A series of experiments on the theme of air. Interesting experiments with air. Experiments for preschoolers aimed at getting to know the properties of air

The air in us and around us, it is an indispensable condition for life on Earth. Knowledge of the properties of air helps a person to successfully apply them in everyday life, household, construction and much more. In this lesson, we will continue to study the properties of air, conduct many exciting experiments, learn about the amazing inventions of mankind.

Theme: Inanimate nature

Lesson: Properties of Air

Let's repeat the properties of air that we learned about in previous lessons: air is transparent, colorless, odorless, and does not conduct heat well.

On a hot day, the window pane is cool to the touch, while the window sill and objects standing on it are warm. This happens because glass is a transparent body that allows heat to pass through, but does not heat up itself. The air is also transparent, so it transmits the sun's rays well.

Rice. 1. Window glass conducts sunlight ()

Let's carry out a simple experiment: let's put a glass turned upside down into a wide vessel filled with water. We will feel a slight resistance and see that the water cannot fill the glass because the air in the glass does not “give way” to the water. If you slightly tilt the glass without removing it from the water, an air bubble will come out of the glass and some of the water will enter the glass, but even in this position of the glass, the water will not be able to fill it completely.

Rice. 2. Air bubbles come out of the tilted glass, giving way to water ()

This happens because air, like any other body, occupies space in the surrounding world.

Using this property of air, a person has learned to work underwater without a special suit. For this, a diving bell was created: under the bell-cap, made of transparent material, people and necessary equipment and the bell is lowered by a crane under the water.

The air under the dome allows people to breathe for a while, long enough to inspect the damage to the ship, bridge piers or the bottom of the reservoir.

To prove the following property of air, it is necessary to tightly cover the hole of a bicycle pump with the finger of your left hand, and right hand push the piston.

Then, without removing your finger from the hole, release the piston. The finger with which the hole is closed feels that the air is pressing very hard on it. But the piston with difficulty, but will move. This means that air can be compressed. Air has elasticity, because when we release the piston, it itself returns to its original position.

Elastic bodies are called bodies that, after cessation of compression, take their original shape. For example, if you compress a spring and then release it, it will return to its original shape.

Compressed air is also elastic, it tends to expand and take its original place.

In order to prove that air has mass, you need to make homemade scales. Attach the deflated balloons to the ends of the sticks with tape. We put a long stick in the middle of a short one, so that the ends balance each other. We will connect them with a thread. Attach a short stick to two cans with tape. Inflate one balloon and attach it to the stick again with the same piece of tape. Let's put it back in place.

We will see how the stick leans towards the inflated balloon, because the air that filled the balloon makes it heavier. From this experience, we can conclude that air has mass and can be weighed.

If air has mass, then it must exert pressure on the Earth and everything on it. Indeed, scientists have calculated that the air of the Earth's atmosphere exerts a pressure of 15 tons on a person (like three trucks), but a person does not feel this, because in human body contains enough air to exert the same amount of pressure. The pressure inside and outside is balanced, so the person does not feel anything.

Find out what happens to air when it is heated and cooled. To do this, let's conduct an experiment: let's heat a flask with a glass tube inserted into it with the heat of our hands and see that air bubbles come out of the tube into the water. This is because the air in the bulb expands when heated. If you cover the flask soaked in cold water napkin, we will see that the water from the glass rises up the tube, because when cooled, the air is compressed.

Rice. 7. Properties of air during heating and cooling ()

To learn more about the properties of air, we will conduct another experiment: we will fix two flasks on a tripod tube. They are balanced.

Rice. 8. Experience in determining the movement of air

But if one bulb is heated, it rises higher than the other, because hot air is lighter than cold air and rises. If you fix strips of thin, light paper over a flask with hot air, you will see how they flutter and rise up, showing the movement of heated air.

Rice. 9. Warm air rises

Man used the knowledge of this property of air when creating an aircraft - hot air balloon. A large sphere filled with heated air rises high into the sky and is able to support the weight of several people.

We rarely think about it, but we use the properties of air every day: a coat, hat or mittens do not warm by themselves - the air in the fibers of the fabric does not conduct heat well, therefore, the fluffier the fibers, the more air they contain, which means the warmer the thing, made from this fabric.

Compressibility and elasticity of air are used in inflatable products (inflatable mattresses, balls) and tires of various mechanisms (cars, bicycles).

Rice. 14. Bicycle wheel ()

Compressed air can stop even a train at full speed. Air brakes are installed in buses, trolleybuses, subway trains. Air provides the sound of wind, percussion, keyboard and wind instruments. When the drummer strikes the tightly stretched skin of the drum with his sticks, it vibrates and the air inside the drum produces sound. Hospitals have installed lung ventilation devices: if a person cannot breathe on his own, he is connected to such a device, which delivers oxygen-enriched compressed air through a special tube into the lungs. Compressed air is used everywhere: in printing, construction, repair, etc.

Korobova Tatyana Vladimirovna,
Lecturer GBPOU " College of Education№4" St. Petersburg


Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity (see clause 2.6 of GEF DO). The world around us is amazing and infinitely diverse. Every day, children receive new ideas about living and inanimate nature, their relationships. The task of adults is to expand the horizons of children, develop their cognitive activity, encourage the desire to independently understand issues of interest and make elementary conclusions. But in addition to the formation of cognitive interests and the enrichment of children's consciousness with new information, adults should help them organize and systematize the information received. In the process of comprehending new knowledge, children should develop the ability to analyze various phenomena and events, compare them, generalize their observations, think logically and form their own opinion about everything observed, delving into the meaning of what is happening. How to develop such mental abilities in preschoolers in the process of getting acquainted with nature?

One of the most effective ways- experimentation, during which preschoolers get the opportunity to satisfy their inherent curiosity, to feel like scientists, researchers, discoverers. Simple experiments with air, water, sand, static electricity invariably arouse the delight of children and the desire to understand why this is happening! And, as you know, the emerging question and the desire to find an answer to it are the basis of creative knowledge and the development of intelligence.

This teaching aid will help preschool educators create a file cabinet entertaining experiences with inanimate nature (air, water, sand, static electricity) for older preschoolers, including them in the planning of educational work. In addition, all the entertaining experiments presented in this manual can be successfully used in project activities.

It should be noted that the experiments proposed in this teaching aid refer to the research technology included in the list contemporary educational technologies . About how it is possible to use research technology and others in the Portfolio of the Professional Activities of the Educator of the Preschool Educational Establishment innovative technologies to successfully pass the certification, you can find out in article Korobova T.V. "Designing abstracts and presentations in the portfolio of professional activities of the educator of the preschool educational institution using modern educational technologies"

Living and non-living nature

Look, my dear friend, what is around?

The sky is light blue, the sun shines golden,
The wind plays with leaves, a cloud floats in the sky,
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and forests,
Thunder, mists and dew, man and season!
It's all around - nature!

Nature is everything that surrounds us, except for man-made. Nature is both living and non-living. Everything related to living nature can grow, eat, breathe and multiply. Live nature It is divided into five types: viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Man is also living nature. Living nature is organized into ecosystems, which, in turn, make up the biosphere. Inanimate nature is the bodies of nature that do not grow, do not breathe, do not eat and do not reproduce. Inanimate nature can be in one or more states of aggregation: gas, liquid, solid, plasma.

The process of familiarizing preschoolers with the phenomena of inanimate nature should be based not only on observations of natural phenomena under the guidance of a teacher, but also on actions with real objects of inanimate nature. Children's knowledge is valuable only when it is obtained as a result of independent discovery, in the process of searching and thinking. That is why in « Plan of educational work "in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, it is necessary to take into account cognitive research, experimental and experimental activities, including - entertaining experiments to get acquainted with inanimate nature.

Planning entertaining experiments to familiarize preschoolers with inanimate nature is recommended to be placed in the "Prospective annual planning for educational areas" in the "Cognitive Development" section.

