Schedule for cleaning the apartment by day of the week. How to create your daily and weekly cleaning schedule

It makes sense to develop several schedules at once: everyday, for a week, for a month, since the frequency and specifics of cleaning in different rooms is different.

Requirements for the sanitary maintenance of premises:

Cleaning Schedule: General Sample

Clear organization of work important point in professional quality cleaning, as in any other work process.

When the performer clearly sees that he spends a clearly defined amount of time on putting a particular object in order, his efficiency and motivation will increase.

But in order to draw up a suitable schedule, many circumstances must be taken into account, such as the specificity of the object, the requirements of the customer, the selection of special equipment, and the like.

For example, toilet cleaning schedules in kindergarten or a large shopping center will have significant differences.

Each cleaning service is divided according to the following characteristics:

  • Technological. This includes garbage collection, tidying up various surfaces, stain removal, vacuum treatment, wet cleaning, disinfection, protection against aging of premises, objects, safety during operation, etc.
  • Object type. Types are divided into objects where people live (apartments, houses, summer cottages), public and industrial institutions, and adjacent territories.
  • Frequency of holding. Here, services are divided into complex initial, daily, weekly, as well as general cleaning.

We would like to note that a competent approach to the process depends on the correctness of the work schedule, and the possibility of its control is also simplified.

Thanks to the schedule, the scope of activities of each performer is regulated, which also helps to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

You can coordinate the working day, your time, the cost of performing the required type of cleaning of any room, if you use the appropriate schedule with specific specifications.

When inviting cleaning company personnel to perform work, see for yourself that the cleaning process is much more efficient if it is based on a pre-arranged schedule.

To organize the schedule, use the convenient program "1c enterprise". Just download it from the internet. It is good to fill in all the columns in it, keep detailed records, etc.

See an example in the picture below:

To enlarge the image, click on it

You can also use this simple form to fill out the chart:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Another example of a graph is Mbou DOD Children's School of Arts named after A.N. Verstovsky:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Schedule for cleaning the entrances of residential buildings: Sample

It is much more pleasant for every adequate person living in an apartment building to enter the clean and comfortable entrance of his house.

Who will put things in order in it, the tenants decide on their own. Some do it themselves, by turns of apartment numbers.

In other cases, the management company appoints cleaners or uses a cleaning service.

Be that as it may, so that there are no misunderstandings and disputes, and the entrance always shines, a public and satisfying schedule is needed, according to which the cleaning is performed.

It is clear that no one will wash the floors around the clock. Therefore, bringing the front door in order is carried out according to the standard algorithm, which is displayed in the schedule.

Stages of cleaning in the entrances:

  • The area of ​​the first and second floors is swept daily with a wet broom apartment building, which includes an elevator cabin and a garbage chute platform.
  • The elevator cabin is cleaned daily.
  • The floor of the waste bin is cleaned daily.
  • Once a week, the entrance to the entrance is cleaned, the shoe rack is cleaned, and so on.
  • Twice a week, spans of all floors of the house are swept with a wet broom, as well as an elevator cabin and a garbage chute platform.
  • Twice a month, the entire entrance is washed with special equipment.
  • Twice a month, ceiling lamps, ceiling and walls of the elevator are treated with special equipment.
  • Windows are washed once or twice a year.
  • Once or twice a year, the front door, ceiling lamps and electrical panels on all floors are cleaned and washed.
  • Twice a year they are processed with special equipment and batteries and railings are washed.
  • Twice a year, the technical premises available in the entrance are cleaned.

These are the standard requirements for the sanitary condition of the internal common area, which are usually displayed in schedules aimed at maintaining the neatness of the entrance.

In fact, a front door cleaning sample can include many other items that suit all residents.

For example, the sites of some apartment buildings are replete with indoor plants, and in other houses, flights of stairs are completely carpeted.

When ordering cleaning services, display all the desired work in the schedule.

Save the porch cleaning template to your computer:

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Residential Cleaning Schedule: Sample

Cleaning in the entrance is not the only thing that residents need apartment buildings. It is also necessary to clean up the street, and the janitors must know how to do it.

