Boiled chicken calories per 100 grams. Chicken calories. Chicken fried, boiled, baked

Calorie boiled chicken breast without skin

A healthy, nutritious diet is not complete without chicken breast. Without it, the drying of athletes and people who form their muscles does not go away. The boiled breast contains a solid protein, so necessary for the formation of muscle mass. How many calories white boiled meat contains will help to make a diet for the day.

How many calories are in boiled chicken breast?

Calorie chicken fillet: 113 kcal.

The energy value of the chicken breast product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

    • Proteins: 23.6 g (~94 kcal)
    • Fat: 1.9 g (~17 kcal)
    • Carbohydrates: 0.4 g (~2 kcal)
    • Energy ratio (b|g|y): 84%|15%|1%)

Chemical composition

In 100 g raw meat:

  • 53 g of water;
  • 0.5 g of carbohydrates;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 24 g proteins;
  • 40 mg cholesterol.

And also meat is distinguished by the highest content of vitamins of groups B, C, PP, K, A; macronutrients such as: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine; trace elements: iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, cobalt.

Calorie content of the product in different versions

Boiled chicken breast without skin contains 137 kilocalories, with skin - 165 kilocalories.

What is the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts Subscribe Advertising on the article 0 0 In the Middle Ages, weak children and the elderly, as well as the sick and wounded, were given to drink chicken broth as a tonic. And they gave white poultry meat, mostly breasts. With a rather low level of medicine, our ancestors intuitively realized that this particular product contains a lot of needed by the body proteins and little indigestible fats. Therefore, this part of the bird carcass can be confidently called dietary product. The calorie content of boiled chicken breasts is quite low, and the health benefits are incomparably higher.

Do not forget about the high calorie content of chicken skin -212 kcal per 100 grams of product.

First, protein. It contains about 30 g in 100 g of the product. Therefore, not only those who are losing weight, but also bodybuilders are happy to eat the white meat of the “ripples”: after all, protein is involved in the “building” of muscles.

  • The calorie content of a boneless chicken breast (fillet) per 100 grams is 113 kcal, with bones naturally this figure will increase to 137 kcal. The energy value of the breast with skin is 164 kcal per 100 grams of the product.
  • The calorie content of boiled chicken breast is 95 kcal per 100 grams of product, the rest of the calories remain in the broth. The calorie content of smoked chicken breast per 100 grams has 119 kcal, but do not forget that preservatives and other impurities are added in the manufacture of such a product, which are bad for health.
  • The calorie content of fried chicken fillet per 100 grams of product is almost 197 kcal, which is obvious, since oil is a high-calorie product and I do not recommend eating such a breast for people who are losing weight.

Fats and carbohydrates in the breast of a bird are negligible.

However, when calculating the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts, several factors must be taken into account: meat with or without bones, whether the skin is present, how long the product was cooked. Indeed, in its raw form, pure fillet has 115 kcal, meat with bones - 137. The largest number fat is found in the skin.

Meat with it, but without bones, has a nutritional value of 165 kcal per 100 g.

The cooking method is also important. Naturally, when we fry something, we add oil to the pan - the product itself is very nutritious. After frying, the chicken is covered with such an appetizing ruddy crust ...

But, alas, its calorie content increases to 200 kcal. But when cooking, the reverse process occurs: boiling water “takes away” calories, making the meat even leaner. After this heat treatment, the broth contains 20% of the nutritional value of raw meat. And the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts drops to 95 kcal. Of course, this indicator is applicable for skinless fillets.

Now consider the so-called chicken diet.

After all, white poultry meat is a real storehouse of useful minerals (zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium), as well as vitamins (B2, B3, K, E, PP). These substances will raise the overall tone of the body, and the low calorie content of boiled chicken breasts will help you get rid of five unwanted kilograms in 10 days.