Entertaining experiments with air

Air is a mixture of gases, mainly nitrogen and oxygen, that forms the earth's atmosphere. Air is necessary for the existence of the vast majority of terrestrial living organisms: the oxygen contained in the air enters the cells of the body during respiration, where the energy necessary for life is created. Of all the various properties of air, the most important is that it is necessary for life on Earth. The existence of humans and animals would be impossible without oxygen. But since you need dilute oxygen for breathing, the presence of other gases in the air is also vital. We will learn about what gases are in the air at school, and in kindergarten we will learn about the properties of air.

Experience number 1. Air detection method, air is invisible

Target: Prove that the jar is not empty, it contains invisible air.


2. Paper napkins - 2 pieces.

3. A small piece of plasticine.

4. A pot of water.

Experience: Let's try to lower a paper napkin into a pot of water. Of course she got wet. And now, with the help of plasticine, we will fix exactly the same napkin inside the jar at the bottom. Turn the jar upside down and gently lower it into a pot of water to the very bottom. The water completely covered the jar. Carefully take it out of the water. Why did the napkin stay dry? Because there is air in it, it does not let water in. It can be seen. Again, in the same way, lower the jar to the bottom of the pan and slowly tilt it. Air flies out of the jar in a bubble.

Conclusion: The jar only seems empty, in fact - there is air in it. Air is invisible.

Experience number 2. Air detection method, air is invisible

Target: Prove that the bag is not empty, it contains invisible air.


1. Durable transparent plastic bag.

2. Small toys.

Experience: Fill an empty bag with various small toys. The bag has changed its shape, now it is not empty, but full, it contains toys. Lay out the toys, expand the edges of the bag. It is swollen again, but we do not see anything in it. The bag appears to be empty. We begin to twist the bag from the side of the hole. As the bag is twisted, it swells, becomes convex, as if it is filled with something. Why? It is filled with invisible air.

Conclusion: The bag only seems empty, in fact - there is air in it. Air is invisible.

Experience number 3. Invisible air around us, we inhale and exhale it.

Target: Prove that there is invisible air around us, which we inhale and exhale.


3. Strips of light paper (1.0 x 10.0 cm) in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

Experience: Carefully take a strip of paper by the edge and bring the free side closer to the spouts. We begin to inhale and exhale. The strip is moving. Why? We inhale and exhale the air that moves the paper strip? Let's check, try to see this air. Take a glass of water and exhale into the water through a straw. Bubbles appeared in the glass. This is the air we exhale. The air contains many substances that are beneficial for the heart, brain and other human organs.

Conclusion: We are surrounded by invisible air, we inhale and exhale it. Air is essential for human life and other living beings. We can't stop breathing.

Experience number 4. Air can move

Target: Prove that invisible air can move.


1. Transparent funnel (you can use plastic bottle cut off bottom).

2. deflated balloon.

3. A saucepan with water, lightly tinted with gouache.

Experience: Consider a funnel. We already know that it only seems empty, in fact - there is air in it. And can it be moved? How to do it? We put a deflated balloon on the narrow part of the funnel and lower the funnel with a bell into the water. As the funnel is lowered into the water, the balloon expands. Why? We see that the water fills the funnel. Where did the air go? The water displaced it, the air moved into the balloon. We tie a ball with a thread, we can play it. The balloon contains the air that we moved from the funnel.

Conclusion: Air can move.

Experience number 5. Air does not move from an enclosed space

Target: Prove that air cannot move out of an enclosed space.


1. Empty glass jar 1.0 liter.

2. Glass pot with water.

3. Styrofoam boat with mast and paper or cloth sail.

4. Transparent funnel (you can use a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom).

5. A deflated balloon.

Experience: A boat floats on water. The sail is dry. Can we lower the boat to the bottom of the pot without wetting the sail? How to do it? We take a jar, hold it strictly vertically with the hole down and cover the boat with a jar. We know that there is air in the can, therefore the sail will remain dry. Carefully lift the can and check it out. Again we will cover the boat with a jar, and we will slowly lower it down. We see how the boat sinks to the bottom of the pan. We also slowly raise the jar, the boat returns to its place. The sail stayed dry! Why? There was air in the jar, it displaced the water. The ship was in a bank, so the sail could not get wet. There is also air in the funnel. We put a deflated balloon on the narrow part of the funnel and lower the funnel with a bell into the water. As the funnel is lowered into the water, the balloon expands. We see that the water fills the funnel. Where did the air go? The water displaced it, the air moved into the balloon. Why did water displace water from the funnel, but not from the jar? The funnel has a hole through which air can escape, but the jar does not. Air cannot escape from the closed space.

Conclusion: From the enclosed space, air cannot move.

Experience number 6. Air is always in motion

Target: Prove that air is always in motion.


1. Strips of light paper (1.0 x 10.0 cm) in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

2. Illustrations: windmill, sailboat, hurricane, etc.

3. Hermetically sealed jar with fresh orange or lemon peels (you can use a perfume bottle).

Experience: Gently take a strip of paper by the edge and blow on it. She deviated. Why? We exhale air, it moves and moves the paper strip. Let's blow on the palms. You can blow harder or weaker. We feel strong or weak movement of air. In nature, this tangible movement of air is called wind. People have learned to use it (illustration), but sometimes it is too strong and brings a lot of trouble (illustration). But the wind is not always there. Sometimes there is windless weather. If we feel the movement of air in the room, this is called a draft, and then we know that a window or window is probably open. Now in our group the windows are closed, we do not feel the movement of air. Interestingly, if there is no wind and no draft, then the air is still? Consider a hermetically sealed jar. It has orange peels. Let's sniff the jar. We do not smell because the jar is closed and we cannot inhale air from it (air does not move from the closed space). Will we be able to inhale the smell if the jar is open, but far from us? The teacher takes the jar away from the children (approximately 5 meters) and opens the lid. There is no smell! But after a while, everyone smells oranges. Why? The air from the can moved around the room.

Conclusion: The air is always in motion, even if we do not feel the wind or draft.

Experience number 7. Air is contained in various objects

Target: Prove that air is not only around us, but also in different objects.


1. Glasses of water in an amount corresponding to the number of children.

3. Glass pot with water.

4. Sponge, pieces of brick, lumps of dry earth, refined sugar.

Experience: Take a glass of water and exhale into the water through a straw. Bubbles appeared in the glass. This is the air we exhale. In water we see air in the form of bubbles. Air is lighter than water, so bubbles rise up. I wonder if there is air in different objects? We invite children to consider a sponge. It has holes in it. You can guess that they have air in them. Let's check this by dipping a sponge into the water and lightly pressing on it. Bubbles appear in the water. This is air. Consider brick, earth, sugar. Do they have air? We lower these objects one by one into the water. After a while, bubbles appear in the water. This is the air coming out of the objects, it was displaced by the water.

Conclusion: Air is not only in an invisible state around us, but also in various objects.

Experience number 8. Air has volume

Target: Prove that air has a volume that depends on the space in which it is enclosed.


1. Two funnels of different sizes, large and small (you can use plastic bottles with a cut off bottom).

2. Two identical deflated balloons.

3. A pot of water.

Experience: Take two funnels, large and small. We put identical deflated balloons on their narrow parts. We lower the funnels with a wide part into the water. The balloons didn't inflate the same way. Why? There was more air in one funnel - the balloon turned out to be large, in the other funnel there was less air - the balloon was inflated small. In this case, it is correct to say that the volume of air in a large funnel is greater than in a small one.

Conclusion: If we consider the air not around us, but in some particular space (funnel, jar, balloon, etc.), then we can say that air has volume. These volumes can be compared in size.

Experience number 9. Air has a weight that depends on its volume

Target: Prove that air has a weight that depends on its volume.


1. Two identical deflated balloons.

2. Scales with two bowls.

Experience: Let's put on the scales an uninflated identical balloon. The scales have balanced. Why? Balls weigh the same! Let's inflate one of the balloons. Why is the balloon inflated, what is in the balloon? Air! Let's put this ball back on the scales. It turned out that now he outweighed the uninflated balloon. Why? Because the heavier balloon is filled with air. So air also has weight. Inflate the second balloon too, but smaller than the first one. Put the balls on the scales. The big ball outweighed the small one. Why? It has more air!

Conclusion: Air has weight. The weight of air depends on its volume: the larger the volume of air, the greater its weight.

Experience number 10. The volume of air depends on the temperature.

