Daily house cleaning plan. Fly lady system. House cleaning, tasks for every day, magazine, book

Any activities require accounting and control. Cleaning is provided by cleaning and cleaning services in most large and medium-sized cities. To simplify mutual understanding, maintenance of cleaning schedules is imputed. Such documents are created in accordance with the specific requirements prescribed in the contract, drawn up taking into account the norms and standards for cleaning certain types of premises. For example, the conditions for cleaning apartments and cleaning offices will be different.

The classic version of the cleaning schedule with a manager-controller.

Table for calculating the total working hours of a specialist.

(click to enlarge image) DOWNLOAD toilet cleaning schedule

A photo. Toilet cleaning schedule

You are invited to download the cleaning schedule, a sample is presented in Microsoft Word. Also a list of tasks for a specific employee (a cleaning schedule in the form of a task list is suitable for controlling specific or private events, for example, in one cottage you need to clean windows, stove, refrigerator, balcony and computer desk, and in the other microwave, toilet and windows and dry-clean carpets and dry-clean furniture). To control the monthly plan or payroll, use the schedule (schedule) of the total working hours.

Cleaning norms - standards and technology

The technology of professional cleaning is prescribed in state standard. You can find out the typical cleaning standards industrial premises. Naturally, the requirements for different premises are different. Must follow state standards cleaning of a particular type of premises.

The documents are available for download in Microsoft Word format.

The state standard, compiled to verify the provision of household cleaning.

The document offers cleaning rates and formulas for calculations.

Quality indicators of professional cleaning GOST R51870-2014

Call and order cleaning in the cleaning company "Dokman" (St. Petersburg).

Your apartment cleaning schedule will help you keep the peace and quiet in your home, and will also reduce the amount of time used to complete this job if you stick to it.

If you think that organization and cleaning are in no way connected, you are mistaken. One directly depends on the other (and vice versa). If your house is organized, it will be much easier for you to clean it. You will feel comfortable in it and find it, if not perfect, then at least clean and tidy. Organization, on the other hand, allows us to identify places to store things and develop habits of putting things in these places. But at the same time, any solution to an organizational problem begins (and sometimes ends) with cleaning. And besides, even the most organized house needs to be cleaned, among other things, to keep things organized.

How to make a house cleaning schedule

  1. Think about the cleaning tasks in your home that need to be done daily and weekly. Our life goes on every day in a vicious circle. Clothes become dirty, they need to be washed, dried, ironed and put back in the closet. Similarly, with dishes, for example. Therefore, we want to ensure that our house does not turn into a place where this cycle one day ceases to close. Baskets are filled to overflowing with dirty laundry, the sink is full of dirty dishes, there is only dust and dirt around. Unfortunately, most of us cannot afford to hire housekeepers to do all this dirty work, and we have to make this whole wheel spin ourselves. Schedule cleaning is cyclical, i.e. constantly and recurring at certain intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, every six months or year). Having a cleaning schedule for you and following it is one of the best and most in a simple way make sure chores are done on time and the cycle doesn't stop. Of course, not all chores need to be done daily. Therefore, you should have several cleaning lists:
    • daily;
    • weekly;
    • monthly;
    • seasonal cleaning schedule (in seasonal, you can break things down into quarters, six months, or those that need to be done once a year).

    The most important of these schedules are daily and weekly, because doing these things keeps our house from turning into a dump, and you will be firmly convinced that everything is under control. It is on these graphs that we will now stop.

    In order for you to be able to stick to your own schedule, remember the most important rule - it must be realistic. You must clearly define what tasks must be performed on a daily and weekly basis. But at the same time, you must be able to fulfill them. If you work full time and schedule your daily task to mop the floors throughout the house, it's likely that your schedule will remain just plain paper. Therefore, think about what things are really necessary and possible to do daily, and which ones are enough to do once a week or even once a month (etc.)

    If, nevertheless, in your opinion, in order to achieve the cleanliness of your home, you need to do more daily and weekly than you can, it's time to attract helpers and distribute some of the overwhelming responsibilities to other members of your family.