A sufficient amount of protein obtained with such a diet does not cause hunger at all, strengthens the muscles and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With this diet, it is permissible to eat no more than 400 g of boiled breast without skin per day. It is advisable not to salt food, also to exclude sugar from the diet. Raw or boiled vegetables, unpolished rice can be additional components for meat.

It is allowed to drink coffee and green tea without sugar, fruit juices. Based on the fact that the calorie content of boiled chicken breast in a daily dose is about 400 kcal, you can eat and drink everything else for another 900 units. At the end of the diet, you can treat yourself to dried fruits and nuts in the morning. If the taste of boiled meat seems bland to you, you should think about other culinary methods for processing the product. You can first boil the chicken, and then lightly smoke it in a special smoky apparatus.

Such a simple technique will give the meat an appetizing smack of smoke. Boiled-smoked chicken breast also has a small calorie content - 160 kcal. But the most successful way of processing is barbecue. However, the meat should be marinated in vinegar, and the heat from the coals will melt the excess fat.

Thus, the nutritional value of the finished product will be 116 kcal.

The use of chicken breast in dietary nutrition

Chicken breast is perfect for dietary intake. Few calories, carbohydrates and fats, a lot of protein - what you need. More protein can only be found in seafood. protein diet used by athletes is most often based on chicken breast.

With this diet, you need to drink more water than normal so that the kidneys are cleansed and harmful substances do not accumulate in them. When dieting, you can’t eat 6 hours before bedtime, as meat is digested for a very long time.

Benefits for the body

The high content of iron and amino acids improves the functioning of the circulatory system, increases hemoglobin. In case of illness, poisoning, feeling unwell, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, broth cooked on a white fillet without a skin is great for basic nutrition. White chicken meat helps maintain the beauty of hair, skin, nails, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

A large amount of B vitamins accelerates and maintains a normal metabolism. Protein contributes to the rapid saturation and recovery of damaged muscles after training. Properly cooked chicken breast reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

How to cook

There are many ways to cook meat, but cooking (regular and steamed), stewing (with a minimum amount of oil), baking in the oven are suitable for diet food. It is important not to overdry the product. The most optimal and dietary option for cooking chicken breast is to boil it in a pan or steam it. So all useful micro and macro elements are preserved. And it is best to bake it in foil, so the dish will be healthy and very tasty. You need to eat chicken meat, and any other meat, with vegetables, so that a sufficient amount of fiber enters the body along with proteins. It helps to remove unnecessary elements from the body, such as connective fibers.

How many calories in baked chicken breast:

There is a simple way to cook white chicken meat - bake chicken breast.

Calorie baked chicken breast - 137 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories in chicken breast baked with cheese:

The taste of white chicken meat can be perfectly combined with the taste of cheese. A wonderful dish - chicken breast baked with cheese - will delight you not only with its taste, but also with a relatively low calorie content.

Calorie content of chicken breast baked with cheese - 119 kcal per 100 gr. product

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product calories squirrels fats carbohydrates
chicken 190 kcal 16.0 g 14.0 g 0.0 g
fried chicken 210 kcal 26.0 g 12.0 g 0.0 g
boiled chicken 170 kcal 25.2 g 7.4 g 0.0 g
smoked chicken 184 kcal 27.5 g 8.2 g 0.0 g
boiled chicken in a slow cooker with vegetables 51.5 kcal 9.5 g 0.5 g 1.9 g

Chicken, the calorie content of which is lower than the calorie content of other types of meat, is considered a dietary food product. Thanks to this, it is included in the diet menu and adorns the most refined and low-calorie dishes.

How to choose the right chicken meat

If you are trying to minimize the calorie content of chicken, then we advise you to choose the least fatty parts of the chicken carcass. For example, a chicken leg has a calorie content equal to 184 kcal per 100 g of product. Chicken fillet generally considered dietary meat. It contains 113 kcal per 100 g. Chicken thigh, wings and back are characterized by the highest calorie content.