View cleaning plan adjoining territory:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Toilet Cleaning Schedule: Sample

To paraphrase famous saying about the toilet, which supposedly is the face of the hostess, then the cleanliness and order of the toilet in a public institution is an image indicator of the company.

At the same time, the schedule for cleaning the bathroom greatly simplifies the procedure and also fulfills the requirements of SanPiN.

Depending on which organization the toilet room is located in, what kind of traffic it has and some other factors, the schedule indicates the necessary frequency of cleaning and the time it takes to complete it.

The current cleanliness is carried out according to the degree of contamination, but not less than twice a day. For example, in an educational institution, the following interim technical schedule can be applied:

To enlarge the image, click on it

General cleaning of toilets at different sites varies from once a month to a weekly process.

Both during daily and general cleaning, disinfection of all surfaces is mandatory according to existing standards.

For the convenience of performers and controllers, it makes sense to include in the schedule the following items:

  • Time. Here, the limiter "from" and "to" is specified so that the room is not closed for too long. In the case of general cleaning, a specific date is indicated.
  • Executor. A column for full name and signature, so that in case of claims (better, of course, thanks) they have someone to present.
  • Controller. Column for the full name and signature of the person who conducted the check. (It is immediately clear that an organization or company is serious - even such a thing as the state of toilet bowls is under control!).

Controller - a person whose duties include monitoring the quality of cleaning in the toilet,

He must pay attention to details such as the absence of deposits urinary stone, rust spots, scale, cement deposits, lime deposits and the like.

Download a sample of cleaning in toilets (two options and GOST rules):

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Many people are intimidated by the expression "general cleaning". They imagine something cumbersome and endless, destroying the usual way of life.

We hasten to assure you: this process will not take too much time and money if cleaning professionals undertake it. And even more so if a detailed schedule is drawn up. necessary work for each performer.

For the convenience of scheduling, you need to know what services the cleaning company provides. Note that for large-scale cleaning, all prescribed detergents and cleaning products are used.

So, in the list of services there are the following positions:

  • Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Cleaning of carpets, upholstered furniture.
  • Washing mirrors, windows and window sills.
  • Wet cleaning with disinfectants floor coverings, lighting devices, furniture surfaces, equipment, batteries, heating pipes.
  • Washing doors and door frames.
  • Disinfection and cleaning of showers, bathtubs, sinks, toilet bowls, sanitary fittings, removal of urinary stone, various plaques.
  • Treatment tiles, cleaning seams, wet cleaning from top to bottom.
  • Wet cleaning of household appliances.

In especially difficult cases, the types of work, their volume, as well as what devices and equipment will be needed for the general harvesting are specified.

It is clear that the requirements for maintaining cleanliness are different. For example, in medical and school institutions, trade enterprises, sports centers, they are much stricter than in private homes, where the rules are set not by sanitary services, but by the owners themselves.

Therefore, when scheduling general cleaning, take into account all the features of the objects. General items that should be reflected in the document include the name of the organization and its legal address, as well as the actual address.

It should be noted that during general cleaning in institutions, only certified disinfectants are used, which should also have a separate line in the schedule.

Cleaning inventory is marked, the markers must indicate the premises for which it is intended, as well as the types of events. Tools (buckets, mops, basins, napkins, etc.) are used specifically for their intended purpose.

The general cleaning schedules, in turn, can reflect the number of cleaners performing work, as well as the duration of their activities in different areas.

Download samples of this type of cleaning:

To enlarge the image, click on it

Page 4. To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Page 1. To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the image, click on it

Refrigerator Cleaning Schedule: Sample

Here is a refrigerator disinfection schedule. When started, finished, responsible for logging. Name of the disinfectant, signatures. Defrost and cleaning log.

The list of routine duties of a refrigerator attendant includes many things. Professionals need to be aware. To do this, see a sample refrigerator cleaning plan.

We offer two options, shorter and longer.

Disinfection journal, page 1. Click on the picture to enlarge it

Disinfection journal, page 2. Click on the picture to enlarge it

Defrosting and cleaning log, page 1. Click on image to enlarge

Defrosting and cleaning log, page 2. Click on image to enlarge

We care about the cleanliness and health of not only people, but also our smaller brothers - cats and dogs. Stay with us!