    All houses and apartments differ from each other (area, number of rooms, their functional purpose), but most of them are still similar. Therefore, for scheduling cleaning, I suggest you use ready-made templates:

    • how to create a cleaning schedule;
    • cover of the "Cleaning" section of the Home Organizer;
    • cleaning schedule for rooms (zones) for the whole year;
    • checklist (checklist) of daily, weekly and monthly cleaning;
    • checklist (checklist) of seasonal cleaning;
    • cleaning planning sheet in the room (zone).
  2. Create two house cleaning schedules: daily and weekly
    To more clearly understand how to correctly distribute daily and weekly tasks, I suggest that you consider several ready-made practical solutions.
    • Weekly Fly Lady cleaning schedule. If you are not yet familiar with the fly lady system, you can familiarize yourself with it on the official English or Russian website. This is how the weekly cleaning schedule according to the Fly Lady system looks like (on the left are tasks that need to be performed once a week, on the right are tasks that are performed once a day throughout the week.

    According to the fly lady system, you need to:

    • disassemble hot spots (hot spots) where dirt, debris and things that are completely unnecessary there accumulate;
    • refresh the toilet and sink;
    • wipe surfaces in the kitchen (stove if necessary);
    • complete Kelly's mission.

    Weekly tasks (performed 1 time per week) are (in the fly lady system this is the EHU or the weekly cleaning hour):

    • vacuum the floors;
    • wipe the dust;
    • wipe mirrors and doors;
    • remove magazines (well, apparently everything that gets on top in the wrong places);
    • change bed linen;
    • to throw out the trash.

    Monthly household chores (in the fly lady system, these are mainly Kelly's tasks (mainly because seasonal and annual household chores are also added to them, which are proposed to be done for 15 minutes a day (wash the ventilation grate or radiator in the bathroom, etc.). ), that is, those things that we do only once a month:

    • wipe the refrigerator
    • wipe down the microwave
    • wipe switches and sockets;
    • wash skirting boards;
    • polish furniture, etc.

    These tasks in the fly lady system are divided into a month and are performed in each zone. In short, the whole apartment is divided into 5 zones, in accordance with 4 full weeks of the month + a few days at the beginning of the month of an incomplete week (if any). Everyone divides their house or apartment into zones in their own way, but most often everything is pretty similar.

    • Zone 1: first few days of the month until next Sunday: entrance, hallway, hallway.
    • Zone 2: first full week of the month: kitchen, dining room, pantry.
    • Zone 3: second full week of the month: children's, bathroom.
    • Zone 4: third full week of the month: bedroom, toilet.
    • Zone 5: the last few days of the month from Monday to the 1st - living room, balcony.

    But before you create your list of daily, weekly and monthly tasks in each zone, I recommend making a general full list all possible cases in your house for each zone (or room). Use the template: Cleaning schedule by room (zone) for the whole year. A basic general cleaning plan will help you complete it. Take it as a basis and distribute what things you do daily, weekly or once a month. Seasonal cleaning and things that need to be done once every six months (for example, change the filter in the kitchen hood or even once a year (for example, deep cleaning of carpets or dry cleaning of sofa upholstery).

    • Weekly cleaning schedule from the author of the Clean Mama.net blog. It can be modified, customized and improved.
      Such an analogue is the variant of the weekly cleaning schedule from Becky, the author of the cleanmama.net blog. The main difference between this schedule and the fly system schedule is the distribution of the list of weekly recurring tasks performed in the fly system. According to the fly system, they are all performed on Monday at weekly cleaning hour. But an hour to complete all these tasks may not be enough. ECHU on Mondays is possible only if you are a housewife. With Becky, all these things that are done on the fly system on Monday are evenly distributed throughout the week. On Monday: we clean sinks and toilets (according to the fly system, this must be done daily), on Tuesday we wipe soap, on Wednesday we vacuum, on Thursday we clean the floor, on Friday we litter, on Saturday we change sheets and towels.

