“The white man should treat all living things as brothers. Attitude to nature and to all living things in the story of f. Abramov about what horses cry

Cats are the only animals allowed to enter the mosque

The attitude towards cats of the preacher of Islam and the transmitter of hadiths about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), nicknamed Abu Huraira (“father of the cat”), is known. His real name was Abd ar-Rahman bin Sahr. The nickname arose because he wore a cat in the sleeve of his clothes. Other his famous nickname Abu Hirr ("father of the cat").

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) loved cats and advised his fellow believers to take care of them. The Prophet had a beloved cat. He took care of her, never parting with her, even during prayer. There is even a hadith that Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) needed to leave urgently, and the cat fell asleep on the sleeve of his clothes, he cut off the sleeve so as not to disturb her sleep. When he returned, the cat woke up and bowed to him. Then the Prophet stroked her three times. Although, I think he stroked her many times.

The wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Aisha, during her prayer, saw that the cat had eaten the food standing on the floor. Having completed her prayer, she began to eat after the animal, saying that the Prophet was doing ablution with the water they drank. One of the hadiths says: “Dawud ibn Sahih ibn Dinar at-Tammar cited the words of his mother about how her mistress sent her with a dish (haris) to Aisha when she was praying. She motioned for me to put him down on the floor. The cat came and tasted some of it, and when Aisha finished her prayer, she ate, taking food from the place where the cat ate. She said, "The Messenger of Allah said, 'They are not unclean, they are your household.' She added: “I saw the Messenger of Allah performing ablution with water touched by a cat” (hadith Daoud, narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah).

“A certain woman was punished because of a cat. She kept her locked up until she died. So she entered Hell because of her. She did not feed or water her, and did not give her the opportunity to eat earthly creatures”
(Bukhari and Muslim).

“One day a man was walking along the road, and he was tormented by thirst, and then he found a well, went down there and got drunk. Then he got out of it, and there the dog, sticking out his tongue, gnaws the damp earth from thirst. And the man said: "This dog is exhausted with thirst just as I was exhausted by it." And he, descending into the well, filled his shoe with water, and holding it in his teeth, climbed out and watered the dog.
And Allah was grateful to him and forgave all his sins.” The people said: “O Messenger of Allah! Are we really going to be rewarded for being kind to animals?” He said: “The reward will be for a kind attitude towards all living things”
(Bukhari and Muslim)

The believer's heart should not be a piece of flesh that is compassionate towards some creatures and soulless towards others. Remembering the covenant of showing a good attitude towards others, we sometimes do not take into account that “others” are not only people, but also other creations of Allah that surround us. Animals, birds and even plants. Along with respect for the human soul, we also have an obligation to cultivate in our hearts respect and mercy for the less intelligent beings of our world.

Almighty Allah limited them in mind and duties, but each of these creatures endowed with a spirit - life. Unfortunately, some do not attach any importance to this, narrowing the circle of the living to themselves and their own kind. But animals and birds are the same creatures, just a little different than we are. And the liveliness of our hearts should be reflected not only in mercy to people, but also in mercy to our smaller brothers, as we sometimes call them.

There are convincing stories in the Sunnah, from which it follows that the punishment and reward for this or that attitude towards animals is no less serious than for great sins and good deeds. For example, one of the authentic hadiths says: “One woman was tortured for a cat, which she kept locked up until she died, and for this she entered the Hellfire. She did not feed or water her during her imprisonment and did not let her go so that she could eat herself, with what the earth gives ”(Bukhari, Muslim) In another hadith, it is narrated that Abdullah ibn Ja’far said:“ and the blessings of Allah) wanted to relieve himself, he preferred to hide behind some hill or in a thicket of palm trees, and on this day he went into one of the gardens that belonged to a certain Ansar. And a camel approached the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, which made a trembling sound coming out of the depths of the throat, and tears flowed from its eyes. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, stroked his stomach and behind his ears, then said: “Who is the owner of the camel?” Then a young man from the Ansar came and said: "Messenger of Allah, he is mine." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Are you not afraid of Allaah in regard to this animal over which Allaah has given you authority?! It has complained to me that you are starving and overloading it.”