Your apartment cleaning schedule will help you maintain peace and quiet in your home, and will also reduce the amount of time used to complete this job if you stick to it.

If you think that organization and cleaning are in no way connected, you are mistaken. One directly depends on the other (and vice versa). If your house is organized, it will be much easier for you to clean it. You will feel comfortable in it and find it, if not perfect, then at least clean and tidy. Organization, on the other hand, allows us to identify places to store things and develop habits of putting things in these places. But at the same time, any solution to an organizational problem begins (and sometimes ends) with cleaning. And besides, even the most organized house needs to be cleaned, among other things, to keep things organized.

How to make a house cleaning schedule

  1. Think about the cleaning tasks in your home that need to be done daily and weekly. Our life goes on every day in a vicious circle. Clothes become dirty, they need to be washed, dried, ironed and put back in the closet. Similarly, with dishes, for example. Therefore, we want to ensure that our house does not turn into a place where this cycle one day ceases to close. Baskets are filled to overflowing with dirty laundry, the sink is full of dirty dishes, there is only dust and dirt around. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford to hire housekeepers to do all this dirty work, and we have to make this whole wheel spin ourselves. Schedule cleaning is cyclical, i.e. constantly and recurring at certain intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, every six months or year). Having a cleaning schedule for you and following it is one of the best and most in a simple way make sure chores are done on time and the cycle doesn't stop. Of course, not all chores need to be done daily. Therefore, you should have several cleaning lists:
    • daily;
    • weekly;
    • monthly;
    • seasonal cleaning schedule (in seasonal, you can break things down into quarters, six months, or those that need to be done once a year).

    The most important of these schedules are daily and weekly, because doing these things keeps our house from turning into a dump, and you will be firmly convinced that everything is under control. It is on these graphs that we will now stop.

    In order for you to be able to stick to your own schedule, remember the most important rule - it must be realistic. You must clearly define what tasks must be performed on a daily and weekly basis. But at the same time, you must be able to fulfill them. If you work full time and schedule your daily task to mop the floors throughout the house, it's likely that your schedule will remain just plain paper. Therefore, think about what things are really necessary and possible to do daily, and which ones are enough to do once a week or even once a month (etc.)

    If, nevertheless, in your opinion, in order to achieve the cleanliness of your home, you need to do more daily and weekly than you can, it's time to attract helpers and distribute some of the overwhelming responsibilities to other members of your family.

    All houses and apartments differ from each other (area, number of rooms, their functional purpose), but most of them are still similar. Therefore, for scheduling cleaning, I suggest you use ready-made templates:

    • how to create a cleaning schedule;
    • cover of the "Cleaning" section of the Home Organizer;
    • cleaning schedule for rooms (zones) for the whole year;
    • checklist (checklist) of daily, weekly and monthly cleaning;
    • checklist (checklist) of seasonal cleaning;
    • cleaning planning sheet in the room (zone).
  2. Create two house cleaning schedules: daily and weekly
    To more clearly understand how to correctly distribute daily and weekly tasks, I suggest that you consider several ready-made practical solutions.
    • Weekly Fly Lady cleaning schedule. If you are not yet familiar with the fly lady system, you can familiarize yourself with it on the official English or Russian website. This is how the weekly cleaning schedule according to the Fly Lady system looks like (on the left are tasks that need to be performed once a week, on the right are tasks that are performed once a day throughout the week.

    According to the fly lady system, you need to:

    • disassemble hot spots (hot spots) where dirt, debris and things that are completely unnecessary there accumulate;
    • refresh the toilet and sink;
    • wipe surfaces in the kitchen (stove if necessary);
    • complete Kelly's mission.

    Weekly tasks (performed 1 time per week) are (in the fly lady system this is the EHU or the weekly cleaning hour):

    • vacuum the floors;
    • wipe the dust;
    • wipe mirrors and doors;
    • remove magazines (well, apparently everything that gets on top in the wrong places);
    • change bed linen;
    • to throw out the trash.