Target: Prove that the volume of air depends on temperature.


1. Glass test tube, hermetically sealed with a thin rubber film (from a balloon). The tube is closed in the presence of children.

2. Glass with hot water.

3. Glass with ice.

Experience: Consider a test tube. What is in it? Air. It has a certain volume and weight. We close the test tube with a rubber film, not pulling it very hard. Can we change the volume of air in a test tube? How to do it? It turns out we can! Immerse the test tube in a glass of hot water. After a while, the rubber film will become noticeably convex. Why? After all, we did not add air to the test tube, the amount of air did not change, but the volume of air increased. This means that when heated (increase in temperature), the volume of air increases. Take a test tube out of hot water and place it in a glass with ice. What do we see? The rubber film has visibly retracted. Why? After all, we did not release air, its quantity again did not change, but the volume decreased. This means that when cooling (decreasing temperature), the volume of air decreases.

Conclusion: Air volume depends on temperature. When heated (increase in temperature), the volume of air increases. When cooling (decreasing temperature), the volume of air decreases.

Experience number 11. Air helps fish swim.

Target: Describe how an air-filled swim bladder helps fish swim.


1. A bottle of sparkling water.

2. Glass.

3. A few small grapes.

4. Fish illustrations.

Experience: Pour carbonated water into a glass. Why is she called that? It has a lot of small air bubbles. Air is a gaseous substance, so water is carbonated. Air bubbles rise quickly and are lighter than water. Throw a grape into the water. It is slightly heavier than water and will sink to the bottom. But bubbles, similar to small balloons, will immediately begin to sit on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up. Bubbles will burst on the surface of the water, and the air will fly away. The heavy grape will again sink to the bottom. Here it will again be covered with air bubbles and resurface. This will continue several times until the air from the water is "exhausted". Fish swim in the same way with the help of a swim bladder.

Conclusion: Air bubbles can lift objects in the water. Fish swim in the water with the help of an air-filled swim bladder.

Experience number 12. There is air in an empty bottle.

Target: Prove that there is air in the empty bottle.


1. 2 plastic bottles.

2. 2 funnels.

3. 2 glasses (or any other identical containers with water).

4. A piece of plasticine.

Experience: Insert a funnel into each bottle. We cover the neck of one of the bottles around the funnel with plasticine so that there are no gaps left. We start pouring water into bottles. All the water from the glass poured into one of them, and quite a bit of water spilled into the other (where the plasticine is), all the rest of the water remained in the funnel. Why? The bottle is air. Water flowing through the funnel into the bottle pushes it out and takes its place. The displaced air exits through the gaps between the neck and the funnel. There is also air in a bottle sealed with plasticine, but it does not have the opportunity to come out and give way to water, so the water remains in the funnel. If you make at least a small hole in the plasticine, then the air from the bottle can escape through it. And the water from the funnel will flow into the bottle.

Conclusion: The bottle only seems empty. But it has air in it.

Experience number 13. Floating orange.

Target: Prove that there is air in the orange peel.


1. 2 oranges.

2. Large bowl of water.

Experience: Place one orange in a bowl of water. He will swim. And even if you try hard, you won't be able to drown him. Peel the second orange and put it in the water. Orange drowned! How so? Two identical oranges, but one drowned and the other floats! Why? There are many air bubbles in the orange peel. They push the orange to the surface of the water. Without the peel, an orange sinks because it is heavier than the water it displaces.

Conclusion: An orange does not sink in water because the peel has air in it and keeps it on the surface of the water.

Fun experiments with water

Water is a combination of two common chemical elements - hydrogen and oxygen. AT pure form it has no shape, taste or color. Under the conditions typical of our planet, most of the water is in a liquid state and retains it at normal pressure and temperature from 0 degrees. up to 100 deg. Celsius. However, water can take the form solid body(ice, snow) or gas (steam). In physics, this is called the aggregate state of matter. There are three states of aggregation of water - solid, liquid and gaseous. As we know, water can exist in each of the three states of aggregation. In addition, water is interesting in that it is the only substance on Earth that can be present at the same time in each of the three states of aggregation. In order to understand this, remember or imagine yourself in the summer near the river with ice cream in your hands. Great picture, right? So, in this idyll, in addition to enjoyment, one can also carry out physical observation. Pay attention to the water. In the river it is liquid, in the composition of ice cream in the form of ice it is solid, and in the sky in the form of clouds it is gaseous. That is, water can simultaneously be in three different states of aggregation.

Experience number 1. Water has no shape, taste, smell or color.

Target: Prove that water has no shape, smell, taste or color.


1. Transparent vessels of various shapes.

2. 5 cups of clean drinking water for each child.

3. Gouache different colors(white is a must!), transparent glasses, 1 more than the number of prepared gouache flowers.

4. Salt, sugar, grapefruit, lemon.

5. Large tray.

6. Container with enough clean water.

7. Teaspoons according to the number of children.

Experience: We pour the same water into transparent vessels of different shapes. Water takes the form of vessels. We pour water from the last vessel onto a tray, it spreads into a shapeless puddle. This all happens because water has no shape. Next, we invite children to smell the water in five prepared glasses of clean drinking water. Does she smell? Let's remember the smells of lemon, fried potatoes, toilet water, colors. All this really has a smell, but water does not smell of anything, it does not have its own smell. Let's taste the water. What does she taste like? We listen different variants answers, then we suggest adding sugar to one of the cups, stir and try. What was the water like? Sweet! Then, similarly, add to the cups with water: salt (salt water!), Grapefruit (bitter water!), Lemon (sour water!). We compare it with the water in the very first glass and conclude that pure water has no taste. Continuing to get acquainted with the properties of water, we pour water into transparent glasses. What color is the water? We listen to different answers, then we tint the water in all glasses, except for one, with grains of gouache, stirring thoroughly. Be sure to use white paint to exclude children's answers that water is white. We conclude that pure water has no color, it is colorless.

Conclusion: Water has no shape, smell, taste or color.

Experience number 2. Salt water is denser than fresh water and pushes things out.

Target: Prove that salt water is denser than fresh water, it pushes out objects that sink in fresh water (fresh water is water without salt).


1. 2 half-liter jars with clean water and 1 empty liter jar.

2. 3 raw eggs.

3. Salt, stirring spoon.

Experience: Let's show the children a half-liter jar of clean (fresh) water. Let's ask the children, what will happen to the egg if it is dipped in water? All children will say that it will sink because it is heavy. Gently lower the raw egg into the water. It will indeed sink, everyone was right. Take the second half-liter jar and add 2-3 tablespoons of table salt there. Dip the second raw egg into the resulting salt water. It will float. Salt water is denser than fresh water, so the egg does not sink, the water pushes it out. That is why it is easier to swim in salty sea water than in fresh water of a river. Now put the egg at the bottom of a liter jar. Gradually adding water from both small jars, you can get a solution in which the egg will neither float nor sink. It will be held, as if suspended, in the middle of the solution. By adding salt water, you will ensure that the egg will float. Adding fresh water - that the egg will sink. Outwardly, salt and fresh water do not differ from each other, and it will look amazing.

Conclusion: Salt water is denser than fresh water, it pushes out objects that sink in fresh water. That is why it is easier to swim in salty sea water than in fresh water of a river. Salt increases the density of water. The more salt in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it. In the famous Dead Sea, the water is so salty that a person without any effort can lie on its surface without fear of drowning.

Experience No. 3. We extract fresh water from salt (sea) water.

The experience is carried out in summer period, outdoors, in hot sunny weather.

Target: Find a way to extract fresh water from salt (sea) water.


