What happens if you eat fast food. Fitness enthusiasts ate fast food for a week. Being overweight wasn't the worst thing that happened to them. Why fast food is bad - lack of fiber

Everyone around them says that fast food is harmful, it is stuffed with trans fats, various additives and a huge amount of fat, which, apart from harm to our body, will bring nothing. But at the same time, we regularly see fast food ads that are shown in the best light and are positioned almost as the most best food in the world. What you put in your mouth is up to you, but we want to tell you about what will happen to your body if you regularly eat fast food.

Excess weight

Fast food has long become synonymous with excess weight, but for some reason this does not stop anyone. And if you just look at the composition of a burger, chips or hot dog, it will become clear that you can not get fat on fast food only in one case: if you eat only one dish from a fast food restaurant once a day. But this is physically impossible, because fast carbohydrates, which are almost all fast food ingredients, will make you hungry almost immediately after eating a burger or french fries.

Premature fatigue

In 2015, a study was published in the Daily Mail that talked about the experiment. The journalist tested the effect of fast food on overall well-being. To do this, she did not eat anything for a week, except for dishes from fast food restaurants. The conclusion was this: her concentration level decreased several times, and fatigue did not go away even after a good night's sleep. And this is backed up by scientific findings: sleepiness is caused by a certain type of amino acid called tryptophan. Due to the excess carbohydrates, this amino acid enters the brain faster if you eat fast food. In other words, the more fast food you eat, the faster you get tired.

Excess cholesterol

According to The American Heart Association, there are two types of fat in food: animal and artificial. The latter are industrially extracted and are essentially the trans fats that most fast food companies use because they are cheap. These same trans fats increase cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

unhealthy skin

Getting skin like that of a teenager, and not in terms of youth, but in terms of age-related defects, is very easy if you eat only fast food. The fact is that this food saturates the blood with glucose very quickly, that is, it is considered a food with a high glycemic load. It is this diet that in most cases is the cause of acne. Simple sugars, carbohydrates and trans fats can do things to your skin that require the help of a nutritionist.

Permanent swelling

Hamburgers, nuggets, French fries are just loaded with sodium - that's the way they're cooked. And sodium, of course, is still a part healthy eating, helping to control blood pressure and blood volume, but an excess of this substance can lead to disaster. To begin with, sodium serves to retain water in the body. If your heart is working normally, then this water will go away over time. But if there is even the slightest problem, you will have chronic edema, which is fraught with problems with the kidneys and liver.

Tendency to depression

The same experiment with the effect of fast food on general well-being from the Daily Mail showed the effect of this type of food on mood. When the participant ate all week only in fast food restaurants, her mood bounced up and down and made her irritable and impatient. This has also been backed up by science. A 2012 study shows that people who eat fast food are 51% more likely to suffer from clinical depression.

Development of cancer

From the abundance of information about carcinogenic foods, one wants to exclaim: “Is there any food that does NOT cause cancer?”. That's right, cancerophobia is a generational disease, and it is customary to see the threat of cancer development almost everywhere. However, a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2016 found that fast food contains toxic chemicals known as phthalates, a class of industrial chemicals. Phthalates are the most potent known carcinogens.


There is fast food every day, and then you can simply refuse it. But it is worth knowing that this will not be so easy to do. A 2011 study found that fast food has a number of addictive properties. They are especially dangerous for people at risk - with obesity, heart disease and eating disorders.

Four fitness fans abandoned training for a week and switched to processed foods, fast food and unhealthy, but very tasty food. That they all gained weight as a result was predictable, but it turned out that junk food harms more than just the body.

An experiment with the transition to an unhealthy diet and a relaxed lifestyle was arranged by the English sports nutrition store MuscleFood, says The Daily Star. Four sports fans and adherents of a healthy lifestyle were asked to abandon training and switch to a diet high in fat, sugar, salt and other not very healthy things. During the week, David Templer, Paige Modeste, James Tilly and his girlfriend Emma Taylor ate mostly processed foods, fast food, chocolate bars, pizza and other goodies.

For James, the task was especially difficult, because in his teens, unhealthy food was the norm for him, and he got used to healthy food and exercise only after serving in the army, Mirror explains.