    Monthly household chores (in the fly lady system, these are mainly Kelly's tasks (mainly because seasonal and annual household chores are also added to them, which are proposed to be done for 15 minutes a day (wash the ventilation grate or radiator in the bathroom, etc.). ), that is, those things that we do only once a month:

    • wipe the refrigerator
    • wipe down the microwave
    • wipe switches and sockets;
    • wash skirting boards;
    • polish furniture, etc.

    These tasks in the fly lady system are divided into a month and are performed in each zone. In short, the whole apartment is divided into 5 zones, in accordance with 4 full weeks of the month + a few days at the beginning of the month of an incomplete week (if any). Everyone divides their house or apartment into zones in their own way, but most often everything is pretty similar.

    • Zone 1: first few days of the month until next Sunday: entrance, hallway, hallway.
    • Zone 2: first full week of the month: kitchen, dining room, pantry.
    • Zone 3: second full week of the month: children's, bathroom.
    • Zone 4: third full week of the month: bedroom, toilet.
    • Zone 5: the last few days of the month from Monday to the 1st - living room, balcony.

    But before you create your list of daily, weekly and monthly tasks in each zone, I recommend making a general full list all possible cases in your house for each zone (or room). Use the template: Cleaning schedule by room (zone) for the whole year. A basic general cleaning plan will help you complete it. Take it as a basis and distribute what things you do daily, weekly or once a month. Seasonal cleaning and things that need to be done once every six months (for example, replace the filter in the kitchen hood or even once a year (for example, deep cleaning of carpets or dry cleaning of sofa upholstery).

    • Weekly cleaning schedule from the author of the Clean blog. It can be modified, customized and improved.
      Such an analogue is the variant of the weekly cleaning schedule from Becky, the author of the blog. The main difference between this schedule and the fly system schedule is the distribution of the list of weekly recurring tasks performed in the fly system. According to the fly system, they are all performed on Monday at weekly cleaning hour. But an hour to complete all these tasks may not be enough. ECHU on Mondays is possible only if you are a housewife. With Becky, all these things that are done on the fly system on Monday are evenly distributed throughout the week. On Monday: we clean the sinks and toilets (according to the fly system, this should be done daily), on Tuesday we wipe the soap, on Wednesday we vacuum, on Thursday we clean the floor, on Friday we litter, on Saturday we change sheets and towels.

      The following daily routines are also performed daily:

      • wash;
      • ironing clothes;
      • all open surfaces are wiped;
      • clean floor (the floors are cleaned from what can fall on them, i.e. from everything superfluous that should not be on the floor. You don’t need to vacuum and wash the floors every day. This is just an analogue of analyzing hot spots in the fly lady system )

If you liked Becky's Weekly Cleaning Schedule, you can print this schedule and use it for yourself:

How to schedule cleaning

Cleaning schedule from the author of the blog First home love life

Also a very good cleaning schedule in my opinion and deserves our attention. The weekly chores are categorized primarily by the type of surface being cleaned, with repetitive routines performed daily and one additional chore added to them: vacuuming or mopping the floors. In addition, each case concerns only one area (kitchen or bathroom, for example).

Weekly cleaning schedule from mom of 3 kids and blogger My 3 monsters

In this schedule, tasks performed once a week are distributed depending on the corresponding zone (room) of the house. Very convenient and, unlike the fly system, you do not have to remember which zone you are working in this week. Monday is the kitchen and dining room, Tuesday is the living room, Wednesday is the parent's bedroom and bathroom, Thursday is dedicated to the children's bathroom, Friday is the children's room (and guest room). Add a children's room to the original schedule, because in our country these are more like children's rooms than guest rooms. That is, if in all previous schedules we simultaneously vacuum the entire apartment on some day, in this schedule it is proposed to focus every day on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bour house. Every day, approximately the same routines are performed as in all other schedules.

Home economics. Cleaning

It seems to me that illustrative examples give more understanding of how to separate daily tasks from weekly (monthly or yearly). So now you're ready to start creating your own daily and weekly cleaning schedule.

Cleaning control

A few more tips for making a to-do list:

Cleaning Schedule Template

Your weekly cleaning schedule is a list of repetitive tasks that you must do daily (or once a week) enough to keep your house clean. Try to keep this list as simple as possible.