Another hadeeth speaks of the reward that one of the people received due to his kind attitude towards the dog: “Somehow, one person who was walking his own way began to be tormented by a strong thirst. He found a well, went down to the water and got drunk, and when he got out, he suddenly saw a dog in front of him, sticking out his tongue and eating wet earth from thirst. (Seeing this) the man thought: "This dog is tormented by thirst just as it tormented me." Then he went down to the water again, filled his shoe with it, took it in his teeth and did not let it out of his mouth until he got up. (Going upstairs,) he watered the dog, and Allah thanked him for this, forgiving him (his sins)." He was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, are we entitled to a reward for animals?” He replied: “The reward is for all living things” (Al-Bukhari).

For many, it is not a big problem to kill an ant, a spider, or any other insect or animal, just soullessly crush it, without feeling guilty or reproaches of conscience. But for each of these deaths will have to bear responsibility. Indeed, as it is said in the hadith narrated by al-Nasai: “Whoever kills even a sparrow or someone more than this without right will certainly be questioned for this by Allah on the Day of Judgment.”

Moreover, not only do we not think about why we do this, we do not even suspect that by killing this little soul, we interrupt the life of a creature that was faithful to its Creator and commemorated him. This is stated in the Quran:

“There is nothing that would not give praise to Him, but you do not understand their glorification” (Sura “al Isra”, “Night Transfer”, ayat 44)

“Before Allah, all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, animals and angels, prostrate themselves, and they do not show arrogance” (surah “an-Nahl”, “Bees”, ayat 49)

“Do you not see how those who are in the heavens and on the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, mountains, trees, animals and many people, prostrate themselves before Allah?” (Sura Al-Hajj, Pilgrimage, verse 18)

“We subdued the mountains and the birds so that they glorified Us together with Daud” (Sura “al Anbiya”, “Prophets”, ayat 79)

Animals have their own language, feelings, habits, characters. Developing empathy (sympathy) for them is as much a duty as showing kindness to people. Our “living space”, which we treat with trepidation, care and do not violate the rights, should be expanded at the expense of animals and other living creatures of Allah. And this, by the way, is not a luxury that only the most enlightened can afford, but a duty that every believer must fulfill. And the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Indeed, Allah has ordained to do good (or do good) in relation to everything that exists” (Muslim).

May the Almighty forgive us the harm that we unfairly caused to His creations and grant us mercy, by which we will henceforth protect ourselves from violating someone else's rights, even if it is a plant or an insect.

Dr. Gabor Mate is known in Canada for working with highly addicted people.

In her book, the Canadian bestseller In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Mate advocates a compassionate approach to addicts. At the same time, the number of supporters of this position in the world is growing. Maya Salawitz of Time Healthland's health section spoke with Mate about the causes and consequences of addiction and how to deal with it.

M. Slavitz

Dr. Gabor Mate

- How do you define dependency?

Addiction is a behavior that a person cannot give up, associated with an addiction to something and temporary relief from receiving it, as well as long-term negative consequences for the body of this practice. Note that I didn’t say anything about substances - because absolutely any behavior based on craving, with negative consequences which one cannot control. You can depend on anything. Whether it is sex, gambling, shopping, work, or substance use, the same brain circuitry, reward system, psychological dynamics, and spiritual emptiness are involved in any act or behavior. People just switch from one to another. For me, the question is not the same - do you use anything. Do you have a passion for this? Do you need a relief dose? Does it have negative consequences for the body? The answers to these questions determine addiction.

- Do you believe that trauma is at the root of any addiction?

I believe that childhood trauma or emotional deficiency creates a universal pattern for addiction. It also depends on the definition of injury. If we define trauma as some kind of strong tragic experience, then not every addict has experienced the death of parents, domestic violence, abuse or other types of trauma in the usual sense. But there is another definition of trauma. D. Winnicott (DW Winnicott), a child psychologist from Britain, believes that there are two types of events in childhood that make a lasting impression on a child: when something happens that should not have happened (this is trauma in the classical sense), and when something doesn't happen that should have happened. Children are equally traumatized by both kinds of these experiences. For example, when there is no much-needed emotional contact between parents and children, no one will call it trauma - but in fact, it has an effect on the child similar to trauma. Or the mother's postpartum depression, which in general cannot be called a trauma, can lead to a lack of attention that is so necessary for the child at this moment, and, accordingly, affect his emotional and intellectual development.