I switched to a diet of booze and junk food. After it's over, I don't want to go back to it. The first two days I liked to eat this garbage, but then I noticed changes in my body. The abdominal muscles swam, and the body seemed loose. It influenced my thoughts. I started looking like a fat teenager again and I was angry and upset because of it.

By the end of the experiment, James was simply in despair and dreamed of returning to the lifestyle that he considers normal for himself.

Returning to vegetables, lean meats, and high-protein chicken has made me feel good again. My body was full of energy and motivation returned. And the anxiety I felt was gone.

For Paige, the most unpleasant consequence of the experiment was the changes that occurred to her skin. On the new diet Consisting of sweet pastries and processed foods with no fruit or vegetables, her skin became oily and covered with pimples.

By the end of the week, I felt terrible. I didn’t have the strength, but I had a rash and itching, I constantly had nausea and huge circles under my eyes. I couldn't leave the house without makeup because my skin looked terrible. No matter what I ate, I felt overwhelmed.

Paige says her weight changes were minor, but her waist size went from 69cm to 73cm in just seven days.

I can understand why people get into a rut of unhealthy cooked food. It is easy to prepare and contains a lot of sugar, which is addictive. It's hard to refuse this.

David during the experiment did not make a diet for himself, but simply ate the same thing that his roommates - pizza and other takeaway food.

Physically, I felt tired and found myself out of breath after only a couple of flights of stairs. My skin deteriorated and I began to gain weight. I felt weak-willed, although I had always been a self-confident person. Now I began to doubt my decisions.

David says that in a week without fitness, he realized that sport gives him not only a healthy body. Training in the gym helped the guy relieve stress, gave him time for unhurried reflection and making important decisions.

During the week that she ate processed foods, Emma realized that she had a sensitive stomach that did not respond well to unhealthy food.

I have a sensitive stomach and all these nutritional supplements with E and sweets make me feel sick and bloated. I was lethargic all the time and found that I couldn't concentrate. Even the simplest tasks have become complex. And I often had headaches.

As soon as Emma returned to her usual way of life, her headaches disappeared and she became energetic and attentive.

Nutritionist Rachel Hobbs, commenting on the results of the experiment, noted that just one week on convenience foods and fast food in the absence of exercise cannot have a serious impact on the physical state a person, but changes in emotional and psychological health can be very noticeable.

A diet high in pre-cooked foods contains fewer vitamins and minerals than a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains. This means a lack of those nutrients that are necessary for our mental health - vitamin B, zinc and Omega-3.

Englishwoman Scarlett Skinner ate fast food stress from study and difficult relationships. From time to time she felt sick due to overeating, but her extra weight did not really bother her. Until her boyfriend made a single remark about the dance outfit. He did not know that Scarlett because of this.

And Canadian Tony Bassi lost more than half of his weight after. In two years, the man lost weight from 250 to 109 kilograms, although at first it seemed that he would not succeed.

From fast food eateries, chips and chocolates. Of course, there was no constant supervision and control over me, and I could cheat by photographing burgers and fries, and eat normal food myself ... But I honestly ate only at McDonalds, KFC, Burger Kings, Stardogs and other fast food cafes. I also filled my stomach, between main meals, with various salty chips and sweet chocolates mixed, washing down all this goodness with milkshakes and juice. The body was not against it at all, but rather, on the contrary, it digested everything with pleasure. For me, the experiment organized by BigPicture.ru and Invitro ended perfectly! :)

In parallel with me, a man named Gleb drank four liters of beer every day. And so two weeks in a row without a break. Objectively, you can drink every day, but it still interferes with normal life. Although Gleb seems to have passed this test normally.
It was really hard for the third test subject - the girl Lera. She got the most difficult test: every day she slept no more than 4 hours with the lights on or other external stimuli. Well, the first few days were normal for her, but then the tin began. She talked about delayed perception, constant sticking, various auditory hallucinations and other effects. But in order not to torment the girl further, the doctor took her out of the experiment on the seventh day. Lera slept well, and now everything is fine with her! :)

The daily log of the experiment can be viewed on the project website, and I will tell you how everything went in general.

At the very beginning of the experiment, I was glad that now every morning I would go to McDuck and eat delicious breakfasts. And you know what? I only had breakfast once, on the first day.

What do you like more? McDuck or Burger King? It seems to me that Burger King tastes better.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner - everything was exactly the same. Burgers, burgers, burgers...