Be realistic and after making a list, take another look at how long your daily activities will take. This list should not be too long and take more time than you can spend on it, because in addition to daily and weekly tasks, you should spend time doing the most common (including personal) routines.

You can also break up your schedule and decide which list items you will do in the morning, which in the afternoon (if you're not working), and which in the evening.

A few tips for creating a weekly cleaning schedule:

As we said above, you need to make a list of things that you will only do once a week. We recommend dividing their execution evenly for each day of the week and spending 15-20 minutes a day doing such a thing. You can start from the type of activity or room (see more details above) or even combine them, as you see fit.

How to make your home clean

On a daily basis, once you have completed your daily routines, you can start doing one or more weekly repetitive tasks.

Only you can decide how to distribute them to fit into your life schedule, and don't forget to involve helpers in the cleaning process, because almost most of our energy is spent on cleaning our house. Be realistic by assigning weekly recurring tasks.

Build the habit of sticking to your daily and weekly cleaning schedules.

Once you've created what you think is a good cleaning schedule for your home, the next step is to force yourself to get used to it and stick to it. Force, because, unfortunately, it really is. Give yourself at least one month to do this, and believe me, it will be easier after that, because following this schedule will become a habit for you. But at first it will be very difficult.

How to force, you ask? So you've made your cleaning schedule. Print it out. But do not put it in your home organizer, but hang it as a reminder to yourself in the most prominent place. It could be your home command center, your desktop, or any other place that you pay attention to all the time. Use this schedule to remind yourself what task you have to complete today. An equally important post-execution task is the execution control process.
For control, fill out and hang in a conspicuous place, or even better, just print and attach to a tablet that you can carry with you around the house.

How to control cleaning

If you think you don't need it, you are wrong. At the very least, try to use it for a few months until you get used to it. Perhaps in the future you will simply understand how convenient it is. And how nice it is to tick off the list after completing the next task!

If you declutter and organize your home regularly, following this schedule won't be too much of a hassle for you. But if your house is not yet organized and cleaned, it is likely that there will be a lot more cleaning than you would like. Therefore, do not expect the result immediately, give yourself time, engage in regular littering of your home and organize it, and, believe me, it will become much easier for you to solve cleaning problems than it seems at first. The main thing is to follow the schedule regularly, regularly engage in littering and organization of the house.

But be realistic and revise your schedule as needed if you feel it's too much for you. It is impossible that maintaining cleanliness in your house turns into flour and hard labor for you.

Remember that your cleaning schedule should be consistent with your typical, habitual routine. Try to make your schedule as flexible as possible, and try to make the most of it.

Finally, don't be afraid to tweak your schedule if it doesn't fit your needs. Work with your schedule for a few weeks, maybe you will realize that you were too harsh and demanding and the schedule you made simply cannot fit into the time available to you and you have failed. Or, on the contrary, you were too modest and relaxed, and your schedule cannot provide the minimum cleanliness that you wanted to achieve. Don't despair, try changing your schedule to better suit your needs and time constraints and try again.

Each of us at least once visited the thought that something should happen, and we will start to do everything like genies from a magic lamp. “I’ll go on vacation, I’ll read more books there, I’ll watch all the missed webinars. When the colic in the evenings of the child ends, I will make relaxing baths for myself. Many more can be listed these very "if". When my second child was born, I realized that the most important thing now is to learn how to make a to-do list for the week so as not to be disappointed in myself - the almighty genie.

From the mass of literature, advice from other moms, articles and tips on the forums, I got my own mix on the topic of “useful planning of household chores”, which, perhaps, will be useful to you.

Planning for the weekdays

Usually, things come to my mind when I am working with a small child or putting him to bed. All these things I write down in notes on the phone. Thus, I get a rather crumpled schedule of cases. In the evening, every day I enter my notes into a regular excel file, where I have my own table for each week. I like taking notes in excel because spreadsheets are easy to copy and you can always go back and see what was done and when. The list of routine tasks is always in front of my eyes and I just copy the right task into the right cell and do not rewrite the task over and over again, as in a paper organizer every week. The cases in the list are constantly supplemented and, looking through them, it is impossible to miss something important and necessary. Since the computer is always on and the file is saved to the desktop, there are no accessibility issues.

