning, regardless of whether a person is sleeping or not. On the this moment there is no evidence to support that sleep has an effect on gastric acid secretion . And in this process, the normal secretion of the hormone melatonin is of considerable importance, because. melatonin inhibits the release of gastric acid, promotes the normalization of gastric blood flow, improves regeneration and affects the development of gastric mucosal tissue, villus height, overall mucosal thickness and cell division.

Peristalsis of the small intestine is even higher at night than during the day. And intestinal peristalsis itself can have an impact on sleep, i.e. when after eating (it doesn’t matter in the evening or in the afternoon) drowsiness appears, this, among other things, can occur due to signals sent by the central nervous system when the intestine is stretched, and accompanied by the secretion of the hormone cholecystokinin.

No relationship was found between food intake, sleep and negative changes in the secretion of gastrin, neurotensin, peptide YY, pancreatic hormones, polypeptide, amylase and protease. Those. this process does not depend on the phases of sleep, nor on sleep as such, in principle, but is tied to food intake and its digestion / assimilation .

And there is such a thing as adaptation of the body to systematically repeated conditions, i.e. if we are used to eating at night, then the body adapts to such a meal and starts the necessary chains of reactions so that the process goes as it should.

And anticipating the desire of someone to accuse me of propaganda to get drunk at night, I’ll say right away that everything is as usual here, I’m considering the situation reasonable dietary control over the target calorie content of their balanced diet. But even if we do not take this important factor into account, from a purely physiological point of view, The gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and digestive organs work as they should in the framework necessary to perform their functions, both during wakefulness and during sleep / night .

1. Vaughn BV, Rotolo S, Roth HL. Circadian rhythm and influence sleeps on digestive physiology and disorders. ChronoPhysiology and Therapy, Volume 4, Published 2 September 2014 Volume 2014:4 Pages 67-77. DOI.

2. Dantas RO1, Aben-Athar CG. . Arq Gastroenterol. 2002 Jan-Mar;39(1):55-9.