And do not forget that chicken meat has the maximum benefit for the body with proper assimilation, which is possible only when fresh vegetables and salads are consumed with meat. Fiber, found in greens and vegetables, helps fat to be absorbed quickly.

Now you know what to do to reduce the calorie content of chicken dishes. Dare! Delight your loved ones with delicious and healthy meals from chicken!


Dietary properties of boiled chicken:

Chicken meat has always been a welcome and not uncommon guest on our tables. After all, chicken is the most common poultry, which is found in almost every rural farmstead. And for a city dweller, buying chicken or chicken meat is also not a problem. Fortunately, such a product can always be found on the market or in a store. And how many different dishes are prepared by housewives from chicken meat! And the simplest and most common is boiled chicken.

Maybe for this reason, many, and especially those who follow their figure, are interested in questions - how many calories are in boiled chicken, what are the benefits of boiled chicken and what dietary properties this product has.

First, about the benefits. After all, it is there and it is big.

Boiled chicken is, of course, one of the most useful and easily digestible products for the human body. Chicken meat is nutritious, low-calorie and at the same time very tasty. Yes, you yourself know. There is a lot of protein in this product, about 22 percent. Which is significantly more than in beef or lean pork. At the same time, it has a minimum amount of fat, no more than 10 percent. There are a lot of vitamins in chicken meat, such as B vitamins, vitamin A and E. This product is not deprived of macro and microelements necessary for human health, such as zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and others.

All this, and not just how many calories are in boiled chicken, determines its dietary properties and makes this product the basis of a healthy diet.

And if boiled chicken is present in your diet, then your body will always be provided with easily digestible proteins. High Quality, amino acids, the above vitamins and trace elements. And to all this, you will have a very tasty product that will provide you with excellent prevention from a number of diseases.

The high dietary and taste qualities of chicken meat have long been used in many cuisines of the world to support the human body after serious illnesses. This product successfully restores strength and strengthens the immune system.

How to choose a chicken?

First of all, pay attention to appearance hen. The correct carcass has a rounded breast, the keel bone does not stand out. In young chickens, the sternum is springy, while in older chickens it is harder and more rigid.

It is important that the breast is not too enlarged and looks in proportion to the limbs, otherwise this may be a sign that it was raised on hormones. The chicken should be well plucked and gutted.

Quality birds should not have surface defects. Bone fractures, hematomas, scratches, blood clots are not allowed.

Fresh chicken meat should keep its shape. To check this, lightly press your finger on the meat. When pressed on a soft area, fresh meat should quickly regain its shape. If there is a cavity left, then it is better not to buy this meat.

Chicken color. Young hens are pinkish in color with pale yellow fat. In adult chickens, the skin is thicker with a yellowish tinge.

The fat of a young chicken is a light cream shade. Yellow fat may indicate that you have an old bird in front of you. The yellowish tinge to the fat indicates that the chicken was fed mostly grains and heavily corn. This is usually the case with poultry.

You can also determine the age of the chicken. The younger, the softer the breast bone. The younger, the tastier.

Opt for chilled chicken. After freezing, the meat becomes tough, and an unscrupulous manufacturer can add excess water to it.

Dry and clean skin is considered a sign of the freshness of a chicken. If it is sticky and slippery, the chicken is probably sick and antibiotics have been used to treat it. Stickiness and slipperiness can also be signs of staleness.

How many calories are in boiled chicken?

Let's answer this question too. Since different parts of the chicken have different calorie content, on average:

The calorie content of boiled chicken is 135 kcal per 100 grams of product

The calorie content of the fattest parts of the chicken, such as meat with skin, will, of course, be higher and amount to 195 kcal per 100 grams.

Depending on the cooking method, the number of calories in boiled chicken can be different:

The number of calories per hundred grams of product, table:

Now oh nutritional value. Take a look at this table:

The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, per hundred grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

How to boil chicken meat? Here is one of the recipes:

Boiled chicken:

If you bought a whole chicken, then we first singe it, gut it and wash it. If you take chicken breast or legs, then we simply wash them. Place meat in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. It is highly recommended that after 5 minutes of cooking, drain the water, pour the meat clean cold water and continue cooking. This can get rid of antibiotics and hormones, if any, were used when raising poultry. Next, salt and cook the meat until tender. When the meat has cooled, cut it into pieces.