It is difficult for me to plan things by the hour, but I easily divide the day into three parts: before 12:00, before 18:00 and after. Each part of the day has its own color in the table.

  • I try to do my daily household chores in the morning and they are always at the top of the list. All I need is to copy them from the general list, which is right there on the sheet, on the day I need.
  • Non-repeated tasks or tasks that need to be done in the middle of the day are highlighted in a different color and are located in the center. Thus, they are given visual priority.
  • At the bottom, there are usually things that do not require much effort and time, for example, call and wish a friend a happy birthday, listen to a recording of a webinar. If there is still an important thing to do in the evening, I highlight it in bold.
  • I highlight the menu for dinner on a separate line, so it’s easier for me to buy groceries for the week and my head doesn’t hurt about what to cook. I thought once for the whole week and there are no problems.

* You can see my list of household chores for the week in the form of a table in the picture.

Planning with tables

The main thing in this business is discipline! Since I wrote to myself to wash the refrigerator, then you need to wash it. For me, keeping such a plan of affairs for the week was a compromise not to get lost in household chores and get out of the routine gray days when you don’t remember what you did during the day. It is clear that this is not the case with all cases, but this is not an end in itself.

Weekend planning

About that, we agreed with the family. Everyone has “their own” business: to go roller-skating, to sit in a cafe with girlfriends, to watch boxing, but we always go somewhere together with our family. Everyone chooses the time and enters it into the same file. At the beginning, the family did not take this too seriously, but when they saw that everything was going as planned, they quickly got used to it and now they often ask to put their important business in the “file” and check if there is free time, or they themselves offer a place for joint recreation.

Weekly planning - creative process. At first glance, it may seem, well, how can you forget to wash the dishes or wipe the dust. But when the thought flashes in my head to prepare winter things for storage, this thought is transferred to the notes, and then appears on the to-do list for the week, it’s impossible to forget about it.

We, many mothers and housewives are prone to self-sacrifice and often forget ourselves in the world of children, husband, household chores. But each of us needs quite a bit of effort to start making a list of household chores for the week so that even in the most difficult situations we find time for ourselves. I was quite able to do this with a simple tool - a weekly to-do table. I hope it will be a useful tool for you too.

P.S. And finally, we suggest you take a little break from planning household chores and treat yourself to watching a fun video about how a mother actually works when she is with her baby.

Maria Ivanova, mother of Artem 8 years old and Misha 5 months old, copywriter

After you have completely decluttered some area (and this may take several months, we are in no hurry), you can use the FlyLady cleaning plan. You will be surprised how easy cleaning becomes when there is no trash! And even more, you will be surprised at how easy it became to maintain cleanliness when routines became a habit. FlyLady says: "The house seems to clean itself!"

detailed plan cleaning for Zone 5: living room, common room
"This is my living room cleaning plan. Customize it to fit your home! Start cleaning from the top and work your way down - from the cobwebs on the ceiling to the dust balls on the floor.

Remember, don't take on this plan unless you're done with the decluttering. Only then can you begin a thorough cleaning plan that you may not have done in months or even years. Don't get carried away! You don't have to do everything this week. Put the printed list in a transparent file and cross out with a marker what has already been done.

Cleaning plan in the living room / common room.
1. Sweep away the web.
2. Wash windows.
3. Carefully arrange the books in the cabinets.
4. Wash jewelry and trinkets.
5. Wash the table.
6. Put things in order in drawers and lockers.
7. Wash the stains from the walls.
8. Polish the furniture.
9. Throw away old magazines.
10. Clean your phone.
11. Clean under sofa cushions.
12. Clean out the fireplace.
13. Move the furniture and vacuum under it.
14. Wash the carpet with detergent.

If you have any other space. which is also used as a common room, clean one room every month. Don't push yourself. All this was overgrown with rubbish not in one month, and it will not be cleared out in a week. Remember: babysteps! If you can't complete an item, just cross it off, don't accumulate tasks. We will repeat the same thing week after week, month after month. And I'll just remind you of this. - FlyLady

The long-awaited day off has come and instead of spending it at home for relaxation, many women start cleaning the house. They wash, wash, dry all day, and at the end of the day they realize that their day off is over, and tomorrow they will go to work again, but they really want to relax, forgetting about these things.