1. Basin with drinking water.

2. Salt, stirring spoon.

3. Teaspoons according to the number of children.

4. Tall plastic cup.

5. Pebbles (pebbles).

6. Polyethylene film.

Experience: Pour water into the basin, add salt there (4-5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), stir thoroughly until the salt dissolves. We invite the children to try (for this, each child has his own teaspoon). Of course it doesn't taste good! Imagine that we are in a shipwreck, we are on a desert island. Help will definitely come, rescuers will soon reach our island, but how thirsty! Where to get fresh water? Today we will learn how to extract it from salty sea water. We put a washed pebble on the bottom of an empty plastic glass so that it does not float up, and put the glass in the middle of a basin of water. Its edges should be above the water level in the basin. From above we stretch the film, tying it around the pelvis. We sell the film in the center above the glass and put another pebble in the recess. Let's put the basin in the sun. After a few hours, unsalted, clean drinking water will accumulate in the glass (you can try). This is explained simply: the water in the sun begins to evaporate, turn into steam, which settles on the film and flows into an empty glass. Salt does not evaporate and remains in the pelvis. Now that we know how to get fresh water, we can safely go to the sea and not be afraid of thirst. There is a lot of water in the sea, and you can always get the purest drinking water from it.

Conclusion: From salty sea water you can get clean (drinking, fresh) water, because water can evaporate in the sun, but salt cannot.

Experience number 4. We make cloud and rain.

Target: Show how clouds form and what rain is.


1. Three-liter jar.

2. Electric kettle for the possibility of boiling water.

3. Thin metal lid on the jar.

4. Ice cubes.

Experience: Pour boiling water into a three-liter jar (about 2.5 cm). We close the lid. Put ice cubes on the lid. The warm air inside the jar, rising up, will be cooled. The water vapor it contains will condense to form a cloud. This is what happens in nature. Tiny drops of water, having warmed up on the ground, rise from the ground upwards, there they cool and gather into clouds. And where does the rain come from? Meeting together in the clouds, the drops of water are pressed against each other, increase, become heavy and then fall to the ground in the form of raindrops.

Conclusion: Warm air, rising up, carries along tiny droplets of water. High in the sky, they cool, gather into clouds.

Experience number 5. Water can move.

Target: Prove that water can move for various reasons.


1. 8 wooden toothpicks.

2. A shallow plate of water (depth 1-2 cm).

3. Pipette.

4. A piece of refined sugar (not instant).

5. Dishwashing liquid.

6. Tweezers.

Experience: Show the children a plate of water. Water at rest. We tilt the plate, then we blow on the water. So we can make the water move. Can she move on her own? Children think not. Let's try to do it. Carefully lay out the toothpicks with tweezers in the center of the plate with water in the form of the sun, away from each other. Let's wait until the water is completely calm, the toothpicks will freeze in place. Gently lower a piece of sugar into the center of the plate, the toothpicks will begin to gather towards the center. What is going on? The sugar sucks up the water, creating a movement that moves the toothpicks toward the center. We remove the sugar with a teaspoon and drop a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the center of the bowl with a pipette, the toothpicks will “scatter”! Why? Soap, spreading over the water, drags particles of water with it, and they cause the toothpicks to scatter.

Conclusion: Not only the wind or uneven surface make the water move. She can move for many other reasons.

Experience number 6. The water cycle in nature.

Target: Tell children about the water cycle in nature. Show the dependence of the state of water on temperature.


1. Ice and snow in a small saucepan with a lid.

2. Electric stove.

3. Refrigerator (in kindergarten, you can arrange with the kitchen or the medical office to place the experimental saucepan in the freezer for a while).

Experience 1: Let's bring solid ice and snow home from the street, put them in a saucepan. If you leave them for a while in a warm room, they will soon melt and you will get water. What was the snow and ice like? Snow and ice are hard, very cold. What kind of water? She is liquid. Why did solid ice and snow melt and turn into liquid water? Because they got warm in the room.

Conclusion 1: When heated (increase in temperature), solid snow and ice turn into liquid water.

Experience 2: Put the saucepan with the resulting water on the electric stove and boil. Water boils, steam rises above it, Water becomes less and less, why? Where does she disappear to? She turns into steam. Steam is the gaseous state of water. What was the water like? Liquid! What has become? Gaseous! Why? We increased the temperature again, heated the water!

Conclusion 2: When heated (increase in temperature), liquid water turns into a gaseous state - steam.

Experience 3: We continue to boil water, cover the saucepan with a lid, put a little ice on top of the lid and after a few seconds show that the lid from below is covered with drops of water. What was the couple like? Gaseous! What was the water like? Liquid! Why? Hot steam, touching the cold lid, cools and turns back into liquid drops of water.

Conclusion 3: Upon cooling (decreasing temperature), the gaseous vapor turns back into liquid water.

Experience 4: Let's cool our saucepan a little, and then put it in freezer. What will happen to her? She will turn to ice again. What was the water like? Liquid! What did she become, freezing in the refrigerator? Solid! Why? We froze it, that is, reduced the temperature.

Conclusion 3: When cooled (decrease in temperature), liquid water turns back into solid snow and ice.

General conclusion: In winter it often snows, it lies everywhere on the street. You can also see ice in winter. What is it: snow and ice? This is frozen water, its solid state. The water is frozen because it is very cold outside. But then spring comes, the sun warms, it gets warmer outside, the temperature rises, the ice and snow heat up and begin to melt. When heated (increase in temperature), solid snow and ice turn into liquid water. Puddles appear on the ground, streams flow. The sun is getting hotter. When heated (increase in temperature), liquid water turns into a gaseous state - steam. The puddles dry up, the gaseous vapor rises higher and higher into the sky. And there, high up, cold clouds meet him. When cooled (reducing the temperature), the gaseous vapor turns back into liquid water. Droplets of water fall to the ground, as from a cold saucepan lid. What is it that turns out? It's rain! It rains in spring, summer and autumn. But most of all it rains in autumn. Rain pours on the ground, puddles on the ground, a lot of water. It's cold at night, the water freezes. When cooled (reducing the temperature), liquid water turns back into solid ice. People say: “There were frosts at night, it was slippery outside.” Time runs and after autumn comes winter again. Why is it now snowing instead of raining? Why do solid snowflakes fall to the ground instead of liquid water droplets? And these, it turns out, are droplets of water, while falling, managed to freeze and turn into snow. But now spring comes again, snow and ice melt again, and all the wonderful transformations of water repeat again. This story repeats itself with solid snow and ice, liquid water and gaseous vapor every year. These transformations are called the water cycle in nature.

Entertaining experiments with sand

Natural sand is a loose mixture of hard sand grains 0.10-5 mm in size, formed as a result of the destruction of hard rocks. Sand is loose, opaque, loose, well passes water and poorly retains its shape. Most often we can meet him on the beaches, in the desert, at the bottom of reservoirs. Sand is made up of individual grains of sand that can move relative to each other. Sand grains can form vaults and tunnels in the thickness of the sand. Between grains of sand in dry sand there is air, and in wet sand there is water. Water sticks together grains of sand. That is why dry sand can be poured, but wet sand cannot, but wet sand can be sculpted. For the same reason, objects sink deeper into dry sand than into wet sand.

Experience No. 1. Sandy cone.

Target: Show that layers of sand and individual grains of sand move relative to each other.


1. Dry sand.

2. A tray on which you can pour sand.

Experience: We take handfuls of dry sand and slowly pour them out in a trickle so that the sand falls in the same place. Gradually, a cone is formed at the point of fall, growing in height and occupying an increasing area at the base. If you pour sand for a long time, then in one place, then in another place, “slips” will occur - the movement of sand, similar to a current. Why is this happening? Let's take a closer look at the sand. What does it consist of? From individual small grains of sand. Are they bonded to each other? Not! Therefore, they can move relative to each other.

Conclusion: Layers of sand and individual grains of sand can move relative to each other.

Experience number 2. Vaults and tunnels.

Target: Show that grains of sand can form vaults and tunnels.


1. Tray with dry sand.

2. Sheet of thin paper.

3. Pencil.

4. Glue stick.

Experience: Take thin paper and glue a tube out of it along the diameter of a pencil. Leaving the pencil inside the tube, carefully cover them with sand so that the end of the tube and pencil remain outside (place them obliquely in the sand). Carefully take out the pencil and ask the children if the sand crumpled the paper without a pencil? Children usually think that yes, the paper is crumpled, because the sand is quite heavy and we poured a lot of it. Slowly take out the tube, it is not crumpled! Why? It turns out that grains of sand form protective vaults, tunnels are obtained from them. That is why many insects that have fallen into dry sand can crawl there and get out unharmed.

Conclusion: Sand grains can form vaults and tunnels.