Rice should be washed and boiled in salted water. Ready, cooked rice, using a colander, separate from the water, put in plates and add butter. After the butter has melted, put the chicken pieces on the rice. And that's it! You can try. As for the calorie content, then let the question of how many calories in boiled chicken do not bother you. If you know the measure, then the chicken meat in this dish will not spoil your figure.

10.11.2015 admin

Chicken is the most popular poultry, which is available in almost every village yard. It will also not be difficult for a city person to purchase and cook chicken meat today. Moreover, in any supermarket and store, chicken can be bought whole, and in parts.

There is a wide variety of dishes that can be prepared from the meat of this bird.

Chicken contains a lot essential vitamins and amino acids, and from micro- and macroelements:

  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron

In addition, the composition of chicken meat includes such substances, acids and essential oils, due to which the chicken, when cooked, to some extent stands out with a specific smell.

Chicken meat is easily digested in the human body. Doctors recommend that you eat it at least twice a week.

It is preferable to cook food from the meat of a young chicken or chicken, which contains more nutrients.

The breast and wings are considered the most lean and dietary part, while the ham is the most harmful part of the bird, since it accumulates a very large amount harmful substances, and you should generally refrain from the skin that covers the meat, it is in first place in terms of the amount of fat.

As for the chicken that we boil, we get delicious dietary meat and fresh broth, which is an indispensable food for colds, viral diseases, and also after complex operations, when strength is running out. After all, there is a high content of amino acids and minerals that help strengthen the immune system, increase vitality.

Chicken meat perfectly satisfies hunger, has a good effect on metabolism and restores physical activity.

The human body receives a huge boost of energy with the regular use of chicken meat, since chicken has a high protein content, more than in the meat of any other bird or animal. Therefore, it is great for children. The combination of protein and fat in chicken meat is optimal, so the dishes are hearty and well absorbed by the children's body. Small children are better off buying homemade chicken.

Calorie boiled chicken

In general, the calorie content of boiled chicken meat is 204 kcal. But the energy value of chicken meat varies due to the choice of its individual parts.

So, for example, 100 g of chicken fillet contains 110 kcal, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, minerals and nicotinic acid. In a ham 184 kcal per 100 grams of product, fats and dangerous substances mainly accumulate here. The peel ranks first in terms of fat and calories, it has a large amount of cholesterol, and the wings are the most dietary and low-calorie part.

First of all, the nutritional value of chicken meat depends on how you cooked the bird. If you bake chicken, fry or grill, the amount of fat, respectively, increases significantly.

Fried chicken calories

The nutritional value of fried chicken meat is 240 kcal per 100 g of product. To minimise energy value such a dish, it is necessary to remove the chicken skin and eliminate fats. Fried chicken meat is not suitable for people who are overweight and have a lot of cholesterol in the body.

fried chicken calories

The nutritional value of chicken stew is slightly less than fried: 237 kcal per 100g. There are no carcinogens and cholesterol in stewed poultry, so it is much healthier than fried poultry.

Grilled chicken calories

The energy value of grilled chicken is 210 kcal per 100g. Grilled chicken - useful product, but it is better to cook it at home.

  • If you would like to cook stewed chicken, you can replace fats (mayonnaise and butter) with vegetables (tomatoes and peppers), sprinkling the meat with lemon juice and water. From above, the finished dish can be decorated with herbs, which will significantly improve metabolism. The energy value of this dish will be only 57 kcal.
  • Grilled chicken is high in calories, so it is better to exclude it from your menu. If you still decide to grill the chicken, remove the skin from it, squeeze a lemon on top and bake. Calories, of course, will not become much less, but your pancreas will not receive a strong blow.