But a parent, in principle, cannot be in a state of close emotional contact with a child 100% of the time ...

A parent doesn't have to be perfect. IN modern society there is not only the problem of whether parents love their children, but that often parents are emotionally isolated and under stress, or worried about the financial situation of the family and, as a result, devote less time to children. One way or another, emotional insufficiency at an early age is a universal pattern for the emergence of addiction. At the heart of all addictions lies the relief of suffering, self-soothing. And children console themselves when there is no one else to do it.

You practice harm reduction in relation to addictions, in particular, providing addicts with clean needles and a safe place to use drugs. In America, this approach has long been seen as indulgent and wrong because it doesn't require addicts to be "clean" in order to get help.

The question is actually put like this: what is better for drug addicts - a drug diluted in puddle water or diluted in sterile water? Clean needles or the spread of HIV and hepatitis? This is what lies at the heart of the concept of harm reduction. This is not an attempt to cure addiction, this is - literally - harm reduction for human body caused by drug use. In medicine, this approach is used all the time. People can't kick their habit of smoking, but we still supply them with inhalers to help them breathe easier - why should we treat injecting drug users differently? It's not that we encourage them to do something they haven't done before.

- Critics of harm reduction argue that this practice prevents drug addicts from hitting rock bottom and quitting after realizing the gravity of the situation.

I worked for twelve years in the region with the strongest drug addiction in the Americas - Downtown Eastside in Vancouver. People there live on the streets with HIV, hepatitis and festering wounds - how can they fall even lower? If falling to the bottom helped people, there wouldn't be a single addict in the Downtown Eastside. The definition of "bottom" is very relative, so the whole concept is meaningless. For example, for me as a doctor, the lowest point of failure would be the loss of a license to practice. But what would be the “bottom” for a woman living on the street who has been abused all her life? This is a meaningless and false idea. No one needs negative shocks to change their life for the better. Only good events can motivate someone to do this. In my twelve years at the Downtown Eastside, I have never met an addicted woman who has not experienced childhood sexual abuse.

The relationship of dependents to power and any higher people or institutions is based on fear and suspicion. How can you help someone with even more punishment? They want just the opposite. And so it turns out that we are trying to punish them for their attempt at self-soothing, for the most accessible way for them to find peace in a terribly uncomfortable world for them. It's just absurd. Harm reduction is not intended to cure addiction. This is just the first step in a gradual return to normal life. But you need to start acting exactly at the level at which the addicts are.

In my experience of visiting harm reduction programs, syringes and medicines were not the main thing for addicts in such centers. Much more important was the “I believe you are worth saving even though you continue to use drugs” approach. It touches people to the core and opens doors.

This is the key approach. Clean needles and sterile water are good, but the most important thing in harm reduction is the human treatment of those who have been rejected all their lives. It's like we're telling them, "We're not going to judge you for your current needs." Harm reduction is much more than just a set of specific practices – it is a way of relating to people. We're not forcing you to stop drinking, we're just trying to help you get healthier. At least you won't have to suffer from a bone marrow infection because you're using a syringe with a clean needle: it's worth something, right? We're just trying to lessen their suffering. It is not a fact that addicts will use less, but this is not a harm reduction problem, but a problem of the whole system.

The war on drug addiction severely limits our options. When people are attacked when they are under stress, there is no hope that they can be rehabilitated. So this critique of harm reduction is misplaced, as it is a problem with the medical-legislative approach that is now prevalent in relation to addiction.

People describe drug addicts as people who behave compulsively in anticipation of negative consequences. But the same can be said about our drug policy.

Yes, drug policy itself is practically the same addiction. This is a series of actions with negative consequences, from which the society cannot refuse in any way. And this gives the society some emotional relief, because people feel hostility towards addicts. And when one of them is put behind bars, it certainly gives a feeling of relief and satisfaction, but in practice, unfortunately, it does not get rid of addiction. This situation is a consequence of denying the connection between trauma and addiction, and this is just one of many consequences. stress in early childhood and its effect on the brain and immune system child, trauma is the basis of not only mental illness, addictions, but often cancer and many other diseases. Society does not pay attention to the relationship of these phenomena. We only see the consequences, and we blame the addicts for those consequences, but we refuse to look at the cause.