Experience number 3. properties of wet sand.

Target: Show that wet sand does not crumble, can take any shape that is preserved until it dries.


2. 2 trays.

3. Molds and scoops for sand.

Experience: Let's try to pour dry sand in small streams on the first tray. It works out very well. Why? Layers of sand and individual grains of sand can move relative to each other. Let's try to pour wet sand on the second tray in the same way. Does not work! Why? Children express different versions, we help, with the help of leading questions, to guess that in dry sand there is air between the grains of sand, and in wet sand there is water, which glues the grains of sand together and prevents them from moving as freely as in dry sand. We try to sculpt Easter cakes with the help of molds from dry and wet sand. Obviously, this is obtained only from wet sand. Why? Because in wet sand, water glues the grains of sand together and the cake retains its shape. Let's leave our Easter cakes on a tray in a warm room until tomorrow. The next day we will see that at the slightest touch our Easter cakes crumble. Why? In the heat, the water evaporated, turned into steam, and there is nothing more to glue the grains of sand together. Dry sand cannot hold its shape.

Conclusion: Wet sand cannot be poured, but it can be sculpted. It takes any shape until it dries. This happens because in wet sand the grains of sand are glued together by water, and in dry sand there is air between the grains of sand.

Experience number 4. Immersion of objects in wet and dry sand.

Target: Show that objects sink deeper in dry sand than in wet sand.


1. Dry sand and wet sand.

3. Two basins.

4. Heavy steel bar.

5. Marker.

Experience: Evenly pour dry sand through a sieve into one of the basins over the entire surface of its bottom in a thick layer. Carefully, without pressure, put a steel bar on the sand. Let's mark with a marker on the side face of the bar the level of its immersion in the sand. We place wet sand in another basin, smooth its surface and also carefully place our bar on the sand. It is obvious that he will sink into it much less than into dry sand. This can be seen from the marker. Why is this happening? The dry sand had air between the grains of sand, the block squeezed the grains of sand with its weight, displacing the air. In wet sand, grains of sand are glued together with water, so it is much more difficult to compress them, which is why the bar sinks into wet sand to a lesser depth than into dry sand.

Conclusion: Objects sink deeper into dry sand than into wet sand.

Experience number 5. Immersion of objects in dense and loose dry sand.

Target: Show that objects sink deeper into loose dry sand than into dense dry sand.


1. Dry sand.

3. Two basins.

4. Wooden pusher.

5. Heavy steel bar.

6. Marker.

Experience: Evenly pour dry sand through a sieve into one of the basins over the entire surface of its bottom in a thick layer. Carefully, without pressure, put a steel bar on the resulting loose sand. Let's mark with a marker on the side face of the bar the level of its immersion in the sand. In the same way, pour dry sand into another basin and tamp it tightly with a wooden pusher. Carefully put our bar on the resulting dense sand. It is obvious that he will sink into it much less than into loose dry sand. This can be seen from the marker. Why is this happening? There is a lot of air in the loose sand between the grains of sand, the bar displaces it and sinks deep into the sand. And in the dense sand there is little air left, the grains of sand have already compressed, and the bar sinks to a lesser depth than in loose sand.

Conclusion: In loose dry sand, objects sink deeper than in dense dry sand.

Entertaining experiments with static electricity

In all experiments carried out in this section, we use static electricity. Electricity is called static when there is no current, that is, the movement of charge. It is formed due to the friction of objects. For example, a ball and a sweater, a ball and hair, a ball and natural fur. Instead of a ball, you can sometimes take a smooth large piece of amber or a plastic comb. Why do we use these objects in experiments? All objects are made up of atoms, and each atom contains an equal number of protons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. When these charges are equal, the object is called neutral or uncharged. But there are things, like hair or wool, that lose their electrons very easily. If you rub a ball (amber, comb) on such an object, some of the electrons will transfer from it to the ball, and it will acquire a negative static charge. When we bring a negatively charged ball close to some neutral objects, the electrons in these objects begin to repel the electrons of the ball and move to the opposite side of the object. Thus, the upper side of the object facing the ball becomes positively charged, and the ball will begin to attract the object to itself. But, if you wait a little longer, the electrons will begin to move from the ball to the object. Thus, after some time, the ball and the objects it attracts will again become neutral and will no longer be attracted to each other.

Experience number 1. The concept of electric charges.

Target: Show that as a result of contact between two different objects, separation of electrical discharges is possible.


1. Balloon.

2. Woolen sweater.

Experience: Inflate a small balloon. Let's rub the ball on a woolen sweater and try to touch the ball to various objects in the room. It turned out to be a real focus! The ball begins to stick to literally all objects in the room: to the closet, to the wall, and most importantly, to the child. Why?
This is because all objects have a certain electrical charge. But there are objects, for example, wool, which very easily lose their electrons. As a result of contact between the ball and the woolen sweater, electrical discharges are separated. Part of the electrons from the wool will go to the ball, and it will acquire a negative static charge. When we bring a negatively charged ball close to some neutral objects, the electrons in these objects begin to repel the electrons of the ball and move to the opposite side of the object. Thus, the upper side of the object facing the ball becomes positively charged, and the ball will begin to attract the object to itself. But if you wait longer, the electrons will begin to move from the ball to the object. Thus, after some time, the ball and the objects it attracts will again become neutral and will no longer be attracted to each other. The ball will fall.

Conclusion: As a result of contact between two different objects, separation of electrical discharges is possible.

Experience number 2. Dancing foil.

Target: Show that unlike static charges attract each other, and the same repel.


1. Thin aluminum foil (chocolate wrapper).

2. Scissors.

3. Plastic comb.

4. Paper towel.

Experience: Cut aluminum foil (shiny chocolate or candy wrapper) into very narrow and long strips. Drain the strips of foil onto a paper towel. Let's run a plastic comb through our hair several times, and then bring it close to the strips of foil. The stripes will begin to dance. Why is this happening? Hair. about which we rubbed a plastic comb, very easily lose their electrons. Some of them switched to a comb, and it acquired a negative static charge. When we brought the comb closer to the strips of foil, the electrons in it began to repel the electrons of the comb and move to the opposite side of the strip. Thus, one side of the strip was positively charged, and the comb began to attract it to itself. The other side of the strip has acquired a negative charge. a light strip of foil, being attracted, rises into the air, turns over and turns out to be the other side turned to the comb, with a negative charge. At this point, she pushes away from the comb. The process of attraction and repulsion of the strips goes on continuously, it seems that the "foil is dancing".

Conclusion: Opposite static charges attract each other, and like static charges repel each other.

Experience number 3. Bouncing rice flakes.

Target: Show that as a result of contact between two different objects, separation of static electrical discharges is possible.


1. A teaspoon of crispy rice flakes.

2. Paper towel.

3. Balloon.

4. Woolen sweater.

Experience: Lay a paper towel on the table and sprinkle rice cereal on it. Inflate a small balloon. Let's rub the ball on a woolen sweater, then bring it to the cereal without touching it. The flakes begin to bounce and stick to the ball. Why? As a result of contact between the ball and the woolen sweater, a separation of static electric charges occurred. Part of the electrons from the wool passed to the ball, and it acquired a negative electric charge. When we brought the ball to the flakes, the electrons in them began to repel the electrons of the ball and move to the opposite side. Thus, the upper side of the flakes, facing the ball, was positively charged, and the ball began to attract light flakes to itself.

Conclusion: As a result of contact between two different objects, separation of static electrical discharges is possible.

Experience number 4. Method for separating mixed salt and pepper.

Target: Show that as a result of contact, separation of static electrical discharges is not possible in all objects.