      The following daily routines are also performed daily:

      • wash;
      • ironing clothes;
      • all open surfaces are wiped;
      • clean floor (the floors are cleaned from what can fall on them, i.e. from everything superfluous that should not be on the floor. You don’t need to vacuum and wash the floors every day. This is just an analogue of the analysis of hot spots in the fly lady system )

If you liked Becky's Weekly Cleaning Schedule, you can print this schedule and use it for yourself:

How to schedule cleaning

Cleaning schedule from the author of the blog First home love life

Also a very good cleaning schedule in my opinion and deserves our attention. The weekly chores are categorized primarily by the type of surface being cleaned, with repetitive routines performed daily and one additional chore added to them: vacuuming or mopping the floors. In addition, each case concerns only one area (kitchen or bathroom, for example).

Weekly cleaning schedule from mom of 3 kids and blogger My 3 monsters

In this schedule, tasks performed once a week are distributed depending on the corresponding zone (room) of the house. Very convenient and, unlike the fly system, you do not have to remember which zone you are working in this week. Monday is the kitchen and dining room, Tuesday is the living room, Wednesday is the parent's bedroom and bathroom, Thursday is dedicated to the children's bathroom, Friday is the children's room (and guest room). Add a children's room to the original schedule, because in our country these are more like children's rooms than guest rooms. That is, if in all previous schedules we simultaneously vacuum the entire apartment on some day, in this schedule it is proposed to focus every day on a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bour house. Every day, approximately the same routines are performed as in all other schedules.

Home economics. Cleaning

It seems to me that illustrative examples give more understanding of how to separate daily tasks from weekly (monthly or yearly). So now you're ready to start creating your own daily and weekly cleaning schedule.

Cleaning control

A few more tips for making a to-do list:

Cleaning Schedule Template

Your weekly cleaning schedule is a list of repetitive tasks that you must do daily (or once a week) enough to keep your house clean. Try to keep this list as simple as possible.

Be realistic and after making a list, take another look at how long your daily activities will take. This list should not be too long and take more time than you can spend on it, because in addition to daily and weekly tasks, you should spend time doing the most common (including personal) routines.

You can also break up your schedule and decide which list items you will do in the morning, which in the afternoon (if you're not working), and which in the evening.

A few tips for creating a weekly cleaning schedule:

As we said above, you need to make a list of things that you will only do once a week. We recommend dividing their execution evenly for each day of the week and spending 15-20 minutes a day doing such a thing. You can start from the type of activity or room (see more details above) or even combine them, as you see fit.

How to make your home clean

On a daily basis, once you have completed your daily routines, you can start doing one or more weekly repetitive tasks.

Only you can decide how to distribute them to fit into your life schedule, and don't forget to involve helpers in the cleaning process, because almost most of our energy is spent on cleaning our house. Be realistic by assigning weekly recurring tasks.

Build the habit of sticking to your daily and weekly cleaning schedules.

Once you've created what you think is a good cleaning schedule for your home, the next step is to force yourself to get used to it and stick to it. Force, because, unfortunately, it really is. Give yourself at least one month to do this, and believe me, it will be easier after that, because following this schedule will become a habit for you. But at first it will be very difficult.

How to force, you ask? So you've made your cleaning schedule. Print it out. But do not put it in your home organizer, but hang it as a reminder to yourself in the most prominent place. It could be your home command center, your desktop, or any other place that you pay attention to all the time. Use this schedule to remind yourself what task you have to complete today. An equally important post-execution task is the execution control process.
For control, fill out and hang in a prominent place, or even better, just print and attach to a tablet that you can carry with you throughout the house.

How to control cleaning

If you think you don't need it, you are wrong. At the very least, try to use it for a few months until you get used to it. Perhaps in the future you will simply understand how convenient it is. And how nice it is to tick off the list after completing the next task!