- Why?

Because we live in a society that promotes addiction in every way. Dependence, in fact, is when we try to fill something from the outside inner emptiness and relieve pain. The entire modern economy is based on the search for relief outside. And the dependent person symbolizes all our hatred of ourselves. The expression "scapegoat" is very characteristic in this sense. In the Bible, this term means a goat on which society projected all its sins and then drove it into the wilderness. This is exactly what we do with addicts. Addicts embody all the desperation in trying to drown out the inner emptiness with something external that characterizes our culture. It is extremely unpleasant for us to see this, so we make addicts scapegoats and think that by doing so we get rid of our own sins.

- So what can we do?

I believe that addiction prevention should begin with the examination of pregnant women, from their very first visit to the clinic. Stress during pregnancy - contrary to the point of view of geneticists - greatly affects the development of the fetus. Secondly, in the US, you need at least a year of parental leave (standard unpaid parental leave in the US is 12 weeks - approx. translation). In other words, I believe that care and emotional support is important for a child - and for this it is important to support parents.

When it comes to addictions, the most important and first thing we can do is recognize that addicts have been traumatized and that they need compassion, not punishment and more trauma.

- Is there anything that surprises you about working with severely addicted people?

The most amazing thing is how people survive, no matter what. Even though they try to cash in on each other by selling drugs, there is still a huge amount of concern for each other in this community. The same people who deceive each other often make great sacrifices to help each other. Despite all the stress and suffering of such a life, people are closely connected with each other. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. When someone is sick, everyone else supports him. People share food with each other, and I remember once one of the addicts went to work with commercial sex workers, just of their own free will, to protect them if anyone tried to offend them. People there accept each other for who they are and really need community. Especially those of them who lack emotional support - for them, the community means everything.

Grigorieva O.V.

Animals in the house are always problematic, especially if there are also Small child. But on the other side of the scale is not only the joy of your baby from communicating with wildlife, but also the undeniable educational value.

And this is not only about caring for all living things - the child develops such qualities as compassion, mercy, kindness and responsibility. In addition, the baby very early begins to understand the difference between a toy and a living being, learns to stroke and feed correctly - this allows you to avoid such incidents in the future when you show a fluffy kitten with tenderness to a child, and he joyfully tears out a tuft of wool from the poor fellow.

If you think about the future of your baby, then you can be one hundred percent sure that your child is not in the company of teenagers crucifying a dog on a fence and inflating frogs through a straw.

Of course, it’s not enough just to have an animal at home and wait for positive results of upbringing. Everything else depends on you, the parents. And the most important thing is not what you will say and explain, but how you yourself will treat the pet. After all, a parental example - good or bad - always means much more than words. So, it is up to you to choose and settle a pet in the house, clean and feed it, care for it with affection, attention and kindness.

Choosing a pet is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Cats and dogs are complex, individual animals, and often not very suitable for keeping in the same apartment with a small child.

To begin with, if there are no medical contraindications associated with tight control of air humidity, it is advisable to install an aquarium with fish in the room. The larger the volume, the less then the care; a 30-40 l aquarium is well suited: green plants, fish, light, air purging - all this turns the aquarium into a kind of changing toy for children up to a year old. At 3-4 months, the cry and discontent of your baby quickly pass, you just have to bring it to look at the underwater world. The aquarium also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, so it’s just useful for both a tired mother and a restless baby to sometimes look at the bewitching game of colorful fish.

It should only be remembered - when your baby starts walking, he will certainly be interested in the equipment and the lid of the aquarium; therefore, it is better to find a safe place in advance in order to exclude possible troubles.

The child grows up - and he is no longer satisfied with just looking: everything must be touched. From a year and a half, he is already so mature that you can start a guinea pig. This choice is not accidental: of all domestic animals, this is the safest and most unpretentious animal. First, the guinea pig is considered the least likely to cause allergies in a child; secondly, she will never bite and endure if the child unconsciously hurts her; thirdly, she is large enough to play with and too calm to constantly run away.