1. A teaspoon of ground pepper.

2. A teaspoon of salt.

3. Paper towel.

4. Balloon.

5. Woolen sweater.

Experience: Spread a paper towel on the table. Sprinkle pepper and salt on it and mix them thoroughly. Can salt and pepper be separated now? Obviously, this is very difficult to do! Inflate a small balloon. Rub the ball on a woolen sweater, then bring it to a mixture of salt and pepper. A miracle will happen! Pepper will stick to the ball, and salt will remain on the table. This is another example of the effect of static electricity. When we rubbed the ball with a woolen cloth, it acquired a negative charge. Then we brought the ball to a mixture of pepper and salt, pepper began to be attracted to it. This happened because the electrons in the pepper dust wanted to move as far away from the ball as possible. Consequently, the part of the peppercorns closest to the ball acquired a positive charge and was attracted by the negative charge of the ball. Pepper stuck to the ball. Salt is not attracted to the ball, since electrons move poorly in this substance. When we bring a charged ball to salt, its electrons still remain in their places. Salt on the side of the ball does not acquire a charge, it remains uncharged or neutral. Therefore, salt does not stick to a negatively charged ball.

Conclusion: As a result of contact, separation of static electrical discharges is not possible in all objects.

Experience number 5. Flexible water.

Target: Show that electrons move freely in water.


1. Sink and faucet.

2. Balloon.

3. Woolen sweater.

Experience: Open the faucet so that the water jet is very thin. Inflate a small balloon. Let's rub the ball on a woolen sweater, then bring it to a trickle of water. The jet of water will deflect towards the ball. The electrons from the woolen sweater, when rubbed, pass to the ball and give it a negative charge. This charge repels the electrons that are in the water, and they move to the part of the jet that is farthest from the ball. Closer to the ball, a positive charge arises in the water stream, and the negatively charged ball pulls it towards itself.

To make the movement of the jet visible, it must be thin. The static electricity accumulated on the ball is relatively small and cannot be moved. a large number of water. If a trickle of water touches the balloon, it will lose its charge. The extra electrons will go into the water; both the balloon and the water will become electrically neutral, so the trickle will flow smoothly again.

Conclusion: Electrons can move freely in water.

List of used literature


Guncha Ereshova
Experiences and experiments with air for children of primary preschool age

Children preschool age by nature, inquisitive explorers of the world around them. Experimenting, the child in various ways on their own affects on the surrounding objects and phenomena with the aim of their more complete knowledge and development.

The process of cognition is creative, and our task is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this. baby experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period preschool development child. Entertaining experiences, experiments discuss children to find the reasons, ways of action, manifestation of creativity.

We will dwell in more detail on such an object of inanimate nature, which is especially interesting for children - this air. AT junior preschool age the main goal in experiments with air is to detect air in the surrounding space.

There are very simple experiences that children remember for the rest of their lives. The guys may not fully understand why this is all happening, but when time will pass and they will find themselves in a lesson in physics or chemistry, a very clear example will surely pop up in their memory.

Experience 1. What's in the package

Target: detect air.

Equipment: plastic bag

Consider an empty package.

Question A: What is in the package?

Problematic situation.

Dial in a package air and spin it to make it flexible.

Result. Children fill bags air and hold them with your hands

Question Q: What's in the package now?

Open the package and show that there is nothing in it. Pay attention to the fact that when the package was opened, it ceased to be elastic.

Why did the package seem empty?

Conclusion. The air is transparent, invisible, light.

Experience 2. straw games

Target: form an idea of ​​​​what is inside a person air, and it can be found.

Equipment: straws, a container of water,

Invite the children to blow into the tube, substituting the palm under the jet air.

Question: What did you feel? Where did the wind come from?

Then ask to lower the tube into the water, blow into it.

Problem situation

Where did the bubbles come from, where did they disappear?

Result. Children discover air inside you.

Conclusion. man breathing air. It gets inside a person when inhaled. You can not only feel it, but also see it. To do this, lower the tube into the water and blow. Out of the tube air, it is light, rises up through the water with bubbles and bursts.

Experience 3. boat

Target: show what air has power.

Equipment: basin with water, boat,

Invite the children to blow on the boat and answer questions:

"Why is she swimming?", "What's pushing her?", "Where does the wind come from?".

Problem situation

why does the boat float, what pushes it (breeze); where does the wind come from air(we breathe it out).

Result. The boat floats if you blow on it.

Conclusion. Man blows air he is pushing the boat.

The stronger the wind, the faster the boat sails.

Experience 4. What's in the package

Target: compare properties air and water.

Equipment: 2 bags (one with water, the other with air,

Examine 2 packages, find out what's in them.

Children weigh them, feel them, open them, smell them.

Discuss how water and air, and how they differ.

Result. Similarities: transparent, tasteless and odorless, take the form of a vessel.

Differences: water is a liquid, it is heavier, pours, some substances dissolve in it. Air gas, he is invisible, weightless.

Conclusion. By the water and air there are similarities and differences.

Experience 5. Mysterious Bubbles

Target: show what air is in some items.

Equipment: a container with water, a piece of foam rubber, a wooden block, lumps of earth, clay.

Children examine objects and immerse them in water.

Watching for release air bubbles.

Problem situation

Question Q: Where do the bubbles come from?

Result. Bubbles are released from foam rubber, clay, earth when immersed in water air.

Conclusion. Air penetrates some objects.

Experience 6. Blowing soap bubbles

Target: familiarize yourself with the fact that when hit air in a drop of soapy water, a bubble forms.

Equipment: straws 10 cm long of different diameters, split crosswise at the end; soap solution

Children take it in turns to dip the straws into the soap solution and inflate

bubbles of various sizes. Determine why a soap bubble inflates and bursts.

Result. Children blow bubbles of different sizes.

Conclusion. Soapy water falls into a drop air the more it is, the bigger the bubble. The bubble bursts when air it becomes very much and it does not fit in a drop, or when you touch and tear its shell.

Experience 7. Rescue Bubbles

Target: reveal what air lighter than water and has strength.

Equipment: a glass of mineral water, plasticine.

An adult pours mineral water into a glass and immediately throws a few small pieces of plasticine into it.

Children are watching.

A problem situation arises

Discuss: why plasticine sinks to the bottom (it is heavier than water, therefore it sinks, what happens at the bottom, why plasticine floats and sinks again.

Result. Plasticine sinks to the bottom, floats up and sinks to the bottom again.

Conclusion. bubbles air rise up air coming out of the water, and the plasticine sinks to the bottom again.

Experience 8. Stubborn air

Target: show what air occupies less space when compressed, and compressed air has power.

Equipment: syringes, container with water.

Children examine the syringe, find out its device (cylinder, piston). An adult demonstrates actions with him: moves the piston up and down without water. He tries to squeeze the piston when the hole is closed with a finger, draws water into the piston when it is up and down. Children repeat actions.

Result: it is very difficult to depress the piston when the hole is closed. If the piston is raised, water cannot be drawn.

Conclusion: air air has power


Delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions - that's what gives experimentation.

Conducted experiences with curious children, gave a lot of interesting things, enriched knowledge children for further experiences and experiments.

In our experimental In our work, we concluded that the air is transparent, invisible, light. man breathing air. It gets inside a person when inhaled. You can not only feel it, but also see it, for this you need to lower the tube into the water and blow, it will come out of the tube air, it is light, it will rise up through the water with bubbles and burst.

By the water and air there are similarities and differences air penetrates into some objects, gets into a drop of soapy water air the more it is, the bigger the bubble, the bubble bursts when air it becomes very much and it does not fit in a drop, or when you touch and tear its shell.

bubbles air rise up, push out pieces of plasticine, then bubbles air coming out of the water, and plasticine sinks to the bottom again, air occupies less space when compressed, compressed air has power, which can move objects.

Mysterious invisible man

What is inside the balloon? Why doesn't the ball sink? What makes soap bubbles?.. Well, what child did not care about these burning questions. Fun and simple experiments will help to catch the "mysterious invisible man". You will need: water containers, transparent cups, rubber fingertip, funnel, cocktail tubes, plastic bottles, soap solution (or a ready-made composition for soap bubbles), balloons, a stick about 60 cm long, string, a bowl of water, a ball , rubber gloves.

Looking for the invisible

Tell the baby that we are surrounded by air. It is everywhere, but we do not see it. How can you be sure. what does he really have? Let's hang in the middle of the room (for example, on a chandelier) strips of paper or ribbons. From the draft, they will begin to move. So we saw you, invisible!