If you declutter and organize your home regularly, following this schedule won't be too much of a hassle for you. But if your house is not yet organized and cleaned, it is likely that there will be a lot more cleaning than you would like. Therefore, do not expect the result right away, give yourself time, engage in regular littering of your home and organize it, and, believe me, it will become much easier for you to solve cleaning problems than it seems at first. The main thing is to follow the schedule regularly, regularly engage in littering and organization of the house.

But be realistic and revise your schedule as needed if you feel it's too much for you. It is impossible that maintaining cleanliness in your house turns into flour and hard labor for you.

Remember that your cleaning schedule should be consistent with your typical, habitual routine. Try to make your schedule as flexible as possible, and try to make the most of it.

Finally, don't be afraid to tweak your schedule if it doesn't fit your needs. Work with your schedule for a few weeks, maybe you will realize that you were too harsh and demanding and the schedule you made simply cannot fit into the time available to you and you have failed. Or, on the contrary, you were too modest and relaxed, and your schedule cannot provide the minimum cleanliness that you wanted to achieve. Don't despair, try changing your schedule to better suit your needs and time constraints and try again.

I continue to supplement my pages, and I hope yours,. And also, I continue to plan cleaning. This time I suggest you download and fill out a sheet with a weekly cleaning schedule for your home.

I'll tell you a little about it.

I made 2 sheets. one already filled in, for those who are interested in my schedule and for whom such a schedule is suitable. And an empty form - you can fill it out yourself.

I set up my schedule like this: Every day I have repetitive routine tasks, well, general cleaning at home (Weekly Hour of Blessing at Home, like Fly Lady), I "scattered" for the whole week. On Saturday I do business as usual. The daughter is mainly engaged in this day by the father. Therefore, this is, so to speak, my personal "unloading" day. Well, Sunday is our family day. For this day, I have only those things planned from my cases that, one might say, have already become a habit. Such as making the bed or cleaning the sink.

I'll talk a little about some points. Don't be put off by such an item as daily mopping. No, I'm not some crazy housewife. We just have 3 cats! so wool and other feline joy immediately make themselves felt. But, nevertheless, this is not a point that I flawlessly perform every day - it is a kind of reminder: "If you have time - wash!". But, if I missed washing the floors yesterday, I must wash it today, but the item "sweep in the hallway and kitchen" on Saturday is mandatory. that is, even if I have a catastrophic time trouble - I must carve out 3 minutes to sweep.
By the way, in this schedule, despite the fact that it is cleaning plan, there are items such as compiling a menu and a to-do list for the next week.

I included them here because planning is like a hobby for me! I am ready to sit all day planning, filling in beautiful plates! ABOUT! I love planning! So, sometimes I get so carried away with planning that I forget about my household chores and work. To make this happen as infrequently as possible, I noted these points during normal working days. and I try to devote time exclusively to this these days. During the week, of course, I check my to-do lists for the day, but this is already an adjustment, not a compilation)).

And the day of menu planning for me on Saturday is not easy! On Sunday, we go for a walk with the whole family, and when we return, we go to the supermarket for groceries with a menu plan for the week and a list of necessary products. Moreover, we have a small family tradition, I call it "Dish of the Week". Every Sunday we are all together, and of course our three-year-old Masha too, we cook some unusual dinner. But I will talk about this tradition a little later.

Day off… How everyone is waiting for him. Someone will go to nature, someone will finally get enough sleep or take up their hobby. And what do many women plan to do? That's right, general cleaning. Alas, this is the fate that awaits modern housewives who do not know how to make a cleaning routine for every day. And it turns out that they spend the entire Saturday (and sometimes even Sunday) not with their families, but with washing, cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, and so on.

Such an approach to spending a long-awaited weekend, of course, takes a lot of energy. Women have to go to work with a sad smile and not rested. Is it possible to change the current situation? Not only possible, but necessary. You need a cleaning schedule for your house or apartment. The cleaning schedule is the key to the preservation of peace and tranquility in the family. Plus, this is a great chance to reduce the time for doing homework.