How do you introduce a child to a pet?

At first, just show it, holding it in your hands, telling who it is and that HIM needs to be stroked, because HE is good. The child clearly catches the intonation with which the parent refers to the mumps. The desire to grab and play must be kindly, but firmly stopped - she is alive, she will be hurt. I must say that the pig needs to be stroked - show how. Children are attracted to this new “fur toy”, they begin to “find” her ears, eyes, nose, paws - to draw a parallel with themselves: to show that they also have eyes, a nose, etc. The main thing is that this process should take place under the supervision and correction of the parents.

After some time, the children already know how to stroke the pigs correctly, and after a few months they already correctly transfer the pig from place to place. Many people calmly leave the guinea pig to walk on the couch with the baby - from their experience this does not harm anyone. There were cases when children showed their parents where the guinea pig ran away, falling off the sofa, if they themselves could not bring it back into place; they pointed to the wound that the cat had inflicted on the pig and participated in the treatment process; all children willingly feed guinea pigs - and all this until the age of two! By the way, at an older age, guinea pigs are not so attractive - children from five years old already want dogs, cats, even tame rats - they are mobile, it is easier to come up with a game with them, to train them. But for the silly, the best friend is the guinea pig.

And from the point of view of parents, guinea pigs are the most acceptable as pets - they require minimal care, are not picky about food (rather, help to housewives, because it is more pleasant to feed the leftovers of porridge to pigs than to throw the product in the trash, pigs are “thrown away” potato peelings, cabbage stalks, etc.), and most importantly, they do not have an unpleasant specific smell, like from hamsters and rats.

So, do not be afraid if there is a four-legged friend next to your baby - with the right approach, it will bring nothing but good.

Islamic tradition(sunnah) about the treatment of animals
103. From Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. The Messenger of Allah said:
“A certain woman was punished because of a cat. She kept her locked up until she died. So she entered Hell because of her. She did not feed or water her, and did not give her the opportunity to eat earthly creatures” .
(Bukhari and Muslim. Revised by Muslim)

104. From Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him. The Messenger of Allah said:
“Once a man was walking along the road, and he was tormented by thirst, and then he found a well, went down there and got drunk. Then he got out of it, and there the dog, sticking out his tongue, gnaws the damp earth from thirst. thirst just as I was exhausted by it. "And he, descending into the well, filled his shoe with water and, holding it in his teeth, got out and watered the dog. And Allah was grateful to him and forgave all his sins. "The people said: " O Messenger of Allah! Are we really going to be rewarded for being kind to animals?” He said: "The reward will be for a kind attitude towards all living things."
(Bukhari and Muslim. Edited by Bukhari)
And in another hadith cited by Bukhari, it is said:
"And Allah was grateful to him, and forgave his sins, and admitted him to Paradise."

105. From Abu Ya'li Shaddad ibn Aus, may Allah be pleased with him. The Messenger of Allah said:
"Allah has ordained to observe perfection in everything. So, if you have to kill, then do it properly, and if you kill an animal, then be perfect in this. And let each of you (properly) sharpen his knife and ease (torment) animal."
It is reported that Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him and his father, said that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, forbade the killing of four animals: ants, bees, hoopoe and shrike.
This hadith was narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud, and Ibn Hibban called it authentic

It is reported that Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him and his father, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Do not target a creature that has a soul.”
This hadith was narrated by Muslim

It is reported that Shaddad ibn Aus, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Verily, Allah has prescribed skill in all matters. If you kill, then kill properly; if you slaughter, then slaughter properly. And may each of you sharpen your blade and not cause suffering to the victim.
This hadith was narrated by Muslim.