Tada-a-am! Shawarma! Yes, it is also considered fast food, and I could eat it.

Romantic dinner with a rig at McDuck. During this time, I fell in love with milkshakes!

He fed his brother completely unhealthy food from Stardogs.
Remember the dialogue in the movie Kin Dza Dza:
- What is there?
- Porridge...
- Porridge? Which?
- Plastic...

After a few days, I got tired of sitting in establishments, and I began to carry food home. After the hamburger has cooled down, it loses almost all the flavor altogether, especially that special McDonald's smell. It turns out just a bun with meat, if you warm it up.

Feed the cat french fries.

I woke up and ate chocolate. You go to the subway - you ate a chocolate bar. You sit and work - you ate a chocolate bar.

A week after the start of the experiment, we all met in the Invitro department. Gleb, Lera and me. It was after this visit to the doctor and testing that Lera left the game.

Look at Leroux. She really was pale! But the girl herself decided not to do this experiment.

Diversified my diet did not work at all. A lot of things to do and trips around the city, there was no time to look for something other than numerous McDucks.

My brother and I tried to eat at KFC.

For several days I ate only chips and chocolates, because I was at home working. Nothing but dry side effects did not occur.

On the eleventh day, I realized that I had been eating only with my hands for a long time! No spoons, forks or plates.


Chocolate was eaten by some immeasurable amount. Snickers, Alenki, Picnics, Babaevskies, Mars... My face didn't crack!

That's how two whole weeks went by. A couple of days ago we passed the tests - we press the results and resumes of doctors.
Thank you for your attention! :)

Probably everyone has heard that food from fast food restaurants is very unhealthy. Everyone unconditionally affirms - fast food is evil. For some reason, few people listen to these words, and restaurants such as McDonald's, CFS, Burger King do not lose their popularity.

Well, it would seem that what is harmful in a cutlet of meat, herbs, cheese and wheat buns? Probably nothing harmful. Then the next question arises - does this mean the problem is in the quality of cooking? Most likely not either, because data fast food restaurants are very popular all over the world and their huge number, means the quality is at the highest level. Then the conclusion is Maybe fast food isn't bad after all. and his bad reputation is just a stereotype that has developed in society?

So many questions and so few answers. Therefore the team website I decided to explore this topic and find out, Is food from fast food restaurants unhealthy?, and What happens if you eat fast food every day, go…

Experiment #1

Let's start with an experiment that was conducted by one of the clinics in Moscow, together with the Internet portal BigPicture. It was attended by a 24-year-old resident of the capital Georgy Malets, whose task was very simple - eat a variety of fast food and sweets for two weeks.

The participant's diet included food from restaurants McDonald's, CFS, Burger King, as well as various sweets from supermarkets - gelatins, chocolate bars, chips.

Judging by the reports of the guy, some discomfort from eating fast food for two weeks he did not feel, which cannot be said about the results of the physical examination at the end of the experiment:

  • increased glucose levels
  • the level of “good” cholesterol, which cleanses the walls of blood vessels, has decreased
  • increased hemoglobin level
  • increased blood pressure

There were no external changes with George, because this is due to the characteristics of the body, fast metabolism and young age.

Experiment #2

The following experiment was carried out in the USA by a famous food magazine editor Andy Crisom. His diet included not various fast food, but pizza, in its various versions.

Andy's first discomfort felt on the third day experiment. And he expressed himself in the fact that when he woke up in the morning, he felt completely overwhelmed. Felt weak and tired. And everything was complicated by the sudden onset of heartburn.

The experiment lasted 5 days and here are the results:

  • drowsiness, lethargy, constant feeling of tiredness
  • dry mouth
  • heartburn and stomach pain
  • weight gain by 2 kg

Experiment #3

The following experiment was carried out on Phoebe Jackson from UK. She is lasted seven days on fast food. Her diet included food from a McDonald's restaurant, Burger King, Subway, KFS, as well as chips, muffins, Coca-Cola.

According to Phoebe, the first days of the experiment she was very pleased and felt great. On the fourth day, she hated herself and the whole idea. On the seventh day, Phoebe was completely broken. I couldn't concentrate on anything.