Do you still think that you don't need a cleaning schedule, that cleaning has nothing to do with the organization? We hasten to dissuade you. It is the proper organization of the cleaning process that underlies a comfortable life. With the proper approach, you can enjoy a truly clean and fresh home or apartment all 7 days a week. You have two options:

  • Let it be as it is. But then do not complain that you do not have time to relax on the weekends, that you do not have time to do anything.
  • Learn how to schedule your cleaning. At the same time, you will have to give up some of your habits and will need to work on developing new ones.

A competent organization allows you to determine suitable places for storing certain things. So grab a pen and paper and start making a house cleaning plan.

Apartment cleaning schedule: why is it needed?

As noted earlier, most women leave spring cleaning at the end of the week, because the working days are very busy and busy. When Saturday comes, the rush to clean the apartment begins. But why not make this process more uniform? Yes, you understood correctly: it is quite possible to distribute the cleaning of the apartment by the days of the week. Then your hands will be untied, and you will be able to spend your long-awaited weekend not with a rag with a mop, but with a book, family, friends and favorite hobbies.

If you look into history, you can find out that attempts to develop a cleaning schedule for the apartment were made quite often. Some housewives abandoned the idea when they had difficulties with drawing up a plan. Others, having achieved success, shared advice with girlfriends and other women. The year 1999 marks the year of the emergence of an interesting concept - "flylady". If you decipher it, you get the following phrase: "love yourself, finally."

In fact, it was about a whole movement of housewives who were tired of routine chores. They developed a whole system of ordering homework, according to which the household should be done every day. A reasonable apartment cleaning schedule frees up weekends. They can be safely used only for relaxation, self-development, pleasure.

If you really want to organize your housework, it makes sense to create a house cleaning plan. Experienced housewives advise:

  • To begin with, select 5 zones in an apartment or house: kitchen, bedroom and dining room, children's room, living room and balconies, bathroom, toilet and hallway.
  • Determine which areas you will clean more often. For example, a bathroom, kitchen, toilet require frequent maintenance. You need to decide how often you will clean them: once a day, every other day, etc.
  • Provide yourself with quality cleaning products. You must have a good mop, a reliable vacuum cleaner, all the necessary chemicals, gloves, etc.
  • Spend no more than 15 minutes cleaning every day. Experience shows that this time is quite enough to maintain perfect cleanliness.

If you want to make cleaning more interesting, listen to music, audio books. There will be more benefits from the process.

Daily cleaning schedule

When scheduling the cleaning of your apartment, take into account all days of the week, except weekends. Still, we decided that on Saturday and Sunday we would have a rest. Right? So, the ideal cleaning schedule for the week:

  • Monday. We clean the kitchen. We also clean all the rooms that are located nearby: a pantry or a balcony. You should start with the lockers located in the farthest corner. If you don’t already have jars for bulk products, it makes sense to purchase them. Do not forget to immediately sprinkle a special tool on the sink, stove. While you clean the cabinets, wipe the shelves, detergent cleans kitchen surfaces. You just have to wipe the stove, oven, sink, etc. Cleaning in the kitchen is completed by mopping the floor.
  • Tuesday. Let's start cleaning the toilet, bathroom and hallway. As on Monday, pre-apply cleaners to surfaces to be cleaned. Do not forget to spray the product on the tile. After a few minutes, you can wipe the walls with a dry cloth. As for shelves, faucets, cabinet handles, shower racks and other nickel-plated surfaces, they should only be wiped with a dry cloth. After you can start wiping the shelves, mirrors, washing machine. If you teach your household to flush toothpaste from the sink, wash the soap dish, wipe the tiles after taking a shower, then the cleanliness in the bathroom will last longer. From the hallway you need to remove the clothes that you do not wear. In warm weather, it is not necessary to store fur coats, warm hats and winter shoes in the hallway. Everything needs to be bagged and put away. Be sure to thoroughly wipe all available lockers. Mopping the floor completes the cleaning on Tuesday.
  • Wednesday. We clean the dining room, bedroom. First, put everything in its place. It is necessary to change the bed linen, wipe the dust, vacuum the carpets thoroughly, polish wooden furniture, wipe chairs, picture frames. And at the end you can wash the floor. Remember, wiping your cabinets daily will keep dust from accumulating. You can use special antistatic agents.
  • Thursday. Let's move on to the children's room. On this day, you can do laundry and ironing. In addition, you can determine that it is on Thursday that you water flowers, repair clothes, shine shoes, etc. Experienced housewives advise stacking wet laundry in piles and ironing the next day. Then the linen after washing will not require long steaming. And further important point: children should be taught to put away their toys from an early age.
  • Friday. We put things in order in the largest room - the living room. You need to wipe the furniture, vacuum the carpet, wash the doors, windows, wash the floor. Extra things have no place in the living room, and therefore they must be removed throughout the week.