Sa'eed bin Jubair (may Allah Almighty have mercy on him) reported:
“(Once) when I (together with others) was in the company of Ibn ‘Umar, he passed by young men (or: a group of people) who tied a chicken to something and began to shoot at it. Seeing Ibn ‘Umar, they fled, and Ibn ‘Umar said: “Who did this? Verily, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed those who did this!”
In another version of this hadith, Ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, said:
“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed (such people) who cut off parts of the body of still living animals!”
(Sahih al-Bukhari)

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“One harlot was forgiven who passed by a dog that stuck out its tongue, which was dying of thirst at the well: (this harlot) took off her shoe, tied it to her coverlet and scooped up water for her, and for this she (her sins) were forgiven.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari)

The words of Allah Almighty "and settled different animals on it" ("Cow", 164; "Lukman", 10).
1329. (3297). Ibn ‘Umar (May Allah be pleased with them both) is reported to have said:
“I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who preached from the minbar said: “Kill the snakes, and kill the snakes with two stripes on the back, and kill the short snakes2, for they can deprive the sight and cause miscarriages in pregnant women” ".
‘Abdullah (bin ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both) said:
“Once, when I was chasing a snake to kill it, Abu Lubaba said to me: “Don’t kill it!” I said: “But the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, ordered to kill the snakes!” He said: "Indeed, then he forbade the killing of snakes living in houses."
(The narrator of this hadeeth said):
"(Such snakes are called)" al-'awamir "".
Protection from dangerous animals and insects

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that once a man came to the Prophet  and said: "O Messenger of Allah, what have I suffered from a scorpion that stung me yesterday!" In response, the Prophet  said to him: “Indeed, if in the evening you said:“ I resort to the protection of the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He created, ”he would not harm you!” 15 Muslim 2709.

Also, the Messenger of Allah  said: “Whoever says three times in the evening: “I resort to the protection of the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created,” will be protected that night from the bite of a snake.” al-Hakim, Ibn Hibban. The hadith is authentic. See "Sahihu-Ttargib" 749.

اَعُوذُبِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِِِِِِ مِنْ شَرِّمَاخَلَقَ

/A‘uzu bikalimati-Llahi ttammati min sharri ma halak/.

It is forbidden to kill bees, ants, hoopoes, magpies, toads and frogs.
Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that "the Messenger of Allah (c) forbade the killing of four: an ant, a bee, a hoopoe and a magpie (sard)." Ahmad 1/332, Abu Dawud 5267. Imam Ibn Hibban and Sheikh al -Albani called the hadeeth authentic.
Imam al-Bayhaqi said: “In this hadith, there is evidence for the prohibition of eating what is forbidden to kill. And if it were allowed to eat, then the prophet (c) would not have forbidden them to kill!” See "Subul-Ssalam" 4/107.
‘Abd ar-Rahman ibn ‘Uthman said: “A certain doctor asked the Messenger of Allah (c) about making medicine from frogs (toads), and he forbade killing them.” Ahmad 15197, ad-Darimi 1998. The hadith is good.
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr said: “Do not kill frogs, for their croaking is the glorification of Allah!” al-Bayhaqi in "Sunanul-kubra" 19166. Imam al-Bayhaqi, an-Nawawi and hafiz Ibn al-Mulyakqin confirmed the authenticity.
You can not eat what is ordered to kill
In hadith came the command to kill snakes, evil dogs, mice, kites, ravens, scorpions and lizards.
‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that the Prophet (c) said: “Among living beings there are five kinds, each of which is harmful, and therefore they can be killed as sacred ground(Mecca) and beyond. These are the scorpion, the kite, the raven, the mouse, and the vicious (biting) dog. al-Bukhari 3314, Muslim 1198.
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas said: "The Prophet (c) commanded to kill lizards." Muslim 2238.
In a hadith we are talking about small lizards (uazg), and as for monitor lizards, it is not forbidden to eat them. From Ibn ‘Umar it is reported that when the prophet (c) was asked about the monitor lizard, whether it is possible to eat it, he (c) said: “I do not eat it, but I do not forbid it either.” al-Bukhari 5536, Muslim 1943.
The Messenger of Allah (c) said: "Kill snakes and scorpions, even if you are in prayer." at-Tabarani. The hadith is authentic. See Sahihul-jami' 1151.
However, if a snake has crawled into the house, then it cannot be killed, because it may be a genie. You should tell her to leave the house and wait for three days, after which if she does not come out, then she can be killed, for this is shaitan. See Sahih Muslim 2236.