The result of this experiment was:

  • body fat percentage increased from 23% to 25%
  • constant feeling of tiredness, general lethargy
  • nervousness, irritability
  • scalp and face become more oily

Experiment #4

And finally, the most famous experiment, which was carried out and shown in documentary "Double Shot", the author of which was Morgan Spurlock. In the tape from the first person, the man performed leading role. He ate food from a McDonald's restaurant for a month.

Morgan's health was monitored by doctors and as a result of the experiment the man gained 11 kg. Mood swings, minor liver damage, and sexual dysfunction have also been observed.

In order to return to its original state and appearance, Morgan spent 14 months. After this film, the restaurant McDonald's decided to remove super-large portions from its menu.

Reverse result

But the following experiment is an exception. It was conducted by a US biology teacher named John Cisna. He, like all of the above participants in the experiments, ate dishes from fast food restaurants for six months.

But he followed one rule - the daily calorie content of fast food did not exceed 2000 calories and every evening John took a 45-minute walk.

The results were amazing:

  • weight loss by 26 kg
  • decreased total cholesterol

John was pleased with the results, but refused to continue his diet.

As they say, everything is good, if in moderation. However, excess weight and metabolic disorders are the smallest harm that fast food brings.

Not so long ago, scientists from National Institute narcology USA conducted research and stated that fast food can cause an addiction comparable to a drug.

Now you have the information and can draw your own conclusions about benefits and harms of fast food, all health ...

Everyone seems to know that fast food is not the healthiest food. Only here in this case the rule “forewarned is forearmed” for some reason does not work: many people sin with burgers, french fries and other unhealthy snacks. Of course, the majority tries not to overdo it, so as not to gain extra pounds. However, some voluntarily cross the line - specifically go on a fast food diet in order to experience for themselves what eating junk food on an ongoing basis can lead to.

We bring to your attention some of the most interesting experiments, whose participants ate exclusively unhealthy food for a week or two: burgers, pizza and other tasty but unhealthy dishes.

Experiment #1, Phoebe Jackson, UK

This is 24-year-old aspiring British writer Phoebe Jackson. She lasted 7 days on fast food.

Phoebe's diet included pizza, McDonald's and Burger King burgers, Subway sandwiches, french fries, fried chicken from KFC, chips, muffins and Coca-Cola.​

Every day the girl consumed from 2000 to 2500 calories. Her condition was monitored by the doctors of the local clinic. Before the start of the experiment, Phoebe underwent an examination, in particular, the doctors measured the percentage of fat in the body, and also examined the skin.

“On the first day of the experiment, I was satisfied. Breakfast at McDonald's seemed like a great idea. In addition, my colleagues did not hide envy, saying that I can openly eat the food that many are ashamed of, ”Phoebe shared with the British edition of The Daily Mail.

“But that was only the first couple of days. On the fourth day of the experiment, I began to hate myself and the whole idea. On the sixth day, I felt completely overwhelmed, I could not concentrate on anything. Well, most of all I began to envy my friends who ate normal healthy food for dinner, and in the meantime I was waiting for a pizza delivery man, ”added the Briton.

The verdict of doctors after the final medical examination was disappointing.

Results of the week:

– Body fat percentage has increased since 23 to 25%;

- Constant feeling of tiredness and general lethargy, despite 8 hours of sleep;

– Irritability, nervousness, problems concentrating at work;

- The skin of the face and head has become more oily.

According to the doctors who observed the girl during the experiment, now she will need at least 2 months to bring the body and, in particular, the appearance in order.

“I can’t believe that such changes happened in just 7 days. I’m not sure that now I can even look at burgers,” Phoebe admitted.

Experiment No. 2, Andy Creese, USA

In 2013, the editor of the American food magazine Andy Creese decided on a similar experiment. True, unlike the British woman, the man decided not to eat everything, but only pizza. For the sake of variety, the journalist bought different variants this dish.

The man did not undergo an examination by doctors before the start of the experiment - he decided to simply record his feelings and track changes in weight.

The first bell rang on the third day.

“When I woke up in the morning, I realized that I was completely broken. I felt weak and tired. Everything was complicated by sudden onset of heartburn,” the journalist wrote in his report.

In addition to the usual restaurant pizza, Andy also ate mini microwave pizza from the supermarket.