Trap for the Invisible

Is it possible to catch this elusive cunning? It turns out - yes! Let's make a trap from an ordinary plastic bag or a rubber glove (it will be funnier this way). First, open the bag (or glove) wide. The air, suspecting nothing, will climb inside ... Then we will quickly twist the edges of the bag and tightly, tightly bandage it with an elastic band. Look how swollen the package is! It is immediately clear that there is something there. Gotcha, invisible! Well, shall we let him go? Then unpack the package. He immediately deflated. But we now know that our invisible man is still here.

We blow, we blow, we blow...

Let's try to hold our breath. How much have we endured? Not more than a few minutes: it immediately became somehow unpleasant. It turns out that air is our great friend, because we breathe it. To make sure that there is air inside us, let's take a straw for a cocktail and blow through it on our palm. What did we feel? As if a breeze is blowing. And now we lower one end of the tube into a glass of water. When we blow, air bubbles immediately appear in the water. But not only people need air, but also animals and even plants. Carefully cut off a branch during a walk and put it in a glass of water. Bubbles immediately appeared on the walls of the glass: the plant breathes ...

Who is in the glass?

Experience 1

Give your child an empty glass and ask if there is anything in it. The baby, of course, will say no. Then offer to slowly lower the glass into a bowl of water, holding it upside down. Why doesn't the water get into the glass? Perhaps there is already something there? What? That's right, air!

Experience 2

To verify this again, let's lower the glass into the water again, only this time we will hold it not strictly vertically, but at an angle. Now the water can easily penetrate into the glass, and air bubbles will float to the surface.

Experience 3

We fix a piece of paper with plasticine at the bottom of the glass. Let your child make sure the paper is dry. Repeat experiment 1 and ask the baby if, in his opinion, the paper got wet. Ask to explain why. And now let's feel the paper again and check if we were right.

Experience 4

And here's another, more interesting option the same experience.

Take a piece of wood, a piece of styrofoam or a cork, stick a small flag made of a match and paper into it. Launch the boat into the water. Cover it with a wide-mouth jar, carefully lower the jar to the bottom, and then lift the jar to the surface. Our flag stayed dry because there was air in the jar!

How to feel the air?

To do this, take a rubber fingertip and a funnel with a spout of a suitable diameter (it can be replaced with a plastic bottle with a cut bottom. Put a fingertip on the narrow end of the funnel or on the neck of the bottle. Invite the baby to feel it to make sure it is empty. Now the free end of the funnel or bottle and, without tilting, we slowly immerse ourselves in water. What happened to our “ball”? Correctly, it inflated! And why? Yes, because all the air from the bottle got there, which was displaced by water!

How much does air weigh?

Not at all! Any child will answer. Let's try to check. Take a stick about 60 cm long. Tie a string in the middle. We inflate two balloons and tie them to the ends of the stick and hang the stick by the string. The stick hangs horizontally, which means that both balls weigh the same. And now we will pierce one of the balls with a needle. Air will come out of the balloon and the end of the stick to which it is tied will rise up. I wonder why? Yes, because without air the ball became lighter. what will happen if we pierce the second ball? That's right, the wand will balance again!

Mysterious Bubbles

I wonder if there is air in the stone? And in wood, clay, earth...? Take several transparent cups of water, put a stone in one, a lump of clay in another, a wooden block in the third, etc. Watch what will happen. bubbles will rise to the surface. So there is air. Where is it the most? of course where there are more bubbles. invite the baby to think about what it depends on (the denser the material, the less air in it, the looser, softer it is, the less air).

Bubble rescuers

Pour plain water into one glass, and mineral water with gas into the other. Ask the kid to throw both there, and there throw pieces of plasticine the size of rice grains. Watch what happens: in plain water, plasticine will go to the bottom, and in mineral water, it will first sink, and then float to the surface. Why did it happen? Because air bubbles lift the plasticine to the surface. When the gas is exhaled, the plasticine will sink.


For this experience, you will need a cocktail straw that can be bent at an angle.

Give your child a glass and a container of water. Ask him if the glass can rise from the bottom on its own. Well, of course not! What if air helps? Invite the young explorer to dip the glass into the water, yes. so that it fills to the brim, and then turn it upside down in the water. Now you need to bring a curved tube under the glass and start blowing air. Oh miracle! The air gradually forced the water out from under the glass, and it floated to the surface. And why? That's right, because air is lighter than water!

What will fall faster?

Give your child two sheets of paper and have them throw one sideways and the other horizontally. See which one falls faster. Ask why a leaf that was thrown horizontally fell more slowly. Maybe someone supported him? Well, of course, it was our invisibility. There was less air under the second sheet and it fell faster. This means that air also has density and can hold objects!

reactive ball

And where else can our invisibility help. Give your baby a few balloons of different sizes. Offer to inflate them one by one and let them go. Which ball flew the farthest? The one with more air! Air escaping from the neck causes the ball to move forward. Try to explain to the kid that the same principle is used in the engines of jet planes and rockets.

straw gimlet

Here it is, our air: and strong. and dense, but also elastic. This experience will help us to make sure of this. You will need two raw potatoes and two cocktail straws. Invite the baby to take the straw with his fingers by the upper part and with a swing (from about ten centimeters) stick it into the potato. The straw will bend, but it will not be able to stick. We plug the second straw on top with a finger. Swinging ... stuck !!! Why? Yes, everything is very simple: after all, air remained in the straw, and it became strong and elastic, now you can’t just bend it like that!

magic bottle

But the magical properties of air do not end there! Take a plastic bottle without a cork and put it in the freezer. When the bottle has cooled down properly, ask the baby to take it out of the freezer, carefully closing the hole with the palm of your hand. Close the hole quickly with a coin. And now watch carefully, carefully: the coin begins to ... bounce! I wonder how it turned out? Is it unclear yet?

Perhaps another experience will help us answer this question.

We quickly put a balloon on the neck of a bottle chilled in the freezer. Drop the bottle into hot water. did the same happen to the ball? He began to pout. So? ... Well, of course, warm air takes up more space than cold air. He warmed up, no longer fit in the bottle and began to crawl out. Therefore, the coin bounced, and the balloon inflated!

dry from water

Put a coin on a plate and pour some water. so that the coin is completely covered. Invite your child to take it out without getting their fingers wet. just how to do it? Take a glass and light a piece of paper inside it. When the air in the glass warms up, quickly tip the glass onto a plate next to the coin. After a while, the paper will go out, the air will begin to cool, and the water will be drawn under the glass, and the plate will be dry. Then you can take the coin without getting your fingers wet. why did it happen? Turns out. The air first warmed up and expanded, and when it cooled down, it began to narrow. the air from outside began to put pressure on the water more than from inside the glass, and the water was drawn under the glass to the vacant place.


Who doesn't like blowing soap bubbles? We, personally, have not met such eccentrics. But who knows what soap bubbles have inside? Pour soapy water into a bowl and blow into it through a straw. Before our eyes, a castle of soap bubbles will begin to grow in the plate. Lightly blow on it: bubbles will fly. They are so light because there is air inside. And from soap, a thin and durable shell of the bubble is obtained. And now we will try to inflate a huge, enormous bubble. We blow! We're still blowing! Now what a huge one! Let's!!! Ouch! Burst ... Why did it happen? There was too much air inside and the soap shell could not stand it.

A few drops of glycerin added to the soap solution will make your bubbles unforgettable. The pleasure of color, size and maybe even taste.

Let's make a solution for the bubbles ourselves.

For this, the Soviet laundry soap. Strain into water, you can even boil while stirring, so that the chips dissolve faster. The bubble is blown out as follows: dipping the tube into the solution and holding it vertically so that a liquid film forms at the end, gently blow into it. Since the bubble is filled with the warm air of our lungs, which is lighter than the surrounding room air, the blown bubble immediately rises.

If you can immediately blow a bubble 10 cm in diameter, then the solution is suitable; otherwise, add more soap to the liquid until bubbles of the specified size can be blown. But this test is not enough. Having blown a bubble, dip a finger in a soapy solution and try to pierce the bubble; if it does not burst, you can proceed to the experiments; if the bubble does not hold, you need to add a little more soap.

Experiments should be done slowly, carefully, calmly. Lighting should be as bright as possible: otherwise the bubbles will not show their iridescent overflows.