On the prohibition of killing an animal for no reason
From Ibn ‘Umar it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (s) said: “If any of the people kills even a sparrow or someone higher than that without right, then he will certainly be questioned for it by Allah on the Day of Judgment.” He was asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what is his right?" To which the prophet (c) said: "Kill him and eat him, not cut off his head and throw him away!" An-Nasa'i 7/239, Ahmad 4/389 Imam an-Nasa'i, Ibn Hibban, al-Hakim, Hafiz al-Munziri, Ibn Kathir and Shaykh al-Albani confirmed the authenticity of the hadeeth. 631.
One day, Ibn ‘Umar passed by young men who had made a chicken their target and began to shoot at it with bows, giving its owner every arrow that did not hit the target. Seeing Ibn ‘Umar, they fled, and Ibn ‘Umar said: “Who did this? May Allah curse those who did this! al-Bukhari 5515, Muslim 1958.
Showing mercy to animals
Abu Umama (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (s) said: “Whoever shows mercy during the sacrifice, Allah will show His mercy on the Day of Resurrection.” al-Bukhari in “al-Adabul-Mufrad” 381. Ibn 'Adi in al-Kamil 2/259. Good hadeeth.
Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "Once the Messenger of Allah (c), passed by a man who was sharpening his knife, putting his foot on the muzzle of a sheep, while she was looking at him. The Prophet (c) asked this man: “Why didn’t you sharpen your knife before you knocked her to the ground?! Do you really want to kill her twice?!” at-Tabarani in al-Kabir 3/140/1 and al-Awsat 1/31 The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Sheikh al-Albani.
On the prohibition of blaming a rooster
1730. Zayd bin Khalid al-Juhani (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Do not scold the rooster, because it is he who wakes (you) for prayer! (This hadeeth is narrated by Abu Dawud with a reliable isnad.)
About the prohibition to keep a dog, unless (it is kept) for hunting or for the protection of livestock or crops
1688. It is reported that Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: “The reward for (good deeds) of the person who keeps a dog is reduced daily by two carats, unless (he keeps) it for hunting or guarding livestock ". (Al-Bukhari; Muslim)
In another version (of this hadeeth it is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said): ... per carat.
1689. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Indeed, the reward for the deeds of the one who keeps the dog is daily reduced by a carat, unless the dog (this one is not meant to guard) arable land or livestock. (Al-Bukhari; Muslim)
In that version (of this hadeeth, which is given only) by Muslim (, it is reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
The reward of one who keeps a dog not for hunting and not for (protecting) land and livestock is reduced by two carats every day.
(Sahih al-Bukhari)
About the prohibition to subject any living being to the torments of fire, even if it concerns an ant and similar creatures
1609. It is reported that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said:
(Once) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who sent us on a military campaign, told us: “If you meet such and such,” meaning the two Quraysh, whose names he named, “burn them!" And then, when we were about to set off, he said: “Truly, I ordered you to burn such and such, but, verily, only Allah has the right to subject the torments of fire, (and therefore) if you find these two then (simply) kill them.” (Al-Bukhari)
1610. It is reported that Ibn Mas "ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said:
Once, when we, together with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), were making one of the campaigns, he left according to his need, and we saw a red bird with two chicks. And we took her chicks, and this bird approached (to us) and began to fly around, flapping its wings. Returning back, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked: “Who made this bird and its chicks suffer?! Give them back to her!" When he saw the anthill that we had burned, he asked: “Who burned it?” We answered: "We". Then (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said): “No one but the Lord of fire should subject others to the torment of fire!” (This hadeeth is narrated by Abu Dawud with a reliable isnad.)
(Sahih al-Bukhari

Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) is reported to have said:
(Once upon a time) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw a donkey with a brand burned on its muzzle and expressed his disapproval of this.
(Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them,) said: “By Allah, I will put a brand on him only at the greatest distance from the muzzle!”, - after which, by his order, his hips were burned on his donkey, and he would be the first to put the animal is branded on the thighs. (Muslim)
1608. It is reported from the words of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that (once) past the Prophet, may Allah bless him and welcome him, a donkey passed by, on the face of which a brand was burned, and he said:

May Allah curse the one who branded him! (Muslim) In another version of this hadith, also cited by Muslim, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade hitting the face and branding the faces of animals.