Compiling a list of house cleaning tasks and distributing them by day will help simplify cleaning tasks

If you want to manage your usual affairs and pay attention to your loved ones in one day, then this is quite feasible. So take a pen and make a plan for cleaning your house or apartment.

Schedule of activities for the week

If you correctly make a plan for the days of the week, then for each day you will have one action planned. For example, on Wednesday - washing and ironing, Thursday - cleaning the bathroom and toilet. Such an uncomplicated schedule will reduce your weekend cleaning time.

The weekly cleaning plan necessarily includes such an item as grocery shopping. For example, you can buy all the required products on Friday evening, and prepare meals on the weekend.

Most often, housewives try to cook for the whole week on their day off, so that when they come home from work, they don’t bother. But there are some products that need to be purchased every day. This should include: bread, milk, vegetables, fruits, herbs. As for freezing, cereals and other accessories, they can be bought once a month.

Sample cleaning schedule

The plan for the days of the week must necessarily include such things that do not have to be done every week. This can be attributed. In addition, try not to scatter things around the house. Teach your household to order, so that everyone cleans up after themselves. Then cleaning every day will be quick and easy. A properly drawn up cleaning schedule in a house or apartment is an excellent solution to free up time for going to the cinema or for gatherings at home in front of the TV.

Schedule your daily cleaning

Cleaning should include a number of simple activities, the implementation of which will reduce the time for cleaning on the weekend. So, what parts of the house or apartment need constant cleanliness? Of course, this is the kitchen and the restroom.

Cleaning up the kitchen

Includes washing dishes. She must always be clean. Accustom yourself to the fact that even the smallest dirt should not remain in the pan and pots. If you leave them for later, they will get bigger and bigger, and then you have to spend half a day cleaning them. When washing saucers and plates, be sure to pay attention to the bottom. It is there that the gray coating concentrates.

Daily comprehensive cleaning will not do without washing the stove. Probably, every housewife has such situations when something “ran away” onto the stove during cooking. If you cook often and intensively, then the floor in the room must be wiped every day after cooking is completed.

Be sure to include cleaning the toilet bowl in the cleaning plan for the house or apartment on the days of the week. To do this, it will be necessary to use special tools that will eliminate the formation of harmful bacteria and rust. Be sure to include in the plan daily to clean with a rag in the bathroom and on the stove the available droplets of water after taking water procedures. If this is not done, then over time lime deposits will form there.

Cleaning work in the bathroom

When you have a home or a pet, then be prepared for the fact that your plan daily cleaning not without a vacuum cleaner. If there are no pets, then vacuuming is necessary as necessary. The same can be said about dust. If you live in a large and dusty metropolis, close to a dusty road, then you need to wipe the dirt on the furniture 2 times a day.

When evening comes, most people scatter their things, and then in the morning you need to spend time cleaning them. To prevent this from happening, include in your daily cleaning plan a procedure for putting things in their places.

The daily cleaning plan should include airing the apartment or house. In winter, this should be done 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes, and in summer the windows can be completely left open.

Cleaning every 2-3 days

To make your work easier, you can change the schedule for the days of the week a little and reschedule some things, cleaning every 2-3 days. In addition, this way you can even throw something out of your daily plan.

Carrying out floor cleaning

If you have made a habit of floors every day, but you do not have small children, then you can do such actions every 2-3 days. But here you should already be guided by the degree of pollution. For some, it is enough to perform wet cleaning every 7 days. But you need to walk on the carpets of vacuum cleaners every day. Some other housewives are doing the finished one every 2-3 days. Thus, they will cook for several days at once and can be free the next evening.

A properly drawn up schedule for the days of the week will allow each housewife to clearly define her task plan and quickly clean the house. If you have everything at home on the weekends, then you can shift part of the responsibilities to their shoulders. Then you can quickly cope with your duties and can go somewhere with the whole family in the evening or just drink tea together.