Here are some fun bubble experiments.

Soap bubble around a flower

Soapy solution is poured into a plate or onto a tray so that the bottom of the plate is covered with a layer of 2-3 mm in height; a flower or a vase is placed in the middle and covered with a glass funnel. Then, slowly raising the funnel, they blow into its narrow tube - a soap bubble is formed; when this bubble reaches a sufficient size, tilt the funnel, as shown in Fig., releasing the bubble from under it. Then the flower will be lying under a transparent semicircular cap made of soap film, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Instead of a flower, you can take a figurine, crowning its head with a soap bubble. To do this, you must first drop a little solution on the head of the figurine, and then, when the large bubble has already been blown out, pierce it and blow out its small one inside.

Several bubbles in each other

From the funnel used for the experiment described above, a large soap bubble is blown out. Then completely immerse the straw in the soapy solution so that only the tip of it, which will have to be taken into the mouth, remains dry, and carefully push it through the wall of the first bubble to the center; then slowly pulling the straw back, without bringing it to the edge, however, they blow out the second bubble enclosed in the first one, in it - the third, fourth, etc. A cylinder of soap film is obtained between two wire rings. To do this, an ordinary spherical bubble is lowered onto the lower ring, then a moistened second ring is applied to the bubble from above and, lifting it up, the bubble is stretched until it becomes cylindrical. Curiously, if you raise the upper ring to a height greater than the circumference of the ring, then the cylinder will narrow in one half, expand in the other, and then split into two bubbles.

Soap bubbles in the cold

For experiments, it is enough to have shampoo or soap diluted in snow water, to which a small amount of pure glycerin is added, and a plastic tube from a ballpoint pen. Bubbles are easier to blow indoors in a cold room, as winds almost always blow outside. Large bubbles can be easily blown out using a plastic pouring funnel. When cooled slowly, the bubble becomes supercooled and freezes at about -7°C. The surface tension coefficient of a soap solution slightly increases upon cooling to 0°C, and upon further cooling below 0°C, it decreases and becomes zero at the time of freezing. The spherical film will not contract even though the air inside the bubble is compressed. Theoretically, the bubble diameter should decrease during cooling to 0°C, but by such a small amount that it is very difficult to determine this change in practice. The film turns out to be not fragile, as a thin ice crust should seem to be. If you allow a crystallized soap bubble to fall to the floor, it will not break, will not turn into ringing fragments, like a glass ball, which is used to decorate a Christmas tree. Dents will appear on it, individual fragments will twist into tubes. The film is not brittle, it exhibits plasticity. The plasticity of the film turns out to be a consequence of the smallness of its thickness.

The first three experiments should be carried out in frost -15...-25°C, and the last - at -3...-7°C.

Experience 1

Take the jar of soapy water out into the cold and blow out the bubble. Immediately, small crystals appear at different points on the surface, which grow rapidly and finally merge. As soon as the bubble is completely frozen, a dent forms in its upper part, near the end of the tube. The air in the bubble and the shell of the bubble are cooler at the bottom, since there is a less cooled tube at the top of the bubble. Crystallization spreads from bottom to top. The less cooled and thinner (due to solution flow) upper part of the bubble shell sags under the action of atmospheric pressure. The more the air inside the bubble is cooled, the larger the dent becomes.

Experience 2

Dip the end of the tube into the soapy water, and then remove it. A column of solution about 4 mm high will remain at the lower end of the tube. Place the end of the tube on the palm of your hand. The column will be greatly reduced. Now blow the bubble until a rainbow color appears. The bubble turned out with very thin walls. Such a bubble behaves in a peculiar way in the cold: as soon as it freezes, it immediately bursts. So it is never possible to obtain a frozen bubble with very thin walls. The thickness of the bubble wall can be considered equal to the thickness of the monomolecular layer. Crystallization begins at individual points on the film surface. The water molecules at these points should approach each other and arrange themselves in a certain order. The rearrangement in the arrangement of water molecules and comparatively thick films does not lead to disruption of the bonds between the molecules of water and soap, while the thinnest films are destroyed.

Experience 3

Pour the soap solution equally into two jars. Add a few drops of pure glycerin to one. Now from these solutions blow out two approximately equal bubbles one by one and put them on a glass plate. The freezing of a bubble with glycerin proceeds a little differently than a bubble from a shampoo solution: the onset is delayed, and the freezing itself is slower. Please note: a frozen bubble from a shampoo solution lasts longer in the cold than a frozen bubble with glycerin. The walls of a frozen bubble from a shampoo solution are a monolithic crystalline structure. Intermolecular bonds in any place are exactly the same and strong, while in a frozen bubble from the same solution with glycerin strong ties between water molecules are weakened. In addition, these bonds are broken by the thermal movement of glycerol molecules, so the crystal lattice quickly sublimates, and therefore, is destroyed faster.

Experience 4

In mild frost, blow a bubble. Wait until it bursts. Repeat the experiment to make sure that the bubbles do not freeze, no matter how long they are kept in the cold. Now prepare your snowflake. Blow a bubble and immediately drop a snowflake on top of it. It will instantly slide down to the bottom of the bubble. In the place where the snowflake stopped, the film will begin to crystallize. Finally, the entire bubble will freeze. If you put a bubble on the snow, it will also freeze after a while. Bubbles in mild frost cool slowly and at the same time supercool. The snowflake is the center of crystallization. The same thing happens in the snow.

Curiosity is the natural state of any child.“Mom, why is it raining? Why is the sky blue? Why is the candle burning? And so endlessly. Familiar story? Naturally, the child wants to know everything. We offer you interesting experiments with air that will satisfy children's curiosity and explain the laws of nature at an accessible level for kids.

1. We breathe air

Tell your child that we breathe air. He is around us, but invisible. Offer to do an experiment: fill a glass with water, take a straw for a cocktail and blow into it. You will get air bubbles in the glass.

2. Parachute

Make a small parachute with your child. Take a handkerchief, attach threads of the same length to each corner of the handkerchief with a needle. Attach all ends to the toy. Tell your child why the parachute descends smoothly: the air under the canopy expands and supports it.

3. Weigh the air

Everything has its own weight, air too. Have your child weigh it. Take a ruler, find its center and tie a string to it. Inflate balloons of the same size and tie with threads of the same length. Now we hang the balls along the edges of our "scales". The scales are balanced. We pierce one ball - the inflated ball goes down - it is heavier.

4. Does the air smell?

Let's check if the air has a smell. Invite the baby to sniff the air - no smell is heard. Now spray the room with eau de toilette or an orange. Tell your child that the air can smell.

5. Cold or hot?

Tell your child that air can be heated and cooled. Take a plastic bottle and put it in the refrigerator for a while open. Take out, put a balloon on the neck. Now put the bottle in a plate of hot water. What's happening? The ball itself began to inflate. Why? Because air expands when heated. And if you put the bottle back in the fridge, the balloon will deflate.

6. Why doesn't it burst?

Surely your child knows what will happen if the balloon is pierced. He will burst. Offer the baby an experiment. Stick on the ball on both sides of a piece of adhesive tape. We pierce the tape with a needle. What's happening? The ball does not burst.

7. Inflate the balloon in the bottle

For this experiment, you will need two plastic bottles. In one of them we make a hole a little higher than the bottom. We put a ball into each bottle, pull the edges over the neck and try to inflate the ball. Who will succeed - the father or the baby?

8. Flight into space

We make a rocket - we fold the paper into a tube, glue one end and attach three triangular supports. Put a rocket on any support, insert the tube with one end into the rocket, and with the other end into an empty plastic bottle. Seal the neck tightly with tape. Install the rocket. Put the bottle on the ground and place the rocket at the length of the extended tube.

On your marks! Attention! March!

Let your child run and step on the bottle with all his might. The rocket must take off into space.

9. Fall or not fall?

Take the funnel, turn it wide side down. Insert a ping-pong ball into it and hold it with your finger. Now blow into the narrow end of the funnel and stop supporting the balloon. He will not fall, but will remain in the funnel.

This is due to the fact that the air pressure under the ball is much greater than above it. And the harder you blow, the less air exerts pressure on the ball, and the more lift. Try it.