“On the fourth day, the pizza was thoroughly tired. I realized that I want the most ordinary vegetables. Still haunted by heartburn, from which I began to wake up early in the morning, ”the journalist wrote.

On the fifth day, the man went to bed at 9 pm. According to Andy, despite the usual 8-hour sleep, by this time he could no longer stand on his feet, because his eyes began to stick together.

“The first thing I thought about at the end of the experiment was to buy the healthiest juicer in the world, because I really wanted natural juice. Of course, I couldn’t look at the pizza, ”Andy wrote in the report.

Results of 5 days:

- Drowsiness, lethargy, constant feeling of fatigue;

– Heartburn and pain in the stomach;

– Dry mouth;

– Increase in body weight by 1.5 kilograms (from 93 to 94.5).

Experiment No. 3, Georgy Malets, Russia

This year, a young man from Moscow decided to experiment with his own health. George took part in a project organized by one of the capital's clinics and the Internet portal BigPicture. The guy's task was simple: eat 14 days a variety of fast food, as well as sweets, and do not touch healthy food. The young man spoke about his well-being and the course of the experiment in his LiveJournal.

George's diet included food from McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, as well as a variety of sweets and snacks from the supermarket (chocolates, chocolate bars, marmalade, cakes, cookies, chips).

At first, the guy went for breakfast, lunch and dinner to fast food restaurants. However, after a few days, he said, he got bored with this approach, and he began to bring food home.

Judging by the report of the guy, he did not experience any particular suffering from eating unhealthy food for two weeks. I was even pleased. But appearances, as you know, can be deceiving. At the end of the experiment, the doctors conducted a physical examination and a series of tests, as a result of which it turned out that negative changes did occur.

Total 14 days:

– Increased glucose level (from 5.3 mmol/l to 6.0 mmol/l);

– The level of “good” cholesterol, which cleanses the walls of blood vessels from “bad” cholesterol, has decreased (from 1.82 mmol / l to 1.52 mmol / l);

– Increased hemoglobin level (from 16.0 g/dl to 18.0 g/dl);

- Increased diastolic blood pressure (lower indicator - from 60 mmHg to 70 mmHg).

There were no external changes in two weeks with George. According to doctors, this is due to the characteristics of the body, young age (the guy is only 24 years old) and a fast metabolism.

The most famous experiment that thundered all over the world

In the now distant 2004, the documentary film "Double Portion" (original title - Supersize Me), filmed by the American Morgan Spurlock, gained great popularity. In the tape from the first person, the man played the main role. For a month he ate only fast food - dishes from McDonald's.

Shot from the film "Double Portion"

Doctors monitored Morgan's health - every few days he underwent a physical examination and passed tests. At the end of the month, doctors discovered significant negative changes in the condition of their ward. The man put on a lot of weight (gained more 11 kilograms, 13% of total body weight), also doctors noted mood swings, minor liver damage and sexual dysfunction.

A few days before the end of the experiment, the doctor suggested that Morgan interrupt it, as he seriously feared for his health. However, the man remained unmoved. Subsequently, in order to lose the weight gained in 30 days and get in shape, it took the American 14 months.

After the film hit the US, Europe and Russia, McDonald's decided to remove super-large portions from its menu, as they, according to the chain's management, could be harmful to health.

More exclusion

And this is Jin Qina, a 54-year-old biology teacher from Colorado (USA). He, like all the above characters, conducted an experiment on his body. Only now the results of the man were unexpected.

teacher throughout 6 months ate dishes from McDonald's, while following one rule - did not consume more per day 2000 calories and took a 45-minute walk every evening. The results of the six-month diet were so amazing that the man became famous throughout the country.

Results of 6 months:

– Lost 26 kilograms (from 127 to 101 kg);

- Decreased total cholesterol levels.

In this photo, Jin Qing before the start of the experiment (left) and after.

“I’m not going to continue in the same spirit, that is, stick to this diet further. I just wanted to show people that you can control your weight if you don't eat too much. Everything should be in moderation, ”Today.com quoted Jin as saying.

Possible metabolic disorders and changes in body weight are only a small part of what doctors from different countries blame fast food. At the same time, the piggy bank of accusations is replenished year by year. An interesting statement, for example, was made recently by scientists from the US National Institute of Addictions. The researchers said that such a diet can cause addiction, comparable to a drug.