As you can see for yourself, a well-designed cleaning schedule allows you to avoid rush jobs. At the same time, the hands of housewives are significantly untied. And most importantly, weekends are free. How you spend them depends only on personal preferences. Someone just wants to enjoy the rest with the family (it is enough to cook delicious lunches, dinners and just watch educational films, programs together, walk on the street, etc.). Someone spends the whole weekend doing their favorite hobby: knitting, sewing, embroidering, writing music, dancing, singing, etc.

Of course, with a great desire, you can devote a little time to cleaning on Saturday. And on Sunday evening, you can review your cleaning schedule. You may want to make your own adjustments. In any case, the cleaning schedule in the house is guaranteed to provide a quiet life. Therefore, feel free to implement the knowledge gained and enjoy the result. Believe me, it's worth it. Once you try the cleaning schedule presented, you can see for yourself that cleaning every day is useful and effective. Actually, it's easier that way. Therefore, it is better to deal with maintaining cleanliness than its global guidance.

The cleaning schedule is a real panacea for crazy house chores. And nothing more modern women and it is not necessary. This is a great opportunity to free up time for yourself. The main thing is that you can fully relax on legal weekends. And then you will have much more strength for the next week. Try to implement all the recommendations that were voiced in this article. If something does not work the first time, do not despair.

Try again and again. As they say, the road will be mastered by the walking one. But in the near future you will be able to be proud of your willpower, you will enjoy the opportunity to spend the weekend the way you want it, and not the way you have to.

I want to highlight a couple of questions that are related to cleaning the house.

“Alena, since January, I have thrown out of the house about a whole trailer of rubbish onto a passenger car. I'm not kidding, maybe more. Yes, the house has become cleaner, but I still can't say that it's clean enough. Cleaning takes at least an hour every day. I count the morning routine, afternoon, evening and all other cleanings. It seems to me that this is a never-ending process.

Household chores that I do every day, regardless of the day of the week and holidays. The exception is poor health.

So, after the global decluttering, I spend very little time on cleaning, and even more so, I don’t allocate a specific day for general cleaning. I haven’t forgotten such a word, it seems to be firmly ingrained in my brain. It really pisses me off.

Every morning I spend at least 5 minutes in the bathroom. I always go through the toilet with a brush, I wipe the rim with damp toilet paper. soaking toilet paper and I wipe. Approximately once every 2-3 days I fill the toilet with white-gel, brush it with a brush and leave it alone for 20 minutes.

Every morning I freshen the sink and mirror. Even on January 1, even on your birthday. Already a habit. She brushed her teeth, wiped everything. This method of cleaning saves not only cleaning time, but also money on cleaning products.

I have already told about the kitchen more than once, I think that there is no point in repeating myself.


I change the bedding in our room and immediately send it to be washed. I wipe the bedside tables and headboard with a damp cloth.

I open my husband's closet and see that there are clean clothes in the closet for the next 3 days. That means 3 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of socks, 3 clean T-shirts, 3 clean sweaters, and stuff like that. In other words, I don’t rush to iron and wash all my husband’s clothes, just enough for the next 3 days.

If everything is there, then I close it, if I see that there are only 2 clean T-shirts, then I go and take it off the dryer. They are usually either washable or dryable.