Chicken meat in the diet of people who care about their appearance and their figure

A large number of people who play sports or simply take care of their figure are interested in the question of what is the nutritional value of boiled chicken meat and its dietary properties.

With heavy physical activity, it is simply necessary to include boiled chicken meat in your diet, since this is a source of protein, and protein, as you know, helps build muscle mass, and the more it increases muscle mass the faster the body gets rid of fat.

Chicken is a great food for athletes. The exact composition of food should be selected correctly, taking into account individual physical characteristics, the level of stress, etc. But despite what kind of sports a person goes in for, his body must receive a sufficient amount of macro- and microelements.

At proper nutrition 30% of proteins, 60% of carbohydrates and 10% of fats should enter the athlete's body:

  1. Squirrels
    In the diet of an athlete, this is the most important component. It acts as a building material, participates in the protective function of the immune system, is a catalyst that accelerates all biochemical processes many times over, and protein is also part of hormones and is a growth factor. Protein not only perfectly saturates and restores muscle tissue, it also maintains metabolic processes at the proper level.
  2. Carbohydrates
    They are involved in metabolic and energy processes.
  3. Fats
    They are and building material and source of energy. With constant loads, the bulk of the fat is spent on a constant body temperature and stable functioning of the organs during training.

If a person receives few calories at high physical activity, then this leads to fatigue, nervous breakdowns, bad sleep and etc.

It is known that boiled chicken meat is a dietary food product. It is well suited and even recommended for people with excess weight, various diseases, including diseases of the eyes, stomach, polyarthritis, diabetes and even older people who have had a stroke.

If you are planning a diet menu, then boiled chicken it is best to alternate with boiled fish. With such alternation and diversity there will be no severe restriction in nutrition.

Among people who are trying to lose weight, chicken has positive reviews. But people who have any problems with the kidneys, liver and gallbladder are prohibited from protein weight loss programs. Before embarking on any diet, be sure to consult your doctor.

What is the best way to boil chicken meat?

The very first step in cooking chicken is defrosting it. The best way to defrost meat is in the refrigerator. A whole chicken or chicken will completely defrost in a day, and if it is chicken parts, 3-9 hours will be enough.

In the event that the chicken was bought at a supermarket or store, then after the chicken has boiled for 5-7 minutes, you need to change the water. Thus, you will get rid of dangerous substances, antibiotics, which are used to inject birds on poultry farms. And this will in no way affect the energy value of meat.

  1. Wash chicken, remove feathers (if any).
  2. Put the chicken or parts of it into boiling water.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes, then drain and change the water.
  4. You need to cook for a little more than an hour with the addition of salt, bay leaf and peppercorns.
  5. Once removed, remove the skin from the chicken.
  6. Can be served at the table.

To test the meat for readiness, you need to pierce it with a fork. If the fork easily passes into the sirloin, and the meat separates from the bone, then the chicken is ready.

Chicken meat is better absorbed by the body if it is combined with fresh vegetables or salads. Try to use less oil so as not to get extra calories. Steam the chicken!

How to choose the right chicken?

To enjoy delicious dish made from chicken meat, you need to choose the right chicken.

First of all, when choosing a chicken, you need to pay attention to the appearance of this bird: the keel should not stick out, and the breast should be rounded. If it is too enlarged in relation to the limbs, then the chicken was fed with hormones during rearing.

Look at the skin - a healthy chicken is dry and clean. Sticky and slippery skin speaks of poor quality birds.

Be sure to smell the chicken - the smell should not be unpleasant or cause the slightest doubt.

The most delicious and nutritious meat can be obtained from a young bird. If you press on the brisket, then the bones of the young chicken will easily spring, and the old bird has a hard and rigid frame. Healthy meat is pinkish and white in color, with a soft, thin skin and pale yellow fat.

It is better to buy chicken meat chilled rather than frozen, then it will give you much more nutrients.