In the house, I don't vacuum or mop the floors. These duties have long been divided among us, so everything has become much faster. My task is to make sure that everything is in its place and on the right day to ask my son to vacuum. I don't remember, I won't. Husband in free time with a damp mop quickly passes throughout the house. They usually do it within 2 days.

I change the bedding in my son's bedroom, wipe all the horizontal surfaces with a damp cloth. I open the closet and also look for the next three days so that I have something to wear in the morning. Situations that you need to go to school in the morning, and the socks are clean or not, or did not have time to dry overnight, do not happen for sure.

If everything is there, then I close the closet and take everything to the laundry. If you need to iron something from the clothes, then I iron it. But no more than three things.

Day off.

Our bedroom again. I wipe mirrors, windows (2 pieces), window sills, a battery and a door from all sides. Again I look for clean clothes for my husband and me until Monday inclusive. I tell my husband that I need to wash the floor, I ask my son to vacuum before that. Naturally, they do this all over the house at once. Except the hallway.

Son's room. I wipe the window, window sill, blinds, mirror on the closet. In general, with age, the son learned to maintain order at home, puts everything in its place and hangs clothes on hangers. I used to do this before.

I look through clean clothes until Monday inclusive.

I don’t touch my daughter’s room, it’s always clean there. When they arrive, they clean up after themselves. The only thing is I take off the bed and send it to the laundry. When they arrive, they already cover it themselves. There is a computer in this room. But there is a rule: turn off the computer, be sure to remove everything at once. If it's a cup, then take it out, if it's a pen, then put it in the shelf. There shouldn't be anything extra.

The room where the TV is always cleaned fleetingly. I take the bedding to the wash, and I immediately wipe the dust from the TV and the fireplace with it. There are only 2 sofa cushions, I mean on the sofa, it's hard to make a mess with them. She threw everything away. No figurines, ornaments, and any bileberdy.

Whoever walks through this room is the one who keeps order. I mean me or my husband. My son is just vacuuming. Thorough cleaning in the room only happens 2 times a year. This is in the summer, when we wash the carpet and before the new year we move the sofa and wash everything there.

If I haven't deleted the photos of the cleaning I did before the new year, then I'll show you. True, I still need to check, maybe I showed them already in December.

Wardrobe. I dry my clothes there in the winter, as soon as it gets warmer, it is always only on the street. In winter, I am in the dressing room, respectively, every day I am. Cleaning is the same, permanent.

I have minimal minimalism in my closets, so there is no such thing as a specific time allocated for cabinets. Almost every day I just take a piece of a rag (torn old bed linen), soak it, open any closet in the house, wipe everything and close it. I rinse the rag and go into the corridor. There I wipe any piece and throw away the rag.

I try to clean the hallway every day. One has only not to wipe the floor there - wait for unexpected guests. Such is the omen.

I have another sign, it always, always works. If viral colds have begun in the house, then you need to start washing everything yourself. From floor to ceiling. Directly with chlorine. Both in cabinets and shelves. In a day, everyone comes out of this state.

On Saturday and Sunday I have only a bathroom with a toilet, a kitchen and an entrance hall.

All the above cleaning takes about 20 minutes a day, no more. Why?

I threw away everything that takes time in cleaning. That is, in 30 seconds I calmly wash windows and window sills, and both at once, as in our bedroom. There's nothing stored on windows. No flowers, no things. The same situation with bedside tables. Or on the fireplace.

You walk past, spent, say, a pillowcase, and threw the bedding into the washing machine.

It has become cleaner only from the fact that we again do not pull anything into the house. Pants were bought new, the old ones were thrown away. I bought a cup and threw away the old one.

Or, as now, I slowly change all homemade towels to snow-white ones. I bought one new one, immediately tore the old one into rags and immediately use disposable towels for cleaning. Rubbed - thrown away.

And if you take out the excess from the house in a month by trailers, and during the next month you buy in a larger volume, then it will turn out that it does not become cleaner.